ASIA oe | CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY IVERSITY LIBRARY Wy CORNELL UN MA 3 1924 Cornell University The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. A PALI READER WITH NOTES AND GLOSSARY BY DINES ANDERSEN, PH. D. PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN PART II: GLOSSARY COPENHAGEN GYLDENDALSKE BOGHANDEL, NORDISK FORLAG LONDON LEIPZIG LUZAC & Co. O. HARRASSOWITZ 1907 Trykt med Understottelse af Universitetets Fritrykskonto NIELSEN & LYDICHE (AXEL SIMMELKIZER) A PALI GLOSSARY INCLUDING THE WORDS OF THE PALI READER an wm DHAMMAPADA BY DINES ANDERSEN, PH. D. PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN GYLDENDALSKE BOGHANDEL, NORDISK FORLAG LEIPZIG O. HARRASSOWITZ 1904—1905 ‘t NIELSEN & LYDICHE (AXKL SIMMELKLAH) PALI GLOSSARY PREFACE. iF issuing the present part of the Pali Reader I ought to express my sincere regret that various circumstances have so much retarded the final revision and printing of the glossary, the conclusion of which I know has been expected long ago by not a few scholars, As has been pro- mised in the preface to Part 1. this glossary includes the vocabulary of the whole text of Dhammapada, and I have upon the whole done my best to make it as complete as possible. It has been my aim by this to supply the young student with a sufficient help for the first years’ study, untill he will be able to work inpendently, and I have therefore above all striven to arrange the materials so that every passage in the texts which might be supposed to present even the slightest difficulty to the beginner should not be passed by in silence. Whether I have succeeded in my explanations in such cases, where I differ from the usual inter- pretation, I must leave to my critics to judge of. With regard to the lexicographical system introduced into this glossary I need not to say much; it is of course, as to the outer form, in many respects different from that of the Dictionary of Childers: in addition to the Indian order of the letters I have introduced all declinable words in their stems (only with a few exceptions, e.g. pronouns like aham, bhavam, etc.); where the stems are ending in consonants these have been printed in Italics, the reason for which I hope will be understood: ghosavat, cetas, — muddhan, gandhin, pitar (the latter I have considered more prac- tical than pitu). ‘The verbs ought in my opinion to be given in their present indicative (3. sing.), as has also been done by Childers, together with reference to the Sanskrit roots; so I have not paid any attention to roots or forms given by the native Pali-grammarians, my task only being to deal with the texts themselves, and nothing has been quoted, that cannot be traced in the litterature. In many single cases I nee had an indispensable support in the exhaustive lexicographical Gnllechons of V. Trenckner (now in the Copenhagen University Library), especially where ray own collections were not sufficient to state a certain signifi- cation, form, or gender of a word; the abbreviation (Tr.) added here and there in the glossary will show that also on other accounts I have derived som3 benefit from suggestions of his accidentally occurring among the vast number of his quotations. With regard to typographical ar- rangements I beg to remark that asterisks have been put before those Pali words to which no Sanskrit equivalents can be traced; likewise generally before compounds not found in the Sanskrit Dictionary of Monier Williams, the new edition of which has been of great help to me during the whole work; certain forms of the Pali words are put within parentheses ia order to show that they do not occur in the Reader or the Dhpd., whilst brackets put to a heading-word (e. g. [sa- misati]) denote that this particular form of the word is not traced. Of the English vranslations it ought to be observed that those within double inverted comma are simply quotations from my predecessors; other typographical indications, abbreviations, etc., I hope will easily be understood. Before using the book my readers are earnestly requested to insert the corrections and additions given on the last pages into the text of both parts. In conclusion I wish to address my best thanks to my young friend Mr. Joh. Eyser, Assistant Librarian at our University Library, to whom I am indebted for his kind assistance in correcting the proofs. Copenhagen, September 1907. \ Dines ANDERSEN, TO MY TEACHER AND FRIEND PROFESSOR Dr. PHIL. VY. FAUSBOLL IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 5022 ANNIVERSARY OF HIS FIRST EDITION OF THE DHAMMAPADA Copenhagen, March 15., 1905 DINES ANDERSEN DUOPAGE Reproduced hy XEROGRAPHY by Micro Photo Inc. Cleveland 12, Ohio A. a-', the base of pron, gen. assa, assa, v, ayaih, a-", the prp, as, shortened before double cons, v. akkamati, akkosati ete. a-3, the augment originally prefixed to the verbal root in the formation of the impf., aor, & cond. tenses, in most cases dropped after ma (q. v.) and gene- rally omitted in ordinary prose, List of augmented forms occurring in the texts of the Reader & the Dhp.: a-ka, a-kari, a-kasi, a-kathsu, a-karamhase, 2. karoti. aekarayi, ». kareti. a-gaichi, a-gama, a-gamasi, a-gamamsu, v. gacchati. a-ggahi, a-ggahum, a-ggahesi, v. ganhati. a-ghatayi, v. ghateti, a-cari, v. carati. a-cavayi, v, caveti. a-cchidda, a-cchindi, v. chins dati. a-jali, v. jalati. a-jini, v. jinati. a-ttha, a-tthasi, a-tthameu, ». titthati. a-tari, v. tarati. a-da, a-dasi(mh), a-damsu, » dadati. a-desayi, v. deseti. a-ddakkhi, v. dakkhati. a-ddasa, a-ddasa, a-ddasama, a-ddasasum, v. dissati. , Pali Glossary. a-passi, v, passati. a-pucchi, a-pucchimsu, v, puce chati. a-piijesum, v. pujeti. a-plavim, v. p(a)lavati. a-bravi, a-bruvi, »v. bruti. a-bhavissa (cond.), v, bhavati. a-bhassatha, wv. bhassati. a-bhanim, v. bhanati. a-bhasi, a-bhasatha, v. bhasati. a-vaca(m), a-Vvoca, a-vocum, v, vadati, a-vadhi, v. vadhati, a-vadesi. v. vadeti, a-Samsi, v samsati, a-sakkhi(mh), v. sakkoti. a-ssumha, v, sunati. a-hayatha, v. hayati, a-hiisi, v. harati, a-hii, a-hum, a-huva, a-huva- ttha, a-huvamhase, a-hosi(m), a-hesum, v, hoti, asim, ». atthi, acc-a-ga, acc-a-gama, v% Ali gacchati. ajjh-a-ga, ajjh-a-gl, v. adii- gacchati. ajjh-a-bhasi, v. adhi-bhasati. ajjh-a-vasayi, v, adhi-vaseti. anu-pariy-a-ga, v, anu-pari- gacchati. anv-a-ga, v. anu-gacchati. apai-nayi, v. apa-neti. ud-a-padi, v. up-pajjati. upacc-a-ga, v. (upati-gacchati), upd-gami, v. upa-gacchati. 1 upa-visi, ». upa-visati. pacc-a-s8O8i, pacc-a-ssosum, v. pati-sunati. pa-mado, v. pa-majjati. pa-yasi, pa-yimsu, v pa-yati. pé.-vassi, v. pa-vasiati. pé-visi, v. pa-vissti. pa-hesi, v. pahinati. vyapa-nudi, » vyapa-nudati. a-, negative particle, prefixed to the following words, 1) to nouns (subst., adj, adv.), 2) to verbal forms (mostly to gart., grd., gr. or inf, rarely to finite verbal forms), In comp. with words beginning originally with two coasovants the first cons, is generally doubled (v. a-pputivattiya, a-pacca- kkhaya\, and before vowels it has al- ways the form an- (v. below). As to the signification it is often opp. to sa- (q.v.) and synom. with the particles na-, nir, vis (vinad-?). Sometimes this par- tile is found reseated: an-a- (as a kind of stronger negation {?), cp. an-a+ bhavakata [but an-a-kama, not un- willing]). It isdoubtful whether this par- ticle is contained in comp, like phalé- phila, maggimaggaete. (q.v.). (R. Otto Franke: a-pacasi, ZDMG, XLVI Isa (cp. a-sackoti, Dhpd, (1855) p. 102,14. a-sakkhi, Jat. J, 382,24. an-abhirami, Jit, IIT, 30,90). G. Buhler: ZDMG, XL, 544 (cp, Jit. I, 171,17. 385,16)], a-kakkasa, mfn. free from harsh- nese, Dh, 408, (~aih, acc, m.). a-kata, a) mfn. not ‘done, left un- done, Dh, 50.165, 314. b) x». the uncreated (9, Nibbana): | a-kata- itu’. mfn, Dh. 97, 383. (x71), _ kuowing the uncreated, a-katadnu’ mn, ungrateful, 14,1, a-kattar, m, who does no good, 14,1 (ace, -urnath), a-katva, v. karotl, a-kathaih-kathin, mfn. free from doubt (katharhgkathi), Dh, 411, Al4 (-1, 0,), u-kathetva, vo, katheti, A-karana, 2. ominsion, avoiding of, Dh, 183, 333, a-karonta, v. karoti. a-kama, mfn, unwilling, reluctant, 104,10. (wassa, m. gen.). a-kdranena, instr, adv, without (reasonable) cause, 34,17. 58,11, v. karana, a-kariya, mfn. not to be done, that may not be done, 106,15 = Dh. 176, v. karoti. a-kala, m. wrong time, or mfn, un- seasonable, 25,31. 37,16, ¥. kala. a-kicca, mfn. not to be done, Dh, 74, 293, », karoti. a-kificana, mfn. without anything, calling nothing his own, disintor- ested, Dh. 88. 221. 396 — 431, a-kifici, adv. not a little, Dh. 390, v. koci (ep. na). a-kujjhitva, vo. kujjhati. a-kutobhaya, mfn. (= 8a, from kuto + bhaya, g. v.), knowing no fear, secure, Dh. 196 (~e, ace. pl.m.). a-kuddha. mfn, not angry, lw (~wassa, gen.), v. kujjhati. a-kubbato, gen. m., from part. kub- bam, (v. karoti), who does not act, Dh. 51, 124. a-kulin, fn. (fr. kula, q. v.), of base extraction, 102.4 (~ino rie jano, nom, pl. m.). a-kusala, mfn, evil, 75,24 (yathad ~wam, ace, m.); n. wath, evil deed, demerit, 97.13, Dh. 281. a-kkodha, m, mildness, 44,8 — Dh, 223 (~ena, énstr.), v. kodha. a-kkodhana, mfn, free from anger, 104,21, Dh, 400. ». kodhana. a-kkhara, q. t. a-ganhanti, », ganhati. a-gata, mfn. not gone to, 48,11; not frequented, Dh, 323, v. guta, a-gantva, v. gacchati. a-gundhaka,m/n, (fr. gandha,g, 0.), without odour (opp. sa-gandhaka), Db. 61 (wath puppham). a-gahetvia, ev. ganhati. w-gunin, mm, fault, 20, 43,4, cath, 43.7, ) 32,10; °-manto 33 14. *an-aiigana, mfn. frex from lust, without sin, Dh, 125. 236. 361. an-atikkamanta, v. atikkamati. en-atta, mfn. (v. attan) destitute of a aoul or a self; sabbe dhamma wa (m. pl.) 107,18 = Dh, 279. *an-etiamana, min, (jr. attal + manas, q. v.) displeased, m, wo, 74,30, an-attha, ') m. (v. attha!) non-value, harm, a bad or worthless thing; attham wai ca (acc.) ,right and wrong’ Dh. 256; dat, ~waya ,,to harm“ Dh, 72; °-samblita, mfn. profitless, 66,97. *) mfn. worthless, senseless; °-pada-samhita, mfn. »made up of senseless words“, Dh, 100. an-anta, mfr, endless, (cp. anafica); *gocara, mfn. whose sphere (of perception) is unlimited, | Dh. 179 (~am Buddhath). an-antarn, mfn. having 'no inter. val, next following; °-gatha, f. 26,7 (wiya, instr.); cp. anantariy, samanantara. an-antarahita, mf, not conceas led, open, bare; loc. f. waya bhu- miya, 83,19 (v. antaradhayati). an-antavat, mfn, infinite; nom. ™. ~va loko, 89,38. *an-anvahata-cetasa,mfn,whose mind is not perplexed, Db. 39 (cp. cetas). an-apayin, mfn, not going away, f. ini (chaya) Dh. 2. an-apekkhin, an-apekhin, mfn. without desire, regardless, inditfe- rent, m. pl. wino, 47,28 = Dh, 346, 347 (-kh-). *an-appaka, mfn, not a little, con- siderable, great, f. ~a (labha) 105,235 n. wam (dukkhath) Dh. 144. *an-a-bhava-kata. mfn. become not existent, annihilated, m. ~ath (ripam Tathagatassa). The often recurring phrase ,anabhavam ga- meti“, to annihilate, seems to infer that we have to take an-a- in a negative sense, as a kind of stron- ger negation (cp. Tr, PM. 64,35, who considers °-kata an error for gata, due to the preceeding tala- vatthukata), In Prakrit a similar use of ana- has been traced in not a few instances, (cp. Pischel, Gramm. d, Prakrit-Spr. § 77). I should, how- ever, be inclined to think that this phenomenon is only a secondary de- velopment, having no true base in the original language; thus sa. anas bhavakrta would mean ,made not non-existing“ 9: brought into a state in which it can neither be said to exist nor not to exist; in this case an-abhava would be adj. ,free from annihilation‘ (a-bhiva being taken in a kind of positive value, as Faus- bell suggests), and kata would be correct, cp. anamatagga, *an-abhirati, f. not delighting in, discontent (w. loc.), acc. with, 47,34 (agiira-majjhe), *an-abhirata, m/n. not taking plea- sure in (loc.), m. ~o (naceadisu) 64,32 (cp. abhiramati), *an-amatagga, mfn. endless, loc. ~asmim samsire ,in the endless revolution of being’ 89,15; °-katha, f. acc. ~am kathesi ,,he instructed him about Samsara“ 89,15. This word has generally been taken as = Sa, *an-amrta + agra ,which does not end in Nibbiina“ (ep, a- mata above), or *ana-mata (man) + agra, ,whose end is not known“ (Alwis, Buddhist Nirv, p. 21., Tr. PM., p. 64, with the negative pre- fix doubled, like ana-bbiva-kata). Weber, Ind. Str, III p. 150 refers to Sa. an-amrta, ,without end or beginning (cp. an-dmatam ,immor- tal* Jat. 11 66, 9), but Jacobi and Pischel have shown that anama- tagga must be identical with Pra- krit: anavadagga or anavayagga and have taken it — So *a-namad- agra (ynam) ,dessen Anfang sich nicht veriindert, endlos“ (Jacobi. Erzih), 33,17, Pischel, Gramm, § 251, cp. an-abhavakata above), an-ariya, mfn. ignoble, low, m. ~o (anto) 66,27. an-alliyanta, », alliyati. an-avakasa, mfn, that cannot take place, impossible, not occurring, m. ~0 yo... (w. pot.) yit cannot oc- cur that one should . ,“, 76,26, an-avatthita-citta, mfn. un- steady-minded, gen. m. ~assa, Dh.38, *an-avassuta-citta, mfn, whose mind is free from lust, gen. m. massa. Dh, 39. (cp. avassuta, asava, SBE. X p, 183—14). an-aigata, mfn. future. acc. m. wath (attharh) 112.4; loc. (adv.) atitana- gate, in the past and in the future, 56,11; ~vatnsa, q. v. *an-agamana, n. not coming, not returning; pacchato kassaci °-bha- vam fatva , seeing no one pursuing“, 40,11; asuranam °-atthaya, ,to pre- vent the A’s from coming back“, 60,36. an- an-agara, m. houseless, a mendi- cant, instr. pl. wehi Dh. 404. an-Acara, m, misconduct, immoral- ity, ace. wam 9,15, 52.30. an-acikkhitva, v. acikkhati. an-atura, mfn, free from suffering, m, pl. ~a Dh, 198, *an-adana, mfn, free from affection or desire, m. ~o Dh. 3652, ace, math Dh. 406 (opp. sadana). an-aiyanta, v. ayati. *an-ilaya, m. not desiring, aversion, doing away with, nom, ~o (tan- haya) 67,16. an-avila, mfn. clear, pure, undistur- bed, m. ~o (rahado) Dh, 82, ace. wath Dh, 413, an-asaka, f. (sa. anagaka, n.) fast ing, Dh, 141 (cp. asa). *an-disava, mfn. free from passions, m, aco. wath Dh. 386, gen. ~wassa, Dh, 94, pl, ~& Dh. 126. an-ahara, mfn, having or taking no food, being without nutriment, m, ~0 (aggi) 95,8. an-ukkanthamadna,v. ukkanthati. an-utthahdna, v. utthahati. an-utthana, vn. the act of not ris- ing, want of energy or firmness; °-mala, mfn, whose taint (fault) is bad repair, pl. ~a ghara_ ,,houses are useless, if they are in bad re- pair’ Dh, 241 (cp. mala). an-uttara, mfn. best, highest, un- surpassed, m. ~o (silagandho) Dh. 55, acc, wam (yogakkhemam) Dh, 23 an-uddhata, mfn. ’not lifted up‘, calm (in speech), m. wo (bhikkhu) Dh. 363. *“an-upakkameana, adv. not by at- tack (from external enemies) 76,97 (opp. partpakkamena, »v. upakka-. ma). an-upagata, an-upagamma, ». upagacchati. an-upaghata, m. not striking, not abusing, nom. ~o Dh. 185. *an-upaddava, m/n. uninjured, safe, loc. #. ~e (mule) Dh, 338. | ans *an-upadduta, mfn, not annoyed, ‘not oppressed, m, idam.. wath pbere is no distress“, 68,14, *an-upalitta, mfn, not besmeared, free from taint, m. .~o Dh. 353 (ant). *an-upavada, m. not blaming, not abusing, ~o Dh. 185. *an-upassattha, m/n. not afflicted, not plagued, ». idara.. «am ,here is no danger“, 68,14. *an-upahara, m. not presenting, afifassa ~a (abl.) ,because it can get no other ial 95,8. an-upida = an-upadaya. ¢an- upadiyana, vw. upadiyati. *“an-upayena, adv. by misguided means, 34,17 (v. wpaya). an-uppada, m, not coming into existence; °-dhamma, mfn, not li- able to come into existence again, nm. wala (ruparh) 95,11 (cp. dham- ma). an-usuyyaih, v. usuyyati. an-ussuka, mfn. not eager, free from greed, m, vl. ~& Dh, 199. “in-ussute, mn, free from lust, acc, m. ~um Th. 400 (= an-ava- ssuta, g. v. (Fsb.); fr. sa. *an-ud- sruta bastaly im-upalitta — an-upalitta, q¢. ». an-uhata, mfn, not destroyed, loc, r-e Dh, 338 (v. dhaffati). an-eka, mfn. many; %Akara, mfn, multiform ; °-vokira, m/fn, containing many disadvantages, acc. m. wall (€dinavath) 85,6; °-fidinava, mfn. full of dangers, m. xo (samuddo) 23.7, °-jati-eamcara, “m. a course of many b'rths, ace, ~am Dh, 153; S-pariyayena, instr, adv. in many ways, 59,18; °-3pa-vyaiijana, nifn. richly supplied with sauce & con- diments, », -vam (bahubhattam) 57.11. *an-eja, mfn, free from lust (eja, f. q. v.) m. ~o0 (muni) 80.33, Dh, 4'4; acc, ~am Dh, 422. ah enta, vw. etl. an-cka, m. a hovseless state, acc, 10 wat (adv,?) Db, 87; °-sarin, min. wandering about homelese, acc. ™. wsarim Db. 404, ‘ an-okkanta, v. okkamati. “an-odaka, mfn. without water, dry, f. ~@% (nadi) 31,12. amsa, m. (= sd.) ‘) a shoulder, instr, wena paticchitum nasakkhi ,could not get hold of him by his shoulder“ (9: dropped him? or have we to take amsena — in part (adv.)? and translate ,could not thoroughly get hold of him), *) (sa. am¢a) a part. portion; v, ekathsa, sukkamsa. akka, m. (sa. arka) name of a plant (Calotropis gigantea, ,swallow- wort“ (Child.); gen. ~assa (jiya), made from that plant, 92,16. akkamati, vd. (sa, a-\/kram), to tread upon (acc.); ger. witva 3,21. akkamma (sa. a-kramya) 108.29. akkosa, m. (sa, ikroga) abuse, res proach, acc. ~am Dh. 399. akkosati, wb. (sa. a-Vkruc), to abuse (acc.) pr. 3. sg. wati (bhikkhu) 84.29; part. an-akkosam (m. = ~wanto, not abusing) 14,4. m. pl. evanta, 73,34. akkha, m. (sa. aksha) an axle (of a chariot), nom. ~0 98,4. akkhara, » & m. (sa. akshara, n.) w letter, gen, pl. ~anatn Dh, 352. akkhatar, m. (sa. akhyatr) a preacher, » teacher, pl, waro (‘Ta+ thagata) ,(only) preachers“, Dh, 276. ukkhati, vb, (sa, a-Vkhya), to tell, communicate; dmp. xabi (tarh me) 54,37; pp. akkhata, m. ~o me maggo ,the way was preached by me", Dh, 275; sv-akkhato dhammo , well taught is the doctrine“, 70,16 (cp. su-); samma-d-akkhata Dh, 86, v. samma; an-akkhata q. v. akkhi, ». (sa. akshi) the eye; pl. nom. wini 3.17; abl. mihi 5.4; gen. ~winam 59,5. mandakkhi, adj. f. 20,27. v. manda. agara (d: dgira), m. (— sa) a house; nom. sam 106,31 = Dh, 14; pl. ~anji Dh, 140, *) a household life, ace, wath 61,32, abl, wa 61,33, ~asma (pabbajja) 68,4; °-majjhe yamid a householders life“, 46,17, 47,21 (v. majjha). — bandhanigira, a prison, v. bandhana, — sunia- gara, an empty house, v, suina. (cp. an-igiira, an-agariya), *agarika, m. (fr. agara) a house- holder, a layman; °-bhito, m. ,while he lived in his bouse“, 69,28 (cp, bhavati). agga, mfn. (sa. agra) ') foremost, first; wam samgahath (acc.) ,,the first collection® 109,90; agga-nikkhit- takii (thera) , original depositaries Buddha’s doctrine)“ 109,11; agga-vado the first or original doctrine = thera- vado, 109,30. ~ *) highest, topmost; agga-sakha (ace. f. pl.) ,,the topmost branches“ 62,11. — °) excellent, best, chief, principal; m, ~o dhutavadanath »the chief propounder of the Dhu- tanga“ 109,6; agga-dhamma, agga- mahesi, qg. v.; agga-rasa-, v. nana; agga-raja ,the chief King“ 98,13; agga-santike ,from the first (among teachers)" 109,28, — *) subst. n. top, tip, point; ~am (acc,) ,the best part“ 111,35; at the end of comp. : Aragge (loc.) on the point of a needle (v. ari) Dh. 401; kusaggena (énstr.) »With the tip of a blade of Kusa-grass“, Dh, 70; ktpagge (Joc.) on the top of the mast, 18,6; rukkhagge, 11,25; sakhagge, 18,22 and sikhaggesu (Joc. pl.) 12s (v. sakha); dumaggamha (abl.) down from the top of the tree, 13,4; -vettaggam 62,17 (v. vetta); labhagga-yasagga-ppatta, m/n. having obtained the highest gain and glory, 18,16 (cp. patta); rupagga-ppatta, mfn. of extraordinary beauty, 49,12 (~waya, gen. f.) (cp. ajjatagge, an- amatagga.) : *aggata, f. (fr. agga w. suff. -ta) superiority; gunaggatamh (acc.) the summit of perfection* 109,s. “agga-dhamma, mfn, most ex- cellent in the knowledge of the true ll aggha doctrine; wa tathigata (pl.) the T-s are the chiefs in the truth, 109,28. agga-mahesi, /. (sa. agra-mahi- shi) a queen, the chief-queen, 19,7, 46,21; gen. wiya 38,9. *Aggalava, (m. or n.?) nom, pr. a sanctuary at Alavi; Joc, ~e ce- tiye 86,13; °-viharam (acc.) 87,4. A. seems to be a comp, agga + Alavi (q. v.), but might possibly be a false etymology for *Aggalaya (sa, agnyalaya?), aggi, m. (sa. agni) ')fire; ~i 16,7. 95,3. Dh, 202. 251; aggiva 26,5. Dh. 31; acc, wim kareyyadsi ymake a fire 85,8. wim jaletva ,to light a fire“ 100,24. wim datvi ,to set light to%. Blu; instr, wind 16,2. 35,4; padi- paggi, the fire of a lamp, 101,7, —- ») a pyre, a funeral pile; wim pavi- sitva 51,10 (as an ordeal), ~ 5) the sacrificial fire; ~im paricare ,to wor- ship Agni* Dh, 107. — 4) metaph. »passion“ : dosaggi, mohaggi, ragaggi (q. v.) ythe fire of anger, ignorance lust*, ; *aggikkhandha, m. (aggi + khandha) @ great body of fire; ~o 26,3 (pajjalita-°), aggidaddha. mfn, (aggi + dad- dha, pp. v, dahati) burnt by fire; ~o Dh. 136. *Aggimala, m.(?) nom. pr. (aggi -+- mala — mala?) name of an ocean; acc, ~am 26,3. — *Aggi- mali(m), m.(?) id, (= ,fire-gar- landed“) 26,8. *Aggi-Vacchagotta-suttan- ta, 2. the title of a dialogue between Buddha and Vacchagotta, MN. 72, aggisikha, f. (sa. agni-cikha) a flame; °-sikh’upama, mfn. ,like flam- ing fire“, ~o (ayogulo) 107,1 — Dh, 308 (cp. upama). aggihutta, , (sa. agni-hotra) oblation to Agni; acc. ~am juhato, e ‘sacrificing to Agni, 103,, — *) the sacrificial fire, Db. 392. aggha, m. (sa. argha) value, price; in comp, an-aggha, mfn. q. v. beyond agghati all price, invaluable; appaggha, mfn. of little value, 26,2; mubaggha (v. mahi) mfn, of great price, n. sam QF.5. : *agghati, vb. (sa. -/argh), to be worth (w, ace.); pr. 8. eg. na wati (mama saimikassa padarajam) 58,5; nigghuti (knlam sulasit) Dh, 70. cans, neghiipoti, qv. "urghunika, mfn, (fr, agghuna, mn. (argh) valuation, w. su/f. -ka) werth; satasahassaggharakam (mut- taharam, ace. m.) worth 100,000, 64,25. *agehapaniya, m. (fr. aggha- pana, . (agghapeti)) a valuer; °%-kamma, ». the office of a valuer, loc. ne 24,18, *agghapeti, vb. caus. (fr. ag- ghati), to appraiss; pr. 3, 6g. ~eti 24,20 (ace.). athka, m. sa.) a side, breast, hip; instr, ~ena uddhuri (mam), lif- ted (me) up unto her hip, 20,25; da- rake athkenddaya, with their childs on their hips, 21,2; loc. ~e nisinnam puttam ,a baby boy“ 38,15. amkura, m.' (== 8a.) a sprout, o shoot; °-nibbattana-tthana, n. the place where the sprout develops, 37,5. afikusa, m. (sa, afikuga) a hook to guide an elephant with, a goad: instr, pl. ~ehi 77,13. — afikusa-ggaha, m. (sa. afikuga-graha) an elephant- driver, Dh, 326, afiga, n. (= sa.) ') a limb, nem- ber, a part of the body; uttamafiga, the head, °ruha, m,n. growing on the head, pl, m. wa (9: the hairs) 45,11; afigavijja, g.v. — *) a part or portion; afiga-sambhara (abl.), bring- ing together the various parts, 98,30; sabbaiiga-sampanna, mfn. complete in every part, 110,13, — %) a point or a constituert part of a system of rules; uposathufigati (pl.), the holy day wows, 61,7; bojjhafiga, sambodhi- anga, & Afiguttara (q. v.). — *) 4 quality, attribute, ingr, pl. dasah(i) anehi, 82,14. — 5) comp. vw. num. —_ 12 — -fold (ep. aiigika & afigin) na- vanga, eS, pine-fold, ~am ee sanam 109,92. — ") comp. ™ afigi, ». sam-afigi-bbita. afigana, n. (sa. afigana) on a space before a house; rajaigana, the king’s courtyard, loc. ~e 8,1. naar #) metaph, (only in comp. with the prefixon une, nites Kile) the mean or vulgar life o: lust, sim} inenfigana, mfn. (q. v.) [ep. Bohtlingk, Ber. 4. siichs, Ges. 1898. p. 77; Rhys Da- vids, JRAS, 1898. p. 193 & 462.]. afiga-vijja, f. (sa. afiga-vidya) the science of prognostication, chiro- mantia etc.: loc, niiya 48,16. aiigira, m. (= sa.) charcoal, burn- ing coals, fire; loc. we 15,32, °-gabbhe, amid the fire, 15,33 (v. gabbha) ; °-rasi, m, a heap of burning coals, acc. ~1M 16,3. afigika, mfn. (sa. aiigaka) comp. w. num, v. atthafigika, paiicafigika (cp. afiga 5) d& next), afigin, mfn. (= sa.) comp. tw. num. v. caturaigin (cp. aiiga °) & prec.). *Ajfiguttara-nikaya, m, nom. pr. (fr. aiiga + uttara o: one part more, ,the add-one collection*, cp. Morris, preliminary remarks, AN. vol. I. p. 1X.), name of a canonical Pali- work, the fourth of the five Nikayas; comm, Manoratha-pirani (q. v.); ~o 10214. afigula, m. (= 8a.) a finger, the measure of a finger’s breadth, an inch; v. catur-afigula, m/fn. afiguli, f. (= 8a.) a finger; »v. paicaigulika. *Aciravati, fi nom. pr. a river in India (Rapti); °-tiram, n. the bank of A. 28,4. accagama & accaga, t. ati- gacchati (cp. upaccaga). accanta, mfn. (fr. ati + anta, sa, atyanta), excessive, perpetual; adv. ~am, in perpetuity, absolutely: nic- canta(th], not always, 6,21. — °-sukhu- mala, m. ,an exceedingly delicate prince’ 97,34. — °-dussilya, ». ,,very great wickedness“ Dh. 162, accaya, m. (sa, atyaya, cp. ati- gacchati). !) passing away, lapse (of time), end, death; instr. adv, ~ena pat the end of (wv, gen. or in comp.): pitu wena ,when his father died“ 24,13; mam’ accayena 79,5; tass& rattiya a-° at the end of the night# 78,1; ekaha-dviha-° ,in one or two days“ 32,24; katipaha-° ,a few days later“ 49,92; satt’-attha-divas’-a° ,seven or eight days later“ 36,1; ma- saddhamasa-° ,,at the end of one and a half month 20,11, — *) transgres- sion, sin; ~O Mam accagama ytrans- gression has overcome me“ 75,23; tassa me Bhagava accayamh accayato pa- tiganhatu.,may Bh, accept the cone fession I make of my sin“ 75,95; the words accayath accayato (acc, ¢: abl.) may originally be due to phrases like ~am wato passati (Vin. J, 315) ,,to see the sin in its sinfullness“, or ~am ~ato deseti (SN.1, 239) ,,to confess, to apologize. — %) overcoming, conquer- ing; dur-accaya, mfn. difficult to be conquered, acc. f. wath (tanham)108,1. acci, f. (sa. arci(s), m. 7.), a flame; nom. ya acci 99,91. acchati, vb. (sa. Vas) to sit, stay, remain; pr. 3, pl. ~anti 76,29, The pr. acchati seems to be a later formation from aor. acchi (sa, *atsit) cp. Tr. PM. 61,3; K. F. Johansson, Idg. F. II 205. (— sa.pcchati, Pischel, Gr. § 480.) *acchara, f. @ snap with the fing- ers; °-sadda, m, ~ena (imstr.) yat the snapping of the fingers“ 18,17. acchariya, mfn. (sa. agcarya) marvellous, wonderful, astonishing; /. ~& (Buddhanam katha) 86,%; x. wath (in exclamstions) how wonder- ful! 79,25. 98,82; 8. 7. a wonder, a marvel; acc. wath 3,22. 5,19; pl, ace. ~wani 25,9. (cp, accheraka). acchadana, v. (sa. acch-°) cover- ing, clothes; ~arh 31,s-9, — samika-° the protection of a husband, ~arn (acc.) 31,7-8. 13 ajjhavisayi acchadeti, vb. caus. (sa,a-Vchad) to array in (acc. & instr.), to put on (clothes, acc.); ger, wetva (tam dib- bavatthehi) 20,8; ~(ahatavatthani) 33,3, *vecheraka, mfn. (fr. acchariya w, suff. -ka), ati-acch-° mfn, admi- rable, extraordinary; 2. wat 3,22, aja, mm. (== sa.) a goat, a ram; no 64,8; voce, aja, 54.12; pl. wa 54,12, — aja-raja (voc.) 64,26. — ajika, a she-goat; acc. ~am 54,8, (cp. ajina). Ajatasattu, m, nom. pr. (sa. A- jita-catru o: having no enemy) a son of king Bimbisira (q. 0). ku- Mara, m, the prince A, wo 76,1; wath (ace.) 75,2. ajika, v. aja. ajina, . (= 8a.) a skin (of a goat(?) esp. of the black antelope, used by ascetics). °-sati, /. a garment of skins; instr, wiya 106,10. — Dh, 394. ajja, adv. (sa. adya) to-day, now, 2,30. 3,14; ajjipi tava ,until this day“ (w. pr. of the verb) 10,13; ajj’eva »this very day“ 65,13; ajj’aham Dh. 326. *ajjatagge, adv. (fr. ajjato (sa. *adya-tas] + agge, v. agga‘)) from this day forth, henceforth, 69,30. (cp. Weber, Ind. Str, III. 150.). ajjatana, mfn. (sa, adyatana) of to-day, modern (opp. porana); ”. ~am Dh, 227 (metri causa ~am). ~aya, adv, (dat. or loc. f.?) to-day 70,10. ajjhaga, ajjhagu, v. adhi-gac- chati. ajjhatta,n. (sa. adhy-dtman) the soul, individual thought. °-samutthana, mfn. originating from internal (intel- lectual) cultivation, f. ~a (hiri) 10,16 (opp. bahiddha-samutthana).— °-rata, mfn, delighting inwardly, m. ~o Dh, 362. ajjhattika, mfn. (sa, adhy-at- mika), belonging to the soul or to the individual; ». pl. ~ani dyatanani, the internal senses, 82,11. ajjhabhasi, v. adhi-bhasati. ajjhavasayi, v. adhi-vaseti. ajjhaya ajjhaya, m. (¢a,adhyaya) reading, v. sajjhaya. ajjha-vasati, ¢b. (sa, adhy-a- yvas) to inhabit (acc.j; fut. 3. sg. ~issati (agdram) ,to live a household lifes 61,31. *ajjhasaya, m. (fr. sa. adhi + acaya (1/¢i)) meaning, intention; sab- besam °-gahanattham (cp. attha), io order to hear the meaning of the as- sembly, 11,4. *ajjhokasa, m. (fr.ddhi-+- okdsa, q.v.) the open air, an open place; loc. we (cafikamati) 68,9, *ajjhottharati, pr. (fr. *adhi- ava-y/str) to strew about, to throw on the ground (acc.) ger. ~witva (tu- riyéni) 65,3, *ajjhoharati, vb. (fr. adhi-ava- Vhr) to eat, to swallow (ace.) inf. ewiturh (ambaphalam) 37,25. aijana, n, (-= 8a.) »lack pigment. %-vanna, mfn. bluck-colcured, gen. pl. wanam (kesdinam) 44,24. efijali, m (= 8c.) the two palms joined; vcc, ~im paggayha, raising (thair) joined hanis (as a mark of sup- plication) 22,4; pagganhitva, id. (respectfully) 30,¢; vim pandmetva, ad. 74,20. atiiia, pron. (st. anya) m. x0, f. wa, mn. wath, ace. mfn, wam, instr. oR wena, gen. mn wassa, f wissi; pl. m. we, instr, mon. vehi, gon, +n. wesam, Joc, mom. weBU. 1) cther, another (uct the same, diffe- rent or similar) 6,35, 7,8, 6l,aa, 74,3; 7.9 (wassa, opp. ekassa), 99,2 (~0, opp. 80 eva); Dh. 168 (Xam, opp. attanam), cp. Db. 252. 355; ajiio pi, 5,31; ~assa purisassa (a paramour) 9,13, ~am (se. purisam, id.) 9,28; wena pariyayena, 9111 — wenika- rena, 91,32 (in another way 0: wrong); comp. aiia-purisam 48,12. — “) an- other, a second, a new (by way of addition) 4,33, 18,9; ~ehi dvihi (still two) 34.9. — 5) the rest, the others (pl. & n. 89.) 33,16, 34,24; ~esu di- vasesu (on the preceeding days) 13,10. 14 65,21; afifie satta (other mortals) 62,25 ; n. aiifiam (everything else, opp. idam eva) 89,25. — *) with a negation: the only one, none but; ~o gamanamaggo n’atthi, 3,14; «2 patittha n’atthi (tha- petva tini sarandni) 28,35. —°) pleona- stically: ~amh sarnvaccharam (a whole year) 33,17; ~am aphasukam n atthi (no sickness) 49,28, — °) repeated: *) one, .. another (in different way) 67,39. 67,30. 99,10; ~wam jivam am sariram (opp. tat) 89.28, ep. Dh. 75. ») reciprocally: one-another (one to- wards or with another etc.) ~o warm Dh, 165; often comp.: aiiiamaihan, adv, 11,90, 1l.a7, 19,14. 33,2021. 74,5. *) combined with other pron.: yo aifio (every other who) 34,21; ~am kim (anything further) 41,7; na afiio koci (nobody else) 51,8; ~am kijei kathetva (,,told some lie“) 53,9; ma ~wam kifici asamkittha (,.you ought not to suppose that there is anything behind this“) 7,11; ~am kifica yathic- chitam (,,every other service according to your desire‘) 111,28, — cp. para, apara, itara, aiifatara. *aiifia-khantika, (fn). (fr. affia + khanti) ,belonging to another faith“; instr. m. wena (tava) 94.28, afifatara, pron. (compar. fr. ania, sa. anyatara). ') a certain, some; m. wo 32,9; acc. wam 3,30; gen. wassil 9,0; loc, wasinim 30,99; acc. f. am 30,28. — ?) one of a certain number (w. gen, of the numeral) Dh, 137, 157, — 5) another; gen, m. wassa puri- sassa (another man’s) 100,11; afifa- tara-vesena 55,29 (,in disguise’ cp. vesa; perhaps we have to read: afiia- taka-° as 43,19). “afiia-titthiya, m(fn). (sa. anya + tirtha), heretical; pi, .@, the heretics, 72,28; instr. wehi 74,9 ep. titthiya). anhiiattha, adv. (sa, anyatra) else: where, to another place, 12,35, 49,15 (cp. next), aifatra, ')adv.(—prec.)elsewhere, except, save; afiatra Tathagatassa {,save by the T.“, the gen. being due to the prec, tassa) 78,17, — *) prp. besides (w. acc.) 97,28. — *afiiatra- yoga, m(fn). having another disci- pline; instr, m, wena (taya) 94,27, {cp. yoga). afifiathatta, nm. (sa, anyathatva cp. next) variation, difference; warm 114,29, aniatha, adv, (sa,anyatha) other- wise. — *anfathacariyaka, m(fn having another teacher (cp, acariya wena (tayd) 94,27. *aiiila-ditthika, m(f). belonging to another sect (cp. ditthi); ~ena {taya) 94,26, afiiamainiam, adv. v, afiia®) *aiifia-rucika, m(fn). having an- other inclination (ep, ruci); wena (tayi) 94,26-27. aiid, f. (sa. aja) knowledge, — samma-d-aiiia-vimutta, mfn, who has become free through perfect knowledge; gen. ~assa Dh, 96, pl. wanam, Dh, 57. (cp. ajanati). anhaya, aifasi, v. ajanati. atavi, f. (= 8a.) u forest; Joe, ewiyath 30,50; ~i-mukhe ,on the out- skirt of a forest“ 30,29, (cp. mukha), atta}, mfn. (sa. arta, cp. attiyati, yard.) afflicted, pained, suffering, — attassara, m. a cry of pain or distress, man (acc.) 40,21 (cp. sara’). — veda- natta, mfn. oppressed by pain, im, ~0 50,20, atta’, m. (su. artha, cp. attha? & attha®), case, cause, lawsuit, litigation; acc, ~am 59,4; attatthaya (uparavo) on account of litigations 42,30. — ku- tatta, false suit (g. v.). attaka, m. (dimin. fr. atta, a watch- tower, — 8a.) a tower, a platform; acc, ~ath 73,33. cp, Morrie, JPTS. *86 104. *attiyati, vb, (also written atti- yati or addh®-, add, denom. fr. atta!, cp. yard & yrt) to feel an- noyed or bored, to be incommodated or tormented; part, f. ~mana 50,1. (cp. Morris, JPTS. ’86,104-05.]. y 15 atthi-karoti attha’, num, (sa, ashta-) eight. 1) indecl, 23,22. 82,19. — #) comp, atthu- sabha-matta, mfn. of a measure of 8 usabhas (q. ».) ~am thanam 27,27 (acc.). — satt’-attha-divas’-accayena (seven or eight days) 35,1. (cp. atthafigika, atthama, attharasama). attha?-attha! (q. v.) in the comp, *attha-katha, f. a commentary, the commentary on the Buddhist holy scrip- tures; nom. ~a (opp, Pali) 113,26; ace, wam 114,7; instr, waya 114,25, — comp. w, the prefix sa- (adj.) : sat- thakatha pali (the text with the com. mentary) 102,3. — parittatthakatham (acc, a concise or compendious come’ mentary) 113,24, — Sihalatthakatha (the Sinhalese A.) 113,28; ace, pl, ~a& (sabba) 114,97. (cp, atta®). *atthaiigika, efn. (fr. attha! + anga w. pref, -ka, cp. sa. ashtafiga) consisting of 8 parts, eightfold; m: ~o (maggo) 67,3. 82,12. Dh, 273; aco, ~am (maggath) Dh, 191. atthama, m/fn. (8a. aslitama) the eighth; m. ~o 103,28 (0: atthami (/.) sena Marassa). atthadrasa, num. (sa, ashtadaca-) eighteen. — atthdrasama, m/n, (sa, ash- tadaca) the eighteenth; m, ~o (Ma- lavaggo) Dh, XVIII, atthi, m. (sa, asthi) 1) a bone; nom, ~i 13,11; coll, (bones) 82,3 == 97,20; acc, wim 13,14; pl. ~ini Dh. 149; gen, ~inam Dh. 150, — *) the stone of a fruit; wi 37,6; ace, -im 36,35; abl. ~wito 37,5, — atthi-koti, f. the end of a bone; acc. ~im 13,20, ~ atthi-minja, f. (q. v.) (ep. nezt). atthika, n. (sa. asthika) a bone; hanukatthikena (instr.) by the jaw- bone, 40,18 (v. hanu(ka)). *atthi-karoti, ob. (perhaps fr. artha, cp. 8a. kad-arthi- /kr, (Tr.)) to attend, to pay attention to (synon, w. manasi-karoti, q. v.); ger. ~katva 71,2. [cp. Morris, JPTS. ’86,107; Faus- b6ll, Sn. vol. II,38 (fr. sa. ashti (vac) yteaching“); Windisch, Mara, p. 100 (= sa, asthamkrtva ,Acht geben“); atthi-miija Warren, Buddhism, p. 349 ,to be convinced +], “atthi-mifija, f. (sa. *asthi- majjan) the marrow of bones, 82,3 — 97,20, (cp. Morris, JPTS, '85,2v-80.} atthtsabha-matta, »v. atthal. addha, m. én, (ulso written ad- dha (q.v.), sa. ardha) a half, °-nalika- matta, mfn. of the measure of a half nalika (q.v.), acc.m. wath (tandulam) 57,18. — °-ratta-samaye (doc.) at mid- night, 40,8. cp. upaddha, diyaddha & next. addhatiya, m/n., (a shortened form of addha-teyya, or from *addha-tatiya with elision of -ta- (like viiianaica-, gq. v.)) two and a half; n. pl. ~ani (purisa-satani) 23,2, ~ addhatiya- sata, mfn. 250%; m. acc, pl. ne (jane) 34,7. addhateyya, m/fn, (a prakritic formation from sa. ardha-trtiya) two and a half, — sata, mfn. 250%; m. pl. wa 21,31, ace. we 21,83. anu (or anu) mfn. (— 8a.) fine, small (opp. thiila). *anumthila, (m/)n. small and large, Dh. 409; ~am (saii- flojanam) Dh. 31; . pl. wani (pa- peni) Dh. 265. anumatta, mfx. (sa. anu-matra small, atomic, m. ~0 pi (vanatho yeven the smallest* Dh, 284 [anu-]; ace, ~am (dubbhasitat padam) 110,13; instr, n. wena (puiiiena) ,even the least (good work)“ 103,14 [but here the Birman realing anumatto (se. attho) ought to be preferred]. anda, ”. (= sa.) an egg. °-bhiita, mn, (cp. bhavati) fragile) weak; f, ~& (bhata bhar.ya) {rom her child- hood“ 51,4, -- Andabhita-jitaka, m. 52,11. (cp. andha-bbuta), Z ati, indeci. (before vowels usually acc-, v. accanta, avceya ete, = 6a.) preix') to verbs, expressing , beyond, over“; #) to noun: ,,excessive(ly), ex- traordinary(-ily), too much“ (== ati- viya, gq. v.). : *ati-accheraka, mfn wai (2) very wonderful thing, 3,22. 16 *ati-karuna, mfn. very pitiable or miserable; m, «0 (ravo) 60,10; O-gara, m. (v. sara’), acc. ~al 27,14. i atikkama, m, (sa. ati-krama) overcoming, conquering, acc. ~am (dukkhassa) ,,the destruction (of pain) “ 107,10 — Db, 191. atikkamati, vb. (sa. ati- ykram) 1) to pass, cross, *) to surpass, over- come (w. acc.). part. m. pl. wanta 26,32; an-atikkamanto (m.) not sur- passing 0: accompagnying (gitassaram tantissarena) 19,32. pot. 3. ag. weyya (sainojanam sabbam) Dh. 221. pp. n. pl. atikkantani (tini sarhvaccha- rani) 21,11. ger. ~itva (samuddam) 26,2; (simam) 39,18; atikamma (Ka- siriittham) ,baving left’ 38,21. caus. atikkameti (4. v.) atikkamana, » (sa. atikramae na) overstepping. — “atikkamanaka, mfn. exceeding (w. acc.) : pannasaii- fiam °-migo, 8,10. atikkameti, pr. (caus, atikka- mati) to cause to pass or tc be passed over; imp, 2. sg. ~ehi (mayham va- ram) 6,34. fut. 1. sg. ~essami (te varam) 7,2. *ati-khina, mfn. (fr.ati + khina, pp. Vkshi?) destroyed, broken; capa- tikhina va (mt, pl.) like broken bows Dh. 156. ati-ga, mfn. (= sa.) overcoming, surmounting, mm, pafica-saigitigo (bhikkhu) Dh, 370; ace, safigitigam, Dh. 397, utigacchati, pr. (sa. ati- gam & \/ga) to overcome. aor. 3. 8g. ace- a-gama (mam) 75,%8; acc-a-ga (mos ham) Dh, 414. uti-giilha, mfn, (sa. ati-gaidha, pp. Vgah) very tight or close, inten- sive; f. ~a (kappana) 65,21. *ati-citra, mfn. (sa. *ati -+ citra) excellent, brilliant; n. pl, ~ ani (pafha- patibhanani 98,ss. *ati-tutthi,/. (fr.8a.ati-+ tushti) extreme joy; énstr. wiya 10,13. ati-dura, mfn. (- 8a.) very di. stant, too far; loc, n, (adv.) we 12,29, 83,2 (natidtre). *ati-dhona-carin, mfn, ‘wandere ing in transgression’, sinful; acc. m. ~inam 106,20 — Dh. 240, (The ety- mology of this word is a little doubt- ful, but it seems to be preferable to take it -~ *ati-dhavana-carin (/dhav', to run), Dforris, JPTS. '87,100 and Franke, WZ, 1901 derive it from “dhona (pure, Vdhav? to wash) sa, dhauta: ,practising impurity, trans- gressing purity“, ,der wider die Rein- heit verstdsst"), atipata, m, (— sa.) neglect, trans- gression, injuring, panatipata, destroy- ing life (q. 2.) *ati-bahala, mfn. (fr. ati + ba- hala) very thick; f. A& yagu? ,is the rice-gruel thick enough?“ 56,29 (the questioner seems to think that the rice-gruel is very thin or weak (natibahala) and gets that enigmati- cal answer: udakam na laddham ,it has not got any water“), *ati-bhagini-putta, m. (fr. ati + bhagini-putta, g.v.) a very dear nephew (ironically), ~o 5,5. atimaiifiati, ob. (sa. ati-\/man) to despise; pr. 3. ag. ~wati Dh. 366; pot, 3. 8g. ~eyya Dh. 365 (w. ace. salabham). *ati-manorama, mfn. (fr. ati + mano-rama, g.v.) very charming; instr, n. wena (sirisobhaggena) 64,10. *ati-mahanta. mfn. (fr. ati + mahanta (sa. mahat)) very great (big or large); loc. m. natimahante (sare) 3,32. *atimapeti, vb. (caus. *ati-mi (mapayati)) to injure, to destroy (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. ~eti Dh, 246 (panam). *ati-muduka, mfn. (fr. ati + muduka, g.v.) very soft, mild or feeblo; m w~O (raja) 38,24. atirocati, vb. (sa. ati-yruc) to shine forth; pr. 3. sg. wati Dh. 59. ativattati, vb. (8a. vr to over- come (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. wati (dittham) 3,37. P4li Glossary. . 17 atta-ghaiiia “ati-vasa, mfn, (fr. ati + vasa (sa. vaca)) thoroughly subject to or dependent on (gen.); m. pl, wa (mama) Dh. 74, *ati-vaikya, mn. (fr. ati + vakya, cp. sa. ati-/vac) abuse; acc, ~am Dh, 320. ativiya, adv. (sa. ativa) very, ex- cessively; ~stro hutva 38,31; ~dham- miko raja 39,8; ~pabbajjaya cittam nami 65,19. *ati-sitala, mfn, (fr. ati + sitala ue citala)) very cold; m. ~o (aggi) 6,10. atiharati, vb. (sa. ati-hr) to carry over, to bring; aor. 3. 8g. wri (dhuttam manavikaya santikam) 50,5. atita, mfn. (sa, pp. ati-yi) 1) past, passed away, dead; atita-jati, f. a former existence, loc. wiyath 85,12; *atita-satthuka, mfn. having no master more, ”. ~am pavacanam (,the holy word has no announcer more“) 79,3; khanatita, mfn. who allows the right Moment to pass, m. pl. ~& 108,7 = Dh. 315. — *) act, who has neglected or transgressed, m. gen. ~assa (ekarb dhammam) 106,14 — Dh. 176, - 5) subst, m. the past, an event of the past, a tale; doc. (adv.) atite, formerly, in the times of past, 1,2, 2,17 ete; atitinagate (opp. etarahi) in the past and in the future, 56,1 (cp. an-agata); acc. ~am ahari (told a tale of the past) 28,17. Atula, m. nom, pr. an Upasaka; voc. ~a Dh. 227, atta}, mfn. (sa. atta, pp. a-yda) seized, v, atta-danda, atta-mana. atta®, in comp. — attan (,self*) q. v. cp. sayam. *atta-kilamatha, m. (fr. atta? +-kilamatha (sa. klamatha)) mortifica- tion; °-Anuyoga, mfn, given to mor- tification, m. ~ 66,27 (cp. anuyoga). *atta-gutta, mfn. (fr. atta? 4- gutta (sa. gupta, pp. Vgup)) self- protected; m. ~o Dh. 379. “atta-ghaiiia, n. (fr. atta? + ghaiiiia (cp. sa, ghanya, Vhan)) de- 2 atta-ja struction of one’s self; dat. ~aya »to his own destruction Dh, 164. atta-ja, mfa. (fr. atta? + ja, sa, dtmaja) born from one’s self; n. «am (papam) Dh. 161. *atta-danda mfn. (fr. atta! + danda, q.v.) using the stick, violent (opp. ribbuta); m. ol, loc. ~esu Dh. 406. *attadattha, m. (fr. atta? + attha!, with d eupuorically inserted) one’s vwn advant+ge, what is useful to one’s self (with regard to one’s moral improvement or to the development of one’s spiritual faculties; opp. pa- rattha. q.v.); acc, ~am Dh. 166 (cp. SBE. X 46). cp. sadattha-pasuta. “atta-danta, mfn. (fr. atta? + danta, vp. dam) having tamed one’s aelf; m. ~o Dh. 822; gen. wassa (posassa) Dh, 104. attan (in comp. atta-) m. ag. (sa. itman) ') the iadivicual soul, self, person, the Hgo (the real existence of which is denied, cp. puggala, nama- rips. jiva); nom. atta 55,2, Dh. 62. 104, 160; ‘atti me'ti ,a so-called (imagined) myself“ or ,thinking that I have a soul* 96,18; énstr. uttana Dh, 161; attanad sudantena ,by his own weiltamed self* Dh, 160. 323; abl, attand anno piyataro n’atthi 54,33. — *) instr. attana is frequently used like nom. (in apposition to the grammatical subject) yhimself* (lit, ,by himself“) : 34,16 (attanipi) 34,29-95. 38,18, 42,1, 49,21. 54,8. Dh. 379. — 5) ace, uttanam (contracted attaia) and the other oblique cases (esp. gen. attano) are used as pron. reflex, referring to the gramm. subject in all persons, genders, and numbers — myself (ourselves), yourself (~selves), himself (herself, itself, one’s self, them- selves), attanath: 3. 8g. 12,27. 64,31. 55,1 (attam) Dh, 159, 355 (attanaih metri cavsa) 379 (attam); 1. sg. 3,15. 27 22; 3. pl. 106,28 — Dh. 80. instr. attuna : 3. sg. 17,4 (kata-kammath) 20,27 (mui uddhari); 2. sg. 29,3 = 18 (dinna-dane). gen. attano : 3. 89. 2,14. 10,5. 52,82. Dh. 160; 2. 89. 9,23. 12,85; 1. 8g. 7,9; 3. pl. 59. 73,243 2. pl. 17,1. 41,32, attano attano (,each ... his own") 1411-14 (3. pl.); 41,2 (referring to the gramm, object). — atta-vetana- bhata, mfn, ,supporting one’s self by one’s own earnings“ 105,5. — an-atta, mfn. destitute of a self (q.v.). — ojit- tatta, mfn. having secured one’s self (v, ojita). — paccattarh, adv. by one’s self (q.v.). — pahitatta. mfn, whose mind is intent upon (v. pahita, cp. padhana). — bhavitatta, mfn. having trained one's self (v. bhaveti). — atta- kilamatha ete. (qv.). — Atta-vagga, m. name of a chapter of Dhammapada. Db, XII. atta-bhava, m. (fr, atta? + bhava, sa. atmabhava) ') proper or peculiar nature, body, figure; acc. wain 62,29. 64,16. — 7) birth, existence; nom, ~o (paiicasatimo) 17.8; paficasu Xsatesu in 500 of my former ex istences“ 17,7, atta-mana, mfn. (fr. attat + manas, 8a. attamanas) joyful, delighted, happy; m. ~0 93,18. Dh, 328, f. wa 62.04. — an-attamana, mfn, displeased, m. ~0 74,30. atta-sambhava, m/fn. (fr. atta? -+ sambhava, sa. atmasambhava) originating from one’s self; m. wath (papam) Dh. 161. *atta-hetu, adv, (fr.atta® + hetu (q. v.)) for one’s own sake. Dh, 84 (upp. parassahetu). *attanuyogin, mfn. (fr. atta? + anuyogin) who exerts himself in meditation, Dh, 209 (gen. pl. ~inath). attha}, m. (sa. artha) +) aim, purpose, sake, reason; instr, yen’ atthena idhigato 103,13 (,,the reason for which you have come here“, corre- sponding to the foll. attho (?); but »yena is probably an errer for sena (sa. svenirthena)); dat, atthaya and acc, attham are frequently used at the end of comp. (adv.) = ,for the sake of, on account of, for“ : (dat.) 3.5, 9,11, 15,30. 16,12. 21,38. 28,5, 32,39. 41,3, 42,50. 47,5. 58,1. 60,26. 111,29. (ace.) 8,7, 11,4, 21,3. 31,11. 57.93. 61,13. 62,31. 91,25; kimatthaya (,,why”) 33,1, kimatthath (do.) 3,12. 15,10. 33,8; dat. atthdya also separately (adv. w. gen.) : 49,14. 57,1, 60,14. 65,1. 108,21 (cp. 3) below). — ?) need, want, desire (w, instr.) nom, ~0 18,9, 22,17-30, 33,2. 35,3-4. 55,15, 83,95, 103,14. 104,315 usirattha, mfn. ,be who wants Usira“ (q. v.) 108.4 (m. wo); ep, atthika & atthin. — 5) use, utility, advantage, gain, wealth; acc. wath icchati 34,90; wath karissam 47,8; ~am anagatam (pekkham) ,,foreseeing future advant- age“ 112.4; bahinam vaya (dat.) 108,21. — attha-samhita, mfr. useful, nm, wath 93,7; an-attha-samhita, m/fn, & an-attha, m(fn). (v. h.); nir-attha- (ka), mfn. useless (q. v.); sattha (— sa-+ attha) v. appa-sattha & satthaka. cp. attad-attha, m., parattha, m, & sadattha-pasuta, m/n. — 4) thing, ob- ject, matter; acc. imam attham ,,this“ 2,8. 105,92; tam attham ,,the matter“ 7,1. 13,14; gen. imassa wassa 31,10; atthavasam (acc.) ,the meaning of this“ (v. vasa) Dh, 289, — uttamat- tham (acc.) a precious thing, 54,39, the best thing, Dh, 386 = 403. — 5) == atta ®, case, cause; acc.~am 101,9, Db, 256; loc. ~amhi Dh, 331. - S) sense, meaning, signification; ~o 52,7. 85,10. 89.2; ace. wath 90.30. 113,11-15; abl, (adv.) ~to (,according to the meaning*) 114,20. — attha-pada, nm. a word of sense (opp, Vaca anat- thapada-samhita) Dh. 100; anto- gadha-hetu-attha, mfn. containing a causative meaning, ~am padam 85,9; paramatthato, adv. (abl.) ,in the absolute sense“ 98,27 (cp. Paramattha- dipani). For the comp. attha-katha (a commentary) v. attha’, — “) the right, the truth; acc, ~am an-atthai ca, right and wrong Dh. 256; ~ath hitva, leaving the real (aim of life) Dh. 209; in this sense attha is often opp. dhamma (,,duty“) : ~am,dham- 19 atthi mafi ca, ll,jis. Dh. 363, cp. 58,25; hence the name *attha-dhamminusa- saka, mm. of a royal counsellor or secretary (he must give the king in- formation of what is ‘attha’ (0: the real state of the case) and advice con- cerning the ‘dhamma’ (9: what ought to be done)), a counsellor of right and justice, nom, ~0,37,36, attha? m, (sa. asta) disappearance, destruction; attham (acc.) gacchati, to disappear, to cease, to perish, Dh, 226, 293. 384; loc. suriye attham gate, at sunset 32,29. (cp. nezt), attha5, pr. 2 pl. vo. atthi. *atthagama, m, (fr. attha® + gama) perishing, vanishing, destruce tion; rupassa ~0 94,9, *atthafigama. m (fr. attharh, acc, attha® + gama) — prec.; dat. ~waya (dukkha-domanassanat) 90,18. atthato, adv, (sa, arthatas) v. attha! (6). *attha-dhamminusasaka, m, v, uttha? (7). *attha-pada, n. v. attha! (6). *attha-vasa, m, (sa, *artha-vaga) v, attha! (4). *attha-samhita, mfn, v, attha? 3). ( D eaietnae (sa, *artha-ca- lini) xom, pr. name of a commentary (by Buddhaghosa) on Dhamma-saii- gani, the firat book of the Abhidham- maePituka; acc. wim 113,23, atthi. ob. (sa. Vas, pr. asti) to be, to exist; pr. 3, 8g. atthi 2,02, 96,16; n'atthi 3,14. 87,39; atth’ 1,10. 43,20, 92,30. 2.89.$i 2,7-13, 3,12-18, 4,11. 98,13; asi 54,20. 88,9. 2. sg. amhi 12,11. 92,10; *mhi 4,4. 28,14. 45,4. 88,10; asmi 16,12, 104,01; "smi 7,13. 49,99. 98,3. 3. pl. santi 11,14. 110,32, 2. pl. attha 21,9. 73,5 (attha ’ti), 1. pl. amha 21,3 (amha 'ti). This verb is often used as copula with an adj, or subst. 2,7. 98,13, and esp. with a pp, 2,18. 12,11. 21,s-9. 92,10 etc. "The 3. sg. atthi is frequently used in the sense of ,to belong to“ (gen.): 12,1. 16,1-5. 105,11 Q* atthika e (atthi so, me), and this form may also be combined even with the pl, of the subject (— santi) : 3,95. 12,1. 18,5. 43,9. 53,31. 82,2. 105,11. 109,11. Dh. 255 etc. tassa kira tam divasam maranato mutti nina n’atthi, ,she could not be delivered from death that day“ 87,53, — imp. 8. 8g. atthu : namo ty-atthu homage to thee“ (voc.) 13,26. 108,11; dhi-r-atthu ,shame on* 103,53 (ace, jivitath),* 63,15 (gen. jatiya); astu (=~ sa. ustu) Lida, — pot, 3. ay. wiyit (ae, wytit) B8u7, 7900, 104,145 sukki w yit ‘vould bs possible’ 66,5; vattbabath w ,oughe to have been said“ 88,6; in the phrase siya kho pana (w. pot. of the foll, verb) we have siyii uxed adverbially like the Tata foraddene wit may De that’, 70,weun Bowides siya we often find an older form avsa (sa. *usydt?) : tad ussa (tw. dat. dukkhaya) 90,20 — bhaveyya 9117; avyikatam assa 92,6 foll. (ep. atha); suddho ass (silarukkho) 9,24; Dh, 124 (niissn) 260; ww, gen. tumbhukam evan. assa, (perhaps) you will think, 79,3; tatr’ assa ,suppose there were (in that town)" 90,32 (cp. seyyacha), pot. 3. pl.assu (sa. *asyus) Dh. 74. — aor. Cimpf.) 1. sg. asim 85,.5. 85,17 (,ain“ti == ahosim), 1')8,24, — part. ') sat, being; Joc. sati (in loc. abs.) : examsera maritabbe sati (, if (their) death is necessary 5,24; mahdrajassa ruciyd. sati, ut the king’s command 39,1; ditthiya sati, if you hold that view, 92,97-30; niccam pajjalite sati, as (everything) is al- ways burning, Db, 146. 2) santa, mfn. m. ~0 13,29. 94,95; foc. n. sg. evar sante, in this case, 6,25, 99,7; evam sante pi, yet, notwithstanding this, 37,98, 44,28, 62,50; loc. m. pl. ~esu (kbandhesu) 98,31 (,when the groups appear to view“). °) samiina, mfn. m, ~o (andho) 25,15. (manus- sabhuto) 41,33. (puttho) 90,4. (vutto) 98,16-17; acc. m. pl. we (matte) 59,26. The part. fr. atthi is frequently used as adj, v. sat, santa® (santaka) « 20 samiina, (ep, wsal, aesanti), — atthie bhiiva, atthita & sotthi, g. v. atthika, mfn. (fr. attha’, sa. arthika) wanting anything; _Tajjat- thika, mfn. who covets the kingdom, m. pl. w~& 29,17. (ep. atthin), atthita, f. (fr. atthi, aa. ustitil) being, existence, reality (opp. natthita); acc, wan ceva natthitafi ca. to be and not to be, 96,7; (lokanirodham passato) yi loke wa 8% na hoti, (to him) thore is no reality in existence (the world) 96,10. atthin, mfn. (fr. attha!, ea, ore thin) desirous, wanting anything; v. mantatthin, vadatthin. (cp. atthika). *atthi-bhava, m. (fr. atthi + bhava, q. 0.) existence; are, wth (mnvnMn) Arius cattle Nati, lewd known this being the fact, 46,ze; ne no koci wam janati, nobody knows that we exist, 72,81. atthu, imp. v. atthi. atha, indecl, (— sa.) 1) and, further, Dh, 55. *) then, now aa the tule) 1.5. 3,15. dy18 (uth’), atha kho 66,3-5 etc.; atha kena, why then? 54,97, 5) then (corresp. w. @ prec. yada), 66,21. 107.19-16 == Dh, 377-79. Dh, 69. 119-20. 384; (after prec. pa- thamam:) Dh. 158. 4) but, 107,25 = Dh. 887, Dh, 85. 136; atha kho leave on the contrary 90,36. 91,4; atha ca pana, but on the other hand, 3,4 (cp. ca). cp. atho & next. athava, indecl, (<= 8a.) or (corresp, w. prec, va, g. v.) Dh, 140. 271. atho, indecl. (= sa.) and, also, likewise, Dh. 151. 234. 332. 423. aduth, pron. n. (sa, adas) v. asu. addba = addha, half (q. v.); °-ma- saccayena, at the end of a half month, 20,11; °-yojana, n. a half yojana (g. v.) 63,19. addhagu, m. (fr. addhan + gu — ga, sa. adhva-ga) atraveller; nom. wu, Dh, 302 (sg. ¢ pl. 2) addhan, m, (sa. adhvan), a road, a journey, life-time, time; acc. ~anam 44,01, 110,5. Dh. 207 (addhana). — *addba-gata, mfn. one who has accom- plished his journey 0: old, m. ~o 74,21 — gataddhin, mfn. (q.v.). cp.addhika & prec, addha, adv. (= sa.) certainly, truly; probably, 3,10. 60,20. *“addhika, m(fn). (fr. addhan) travelling, a traveller; gen. pl. m. kapanaddhikanamh, poor travellers, 38,14 (v, kapana). adhama, mfn. (= sa. superl. fr. adho, q.v.) lowest, vilest; purisidhame (acc, m, pl.) low people, Dh, 78, (ep. next.) adhara, mfn. (= sa. compar. fr, adho, q.v.) lower. adharotthe (doc.) the lower jaw 13,19 (v. ottha. ep. prec.). adhi, indecl. (= sa.) prefix to verbs & nouns expressing ‘above, over, on, at, to’; before vowels (except ,,i“) it takes the form ajjh-, ¢. g, adhi- bhasati, aor. ajjhabhasi. adhika, mfn. (fr. adhi, — 8a.) exceeding, superior, — compar. adhika- tara, mfn, id.; n. sam (assum) w. abl, (cutunnath samuddanam uda- kato) 89,14. adhigacchati. vb. (sa. adhi- Vgam) ‘to go to’, to attain, obtain, find, understand (w. acc.); pr. 3. 8g. ~wati (ratitn) Dh. 187, (samadhim) Db, 365; 3. pl. wanti (siram) Dh. 11-22; pot. 3. 8g. adhigacche (padam santam) Dh, 368, ~weyya (seyyam, one who is better) Dh. 61; aor, 3. 89. (a)dbigd (attham), could not under- stand, 113,15; w. augm. ajjhaga (tan- hanarh khayam) Dh. 154; aor. 3. pl, ajjhagi (= ~gu) (vyasanam) 34,21, cond. 1, sg. otaram nadhigacchissam wl should never find faults“, 104,19 (cp. upessam, vicarissam, v. upeti & vicarati; Pan, II], 2,119 & the use of the Greek éueddov). adhigama, m. (= 8a.) attainment, acquisition; dat, ~aya(w.gen. iayassa) 90,18. *adhi-citta, n.'the higher thought’, meditation; loc. we (ayogo) Dh. 185, adhitthati, vd. (sa. adhi-/stha) 21 adhiseti 1) to stand (on); ger. ~aya 54,8. *) to practise, to perform, to devote oneself to (acc.); pr. 3. ag, ~ati (upayupa- danam, q. v.) 96,12; ger, waya (upo- sathaigani) 61,7. adhitthana, a. (sa. adhishthana) 1) determination, resolution, ®) adhering to, clinging to the world, comp. w. the synon. abhinivesa (being a paraphrase to upayupadana, gq. v.) : adhitthana- bhinivesinusayam (cetaso), that in- clination (of the mind) which consists in clinging to the world, 96,12 (cp. anusaya). adhipa, m, (= sa.) a master, lord; v, adhipacca, *adhipanna, pp. (adhi-y/pad) as- sailed, seized; gen. m. ~assa (antake- na-° ,,whom death has seized“) Dh, 288. *adhippaya, m. (fr. adhi-pra-yi, ep. sa, abhi-praya) intention, meaning; nom, ~0, 114,6. *adhibhasati, vb. (adhi-bhas) to speak to, to adress (acc,); aor, 3, 9, ajjhabhasi 77,3, adhimutta, pp. (sa. adhi-mukta (Ymuc)) inclined to (tw. ace, or comp.) ; m. vanidhimutto, who gives oneself to desires, Dh, 344 (cp. vana?); gen, m, pl. ~ainam (nibbanam) ,,who strive after Nibbana“, Dh. 226. adhivattha, pp. (fr. adhi-yvas) living, inhabiting (doc); f. wa, 5,19. *adhivasana, n. (fr. adhivaseti) consent, acceptance of an invitation; ace, wath, 70,11, *adhivaseti, vb, (caus, adhi- Vvas) 1) to wait, to wait for; imp. 2. 8g, wehi, 53,25; 2. pl. wetha, 33,155 ger. wetva (w. acc, dve savand) 11,5. ~ ) tv bear, endure (acc.); ger. wetva tayo pahare) 55,15; aor. 3. sg. ~wesi tai ec, vedand) 78,95 — ajjhavasayi vedanath) 80,34. — °) to consent; aor, ~wesi, 70,10 — 77,99; cap. to accept an invitation to dinner (bhattarh) : imp, 3. ag. ~etu, 70,9 — 77,98, (cp. adhi- vasana). — caus, IJ: adhivasapeti, to cause to wait; pr. 2. 3g. ~wesi, 33,17. adhiseti, vb, (sa, adhi-\/yi) to adbuna . lie upon (ace.); fut. 3. sg. waessati {pathavim) 107,5 == Dh. 41. adhuna, adv, (— sa.) vow, °-Agata, Bie a new-comer} m. w0 (uyyanapalo} 15. edho, indecl. (ea, adhas) down (w. acc.); adho Gufiga:h, down the river G. 14,24 (or perhaps better comp. adhogafigam, adv. ?) — compar. adhara, mfn., superl, adhama. mfn. (q. ¥.). an-, ana-, negative prefix, v. a-4. *Anagata-vamsa, m, ‘history of the future’, name of a non-canonical Pali work (,,the Buddhist Apocalypse“), from which an extract is given 102,228, Anathapindika, m. nom. pr. (— sa.) ‘giver of food to the poor’, name of a rich merchant; gen. ~ussa, 71,20. anika, md’ n, (= sa.) an army, balanika, mfn. q. v. anu!, indecl.'!== sa.) before vowels except ,u“ usually ‘anv-’ (v. anvaya etc.), prefix to verbs and nouns, ex- pressing ‘after, along, near to, accord. ing to’ etc, Inserted in a dvandva- comp. of the same word repeated, », khuddinukhuddaka (cp. pati). anu’, mfn. = anu (g. v.) cp. anu- matta. anukantati. ob. (sa. anu-vkrt. 6.) to cut facc.); pr. 3. sg. wati (-attham) Da, 311. arukampa, f. ‘= sa.) compassion; instr, waya (w. gen. tava) out of pity (for you) 55,4. anukkama, m, (sa. anu-krama) succession, order; instr, adv, wena, gradua!ly, 38,22. 48,9; ti wena ,and so on by degrees" 34,8. sahanukkama, mfn. (q. v.). anukkamati, vb. (sa. anu-/kram) tc follow, to go along (acc.); part. med, m. ~mano (-patham) 90,84. anukhuedaka, mfn. v, khud- dinukhuddaka. anigi, wfn. (se. anu-ga) follows ing; sattimacca-satiauga, mfn. fol- lowed by 700 companions, 110,23 (an. ~0). 22 Yanugacchati, vb. (ea. anu-/gam) to follow (acc.); aor. 3. 39. ~gamasi tah yeva) 68,83; w. augm,. anv-a-ga eer 111,3. anuggaha, m. (sa, anu-graha) favour, kindness, help, assistance; acc. wath 6,86, ; anucara, m, (= sa.) a companion, follower. — sdnucara. mfn, v. ea’. anucinna, mfn, (sa. anu-cirna, pp. anu-y/car) having attained (acc.); m. pl. ~& (samadhijhanarh) 109,21. *anucchavika, mfn. (fr. anu + chavi) suitable, fit; m. wo (w. inf.) 24.24; (w. gen. pers.) 25,3 (rafiiio). anujanati, vb. (sa. anu-yjfia). 1) to permit, allow; pr. 1. 8g. ~ami (ekena (bhikkhuna) dve samanere upatthapetum) 81.16. 7) to prescribe (acc.) 81,z0 (dasu sikkhapudani). (cp. next.) anufidta, myn. (pp. anujanati, 8a, anu-jiidta) permitted, allowed, having attained the permission of (instr.); m. wo (GtTh(1)) Lh, Lb yr9-a8; m, pl. w@ (rani) 73,24. *anuniatatta,n.(sa.*anu-jfata- tva) the being permitted; abl. Aa, 11,12 (,,granting bim leave to speak"). anutappati, vb, pass, (sa. anu- tapyate, tap) to suffer, to repent; pr. 3. sg. wati Dh. 67, 314. (cp. tapati?.) *anutire, adv. (fr. anu! + tira (Joc.)) near the banks of a river (gen.) 104,21. *anutthunati, ob (fr. *anu- ystan) to deplore, bewail (acc.); part. m, sg. wunath (puranam) Dh, 166 (= anutthunanta (pl.) Comm.), The discordance between the sg. anutthu- nam and the pl. of the verb is pro- bably due to the fact that senti has been influenced by capa-'tikhinad (like jhayanti in the preceeding verse); cp. also the use of sg. anutappati Dh. 314.) ep. Tr. PM. 76,10. *anudday a, f. compassion, mercy; in comp. this word generally takes the form anuddaya- (cp. mutta): khanti- metta-’nuddaya-sampanna, m/n. (q.0.) 7,12. 38,15. (fr. *anu + daya, although it is generally spelt with double ‘d’, perhaps from analogy with niddaya?), *anu-dhamma-carin. mfn, liv ing according to the law; m, ~1 Dh, 20 (cp. dhamma-carin). anudhavati, vb. (sa, anu-V/dhav') to follow, pursue, seek (acc.); pr, 3. sg. ~ati (tiram) Dh, 85; aor, 2, sg. anu-dhavi (kalikam) 47,10, anupakkamena, 2, upakkama). *anupakhajja, ger. encroaching on (ace,) 88,83 (there bhikkhia), This word seems to be ger. fr, *anu-pra- Vskand (-skadya) = to enter together with, disrespectfully pushing oneself forward (= anu-pavisati, comm.), Hence the vb. denom. anupakbajjati (Vin. V_ 163,4), Morris, JPTS. ‘86,115, ’89,201, derives it from y/khad. anupatati, vb. (sa, anu-ypat) to run after, to follow (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~anti (sotam) Dh, 347; pp. ~wita, fullowed, m. dukkhanupatito. Dh. 302, pl.dukkhanupatit’ (0: ~a@ addhagu) ib. anuparigacchati. vb, (sa. anau- pari-/ga) to walk (fly) round (acc.); aor. 3, sg. anu-pariy-aga (pasanam) 104,13. *anupariyaya, m. (fr. anu-pari- Vi) going round along; °patha, m. acc. ~am 90,33 = anupariyaya-na- makam maggam, 91,28 (the path round the town). *anupassin, mfn. (fr. anu-ypac) looking after, looking for; para-vajja-°, looking after the faults of others, Dh, 253 (gen. m, ~wissa); subha-°, looking for pleasures. Db, 7 (acc, m, ~ith), Dh. 349 (gen. m. wino). anupucchati, wb. (sa. anu- yprach) to inquire after (ace.); pr. 2. ag. ~wasi (jivath) 103,17, anupubba, mfn. (sa. anu-purva) regular; instr. adv, wena, gradually, by and by, in course of time, 18,11. 37,20, 42,24. 81,8. 87.4. Dh, 239. *anupubbikathd, f. (fr. prec, an- (cp, 23 anumodana + katha, g.v.) a regulated exposition; acc. ~ath kathesi ,preached in due course“ 68,19, anuppatta, pp. (sa, anu-prapta, anu-pra-V/ap) arrived to, having reached, having attained (acc.); m, wo (vayo) 74,21, (Lafikam) 110,23. acc, ~am_(uttamattham) Dh, 386, loc, we (Alavim). anubandhati, vb. (sa, anu- Vbandh) to follow, to pursue (acc.); aor, 8.89. wi 11,19. 12,98; 1,89. im 104,115 ger. witva 33,18, anubodha, m, (== 8a.) comprehen- sion, understanding, — dur-anubodha, min. q. v. *anubriiheti, ob. (sa. *anu- Vvrnh) to ‘increase’, to devote oneself to (acc.); pot. 3. 8g. waye (vivekarn) Dh. 76 (cp. briheti). anubhavati, vb. (sa, anu-ybhi) to feel, to experience, to obtain (enjoy, suffer) (w. acc.); pr. 3. pl. ~wanti (dukkham) 23,16; aor. 3. sg. ~i (dib- basampattim) 23,17; inf. witum 23,95; ger, witva 23,24; part. ~anta, m. ~0 63,18; part. med, ~mana, f. ~@& 61,5 («taking part in“, -kilam); pp. anu- bhita : kim me dukkhena wena (instr.) ,why should I suffer this pain ?4 32,32. *anubhavana, #. (fr. anubha- vati) partaking of (enjoying, suffering). - dukkhanubhavanatthaya 23,18 (in order to endure their punishment, cp. attha’); kamma-karandnubhavana- tthdinam 23,27 (a place where one has to endure the results of his bad deeds), nnubhava, v. anubhava. anubhiuta, py, v. anubhavati. anumatta, mfn. Dh, 284, v, anu- matta. anumodati, vd. (sa. anu-/imud) to rejoice in (acc.), to accept with joy, to thank; part. med. ~mana, m. ~o (danam) Dh. 177; pr. 1. sg. wami (,{ thank you“) 29,5, anumodan4, #.(—sa.) acceptance, benediction, thanks (esp, the words pronounced by the Buddhist priests at anuyuaijati the eud of the meal, or after receiving gifts or offerings to the fraternity) ; acc, warm karopto 86,15; ~am karis- simi 87,20; °-atthaya 87,18 (in order to hear the benediction). (cp. Dhpd. (1855) p. 168,7, foli.) anuyuijati, vb. (sa. anu-Vyu)j) to practise, to give oneself up to (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. wati (bbavanam) 97,9; 3. pl. ~wanti Dh, 26 (pawadamm), Dh. 247 (sura-meray i-panarmh); pot. med. 3. 8g. ma panacdam vetha, Dh. 27. — fp. anuyutta, m. ~o yin the enjoy- ment cf* 74,92 (ditths -dhamma-sukha- vikiram q. v.). anuyoga, m. (== 8a.) study, medi- tation, application to. - kamasukh’-al- lika-°, mfn. whose applicacion is wholly concentrated in pleasure and Just, m. <0 (sc. anto) 66,26, — atta-kilamatha-®, min. q. ¥. Ss pres.). anuyogin, mfn. (fr. anuyoga). ve. attinuyogin. anurakkhati, vb. (sa. anu- yraksh). to guard, to watch (ace.); imper, 2. pl, watha (sacittaik) Dh, 327, “anurakkhin, m/fn. (fr. anu rukkhuti) watching, — vici-°, mfn.g.v. Anuruddha, m. nom. pr. (— 8a.) name of a cousin of Gotauma Buddha, one of his great disciples; nom, wo 80,0, 109,17 (mmahigani), 109,8 (dib- bncukkhumbi[aggo)); ace, sum 80,115 voc, wu, ib, wnuripa, m/fn, (— 8a.) conforms able, adapted to, fit, suitable; tude anurtipa, mfn, ST. qv. ; anulitta, pp. (fr. anu-ylip, sa. anulipta) anointed, scented. ~ nahi- tinulitta, 41,9. ». nahata. unuloma, mfn. ( + 6a.) ‘with the hairs’, in natural order (opp, putilomu), — patilomam (adv,?) ,forward and back” 66,6. (cp. loma). anuvattin, mfn, (sa, anu-vartin) following. ~ dhammiinuvattino (m. pl.) following the law, Dh. 86, unuvicurneti, ob, (sa.unu-vi-yVeur) to wander or roam through, to explore 24 acc, ep. vicareti); pr. 3. pl. wantl samuddatiram) 21a7; ger. ~itva thala-jala-patharh) 19,39. : anuvicinteti, vb. (8a, anu-Vvi- yeint) to meditate upon (acc.); part. m. ~ayanto (tam eva) 47,35; ~ayam (dhammam) Dh. 364. anuvicca, ger. discovering, attend. ing to, observing, examiniog(?) Dh, 229 (viniw pasamsanti). This word is generally explained in the commen- taries by anuviditva, jinitva, efc.; it is perhaps ger, fr. anu-vi-/cl (*anuvicitya, *anuviciya. cp. Sn. v. 530 and viceyya ib. v. 529) or fr. anu-yvid (= anu-vijja, Tr. MN. I 379,3 (Note p. 562) cp. Morris, JPTS. 86, p. 121.), but it can hardly be derived from anu-yi or anu-y/vrt. cp. Dhpd. (1855) p. 368. anuvijja. anuvijjati, v. anu: vicca. anusafcarati, vb, (sa, anu-sam- Vear) to walk along (acc.); part, med. m, pl. wmanad (kipillika’ viya tham- bham) 60,2. *enusandhi, m. (cp. sa. unue sundhana) application, conclusion, connexion; ace, wil ghatetva (,mak- ing the conuexion*) 32,5. cp. Fans: boll, JRAS, '70, p. 8. Feer, JAs. ‘75. IL p. 293. anusnya, mm, (sa, anuecaya) ins clinution, attachment; ace. sum 96,19 (v, adhitthiina), — tanhanusaya, v. tanha. — mininusaya, v, mina. ep. SBE, X p. Sl. unusdsuka, m. (ea, anu-cisaku) a counsellor, — attha-dhamma-% v, attha! (7). anusiisati, vb, (sa, unu-yVofis) ‘) to admonish, to instruct Smee inf. ~wituih Slyin; ard. im, witabbo 79.105; pot, 3, sg. weyyu Dh. 77, 158. — ¢ to give one (gen.) advice concerning ucc.); aor. 3, ag. wi (rafiio atthan ca dhammah ca) 658.36 (cp. attha! (7)). = 8) to rule, to govern (ace.); aor, 3, 8g. wi (viniechayah ,admini- stered justice") 42,27. +25 anusikkhin, mfn, (sa. anu-gik- shin) studying, learning; ahorattanu- sikkhinam, gen, pl, Dh, 226 (studying day aud night). anussarati. ob, (sa, anu-/smr) to remember, to recollect; aor. wi 28,26 (gune); gen. witva 17,4 (attana katakammath) 28,15 (Buddha-gune); part,m, ~am (dhammat) Db, 364; m. pl, manta, 28,16, Anotatta, m. (sa. An-avatapta) nom. pr. of a lake in Himavanta; %-daham (acc.) 61,19. anta!, m. (& 7.) (— sa.) ') end, term; zom, ~o (phalanath) 1.15; acc. ~am karissatha (dukkhassa) ,,make an end of* Dh, 275; comp. loc, vijay: ante, immediately after the victory, 60,25; marananta, mfn. q. v. — *) limit, boundary, border, edge; acc. ~am 83,21. comp. loc. velante 20,4 (cp. vela); vanante, Dh. 305, v. vana; accanta, santika, sumanta, samanta, g. v. — 8) side; acc. adv. ekamantamh, g. v. — rm extreme; pl, dve anta, 66,25; acc. pl. ubho ante, 66,28. 96,17; eko.., dutiyo anto, 96.16-17, cp, ekantam (adv.) Dh, 228, g. v. — 5) nearly pleonastically at the end of certain comp., kammanta (m.), suttanta (.) ie Ds anta?, n. (sa, antra) the intestines; wam 82,4, 97.21, anta-guna, q. v. Antaka, m. (fr, antaly == sd.) nom, pr. the king of death (Yama or Mira); m. ~o Dh, 48; instr, ~ena, Dh, 288. anta-kara, m(/n). (— 8a.) put- ting an end to (gen.); m. pl. ~& 105,20 (dukkhasssa). ~ *anta-kiriya, f (sa. *anta-kriya) extinction; dat, ~aya 70,17. *anta-guna, n. (sa. *antra-guna) mesentery (Sp. Hardy, Man. of Buddh. p. 400: ,, lower intestines“); ~am 82,4, 97,29, *antamaso, adv. (sa. *antama ++ cas) even; ~aiijalith paggahetva thite, even those who were standing with their joined hands raised, 22,7; antarad ~bilara-nisakkana-mattamh (pakara- vivaram) even large enough that a cat can creep in, 90,85. (cp. antima). antara, ».(— 98a.) ') the interior part of a thing, interval; *) as the first part of comp, (= anto, v. below), ») at the end of comp.: kalantarena (instr.) ,by progress of time“ 99,28; buddhantaram, a period between two Buddhas, 84,30; dant’ antara-gato phaving got in between the teeth 13,20; pl. loc, lomantaresu, in the coat, 16,5 (v. loma), uddhanantaresu, 9,24 (v, uddhana); pl. abl. saikhan- tarehi, amongst the branches, 62,11, pupphantarehi, 62,12. For antaram, antura, antare v. separately, — *) dif- ference (at the end of comp, — other): purisantaram, another man, 48,11. (cp. antarika, an-antara, santara). antaram, indecl. (= 8a.) 1) adv, within; wkatva, having shut in (?) 23,10. — *) prp. w, gen, rathsinam ~ pavisitva, 87,33. antaradhana, v. dhana) disappearance; 102,2 (q. v.). antaradhayati, vb. (sa. antar -V/dha) to disappear; aor. 3. sg. ~ayi, 24,7. 72,25; (impf.) 3. sg. med. ~ayatha, 104,18 (cp. Kuhn, Beitr, p. 110); pp. antarahita, g. v. — caus. antaradha- peti. to cause to disappear (acc.); pot. 1. pl, ~eyyama (labhasakkaram) 73,1, *antarantara, adv. (antara (q. v.) repeated) now and then, 35,1, 83,3. ; *antara-vithiyamh, adv. (fr. antara + vithi, Joc.) in the very streets, 39,6. antarahita, mfn. (pp.antar-Vdha, cp. antaradhdyati) disappeared, hid- deu; f. ~& (pasddamatta) 94,93, — an-antarahita. mfn. (q. v.). antara, adv. é prp. (abl. fr. an- tara, — sa.) among, on the way, dur- ing; Dh, 237; comp. antaramagge (Joc.) on the way, 32,14. 85,2; repeated: antarantara, q. v.. (sa, antar- pariyatti-°, antariya antaraiya. m. (= 8a.) ') obstacle; ace, wamh akasi, prevented, 68,3; nom. gaman’-antarayo, 65.83 (v. gamuna), - *) death; acc. wam, Dh, 286. *“antarika, f. (fr. antara) inter- val; — simantarika, f. a boundary territory, loc. wiya (dvinnam yak- khanam) 40,32. antare. prop, (loc. fr.antara, — 8a.) within, among, between, w. gen. 10,31. 30,5. 43,6. 62,9, or at the end of comp, 73,20 (mala-kacavara-°, ,,into the dust- heap") cp. antara. antalikkha. m. (sa. antariksha) the sky, the air; loc. ne, Dh. 127. antavat, mfn. (— 6a.) finite, li- mited; m, wvA (loko) 89,28, ~ an-an- tavat, m/fn. ivfinite id, antika, mfn. (= sa.) near, bor- dering upon. — maranantika, m/n. v. marana. (cp. santikn), antima, mfn, (= 8a.) final, last; m, ~0 (samussayo) 108.17 — Dh, 351. — *antima-sarira, mfn. one who has received his last body, m. nom, ~0, Dh. 352, acc. warn, Dh. 400. antevasika. m. (fr. ante — unto (s2. antar) + vasika (\/vas, to dwell)) a pupil; acc. ~4am, 34,32; acc. pl. ~e, 16,24; Acariyantevadsike (acc. pl.) a teacher and his pup), 32.21; gen. pl. wanar, 102, anto. prp. (sa. antar, in some comp, ante, cp. lust) in, within (opp. bhi); w. gen. tassa ~ 61,15; attano hanajalassa ~ 86,28; w. loc. watavi- yam 30,30; in comp, anto-nagaram 43,4 == anto-nugare ,inside'the town“ 78,04 (opp. buhi-nagare); anto-gabbhe, witnin the chamber, O5,us) anto-jitliun, into the net, 88.9, (ep. untara), *antcegadha, mfn. (probably fr. ante + ogadha (pp. ava-y/gal) for ogalha) included, contained in. °-hetu- attha, mfn. containing a cansative meaning, 85,9 (cp. attha? (6)), *unto-daha, man internal flames tusst AO uppajji ,be grew aflame within 45,1. antopura, #. (often written ante- 26 pura, Tr, PM. 79,15, #a. antah-pura) a king’s harem; loc. we 38,17. *antovalaijaka, m. pl. (fr. anto + valahju) in-door people; gem wana, 43,6 (opp. bahivalafijaka). andba, mfn. (= sa.) blind (also about mental blindness); m. ~0 25,153 pl. ~& 88,7. — *andha-bala, mfn. blinded by folly; voc. m. ~a 38,19; voc. f. ~e 59.31. = *andha-bhuta, mfn. mentally blinded; m. ~0 88,29 paifhacakkhuno abhavena ~0, 88,81; acc. pl. m. we, Dh, 59. Andha- bhita-jataka. a later reading for Andabhiita, 52,11 (cp. 50,1215). andhaka, mfn. (= 8a.) blind, *andhaka-masaka, m. pl. gad-flies, 104,27. andhakara, m. (— sa.) darkness; acc. cam 19.17; loc. ne 69,175 instr. ~ena, Dh, 146. anna, n. (— sa.) food; instr, sa mam wena (sc, uddhari) 20,36. annaya, v, dur-annaya (= an- vaya, cp. anveti). anvaya. ger. fr, anu-yi, v. anveti. anvadhata, pp. (anu-a-yhan) struck, beaten, perplexed, », an-anva- hata-cetasa. anveti, vb. (sa, anu-yvi) to follow, to reach, to affect or attack (acc.); pr. 3.89. ~eti, 106,22 — Db. 71, Dh. 1. 2.124; ger, saya (vuddhin, full- grown) 2,18, 18,2. apakkamatz:, vb, (sa. apa-Vkram), to go away, to retire trom (abl,); pot, 3. sg. ~me (tamha) 14.4; aon 3. gg. ~mi (¢tto) 104.15, apuguechuti, vb. (sa, upi-ygam) tu wo uways py, upaguta, departed, gone off; us the first part of adj, comp, s *~-kdluka, ¥=tacapapatika. °-phegguka, %vattha, S-sakhapalasa, g. v.; dvin- nam itthakanam °-tthdnam. the inter- val between two bricks, 91,29. apucadyati, vb, (sa, apa-y cay) to honour, to respect (ace); pre &, gi (metri causa Aayati) 30,9. apacayin, mfn. (sa. apa-cayin, fr. last) rendering due respect; vad- dhapacayin, mfn, ,who reveres the aged“, m. pl, ~ino. Dh, 109, apaciti, f.(— sa.) honour, respect; ace, wim, 29,96, 30.4, *apajita, », (pp. apa-yji), what is lost, defeat; acc, ~am (opp. jitarh) Dh. 105. Apannaka-jataka, n. nom. pr., the title of the first tale in the Jataka+ book, 102,20 [a-pannaka, m/fn, evident, certain, leading to salvation (fr, sa, Asparna, without leaves, opp, sa=pan- naka, but the semasiological process is unknown; Weber, Ind, Str. III, 150 and Kuhn, Beitr, p, 53 take it — *a-pracna-kal, apattha, mfn. (sa. apasta, pp. apa-V/as?), thrown away; n, pl. wani (atthini) Db, 149. apaneti, vb. (sa. apa-yni) to take away, to remove (acc.); pot. 1. sg. ~eyyam (atthitmh) 13,11; aor, 3. sg. apanayl (putte) 13,4; ger. ~wetva, 4412, 65,32; pp. apanita, . wat etam Tathagatassa, T. is free from this, 94,7; grd. ~wetabba, to be re- moved, °-akara-ppatta (sataka) ,in- tolerable*, 45,1. *apabbthati or apaviythati, vb. (fr. apa-vi-Viih) to remove by digging up or scraping out (acc.); aor, 3. 8g. apabbihi (pamsum) 40,26. (cp. viythati). apara, pron. (— 8a.) another (by way of addition or progression in number, the original sense being »posterior, following*, whilst para (gq. v.) denotes what is opposite or distant, cp. aia); acc, ~am (dipam) | 23,21; aparam pana ekadivasam ,,and again on a certain day“, 63,a4-28; x. naparam, nothing more, 71,16; instr, ~ena samayena, afterwards, subse- quently, 95,23. 101,16; loc. ~asmim (kanakavimane) 23,22; m. pl. we pi ‘ssa tayo sahaya ahesum, further he had three friends, 14,9. — aparath (n.) is often used adverbially, esp. aparam pi, besides that, also, too, 34,16. 54,21. — apariparam, adv, to and fro, from 27 aparuta side to side, 2,27. 40,24, — pubba-para, mfn. (q. v.), aparajju, aparabhage, v, below, aparajju, adv. (sa. apare-dyus) on the following day; 101,97. aparajjhati, vd. (sa. apa-Vradh) to offend against (loc.); ger, witva (parassa vatthumhi) 68,13. aparapaccaya,. v, a- (p. 4), aparaddha, m. (= 8a.) offence, fault; acc, ekiparadhath, one such fault, 47,8, — nir-aparadha, mfn., innocent, guiltless; acc, m. warm, 89,29, : *“aparabhage, adv. (fr. apara + bhaga, loc.) afterwards, later; 22,14, 24,13-16, 38,11. *aparopita, mfn. (apa -+ ropita, pp.) consumed (?), This word is only due to my own conjecture (see Note p. 126); the Colombo Edition reads aropita (fr. dropeti, g. v.) 87,11. apaviddha, mfn. (= sa. pp. apa-\/vyadh) flung, thrown away; neg- lected; acc. m. ~wam, 34,15; 2. ~am (kiccath) Dh, 292. *apasadeti, vb.(fr. apa + sadeti, caus, \/sad) to blame, to depreciate, disparage (ace.); pr. 3.8g. ~eti (mam) 74,29-30, P *apassena, n. (fr. api-yori, cp. sa. apiicraya) a rest, a support; °phalaka, ”. a bolster-slab or head- rest; ~am 84,16. (cp. Morris, JPTS, 84.1, — SBE, XX. 219.] *apabhata, mfn. (pp. apa-\/bhr) brought away, stolen; », ~wam (ratti- bhattam) 15,19. apaya, m. (= sa.) 1) going away, loss; piy&payo, loss of the belowed, Dh, 211, — *) state of suffering (esp. dwelling in hell, or in the world of animals, petas and asuras); acc. sag- gapayam, heaven and hell, Dh, 423. — apaya-gamin, mfn. going to an evil state; m. pl, wino 88,35 (opp. saggaya gacchati). apayin, mfn. (= sa.) going away, — an-apayin, mfn. (q. ¥.). aparuta, m/fn. (sa. apavrta, fr. api api-/vr) open. -dvira, mfn, with open doors; loc. -ve {nivesane) 39,28. api. adv, (= 8.) +) generally enclit. == pi (q. v.) or -Api after prec. a, a. ~ *) beginning a sentence (before a vowel sometimes app’ or ap’) *) even, Dh, 187. >) api va, whether .. or, 96,81 (w. foll. api ca kho, ne- vertheilexs, 97): api ca, nevertheless, 10118 (cp. kificépi); api ca ko pana, but at all eventa, $2.95. °) app-eva nama, perhaps (w. foll. pot.) 17,26. 69,5. ¢) particle of interrogation (1. indic, or pot.) 13,96. 69.4, 71,31. 104,14 (ap’); api nu, 73,4, apekkhati. v6. (sa. apa-yiksh) to look for (acc.); pr. 3. sg. med. wate (kame) 103,24. apekkha & apekha., f. (sa. apek- sha) desire, regard, care; Dh. 345 (-kh-, w. loc.). apekkhin & apekhin, mfn. (sa. apekshin) looking for, regardful of. - an-apekkhin, mfn. (q. v.). apeta, mfn. (= sa.; pp. fr. next) free from, deprived of (w. instr, or comp.); m. ~o (damasaccena) Dh. 9. ~— apeta-kaddama, mfn, without mud, m. ~0 (rahado) Db. 95. — °-viihana, mfn. senseless, m. ~0 (kayo) 107.6 =— Dh. 41, apeti, vb. (sa. apa-v/i) to go away; pr. 3, 8g. ~eti, 50a; 1. pl. apema 104,16 (nibbijjipema Gotamati ,, being disgusted, we shall go away from Go: tama“, Faustoll, SEE, X?, p. 71, who prefers the reading Gotama, cp. SN. I, 124). app’, ¥. api. appa. mfn, (sa, aspa) small, little; m,. ~0 88,30 (only a few — kocid eva sutto 89,1); imstr, won’ eva (trifling) 38,24; 2%. Sam, a cittle, a small portion, Dh, 20, 259, loc. wasmi yacito, asked for little, Dh, 224,— appa-kilamathena Agato si ,you had no mishap?“ 28,13 (cp. kilamatha). appeka, mfn. (fr. last, sa. alpaka) small, little, trifling; instr. m. wen’ eva, 28 at a trifle, 52,6; m. pl. ~8 (few) Dh. 85. — an-appaka, m/n. (a. ore *anpaggha. mfn. (sa. *alpargha, cp. scale) “al little sof Ge °-bhandam »wares of little value“ 26,32. *a ppabodhati. vb. (fr. uppa (sa, alpa) + bodhati. a rare present forma- tion of ybudh, ep. bujjbati) to slight, disregard; pr. 3. sg. ~atl (nindam) Dh. 143. (Weber, Ind, Str. I, 137; others (Fausbell & Max Muller) have taken it — a (9: na) + prabochati (does not excite), or (Childers ¢ Su- bhitti) <= apa-bodhati (to ward off), cp. the readings ap(p)abodheti and sa. alpabuddhi. m/fn.) *appamaniiati, vd. (fr. appa + /man, cp. last) to despise, underrate w. gen.) ; pot. 3., ~wetha (pa- passa, punfiassa) Dh. 121. 122. appamatta, mfn. (sa. alpa-matra) little, slight, mean; m. ~o (gandho) Dh, 56. (cp. a-ppamatta, p. 5.) *appamattaka. mfn. (fr. last), of little importance; m, ~o (arakkho) 17,16. *appalabha, mfn. (sa. *alpa-la- bha) receiving little; m. ~o (bhikkhu) Dh. 366. *appasattha, mfn. (sa. *alpa- sartha) having few companions; m, ~o (vanijo) Dh, 123 (cp. sattha). *appassida. mfn. (sa. *alpa- svada) having a short taste; om. pl. wa (kama) Dh. 186. *appassuta, m/fn.(sa,*alpa-cruta having learnt little; m. ~(0) ae Dh. 152. | appiccha, mfn. (sa. alpeccha) who has but few desires; ace, m. wam, Dh, 404 (cp. iccha), *appossukka, mfn, (sa. *alpa + autsukya. cp. ussuka) unconcerned, living at ease, with few wishes; m. wo (viharatu) 74,21. Dh. 330. abbahati. vb. (sa. a-yvrh) to pull out (acc.); pot. 3. sg. abbahe (sallam) 108,9. abbuda, n. (sa. arbuda) the foetus in the first or second month after con- ception; gen, ~assa 99,10. abbha, n. (sa. abhra) cloud; abd, ~& (mutto candima) Dh. 172. abbhakkhana, ». (sa, abhy-i- khyana) false accusation, calumny; acc. ~am, Db. 139, abbhantara, , (sa, abhy-antara) the inner part, interior, interval; wat (opp. bahirath) 106,11 — Dh, 394, - loc. prp. w. gen, we, in, with, within, 3,25 (tuyham), 38,22 (rajifio). abbhuggacchati, vb, (sa, abhy- ud-//gam) to go out, to sally forth; ger. ~gantva, 60,3. abbhuta, mfr. (sa. adbhuta) wonderful, marvellous; 2. ~am 79,97. 98,32. — m. (subst.) one of the nine divisions of Buddha's doctrine (na- vafigam Satthusaisanam) 109,34 (ja- tak’-abbhuta-vedallam). abhi, prp. (— sa.) prefixed to verbs and nouns, expressing the direc- tion ,towards“ or superiority; before vowels it takes the form abbh- (0, above), abhikamkhati, vb. (sa, abhi- ykanksh) to desire, to wait for, to intend (acc.); part. med, m, ~mano (dalha-ppaharam) 30,13. abhikirati, vb. (sa. abhi-ykr, kir) to pour over, to overwhelm (ace.); pr. 8, 3g. ~ati (ogho dipam) Dh, 25, abhikkanta, mfn, (sa. abhikran- ta, pp. ubhi-ykram) advanced, ex- cellent; 2, wam, 69,14 — 95,6, abhijanati, vb, (sa, abhi-yjia) to perceive, to kuow, to learn, to re- member (acc.); pr. 1. 8g. ~Ami, 27,23; ger, abhiifiaya (attadattham) Dh, 166, sayath ~, Dh, 353 (as I am in- telligent myself); pp. abhififiata, v. below. abhinaad, f. (sa. abhijia) super- natural faculty or intuitive knowledge; dat. ~ aya samvattati, conduces to knowledge, 66,20, 93,8; instr, ~waya (savakanam dhammaih desemi) from my intuitive knowledge, 90,16, — °=vo- sita, mfn, perfect in knowledge, m, 29 abhinikkhamana ~o, Dh, 423 (v, vosita), — cha-l- abhifiia, mfn, having the six super. natural faculties, m. pl, ~a, 109,20 (cp. cha), ~ jnanabhiiia, f. super- natural power attained by meditation ~~ (sivaka) 109,19. abhittharati, vb. (probably an old error for abhi-tvarati or abhi- ttarati, sa. abhi-y/tvar) to make haste; pot. 3, ~etha (kalyane) ,hasten towards the good“, Dh. 116, (cp, ta- rati). i! hidhamma, m., (sa. abhi-dhar- ma) the higher dhamma or transcen« dental doctrine, — Abhidhamma-pita- ka, ”. name of the third of the three great collections (,,baskets“, cp. pitaka) of the Buddhist holy scriptures, com- prising the following works: Dham- masaigani, Vibhaniga, Kathavatthu, Puggala-panfiatti, Dhatukatha, Ya- maka, Patthana; loc, ~e 102,13; gen, ~assa 113,15, abhidhavati, vb. (sa, abhi- Vdhav) to run up towards, to rush towards; imp, 2. pl. watha (metri causa watha) 30,19 (,haste to the rescue“); aor. 3. 8g, ~vi, 76,2 abhinandati, vb. (sa. abhi- ynand) *) to rejoice at, to salute, to: welcome (acc.); pot. 8 8g. weyya sakkaram) Dh, 75; pr. 3. pl. wanti purisam sotthim dgatam) Dh, 219, ~ *)to applaud, to assent, to approve (acc.); aor, 3. 8g. ~i (Bhagavato bhasitamh) 93,19; inf. witum (tad abhinanditun ti) 97,5. abhinandin, mfn, (= sa) ree joicing at; f. tatra-tatrabhinandini (tanha) finding its delight here and there, 67,13. abhinava, mfn. (— 8a.) quite new, modern; Joc, pl. ~wesu pottha- kesu, in modern manuscripts, 52,13 (opp. porana- abhini Oey: nm going abbinimminati forth, esp. retiring from the household life. — maha-°, m, ,the great retire- ment® 0: Buddha’s leaving his house in order to become a monk; ~wam nikkhamitum 65,13. abhinimminati, vb. (sa. abhi- nir-\/ma) to create, to assume another appearance (acc.); ger. witva (kassaka- vannam, the appearance of a plough- man) 72,98, abhinivesa, m, (sa. abhinivega), adhering to, inclination to; upayupa- dana-° 96,10 (q.v.); comp. tw, the synon. adchitthina (v. bh.) 96,19. *abhippakipna, pp. (sa. *abhi- pra-ykir) strewn vith ‘instr.); °-sayana, loc. ~e (puppk anarh emmanamattena) 65,29, *abhippaharani, f. (adj. fr. *abhi-pra-Vhr, traced only in the foll, passage) wni (send Kaahassa) the offensive (army of Kanha) 103,31. abhibhavati, vb, (sa, abhi-ybhi) t> overcome, to overpower (acc.); pr. 3. 89. nati (paccamitte) 3,21; ger. ewbhuyya (sabbani parissayani) Dh. 328; zp. ~bhita, m. khuppipasabhi- bhuto (jets), tormented by hunger and thirst, 84,82, abbibhu, mfr. (= sa.) one who conquers or overcomes (at the end of comp.); sabbabhibhi, -2, having con- quered all, Dh. 353; sabbalokabhi- bhum (virarm, ace. m.) having con- quered all the worlds, Dh, 418. abhimatthati or abhiman- thati, vd. (ea. abhi-ymath, manth) to crush (acec.); pr. 3. 89. wati (dum- medham) Dh. 161. abhimukha, mfn, (— sa.) turned towards; m. pl. ~& uhesum, they met with one another, 43,19; most frequently at the end of comp, : m, varanarukkha- bhimukho, 5,4; nagarAbhimukho, 43,14; f. Jetavanabhimukhi, 73,13; ace, m. devalokabhimukham (rathath akasi) 60,19. — abh'mukham, adv. 39,9-10 (matta-varane ~ agacchante, loc. even if a furious elephant were going towards them). 80 abhirati, f. (— sa.) delighting in, pleasure; acc. tatra ~ith iccheyya Dh, 88. — an-abhirati, f. disconteut bade . Tae. vb. (sa, abhi-/ram) to delight in, to take one’s pleasure with; pr. 3. sg. ~ati (maya saddhim) 46,21; 3. pl. wanti (ubho) 50,6; aor. 3, 8g. ~i (tena saddhith) 20,1; part. med. m. ~mano (taya saddhith) 19,19. ~ pp. abhirata, v. an-abhirata; *abhi- ranta, only in comp. yathabhirantam, adv. as long as you like or think fit 70,20 (v. yatha, ep. yathakimam). dur-abhirama, mfn. (q. 0.). *abhiramapeti, vb. (cars, II fr. last) ') to cause one to take his plen- sure with; pot, 7. sg. ~eyyam (raja- nam maya saddhim) 46,25, — *) to delight. to divert; part, f. pl. ~entiyo (itthiyo) 64,81. abhiripa, mfn.(— sa.) handsome, beautiful, lovely; #7. ~o (mahasamano) 76,31; acc. ~am (purisam) 10,25; f. «a (hamsapotika) 10,1, abhirthati, ob. (sa, abhi-yruh) to ascend, to mount (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (dantam, sc, nigam) Dh. 321; imo, 2. 89. ~a (pitthim me) 1,19; 2. pl. watha, 22,5; aor, 3. sg. Lys. 25,19 (navam); 3. pl. rithsu, 22,6; ger. *) xruyha, 20,13; >) vrubitva, 21,10, 61,18 (pabbata). abhilakkhita, mfn. (sa. abhi- lakshita, pp. abhi-ylaksh) fixed, de- termined for; m, ~o (mahii-uposatha- divaso) 22,19, abhivuddhati, ob (sa, abhi- vrdh) to increase; pr. 3, sg, wati yaso) Dh, 24, — pp. abhivaddha, 7. wath biranam ,the abounding Birana grass“, 107,32 = Dh. 335 (or have we to take this form as part, pr.? Trenckner takes it as pp. abhi-y/vrsh, cp. the readings ~vattam & ~ vuddham, Morris, JPTS. °86, p. 143). abhivadana, nn. or *abhivas dana. f. (sa, abhivaidana, n.) re- spectful salutation, reverence; 7a (to, loc, ujjugatesu) Dh. 108, ~ *abhiva- dana-silin, mfr, (cp. sa. °-gila) re- spectful; gen, m. wissa, Dh, 109. abhivadeti, vb. (caus, abhiva- dati, sa. abhi-/vad) to salute respect- fully (acc.); ger. ~etva (Bhagavantam) 68,17. 96,3. abhisamkhata, mfn. (pp. abhi- samikharoti, sa. abhi-sar-s-y/kr) pre- pared, cooked; gen, ~assa (sappi- madhu-sakkara-°, paydsassa) 61,36, abhisamkhara, (sa. abhisarh- skara) 1) preparation. *) development, exercise, practise; acc, ~am 68,36. 69,2. (iddha-°, v. next). *abhisamkhareti, ob. (caus. abhi-sam-s-/kr) 1) to prepare. *) to exercise, practise, effect (acc.); pot. 1. sg. ~eyyam (iddhabhisamkharam, yan exercise of miraculous power“ (v, iddhi) 68,36; aor, 3. 8g, ~wesi (id.) 69,2. abhisajati or abhisajjati, vd. (sa. abhi-\/saiij) to offend; pot. 3. ag. ~wsaje (yaya na,. kaiici, by words) Dh, 408, *abhisambujjhati (sa, *abhi- sam-ybudh) to gain perfect knowledge of; pp. ~buddha, part, ~budhana, v. below. *abhisambujjhana, ». (fr. last) enlightment, gaining the perfect know- ledge (possessed of a Buddha); °-kala, m. 63,7, abhisambuddha, mfn, abhisambujjhati, sa. id.) having attained perfect knowledge; m. pa- thamabhisambuddho (Buddho) ,,hav- ing just attained the Buddhaship“, 66,3. *abhisambudhana, mfn, (part, fr. abhisambujjhati, op. 8a. part, aor. budhina) who has learnt, understood ; m. «0 (kayam maricidhammam) Dh. 46. *abhisambhava, m. (fr, abhi- sambhavati, sa. abhi-sam-ybhi), reaching, attaining, — dur-abhisam- bhava, mfn. (q. v.)- ‘abhiseka, m. (sa. abhisheka) anointing, inauguration of a king; ace. wam karetva ,caused himself to be (pp. 3) amma anointed king“ 36,29; etassa imasmim rajabhisekakale, now when he is being anointed king, 11,6, abhisecana, n. (sa. abhishecana) — prec, vam (uliikassa) 11,16. amacca, m. (sa. amatya) a com- panion or minister of a king, courtier; ~0, 38,17; pl. wa, 40,9; acc. pl. we, 40,7; instr. pl. wehi, 39,31. — °-adayo, the courtiers and others, 102,5 (cp. di), sesimacce (ace, pl.), all his courtiers, 40,5 (v. sesa), mittamacca (pl.) friends and companions, 92,8, °-brahmana-gahapatike (acc, pl.) 9: all people of higher rank (opp. sabba- seniyo) 42,2 (ep. Fick, Soc. Glied. p. 93 & 164), %~sahassena (instr.) a thousand courtiers, 39,26. 62,8. °-pa- rivuta, mfn. 40,30. °-gana-parivuta, mfn. 39,98. %-parivarita, mfn. 112,26, sattimacca-satanuga. mfn. v. anuga. sAmacca, mfn. (q. .). amuka,. mfn. (fr. the pron, base amu-, = 8a. cp. asu & asuka) this or that, such and such a person (or thing) referred to without name; loc. m, ~as- mim okase, 75,6. (cp. ayam, 4.) amba, m. (sa. dmra) the mango tree (Mangifera Indica); wo. 37,23; gen, ~wassa, 37,1; pl. ~a, 100,13; ace, pl. we, 100,14; instr. pl, wehi, 2,10, — %-pakka, . (sa. *amra-pakva) a mango fruit; ~am, 36,31 — ambapha- lam, 36.54. °-panas’-Adihi, 2,20 (v. panasa & Adi). °-pindi, f. (sa. *amra- pindi) a bunch of mangos, acc, ~im, 15,2, °-labujidinama, 1,14 (v. labuja). %vana, w mango grove, loc, we, 77,20; 45,14 (Makhadeva-®, q.v.) 45,7 (Mw uyyane). %samika, m. the owner of a -mango tree, wo, 100,12. *ambho, indecl. (fr. ham + bhos, -cp. hambho & bho) *) a voc. particle: Hallo! (w. voc.), ~sdrathi, 43,91. *) exclamation expressive of anger or in- dignation (w, voc.), ~duttha-brab- mana, 33,16; ~purisa, 101,18. amma, indecl, (used in addressing a woman), v, nezt, amma, f, (sa. amba) a mother; ammana gen. ~Bya, 46,8; voc. amme is usually shorteued to amma: *) used by children addressing their mother, 9,19, 22,17; %) by any person addressing one (or more) women, 49,89 (a maid to her lady); 87,10 (a father to his daughter), ammana, m. (sa, armana ? cp. Childers 8. v.) a certain measure of capacity, a trough, a canoe; °mattena (instr. v. matta®) in a measure of an a- (pupphanam ~ abhippakinna-saya- na) 656,29. amha, amhi, ». atthi. amha(n), m. = asman (sa,agman) a stone; instr. wana, 104,6 (cp. Win- disch, Mara, p. 8 & 12), — amha-maya, mfn. (sa. a¢ma-maya) made of stone, hard; ace. ~am (manim) Dh, 161. ambaikam, amhe, etc., ». aham. ayam, pron. m. & f. (8a. ayam, f. iyam) m. ilar (82. idam), The other forms are taken from the base ima- or a-: nom. cg. m. ayam, 3,1, 6,3; by contraction with a preceeding assound : ciyum, 66.2; by elision : ‘fiyam 17,38. 37,30; Db. 56, or ’yam, 108,17; before palatals: ayan, 74,91, - f ayam, 21,17. 918 (ayn ca), - mn, idath, 16,15; ‘Idari, 67,3; imarh, 100,41. — ace, imath 2,8 (m.); 3,25 (f.); 17,1; Dh. 196 (im’) (”.). — instr. m. n. imina, 3,22; 54,15. f. imaya, 42,18; 75,35. =~ gen. (dut.) m. (n.) imassa, 2,99; 4,91; assa. 1.5; ‘ssa, 3,11; fh imissi, 3,3; 31,4; ussa, 48,26; 73,23 (ussa = assa ?); 87,10. — abl, m. asma, De. 220, - loc. m. (u.) imasmim, 1,13; 3.23; asmith, Dh. 242. ~ pl. nom. m. ime, 4,6; 66,25 (’m 2); 60,1" (ma-y-ime). — ace, m. ime. 41,22; f. ima, 2,9; nH. imiani, 8l,a7. — instr, m. imehi, 55,25. — gen, m. imesam, 2,6; 14,26. — lec, m, m. inesu, 31,16; 81,97, — *) this, this here (referring to a person or thing present or ta question) opp, paya, Dh, 220. 410. ~ *) referring to the preceeding, 67,» (ayam kho sa); 73,23 (ime divase, acc. pl. the last few days“). — 3) referring to the follow- ing, 67,3-10; 85,20. — *) — such, like 32 that, 31,6 (imam acchadanam); 2,¢ imesam sattanam, like us), 54,88 id.); repeated : uyaii ca ayafi 0a, 43,99; ideti cidai ca, 44,19 (ep. asuka, a- muka). — 5) combined w. pron, relat.’ y'ayath (= yo ayat) Dh. 56) yiyem (f.) 67,13; yad idam, 97,3. — ) ayam is sometimes used as pron. 3. pers., esp, the gen. 8g. assa, assd, enclit, = tassa, tassa (v. ta-). cp. eta- (esa). ayana, n, (= sa. ep. eti) walking, road, — ekayana, mfn. (q. 9.) ayas, m. (comp. ayo. nom, ayo, sa. ayas, n.) iron; instr. ayasa (= ayato, Comm.) 106,19 — Dh. 240. (cp. ayasa. mfn.) uyo-gula, m. (sa. ayo-guda) ao iron-ball; no, 107,11 <= Dh, 308. ayya, mfn. (ga. arya, cp. arya) honorable, worthy; m. so Devadatto, 75,4, — The voc. ayya is frequently used in respectfully addressing a person : 2,29, 4,3 etc, 33,1 (ayya *ti); pl. ayya (by addressing more persons) 21,10. 73,4; and oven the nom. ag. ayyo is used as voc. particle (ia both genders and numbers): 18,s-a1-95. (cp. uriya.) ayya-putta, m. (sa, drya-putra) the son of an honorable man, master; nom. ~0, 65,92; voc. na, 65,15 (de- signation of a master by his servant), ayyikd, (fr. ayya. sa. aryika, aryaka) grandmother; wa, 108,15. ayy, % aAyya. wrafita, n. (sa. aranya) a forest; acc, ~am, 6,7; abl. wato, 6,15; loc. ~e, 5,30; pl, ~ani, Dh, 99; loc. ~esu, 73,34. — *°-adyatana, n. a forest haunt; loc. we, ly. 8,30. — *%-tthdna, n. a place in ao forest; loc, we, 32,14, araha, mfn. (sa. arlia) deserving, worthy; m, pl, wa (,holy men“) 109,3. — pujaraha, m/n. (sa. pijirha) de- serving hommage; acc. m. pl. ~e, Dh, 195, — maharaha, mfn. (8a, mahirha), very valuable, precious, splendid; ~o (manto) 82,10; ace. wat (utta- maratham) 63,4; (sayanam) 112,2; 2 pl. wani (isanani) 61,25, (cp. next.) 33 arahat, m, (sa. arhat) a venerable person, a saint, an Arhat, who has reached the highest stage of sanctifica- tion from which he can enter Nirviina; nom, sg. araha (dasah’ afigehi sam- annagato) 82,14; gen, ~ato (Sam- masambuddhassa) 81,5; acc. ~antam, Dh, 420; pl. wanto (satta) the first seven Arhats, viz, Buddha himself, the paicavaggiya bhikkhi (q.v.), and ¥asa, 70,18; gen, pl, watam, Dh, 164, (op. arahutta.) arahati, vb. (sa. Varh) *) to be worthy of (acc, or inf.); pr. 3. 8g. ewati (kasavath, metrically — arhati) Db. 9; 2 sg, ~asi (mama vijite vasituth) 38,20; part. arahat (v. h.). — *) to he obliged to, to be able to (inf.); ko tam ninditum w~ati, »who would dare to blame him?“ Dh. 230, arahatta, n. (sa. arhatva) Arhat- ship (cp. arahat); acc. ~am. 89,16. *Arahanta-vagga, m. name of the seventh chapter of Dhammapada. ariya, mfn. (sa, arya, cp. ayya) honorable, noble; elect, holy; m. ~o, Dh. 270; acc. ~am (— aryam) Dh, 208; gen. pl. ~adnam (= aryanam) Dh, 22, 164. 206; instr. pl. ~ebhi, Dh, 162 bis; ~o atthaiigiko maggo, 67,3. 108,14; acc. 107,20. — *°-ppave- dita. m/n. preached by the elect; Joc, ne (arya-, dhamme) Dh. 79. — *0-bhumi, f. the world of the elect; acc, ~im, Dh, 236, — an-ariya, mfn. (q. v.). ariya-sacca, (sa. arya-satya) sublime truth; ~am (dukkham) 67,8 (the sublime truth [concerning] the pain); 67,12\(dukkhasamudayam, q. v.); pl. ~ani (cattari) 82,10. 107,18. *ariya-savaka, m. an elect or holy disciple; wo, 28,3. 71,5; ace. pl. ~e, 73,33, aru, ». (8d. arus) a wound; “*aru- kiya, m. a wounded body (or mfn. covered with wounds?) acc, vam, Dh. 147, aruna, m. (— 8a.) the dawn, the Pali Glossary. alika sun, — *arunuggamana, n, sunrise; abl, wa, 12,18. — *aruna-velia, f. (id.); loc, ~aya, in that very moment when the sun was rising, ib. (cp, veli). arhati, v, arahati. ala, .(?) (sa. ala, ep. ada) the claw of a crab; instr. wena, 4,35; instr, pl, ~wehi (kammara-sandisena re 5,3, alam, indecl, (= sa.) enough; 1) w. voc, ~ Devadatta, 74,94; ~Avuso, 76,1, — *) w. gen. pers, ~mayham, I have had enough, 28,24. — *) w. instr, ~ (vo ratanehi) 27,99; sometimes de- noting what a person dgn’t care for : ~etehi ambehi, 2,10. — *) w. dat, final. ~hi te aiianiya ~sammohaya, no wonder that you feel ignorant and confused, 94,4, alathkata, mfn. (pp. fr. nezt., sa. alarn-krta) adorned, decorated; m. rv, 45,30. Dh, 142; °-sirigabbhe, 41,24 (q. v.); °patiyatta, mfn. splendidly dressed or decorated (q. v.). alamkaroti, vb. (sa. alam-ykr) 1)to adorn; ger. witva (acc.) 20,9. 58,19. 63,4. — ®) to adorn oneself; ~itva, 19,13. — pp. alamkata, v. above, — caus. ~karapeti, q. v. alamkara, m, (= sa.) ornament, decoration; instr, sabbilamkarena alathkaritva, adorning it richly, 63,4; instr. pl. sabbilamkarehi, 58,18. — sabbilamkdra-patimandita, m/fn, ne (q. v.); %vibhusita, mfn, 61,7 qg. v.). i abaret vb, (caus, II. alarbkaroti) to cause to be decorated (ace.); ger. ~etva (maggam) 62,7. alapu, m, (sa. alabu) a gourd; pl. ~ini, Dh. 149. alika, mfn. (sa, alika) false, dis- pleasing. — m, falsehood, untruth; wath bhanath, speaking a falsehood, Dh. 264; na tassa ~am bhanitam (se. maya) I did not tell him a lie, 108,30; ~am bhasasi, 97,91 (— musa- vada). — alika-vadin, m/fn. lying, speaking a falsehood; acc, m, ~winam 44,9, 3 allapa allapa, m. (sa. alapa) speaking _to; -sellapa, m, conversation; wal ketvd, 6,92. cp. ‘ilapati. *allika. mfn. (probably fr. d-yli, ‘Glayaka-*dlyaka) adhering, devoted to, only comp, w. suk’ia-, v. kima- sukhallika-. alliyati, vb. (sa. a-y/li) to adhere; part, m. an-alliyznto. careless of (20. acc. kilesaratim) 46,19. ava, indecl, (= sa.) prefix to verbs and nous expressing ,down, back, aside, away“, Thie prefix is very fre- quently contracted to ,,o“, both after aaother prp. (ajjh-o-harati) and before a single or double consonant (okisa, okkamati); but after ,vi‘ we find it sometimes uncontracted (vavatthapita, ep. vohara etc.) and in comp. like an-avakasa, likewise before vowels (avekkhati). ep. ora, orima. avakasa, v. okasa. avaca, mfn. (= sa.) low (opp. ucca) v. uccavaca. avacara, m, (= sa.) only at the end of comp. = the sphere or dominion of, v. a-takkavacara. *avajalla, ». rajovajalla. avajanati, vb. (sa. ava-yjiia) to despise (acc.); pr. 3. sg, ~wati (metri causa) 103,30, avajiyati, vb. (sa. pass, ava-yji) to be conquered; pr. 3. sg, ~ati, Dh. 179. avatthita, mfn. (pp. fr. avati- tthati, sa. ava-\/stha) firm, steady. — an-avatthita-citta, mfn. (q. v.). avattharana, m., (sa. avastarana) spreading; Ceploying an army; ranio *%bhavam fiatva, ,when he saw that the king had deplsyed his forces“ 36,24 (cp. bhava). avattharati and ottharati, vb, (sa. ava-ystr) to spread, scatter about, overturn; to overspread, over- whelm (acc.); ger. ~witva (bhatta- patim) 34,13; (turiyabhandani) 65,5; uttharitva (sc. jalam, referred to the agens sakunikena) 88,34. — pp. otthata, overwhelmed, caught; loc. pl. ~esu ’ 34 (Mara-jalena) when they have been caught in Mara’s net, 88,85. avadharana, ». (= sa.) ascer- tainment, emphasis; ~am, the signi- fication of the particle ,kho“, 85,34. avasakkati, v. osakkati. avasarati, vb. (sa, ava-ysr) to proceed towards, to come (down) to; aor, 3. sg. tad avasari, 77,19. 81,9. avasina, n. (— sa.) conclusion, termination, end; loc. adv. we, at last, 34,8; comp. bhattakicci-°, 86,15; gatha-°, 87,1; desani-°, 89,2. Con- tracted : osina, °-gatha, f. a final stanza, acc. wari, 27,21. cp. parlyo- sana. avasittha, mfn. (sa. avacishta, pp. ava-ycish) left, remaining; 2. wat (sukaramaddavam) 78,14; ~am hoti (Zyum) 44,28; m. pl. wa ahesuih (dve jana) 33,21. avasesa, mfn, (sa. avacesha, x.) left, remaining; m. pl. 4, 7,14. 86,23 (opp. eka); gen. (dat.) pl. ~inam, 7.15. — avasesa-sigala (m. pl.) 40,21. *avassuta, mfn. (sa, ava-sruta or *ava-a-sruta. \/sru) ‘rotten, leaky’; metaph. lustful (cp, Jat. IV 20,22: an- avassuti piva (watertight) and SBE. X,13). — an-avassuta-citta, mfn. (q.0.), cp. an-ussuta & asava. avaharati, vb. (sa, ava-yhr) to take away (ace.); pr. 1. sg. ~imi (niham ambe jw, I did not take away) 100,14; pot. 3. sg. weyya (ambain) 100,12. — pp. avahuta, m. pl. wa, 100,13. *avapurapeti, vb. (caus. If. avapurati — sa, apa-yvr & apa-yvr) to cause to be opened; ger. vnetva (nagaradvarani) 39,25. cp. aparuta. Avici, m. (or f.) nom. pr. (= sa. m.) the last (lowest) of the eight great hells (cp. niraya); loc. wimhi, 27,14. avekkhati, vb. (sa. ava-yiksh) to look at, to look down upon (ace.); pr. 3. sg. ~ati (bale) Dh. 28; pot. 3. sg. ~eyya (attano katani) Dh. 50; part, acc. m. ~antam (lokam) Dh. 170. avhaya, m. (sa. dbvaya) appella- tion, name; only at the end of adj, comp., v. savhaya, asani, f. (sa, acgani) a thunderbolt, lightning; nom, sg. wi (natita) 17,22; loc, wiya (sise , patantiya) 39,10; °-vegena (instr.) hastily like 9 flash of lightning (cp. vega) 12,92, asil, m, (sa. asi) a sword; ace, wim, 111,93; instr, wind, 33,173 asi- satti-dhanu-adini (avudhani) 6,12; °-cammam, n, sword and shield, 75,15, asi’, pr. 2, sg. atthi (q. v.). asiti, num, (f.) (sa, agiti) eighty; Ccaturasiti —- 84 (sa, catur-aciti), °-vassa-sahassiini, 44,20, — *asiti-koti- vibhava, mfn, very rich, gen, m, wassa (setthino) 22,19. — °-sahassa,. m. pl. (bhikkhit) 80,000, 97,4. cp. asitika. asu, pron. mf. (sa. asau) n. adum (sa, adas) that; the other cases are tormed on the base amu- (cp. amuka). *asuka, mfn. (fr. last. cp, sa. amuka) this or that, such and such a person (or thing); loc. m. ~asmim (game) 92,14. — comp. °-kale, 88,33; °-gehe, 58,3. cy, amuka and ayain‘*). asura, m, (— sa.) an evil spirit, demon; pl, the opponents of the gods; nom, pl. wa, 59,24; acc. we, 59,95; gen. ~anam, 60,14; Joc. wesu, 60,17. — *0.kaniia, f. daughter ot the Asuras, ace. ~am (Sujam) 64,7. — *°-bhava- nam, #. the world of the A. 59,27, astu, asmi. »v. atthi. assal, m, (sa. agva) a horse; ace, wan, 65,17; pl. wa, Db. 94; ace. pl. ~e, 44,11; maiigalasso, a horse of state (v. mafigala) 24,29; valahassa-, a flying horse (v. valaha) 21,34 (°-yoni) ; sighasso ,a racer“ (v. sigha) Dh. 29 (opp. abalassa ,a hack“, v. a-bala). — °-diita, m. a messenger on horseback, 68,31. — *°-pota, m. a foal, 2,18 (°-ppa- mana, mfn.); — *°-bhandaka, horse trappings (saddle and bridle) 65,17, — °-ratana, mn. (coll.) valuable horses, 24,19. — %rajan, m. ‘king vf horses’ (Kanthaka) 65,19. — sala, f. a stable for horsee, 65,17. cp. assatara below. 35 aham assa’, pot, 3. sg. v, atthi. assa’, assa, pron. gen, v. ayam, assatara, m. (sa. acgvatara) a mule; pl, wa, Dh, 322, assama, m. (sa. Agrama) the hut of an ascetic; loc. we, 36,0, — °-pada, nm. & hermitage, a place where ascetics have made their huts; acc. ~am, 36,6. assava, mfn, (sa, agrava) com- pliant, obedient; f. ~& (gopi) 104,33; n, ~am (cittam) 105,2; pl. wa, 105,25. assaida, m. (sa. asvada) enjoy- ment, delight; a delicacy; acc, ~am 47,90 (opp. Adinava) 104,15. *assidana, f. (cp. sa, asvadana, n.) a delicacy, 104,14, assisa, m. (sa. Acviisa) breathing, inhaling; °passiso, inhaling and breathing forth, 80,59, assaseti, vb, (sa. caus. a-\/gvas) to cause to take breath, to comfort, to encourage (acc,); ger, wetva, 20,0, 40,29, assu, ”, (sa. agru) a tear or coll, tears; nom. sg, wu, 82,5. 97,28; Sum, 89,14; instr. wund (akkhibi paggha- rantena) 5,4. — °%mukha, mfn, with a tearful face, m, ~o (rodam) Dh. 67, aha, . (sa. ahar & ahan) a day. 1) at the end of comp. ekithen’ (instr.) in the course of one day, 57,8; ekaha- dviha’-ccayena, in a day or two, 32,24 (ep. accaya); ekahadviharh (acc.) one -or two days, 50,6; katipaham (q. v.) a few days, 7,27 ete.; dviha-tiham, two or three days, 36,6; sattaharh, seven days, 23,10. 66,4. — In some few cases we find -anha (fr, the weak stem ahan) ». pubbanha, sdyanha. — *) as the first part of comp. ‘aho’ (fr. sa, ahar) v, aho-ratta, aho-ratti. aham, pron, 1. pers. (sa. aham) ‘Tl’; nom. aharh (aham, ahan) 1,7. 2,3. 65,15; by contraction or elision : ham, ‘ham, 1,21. 7,9. 104,21; after the verb: janeyyabam, 94,91; Jabbami’ham, 108,25; patam’ aham, 108,96. — ace. 1) mam, 2,3, 13,15 (man’ti); ) mamanzh, 16,2. 47,10 (mamaii ca). — instr. (adl.) 3* ehimkara maya, 3,14. 4,96. — gen. (dat.) ") may: ham, 2,11-29, 3,9, 4,12 e¢e. *) mama, 1,17. 71,52 (mam’) 72,20 (mama-y-idam). 5) mamam, 72,20. *) me, 1,19. 2,9. 112,20 (m’); this form is also often substituted for other cases : == instr. 4,03. 45,5. 66,23. 90,25. — abl. 72,1. — loc, mayi, 19,29. — pl. nom. ') mayam, 1,8. 56,32 (= sg.). “)amhe, 21,30. — acc, amhe, 4,19. 73,5. — instr. (abl. amhehi, 6,15. 74,12. — gen. (dat.) } ambakam, 124. 4,4. 7) no, 11,3. 12,3. 56,33 (= sg.); substituted for instr. 54.15. — loc, amhesu, 4,11. — Com- bined w. pron, demonstr, es'ahatn, 63,19; acc. tam math, 103,2; gen. tassa me, 103.:3; w. pron. rel, pl. ye mayam, 105,23; gen. (dat.) yesan no, Dh, 200. — Constructions to be noticed: na te aham:, € am not among those, 72,22; tumie mam... janatha (se. pesakarasalarh gacchamanaz) 88,13; mama rattindivam ... na janami (sc. maranabhavarh) 88,22. ep. next. *ahimkdara, m. (fr. aham & kr, su, anamkara) the false view that there is an Ego, the first of the three anu- szyas (q. ¥.), explained fn the comm, by ‘ditthi’ (q. v.); 94,11: sabba-ahim- kara - mamimkara - maninusayanam khaya. Some Mss, nave here and in parallel passages the reading aharhkara (= sa, cp. SN. III 32,1-2 (vol. I p, 132)), which generally means ,selfish- ness, pride“, aho, indecl. (= sa.) an exclama- tion (w. nom. or a full) sentence) expressive of satisfaction or enjoyment, 42,17 (aho vata bho), 58,12 (~ puiia- nam phalamh), 86,9 (~ Buddhinam katha nama acchariyi), or of re- proach, 59,21 (~ andhabilasi). ahoratta, m. (sa. ahoratra) day and night; °-Anusikkhin, m/fn. study- ing day and night, ger. pl, ~inam, Dh, 226. cp. aha. i *ahoratti, f. (se. *ahoratri) = prec.; acc. sabbath wi, through the whole day and night, 107,25 = Dh, 387. 36 A. a, prp. (= 8a.) near to, towards, until; generally prefixed to verbs and their derivatives, but shortened to ‘a before more consonants, €. g. accha- deti, assaseti, allapa, etc. akamkhati, vb. (sa. a-/kaiiksh) to wish, to desire (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~ati (pacchasamanam) 82,26; part. med. m. ~amano, 79,11 (pif it should so wish“); ger. ikamkha (viragam) Dh. 343. akaddhati, vb. (sa. a-Vkrsh) to draw to or away with one’s self; ger. ~witva (hanukatthikena, by the jaw- bone) 40,18; 59,,. akappa. m. (sa. akalpa) gestures, manners; instr, wena, 49,8. akara, m. (= sa.) plenty, multi- tude; a mine; ganthakara, gq. v. ikara, m. (= 8a.) form, appearance, condition; sign, token, hint; manner, way; anekakara, mfn. multiform (ev. an-eka); apanetabbakara-ppatta, m/fn. intolerable (v. apaneti); patandkdra- ppatta, mfr. being on the point of falling out, 12,21; sabbakara-puari- punna, nifn. altogether perfect, 10,26; sabbakara-vartipeta, mfn. endowed with every grace, 81,1 (cp. vara); dvattihsakara, q. v.; chatakakara, sign of hunger, 41,8 (v. h.); olokita- karenéva (énstr.), at the first sign of her being looked at (?) 87,25; igamas nakara, 41,81 (how he had come back); afiienikiirena (/vstr.) in another way (9: wrong) 91,32, akiisa, m. (sa. akica) the air, sky; space; acc, warm, 14,16; énstr. mena, through the air, 19,17. 36,10; abl, wa, 33,6. ~ato, 32,113 loc, we, 11,19, 17,25, Dh. 254—5 (cp. bihira & SBE, X, p. 64 Note). — °-carika, mfn. going through the air, 35,35 (an. ~0). — °-dnaiiciyatana, n. 80,5 (v.h.). akifcanfia, n. (sa. akithcanya, fr, a-kifcana, q. v.) want of any possession, nothingness, °-Ayatana, 7. the abode of nothingness, non-existence, ace, ~amh, 80,7; ° -samipatti, 80, (v, h.), akirati, vb. (sa. a-kir) to scatter or sprinkle over (acc.); ger, witva (pathsum, filled them up with earth 40,6; (paidapatistni upari muddhani, the dust at his feet over its head) 77,8; pr. 3. sg. med, ~ate (rajam) Dh, 313, *“akoteti, vb. (sa, *a-V/kut, caus, cp. kotteti) to beat, to trample in (acc.); ger, wetva (pathsum) 40,6, aigacchati, vb. (sa, a-/gam & ga) to go, come, approach, arrive; to return, come back; pr. 3. 89. wati, 12,2; 1. 9g. ~ami (piidena) 98,2; 2. pl. wama, 23,19; — imp, 3. sg, ~atu, 4,23; 2. 89. wa, 75,7; 2. pl. ~watha, 75,9, 76,95; — pot. 3. pl. weyyurm, 101.9; — fut. 3. sg. Agacchissati, 15,6, and agamissati, 22,97, Dh. 121; 2, pi. agamissama, 23,19; — aor, 3. sg. agama, 18,34. igami, 57,14, aga, 114,29; 2. pl. dgamittha, 39,2; 3. pl. aga. mimsu, 73,31; — part. m. igacchanto (maggam) on the way, 28,12; 57,32; acc, ~antam, 2,31; acc. f. wantim, 49,4; — ger, agantva, 6,30, 7,5. 9,94. 10,8. 31,23; figamma (sa. aigamya) Dh, 87, 192 == 107,22, 61,19, 110,28; —~ pp. agata. gq. agata, mfn. (= sa, pp. fr, digac- chati) 1) come, arrived, returned; m, ~0, 4,24, 16,12; aco, ~am, 9,29; fre- quently used as finite tense : 9,27 (wo), 57,33 etc. Ggato’smi, 98,2; agat’amhi (f.) 73,18; — comp. mam tava santi- kam agata-kale ganhahi (when I have returned) 3,17; °-velaya (loc.) when he returned, 20,10; igatagata (m. pl. ratthavasino) who from time to time came, 18,5; bhava, m. coming, ar- riving, coming near, acc, wath, 40,17, 88,8; tthana, ». — dgatabhava | (cp. thana) acc, ~am, 19,18; °-matta, mfn, at one’s arrival, acc, m, tam ~wam, 33,98; adhunigata, m/fn. a new-comer, 37,15 (cp, adhuna); cira- gata, mfx. long absent, m, ~o (na ciragato — adhunagato?) 9,37. — 9) occurred, related (in quotations): 37 icikkhati Mahapadane °-nayena ,in the man- ner related in M.“ 63,12, — 5) known; dgatagama, m/fn. (= sa.) acquainted with the agamas (q. v.), m, pl, wa, 109,20, — an-agata, q. v. agama, m, (— sa.) *) arrival, ®) knowledge, science, esp. a sacred work containing traditional doctrine, the five Nikayas or Sutta-pitaka thus called by the northern Buddhists (who, however, know only fragments thereof); - -pitakam (suttasammatam) 110,53 = Sutta-pitaka, — fgatigama, mfn, v, above, igamana, n, (— 8a.) coming, arriving, returning; acc. wath, 22,98. 33,20, 87,8-96; °-bhiva, m. the having arrived, acc, wam, 9,14; akira, way of returning, 41,31 (q. v.). agamin, mfn. (— sa.) coming, returning; v, sakad-agamin. aigdra, n. (= sa.) a house, »v, agara, cp, an-agara, ighitao, m (=< 8a.) ‘striking, killing’; ill-will, inalice; wo (Devas dattassa Bhagavati) 74,82; °matta, nm, ~am pi nakisi ,not so much as an angry thought“, 40,1 (cp. matta®), acariya, m. (sa, acarya) a teacher; ~0, 16,23 (disapamokkho, brahmano); °-antevasike (acc. pl.) a teacher and his pupil, 32,21, — *acariya-bhaga, m, a teachers fee, 64,24 (~0), — *acar riya-vada, m, pl, ~a, the doctrines of old teachers, 113,27, — cp, aniia- thacariyaka, cara, mt. (= 6a.) good conduct, morality; silicaro, ,virtues“, 43,33; sila-gunicaro, a holy life, 28,54, — *ficara-kusala, mfn. perfect in beha- viour, m, ~0, Dh, 376, — an-acara, qe % acikkhati, vb. (sa, a-\caksh) to tell, communicate, explain, point out (acc.); to instruct (gen.); pot. 3. 8g. weyya (maggam mulhassa) 69,16; — aor, 3. sg. ~i (attham) 13,4; — ful. 1. sg. wissimi (cittarucitam tumhakam) 55,37; — imp. 2. sg. wa (maggam no) 56,33; — part. m. wan- dcinati to (kiranam) 37,32; — ger. witva, 53,13. 56,34. 58,2 (0. gen, -bhariyaya); an-acikkhitva (tesam) without telling them anything about it, 25,34. acinati &icinati, vb. (sa, i-yci, -cinoti) to gather, accumulate; part. m. Gcinam (Acinanto) Db, 121-22 (thokathokam), aichanna, mfn, (sa. Acchanna, pp. a-\/chad) — ucchanna, pp. accha- deti (q. ».) covered; m, bhasmachanno (pavako) covered by ashes, 106,23 = Dh, 71. *ajaiina, mfn. (= ajaniya, cp. sa. djaneya) of noble birth, wv. puri- sajaiifia. *ajaina, mfn. only in the comp, dur-ajana, gq. v. Gjanati, vb. (sa. i-Vjia) to un- derstand, to perceive; pr. 3. pl, ~anti (attharn) 90,30; aor. 3. sg. aiinasi, 57,9. 65,21, 87,25; 68,2. (w. double ac:.); ger, adiaya, Da, 275, 411; caus. Andpeti, q. +. -- cp. anna, f, and, f., dur-ajina, mfn. ajaniya, mfn, (sa. iijdineya) of noble birth, of good breed (a8 a horse); m. pl. i sindhava ,noble Sindhu borses*, Dh, 322, ajiva, m. (= sa.) livelihood; semmi-iijivo, the right way of suppor- ting life, 67,1. — suddhajiva, mfn. & suddhajivin, mfr. (q. t.). ana, f. (sa. *jia) ') order, com- mand; acc, wath, 39,35; — *°-sam- parna, n/fi, a ithoritstive, acc, m. wail (purisam) 10,26, — °) sentence of death, cap'tal punishmen;; ~am Katva, hav- ing passed sentence on (gen.) 42,7, — cy. anna, fi. Anapeti, vb. (denom. fr. ina, cp. 8a, Ajiapayati, caus. a-y/jna) to com- mand, to give orders (acc.); imp. 2. ég. ~ebi (purise) 75,3; aor. 3. sg. ~esi (manusse) 75,4. *Aatappa, n. (fr. a-\/tap, ep. *atapa, m. exertion) perseverance; ~ari kic+ cam ,you must make an effort“, Dh. 276. cp. ottappa, a. Ztipin. mfn (fr, Atipa, sa. Ataipin) 38 ardent, strenuous; used in connection with jhayin (g. v.), gen. 1. ~1n0 (brahmanassa) 66,20; m. pl. ~1N0, Dh, 143. ; atura, mfn. (— sa.) suffering, ailing; acc. m, warn (arukayam) Dh. 147; loc. pl, ~esu (manussesu) Dh. 198. — an-ftura. gq. v. a adana, n.(— sa.) 1) taking, seizing ; fi-dinnfidana (abl.) from taking what is not given to you 9: stealing, 81,22. — *) affection, greed; °-patinissagga, m. abandonment of affection, Dh. 89. cp. an-adana, sidana. adaya, ger. v. adiyati. Adi. m. (= sa.) ') beginning, start- ing-point; vom. tatriyam iidi bhavati, Dh, 375; idimkatva (dovarike, ace. pl.) from (doorkeepers) and upwards, 58,21 (cp. karoti); *ddi-brahmacari- yika, mfn. belonging to the principles or fundamentals of a religious life, n. walh, 93,711. — *) This word is very often used as the last part of comp. expressing ,et-cetera, and so on, and the like“. *) subst. pl. n. kasi-gora- kkhAdini, 21,3; naccddini, 65,1. ete. instr. °-Adihi, 18,98; 61,98 Seek loc. °-adisu. 64,29; rattin-divam-pu banhadisu, whether at night, day, morning or at other times, 88,23; 2. pl, °-idayo, 6,11; amaccdadayo, 102,5; f. gen. pl. khattiyakaifiidinam, 47,15. Such comp, occur also as the first part of a greater comp., 6,7 (muggaradi-), 47,13 (niluppaladi-), 65,22 (uyyanaki- ladi-), 88,32 (aniccidi-vasena), 113,30 (Sariputtadi-). — >) tandu- ladi ae) 111,31; ». pl, °-Adini (avudhani) 6,12; (punfani) 17,33; instr, m, pl, %adihi (phalarukkhehi 2,20; gen. n. pl. °-adinam founletas 1a. — 5) Similarly used, but uncom- pounded after ,ti* (or ti evar) 21,4. 73,30 (v. pl. aidini), In this way it is to be found even as adj, (tam yeva) ,sassatu loko ti Adina (instr.) nayena puttham panham, the question asked in that way by the words ,sas-+ sato loko“ efc,, 91,31. 24 adicea, m. (sa, Aditya) the sun; ~0, 107,23 = Dh, 387, — °-patha, m. the path of the sup, the sky, at- mosphere; loc. ~e, Dh. 175, --_°-ban- dhu, . a member of the Adicca- family, name of Gotama Buddha; instr, ~wuna. Db. p. 94, v. 3, *adinnavat, mfn, (sa, *a-dirna- vat, fr. a-\/dy, to split) one who has torn asunder; m. wva (narindo) w, acc. (siham), 112,31. iditta, mfn. (sa. aidipta, pp. a- dip) set on fire, burning; m. wo cakkhusamphasso) 70,90; . ~\ath, ib; om, pl. w& (rasa) 70,9. — °geha-sadisa, mfr. like a burning house, 65,11. (m. pl. wii). — °-panna- salam (acc.) a burning hut of leaves, 44,2, — °-pariyaya, m. name of a chapter in Vinaya-Pitaka, the Fire- Sermon, 71,18. *idiyati, vb. (sa, a-\/da) to take, seize; to accept, choose; to take along with, carry off (acc.); pr. 3, sg, ~wati (adinnath) 97,11. Dh. 246, 409 (adi- yate, med.); the formation adiyati (adeti is also to be found), which occurs only in comp. w. prp. a, upa efc., is possibly an old denominative form from ger, Adaya (or perhaps we have to suppose a weak form of the root; confusion w, sa. adriyate may also be admitted in some instances) cp. dadati & upadiyati. — ger, adaya, often used almost like a prp. w. acc. = with, together with etc, 2,4, 6,7. 12,98-29, 32,13. 48,30. 101,3. 106,3 = Dh. 49. Dh. 287; varam ~, choosing the best, Dh. 268. — pp. atta (sa. atta) g.v. [The passive form is always -diyati or -diyyati etc.] adinava, m. (== sa.) distress, mi- sery, evil result, disadvantage, danger; ~0, 67,31 (the evila of life); acc. ~walh, 47,93-29 (opp. assada); 68,20 (kimanath); 86,8 (opp. Aanisamsa). — *anekadinava, mfn. full of dangers, 23,7. adhipacca, nm. (sa. adhipatya, fr. adbipati) sovereignty, lordship; 39 anubhiva sabbalokidhipaccena (instr.) ,,the lordship over all worlds“, Dh. 178. dnaica, ». (sa. dnantya, fr. an- anta, g.v.) infinity; dkasinaiica, the infinity of space, °-ayatana, #. the abode (state af mind) of the infinity of space, 80,s-0; viiiiianaiica, the in- finity of ‘consciousness, 80,6-7. (con- tracted fr, viiiiana -+ anafica) cp, ayatana. : inantarika or Anantariya, mfn, (or inantariya, 2, — sa, dinan- tarya, »., immediate succession, /1, an-antara, q. v.) immediately follow- ing; *°-kamina, ». a deed which will bring retribution immediately (in this life) (= anantare yeva attabhave vipaccanakam kammam, Ss.), ~am (pathamam Devadattena upacitam) 76,5. — paiicinantariya-kamma, 2. sg. (coll.) the five crimes that con- atitute , proximate karma“, ~am (acc.) 97,19; such crimes are killing one’s father or mother, an Arhat or a Buddha; cp. SBE, XX, 246. ainands, m, (— sa.) " joy, plea- sure; ~0, Dh, 146. — ?) Ananda, m, nom. pr. the (younger) cousin of Gotama Buddha, his favorite di- sciple; wo (ayasma) 77,17, 90,28; (bahussutiinath [aggo]) 109,71; (ba- hussuto) 109,18; voc. wa, ace. warm, 77,16; gen, ~wassa, 90,23; °-savhaya, m. (q. v.) A._by nome, acc. wam, 109,15. — °) *Ananda, m. nom. pr. of a mythical fish, the king of the fishes; acc, ~am nama maccham, 10,28; ®maccham, 10,3. *anapeti, vb. (caus. IT fr. aneti, q. v.) to cause to be brought or fetched; ger. ~etva (Bodhisattam) 465,25. “inisathsa, m. (fr. *a-ni-/gams) blessings, profit, advantage; acc. ~am (w. loc. nekkhamme) 68,20; (vacisu- caritapatisamyuttarh) 86,9 (opp. adi- nava). — silanisarhsa-jataka, the tale of the blessings of virtue, 28,1, “anubhava, m. (fr. anu-bhava) power, extraordinary ability, esp, supernatural or magic power; acc, neti wath, 37,18; instr, wena, 16,3; m’ [— me] wena, :12,:0; iddbanubhav- ent, 27,26 (v. iddhij; devata-°, 17,25; deva-°, by the pcwer of the gods, 63,32. — mahinvbhava. mfn. of great right, ~o (Bhageva) 75,30; gen. ~assa (rafifio) 62,14. — °-sampanna, mfn, possessed of magic power; ~am (manikkhandham) 35,23. aneti, wb. (se. d-Vni) to bring, tu bring back (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. weti, 6,19; 2. pl. wema, 55,24; imp. 2. ag, wehi, 111,30; 2. pl. ~etha, 16,26. 57,1; pot, 1, sg. inaye (to recover) 31,35: aor. 8, pl. wesum, 24,21; way imsu, 24,29; 1. pl. Anayimhe (probably incorrect for anayimha) 18,23; inf. wetum, 49,91; ger. wetvd. 4,17. 6,15. 20,30; pp. anita. m. wo, 18,22. 22,29; f. ~@, 112,14; 2. wath, 49,20; 113,26 (idhanitath ,extant here“); caus. anadpeti, q. v. ipajjati, vb. (sa. a-\/pad) to get ip, to fall into (ace.); pr. 3. sg. wati (metri causa ~1) Dh. 309; aor. 2. eg. mi iipajji (vissisam) ,do not trust“, 30,12; Apadi, Dh. 272 (vissasa-mapadi), 1, sg. ipadim, 94,21 (afifianam ,I am at a loss“); 94,22 (sammobam ,f have become greatly confused“); ger. witvd (sathvegath ,in deep emotion“), ipana. m, (= sa.) a shop; abl, wi, 49,5; loc. we, 30,10. — sabba- gandhipana, m., a perfumery shop, acc, war, 48,31. — %samipena (instr, near the shop, 49,3, — °-dvaram (ace, the entrance of the shop, 49,23. aipatti, f. (= sa.) ') misfortune, 7) fault, transgression, offence; %-sfi- manti bhanamano, lit. speaking from tke neighbourhood of ~ 0! ,when he is in danger of committing an offence by the words he says“, 83,1 (cp. simanta), aipana, 0. (= sa.) drinking, ban- quet. mandala, ». ao , banqueting pavillon, 62,14, aipucchati., vb, (sa,' a-\/prach sto ask, to offer (cp. pucchati). 3 te take leave, to bid farewell (w, ace, 40 pers.); ger. witva (rajanarh) 6,17; (brahmanam) 9,24. — Zbadha, m. (— sa.) paio, sickness; ~o (kharo) 78,24; acc. ~am, 78,30. Db, 138. : abharana, n. (— sa.) decoration, ornament, — eabbabharana-bbusita, f. (adj.) decorated with every kind of ornaments, 112.1. abhassara, m/fn. (sa, abhasvara) shining, bright; m. pl. wa devia, name of a class of gods, Dh, 200, abhati, vb. (sa, d-ybha) to shine, pr. & sg. ~ati (rattirn candima) 107,23 = Dh, 387. *amat, indecl. (cp. sa. im) yes; ~ deva, yes sire! 31,8; ~ bhante, 99,18; Amati, 44,5. After a negative question : no, 31,30 (Ama na sakkomi), ama’, mfn. raw, uncooked, unbaked, unripe; 2. ~wam (pattam) 104,6. ~ amaka, mfn, id. (v. next). *amaka-susana, m. a cemetery where the dead bodies are left unburned; nom, wam 65,10; acc. ~am. 39,33. imanteti, vb. (sa. a-\ymantr) 1) to address, to call, speak to, tell, command (acc.); aor. 3.89. ~esi, 32,34. 44,22, 66,24, 80,1; ger. wetva, 9,1 53,1. 63,3. — *)to bid farewell, te take leave (w. gen.); pr. 1, 8g. ~ayami (vo) 80,1. Aamisa, . (sa. imisha) ') flesh, meat, food, — *) carnal lust, lokdmisa, n. ythe baits of the world“; vanta- lokimisa, mfn. (q. v.). ayatana, n. (— 8a.) ') dwelling. place, home, abode; arafinad-°, abode in a forest, loc, we, 1,4. 3,30. = *) the six senses (v. saliyatana) each of which containing *) the organ of sence (viz, cakkhu. sota, ghana, jivha, kaya, mano) >) the contact with the object of sense (samphassa) °) the perception by means of the consciouss ness (vifiiana); cakkhu-samphassa- vinianiyatanam, the sense of sight, 72,1; sota-s, efe, 72,9, 12. 15. 16. 17, the sense of hearing etc. — 5) stage (stute of mind) of ecstasy or religious meditation; akis&naica-°, the abode of infinity of space, 80,5; viiiianafici-®, the abode of infinity of consciousness (cp. anaiica) 80,6; dkiiicanha-° (¢g. v.), ~ of nothingnese, 80,7; neva-saia- naisanna-° (q. v.), ~ of neither per- ception nor non-perception, 80,8, ayati, f. (— sa.) the future; acc. adv, ~ith, in the future, 75,26. 95,11. ayasa. mfn, (= sa.) made of iron; n. wat (bandhanam) Dh, 345, ep. ayas. ayasmat, m(fn). (sa, iyushmat) ‘possessed of long life’, used in ad- dressing or mentioning an older vene- rable person, esp, an Arhat or Thera (q. v., ep. 79,10); m2. nom, wma, 77,17, 96,a-24; voc. wma, 79,10; acc. ~man- tath, 77,15-16; instr, wata, 96,25; gen. ~ato, 70,17 (tassa wato, without nom, pr.); cp, ayu. ayati, vb. (sa, a-Vya) to come, to return; imp, 1, pl, ayama, come! let us go (in summoning a single or more persons), 77,16 (a€yam’ Ananda); part, ayanta: an-ayanta, mfn. not returning, loc, pl, ~wesu, 111,15, ayu, ” (sa, ayu & ayus) life, duration of life; nom. wu, Dh, 109; «um avasittham, the rest of his life- time, 44,28; acc. ~um, Dh, 135, ep. ayasmat @& next, *ayuka. mfn. (fr. ayu) living (at the end of comp.), yavatiyukam, adv. (qg. v.). ayudha, n. (= sa, cp. avudha) a weapon, — naddha-pajicdyudha, mfn. ,equipped with the 5 weapons of war“, m, ~0, 111,16. ayoga, m. (— sa.) employment, occupation (2. loc.); ~o (adhicitte Dh, 185. (cp. Fausbéll, Bem, p. 36. aragga, v. ara, airakkha, m. (sa. araksha) a guard, protection; ~o, 17,17; acc. ~am (te gahetva, protecting you) 17,15; ~am (galham) a close guard, 48,15, ~am thapesi, 60,36, ~ *arakkhittbi, f a woman on guard, loc, wiya, 49,36. — *0-manussa, m. a watchman, instr, 41 frima pl. ~ehi (nirokise thine) 41,99. — *gahitarakkha, mfn. carefully guarded, loc. n. we (bhavane) 41,28; m. pl. wi (mayil) 42,6. araddha, mfn. (sa. arabdha, pp, arabhati, g. v.) begun, undertaken. *O_viriya, mfn, exerting one’s strength, energetic; acc. m, wath, Dh. 8; acc. pl. m. we (savake) 108,19. arabbha, ger. (fr. arabhati, sa. Grabhya) having begun; generally used as prp., w. acc, — about, con- cerning, 28,3, 84,28; santim ~, keep- ing the tranquillity (of Nibbana) in view, drabhati, wb. (sa, a-rabh) to begin, to undertake (w, inf.); aor. 3. sg. ~bhi, 10,15, 113,94; 3. pl. wimsu, 28,9; — ger. drabbha (q. v.) — pp. araddha, began, m. ~o, 17,21; f. wa, 51,9; — part. gen. m. drabhato (vi- riyam dalbam) Dh. 112 (cp. araddha- viriya). irammaua, . (probably another form for alambana, q. v.) base, sup- port; object of sense or thought, — *buddharammana, mfn, having its support in Buddha, f. ~a piti (q. ».), delightfully thinking on or putting confidence in B., 28,8; acc. ~am pi- timh, 28,6-9, ara}, f. (= sa.) an awl, needle; dragga, n. (sa. aragra), the point of an awl or needle, loc, we, Dh. 401; abl, ~a, Dh, 407. (cp. agga.) ara*, adv, (sa. arat) far, tar off; Dh. 253 (w. abl. dsavakkhaya). Giridheti, vd. (sa. a-Vradh, caus.) 1) to conciliate, propitiate (acc.); aor. 3. sg. ~wesi (raiiiio cittara, ,won the heart of the king“) 96,27. — *) to gain, achieve (acc.); ellipt, to be done for; pot. 3, sg. ~aye (maggam) Dh. 281; aradhe — aradheyya (w. abl. kakka- taka) 5,29, arama, m (— sa.) a grove, a pleasure garden, a monastery; loc, we, (Anathapindikassa) 71,31; °-rukkha- cetyani, ygroves and sacred trees“, Db, 188 (cp. cetiya). — titthiyarima, Briya the heretics’ grove, ccc. wath, 73,3. — paribbijaki-°, the grove of the mendicant friars, abl. wa, 29,93. Griya. mfn, (Db. 208) v. ariya. aruyha, arulha, », arohati. frogya, n. (= sa. fr, a-roga, q. v.) health; @rogya-parama labha, health is the greatest profit, Dh, 204 (cz. labha). ‘aroceti, vb. fcaus. a-\ruc) to tell, communicate, explain (acc., gen. pers.); to speak to, say to (gen.); aor, 3. sg. ~wesi, 6,23. 7,4. 62,4; 3. pl. wesum, 8,2; ~ayimsu, 73,38; ~- imp. 8, sg. wetu, 79,25; 2. sg. wehi, 15,32. 98,3 (me rathaia); — ger. ~wetva, 58,18; — pp. arocita; tumhehi °-saiinaya, on account of your application to me, 25,18 (cp. sania) — caus. II, *airo- capeti, to cause to be tuld or announ- ced, to make known, publish; aor. 3. sg. ~iipesi (manussaaam) 8,6; (Bha- gavute kalani, aanounced the hour for the n.eal)) 78,3; - ger. wapetva (raific) 37,11. iropeti, vb. (caus, II. a-yruh, cp. drohati) ') to cause to ascend, to cause to be placed (w. double acc.), to put on board; ger. wetva (tath mama pitthim) 1,12; (tam [sc. ndvam]) 19,27, 29,4. (maiicakam [sc. nam}]) 73,26 (having placed her on a hand- barrov’), -- #) to cause io increase; inf. wetum, comp. wetu-kaima, mfn., instr. pl. wehi (avannam Gotamassa, » Wanting to bring disgrace upon G.“) 74,12, — pp. dropita, undertaken, be- gun(?), ™. wo (satako) var. lect. (Colombo Ed.) 87,11. Girohati & adrthati (aruhati), vb. (sa. fi-/ruh) to ascend, mount, to climb up on (acc.); ger. *) aruyha (ratham) 7,5; (sayanam) 53,33. >) a- rohitva (suvanna-padukayo , putting on his gilt slippers“) 68,2. — pp. arulha, *) having ascended, pl. Aa (manussi) 76,29; acc. m. sg. vam kathaimaggam, the exposition of the doctrine contained in (acc. safigiti- ttayamh) 113,29. ') ascended (pass.); 42 hip with him tena °nfivaya (gen.), & 8 i ve Gale II. airopeti on board, 24,15, — caus, q. v.). ( niet vb, (sa. d-y/lap) to ad- dress, to speak to (acc.); pr. 3. 89. wati (therarh) 85,28; aor. 3. pl. witsu, 73,3. cp. allapa. alambati, vb. (sa. a-y/lamb) to cling to, to lean upon, to support one's self on; ger. wiya (panioa bhamirm) 112,28. alambana, m. (= sa., cp. aram- mana) depending on, supporting; ob- ject of sense, *Ailambani, f. (adj.), hanging down; rajju vilambani, like a rope for clinging to 0: a weak sup- port, 47,27. ailambara, m. (sa. idambara) a sort of drum; acc. wath, 67,39. filaya, m. (= sa.) ') house, dwelling. — #) longing, desire; pl. wi. Dh. 411. — an-dlaya, m. (q. v.). - 8) dissimulation, pretence; ace. gilan’s alayam katva, pretending to he ill, 49,22. — cp, alliyati._ Alavi, f. (sa. Atavi) nom. pr. of a town; acc. with, 86,14. °-visino (pl.) the inhabitants of A. (cp. vasin). alasiya, m. (sa. dlasya) sloth, want of energy; acc. ~am, Db. 280. alikhati, vb, (sa. 4-y/likh) to delineate, to paint; ger. witvd (sasa- lakkhanam) 16,17. alifigati, ob. (sa, a-\/ling) to embrace; ger, witva (aiiiamannath) 49,11, dloka, m. (= sa.) light; instr. ena, 101,7; dipilokena, by the lamp- light, 41,27 (cp. dipa’). — *aloka- sandhi, m. a window, casement; »-kannabhaga, 84,19. Bloleti, vb. (sa, a-ylud, caus.) to stir up, to agitate, shake (acc.); ger. ~etva (ghatam) 56,28. *alha, f.(?) a rope or cord(?) ep. Mahratt. adha (or adha); this word is probably akin to dlhaka (or alha) m. (= sa, adhaka), ') a post to which an animal is bound, *) a measure of capacity, — *alha-baddha, mfn. (or alha + abaddha?) secured to a post by a cord, ,spell-bound“(?), m, ~o (naro) 111,10, ivajjati, vb. (sa, a-Vvrj) *) to reflect, consider, to think about (acc.); part, m. gen, ~wantassa, 44,39 (pha- lita-patubhavam); part, med. m, ~amano, 15,8. — *) to observe, main- tain; part, ~anto (attano silam) 15,1, caus, v. next, dvajjeti, vb. (caus, Givajjati) to turn over (acc.); fut. 2. pl. wessatha (imath (dadhighatam)) 35,18, aivattati, vb. (sa. A-y/vrt) to ree turn; ger. witva (hinaya-°) returning to the world (cp. hina) 69,27. fivaha, mfn. (= sa.) bringing, producing; sukhavaha, mfn. bringing happiness, m. ~am (cittam guttath) Db. 35; *hitavaha, mfn. id, f. sabbaloka-hitavaha, 113,ss. *Avata, m. (cp. sa, avata) a hole in the ground; ace. pl. we (khanitva) 39,32, %mukha-vattiyam, 40,9 (0, vatti). aivisa, m. (== sa.) 1) dwelling, living; gharavasa, the household life, acc, ~ath, 64,93; pl. sattavasa (nava) the 9 forms of existence, 82,13 (v. satta ?). — #) intercourse; manussavasa- karana ,because I have had to do with men“ 112,10, — 5) a convent (vi- hara), Joc. pl. ~esu, Dh, 73, — dur- avasa (q. 2.). avaha, m. (— sa.) marriage, giv- ing a son away in marriage (opp. vivaha, g. v.); ace. wat, 55,21, °mafigala, m, nuptial festival, Joc. we, 112,15, avi-karoti, vb. (sa. avish-/kr) to reveal, disclose; part, m, ~kubbam (rahokammam) 54,17. Avijjhati, vb. (sa. a-\/vyadh) to encompass, to mark the boundary of (acc.); ger. (used adverbially w. acc, — all round) witva (khettam) 8,8. avila, mfn. (— sa.) turbid, not clear; an-avila, mfn. (q. ¥.). avunati, vd. (sa. a-\/ve, but con- founded with A-yvr) to string (a8 43 jisava beads); ger, ~itva (macche valliya) 14.23, avudha, 2. (sa. dyudha) weapon; nom, ~am, 112,20; acc. warm, 36,27; pl. sini, 6,19. — °-hattha, m/fn. armed, m, pl. ~8, 6,7, — pafiidvudha, the weapon of knowledge, instr. wena, Dh, 40, ) ww. doe. Grakkhitthiya aw, 50,1; (ger. 8a, upa- Rajagaham ~muddhani, 77,8. — *) adv, = further, moreover; 47,17, — 5) comp, °-pasada- vara-tala-gata, f. ,having ascended to the roof of the palace“, 64,19; cp, next & uparima, mfn, uparibhaga, m, (= sa.) the upper part or portion of something; loc, uparibhage (prp, w. gen.) = above, 13,23 (tassa ~), cp. uparima, *uparima, m/fn. (fr. upari) upper- most, topmost; °-bhaga, m, — upari- bhaga; loc. (prp. w, gen.) we (raniio) above, 40,25. upaladdhi, f. (sa. upalabdhi) supposition, false opinion; sattipa- laddhi (qg. 2.) 91,13-s9. upalabhati, vb. (sa, upa-Vlabh) to find, to perceive; pass, upalabbhati, pr. 3, 8g. yis to bo found“, 97,3, (u'tipa- labbbati) 97,7. — upaladdhi, f. (g. v.). upalitta, mfn. (sa, upalipta, pp, upa-vlip) besmeared, anointed; an- upalitta, mfn, (q. v.). upavana, » (= sa.) o small ‘forest, a grove, garden; °-arajifiesu (loc. pl. dvandva-comp.) yin the parks and in the woods“, 73,94. upavisati, (or upavisati) vb. (sa. upa-yVvic) to sit down; aor. 3. sg, upavisi (w. acc, rukkhamulam) 110,29. *upasamvasati, vb. (sa. *upa- sam-y/vas) to live together witb, to keep company with (ace.); pot, 2, sg. ~vase (Sakhath) 7,33, upasamhita, mfn. (= sa, pp. upa-sam-/dha) connected with, ac- companied by; sacc’-Qpasamhita, m/fn. true, %. ~wam, 9,31. upasagga, m., v. upassagga. Yupasamkamati, vb. (sa. upa- saih-Vkram) to go to, come near, approach (acc.); pr. 3. pl. ~wanti, 21,2; — pot. 1. sg. ~eyyam, 71,37; — aor. wi, 68,2; — inf. witumh, 8,19; - ger. witva, 6,14. 19,95; — pp. m. ~kanto (idh’) 75,25. upasanta, mfn. (sa. upacanta, pp. upa-/cam, cp, upa-sammati) calm, tranquil; m. ~o, Db. 201. 378; gen. ~assa, Dh, 96, 53 upahata upusama, m. (— 8a.) becoming quiet, tranquillity of mind; gen. ~wassa, Dh, 205; dat. ~fya (samvattati) 66,20, 93,8; dukkh’-tipasama-, ,,quiet- ing of pain“, 107,20 = Dh. 191 (%~gi- minam maggamh); nekkhamm’-iipa- same, Joc, ,in the repose of retirement (from this world)“, Dh, 181; vitakk’- Upasame, Joc. yin quieting doubta*, Dh, 350; samkhar’-iipasamam, ace, cessation of existence, Dh. 368. *upasampada, f. (fr. upa-sam- ad) 1) taking, acquiring; Dh. 183. acquiring a priest’s order, ordination of a priest; 70,17. 97,16; acc, wam, 70,15. — laddha-pabbajj’-tpasampada, mfn, having obtained admission to the order and ordination, m, ~0, 89,16 (cp. pabbajja). upasammati, vd, (sa. upa-cam- yati, cam) to become quiet; pr. 3. sg. ~wati, Dh. 4, (tes'Upasammati — tesarh upa-°), Dh, 100; pp. upasanta (q. v.), cp, upasama, upasussati, vb. (sa. upa-Vcush) to dry up (by degress); pot, 3, 8g. ewaye (n’tipa-°) 103,19, upasevati, v6. (sa. upa-ysev) to frequent, visit; to serve, worship; to have sexual intercourse with (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati, (aiiiath) 9,28. upasevin, mfn. (= sa.) serving, worshipping; devoted to, coveting; m, para-dariipasevi, ,,who coveta his neighbours wife*, Dh. 309, upassagga, m. (— upasagga, 8a, upasarga) an accident, misfortune; acc, ~am (var. upasaggath) Dh. 139. upassattha, m/fn, (sa. upasrshta, pp. upa-ysrj) afflicted, plagued; n, e~am vata bho! ,,how stifling is it all! aes — an-upassattha, m/fn. q. v.). upahaiiati, vb. pass. (sa. upa- yhan, pass.) to be afflicted, oppressed; pr. 3. 8g. ~wati (cittam) 97,36; pp. v. neat, upahata, mfn. (sa. pp. upa-Vhan) struck, beaten; injured, afflicted, pained; m. ~0 (kamso, ,brokea“), Dh, 134, upahira upahara, m. (= sa.) ') receiving, acquiring. *) offering; present, obla- tion; an-upahara, m. (q. 0.). upagacchati, ob. (sa, upi-/gam) to come near, approach (acc.); to re- turo; aor, 3. sg. wgaiichi, 112,1; wgami, 103,4, 112,04. 114,82; — pp. upagata, m. «0, ,rushed at her“, 111,92. upaiddna, mn, (= sa.) ') taking, grasping, clinging to existence, the 9th link of the paticcasamuppada (q, ».), originating with tanha, 66,9 (tanha- paccayi sari) aud causing bhava (~paccaya bhav», ¢b.), — paiie’ upa- dina-kkhandha (m. pl.) ,the fivefold clinging to existence“, 67,11 (v. khan- dha). — upadana-nirodha, m. 66,16 | (cp. corrections), — upay’-upadana, 96,10-11 (q. ¥ — *) fuel; tina-katth’- upadinam (a@’c.), the fuel of grass and wood, 94,36. cp, next. upadiyati, vb. (sa. upi-da) ') to take with, include, comprise, *) to grasp at, cling to the world; pr. 3. sg. ~diyati (uvayupadanaih, g. v.) 96,12; — part, med, updidiyana, m. an-upa- Giyina, ycaring for nothing’ Dh, 20 (cp. S3E. X, 8.); — ger. upadiya {often used as pry. == including, on account of, iv comparison with, ete.]: an-upfidaya, having become free from attachment, 69,23: Dh, 89 (ratii), 414 (nibbuto); anupidiiya is sometimes shortened to anipiida (adv) = abso- jutely, completely, 94,12 (vimutto). [The passive form is upadiyati or upidsyyati, ep. adiyati.] upfya. m. (== sa.)' means, expe: dient, way; 0 1,10. 43,26; instr. ~ena, by some means or other, 25,35. 26,16, 33,23 — eken’ upityena, 4,1; imina (eten’) upayena, by these means, 55,8, 58,23; ten’eva (eten’eva) upa- yena, in the same way, 2,94, 23,29; yena tena upayena, anyhow, at any pre, 1,9; an-upayena, ,by misguided means“, 34,17-20, — *upaya-kusala, mfn. skilful, clever; m. <0, 25,11. 40,16. — *upayupadiina, n. (cm. pl.) seems 54 to denote the coveting and grasping of (wordly things), ace. wall (na upeti na upadiyati) 96,11; upayupadani- bhinivesa-nibandho (adj. ayam loko yebhuyyena) 96,10 9: (upon the whole this existence is only) a chain of cove- ting, grasping, and clinging to (the world), cp, abhinivesa. — *upayasa, m. (cp. sa. iyasa) despair; pl. (dvandva comp.) ~a, 66,11-17; instr. pl. vehi, 70,30. — sa- upiydsa, mfr. coupled with despair, n ~wam, 94,2. Upali, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. of a thera; °-pandito (aggo vinaye) 109,7; ace. ~im, 109,15; °thero satima, 1098. upavisi, ». upa-visati. upasaka, n. (= sa.) a faithful layman, a lay disciple of Buddha; wee. wa, 28,14; acc. cam, 28,3. 69,20; pl. nwa, 28,15. upaihana, f. (sa. upinah) a shoe, sandal; acc. pl. wi, 82,17. upeta, mfn. (= sa.; pp. fr. next) who has arrived at, entered into; pos- sessed of, endowed with (tw. acc, or instr, ov at the end of comp.); m. ~o ieeloes yfull of sloth“) Dh, 280, damasaccena) Dh, 10 (opp. apeto); — pinupeta, fn. lifelong, v. pana; vanna-gandha-ras'Upeta, mfn. endowed with beauty, odour, and flavour, m. ~0(ambo) 37,30; sabbikarayar'tpeta, mfr, v. dkira. upeti, vb. (sa. upasyi) to go to, approach, enter into (acc.); abs. to fit the case; pr. 3. sg. weti (nirayam) 74.15 (upfiyupadanam) 96,12; (gab- bham, to the born) Dh. 325; na upeti, 94,14 (,it would not fit the case“); pr, 1. pl, ~ema (saranam tar, take refuge in thee) 105,91; — fut. 2. sg. upehisi (jatijaram) Dh, 238 = 348; 1. sg. upessam (gabbhaseyyam) 105,20; ~ ger. upecca, 110,30; — pp. upeta, g. v. (cp. upaya). uposatha. m. (sa, upavasatha) fast, fast-day; holy day, sabbath (oc- curring four times in the month), ~0, 14,17 — *-divaso, 14,16; maha-°, 22,20; punnamuposathadivaso, 22,19 (the fullmoon-holiday); acc. am, 22,20. *°-kamma, 7. the fast-day ser- vice, mom, acc. wam, 14,13. 22,16, *O-afigani (pl.) the holy day vows, 61,7 (cp, Sp. Hardy, Eastern Mona- chism), *uposathika, mfn. (fr. uposatha) one who observes the sabbath, fasting; m. pl, wa, 14,18, uppajjati, vb. (sa. ut-\/pad) to arise, originate, begin, appear; to be be produced, to be found; pr, 38, sg, ~ati, 19,1 (yava~, until he appeared); 25,32; 27,4 (saddo); 35,12 (me duk- khath, I am annoyed); 53,10 (me bhayam, I fear); 70,27 (-paccaya, from); 96,13; 99,2 (is born); part. med. ~mana, » dukkham uppajja- manam uppajjati, whenever something arises, then it is pain that arises, 96,13; aor. 3. sg. udapadi, 8,9, 68,26, 78,31; uppajji, 25,21, 45,1. 78,24, 89,10; — ger, witva, having been produced, 80,20; — pp. uppanna, q. ¥.; — caus. uppadeti, g. v. (cp. upapajjati & next), uppatati, vb. (sa, ut-ypat) to fly up, leap up; to rise, ascend; aor, 3. sg. uppati (akase) 11,9; ~ ger, mitvi, 2,5-21. 21,36, 35,24; — pp. wita, m. ~0, 3,30; acc. wath (kodhath) 106,33 == Dh. 222, uppatti, f. (sa, utpatti; fr. uppaj- jati) arising, origin; thanuppatti, q. v. uppada, m. v. uppada. uppanna, mfn, (pp. uppajjati, sa, utpanna) arisen, produced, born, m, ~0, 1,23. 2,30 (dohalo); 42,5 (coru- padauyo): 62,24 (putto); loc, m. ~e (labhasakkare) 72,28. uppala, m. (sa. utpala) a lotus- flower, esp. the blue lotus; ~am, Dh 55; niluppaladi-kusuma-, 47,13. *"Uppalavanna, m. (sa, *Utpa- lavarna) nom, pr. of a deva in Sakka’s heaven; gen, ~assa (devassg) 110,97. uppada, m. (sa. utpada) arising, appearance, coming into existence, 55 ubhayattha birth; ~o (Buddhanam) Dh. 194; 182 (metri causa: uppado); abl. na (phalitass’) 44,31; — *uppada-vaya- dhammin, mfn, subjected to genesis and destruction, a, pl, wino (satb-. khara) 80,28, — anuppaidadhamma, mfn, (v. an-uppada, ~ Buddhuppada, m, (q. v.). uppadeti, vb. (caus. uppajjati, sa. utpadayati) to give rise to, to con- ceive, feel; to bring forward, produce, obtain, gain (acc.); aor. 3, 8g. ~wesi (rucith tayi, ,fixed her choice on you“) 10,12; (visam satasahassath, ,,gained two millions“) 23,9; 57,9; (ruhiram, nmade to bleed“) 76,1; 2 sg. esi (id.) 76,4; — ger, ~etva (dohalam, having conceived a longing for (Joc.)) 1,6. 2,28; (karuiiiiam, ,,felt compassion with“ (oc.)) 16,31; (rucim pabbajjaya) 64,2; (avannam Gotamassa, ,,bring- ing reproach on G.“) 72,33; — pp. uppadita, ». ~am (ruhiram) 76,7; °-dhanam (acc.), the money which he had earned, 57,35, ubbigga, mfn. (sa. udvigna; pp. ubbijjati, sa, ud-y/vij) frightened, anxious; mm. x00, 75,17; ace, wath, 75,18. *ubbedha, m. (cp. sa. udviddha, mfn. & vedha, m. depth) height; yojana-sahass’-ubbedha, mfn. 1000 leagues high, m, wo, 60,24. ubbhata, mfn. (sa, udbhrta, pp. ud-/bhr) carried away or out, drawn up; ma, a okamokata) Dh. 34; pl. wa (maccha udaka thalam) 15,14 (cp. uddharitva, 14,23). ubbhijjati, vb. (pass. ubbhin- dati, sa. ud-\/bhid) to break out, to sprout; ger. ubbhijja (titthati stands sprouting“ (lata)) Dh, 340. ubhaya, mfn, (= sa.) both; instr. m, ~ena (saiiiamena, on account of both sorts of abstinence 0: abstinence and noneabstinence) 85,19; ”, wari, adv. both, Dh, 404 (c'tbhayam); comp, ubhaya-nagara-vasinath (gen, pl.) 62,9. ubhayattha, adv. (sa. ubhayatra) ubho sn both places, in both cases; 107,26 — Dh. 15—18, ubho, mfn. pl. (sa. ubhau) both; m. ubho pi, 5,12. 43,18; ubho pi te, 74,2 = Do. 306; ubho (gihi pabba- jita) Dh. 74;. , udho ,both sides*, Dh. 269; ace. mt. vbho (ante) 66,28 == 96,17; ubho safigam (puiiai ca papa ca) Dh. 412, cp. saiga (Tr. P.M. p. 82); ubho (attham anatthan ca) Dh, 256; instr. m. ubhohi (hat- thehi) 27,19; gen. mn. ubhinnam, 43,29. 58,9; loc. smn. ubhosu (passesu) 40,5, ummara, m. (sa. umbara, cp. mahratt, umbar&) a threshold (cp, indakhila); loc. we, 65,15. ummujjati, vb. (sa, ud-ymajj) to emerge; pr. 3. pl. wanti, 25,26, = ummujja-nimujja, m(?) emerging and diving; acc. ~am karonti (udake) 25,23 (cp. sa. unmrjivamrja). uyyati, vb. (sa. ud-ya) to go out (away); imp. 2. s7. ~yahi (magga, make way!) 44,3-10, uyyana, . (sa. udyana) a park, a (royal) garden; acc, wath, 6,17; gen, ~assa, 37,18; loc. we, 6,4. 36,35; Makhadev’-ambavan’-9, 45,7. — 9-4- bhimukha, mfn, turned towards the garden, m 0, 63,6. —- “*~kila & -lilika, g. v. — °-pals, m, a garde- ner, 00, 37,11; ce, wam, 37,8417; gen, ~assa, 37,14. — -piilaka, m. id. gen. wass’, 38,5, — *-bhiimi, ¢. the garden-ground, acc. with, 63,2. nuyyufijati, vb. (sa, ud-Vyuj) to go away, depart, ‘eave one’s house and family; pr. 3. pl. wanti (traced enly once) Dh. 91. — caus. uyyojeti (gq. v.) ep. next, uyyoga, m. (sa. udyoga) depar- ture; °-mukhe, at the threshold of death, Dh, 235 (cp. mukha). Yuyycjet:, vb. (caus. uyyuijati, sa, udyojayati), to setid away, to send cut for some purpose, to take leave of (acc.); aor, 3. 8g. wes’, 19,22. 51,1. 59,22; — ger. wetva, 43,18. 56 ura & uras, m. (sa. uras, #.) the breast; loc. we, 23,31. 89,7. (cp. orasa.) uracchada, m., (sa. uragchada), a breastplate, armour ; °.pasadhbanam (g. v.) a splendid armour, 23,32, Uruvela, f. (sa. Uruvitva) nom. pr. of a town in the Magadha country, near the river Neradjara; loc. ~&yam, 66,2. ulumpa, m, (sa. udupa) a raft, a float; ‘ace. wam, 23,13. ulika, m, (= sa.) an owl; x0, 11,19; acc. ~am, ll,e; gen. ~wassa, 111s, — -jataka, m. 10,25 ff *ulloka, m. (fr. nert) perceiving, observing, sight; ab/. ~a pathamam, as soon as it is seen, 84,18, *ulloketi. vb. (sa. *ut + ylok) to look at, look up; aor. 3. sg. ~wesi (akasam) 33,5; (Bhagavantam) 69,33; — ger. ~wetva (uddham) 76,2; ~ pp. ~wita, loc. abs, ikase we, 32,11. usabha}!, m. (sa. rshabha) a bull; ~0, 105,12-19; acc, wath (,,the manly“) Dh. 422, *usabha?, ., a certain measure of length — 20 yatthi (g. v.), about 70 meters; atthisabha-matta, m/fn., nm. wath thanarh, a space of eight usabhas, 27,27, (cp. yojana.) usira, . (sa, ugira) the root of @ fragrant grass (birana, g. v.); *% attha, mfn. wanting usira, m. x0, 108,1 — Dh, 337. (cp. attha! (2)). usu, m(& f.) (sa. ishu) an arrow. ~ usu-kiira, m. (sa. ishu-ka@ra) an arrow-maker, a fletcher; ~o, Dh. 33; pl. wii, 106,27 <= Dh. 80, 145. usuyyati, vb. denom, (sa, asityati, fr. usuya, usuyya (= sa. asiya) envy, jealousy) to envy, to be jealous} part. m. usuyyam, 14,4 (an-usuyyam, not envying). *ussafikin, mfn, (fr. sa, ut -+ Vcoamk) distrustful, anxious; m. a1, 75,17; acc. wim, 75,18. *ussada, m. (probably fr. ut-y/sad) *) abundance, swelling, tumor. ®) name of a certain hell; °-nirayo, 23,28. (cp. sa, ud-/chad d nezt). ussanna, mfn, (sa, utsanna, pp. ut-\/sad) extensive, abundant; », ~am eae nabundance of gold) 26,9, cp. sa. hee ussava, m, (sa, utsava) feast, merriment; ~o maha, 112,15. ussahati, vb. (sa. ut-Vsah) to be able to, to dare, venture (w. inf.); to bear, endure; pr, 3.89, wati 50,3, 81,17, 83,31. ussapeti, vb, (sa. ucchrapayati, caus. ud-\/¢ri) to raise, to lift up (acc.); ger. wetva (sondam), 76,21. ussireti, vb, (sa, ut-sirayati, caus, ut-\/sr) to cause to go away; ger, wetva (caturafigulamn kannam wetva civaram samharitabbath, the robe ought to be folded up so that a corner of four inches more is hang- ing over) 83,10 (cp. SBE, XIII, p. 156). ussisaka, m. (sa, ucchirshaka) a head-pillow, a bed’s head; loc, we, 41,16. ussuka, mfn. (sa, utsuka) zealous, desirous, eager for, longing for, greedy; loc. pl. ~wesu an-ussuka (pl.) ,free from greed among the greedy“, Dh, 199; ». ~am (na Tathagatassa hoti, T. does not care about it, lays no stress upon that) 91,3, (cp. ossukka.) *ussuta, m/fn, = avassuta (g. v.). — an-ussuta, mfn. (q. 2.) U. uka, f. (sa. yuka) a louse; ace. pl. ~a@ (vicinanti, rafifio sise, being about to louse the king’s head) 46,26. Una, mfn. (= sa.) wanting, defi- cient, less thav, minus (w. instr.); n. ~wam (dvihi ~am purisa-sahassam 9: 998 men = 500 + 250 + 125 + 62+311+16-+8-+ 4+ 2, who had successively been killed by their comrades) 34,9; loc. pl. ~esu (eken’ Unesu paficasu attabhava-satesu, ip 500 existences but one) 17,7; comp. ekiinavisati (g. v.). 57 eka Umi, f. (& m.) (sa. Urmi) a wave; loc, wiy& uggataya, when the wave rises, 27,3, Uru, m. (= sa.) the thigh; Joc, wumhi, 29,37. Uhafiiati, vb. (pass. thanati, uhanti, sa. ud-Vhan) to become de- stroyed, disordered, soiled; aor, 3. sg. ma viharo rajena uhaiii, ,in order that the vihara may nét become dusty“, 84,23; ~ pp. uhata, destroyed, v, an- bata (cp, (an-)uddhata), E. eka, mfn, (num. & pron, indef, — sa.) ') one; », wath, 56,15, 82,8 (ekan); gen. wassa, 56,16; instr, m. wena, 81,14; eken’ Unesu, 17,7 (v. Una). — #) only, single, that one only; m, ~0 (elako) 30,5; acc. wath (dham- mam) 106,14; (attanamh, oneself only) 107,4; gen. ~wassa (elakassa) 17,6; n, ace, ~am (palitam) 46,27; — comp, ekAparadham, 47,8 (v. aparadha); eka-panam, 27,23; eka-puttako, 23,6; eka-purisika, f. (v. separately); eka~ maccham pi na, not one single fish, 4,95; eka-vacanena (instr.), lit. at the word once spoken o: directly, immediately, 57,31; — eka-ratti-vasa, mfn, abiding for one night, m. v0, 104,24; — eka-dvara, mfn, having only one gateway, ”. wath (nagarath) 90,51. 91.22; — eka-samgahita, mfn, unified, m. pl. w2, 99,16. — 5) united continual; comp. pop rele ea v, pallanka) 66,4; eka-ppaharen’eva, with one blow, with one voice, 27,14. 40,10. 74,6 (cp. pahara); eka-phali- phullam, 62,11 to . 4); eka-viravam, 60,11. — *) the same, one and the same; eka-divase (loc.) 45,4. — 5) alone, solitary; acc. m. ~am, 106,13 = Dh. 395; gen. ~assa, Dh. 330; ekacara (q. v.). — ®) some (... or other), one or other, a certain; pl, some; m. wo (upayo) 1,10; (bako) 4,1; (Vijayo) ‘ okamesa 110,23; ace, ~am (udumbararh) 1,26; instr, wena (eken’ upayena) 46,2; icc, m. nm. wasmim, 3,30, 8,20; ekas- mith samaye, once upon a time, 30,28 — ekam samayarh, 66,93; comp, eka- divasamn (acc.), one day, 6,31. 13,22; eka-bhikkhussa (gen.), 79,17; — pl. m. eke, 77,13. 104,1.— 7) in the same seuse used as an indefinite article —= 8, an; m., so (simsumaro) 1,5; (di- pako) 2,19; acc, warn (assam) 65,16; gen. f. ekissa, 6,32; comp. eka-pali- tam, 46,3; eka-mizam (acc.) 6,19; eka-gandhakutiyam (Joc.) 73,14. — *) reeated or corresponding w. aiina or dutiya = the on»... the other; m., eko...eko, 33,e4-25; instr. ekena... ekena, 83,17; comz. eka-divasam... eka-divasath, 6,25-26; gen. ekassa... afifassa, 7.9; eko... dutiyo (anto) G6,16. (cp. an-eka, ekamsa etc.) ekamsa, 1) mfn. (sa. ekiithga) “with one shoulder, belonging to one shoulder’, only constructed with ci- vara or uttarasafigs, acc, m. vam uttarasafigam karitva, arranging the upper robe over one rhoulder, 74,19. 82,18, — 2; m. (sa*ekaiisa) one part, totality (?); nom. ~o (tava jivitam ,only one part of thee is life* (F'sb.), but perhaps we have to read ekamse (adv.)) 103,6, instr, ekamsena, adv. (& loc, ekamse, adv.) = in whole, upon the whole, entirely, totally, ab- solutely, undoubtedly, inevitably, 6,94, 86,3 (cp. atisa). - ekaka, mfn. (= sa.) single, alone, solitary; 1. ~o va (quite alone) 33,31; ace, m, wath, 2228; ace. f. ekikath, 31,20. *“ekagbann, mfn (sa. *eka -+ ghana) compact, eolid, hard; m. wo (selo) 106,29 == Dh, 81. ekacara, mfn. (= sa.) wandering or living alone, solitary; m. 10, 2,19; acc, ~am, Dh. 37, *ekacariya, f. (sa. *eka + car. ya) walking alone; acc. ~am, Dh, 61 (metri causa read : ekacaryam). ekacca, infn. (fr. sa. ekatara, 58 *ekatra, *ekatya, cp. Tr. PM, p. 56) one of two, a single; pl. some others); m. pl. we, 18,4 (vanija), 90,29 (vinfil purisa); repeated : 225-6; pl. f. ~a, 65,5=7, ekato, adv. (sa, ekatas) 1) on the one side (on the other side), 14,8. 27,4. — ®) together; at once, simultane- ously; ~vasanta, 14,10; ~sannipatati, 14,12, 72,29; tena saddhith ~, 45,25; kena saddhim ~ hutva (by help of whom?) 72,32; — tini pl ~ madditva, 57,28; vacayimsu potthakattayam «, 114,19. ekantam (& ekantena), adv. (sa. ekantam) absolutely, exclusively, at any rate, always; ~ nindito, Dh. 228. (cp. ekarhsena.) *eka-purisika, f. (adj.) (fr. eka + purisa) true to one man; acc. ~am, 48,15; instr, waya (itthiyd), 48,26. *ekamantam, adv, (fr. eka + anta) on one side, apart, aside; by one’s side, near; w nisidi, 28,11. 35,3, 68,17; w~ thatva, 49,7; ~ atthasi, 87,31; ~ karitva (ace. laid aside) 75.20; ~ nikkhipitabbam (civararh) 83,29. *ekarajja. m. (sa. *eka + rajya) sole sovereignty; instr. wena, Dh, 178. *“ekavaciya, m. (sa, *eka -++ va- cya) a single remark or objection, private opinion; acc. warm, 11,11. ekavaram,. adv. Sa.) once; 50,16 (cp. vara). ekavisath & ekavisati, num. (sa. eka-vithgat|i]) twenty. — ekavi- satima, mfn, (sa, ekavithgatama) the 21th; m. wo (vaggo) Dh. 305. *ekasadisa, mfn. (sa. *eka + sadycga) fully alike or resembling, identical; pl, wa Lee 49,2. *ekaseyya, /. (sa. *eka + cayya) lying, sleeping alone; ace. (eko carat) Dh. 305, ekadasa, num. (sa, ekadaca) eleven, — ekadasama, mfn. (sa. eka- dacama) the eleventh; m. ~0 (vaggo) Dh. 156. ekayana, nm (— sa.) a narrow (adv.) ~am way, the only way to salvation; mfn. leading to salvation, m. ~o (maggo) 113,19. *ekasana, n, (sa. *eka + dsana) sitting, living alone; acc. (adv.) wath (eko caramh) Dh. 305. - ekaha, x. (sa. ekaha[n]) one day, v. aha; mfn. lasting one day, », ~am (jivitam) Db. 110, ekika, f. v. ekaka, ekunavisati, num. (sa. ekona- virhgati) nineteen, — ekitinavisatima, mfn, the 19th, m, wo (vaggo) Dh, 272. ekeka, mfn, (sa, ekaika) one by one, several, each; acc, wam, 4,8-94; w. loc, ~am (amhesu) 4,11. ekekaso, adv, (sa. ekaikagas) one by one, severally, 111,14. *eja, f. (fr. yej) lust, desire, craving; an-eja, mfn. (q. v.). etam, pron. demonstr. n. nom. ace. (sa, etad), 8,27 etc.; etan, 1,21. 16,11; etad (the original form, used in some cases of Sandhi before a word begin- ning with a vowel) 3,3, 23,3. 64,19 (etad-ahosi), 68,13 (etad-avoca), 103,12 (etad-abravi), Dh. 390; — m, esa (sa, eshas) 1,8. 3.14; 5,1 efe. eso (with more emphasis) 59,2; 114,6; — f. esa (sa. esha) 31,6. 87,28, 103,31; — ace. m(f.) etam, 24,24 ete.; — instr, ae etena, 4,24. 33,11 (eten’); — gen. (dat. m(n.) etassa, 1,7. 11,5; f. etissa, 55,5; — pl. n, etani, 2,1; pl. m. (nom. acc.) ete, 3,26. yo etc.; f. eta, 21,31; — gen. (dat.) etesam, 7,17. 60,13, 102,6; — instr. (abl.) etehi, 2,10. Otherwise the declension is that of tam (g. ¥.). ~ ')thie, this here (what is nearest to the speaker) 33,11, — ?) referring to the preceeding, 66,18. 103,31. 107,21. - ")referring to the following, 3,20. 23,8. — 4) == such, like that, 31,5; no h’etam ,not so“, 70,2, — 5) com- bined w. other pron, (with an empha- sis): es aharh, 69,19; sometimes plainly constructed with the 2. pers. of the verb., esa te sisam chinditva bhi- miyatm khipissami, 6,12; esa mufijam 59 ettha parihare, 103,33; — ete te ubho ante, 96,17. — esa ya rati, 47,27. — ep. ayami (idam), enari. etarahi, adv. (sa. etarhi) now, at present; 29,30, 30,04. 56,11 (opp. atitir: 7 ite, ep. Dh. 228), 94,23. 99,5. — cp ° rahi, carahi. etaiisa, mfn. (sa. etiidrga) such, of this kind; m, wo, 44,3, 80,24. 85,20, cp. tadisa. eti, vb. (sa. G-\/i) to go, to come, go to, reach (acc.); to come back, return; pr. 3. sg. eti (w. acc. catu- bhagath, is worth) Dh, 108; (pativa- tath) Dh. 54; 1. sg. emi, 108,28; 3. pl, enti (return) 56,18; — imp. 2. sg. ehi, 1,19. 9,21. 57,31. 68,14. 108,98; 2, pl. etha, 21,30, 73,2; Dh. 171; — fut. 3. sg. essati, 56,20; Db. 369; ehiti, 12,6; 2. sg. essasi, 56,20; ehisi, Dh. 236. 369; 1. sg. essaimi, 56,20; 3, pl. essanti, Dh. 86; — part. enta, loc, abs, ente (udake), 56,21; an-ente, ib, — cp. yati. etta, mfn, v. ettaka, *ettaka, mfn. (fr. *etavataka, cp. sa. iyattaka, Tr. PM. p. 80) 80 great, so much; pl. so many; acc. m. ~wam (kalati, all this time) 46,39; allapasallapam) 56,22; ». ettaih contracted fr. ettakam) Dh. 196 im’ ettarh putifiar); instr. n. wenadpi. notwithstanding this, 39,4; pl. m. 0@ (tumhe, all of you) 88,25; (pana) 90,35; instr. n, wehi (ratanehi) 27,29; gen. m. ~Anatn (all these) 10,12, 30,5. 54,14. ep. next, *ettavata, adv. (fr.etta = ettaka, ep, kittaka & kittavata) thus, so far, to that extent; ~ sammaditthi hoti, 96,15. *etto, adv, (fr. etath, through *etato? cp. ito, tato) from thence, hence; over there; 104,15; 87,28; 5,5 (opp. ito). ettha, adv, (sa. atra > “attha, phonetically influenced by etarh, cp. etta etc, above) *) here, in this place; 85,20. 88,39 -= Dh. 174 (in this world); 104,1 (~ pagalha 9; safigame; etha Fausball, SBE, X* p, 70: plunged into this world ?); etth’eva — this very moment, 46,3. 56,25. — *) there, in that place; 3,5-19-s2, 65,14, 112,24; ettha ce te mano atthi, 72,2 (ettha refers both to yam vadanti and to ye vadanti: if your mind inclines to that about which people say ,it is mine“, or to those who say so, then you shall not escape me). — 5) there, to that place; 2,3 (~ nehi math), — 4) in this case, in this matter, in that particular; 37,7, 73,7, 79,90, 91,1. Y4,21. 96,15. — lf attha — atra can be traced in the Pali texts (it is found in Abhi- dhiina), then we could possibly take ‘ttha in the phrace : kaya nu’ttha bhikkhave etarahi kathaya sanni- sinna in the sense of ,here“; but attha is more likely pr. 2. pl. of the verb atthi (g. v.) 29,30, 31,23. etha, imp. 2. pl. v. eti. eGhati, wb. (sa. Vedh) to prosper, to succeed in; pr. 3. sg. wati (su- khamn) Dh. 193; w. instr. (nikatya susham ~) 5,21. ena, pron. demonstr. (sa. ena, substituted for eta, as narit (qg. v.) for tar) this, that, it; ace. m. tam enal (,the same“, that person in question) 100,12; acc. f. tam ena (mecri causa for enam) 47,21; ace. n. enam, Dh, 118, 13, anta, mfn. (purt.) v. eti. Eravana, m, nom, pr. (sc, Aira- vana) name of Sakka’s elephant; °-pa- tibhaga, mfn. equal to E., gen. ~wassa, 45,50. | ereti, ob. (= ireti, caus, vir, sa. irayati) to move, to raise one’s voice; py. <. 8g. ~wesi (sace u’eresi attanar} Dh. 134 (cp. Tr. PM. p. 76; Morris, JPTS, 87, p. 146). elaka, m, (sa. edaka) a ram, a goat; ~0, 16,27, 29,26; voc. wa, 17,18; acc, ~wam, 16,04; instr. wena, 17,19; gen, pl. ~anam, 29,24 (cp. menda). eva, indecl, (== sa.) just, even, only (mostly used to strengthen or limit the idea of a preceeding word 60 and consequently to be rendered diffe- rently according to its different construc- tions), Besides eva we find also the forms yeva and fieva, but their use in the texts is not strictly conformable to phonetical principles. ')eva: phala- phalarh tam eva (those fruits) 2,7; sariram eva (it is true) 2,8; attano eva (his own) 2,15; agacchantam eva (a8 soon as) 2,31; ten’eva (the same) 2,24; eten’eva, 23,22; 80 eva id. opp. aiiio) 99,2; tass’eva, 11,25 id.); tass’eva (to him alone) 37,18; tath’eva (likewise) 2,25. 105,28; tatth’- eva (on that very spot, that very moment) 3,6. 9,3 efc.; aham eva (just 1) 29,19. 51,8; imam eva (id.) 65,30; ti... eva (just therefore) 47,4; ekam eva (only) 12,20; gunakatham eva id.) 43,7, cp. 49,1; ujjhayath’eva (a3 88,26; kocid-eva (only few) 88,34, but 99,17 (,,ganz beliebig*); yen’ eva (by which verily) 96,27; a)}’ eva (this very day) 65,13; atth’ eva kahapane again, as before) 24,33, cp. 86,25-27 are — but, on the contrary : 96,18-15; 74,30 (Sdriputta-Moggalla- néva); eva... pana («év—Jdé) 88,23-23. These examples, indiscriminately cho- sen, may easily be increased by others, - *")yeva, most frequently after words ending with palatal vowels (e, i, 1), but also often after m and even after G,0,u. *) after e: 1a, 7,16. 9,3, 12,8 etc, >) after i (i) : 31,26. 39,7, 86,2; 55,20. ©) after ma: 10,21. 1716-21, 23,20, 28,33, etc. 9) after &: 21,12, 43,23, 48,34. ®) after 0: 43,15 50,31. 88,17. 97,30. f) after u: 22,7, — 5) iieva, only after words ending with th, which often, through assimilation, is altered to ii: tvam fieva, 28,14. 54,52. 77,6; itthi- naiit fieva, 48,33; passuntanam fieva, 54,14; tan fieva, 6,10; tasmiii jieva, 45,14; ahaii feva, 99,10. ~ 4) After long vowels eva is very often (by eli sion of e) shortened to va (v. he = 5) eva- as the firat part of comp. °-riipa, mfn. (q. v.), identical with evan (v. next), evam, adv. (= sa.) thus, in this way; *) thus (as follows) : 1,13, 3,15 (evam aha); 66,33, 93,21 (evam me sutam ,,thus I have heard“); — >) thus (as mentioned before) : 3,38. 4,29. 6,98, 7,16 efc,; evam hoti, 66,11; evar passamh, 71,4; yadi evam (if so) 5,15; evar janahi (,thus I declare thee“) 72,33; evath bhante (yes) 76,14; evam eva (even 80) 91,3, 68,95 (corresp. w, seyyatha); na evam (not so, corresp. w, yath&) 62,96; evam ete (only in this way and only those) 91,8; evarh = therefore, referring to a prec, part, denoting the cause (adinavarh sam- passamano, because you consider it dangerous) 93,59. *evam-gotta, mfn. (sa, *evam -+- gotra) belonging to that family; m, ~0, 92,12. evam-nama, mfn, (sa, evam- naman) having that name; m, a, 92,19. *evam-ditthi, mfn. (sa, *evath -++ drshti) having that view; m, wi, 93,297"31, evarupa, mfn, (sa. evathriina) 1) such, like that; . wath 51,98; ma ~am karittha (,do not do the like again“) 39,2; (mukham) 11,6; (pa- pakammamh) 51,7; abl. wa, 16,28; loc. m. we, 41,85; instr. f. waya rat- tiyd (in the dead of night) 41,28; loc. f. wayath (parisdyath) 87,95, — *) of such a form, beauty or virtue; m, ~0, (manavo) 19,11; ace. warn (matugamam) 51,20; ~am (attabha- vam, ,such a handsome figure“) 64,16, esa, pron, (sa, esha) this; m. esa & eso, f. esa, v. etarh, esati, vb. (sa, a-vish) to seek, search, to strive to obtain; part. m. med, esano (sukham) Dh, 131. 132. cp. gavesati, gavesaka ¢& neczt. esin, mfn. (sa. eshin) seeking, desiring; v. dhanesin, sukhesin; ep. gavesin & prec, essati, fut. v. eti, ehi, ehiti, etc. v, eti, 61 ogha 0. 0, indecl, -= ava (q. v.). oka!, n, (sa. oka, m. & okas, 7.) house, dwelliny-place, home, asylum; abl, ~&%, Dh. 87; repeated ; okam- okam (acc.) jahanti, ,,they leave their house and home*, Dh, 91 (cp. nezt). — an-oka, g. v. oka?, n, (contracted fr. udaka or odaka, g. v.) water; okamokata ubbhato (varijo) 9; oka-m-okato, with m inserted, abl, ,from his watery house“, Dh, 34 (cp. oka'), “okara, m. (fr, ava-Vkr) cp. sa. apakara) worthlessness; acc, wath (kimanamh ,,the vanity of desires“) 68,20. cp. vokara. okasa (or avakasa), m. (sa. ava- kaca) 1) place, room; acc, ~am (dehi, give place) 43,21; loc. we, (amukas- mit, at such and such a place) 75,6; yamh’ okase (...tattha) 108,20, -— 9) occassion, opportunity, permission ; acc, ~ami (dento) 40,17; ~am (la- bhati) 87,19; loc, abs. we laddhe, 87,390; — katokasa, mfn. having got the opportunity or one’s permission; m. pl. xi (maya, ,you have my leave") 49,94; — hatavakisa, mfn, (q. v.) cp. an-avakiisa, nir-okasa, okkamati, vb. (sa, ava-Vkram) to go down, to descend, to enter into; aor, 3. 8g. okkami (niddam, fell as- leep) 35,28; nidda okkami (Yasassa) id, 67,26; — part. f. med, ~mana (niddam) 61,9; -— ger, witva (id.) 22,25; — pp, okkanta : an-okkanta- mattath, acc, m. adj, (before he has passed (the boundary of the kingdom, rajja-simam)) 39,15, ogadha, mfn. (= ogialha, sa. avagadha, fr, ava-Vgah, confounded with gadh?) immersed, plunged into; antogadha (q, v.) & amatogadha (v. a-mata). ogha, m. (— 8a.) stream, torrent, flood; ~o, Dh, 25. acc. wath (vineyya shaving overcome the torrent of pase sions“) 104,30; ~*°-tinna, m/n, ,saved ojita from the flood“, m. ~0, Dh. 370; — mahogha, m. (sa. mahaugha, m/n.) a mighty flood, inundation; ~o, Dh. 47, 237; acc, wat, 35.19; °-sadisa, mfn, like a mighty flood, loc. m. we (labhasekkare) 72,27. ojita, mfn, (sa. ava-jita, pp. ava- yji) won, conquered, recovered; *oji- tatta, mfn. (fr. attar:) whose life is secured, instr. wena, 55,2. cp. ava- jiyati. ottha, m. (sa. oshtha) a lip (or jaw); loc. adharotthe ca uttarotthe ca (between his lower and upper jaw) 13,10; — *varhkottha, mfn. (cp. sa. vakroshthi) ,whose jaw is wrenched“ m. ~0, 64,20 (v. vatika). *oddeti, vb. (fr. avae or ude + Vda (to bind) or dha?) to set up, arrange (as snares etc.); ger. ~wetva (pasar) having laid a snare, 11,29. onamati (or onamati), vb. (sa. ava-/nam) to bow down, bend down; ger. ~witva, 62,18. otata, mfn. (sa. avatata, pp. ava- ytan) overspread, c.vered; maluva salam iv’otatam (acc. m.) ,as a creeper (does with) the tree which it surrounds” Dh. 162. otarati, vb. (sa. ava-ytr) to de- ecend (from ; abl., upon: ace. or loc.); aor. 3. sg. otari (rukkha@) 12,32; (ukkiirabhtimivath, doc.) 18,31; (nadir) 28,5; (pasddatalutc) 65,54; — part. m, wauto, 62,27; — ver, witva (surat) 5,19; — pp. otinna, m. pl. na (na- vaya bhtmiii) ,lanced*, 112,27; ~ caus, otireti (q. v.) ep. otiira. otapeti, vb. caus, (sa, ava-\tap) to dry, evaporate (a3 clothes); grd, ~wetabba, m. wari: (civarati) 83,8, otira, m. (sa. avatii~a) ‘descent, point of attuck (for temptations)’, offence, fault; aco, wat, 104,12, otireti, vl. (caus. otarati) 1) ‘to sause to descend’, tuke down, set down (acc.); imp. 2. pl. wetha, 41,32; — aor, 3. 8g. weti, 56,24; — ger. wetvi, 8,17, 33,3. 400, ~ *#) to lay down, expose, wxpluing aor. Uy ay, NOM 62 (sakarh matarh) 113,12; — imp. 2. 89. wehi (sakarn vadarh) 113,14. *ottappa, n. (fr. apa-ytrap, 8a. *ipatrapya > apatrapa (Tr.); this etymology must be preferred to that of Childers : *auttapya > uttapa, ut + tap) tact, decency (in behavi- our), conscientiousness; ~am (bahi- ddhasamutthanam, q. v.) 10,7. — hirottappa, . & bhinnahirottappa, mfn. v. hiri; ep. SBE. XI. p. 8 & Dhamma-Sangani, trans). by Caroline Rhys Davids, p. 20. ottharati, vb, & otthata, pp. v. avattharati. odaka, n. (= udaka, sa. audaka, odaka, mfn.) water; wari (sitam) 15,25, — an-odaka, mfn. (q. v.). = khirodaka, gandhodaka, ete. v.udaka. odana, m.(¢@ n.) (— 8a.) rice, boiled rice; pakkodana, mfn. one who has his rice boiled, m. wo, 104,21 - pakka). Suddhodana, nom. pr. f. Whs onaddha, mfn. (pp. ava-ynah, sa, avanaddha) covered, enveloped, surrounded; m. pl. nd. 37,21 (sa- khahi sakha), Dh. 146 (andbakar- ena). opamma, ». (fr. upama, sa. au- pamya) a simile, an example; acc, ~am (karohi ,give an illustration*) 99,5; panditabhdvassa C-atthath, io order to give an example of prudence, 91,24. oparajja, n. (fr. upardjan, sa. *auparajyn) viceroyalty; acc, wut (katvii, ruling as viceroy) 44,21. opayika, mfn, v. tad-tipika. *opateti, vb. (fr. ava-ypat) ‘to throw down’, to interpose, insert; na ... bhanamitnassa antarantara katha opatetabba (grd. f.) let him not be interrupted, 83,4 *opunati, vb. (— avapurati, fr. sa, apa-Vvr (?) but probably con- founded with y/pli) to uncover, lay bare (? opp. chideti) or to scatter, disperse; pr, 8. 6g, xiti (parcsam vajjini ws yathic bhumai, the faults of others like chaff) 106,17 =» Dh, 252, cp. Tr, PM. p. 63; Childers, JRAS, 1871; Morris, JPTS, '87, p, 153; avapurapeti & avunati above. obhagga, mfn. (sa, avabhagna, pp. ava-Vbhaiij) broken, bent down; *-sarira, mfn, 63,9 (acc. m, ~ath). obhasa, m, (sa. avabhasa) splen- dour, radiance; acc, wath (muiicanto) 26,4. obhisati, wb, (sa. ava-ybhas) 1) to shine forth, to gleam; part. m, acc, ~wantath, 26,12; part, med, ~ma- nam (samuddam) 26,18, — *) to light up, illuminate (ace.); pr. 3. sg, med. wate (sabba disi) 85,4 —= caus, obhaseti, 85,8. *“obhoga, m. (fr. ava-ybhuj, *avabhoga) a curve or fold, the part of a cloth where it is folded (perhaps the inner side of the fold, opp. bhoga); loc. we, 83,11. cp. Morris, Academy 1882 (July 8. p. 33) and SBE. XIII p. 156. omasati, vb. (sa. ava-Vmr¢) to touch; to prick, pierce; to gnaw off, gnaw all over (eating only a little); br. 3, sg. ~anti (gavo bahutinassa varam varam) 61,33; = khadanti, 52,3. omufcati, vb. (sa. ava-/muc) to loosen, take off (aec.); ger, ~itva (muttabaram) 64,25; (upabana) 82,17. ora-, (sa. avara, fr. ava) ‘inferior’, on this side; v, oraparam, orima ¢ next, orato, adv, (sa. avaratas) on this side (turned towards the subject); 2,22 (w. gen. dipakassa), 21,16 (opp, pa- rato); 83,21 (opp. parato). *oraparam, adv, (fr. sa. avara -+ para) from one side to the other; 108,26. This word is acc, of the dvandva-comp, ora-para, n. — this and the further shore, and consequently it means ,to both shores“ 9: to and fro (cp. aparaparam, v. apara). orasa, mfn, (sa. aurasa, fr. uras) own, produced by one’s self, legitimate ; acc, m. wath (puttam) 20,35. 63 ovadati *orima, mfn. (fr. ora) being on this side (nearest to the subject); ®-tirato, abl, from this bank (of the river) 2,21 (v, tira). oruyha, ger, & oropeti, caus, v, next, orohati, vb. (sa. ava-y/ruh) to descend (from abl.); pr. 3, sg. ~wati (pasida) 67,21; ger. witva (cafikama pleft“) 68,10; (suvannapadukahi ,,put off*) 68,16; oruyha (tato) 6l,is, — caus, II, oropeti (sa, avaropayati) to let down, to put away; ger. wetva (sondam) 76,35. olambati, vb. (sa. ava+Vlamb) to hang down, to be suspended, to hang (on, loc.); pr. 3, pl. wanti udumbare) 2,2; part, n. santam se, hadayam) 2,s. “olarika, mfn. (fr. ulara, sa. udara, *audarika) large, gross; mate- rial, corporeal ie a rather consi- derable greatness ?); m. pl, ~a (pana) 91,1. *olubbha, ger. (sa. *avalabhya, Vlabh, but pr. olubbhati (o younger formation) agrees with ava-ylubh) clutching, taking hold of, leaning on (w. ace, or loc.) : Avata-mukhavatti- yam a, 40,2. cp. Morris, JPTS. 87. p. 156. oloketi, wb. (sa, ava-Vlok) to look; to look at, regard, observe, watch; to look for, search for (w, acc.); part, med, ~wento, 6,18. 12,25. 87,26; 64,5. 86,23 (lukarh, observing the world); 33,29 (waiting for); 36,3 (olokento tam disva); f. ~enti, 10,9; pl, loc. m. wentesu (tumhesu) 50,19; part, med, pl. ~wayamana, lly; — pot, 2. pl. weyyatha, 9,18; — fut. 1. sg. wessami, 46,1; — aor. 3, sg. wesi, 19,14, 87,24; — ger. wetva, 3,1. 14,16. 42,10, 65,31; — pp. wita, m. pl. vita, 11,7; °-akarenéva, 87,25 (v. akara); °-saiianenéva, 87,33 (v. saiifidna). Ovadati, vb. (sa. ava-y/vad) to exhort, admonish (acc.); pr. 2. sg. ~asi (math) 9,23; — part. m. ~wanto (attanam) 46,81; f. wanti (cp. cor- ovida 64 rections) 7,82; — pot. 3. 8g. ~weyya, Db, 77: — wor. 8. 8g. ovadi, 40,8; — inf. ~itumh, 81.17; — ger. witva, 8,11; — ord, m. witabbo, 79,15. ovada, m. (sa. avavada) instruc- tion, admonition; nom. ~o (Bodhi- sattato laddha-°) 8,1; ace. ~am dadamano, 12,5); wat datva, 7,38. 44,.3; ~wam dento, 85,24; — oviida- vasena ,by way of admonition*, 14,13; = rajovida-jataka, 42,20, osakkati, v>. (sa. apa-ysrp) to draw back, give way; -o go back — to be reduced; pr. 3. sg. ~ati (metri causa : avasakkati, read : osakkati) 30,13; — par’. acc. m, ~wantam, 30,4; part, med, ace, m. ~ manam (vamsarh) 45.17; — aor. 3. ¢g. osakki, 29,95. cp. Tr. PM. p. 60, osana, m. (sa, avaeana) end; », avasana. osidati, vb, (sa, ava-/sad) to sink (into, loc.); aor. 3. pl. wimhsu (udakamhi) 26,7; -- inf. aitum, 28,8; — ger. altva, 36,95. — caus, IT. gsid@peti, to cauee to sink; pr. 2. sg. esi (udake mari), 1,21; aor. 3. sy. wesi, io; fut. 3. pl. wessanti (na- vath) 265,34. ossukka, n. (sa. eutsukya) eager- ness, desire, longing for; appossukka, mfn. (q. v.) ep. ussuka, *oharin, mfn. (sa. *ava-harin, fr. ava-v/hr) dragging down; », ~inam (bandhanam) Dh. 346. cp. avaharati. ohareti, vb. (caus. avaharati) to cause to be taken away, remove; grd. n, ~etabbam, 84,18. ohita, mfn. (sa. avahita, pp. ava- dha) put down, placed into; turned downwards, downcast; m. wo, Dh, 150. — *ohita-sota, mfn, ,with atten- tive ears’, m. pl. ~a (bhikkhi dham- mun sunanti) 7),24, — *ohita-mukha, mfn, with downcast face, m. ~0, 54,20 (with ii metri causa, cp. Notes). *ohinaka, mfn. (fr. ohina, sa. avahina, pp. ava-\/ha) ' remaining, left; ace, m. pl. we, 22,10. K. ka-, base of pron, interr, m. ko, f. ka ete. v. kim. kamsa, m(é@ mn.) (sa. karhsa & karhsya) a basin made of bell-metal and used like a drum or gong; ~0 (upahato) Db, 134. iss takes m. (sa, karkataka) a crab; ~0, 4,25; voc. wa, 4,26; abl. ~a, 5,22, kakkasa, mfn, (sa. karkaga) rough, harsh, cruel, violent; a-kakkasa, mfn. (q. .). *kakkareti, vb. (caus. sa. khat- vVkr, cp. kat-/kr) to cough up, hawk up; ger. ~etva (ambaphalar) 37,25. kakkhala, mfn. (also written wala, sa. kakkhata & karkara) hard; fierce, cruel; instr, m, pl. wehi (yak- khehi) 41,34. kamka, m, (= 8a.) a certain bird, a heron (or a vulture, Burnell: Ind. Stud, XIIT, 264); gen. ~assa, 92,30. kamkhati, ob. (sa. Vkanksh) to doubt; pr. 3. sg. wati, 96,14. kamkha, f. (sa. kinksha) doubt; nom, sg. wH, 7917; nom, pl. wa, 66,21. *kacavara, m. (ep. sa. kaccara & kavara, mahratt, kacard) sweepings ; acc, ~am, 50,2. — °-chaddana-pacchi, f. a basket for removing of sweepings, 48,34. — mala-kacavara-, a dust-heap, 73,20 (°-antara). Kaccayana, m, (contracted : Kaceiina, sa. Katyayana) nom. propr, of a thera, one of Buddha’s chief di- sciples; voc. wa, 96,6; Kaccino ({aggo] vibhajjanamhi) 109,10, = *Kaccilyana-gotta, m. (sa. °-gotra} ‘member of the K.-family’, name of the same person, also often called Maha- Kaccayana; (ayasma} 96,2. kacci, indecl, (sa. kac-cid) o particle of interrogation (latin : atm, nonne) 28,13; often combined with nu and sometimes so that the old form kaccid is preserved by sandhi: kaccin- ~0 6h nu, 9,28; kacci nu kho (should it really be ?) 3,5, cp. kim, kiici ete, kaccha!, mfn. (sa, kaccha, fr. kaccha, or = *kakshya. fr. kaksha ?) growing wild, or made of a plant that grows wild (Tr.), grown in the water, on marshy ground (?); , wath (kandam) 92,18 (opp. ropima, q. ».) cp. next, kaccha®, m. *) (sa, kaksha) arm- pit; abl, wa, 1017; loc, we, 67,29, - *) (sa. kaccha) a meadow, swamp, fen, marshy ground; loc, we (rijha- tine ,abounding with grass“) 104,27, kacchapa, m, (— 8a.) a tortoise; ~0, 11,26; acc, ~am, 11,39; voc. wa, 12,5; instr. wena, 12,20; gen. wassa, 12,96, cp. kaccha?. kaicana, n. (sa. kaiicana) gold; °-patta-sadisa, mfn. like a plate of gold, 46,31; — °-pallamke, Joc. on a throne of gold, 42,9; ~ °-ripaka-, a golden statue, 47,14, kania, f. (sa. kanya) a girl, virgin; daughter; asura-°, 54,7 (~am, acc.); khattiya-°, 64,11. 47,15; deva-, 64,30 (wa, pl. ,celestial nymphs“), kata — kata (q. v.). katacchu, #.(?) (sa. katacchu, f. ?) a ladle, a spoon; suvanna-%, a golden spoon, acc, ~um, 53,39. katuka, mfn. (= sa.) bitter, of a sharp, unpleasant taste; °-pphala, 1) n, a bitter fruit (or perhaps name of a certain plant) 73,11 (-katuka- pphaladini, cp. phala); *) mfn. with bitter fruit, 37,31 (m. .o ambo); Dh, 66 (n. wath, kammam). — *ka- tuka-pabhedana, adj. having pungent juice (flowing from the temples, as elephants), m. wo (kuijaro) Dh. 324, kattha, m. (sa. kashtha) a piece of wood, stick; wood in general; — tina-katth’-upadanam, 94,30. — dan- ta-°, m. a small piece of wood for cleaning the teeth, a tooth-pick; ~am, 82,18. — kattha-maya, m/fn., made of or consisting of wood, wa (vana) 48,6, cp. vana, 7. katthaka, m. (sa. kashthaka, Pali Glossary. kannakita m, & n.) a kind of plant (probably a certain reed); gen. ~assa, Dh. 164. kathala, m, (sa. kathalya & ka- thalla) gravel; sakkhara-kathala-va- lika, pl. 97,35, kathalika (or kathalika), ». (pada-)kathalika. kathina, mfn, (— sa.) hard, cruel; f. pl. wa, 51,34; (= thaddha-hadaya, hardhearted) 52,5, kaddhati, vb, (sa. Vkrsh, kar- shati) to draw, drag, pull (acc.); part. m. pl, want (matamanussam pide gahetva) 40,35; — aor. 3, 89. kaddhi (vemam) 89,7; 3. pl. witiisu, 59,9; ~- inf. ~witumh, 59,8; — ger. witva (lekhath) 59,7; kaddhitva kaddhitva, by constantly sucking up, 27,1. — pase, kaddhiyati, part. m. wiyamano, 59,10, ~ cp. kasati, ai-kaddhati, upa-kad- dhati & (sam)uk-kamsati. kanika, f. (= sa.) ‘a small pare ticle’, meal or flour (of rice)? instr, pl. wahi (ptivam pacitva) 57,21, cp. tandula. kantaka, m, (= sa.) a thorn, a fish-bone; instr. mandu-kantakena, 37,6 (v. mandu); ace. pl, we, 4,92. — *-rasi, 5,8 (v. h.). kantha, m. (— sa.) the neck; loc. we, 16,95; abl, ~to, 64,95. — kasava-°, mfn, Dh. 307 (q. v.). kanda, m. & n, (sa, kanda & khanda) *)a part, portion (esp. of a book); acc. ~am (Dhammasaiganiya, Atthasalinim) 113,25, — *) an arrow or the shaft of an acrow; acc, ~am, 92,18; insir, wena, 6,24. kanna, m. (sa. karna) *) the ear; acc, warm, 22,24. ~ pahattha-kanna- vala, mfn, 76,21 (g. v.). — ®) a corner of a room or of clothes); acc. ~am caturafigulam) 83,10; gehassa kanna- kannehi (abl. pl.) in the house from top to bottom“, 49,35; -kanna-bhaga (m. pl.) the corner of the room*, 84,19. — cp. kannika, k@lakanni. kannakita, mfn, (sa. karnakita, fr. karnaka) dirty, musty (on account of mould or rust e¢c.); f. wa (bhitti) 5 Kannimunda e 84,20; (bhiimi) 84,91. cp. Vin. IJ, 115,1 fr. b. IIT, 198,5. *Kannamunda, m. nom. pr. of a certain (mythical) lake; °-daha, m. abl, ~to, 36,31. kannika, f. (as firet part of comp. also kannika-, sa. karnika) ‘an ear- ring’; the pericarp of a lotus; *pup- pba-kannika-sadisa, mfn. ,fair as the opening bud of s lotus“, acc. m. ~am (puttam) 7,29. kanha!, mm. (sa. krshna) black, dark; metaph, -bad; acc. m. wath (dhammam, opp. sukka) Dh. 87. Kanha?, m. (sa. nom. pr. a name of Mara (q. v.) ,the black one*; gen. wassu, 103,91. kata, mfn. (sometimes also written kata, pp. karoti; sa. krta, kr) done, made, performed, prepared efc.; ') Used es finte tensy: m. wo, 11,10; 45,2 (ratho); 2. ~amh, 1,24. 3,23. 107,27 — Dh, 18; Dh. 74 (kata — katamh). ~ *) adj. as the first part of comp. (w. instr. of the agens) : kata-kam- mah, 17,4, 85,2; kata-parakkamena, 12,8; kata-papam, 17,17; kata-papa- kammam, 73,27 etc, — °) subst. n. gen. ~assa a-ppatikirakam (gq. v.) 14,1; hatakatam, 2. what nas been committed end omitted, Da, 50. -- 4) as the last part of adj.-con'p, : au-a-bhava-kata, a-vatthu-kata, uv. v,; kdla-kata, dead, 22,15 (v. killa, cy, kala karoti); kija-vanna-icata, blacked, 84,21 (opp. a-kata, not prepared, not blacked, 84,22); Cstta-kate, variegated, Dh. 147 (cp. citta*); pirikamma-kata, pre- pared ; lakha-°, 6,28; gcruka-°, 84,20; vatta-kata, open, 5,13; sayam-kata, made by one’s self, Dh, 347; cp. a-kata, dukkata (or dukkata), sukata (or sukata). — 5) as the first part of adj.-comp., v. kata-kicca etc. below, kata-Kieca, «fn. (ea. krta-krtya) one who has done hia duty, dutiful; ace. m, wath, Db, 386; instr, pl. ~wehi (therehi) 109,12. kataniu, mfn, (sa. krta-jfia) grateful; a-katafiiium: (uce, m, [se. 66 na seveyya] nirattha tassa sevana) ingrate, 14,1. katannuta, f (sa. krtajfata) gratitude; 14,2. kata-puia, mfn. (sa. krta- punya) one who has done good (me- ritorious) works, virtuous; m. ~0, 107,26 — Db. 18; acc. wam, Dh. 220. katama. mfn. pron, interr, (— sa.; fr. the base ka-. v. kim) who, which (of two or many); m. ~0 (ayala samuddo) 25,27; ~o ettha Nagaseno, 97,18; acc. ~arh (whom of three) 31,16; m. pl. we dve (anta) 66,2; — f. wa, 66,90; acc, wam disam, in which di- rection, 95,4, *kata-mafigala-sakkara, mfn. festively prepared; f. loc. 8g. waya (bhimiya) 61,25. cp. mawgala, sak- kara. kata-viriya, mfn. (sa, krta-virya) energetic; gen. m. ~agsa, 42,13. kati, pron. interr. (== sa.; nom, acc. mfn. kati, instr, abl, wihi, gen. ~innam) how many; ~ na kho amha- kam sikkhapadani (m. pl.) 81,19. ep. next, katipayu, mfn. (= sa.) so many, a certain number, some (latin aliquot); instr, m. pl. wehi (paharehi) 65,7. *katipaham, adv, (fr. katipuya + aban, by elision of y) a few days, Te7, 36,15, 112,24 (vasitva); 67,17 (vasi). — kutipahaccayena, a few days later, 49,22 (v. accaya), *katokasa. mfn. (sa, *krta + avakaca] who has got opportunity or permission, v. okasa. kattabba, grd., v. karoti. kattar, m. (sa. kartr) ")a doer. maker; mom, katta (kamméanari) 97,13, — *) a benetactor; v. a-kattar. kattarika (or kattari), f. (sa. ra f.) scissors; instr, wkaya, sit. kattha, adv, interr. (by assimila- tion fr. kuttha, sa. kutra) where, where-in, where-to, wherefore? ~ al- hehi sikkhitabbarh, 81,19 (iu what — kasmim atthe); ~ gamissasi, 87,36 = kaham gacchasi, 88,5. — *kattha- vasika, mfn. living where? m, pl. tumhe wa, 21,8, — ep. kuto. katthaci, adv, (sa, kutra-cid) somewhere; 52,12, katva, katvana, ger., v. karoti. katham, adv, interr, (= sa. how? jz. 4,98, lljaz ete. katham nama, how then? 41,30, kathamkatha, f. (=sa., cp, sa. kathamkathika, fr. kathamh) doubt, uncertainty, — vigata-kathamkatha, mfn. free from doubt; m, ~0, 69,13, =~ a-kathamkathin, mfn, id, (v. h.). *katbalika, m, (= kathalika f.?) probably a foot-stool, or another im- plement, used by washing the feet (a towel? Rh. Davids & Oldenberg, SBE. XIII, 92); nom, pada-kathalikam, 83,6 (cp. the foll, quotation : imesari yeva padanam candimasuriye pada- kathalikam katva nisidim, Ps. on MN, ch, 77; kathalikam (acc.) v. Dham- mapadatthakatha (Colombo ’98) p, 161,5 fr. b.). ee: f. (= 8a.) 1) speech, talk, words; nom, wa, 24,33, 83,4. 86,24 (Buddhanam acchariya); acc, ~am, 4,18. 33,4. 73,9. 89,20 (sammodaniyam, q. v.); — guna-katha, f. praise; loc. waya, 31,2; — sarambha-katha, f. angry speech, Dh, 133, — *) speaking about, conversation; acc, ~am (sam- utthdpesum) 29,28; loc, waya, 29,31. 31,4; — *katha-sallapa, m. conversa- tion, instr, wena, 94,92; — *%samut- thapana, #, starting a conversation, 54,10 (°-attham). — %) exposition, ex- planation; dhammi katha, a sermon, religious discourse, instr. dhammiya ewaya, 71,22; — attha-katha, anama- tagga-katha, anupubbi-katha, dana-®, sagga-°, sila-° (g.v.); cp. Dhatu-katha & next, *katha-magga, m. (sa. *katha -++ marga) way or method of exposi- tion, explanation; acc, wath, 113,30, *"Katha-vatthu, mn. (sa. katha + vastu). nom. pr., name of a cano- 67 kanaka nical Pali-book, the 5th part of the Abhidhamma-pitaka; 102,19. kathika, mfn. ee sa.) a speaker, narrator; dhamma-kathika, gq. v. kathita, mfn. (pp. katheti) spokeao, told, answered, pointed out; m, ~o pucchitapanho) 88,2; acc. f. ~am gathath) 102,94; . sam, 88,26; m. pl. ~a (guna) 44,5; — taya kathita- Mmaggena, 56,34. *kathin, mfn. (fr. katha) at the end of comp. — kathika, v. vicitra- ° kathin, katheti, vd. (sa. Vkath, kathayati) to tell, say, speak of (acc.); to speak with (saddhimh); to mean, refer to (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. weti, 24,97. 31,7. 88,4; 2. 8g. wesi, 49,26; 1.589. ~emi, 85,98; 8. pl. wenti, 9,80; — part. m. wento, 3,6; instr, ~wentena, 1,4; gen. wen- tass(a), 20,28. 30,14; part. med. f. wayamana (gunam, praising) 29,9; — imp. 2. sg. ~ehi, 54,33; — pot. 2, sg. weyyasi, 49,28; — fut, 1. sg, ~es- yami, 25,33; — aor. 3. sg. wesi, 12,19. 68,19 (anupubbikatham); inf. - wetum, 49,27. 55,17; — ger. wetva (rafifio gune) 42,4; a-kathetva, 49,37; ~ pp. kathita (q. v.). kadariya, mfn. (sa. kad-arya) ‘not liberal’, mean, niggardly, avari- cious; acc. m. wath (danena jine) 44,0 = Db, 223; m. pl. ~a, Dh, 177. kadali, f. (sa. kandali & kadali) 1) a sort of deer; *) a flag, banner; : the plantain or banana tree (Musa sapientum); °-punna-ghata-, 62,6. kada, adv, interr. (== sa,) when? cp. next, kadaci, adv. (sa, kadacid) 1) sometimes, 6,19, *) perhaps, 55,24, ep, kudacanam. kaddama, m, (sa. kardama) mud, mire, dirt; °makkhita, m/fn. mud- stained (wehi padehi) 71,29; apeta- kaddama, mfn. Dh, 95. kanaka, n. (— sa.) gold; *-vi- mana, 7. o golden palace; ~am, 61,15; loc. we, 23,33. — uttatta-kanaka-san- nibha, mfn. 85,7. 6* kanittha kanittha, mfn. (sa. kanishtha) the youngest, yonger born; m,a younger brether or the youngest son (opp. jettha(ka)); ~0, 35,91. 65,20; gen. ~wassa, 35,18; — %bnatii, 9,7; — jet- thaka-kanitthe (acc. pl.) an elder and a younger brother, 32,21. — ka- nittha-bhagini, f. a younger sister, instr, wiyd, 56,8¢ (cp. bhagini). kantati, vd, Gh rt, krnatti) to spin; part. f. ~wanti (tapasi) 111,6. kantara, ». (& m.) (sa. kantara) a forest, wildernesa; ao difficult road; ditthi-kantaram, 94,1 (q. ee Kanthaka, m. (sa. Kanthaka) nom, pr, of the horse of Bodhisatta (Siddhattna); acc, warm, 65,1920. kandati, vb. (sa. Ykrand) to cry, weep; pr. 3. 8g. wati, 30,19; aor. 2, sg. mi kandi, Dh. 371; ger. witva, 49,10 (~ roditva). kupanu, mfn. (sa, kppana), mise rable, poor; “uddhiku, 88,14 (q. 0.). kapfila, n. (= sa.) @ shell, the skull; a bowl or pan; tatta-kapile, loc. ,on a hot plate“, 11,7. kapi, m. (= sa.) an ape, monkey; 108,94. — *-yoni, f. 1,s. 2,17 (v. h.). — *-rajan, m. 1,7 (v. h.). kapila, mfn. (— sa.) brown, tawny, reddish; °-ga7i, 61,28. Kapilavatthu, m. (sa. Kapila- vastu) mom, pr. of a town in which Gotama Buddha was born (within the frontier of Nepal, cp, JRAS, 1897 & 1898); abl. wuto, 62,5; loc. wusmim, 81,7; °-nagare, 61,2. kappa, m. (sa, kalpa) 4) age, any obe of the azes cf the world; ace. sakala-kappain, throughout the whole kalpa, 16,15; loc. pathama-kappe, in remote antiquity, 10.2. — ®) mfn, (at the end of comp.) almost like or equal to; m. pl. Satthu-kappa, similar to the Master, 109,27, — cp. kappatthiya, kappika. kappaka, m. (sd. kalpaka) a berber; ~0, 44,935 voc. wa, acc, wath, 44,09, *kappatthiya (& wika), mfn. 68 (sa. *kalpa-stha, w. suff. -ka) lasting for a whole kalpa; °-rukkha, 59,9. kappana, f. (sa. kalpana) ‘pre- paring, arranging’, esp. caparisoning of a horse or an elephant, tightening of the saddle-girth; ~@ (atigalha) 65,21-22, 3 kappara, . (sa. kirpara) the elbow, the forearm; instr. ~ena (sise pahari) 50,19. 61,1. kappika, mfn. (sa. kalpaka, & ~wika) at the end of comp. = belong- ing to a certain kalpa : ~ pathama- kappika, m. pl. the first people of this kalpa (g. v.) 10,25; pathama- kappikato, abl. m. (?) from the be- ginning of this world, 4,10. kapptra, m. & n. (sa, karpira) camphor; -kappira-, 48,30, 73,11. kappeti, ob. caus. (sa. yklp, kalpayati) ') to arrange, prepare; imp, 2 8g. wehi (assari saddle“) 65,17; — inf. wetum (id) 85,20; = aor, 3, 8g. wesi (id.) ib. (cp. kap- pani); visamh ~ (,lived*) 1,4, 2,20 (pr. 3. sg. kappeti) lle. 35,27; 3. pl, wesum, 34,32; jivikarh \esi (,got livelihood“) 8,15; -- seyyam ~eti, to lie, to sleep, 465,22 (ekako va); — pass, part, m, wiyamano (whilst he was being saddled) 65,21. — *) to trim, to cut off; part. m. wento (kattari- kaya kumudanalam) 6,18; — ger. ~wetva (givam) ib, cp. kappaka, m. kamati, ob. (st. Vkram) to walk, to go; émtens. cafikamati, q. v. kabala, m. (sa. kavala) a mouth- ful, morsel; ace, wam (na bhuijati, kufijaro baddho) Dh. 324, kampati, vb, (sa. \karap) to tremble; part, m. -~amano, 36,3. kambala, 1, a 1. (== sa.) a woollen cloth or blanket; *°-ratana, n. yprecious rug“, 25,5 (ace. wan mahaggham). — ratta-°, scarlet cloth, 5,7. — pandu-°, 15,3 (°-silasanaih) q. vs kamma (& kamman) n, (sa. karman), nom. acc. sg. wath & ~wa. ‘) what has been done, deed, act; om. wam, Dh, 67; wa, Dh, 96; ace, ~wam, 51,19, 73,30. — raho-kammam, 54,17 (what is to be done in secret), - *) doing, action, work, labour; 6,15; - *kamma-ccheda, m, interruption of one’s labour, 6,1; — karana-kam- mam, 9,13 (what she is doing); 7 pana-vadha-°, 60,13 (killing of living beings); — papa-°, 9,18 (wickedness, cp. papa); — vicakkhu-kammiya, dat, in order to make (him) perplexed, 71,27; — milena xam n’atthi, 57,4 (,gratis“ or ,there is no need of money“ ?); — duty, errand; Dh. 217; kena kammena (instr.) 21,8; uposa- tha-°, 14,13 (q. v.); — business, occu- pation, vocation; kasi-kamma, agri- culture, tillage, 8,15 (instr, wena); — tunna-kamma, trade of a tailor, 57,8; - niyyamaka-kamma, a mariner’s vocation, 24,14, — 5) (in the dogmatics) good or bad deed, past deeds, esp, the influence of past deeds on one’s future destiny = merit, deserts, karma; wai, 24,1. 100,5; instr. wena, 100,6; gen. wassa (vipikavasena) 84,32; abl. pl. ~ehi (papakehi) 100,8; gen. pl. wanath, 97,13; attano pubba-kam- mam. 16,27 = attana kata-kammam, 17,4 (his own past deeds); papa- kamma (abl.) Dh, 127; saka-kam- mani (7. pl.) one’s own deeds, 106,20 — Dh. 240; anantarika-°, 76,5 (q. v.); yatha-kammam, adv, (g. v.); *kamma-kilittha, , evil karma, opp. *kamma-visuddhi, f. good karma, Dh. 15. 16; — kamma-patha, m. way of action, acc. pl. we (tayo) Dh. 281. - ‘)mfn, at the end of comp, nihina- kamma, suci-kamma (q.v.). — danda- kamma, parikammakata ¢ nezt. kamma-kara, m. (sa. karma- kara) a labourer, a servant; ~o (na- vikanam) ,a sailor's drudge“, 35,30. *kamma-karana, f. (cp. sa. karana) punishment, pain, torture; °-anubhavanatthanam, 23,97 (v. h.). kammaja, mfn. (sa. karma-ja) ‘caused by karma’, inboro. — *°-vata, m, pl. pains, birthethroes; assa w 69 karuna calimsu (came upon her) 62,19, (cp. vata). kammanta, m, (sa. karmanta) action, work, business; samma-kam- manto, right conduct, 67,4, . kammara, m. (sa. karmira) o smith (blacksmith or goldsmith); ~o, Dh. 239; gen, ~assa, 78,29. ~ *°-putta, m. by family a smith, ~0, 77,20. = *O-gandasa, m, a smith’s tongs; instr, vena, 5,2. kammin, mfn. (sa. karmin) acting (only at the end of comp.); m. pl, papa-kammino, evil-doers (upapaj- janti nirayam) Dh, 126. kayirati, kayira (kayra) ete, v, karoti. kara, mfn, (= sa.) doing, making; v, anta-kara, takkara, dukkara, pa- bharh-kara, vacana-kara, su-kara. karana!, mf(i)n. (= sa.) making, effecting, causing; cakkhu- ~i (pati- pada) leading to insight, 66,20; fiana- wi (id.) leading to wisdom, ib. karana®, n. (= sa.) the act of making; *°-kammam, 9,19 (v. h.); a-karana, m. avoiding (q. v.); cp. dvidba-°, vak-°, vohara-°, karana, f/f. (cp. sa, karana), », kamma-karana. karaniya, #. (grd. karoti, = 8a.) ‘to be done’, duty, business; katam ~am, ,the duty is fulfilled", 71,16; instr. kenacid-eva ~wiyena ,on some business“, 32,13. karandaka, m. (— sa.) a basket of burdle-work; *jala-karandaka, m. probably a fence or enclosure of net- work, used as a sort of bathing-house in the river (Tr.), Joc. we kilantassa, 86,30 (,,casting nets and weels in the river for sport“? Fausbell, Five Jat, p. 27). karavira, m. (= 6a.) name of a fragrant plant, Oleander; *°-patta, . name of a sort of arrow, wam, 92,94 (cp. patta*). karisa, m. (sa. karisha) feces; wah, 82,4 — 97,22. karuna, mfn. (— 8a.) ') miserable, karund pitiable, v. ati-karuna. — *) compas- sionate; acc. f. ~am (vacam), 103,4. ep. karuiiiia, nikkarunata & nezt. karuna, f (= 82.) pity, com- passion, mercy, imsir, ~waya, 22,2. karoti, vb, (sa. Vkr) *) w. ace, to do, make, perform, accomplish, finish, esp, kilaih w, to die (g. v.); to execute (vacanam); to effect, pro- duce, 6,3. 47,4. 89,6, efc,, very often periphrastically ; koparh aw, 40,7 (to become angry); satin w, 63,18 (to think of); saiifiamh a, 5,7 (to imagine) etc.; to put, place, direct, 6,10, 15,89. 6C,19. 65,15. 71,28, 83,1121; to treat, 57,6. — *) w, double acc. to make (adj.) 73,6; to elect (subst.) 10,2. — 5) w, adv. to act, behave, 58,5; to manage, arrauge, 12,9. — The usual prerant fo: mation is karoti, but besides ths we find kubbati (1. sg. also kummi), and even *karati must be supposed as base for certain forms of part., imper., pot. (kayirati is found ‘gt the grammarians) : 3, sg, oti (tath’ eva) 2.45; 2. sg. ~osi (saiiiiam) 5,7. (papakammam) 9,30; 2. sg. ~omi ont use = fut.y Ble; nan, 74,1 I did not do it); 1. pl, woma, 4,7, 6013 (= fut.); -- pr. med. 3. 8g. kurute (vasam, subdues) Dh, 48. (piyam) Dh, 217. — part. *) m. ka: ronto (voharam) 8,15. (sotthim) 54,31; loc. ~e, 19,99. (viriyara akaronte) 42,11; ace, pl. we, 21,3; gen. sg. karoto, Dh. 116; ace. f. with (ana- caram) 52,31; pl. wiyo (kalaham) 59,3. >) gen. sg. m. kubbato, 13,28. Dh. 51--52; med. ') kubbana, ace. m. wath, Dh, 217, *) kurumana, f. ~A, 49,13. 89,6; pl. f. wa, 51,28. °) m. karam, Dh. 136. — imp. *) 2. 8g, karohi, 19,28. 73,9. 86,1; 2. pl. wotha (mama vacanam) 32,25. 75,5. 108,6; 3. pl. wontu, 8,7. ») 2. sg. kara, 22,16. — pot, *) 3. sg. kareyya (kalam) 92,6; 2. sg. weyyasi, 15,24, 35,8 (aggir). 86,3 (papam); 1. 8g. weyyath, 15,12; 3. pl. ~eyyum, 17,26; 2. pl. weyyatha, 4,3. >) 3. sg. kare, Dh. 42—43; 3, 70 1. (?) 48,7 (perhaps we have here an aia fb of 3. pl. med., cp. Kuhn, Beitr. p. 94; but kare is also pr. 1. sg. med, — karomi, Jat. 11 138,18.). °) 3. sg. kayira (fr. *karyat), Dh. 42. 53. 105. 117. 159 (kayra); 3. sy. med. kayiratha, Dh. 25, 117. 313 (kayra- tha). 4) 2 pl. kubbetha, 29,12, - fut, *) 3. 8g. karissati (mukham) 11,17. satim) 63,18; 2 sg, wissasi, 15,31 Mis imper.), 77,6 (id.), 54,92 (cp. the use of fut. bhavissati. ». bhavati); 1, sg. wissami, 9,21. 12,2, 47,4 (lo- bhamh inassa); 3. pl. wissanti, 4,6. 7,15; 2. pt, wissatha, Dh. 275. »*) ka- hami & kassami ete.; 2. sg. kihasi, 103,7 (puniaini), Dh. 154 (geham). - aor, *) 3-2. sg. akasi, 19,33. 57,26. 60,19. 86,1; 2. sg. akas’ aham, 108,30; 8. pl. akamsu (siham rajanam) 10,3. 13,2. 21,22. 109,5. >) 3. sg. akari, 80,33. 85,5 (—= akasi, 85,13); 2. sg. ma kari, 53,8; 1. sg. karim, 47,4 (karin ti); 3, pl. karimsu, 10,27. 24,12 (ndmath assa). 58,5; 2. pl. ma evartipam karittha, 39,2, °) 3, sg. aka (Visud- dhimaggamh nama, composed) 114,13; 1. pl. med, akaramhase, 13,95. — inf. katum, 11,8. 27,16. 514 ete, — ger. *) katva, 4,36 (givam sugahitam). 6,2-10, 40,21 (dalham ~, with a strong grasp). 68,12 (kusalamh a, se. taya). 65,15 (ummare sisath). 82,1 (nicam ~, holding down); a-katva, 24,17. 34,3, 40,7. 42,15; adirh-katva, v. adi. >) katvana, 1125. °) karitva, 42,18. 71,28 (nafigalam khandhe, ,having shouldered“). 73,6. 74,19; vasim «, q. v. (cp. sakkaccata). — pass. kayi- rati, Dh. 292 (+= kayrati), ~ pp. kata, mfn. (q.v.). — grd. *) kattabba, mfn, what is to be done; , ~am (sa- hayassa, ya friend’s part“) 12,31. (vi- riyam) 42,13, 54,13. Dh, 53; °kicca (v. h.); %yutta. mfn. what ought to be done, n. ~am, 54,39, >) katabba. mfn.; m. ~0 (sathsaggo) 29,7; ». war (kin nu kho ~) 11,33; m. ~o (brahma- dando, to be imposed) 79,13; yut- takarh (etesam karissanti, shall do for them) 39,34. °) kicca, mfn, (v. separately), ¢) kariya, mfn.; a-kari- yam, ”, 106,15 «= Dh, 176. °) kayira, mfn, (= kariya, fr. sa, karya); n. ~ aii ce, Dh, 313. ‘) karaniya, mfn. (v. separately). ~ caus. kareti (gq. v.). “= atthi-°. alam-°, dvi-°, manasi-°, sacchi-karoti (v, h.), cp. kattar, kamma, kara, karana, kara(ka), karana, karin, kiriya. *Kalandaka-nivapa, m. nom, pr. of a garden at Veluvana near Ra- jagaha (Jit, ‘an offering to the squirrels’, Sp. H. Man.? 198); “loc, we, 84,27, kalala, ”. (= sa.) ')the embryo a short time after conception; gen, massa, 99,10, — *) mud, mire; acc. wath, 46,83; loc. kama-kalale, ,in the mud of desire“, ib.; githa-kalale (nimugga-gamasukaro) in the dung: hill-pool, 2, kalaha, m. (= sa.) strife, quarrel; acc, wath (karontiyo) 59,3; ~wath (aifiamaniam karonti)74,5.—*°-sadda, m, brawl, acc, wat, 59,4. kala. f. (= sa.) ')a part, portion (esp, the sixteenth part of the moon's diameter), acc, wath (solasim, a six- teenth part) Dh, 70, — *) any mee chanical or fine art, 113,s (vijja-sippa- kala-vedi). kalapa, ‘m. (= sa.) 1) bundle; acc, daru-kalapam (sisena adaya) a bundle of fire-wood, 57,12. — *) a quiver; acc. dhanu-kalaparh, bow and quiver, 75,15. kali, m. (= sa.) the unlucky die, loss at game, misfortune; sin, vice; n’atthi dosasamo ~, Dh. 202 ‘(= sin? cp. SBE, X, 55); ace. ~im ‘ihe bad die), 10618 — Dh. 252 [kali, opp. kata (sa. krta) v. Jat. VI, 228,19. 282,17. 357,5). *kalifigara, m. & n, (also spelt with ], Burm. read, kalifikara) *) a log ot wood (explained by comm, by katthakhanda, khinu); ”. ~ath (nir- attharh) Dh, 41 (cp. Thi, 468, MN. I, 449,16). — *) (sa. kadafigara & ka- dafikara) straw, chaff (Abidb, 453). ” 71 kasiva kalira, m, (sa. karira) the top- sprout of a plant; ~o (pathamuggato) 47,9. kalyana, mfn. (— sa.) beautiful, good; loc. n. we, Dh. 116 (opp. papa); acc. m. pl. ~e (mitte, opp. papake mitte) Dh. 78, 375. — *°-ripa, m/fn, beautiful, m, ~o (catuppado) 30,8. Kalyani, f. (= 8a.) nom. pr. of ariver in Ceylon; acc. wim, 21,16. kalla, mfn. (sa. kalya) healthy, salutary; able, clever; ready, prepared, perfect; », wath (kallan nu kho tad wbhinanditum) 97,5; m. kallo si bhante, 99,35. — *9-citta, afn. whose mind is prepared, acc. m. wat, 68,21, kavata, n. (sa. id. & kapata) a door (not the aperture, dvara, g. »., but that by which the aperture could be closed, cp. SBE. XX, 160). - *0.nittha, . the backside of the door (,door & doorpust*, SBE, XIII, 159), acc. wath, 84,12 (cp. pittha & Vin, I, 368,09; SBE, XX, 105). kasata. mfn, (probably by meta- - thesis fr, sa. sakata, which also is found in the mss., cp. sa. cata & kashta) bad, vile, nasty; a certain taste: sour, bitter, acrid, or: insipid, tasteless == niroja, niyylisa; subst. m, fault, vice; bitter juice, sediment, dregs (?); — kasata-phalani (». pl.) 1,13; — nimba-kasatam (acc.) bitter nimba-juice, 37,25. kasati, vb. (sa. Vkrsh, krshati, cp. kaddhati & (sam)ukkathsati) to plough; pr. 3. sg. ~wati, 56,16; 3. pl. wanti, 30,29. cp. kasi, kassaka & next, *kasana, n. (fr. kasati, sa. kar- shana) the act of ploughing; ~arh, 56,16. °-tthanarh, 2. the place where one is ploughing, 56,1. kasa, f. (sa. kag&) a whip; acc. kasam-iva (= kasam viya) Dh. 143; acc. pl. wa, 55,14; instr. pl. ~ahi, 77,12, — *°-nivittha, m/fn. touched by: the whip, m. ~o (asso) Dh, 143>. kasava, m. & n. (sa. kashaya) dirt, impurity; fault, sin. — vanta- kasi _kasfiva, mfn. one who has thrown away ain, m. ~[o] Dh. 10, — a-nik- kasava (g. v.), cp. kasiiva. kasi, f. (sa. krshi) ploughing, agriculture; °-kamma, m, id; instr. wena, 8,15. — %gorakkhadini, 21,s (ploughing, tending cattle &). kasma, adv. why? (pron, interr. abl.) v. kith. kassaka, m. (sa. karshaka & krshaka) a ploughman, farmer; pl. ait, 31,1. — *e-kula, n. the family of a farmer, loc. we, 8,14. — *°-vanna, m, the appearance of a ploughman, acc, ~am, 71,27. Kassapa, m. (sa. Kagyapa) *) nom. pr. of the Buddha before Gotama; gen. ~assa (Bhagavato) 84,28, °-da- sabala, gen. ~assa, 22,12. °-samma- sambuddha, 28,18. — *) nom. pr. of a thera, one of Buddha’s great disciples, president of the first council; wo (doutavadinam aggc) 109,6; = Ma- haikassapathero, 109,17. — 9) Kumara- kassapa, q. v *kaham, adv. inierr. (cp. kattha, kuhim & sa, kuha) where? whereto? 1,25 (~ thapetha), 21,8 (gacchissatha), 34, (kahan nu kno), 49,6 (~ ga- tisi), 73,13 (gacchasi), 88,5 (id, = kettba gamissasi, 87,36). kahapana, m, (& n.) (sa. kar- slfipana) a certain weight of gold, silver or copper a coin, a piece of money, money in general; instr, wena, 18,0; acc. pl. ~9 (attha) 24,98; dhuttiinam .e datva, hiring some villains, 73,19; instr. pi, wehi (suram pivanta) 74,4. — *°-vassa,'2. a shower of money, instr, wena, Dh. 186. — %satam, ». 100 k.s, 18,13. — %-sa- hassena (instr. ».) 1000 k.s, 67,33. ka, pron. interr. f., vo. kim. koka, m. (— 8a.) a crow; wO, 11,5. 18,16; ace. wam, 18,8, — *°-sisa, mfn. neving a head like a crow, m, mo, 2),24. — *9-stira, m. a crow hero“, designation of a cowardly or impudent fellow, instr. wena, Dh, 244, — disa- kaka, m q. v. 72 *kikacchati, vb. onomat., to snore; part, f. pl. wantiyo, 65,6. This word ia said to be akin to ykas, to cough, cp. Fausbgll, Bem. 1888, p. 38 (44), but Kern and Trenckner derive it from Vkrath, ». Mil. 85,29 Note. , kaka, indecl, (= sa.), ,caw, caw", onomat. fr. the cawing of a crow, 18,30. kaja, m. (sa. kaca) a yoke to support burdens; v. khari-kaja. kana, mfn. (— sa.) one-eyed, blind of one eye; °%mahd-macchan, acc, m. 4,15. katabba, grd. & katum, inf, v, karoti. kapotaka, mfn. (sa. kapota & kapotaka) pigeon-coloured, grey, white; n. pl. wani alee Dh. 149. kama, m. (— sa.) ') wish, desire; most frequently pl. — desires, (sen- sual) pleasures, (sensual) love; acc. (adv.) ~wam, q.v.; @bl. wato (jayati soko) Dh. 215; pl. wa, 20,17. 45,5 manusaka, opp. dibba-kame, ace. i 103,35 (te |Marassa] pathama senn); acc. pl. we, 46,18. 69,27, 103,24. Dh, 88. 383. 415; instr. sabba-kam- ehi, 61,29; gen. wanath, 68,20; Joe. ~wesu, 47,29. 52,24 (atittam), Dh. 48 (id); 65,9 (viratto); 97,11 (miccha carati, ,commits alee oe Dh, 186 (titti) 218.401. — *-kulala (v. h,). — *-tanha, thirst for pleasure, 67,14 (in the series : kama-, bhava-, vibhava-), — *kima-rati (dvandva comp.), love and lust; °santhava, m. familiarity with nA, ace, wat, Db, 27. — yattha-kama(m), g.v. — kima- kama, etc. v. below. — *) mfn, (at the end of comp.) desiring, longing for, intending; a-kama, mfn. (qg. v.); sukha-kama, m/fn. longing for bappi- ness, 7, pl. ~ani (bhitani) Dh, 131; very frequently comp. w. inf, in tu-: aropetu-°, 74,12. uddisdpetu-°, 84,6. khadipetu-®, 1,23. khaditu-°, 1,7. 4,11. ganhitu-°, 65,16. gantu-°, 4,18. 22.9. 50,0 (brahmanam paharitva v0, kama- is here logically to be com- bined with paharitva). caritu-°, 36,10, jivitu-°, Dh, 123. datthu-°, 19,12. (daitu-°, », a-daitu-kaimata). nahay- itu-°, 83,21. nikkhamitu-°, 65,16, paripucchitu-°, 84,7. pavisitu-°, 82,94, 83,27. paharitu-°, 29,25, bhuiijitu-, 83,12, maretu-°, 9,20, vaiicetu-°, 5,1, 5l,is, sotu-°, 87,19. kamam, adv, (ace, sg. fr. kima, =a.) willingly, readily, with pleasure; ~ cajAma asuresu panath, 60,17. kama-kama, mfn,(— sa.) desi- rous of lust, having desires; m, pl, na «a (lapayanti santo) Db, 83, “*kima-gavesin, mfn, looking for pleasures; m. pl, wino, Dh. 99. kaéma-guna, m, (= sa.) passion, affection; object of sense, pl. the pas- sions, taken as five different kinds, according to the five external senses; ace, pl. we, Dh, 371; instr. pl. wehi (paticahi samappitassa) 67,25, *kamata, f. (cp. kama, *)) in- clination to; comp. w. inf. in tu-: kilitu-° (salavana-kilam, deviya uda- padi) 62,15. cp. a-datu-kamata, 16,14. *kima-bhava, m., v, kama- bhava. *kama-sukha, n, sensual plea- sure, the pleasure of love; acc. ~am (pahaya) 47,98 — Dh, 346—47. —- sRamecukh’allike, mfn, (?), °-anuyoga, mfn, 66,36 (v. h.). *kEmabhava,m. (—kama-bhava, with a lengthened metri causa) 1) sen- sual existence in one of the eleven Kamalokas, *) rise or origin of lust; °-parikkhina, mfm, one in whom lust can rise no more, acc. m. wath, Dh, 415 (,,in whom all concupiscence is extinct“), cp, tanha-bhava, nandi- bhava. kaya, m, (= 8a.) the body; ~0, 70,82. 107,56 == Dh. 41; gen. ~assa, 7,26; instr, ~ena (saiiato) 84,99; (sathvuto) Dh. 231—234 (in the series : kayena, vacaya, manasa); wena dhammam passati, ,sees the law bodily“, Db, 259 (cp. SBE, X, 73 karana 65); toc. wasmim, 71,10; acc, pl. we, 112,30. — aru-kaya, m. or mfn. (?) v. h. — santa-kaya, mfn. whose body is quieted, m. ~o, Dh, 378. — *°-gata, adj. f. directed to the body (sati, q. v.) Dh, 293. — *°-duccarita, n, the bad deeds of the body, acc. ~amh, Dh, 231. — *%-ppakopa, m, bodily anger, ace, wath, Dh, 231, — °-ban- dhana, », a girdle, wam, 82,25. — *0_viniana, 2. body-consciousness, the sense of touch, wat (dukkha-saha- gatarh, a painful perception) 98,1, ~ *0-samphassa-vilinanayatana, n, the sense of touch, wath, 72,16 (cp. dya- tana). kiyika, mfn. (= 8a.) belonging to or concerning the body; instr, m, wena (saiifiamena, satvarena) 85,17-18, kara, mfn. (— sa.) doing, making (at the end of comp.), v, andha-°, ahim-°, unha-°, usu-°, mamim-®, sadhu-°, cp, purekkhara, sakkara. ka@raka, m(fn), doing, making; a maker, doer (at the end of comp.), v, kitatta-°, gaha-°, pesufiia-°, bhatta-°, sussa-°, sasana-°. kirana, ». (= sa.) 1) cause, reason, motive (means); om. ~am, 3,1. 7,4, 29,1 (tam ~wam, that is why). 37,7. pabbajja-° (tumhadkam), 45,9; acc, ~am (imam, the cause of that) 15,0. wam katva, giving as cause, 85,24; instr, kena wena, for what reason? 16,93. 100,17; kin te mama hasita-karanena, ,what is that to you why I laugh“, 63,84; a-kara- nena, q. ¥.; abl, ~, often in comp, w. kim-°,, why? 9,90, 28,84. 53,54; manussavasa-karana, ,,because I have had to do with men“, 112,10. — #) event, affair, the state of the case, circumstance, fact; acc. ~am (asal- lakkhetva) 3,18; (sutva) 24,28; (fiatva) 35,1; kiici war ajananto, unsuspect- ing, 50,17. — §) doing, making (at the end of comp.; sometimes written -ka- rana); asanta-paggaha-°, 29,97 (v. a-santa). ) acc. , kim (cintento) 4,3; (ka- rissanti) 7,16; (karomi) 55,6; (maf- fiasi) 69,84; kin’ti vyikareyyasi, 95,6; ~ °) kith (adv.) v, below. — m, nom. ko (si tvath) 3,19; (janati) 13,17; (ettha) 65,14; (pan’ ettha Nagaseno) 97,81; (~ nu dipo) 110,51; (~ nu haso) Dh. 146; — acc. kam, 25,18. Dh. 353, — f. nom. ka (nama tvath) 56,10, — instr. *)(m.) n. kena, 16,33. 35,8. 70,98; °) adv. why? 22,20, 54,37. — instr. (etc.) f. kta, 29,80 (kathiya). 75 kicca — gen, m. *) kassa, 98,13; >) kissa, 36,33 (phalam, scil, rukkhassa). — gen. n. (adv.) kissa, why? 101,6, — abl, n. (adv.) kasma, why? 7,7. 87,28. ~ As to the rest the declension is that of tam and other pronouns, e, g. instr, pl. m. kehi, 74,9. An old neuter form kad- has been preserved in kac-ci & kad-ariya (9. v.). — kif carahi, ko carahi, v. carahi. — cp. kiiica, kii- cana, kificipi, kiiici, koci etc. kim?, adv, interr, (= prec.; in its different meanings often combined with other particles), — 1) —<- how? 1,8 (kin ti); 70,91 (kii ca sabbam adittam); 74,98 (kim pana, ,how much less“); 86,29 (kin nu kho bhavissati, how is she now, I wonder?); 87,13 (kin nu kho); Db. 146 (kim anando), — *) = why? 1,4. 3,8, 85,32 88,4 (kim nama, why then?), — °) interr. particle (introductory of a full sentence) : *) = latin -ne, num; kith janasi, do you know? 113,11; kim so sabbarattirmh dipeyya (pot.) 99,18; kim bhavissati, Dh, 264; kin nu kho. 38,37 (w. pot, siya, should he possibly be?); 89,22. 97,18; kim pana (by putting forth a second question) 89,25. 97,26; kim pana (expressive of astonishment) 44,4, — > — latin nonne (w. foll. ‘na’); kin te,,.navattati, had you not better, ..? 1,15; kim na passasi, 111,19; kif ca lohitam n’ipasussaye (pot.) 103,19. -°),. (disjunctive, — utrum,.an), 9,24 (kim mata vo ana- ciram karoti na karotiti). — *) used as a mere interjection, by calling one’s attention to a question (without full sentence) = now! look here! halloh! B11 cn bho vinarinda!); 78,16 (kith Sundari, kaharh gatasi), kicca, ') mfn, (grd. karoti, sa. krtya) to be done or made; », wam (a&tapparh) Dh. 276; kiccam, a-kiccam, Dh. 292; kicodkicca, loc, pl. wesu, Dh. 74. — *) n. duty, service, kindness; business, purpose, cause, motive, use, need; nom, tumhakam vinasena ~am n’atthi, ,there is no need for“ (instr.) kiccha 55,7; ace, warm, 13,25 (service); sa- kicca-ppasuta, m/f». intent upon one’s own business, m. pl. ~3, 86,28; kat- tabba-kicca, ». pl. ,the objects of one’s mission*, loc. wesu, 114,91. — itthi-°, kata-°, kilamana-°, bhatta-®, q. Vv, kiccha, mfn. (sa. krcchra) pain- ful, attended with pain or labour; m. ~o (Buddhanarh uppado) Dh. 182; n. war (saddhammasavanam) ib. kifica, . pron, indef. (= 8a. ep. kifici) avything: afar kijica yathi- cchiteth, whatever else you might wish, 111,28, kificana(th), ». pron, indef. (sa. kim-cana) anything; na ~amh, nothing, Db. 200, 421. — a-kijicana, mfn. (q. v.). — cp. dkificaiina, m. & sa- kijicana, m,‘n. kificApi, indect. (— sa.) certainly, although, in spite of; ~ na janati (w. foll. pana) 63,31; ~ $9 evam vadeyya, 100,97 (i spite of what he might say“). kifiei, 1) pron, indef. (sa. kith- cid) something, anything (whatever); w, foll, negation = nothing; nom. ya kifici... sabbath tara (whatao- ever) 68,27; adj. ~ ditthigatam, 94,6; ace. ai kitici labhamase (any reward) 1,26; aidiani ~ (v. h.) T1215 ma kitei vadetha, 55,28; ~ vattum na visahati, 87,2; adj. na kifiol papa, 104,54; na... anumattarh ~ dubbhasitarh padamh (not even tho smallest) 110,12; instr, kenaci, 73,4; kenacid-eva (karaniyena) 32,13; oe. kismici, Dh. 74, — *) adv, altogether, w. foll. negation = not at all; sace kifici Gharam labheyyam, 15,1; na kiiei abhavissa, 42,1; « karanath a-ja- nanto, 50,17. — koci, m. (v. h.) ep. kacci & kifica above. kinati, vb. (sa, ykri) to buy; pr. 1. sg. ~aimi (dadhim tava hat- thato) 101,29 (= I did not buy); ger. kinitva, 101,28. kitava, m.(— sa.) a gamester, gambler; kitavasatho, a fraudulent 76 @ = Dh. 262, which 6, Me ee gambler ee itten kitava probably ought to be wr satho, kitava being nom. (— $4. kitavah) after the analogy of words ending with -vat (Tr. cp. Jat. VI, 228,19: kitava sikkhito yatha, in both instances before ‘s'; gc#. ~assa, SN, I, 24,4 — Vin. III, 90.) The Comm. takes kitava — kitavaya, but Weber Ind, Str, I, 158) and Max Miller {Sih X, 63) take it for an abl. = vor dem Spielgegner, from the player. *kittaka, mfn, (formed after the analogy of ettaka etc. ‘I'r, PM. p. 80, cp. sa. kiyat), how much? how many? ®. wath pacami, how much have I to cook? 67,10. ep. next. *kittavata, adv. (cp. ettavata & prec.), how far? to what extent? 96,5. kinnara, m. (= sa.) a kind of mythical being, a male tairy, f. «1; the kinnaras are of extraordinary beauty, celebrated dancers and musi- cians (cp. Jat. IV, 252 & 438). = *O-l]]ha, f. the grace of a kinnara, instr, waya, 49,12, kinndma, mfn, (sa. kim-naman) having what name; m, wo 3i bhante, what is your name? 96,29. kipillika, m. (sa. pipilika, cp. pipilik&) an ant; pl. wa, 60,1. kimattham & kimatthaya, »v. kim & attha '), kira, adv. (enclit, — sa, kila) indeed, really, probably; namely, often to be rendered by ,you know“, yyou see“; ,we hear“, ,it is said“; or in- dicating what the subject concludes from facts mentioned or imagined; ~ 87,6; evam kir’, 40,3. 51,ae; saccam kir’ evam, o4,16; na kir’, 31,6; ex- pressive of astonishment : 64,13; in interrogative sentences: 51,7, 68,15. 69,7 (kiraham); after a question : 32,17. 87,28; — 3,2. 18,5, 23,26. 29,22, 32,9; — 88, Lljo. 31,8. 3914. 5418. 60,2. 6l,a-9. 72,21; — ayam pi kira raja yeva, 43,25, kiriya, f. (sa. kriya) doing; work, undertaking; nom. wi (panfavanta- nam ijjhati) 57,6. — anta-°, kala-° sacca-°, q. v. kilanta, pp. vo. next, kilamati, vb. (sa, Vklam) to grow weary, to become tired, to be troubled or exhausted; pr. 3. pl, wanti, 6,21; 2. pl. kimattham ama (why weary ourselves) 65,3; imper. 3. pl. ~wantu, 60,12. — pp. kilanta, m. pl. wa, 112,98. ep. neat, kilamatha, m, (sa. klamatha) fatigue, exhaustion, suffering; instr. appa-kilamathena, 28,12 (v, h.), = *atta-° (v, A.) *kilamana, . — prec, — kic- cath (n’atthi aiifiesarh, ,none shall suffer“) 39,16 (ep. kicca). kilittha, mfn. (pp. vklig, sa. klishta), impure, dirty; 2. impurity; *kamma-kilittham, evil karma (opp. °-visuddhi) Dh, 16, cp. kilissati & kilesa. kilinna, mfn. (pp. yvklid, sa. klinna), moistened, wet; lala-kilinna- gatta, adj. 65,5. kilissati, vb. (sa. \/klig) *) to be tormented, feel pain, suffer; pot, 3. 3g. ~eyya, Dh. 158. — 7) to be impure (through sin); pp. kilittha (q. v.) ep. next," kilesa, m, (sa. kleca) pain; de- pravity, passion; acc, pl. wo Cae 44,31; loc. pl. ~esu (virattamannasassa 64,1932; sabba-kilesa-darathesu (Joc. pl.) ,all passions and torments“, 64,91; kilesa-vasena, ,under the influence of passion“, passionately, 20,11; *°-rati, f. sensual pleasure, love, acc, wih, 46,18; instr, wiyd, 53,24. 73,18. — *citta-klesa, m. (— °-kilesa), depra- vity of mind, abl. pl. webi, Dh. 88. kiloma & kilomaka,n.(sa.kloma & kloman) any kind of membrana- ceous tissue, esp. the peritoneum, abdomen or paunch; mom. «kath, 82,3 — 97,91 (cp. Jat, IV, 292,18. III, 49,s3~25). kisa, mfn. (sa. ute ciated; m, wo (tvam asi ‘mam, 106,19 — Db. 395. lean, ‘ema- 103,5; aco, 77. kiva *Kisagotami, f. nom. pr. of a theri, a relative of Gotama; nom, wi (khattiyakafifia) 64,1; gen. (dat.) ~wiya, 64,25, kismici, loc. sg. n., v. kiiici. kissa, ') gen. pron, interr. *) adv, — why, 101.6, v. kim!, kidisa, mfn. (sa. kidrga) of what kind? what like? m, ~o (silacaro) 43,33; 2. wat (kammam) 85,19. kilati, vb, (sa, ykrid) to play, to sport, to amuse one’s self in or by (w. loc. or ace, of the name of the play, very often a comp. ending with -kila, q. v.); pr. 3. 8g. wati (jUtamh T'am- barajena saddhim, plays at dice) 19,10. 48,5; (nakkhattarh, enjoys the festival) 61,3; 1. pl. ~ama, 48,22; — part, m. ~anto, 48,5; gen. ~wantassa (10. loc, jala-karandake, g, v.) 36,30; part. med, m ~ amano, 7,29; — aor. 3, sg. kili (raiia saddhim) 48,21; (pok- kharaniyam udaka-kilamn, amused himself in the lotus tank) 62,98; — inf. witum (jutam) 20,4; comp. kilitu- kaimata, f, 62,15. — caus. kilapeti (q. v.); ep. next & kila, kilika. kilana, n. (sa. kridana) playing; kale (amhakath pokkharaniyam) 53,0; juta-kilana-, playing at dice, 20,14, kilii, f. (sa. kridi), play, sport, amusement; frequently last part of comp. (object of the verb kilati) : udaka-kilarh kili (amused himself by bathing) 52,28; uyyana-kiladi-gamana, n, riding in the park etc. 65,22; ku- mara-kilam ie kilitva] 44,20 (v. h.); nakkhatta-kilam (anubhavamana, the festivities) 61,5; salavana-°, 62,15. kilapeti, vb. (caus. II. kilati) to cause to play, to play with (acc.); ger, ~etva (tam, sc. darakam) 58,38. *kilika, f. (dimin. fr. kila) pleasure, excursion; acc, uyyana-kili- kam gacchanto (taking a walk in the park) 52,18. *kiva, indecl. (correl, of yava, ep, sa. kiyat & ved, kivat) how much? (quanto), w. foll, pi — how much ka- soever (quamvis); — °-mahanta, m/n. how great, acc. mn, ~am pi (papakam- mam) 51,97 ku-, indecl. (= sa.) prefix, im- plying deterioration, contempt ete. (originally pron. base, cp. kuto). — ku-samudda, m. the dreadful or fatal sea, ~0, 20,16. (cp. kith, kimmsadda). kukkuta, m. (= sa.) a cock; paijare pakkhitta-kukkuto, a cock in a cage, 46,20. kucchi, m. & f. (sa. kukshi, m.) the belly, womb, uterus; acc. ~ith, 61,21; — abl. matu-kucchito, 62,35; abl. m, ~imha, 42,93; — loc. m. wis- mim, 38,9; ~imbhi, 61,81; — instr. f. ~wiya (parihariwa) 62,2; — loc. f. ewiyamh (pakkhipitva, ,even if you had her inside you*) 50,s4. kujjhati, vb, (sa. Vkrudh) to be- come angry; pot. 3. sg. na kujjheyya, Dh. 224; aor. 2. pl. ma mayham ewittha, 19,31; ger. witva, 33,16; a- kujjbitva, 57,25. — pp. kuddha (gq. ».), cp. kujjhane, kodha. *kujjhara, o becoming angry, ~ sila, mfn. prore to anger, irascible; f. pl. nB, 52,6. kufijara, m. (== sa.) an elephant; voc. wa, 77,3-4; pl. wa, Dh. 322. kuti (& kuti), f. (sa. kuti) a hut, a house; nom. ~i (channa) 104,22-25: loc. ~wiyamh, 14,29; (eka-)gandha-kuti- yah (q. v.) 73,17. kutumba, , (= sa.) household, family; ace. wath (vicirenti) 22,15; (santhapetum) 56,6. kutumbik, m. (— sa, cp, ku- tumbin) a householder, 'paterfamilias esp, of the midcle class, cp. Fick, Soc, 1,166); *nahapita-, m. 28,19 (v. .). kunapa, n. (= sa.) a corpse, a dead body; vippsvic dhe-nana-kunapa- bharita, mfn. 65,10. kundala, ». (— 8a.) a ring, ear- ring or bracelet; Joc. pl. mani-kun- dalesu, precious stones and rings, Dh. 346. kundika, f. (= sa.) the water- pot of an ascetic; loc, wayarh, 110,38, 78 kuto, adv, interr. (sa. kutas, cp. ku-) +) whence? from where? 21,8. 55,8. 59,2. 87,25. — *) how much less? latin nedum) : na soko kuto bhayam neither —— nor) Db. 212, — a-kuto- bhaya, mfn. (q. v.). *kutta, .(?) at the end of comp. — acting or performing the part of (?). — itthi-kutta- ,women's wiles“, 21,13. (kutta is explained in the commen- taries by -katam or kiriya, and is synon, w. kutti, f. (sa. krti?); accord- ingly it is possibly derived from sa. suff. krt). kudacanam, adv, (sa, kada cana} ever, at any time; w. negation = never at any time; na a, 106,23 — Db. 56; ma a, 106,95 — Dh. 210. cp. kadaci. kuddha, mfn. (sa. kruddha, pp. ykrudh, v. kujjhati) angry; m. ~0, 57,28; instr. ~ena, 11,7; gen. ~wassa, 1l,e. — a-kuddha, mfn. (q. v.); cp. kodha. kupita, mfn. (= sa.; pp. kuppati, Vkup) offended; angry; m. 0, 74,30. cp. kopa. kubbato, kubbanam, kubbe- tha, v. karoti. kumara, m. (— sa.) a son, a young man, prince; *°-kilath [katva] (baving amused himself as prince, cp. kila) 44,20; *°-panha, m. the novice’s questions, 82,14; deva-kum@ra, a son of a god, ~ vannin, mfn. 45,26 (v. h.). — kuniara is often used as last part of u nom. pr. <= younger, junior, 7. Ajatasattu-, Brahmadatta-, Siddha- ttha-, Silava-, Suppdraka-, Susinua-. cp. kumari. *Kumara-kassapa, m, nom, pr. of a thera; ~o (vicitrakathi) 109,9. kumari. f. (= sa.) a young gir!; ace. wim (daharim) 47,19, cp. ku- mara. — dimin, kumarika, f. (= sa.) id. ~8, 86,36. 112,14; voc. we, 87,35; acc. ~am, 48,19; instr, waya, 86,30. kumuda, ». (= sa.) the white lotus; acc, ~aih (saradikam) Dh. 285. — *nala, m. a lotus-stalk, acc, am, 51s, — *-patta-vanna, mfn. having the colour of the petals of the white es acc, pl, ~e (mafigala-sindhave) 4. kumbha, m. (= sa.) 1) a jar, pitcher; *°-"ipama, mfn. like a jar (fragile), acc, wath (kayath) Dh. 40, — uda-®, m. a water-pot, ~o, Dh, 121. *) one of the frontal globes of an ele- phant; acc. wath (hatthissa) 77,1, kumbhila, m. (sa, kumbhira) crocodile (of the Ganges); ~0, 2,36. 108,27 (ruddadassano); gen. pl, ~a- nam, 3,17, — *-raja, m, 1,16 (voc.) cp, rajan, : kuruiiga, m. (sa, kurafiga) a kind of antelope; *°-miga, m. the k.-deer, ~o0, 1l,es; wjataka, p. 11—13. kurute, kurumana, ». karoti. kula, ». (= sa.) a family, house- hold; class or caste in general (v, Fick, Soc, Gl, 22, ep. jati), and more espe- cially designation of a family of the numerous castes of the middle class (merchants and tradesmen, v, kula- dhitar & °-putta below); mom. tam kulam, Dh. 193; jati-gotta-kula-pa- desa, m,. 43,30 (v. h.); para-kulesu (loc, pl.) among other people“, Dh, 73; raja-kula, ”. the king’s palace, acc, wath (pavisitva) 58,17; abl. ~ato, 48,15; loc. we, 53,30. — kassaka-°, 8,15; vanija-°, 30,2; purana-setthi-°, 55,s1 (v. h.). cp. upatthaka-°, 81,11. kulin, mfn. (q. v.). kula-dhitar, f. (sa, kula-duhitr) the daughter of a respectable family (esp. of the middle class); acc. ~aram, 87,18. cp. next, kula-putta, m. (sa. kula-putra) a young man of respectable family (esp. of the middle class, cp. Fick, Soc, Gl. 164); wo (setthi-putto) 67,21; acc, ~am, 68,10; gen. ~assa, 67,95. *kula-santaka, mfn. belonging to one’s family; acc, m, ~am (naga- Br 62,4. *kulala, m. (cp. sa. kurara & krura) a hawk or falcon; gen. ~assa, 92,20. 79 kuhin kulavaka, x. (sa. kulaya, m. + -ka) a nest; ~ka, f. (or pl.?) brood of birds (= supanna-potaka, Comm.) 60,16 (cp, SN. I, p, 8,1 ff.) — viku- lava, mfn. (q. v.). kulin, mfn. (— sa.) belonging to a noble family; *a-kulin, of base ex- traction, 102,4 (g. .). *Kuveni, f. nom. pr. of a female yakkha; wi nama yakkhini, 111,5. kusa, m. (sa. kuga) the Kusa-grase (Poa Cynosuroides); ~0, 26,20; Dh. 311 (duggahito hattham anukantati); nila-kusa-tina, ”. dark K,-grass, sam, 26,18. kusagga, 2. (sa. kucagra) the sharp point of a blade of Kusa-grass; instr. wena (bhufjetha bhojanam, like an ascetic) Db, 70. *Kusamala, m.(?) nom, pr. of an ocean; acc. vari (nama samuddam) 26,19. = Kusamalin, m. (?), 26,32 (~ maliti vuccati), cp, Aggimala, kusamudda, m. vw. ku-. kusala, mfn. (sa. kugala) good, rigbt; clever, skilful; m. 10, Dh. 44; n, wath, 4,89 (sace..., icc-etamh ku- salath); acara-kusala, m/n. perfect in behaviour, m. ~o,. Dh. 376; para- ppavada-°, skilled in disputation, m. ~0, 110,9; gen. pl. kusala-kusalanam kammananh, good and bad deeds, 97,18. — subst. n. a good thing, good things, good deeds, merit; nom. wath, 97,13; wam bahum, Dh. 63; acc. ~am katva, 58,19; instr. wena, Dh. 173; gen. ~assa, Dh, 183. — a-kusala,. mfn. (gq. v.). Kusinara, f. (sa. Kuginagara) nom, pr. of a town in Northern India, the capital of the Mallas, where Buddha died; wa, 78,27; acc, ~alh nagaram, 78,32, kusita, mfn. (sd. kusida) idle, lazy; m. ~o (synon. hinaviriyo) Dh. 112. 280; acc, wam, Dh.,7, cp. kosajja. kusuma, n. (= sa.) a flower; niluppaladi-kusuma-dama-, 47,18, *kuhim, adv. interr. (cp. kaharm kubifici & ea, kuha) *) whereto? ~ me puttam neti, 59,1; ~ gantva, 72,1. — *) where? 46,5 (~ me mata); 9413 (~ upa- pajjati). *kuhifici, adv. {fr last, ep. sa. kuhacid) to ary place; naw, nowhere, Do, 180, kita’, mfn. (-= 8a.) false, deceit- fu. — *kitatta, m. false suit (cp. atia®); °-karaka, m. a falee suitor, pl. ~8, 42,29, kuta®, m. & n. (= sa.) summit, veak; kala-pisana-kita-vanna, m/fn. 24,21; gaha-kttam,.”. Dh. 154; pab- bata-kuta, m. pl. 75,3c. cp. Gijjha- kita. kipa!, m. (= sa.) a hole, — loma- kuipa, m. a pore of the shia; °mattam pi, 16,10 (v. matta*. kiipa® & kipaks, m. (= sa.) the mast of a ship; kiupagge, on the top of the mast, 18,6 (v. agga); pl. kipaka (tayo) 28,29. tla, m. (= sa.) the bank of a river; Joc. nadi-kile, 108,24; para- kule, on the opposite bank, 108,39. — pamsu-kila, , (v, h.). kedara, m., (== 8a.) a field; ¢nstr. pl. ~wehi, 56,30. kevala, mfn. (= sa.) 1) alone, only, *) whole, entire, all; acc, m, ~am (dhammam) 109,25; gen. wassa (dukkhakkhandassa) 66,11°17. kevalamh, adv. (= 8a.) only, merely; if only; 88,06; 11,13. kesa, m. & n. (sa. keca m.) the hair of the head; acc. ~am (ekam) 46,28; pl. m. wa, §3,11, 82,2, 97,18; pl. n. ~wani (kalani) 47,1; gen. wa- nam, 44,24; doc. ~esu (gahetva, by the hair) 111,24. — palita-kesa, mfn. 63,0; mujfija-kesa, mfn. 21,35; hata- hata-kesa, mfn. 71,:9 (q. v.) ep. vi- kesika. ko, pron. intesy, m., v. kim. koci(d), pron, indef. m. (subst. or adj. == sa, kac-cid) [n. kiiici, q. v.] some, any, anybody; w. negation == nobody; koci (agunavadi) 43,5; kovid eva, only some few, 88,34; 80 kocid eva satto, id. 89,1; kocid eva puriso, some man or other, 99,17. 100,11; koci (puriso) few persons = nobody, Dh. 143; — na koci, nobody, 8,3, 72,81; koci na, 18,29; ma koci, 68,3; koci kifici vatturn na visahati, .87,01; — ace. kafici (a-passitva, a- disva) 13,5. 42,81. 43,6, ma «, Db, 133; — instr. kenaci (asucin@) a-mak- khito, 62,22; ~ (na sakka pufifiam samkhatum) Dh, 196; — gen. kassaci (pi na) 17,18; ~ an-agamanabhavaih, 40,11; naw, 65,25. 105.8; — combined w. other pron. : na aifio koci, nobody else, 51,8. yo koci (samano) which- soever, 110,8; pl. ye keci pana... te sabbe, 91,1; ye keci pathavitthita, ,any earthly being*, 110,11. *kofical, m. or n.(?) name of a certain sound, a cry, roar, esp. the roaring or trumpeting of an elephant (also written kunca (& kufija) ep. ykue & ykij & kufjara; Jat. VI, 581,18. V, 49,15. VI, 538,8); kofica- nada, m. the trumpeting of an ele- phant, ace. ~am naditva, 61,19, kofica®, m. (sa, kraufica) a kind of heron; pl. jinna-koiica, old herons, Dh. 155. koti, f. (= sa.) 1) end, top, point; loc. ~wiyath thito, last, 17,8. — *atthi- koti, the end of a bone, acc. wim, 13,20, — vema-°, the part of a loom that is moved, Joc. wiyari, 89,6 — *) the highest number 10 millions) ; asiti-koti-vibhava, mfn. (qg. ¥.). kotteti. vd. (sa. Vkutt) to crush, pound, grind; ger. ~etva (tandule) 57,20. (cp. akoteti). *kottha(ka)!, m. (Birm. read. kottaka, which is probably the true spelling, cp. kotteti) a certain bird, a woodpecker, v. rukkha-kotthaka (cp. Jat. VI, 539,9; Ind. Stud. III, 128; Five Jat. p. 36). kotthaka?, m. n. (sa. koshta(ka)) a surrounding wall, any enclosed space, reservoir, receptacle for, store-room; dvara-kotthaka, 48,32 (v. h.). *kotthasa, m. a part, portion; 81 acc, ~arh (ekam. one half part) 58,29; pl. ~& (dve, two companies) 33,20; ib. 80 (== two portions); ace, pl. we, 41,18. *"Kotthita, m. nom. pr. of a thera; ~0 (patisambhida [aggo]) 109,10. kodanda, m, (= sa.) a kind of bow; wo, 92,15. kodha, m. (sa, krodha) anger; acc. w~am, 44,8, 106,33 = Dh, 222, — a-kkodha, m. mildness (q, v.). — kodha-vagga, m,. the XVIJth chapte of Dh, ep. kujjhati. kodhana, mfn. (sa. krodhana) angry, ~ a-kkodhana, mfn, free from anger (q. .). kopa, m, (= sa.) anger; ace, nam akatva, without getting angry (opp. metta) 40,7. cp. kupita. kolahala, m. (= sa.) uproar, turmoil; acc, ~wam (katva) 73,29. kovida, mfn. (= sa.) skilled, learned in (gen. or comp.); acc. m. ~wam (maggamaggassa) Dh. 403; Sambuddha-mata-° (sargharh) ex- perienced in the doctrines of Buddha, ees nirutti-pada-kovida, Dh, 352. q. %). eae n. (sa, kausidya; cp. kusita) indolence, sloth; wam, Dh. 241, Kosala, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. of a people and its country (north of the Ganges). — °rattha,.”. the kingdom of K, loc. we, 30,39. — °-raja, m. the king of K, 43,15; gen. -raiiio, 31,1. — %rajja-saimiko, id. 43,23, kosiya, m. (sa, kaugika) an owl = ultka); x0, 11,10. klesa, »v. kilesa. Kh. khagga, m., (sa. khadga) a sword; ace, ~am (gahetva) 33,2; °-talena, with the flat of the sword, 41,26, — mafigala-°, a sword of atate, ace, wall, 41,16. Pali Glossary. khanti *khajjopanaka, m. (akin to sa, khajyotis, khadyota etc.) a firefly; %-sadisa, m. pl. like fireflies, 72,29. khana. m.(sa.kshana) 4)an instant, moment, the right moment, ~o, 108,6 (m& upaccaga); acc, tara khanar yeva, just at that moment, instantly, 17,21, 32,30. 53,19; Joc. tasmimn khane, by this time, 12,20; khane khane, from time to time, Dh. 239; comp. w. vb, nouns or part, : vanditva thita-kkhane, 87,35; khanitita, mfn. who allows the right moment to pass, pl, ~@, 108,7, — *) leisure, state of rest; acc, ~am param, 110,18 (synon. santi). khanati, vb. (sa. khan) to dig, dig up; pr. 3. sg. ~ati (mulam) Db, 247; imp, 2. pl. ~watha (do.) 108,4; ger, ~itva (avate) 39,32. This verb is sometimes written khanati, cp. Olden- berg, KZ, XXV (1881) p. 326. khanda, 1)m. n. (= sa.) a piece, fragment, section of a book; ”, plva- khandath, a morsel of cake, 53,18. — *) mfn. broken; *°-danta, mfn, ,,bro- ken-toothed", acc. m. wath, 63,8. khandeti, vb. (denom, fr. prec., sa, khandayati) to break, to inter- rupt; — to renounce, to remit (acc.); ger. vetanam wetva (in steud of), 19,25, khattiya, m f. (subst. & adj, sa, kshatriya) one who belongs to the warrior (or royal) caste; ~0, 92,10. 107,24 = Dh. 387; rajaino khattiye (ace. pl.), ,Valiant kings“, Dh. 294. - *kofina, f. a maid of that caste, 64,11; wAdinam, 47,15. — *-sukhu- mala, m. ya delicate prince’, 97,33. khattum, indecl. (sa. krtvas) a suffix of numeral adverbs, implying multiplication (,times“); v. ti-kkhat- tum. khanati, vb., v. khanati. khanti, f. (sa. kshanti) ') patience, forbearance, forgiveness; °-mettanud- daya-sampanno, 7,13, 38,15; mom. khanti, Dh. 184, — *-bala, m/fn. whose strength is patience, acc. m. ~wam, Dh. 399. cp. khamati. — *) 6 khandha acquiescing in, belief, faith, v. afifia- khantika, mfn. : khandha, m. (sa, skandha) 1) the shoulder; loc. we (karitva) 71,28; (-viranassa) 45,81; hatthi-%, on the back of an elephant, 102,23. — *) a stem, a mass, multitude; v. aggi-kkhan- dha, mani-kkhandha, — °) in the dog- matics : *) aggregation; dukkha-kkhan- dha, aggregation of misezy, acc. wath, 108,82; gen. ~assa (samudayo, niro- dho) 66,11-18; — >) pl. wa, the five constituent elements of a human being, viz, rupa, vedana, safiia, samnkhara, vinhdna (qg. v.) 94,810, 95,9. 15, 18. 19; 99,97 (in one comp.); panic’ upadana- kkbandha, ,the fivefold clinging to existence“, 67,11, 82,10; Joc. wesu, 98,31 (santesu, a. v.); gen. ~anamh, Th. 374 (udayevyayaih); — *khan- dha-disa, mfn. ‘ike the elements of the body, pl, wii (dakkha, qg.v.) Dh. 202, khamati, vb. (sc. Vksham) *) to be _patient, endure; to fcrgive anything (tce.); imp. 2. sg. khama (ekapara- dham) 47,8, — *) tu be fit, to seem good to (yen.); yatha te khameyya (pot. 3. sg. ,as8 may seem good to you“) 94,98. — caus. v. next. (cp. khaati, f.) khamapeti, vb. (caus. II. kha- mati} ‘o vropitiate, conciliate; to ask on’a (yen.) pardon: ger. wetva (ra- janam) 41,36, khaya, n. (sa. kshaya) loss, de- struction, extinction; acc, wath (tan- hinam) Dh. 154; a5l, wa (sabba- maifitanam ete.) 94,12. — dsava- kkhaya, jati-®, jivita-° (v. h.); tanha- kkhaya (v. tanba) cp. khiyati. khara?!, mfn, (= sa.) hard, rough, sharp, painful; m. ~0 (ibadho) 78,94; f. pl. w& (vedanad) 13,12; (sakkhara- kathala-valika) 97,35. khara?, m. (= sa.) a donkey (= gadrabha), a mule, — *°-putta, m. a derisive name of a sindhava (q. v.), 54,19 (voc.); Khara-putta-jataka, n. p. 52 ff. 82 khalu, indecl. (= sa., generally contracted to kho, g.v.) indeed, surely; 111,18. khanu(ka), v. khanuka, khadaka, m, (= sa.) an eater, eating (at the end of comp.); instr. pl. lohita-mamsa-kbadakehi, 41,3. khadati, vb, (sa. Vkhad) *) to eat. 2) to chew (e, g. tambiilam), to gnaw (asunder), to grind one’s teeth (dante). 8) to destroy. — pr. 8. sy. wati, 13,33 vana-mahisam); 106,19 = Db, 240 destroys); 1. sg. ~imi, 13,16 (= fut.); 3. pl. ~wanti fara 7,36; — imp, 2. sg. khdda (pivarh) 57,26; 2. pl. ~atha, 6,10 (mamsam), 21,5 (kha- daniyam); — part. gen. m. ~antassa, 53,18; f. pl. wantiyo (dante) 65,6; — pot. 3. sg. ciram khadeyya (might long have eaten) 9,1; 2. sg. weyyasi, 13,15; 2. pl. weyyatha, 14,20; — fut. 1. sg. wissami, 4,2-12; 3, pl. wissanti, 21,30; — aor, 3. pl. withsu, 22,11; — inf. witum, 1,16. 12,7 (camma-varattam) ; — ger. witva, 2,21 (phalani); 41,14 (tambilam). — grd. *) khaditabba; tumhehi khaditabbaharato datva, ngiving food from your own table", 14,19; >) khadaniya (gq. ¥.); — pp. khadita (q. v.); — caus. khadapeti (q. v.) ep. khadaka, m. khadaaiya, n. (sa. khadaniya, grd. fr. khidati) hard or solid food (opp. bhojaniya, q. v.); acc. wat (khadantassa) 63,17; 78,1; khadaniya- bhojaniyam, 18,s0. khadita, mfn. (pp. khadati) eaten, gnawed asunder; m. pl. w& (maccha) 6,8; f. pl. wa (varatta) 12,2, — *-tthina, m. eating-place, ace. wath, 52,3. *khinuka, m. (often written kha- nuka, fr. khanu or khanu (\/kshan?) ep. Prikr. khanu, sa. sthanu, Tr. PM. 58. Note 6, Pischel. Gr. § 309.) a stump or trunk; loc. we, 12,25, khayati, vb. (pass, Wkhya. sa. khyayate) to seem to be (nom.), to have the aspect of, to appear as (viya); pr. 3, sg. wati (uccataro) 3,1; part. med, wmana, ace, m, wath (veluva- nam viya) 26,95; aor, 3. pl. vithsu (aditta-geha-sadisa viya) 65,11. khari. f. (= sa.) a certain measure of capacity (of grain etc.); the provi- sions of an ascetic, worn by means of a yoke (*khari-kaja, m. (or -kaca, cp. sa. kaca)) = *khari-bhara, m. 30,17 (vattito ~o) cp. SBE, XIII, 132, khitta, mfn, (pp, khipati, sa. kshipta) thrown, cast; m. ~0 (rajo pativatam) Dh, 125, ratti-khitta, a by night, m, pl, wa (sara) Dh, khipati, vb, (sa. /kship) to throw, cast; pr, 3. 8g, wati (pisake) 48,8; (dalbam dalhassa, to repel force by force) 44,1; — fut. 1. 8g. wisaami (bhUumiyamh sisam te) 5,13; — aor. 3. sg. khipi (khuracakkam tassa sise) 24,4; L1ljs-14; 3, pl. wimsu (tam samudde) 23,14; — ger. witva, 59,32; — pp. khitta (q. v.); — caus. khepeti & khipapeti (q. ».) cp, khipana, khepa. *khipana, m, (fr. khipati) the act of throwing or the state of being thrown; raiia (instr.) pasaka-khi- pana-kale, when the king was throwing the dice, 48,93. *khipapeti, vb. (caus. IZ. khi- pati) to cause to be thrown or cast; aor, 3. sg. ~esi (asure Sineru-papate) 59,26; ger. wetva (jalam, lowered a net“) 26,1, khippam, adv, (sa, kshipram) quickly; 27,17. Dh, 137, khila, m. (= sa.) stubbornness, obduracy; vigata-khila, m/fn. free from stubbornness, m. ~0, 104,24. khina, mfn, (sa. kshina; pp. khiyati) destroyed; exhausted, sub- dued; m. wath (mayharn kammam) 24,1; f. ~& (jati) 71,15. — khinasava, mfn. having subdued the passions (v. asava). — *°-maccha, mfn. without fishes, loc. m. ~e (pallale) Db. 155. khiyati, vb. (pass, vkshi, sa, kshiyate) to perish, to waste away; part, med, ~mana, loc, pl, n, wesu 83 Khuddaka-Patha mamsesu) 103,21; fut. 3, sg. wissati dhanar) 48,11. — pp. khina, v. above, subst, m. khaya, q. v. (cp. khepeti). khira, n. (sa. kshira) milk; nom, ace, wath, 26,11-13; (matu ~) 24,32; (duyhamanam) 99,28; 106,2 == Dh. 71; — *duddha-khira, mfn. one who has milked, 104,21 (m, ~o). — khiro- daka, », milk-water (v, udaka). — *0-ghata, m. a pot of milk, acc. w~am, 101,26, — *°-paka, mfn, drinking milk, sucking, m. ~0 (vaccho mitari) Dh. 284 (var. khira-pino). °-pannin, m, (sa, kshira-parnin) name of a tree whose leaves contain a milky sap, Calotropis gigantea, gen. wino, 92,17. khila, m. (sa, kila & khiln) a pin, stake, post; pl, wa (nikhata) 105,17. inda-khila, g. v. khuda, f. (sa, kshudh & kshudhi) hunger; v. khuppipasa. khudda & khuddaka, mfn, (sa, kshudra(ka)) small, little, low; trifling, insignificant; gen. masc. ~kassa (mata, mother of the little child) 99,11. — comp, S-majicaka, m. a small or low bed, loc, ~e, 42,1; repeated in a dvandva- comp. w. anu inserted : khuddanu- khuddakani (mn. pl.) sikkhipadani samubantu (sarhgho), the order may in the course of time abolish some precepts or other that are of minor consequence, 79,19. *Khudda(ka)-Nikaya, m. name of a collection of canonical books (the fifth of the five Nikayas) comprising the foll. books : Khuddaka-Patha, Dhammapada, (Udana), (Itivuttaka), Sutta-Nipata, (Vimana-Vatthu), (Peta-Vatthu) Thera-Gatha, Theri- Gatha, Jataka, (Niddesa), (Pati- sambhidai-Magga), (Apadana), (Bud- dha-Vamnsa), Cariya-Pitaka. Spe- cimens of these books are found in the Reader, except those put within parentheses, The name Khuddaka- Nikaya is probably due to the title of its firet section, viz. Khuddaka- P&tha; nom. Khuddanikayo, 102,16. *Khuddaka-Patha, m. name 6* khuppipasa of the firat section of Khuddaka-Nikaya; specimens thereof p, 82,1-14. khuppipasd, f. (sa, kshut-pipasa, cp. khuda&) hunger and thirst; wi (tatiya send Mirassa‘ 103,20, *°-Abhi- bhiita, mfn., v. abhibhavati. khura, m. (sa, khura & kshura) 1) the hoof of an animal, 7) a razor; *0.cakka, n. a wheel sharp as a razor, nom, acc. wath, 23,30-36; — *khura- nasa, mfn. (cp. sa. khura-nasa) having a nose like # razor, m. pl. wa (maccha) 25,23; °-nasika, m/fn. id. pl. wa (ma- nussa) 25,26. cp. next, khurappa. m. (sa. khurapra & kshurapra) a kind of arrow; acc, wath, 92,23, *Khuramala, m.(?) name of an ocean; °-samudda, m. 25,22 (acc, wai). - *Khuramali(n), m. (?) id. 25,31 (cp. Aggimala). khetta, mn. (sa. kshetra) a field; ~am, 100,27 (daddham); ace. ~amh, 8,7; 100,26 (daheyya); pl. ~ani (tina- dosini) Dh, 356; loc. wesu, 8,9; sili-yava-khettesu, 8,18. — *khetta- gopaka, m. a field-watcher; gen. evassa, 14,2, — khetia-pala, om. id. gen. wassa, lj, — °-rakkhaka, m., (sa. kshetra-raksha) id. pl. wa, 8,18. — *0-samika, om. the owner of the field, ~0, 100,26. khepa, m. (sa. kshepa, ep. khi- pet) ‘throwing, casting’; loss; *citta- khepa, m. (ep. sa. manal-kshepa) ‘oss of mind, perp:exity; acc, wath, Dh. 138, khepeti, ob. (caus, xhipati, ykship) 1) to throw away, to do away with (acc,), *) to pass or vhile away (kalarh, aivumh ete; ger. wetva (digham addhanam), having grown old (?) ov ong time after, 441-93, In this sense Trenckner takes it = sa, xshapayati, Vkshi, PM, 76,2 (cp, khiyati.) khema, m,n. (sa. kshema) safe, Biving tranquillity, security & happie ness; 7. wari (saranam) 107,91 == Dh. 189—92. — subst. m., safety, 84 tranquillity, happiness yoga-kkhema, #. (v. 4 khemin, mfn. (sa. kshemin) en- joying security or peace; m. ~1, 258. khe}a (or khela), m. (sa. kheta, ep. kshveda) phlegm, saliva; ~0, 82,5 == 97,23; instr. wena, 57,2. — paggharita~°, mfn. ,with trickling phlegm“, f. pl. wa, 65,5. — *°-mal- laka, m. a spitting-box, ~0, 84,15. — vi-kkhelika, mfn. (q. v.) ep. lala & next, *khelapaka, m. (var. kheldsika, fr. khela + yap or a-\/pa) lit. ‘whose teeth water’, or ‘eating spittle’ 9: a covetous person or a lick-spittle (?), used as a term of abuse of Devadatta; gen. ~assa, 74,28, °-vada, m. use of the abusive term khelapaka, calling one by that name; instr. ~ vadena, 4 Nibbana); . 74,29, (cp, SBE, XX, 239; Dhp. (1855) p. 143.) kho, adv. (before vowels sometimes khv’-, sa. khalu) an enclitic particle of ascertainment or emphasis : indeed, verily, truly; kho ’ti avadharanam, 85,34; abhabbo a, 69,37; pasada a, 79,29; avyakatam ~, 89,23; — after pron. : mayhath w, 2,29; ete ~, 66,38; idam a, 67,8; so ca a, 61,31 (et quidem); yo ~ evam vadeyya, 92,9; - after a negation: na w, 28,14; no ca khv’assa, 90,95; ma nw, 32,26; ma h’evath ~, 90,24; — combined 10, foll, pana: na sakka kho pana, 7,8; na ~ pana, 9,31. 79,4; api ca kho pana, 32,25; yatha ~ pana, 79,6; siya ~ pana, 79,2; — following other par- ticles (atha, pi etc.) esp. in historical exposition = now, now further: atha kho, 66,3, 76,9. 89,19; tatra kho, 66,24; tapi kho, 22,10; te pi kho, 74,4; Bo- dhisatto pi kho, 34,1; api ca kho, 97,1; evam bhante ti kho, 76,14; — in interr, sentences (after nu): kin nu kho, 1,21, 89,22; kacei nu a, 3,5; atthi nu a, 14,26; kahan nu a, 34,11 (cp. khaln.) G. ga, mfn, (= sa., only at the end of comp.) going; ». atiga, anuga, dugga, paraga, Gafigai, f. (= sa.) nom, pr., the river Ganges; 1,18; acc, ~am (adho ~, qv.) 14,34; loc, waya, 1,5; para- Gaiigaya. on the other side of the G., 1,14; — *-nivattane, loc, in a curve of the river, 1,4, gacchati, vb. (sa. gam) to go, to move, start, go away; to go to (w. ace, or adv, (tattha etc, or santikam w. gen.); gahetvii w, to go away with; — pr. 3, sg. wati, 6,2 (migavam); 6,31 (gahetva); 7,30 (santikath); 47,20 etc,; 2.89. wasi, liz (== fut.); 88,14 (gacchasiti janatha, you know where 1 am going); 7. 8g. ~ami, 1,22. 9,19. 69,19 (Bhagavantam saranam); 78,39 (~am’aham); 3. pl. wanti, 19,24; 104,2 (yena, sc. maggena); 1. pl. ~ama (let us go) 39,14; — part. m. wanto, 9,11. 34,4 (on his way); ace. ~wantam, 2,97; loc. ~ante (kale) 14,15, 102,4; f. ~wanti, 49,8; m. pl. wanta, 6,14; gen. m. pl. wantainam, 9,16; part, med. f. ~amana, 87,93; f. pl, (id.) 23,18; — imp. 2. sg. *) gaccha, 2,13. 7,1 (wtvam); 75,6 (gacchavuso) ; >) gacchahi, 4,19. 6,35; 2. pl. watha, 4,15, 8,3; — pot. 3, sg. weyya (naga- ‘yam opattharitva (,,would spread through the town“) 65,24; parinamam ~ (yassa), could be digested (by) 78,17; 2. sg. ~weyyasi, 7,32; — fut. *) 3. sg. gamissati, 58,14; 2. sg. wasi, 7,26. 77,6 87,86; 1, sg. ~wami, 1,17. 4,36. 23,7 (~am’eva); 101,37 (sve gahetva ~ yl will come to-morrow and take it“); 3. pl, wanti, 104,10; 7. pl. sama, 6,33. 22,4; — >) 2. pl. gacchissatha, 2lje; — aor. *) 3. sg, a-gama (na- bhasa-) 111,1; — >) 8. sg. a-gamasi, 2.4. 87,94; 3. pl. a-gamarhsu, 8,30. 23,20; — °) 2. sg. mA gami, 23,7; 2. pl. ma gamittha, 39,17; — 4) 3. sg. a-gaiichi (nagaiichi, 20,30, probably from a-gacchati, g. v.) cp. Tr. PM. 85 ganhati p. 71—74; — inf. gantum, 35,36. 62,5; comp. gantu-kima, mfn, desiring to go; m. w0, 50,0 (cp. kama); pl. wa, 4,18; — ger. gantva, 1,15, 89,7 (moving); 104,10; a-gantva (not going) 39,«. 42,27; — grd. gantabba, mfn. wath (n.) 83,2; — pp. gata (v. h.) ep. ga, gati, gama, gamana, gamika, gamin. gana, m. (= sa.) a flock, com- pany, multitude, number, (herd, swarm); mostly at the end of comp. amacca-®, 39,28; go-gane (acc. pl.) 21,4; dasi-®, 21,1; deva-ganena (instr.) 60,23; dvija- gana (nom. pl.) 7,20; — bhamara- gana (do.) 62,12; miga-ganam (acc.) 6,11; sakuna-gana (pl) 10,7. cp. next. ganin, mfn. (= sa.) one who has attendants; m, mahii-gani, o great teacher, 109,17 (Anuruddho); m, pl. gani (thera), teachers, 109,31. ganeti, vb. (sa. Vgan) to count, number, reckon; part. m. sg. ganayam (giivo) Dh. 19. *ganthika, f. (fr. sa. granthi, m.) a knot, tie; acc. ~am (patimui- citva) 82,28, cp. gandika. ganda, m. (= sa.) ') the cheek, *) a boil, pimple; a bump; ~0 (utthahi) 50,20. *vandiki, f. (or gandi, also written ganthi & ganthika, cp. sa. gandi(ka)) a block; dhainma-gandika, f. a block for execution, shambles; loc. ~aya (sisam thapetvd) 6,27; °-tthana, x. the place of execution, loc. we, 6,25. . ganhati (& ganhati), (sa. Vgrah) to take, seize (acc.); to catch, capture, 14,24. 32,20. 39,15; to acquire, obtain, get, 33,25. 52,17, 65,16; to take pos- session of, to conquer, win, 35,19. 39,8. 59,92; to keep, retain, 33,59. 49,91; to receive, adopt, 113,19; to assume, put on, 58,16; to follow, obey, 9,19, 52,33; to choose, 10,s-6; to take upon one’s self, 7,10, 17,16. — pr. 2. pl. ganhatha, 33,9; 1. pl. ~ama (let us capture) 39,15; — part. m. ganhanto (macche) 14,24; (gocaram, seeking food) 62,17; acc. f. wantim (attano vacapamh a-ganhantim, disobeying) ganbapeti 52,83; — imp. 2.¢g. ganha, 1,9; gan- hahi, 3,17; 3. sg. watu, 10,8. 102,25; 2, pl. watha (milena, buy it) 18,10; 3. pl. wantu, 39,17; — pot, 38. 8g. ganheyya, 12,35; .'. sg. ~ ayyam, 33,82; - fut. *) 1. sg, geneesami, 39,8; >) 3. sg. ganhissati, 55,8; 2. sg. wissasi, 4,28, 22,39; 1. eg. wissimi, 2,31. 29,4. 39,14. 65,22; 2. pl. wissdma, 6,8. 36,22; - ar, *) 3. sg. aggahi, 113,19; 3, pl. aggabum, 114,30; >) 3. sg. aggahesi, 62,19; °) 3. sg. ganhi (patisdandhim. was born) 5,95; (manavikam hatthe) Bl,ai; 40,19. 59,2; 2. sg. ganhi, 59,20; 3, pl. witasu, 18,20, 22,6. 33,8; 2. pé. ~wittha, 18,93. 33,1; — inf. *) gahetum (sa. grahitum) 4,34. 36,8; >) ganhiturh, 1,9. 18,1. (gocaram, to est); — ger. *) gahetva (sa. grhitvd) J,23. 4,8. 15. 98. 7,to (tassa suntaketh maranam); 8,20 (nivasam); 12,8; 1716 (arakkham (te, gen.) to guard); 22,32; 24,27 (hatthinn A agate, those who had brought the elephant); >) ganhitva, 4,19; — pass. (gayhati), part. gayha- mana; «ka, mfn. being captured, loc. pl. wesu (vattakesu) 88,31; — pp. gahita & gahita (v. h.), — caus. v, ganhapeti & gahapeti. cp. gaha?, gahana, giha, gahin. ganhapeti, wb. (caus, I. ganhati) to cause to be taken or seized; to pro- cure (acc.); part. m. ~ento (akila- phalini) 37,16; ger. wetvd, 39,30. ep, giihapeti. gata, mfn. (pp. gacchati) gone (away), arrived at, directed towards, fallen into (acc. or ecmp.), pften used as finite tense = went, has gone; m. gato, 2,15. 3,8; f. ~% (kaham gatisi) 49,6; upari-pasida-vara-tala-gata, ascended on, 64,13; ”. wath (patitva ~, fell away) 13,20; subst, m. gatath 86 = gamanam, 51,31. 62,1; éastr. wena | (kin te afifiattha ~ ,why go else- where for that?“) 49,15; loc, m. we (suriye atthath) 32,20; m. pl, wa, 26,0. 109,9 (gunageatam, q. v.); loc. pl. vesu (parinitthitim, fullfilled) 114,31; — gata-tthana, . == gata- bhava, 19,18 (v. thana); gata-gata-- tthine (loc.) wherever he went, 8,17; gata-gata-kale, whenever he went, 20,4. — comp. v, addha-gata, 74,2 (cp. gataddhin below); ujju-%, Dh 108; kaya-°, Db, 293; ditthi-°, 90,25; nitthaii-gata, Dh, 351 (v. nittha, /.); para-°, 104,30; péirami-°, 109,21; Buddha-°, Db, 296; visarhkhara-°, Dh. 154, — a-gata, mfn, not gone to, not yet frequented; ace, f. wari disarh (Nibbina) Db, 323; purisantaram a-gatamh matugimam ,a maid that has not seen another man“, 48,11. cp. duggata, -saha-gata, su-gata, sugatin. *esataddhin, mfn. (cp. sa. gata- dhvan) one who has finished his jour- ney (= addha-gata, v. addhan); gen. m. ~ino, Dh. 90. gati, f. (= sa.) going, moving; course, way, esp. the course of fate (the five gatis are the several modes of receiving existence after death, viz, in hell, among animals, petaa, men, or devas, cp, next); nom. ~i (sakunta- nam dkise) Db, 92; atta hi attano gati, Dh. 380 (refuge); gati papika, the evil way (hell) Dh. 310; ace. ~im, Dh, 420. — a-gati, f. not ad- mission; ~ tava tattha, there you cannot come, 72,8. — varika-gati. adj. f, 48,0 (v, h.). cp. duggati, su- gati (suggati). gatika, mn. (sa. gatika, n.) at the end of comp. = having a certain gati (g. v.); niyata-°, mfn. whose path is certain, f. ia, 87,30; a-niyata-°, 87,20 (v. h,). gatta, n. (sa, gatra) the body; acc, ~am, 84,9; abl. wato, 84,3, — lala-kilinna-°, mfn. 65,6 fv. h.). gadrabha,-m. (sa. gardabha) an ass, donkey; A0. 8,24; ace, ~am. 8.17; gen. wassa, ib.; gen. pl. ~anamh, 113,11; — *°-bharaka, m. goods car- ried by a donkey; instr. wena, 8,16. — *°-bhava, m. the being an ase (cp, bhiiva), ucc, Aam, 8,25, — *-rava (or -raiva) m. the braying of an ass; ace, wan, 8,25; instr, -ravena, 113,10. gantabba, gantu-, gantuih, gantva, v. gacchati. gantha, m. (sa, grantha) ') a band, fetter; pl. ~a, fetters (9: desires) Dh. 211; sabba-gantha-ppahina, mfn, who has thrown off all fetters“, gen. m. ~assa, Dh. 90, — *) composi- tion, text, book; often opp. to attha: abl. ~ato atthato, 114,30 (cp. attha 5), *Ganthakara, m. (sa. *grantha + akara, lit, a mine of books) nom, pr. of a vihéra at Anuraddhapura in Ceylon; loc, we, 114,26, gandha, m. (= sa.) odour, scent, perfume; ~0, 20,16; Dh, 56; pl. wa, 70,31; ace. pl. we, 41,5. 53,95; instr, ~wehi, 33,3; loc. ~esu, 71,9; — maccha- gandham (acc.) scent of fish, 14,95; catu-jati-°, the four kinds of scent, 41,5; °-dhipa-, 48,30; °-malAdini, 49,14; °-cunnam, 53,26; mala-°, 61,4. 73,n; vanna-°, 106.2. 37,30; *(sabba-)gandh’apana, m, a perfu- mery shop, 48,31; — gandhédaka, x. scented water, instr. wena, 20,8 (dibba-); 38,3; — °-kuti, f. v. sepa- rately; — °-jata, m, a sort of perfume; gen, pl, ~anam. Dh. 65; — °-tela, , scented oil; instr, wena, 37,9; °-tela- ppadipa, 65,3. — *°-paficafigulika (v. h.); — dibba-gandha-puppha, 2. a flower of heavenly perfume; instr. pl. wehi, 20,9, — puppha-®, sila-°, suci-® (q. v.) ep. su-gandha, a-gan- dhaka, sa-gandhaka & gandhin, gandha-kuti, f. (sa, °-kuti) ‘a perfumed house or room’, uame of a room or house occupied by Buddha, esp. that made for him by Aniitha- pindika in Jetavana; Gotamassa ~- samipe, 73,20; Gotamena saddhim eka-gandha-kutiyath (loc.) vasitva, dwelling in private with G., 73,14-17 (cp. eka*), (cp, Jat. J, 92,93. Ind. Ant. XIV, 140. ZDMG. XL, 65.) gandhabba, m. (sa. gandharva) 1) a Gandbarva or heavenly musician; ~0, Dh. 105; °manusa, pl. Gan- dharvas & men, Dh, 420. — *) a singer or musician in general; ~0, 19,20; 87 gamana acc. wath, 19,21. — 5) nv. (?) (sa. gan- dharva) music, song; acc, ~am (ka- roti) 19,26-es. gandhin, mfn, (= sa.) fragrant, odoriferous; f. candana-gandhini, having a scent of sandal wood, 20,24. gabbha, m. (sa, garbha) 1) em- bryo, foetus, child; ~wo (kucchimhi patitthito) 61,31; itthi-gabbho, a female child, ib.; purisa-gabbho, a male child, ib.; paripunna-gabbha, adj, f. ready to be Uelivered, 62,3; — *gabbha-parihara, m. ‘protection of the embryo’, a certain ceremony per- formed when a woman became preg- nant; laddha-°, mfn, duly protected while being in the womb, m. ~o, 42,23 (cp. pariharati); — *gabbha- vutthana, m. delivery; wath, 62,21. — *)the womb (cp. kucchi); acc. wam (upeti, to be born) Dh, 325; (upa- pajjanti, are born again) Dh. 126; abl. ~ato (patthaya) 48,13. 50,92; — gabbha-seyya, f. the womb, ace. wam (upessarn) 105,20. — §) the interior of anything; loc. gabbhe, at the end of comp, : afigara-°, amid the flame, 15,33. — *) a bed-chamber, any interior cham- ber; acc. wath. 53,3; loc. anto-gabbhe, 65,28; gabbha-dvara, n. the door of the bed-chamber, ~wam, 65,27; sayana-°, siri-® (v. h.) cp. next. gabbhini, f. (adj, sa, garbhini) pregnant; acc, wim (duggatitthim) 48,17; °-migi, f. 6,32. gama, (at the end of comp, = sa.) 1) mfn. going, able to go; v. di- raigama, mano-pubbafigama, veha- safigama. ”) m. going, course; », atthagama, atthaigama. gamana, . (= sa.) going (to or away); ~warh (== gatam) 52,1; ace. wath (na labhami) 108,95; instr. wena (saggassa) Dh. 178; loc. uyyanaki- ladi-gamane, 65,39; nibbana-gamana, mfn. leading to Nibbana, acc, m. wath (maggam) Dh, 289; ~ *°-antaraya, m, ~0 (me, hindrance to my depar- ture) 65,98; — *°-bhava, m. the having departed, going away, acc, wath (aii- gami fiassa purisassa) 3,18; — *~magga, m, way; afifio me no n’atthi, 3,14; loc. tassa we, along his way, 60,6. gami, gamitths, gamissati, ete. ». gacchati. gambhira, mfn. (sa. gabhira & gambhira) deep, profound; difficult to be perceived; m. ~o (dhammo) 94,24; (Tathagato) 95,12; — *°-gho- satta, n. (sa. *°-ghoshatva) ‘the having a deep voice’, the being profound in vredication; al, wi, on account of his profundity (elocuence?) in prea- ching the law, 115,90; — *9-paiifia, mfn, one whose knowledge is deep, ace, m. wam, Dh. 403. gamma, mfn. (sa. gramya, cp. giima) ‘relating to villages’, relating to common people or to sensual plea- sures, mean, sensual; m, ~0 (anto) 66,26, Gaya, f. (= sa.) nom. pr. of a city in Behar; Jor. ~ayam (viharati) 70,23. Gayasisa, m. (sa. Gayagirsha nom, pr. of e@ ‘meuntain near Gaya; nom, ~wata, 70,21; lee, we, 70,23. *zayhamanata, mfn. v gan- heti, pass, garahati, vb. (sa. Vgarh) to re- proach, blame; pp. garahita, m. ~o (pamado, is blamed) Dh, 30 (gar- hito). garu, mfn. (sa. guru) heavy; valu- able; reverend; m, pl. wu, 109,27. cp. girave. & nex!, garuka, mfn. (sa. guruka) heavy, hard, serious; acc, m. warm (abadham) Dh. 138; (dandati) Dh. 310, garhita, v. garahati. gala, . (= sa.) the throat, neck; ~0, 13,11; abl. wato (patthaya) 85,30; loc. we, 13,11; — *°-pariyosana, mfn, forming the end of the throat, m. ~am (mukhatundakam) 18,7; — *°-ppa- mana, mfn, going up to the neck, acc, m, pl, we (#&vate) 39,33. galati, vb. (sa. Vgal) to drip; part. galanta, mfn. dripping, ». ~am (lohitamn) 23,32. 88 gava-, base of the subst. m. f. go, a bull, cow; sometimes used in comp. (v. below). gavampati, m. (fr. go, gen. pl. + pati, sa. gavampati) ‘lord of cows’, a bull; 105,12 (usabho ~pati). — *gavesaka, m/n. (fr. next) seeking, searching; a-guna-°, m/n. 43,16 (v.h.). gavesati, vb. (sa. gaveshate) to seek, search for (ace.); part. m. ~wanto (nibbanath) 64,23; Db. 153; fut. 2. pl. ~wessatha, Dh, 146; inf. ~witum, 64,21; adj. gavesaka, gavesin » ts Oi mfn. (sa. gaveshin) seeking, locking for (at the end of vomp.); kima-°, Dh. 99; para-°, Db. 355; suci-°, Dh. 2465. gaha!, n. (sa. grha, cp. geha & ghara) a house; loc. ne (,the lay- man’s life‘) 47,2. — gaha-karaka etc. v. below; cp. gihin, gaha®, mfn, (sa. graba) seizing, holding (at the end of comp.), v. am- kusa-ggaha. gaha-karaka, m. (sa. grha-ka- raka) ‘a house builder’, metaph. the cause of existence; acc. ~am, Dh. 153 (Comm, imassa attabhava-gehassa karakath tanhavaddhakith); voc. wa, ib, 154. (cp. SBE. X. p. 43.) *gaha-kuta, n. (sa. *grha-kuta) the peak of a house, rocf, ridge; ~am, Dh. 154 (,ridge-pole*, SBE, X, 42). gahattha, m. (sa. grha-stha) a householder, one who leads a layman's life; instr. pl. wehi, Dh. 404 (opp. an-igara), gahana, ». (sa. grahana) seizing, catching, getting; grip, bold; w~am (ambakath su-gahanam, ,,we have got a very tight grip“) 4,35; "-atthaya, 3,5 (v. attha'); ajjhasaya-gahana- ttham, ll (vw. h.); — darudaka-°, 20,12; — nadma-gahana-divase, 38,9; — maccha-°, 25,35; — hattha-®, 61,14. gahana, n. (= sa.) an impervious wood or thicket, abyss; mefaph. im- purities; ~am (abbhantaran te) 106,11 = Dh. 394; ditthi-°, a jungle of theories or heresy, 94,1; — *°-tthana, m, ® place or lair in the jungle, abd, ~wato, 6,12; loc, we, 33,24, gahapati, m. (& gahapatika, sa, grhapati) a householder, esp. designa- tion of a man of higher rank within the third caste (cp, kutumbika); setthi ~, 68,31; gen, wissa, 69,9; brahmana-gabapatikesu (loc, pl, dvandva comp.) 7,25; amacca-brah- mana-gahapatike (acc, pl. v, amacca) 42,9. cp. Fick, Soc. Gl, p. 165, gahita & gahita, mfn. (pp. ganhati, sa. grhita) seized, taken, captured; m. ~o (hatthe) 28,9; pl, wO (-i-) 111,18; . pl. gohita-gahi- tani turiyani, the various instruments which they held iu their hands, 65,9; —- *O-arakkha, mfn, carefully guarded (v. h.); — ”. ® grasp, tug; *°-nimit- tena, by a tug (v. nimitta) 89,7; - dalha-°, dugguhita, su-gahita (gq. v.). guhetum, gahetva, gahessa- mi, v. ganhati. gatha, f. (= sa.) a verse, stanza; ~a& (catuppadika) 102,22; acc, ~am, 3,25; osana-°, the final stanza, 27,21; instr. ~ aya, 42,18; anantara-gathaya, in the stanza next following, 26,7; pl. ~a (satam) Dh. 102; ace. pl. wa, 2,0. 103,11; wayo, 80,30; instr. pl. whi, 77,3; — comp. (also shortened to gatha-) : *%-fvasine, after the stanza has been ended, 87,1; — *°pada. mn. a word of a githi, ~am (ekam) Dh. 101; — gath’-udan’-itivuttukam (parts of navangarh Satthu-sisanam) 109,33; — *gatha-dvayam, two gathas, 47,23-29; 114,9 (gatha-); — catuppa- dika-gatha-jananaka, m, 102,37. — Thera-°, Theri-gatha (g. ¥.). gama (& gamaka), m. (sa. gra- ma(ka)) a village; acc. ~am, 82,23; luddassa vasana-°, 12,8; gen. ~assi_ 95,21; loc. ~e, 57,7 (sakala-); 32. (gamake); ~ambi, 1114; — *°-jana, m. the people of the v., 101,5 (wo); — purana-gama-tthana, m. a ruined v., 35,32 (loc. we); — *-daraka (m. pl.) the village boys, 52,17; — *°-dvare 89 giha (loc.) before a v., 8,20; — *°-vara, m. the best of villages, an excellent v., acc, w~am datva, 45,5; ~ -vasin, m, the inhabitant of a v,, pl. ~ino, 8,23-29; — *osamipe, near a v, 33,33; ~ °-su- kara, m. a village pig, ~0, 46,33 (giitha-kalale nimugga-). - dvara-°, paccanta-°, matu-° (v. 13 cp, gamma, nigama, gimika, mfn, (e.c. = sa.) going, wandering, travelling; m, a traveller; pl. ~il, (Jambudipa-, ,,passengers for India“) 28,1. ; gimin, mfn, (ce. 0. == 8a.) going, leading to; aoc. m. xinarh (dukkh’- Upasama-°, Ming BA) 107,290 == Dh, 191; f. «ini (dukkha-nirodha-®, patipada) 67.17, — apiya-°, nibbana-®, para-° (q. v.). gayati, vb. (sa. Vgai) to sing; recite; pr, 3. pl, ~anti, 77,11; part, m, wanto, 48,8; ger. ~witvd, 48,23; pp. gita (q. v.) cp. gatha, geyya, garava, m & n. (fr. garu, sa. gaurava, ”.) venerableness; reverence, respect; Satthu-garavena (instr.) out of respect to the teacher, 79,24. galha, mfn. (sa. gadha, pp. gah, as to the signification confounded with Vgadh) tight, close, fast; ace. m. wath (arakkhath) 48,15; *°-pale- pana, mfn, thickly smeared, 92,7 (~ena sallena); — *°-bandhana, m/fn. firmly tied down, acc. m. ~am (ban- dhitva) 39,31; — ati-galha, mfn. (q. v.) ~ galbam, galhakamh, adv, tightly, 49,6; 40,19, *gavi, f. (a younger form of go, pl. gavo) a cow; kapila-gavi-dana, n, @ gift of tawny cows (to Brahmans), 61,28. gavuta, n. (sa. gavyilta) a mea- sure of length, a quarter of a yojana (g. v.) = 80 usabhas (about 5,6 Kilo- métres); ti-gavuta-ppamana, mfn. having an extent of three gavutas, loc, ~e (padese) 63,23. GAvo, v. go. gaha, mfn. (e.s. sa. graha) seizing, holding; v. rasmi-ggaha, m. 106,24. gabapeti gihapeti, vd. (caus. IT. ganhati) to cause to take; to cause to be taken, seized or feished; to remove (acc.); aor, 8. pl, ~esum (utum sarire) 62,59; ger. ~wetva, 16,04. 21,1. 65,14; 59,8 (darakarh mitarai pidesu); w. double acc, mahajanam tava katham wetvi (having caused people t> believe your pe 73,9, cp. ganhipeti. Bihin, mfn (e. ¢. sa. grain) grasping after; m. piya-ggahi, Dh. 209. gijjha, m. (sa. grdhra, cp. grdhya) a vulture; gen, ~wassa, 92,19. Gijjhukiita, m. (sa. Grdhra-kiita) ‘the Vulture’s Penk’, mom. pr. of a mountain near Rajagaha; acc. wath (pabbatath) 75,31; gen. ~assa, 75,33; loc. we (Ritjagahe-samipe) 84,a1. gini, mt. (- agyi, sa. ngni) fire; nom. wi (iihito, SAG 104,ua-us, gimbhi, (m.) (ee. grishmn) tho hot season, summer; doc. p:. hemunta-gim- hisu (metri causa for -gimhesu?) in winter and summer; Dh. 286, cp, next, *gimhika, mfn. (fr. prec.) relating to the summer, made for the summer; sa. gir, f. m. ~0 (piisiido) 67,y3. faeces gira, n. & gira, f. 3peech, words; nom. ~arh 9,31; acc. f. ~wam (saccam ... yaya) Dh. 408. giri, m. (= sa.) a mountain; v, Nalagiri. gilati, vb. (sa. \/g?) to swallow, devour; aor. 2. sg. (ma) gili (loha- gulaih) Dh, 371. gilana, mfn, (sa. glana) sick, ill; f. ~@, 46,5; m. pl. wa, 6,22; — *°-dlaya, m. (v. h.); — °-paccaya-bhesajja-, me- dicine for the hel» of tae sick, 97,8, gihiv, m. (sa, grhin) a householder, one who leads a domestic life; mom, pl gibi (laymen, 9p. pabbajita) Dh. 74. ep. paha, ge‘a, gita, mfx. (-= sa, pp. gayati, jai) sung, reciied) acc, m. vam _Ckathamaggam, Saripu‘tadi-°, pro- pounded by S. and others) 113,30, — 90 -rava, m, sound of song, acc, ~am, 112,7; — "sada, m, id, ~o (madhura-) 23,83; ~ *°-ssara, m. id, acc. wath, 19,32; — dvandva- n. singing, song; *° comp. rea ies 64,20. 81,2 — juta-°, 48,8 (g. v.). giva, a (sa. grivi) the neck, throat; 10,19; acc, wath, 4,83; (ukkhi- pitvil) 40,17, 87,21, loc. waya. 14,s2. 40,18, 1l1,as; 17,92 (pasirita-°); — mani-vanna-°, mfn, ,with @ neck of jewelled sheen“, acc, m. ~-arh (morath) 10,9. guna, m. (= sa.) kind, quality; good quality, advantage; virtue, merit; ~0, 16,18; acc, wath, 29,9. 30,6. 41,38; abl, ~ato, (,a8 though they were virtues“) 43,34; pl. wa, 41,84, acc. pl. we, 42,4; pubbajita-gune, 63,32; Buddhua, 28,15; foc. pl. wesu (vat- tixsiimi, to live # good life) 43,4; — silueguniicura, 28,01 (g.0.).— *ekutha, f. praise, 31,23 (loc, wayu); 43,6 (ace, ~wath); — anta-°, kima-°, miala- (9. v.) cp. a-guna, sa-guna. *“gunaggatd, f. (sa. *guniigrata) the state of having the best qualities, perfection; ace, wuth (gatii) 109,2. gutta, mfn. (sa. gupta) guarded, protected; m. ~o (dhummassa = dhamma-gutto, law-protected, one who is well-guarded with respect to the law) Dh, 257 (ep. tratthikassa bhin- no, Jat, I 317,21 and the curious reading udarassa phaletva, Jat, III 297,97, 0: udaram assa (?). Otherwise Fausbell & M. Mill-+ who take gutta = sa, goptr (,,guardian of the law“ n, wath (cittam) Dh. 36; (nagaram) Dh. 315. — atta-° (qg. v.) cp. gopeti & next, gutti, f. (sa. gupti) guarding, protecting, protection; mom. indriya- gutti, Dh. 376 (v. h.). gumba, m. (sa. gulma) a busb; a thicket, jungle; the lair of an animal in a thicket; rukkha-gumbadayo (pl. v. Adi) 6,1; loc, we, lls. 15,4; pasanapittham nissaya jata-°, 17,20; nivasa-°, vasana-°, sayana-°, the thicket where one is dwelling, 14,15- 7-33; Vana-°, 16,18, gula, m. (sa. guda) a globe, ball; ayo-gulo, 107,1 (gq. 0.) = loha-®, 371; mani-°, a jewel, pearl, 5,26, sts guha, f. (= sa.) a hiding-place, cave; the heart; -saya, mfn. being hiding in the heart, ». vam (cittath Dh. 37. ep. Sattapanna-guha, 109,31, gu, mfn. (e. c. = sa.) going; v, addha-gi, para-gi, gutha, m. 2, (= sa.) feces, dung; *0-kalala, n. 46,33 (q. v.). geyya, m. (sa. geya) a certain kind of the holy scriptures (navaiigamh Satthu-sisanam) mixed prose and verse; ~am, 109,33, geruka, m. & geruka, f. (sa, gairika, ~ka@) red chalk; °) wanto (dhammath, walking in righteousness) 7,25; (samath, q. v.) 7,26; (bhikkhaya ~, wandering about for alms) 29,24; f. acc. ~antith, 47,22; gen. pl. ~antanam (amhakam) 1,25; part. med, m. caramano (carikam, wandering) 81,8; — imp. 2. sg. cara (dhammam) 7,24; 47,2 (cara, with &@ metri causa); (brahmacariyam, lead a holy life) 70,16; — pot. 3, sg, *) care (game, dwell) 106,3 = Dh. 49; (eko ~) Dh. 329; (nadiiiesam pihayam a, let him not envy others) Db. 365; (dhammam sucaritam «, practise virtue) Dh. 168; (kayena sucaritam ~) Dh, 231; >) careyya (samam) Dh. 142; Dh. 328; — fut. 1, sg. carissami, 92,3; — aor. 3. sg. *) a-cari (carikam) Dh, 326; °) cari (anaciram) 9,15; — inf. caritum, comp. witu-kama, mfn, wanting to go (m. ~0, akasena, through the air) 36,10; — ger. ~witva, 2,32. 61,18. 86,5 (pindaya); a-caritva, Db. 155; — pp. v. carita & cinna; — caus. II. carapeti (g. v.) cp. cara, carana, cariya; caraka, carika, carin.. carahi, indecl, = tarahi (sa. tarhi) combined esp, w. interrogatives, cati and also other pron. & adv. = then, in that case; kifi w, 90,15; ko w, 97,7. The change of t into c is probably due to the frequent combination with interrogatives (analogy of kiiica, kiiici, koci etc.) cp. etarahi.” carapeti, vb. (caus, IZ. carati) to cause to move; bherirh «, to beat the drum; ger, wetvad, 42,2. 102,26. carita, (= sa.; fr, carati) acting, behaviour, conduct; living; ekassa caritam, living alone, Dh. 330, - duccarita, sucarita (q. ».), Carima, mfn, (sa, carama) sub- sequent, last (opp. pubba); a-carima, min, (q. v.) cp, a-pubba. cariya, » & cariya, f abe €.¢.; 8a, carya & cary&) wandering; conduct; — eka-°, f, (v. h.); — kapi- raja-°, ».a chapter of Cariya-pitaka (q. v.) 108,98; — nagga-°, f. naked- ness, Dh. 141; — brahma-, n. (v. h.), — sama-°, n. (v. A.). Cariya-pitaka, mn. nom. pr. name of the last book of Khuddaka- nikaya; specimen thereof 108,23 ff. cala, mfn. (= sa.) moving, trem- bling, unsteady; a-cala, nic-cala (v, h.). calati, vb. (sa. cal) to be moved; to tremble, to be agitated, excited, confused, or frightened; fut. 3. pl. ~issanti (macchd) 19,39; aor. 3. pl. ~imsu, 19,33; assa kammajavata a, 62,19 (came upon her), — cala, calana, cfla (g. v.). calana, , (= sa.) trembling, excitement; ~am (macchanam) 19,21. cavati, vb. (sa. eyu) to fall, fall away, disappear; to die, esp. to pass (through re-birth) from any exi- stence into another; ger. witva (tato) 84,91; pp. cuta (q. v.); caus, caveti (q. v.) cp. cuti. « caiga, m. (fr. cajati; sa. tyaga) leaving, abandoning, giving up; re- signing, devotedness, self-sacrifice; ~o (tanhaya) 67,16; abl. wa, 94,19; gen. ~assa, 29,10. . *cati, f, a vessel, jar, waterpot; capa madhu-°, a honey-jar, 53,30, cp. Hindi ciita. capa, m. & n, (== sa.) o particular kind of bow (dhanu); nom. m. ~0, 92,15, abl. ~wato, Dh. 820 (metri cause Capito); pl. capa (atikhina, q. v.) Dh, 156.. cara(ka) & carika, mfn. (e. ¢. == 8a.) wandering abcut; v, vana- ciiraka, akasa-carika. *cariki, f. (fr. Ycer) wandering; acc. ~am carati, to wander about (said of the mendicant friars) 81,8. Dh, 326; ~am pakkami (yena Gaya- sisam tena, weut forth to G.; other- wise w. acc. Vin. J, 80,2) 70,21. carin, mfn. (vu. c. = sa.) wane dering, living; *v. atidhona-®, anu- dhamma-®, dhamma-®, bala-saiigata-®, brahma-°, pamatta-°, saiifiata-°. cala, m. (= 8a.) moving, trem- bling; ». bhumi-°, caveti, vb. (caus, cavati; sa, cyavayati) to cause to fall (acc.); to drive away from (abl.); aor. 3, 8g. a-cavayl (ma mam thana «, that he may not drive me away from my place) 104,4. Ci, ind. (sa. cid) suffix to inter- rogatives, rendering them indefinite; v. kacci, kadaci, kifici, koci; cp. ca, cana(m). zinna, 1) mfn. (pp. carati; sa. cirna) that has beon wandered over; practised, performed; cinna-tthane yeva, ,in this old familiar place‘, lus. — *) m. deed, good deed; v. sam- mukha-®, citaka, m. & sitaka, fi (sa. cita, citikd) a Leap, pile; a funeral pile, pyre; acc, ~ath, 34,6, cp. cetiya, ciyati (yci). cittat, m (== ea.) thinking, thought, intention; minu, heart; mom, ~am (pabba‘jaya nami) 65,13; ace. ~am, 96,27; instr. ~ena (mettena) 76,54; 80,34; pl. wani, 71,18. Very often used at the end of adj. comp., v. an-avatthita-°, an-avassuta-°, udagga-°, kalla-?, {hita-°, tuttha-°, 96 duttha-°, namita-°, nana-°, patibad- dha-°, pamudita-°, pasanna-®, mudu-’, metta-°, vadhaka-°, vinivarana-’, vimutta-°, viratta-°. santa-°, su- patitthita-°, euddha-°; — sacitta, 7. (sa, sva-citta) one’s own thought or mind, acc, wath, Dh. 327; °-pariyo- dapana, Dh, 183 (v. .) cp. sa-*, = citta-k(i)lesa etc, (q. v.) ep. cinteti, cetas, ; citta® & citra, mfn. (sa. citra) variegated, manifold; bright, brilliant, excellent; ace. m, ~ath (imam lokam) Dh. 171; su-citta, mfn. very brilliant; m, pl. ~@ (rajaratha) Db. 151; = *citra-pekkhuna, mfn. having a varie- gated tail; acc, m. ~ath (moram) 19,10. ep. ati-citra, vi-citra; cittas kata ete. *cittakata, mfn. (fr. citta? + kata) adorned, decorated, dressed up; acc, ~ath (bimbamh) Dh. 147, *cittak(ijlesa, m. (fr. citta’) v, kilesa. *cittakkhepa, m. (fr. citta!) »v. khepa. *Cittapatali, f. (fr. citta® + patal1) nom, pr. ‘the pied trumpet- flower, name of a tree (kappatthiya- rukkha) in the world of Asuras, 59,29; loc. ~wiya, ib. *cittarucita, mfn. (fr. citta! + rucita) being after one’s heart; ace. m. ~aim (samikam) 10,5. *Cittalata, f. (fr. citta®? + lata) nom. pr. of Sakka’s garden; °-vana- sadisa, mfn. equal to the C.-grove in Sakka’s heaven, 62,14. *cittavagga, m. (fr. cittat + vaggu) name of the third chapter in Dhammapada. citra, mfn. (= sa.), » citta’, cintana, m. (= sa.) thinking, reflecting; care, — *cintanaka, mfn, thinking tor, taking care of; maccha- nam °-bako, 4,10. cinteti, vb. (sa. Vcint.) to think, reflect; to care for (gen.); pr. 2. sg. ~esi (amhakam) 4,4; part. m. ~ento (nisidi) 4,2; (tumhakam) 4,4; aor. 97 3, sg. ~esi, 3,2; 2, sg. ma cintayi (etam nissaya) ,,don’t worry yourself, 49,31; 61,30 (be not anxious); 3. pl. ~esul, 6,3; ger. *) wetva, 3,11; >) cintiya, 111,18, 112,11. — cintana (q. v.) cp. citta!, cetas. cira, mfn. (= sa.) long, lasting a long time; acc, m. ~ ai (addhanam) 110,5; — n. adv, ciram, long, for a long time; 9,1; 23,34 (long enough); 59,33 (~jiva); Dh. 248; — dat. adv, ciraya, id. Dh, 342; — *ciragata, mfn, v. agata; — cira-ppavasin, mfn. long absent; acc. m. ~ vasim (purisam), Dh, 219; — a-cira, mfn, (q. v.) cp. next, cirassaih, adv. (sa. cirasya, ge.). after a long time, at last; ~ vata bho nago nagena samgimessati, at last we shall see an elephant (sc. of men) that can fight a fight with (this) ele- phant! 76,33; na cirass’eva or naci- rass’eva, shortly after, until in no long time, 23,3, 89,16, ciyati, vb. (pass, cinati, sa. V/ci) to be gathered, heaped up, acquired, constructed; pres. 3. sg. clyate (= sa.) 103,9 (pahiitam (te) ~ pufiviam). civara, m. (= sa.) the robe of a Buddhist monk; om. ~am, 83,8; acc. 83,20; patta-civaram, bowl and robe, 76,16; civara-° 97,8; — *°-rajju, f. a rope for banging up a robe, acc. ~um, 83,31; — *°-vamsa, m. a bamboo peg for hanging up a robe, acc, ~am, 83,20, cunna, !) mfn. (sa. ciirna) pul- verised, grinded, crushed; cunna- vicunna, mfn. severely hurted or in- jured, ~. ~am (hadayam) 1,%5. — °) n. aromatic powder; ~am, 83,97; gandha-°, id. 53,26; gandha-dhipa- cunna-, 48,30. cuta, mfn. (pp. cavati; sa. cyuta) fallen; having died or passed from one existence into another; m. ~0 (tato) 45,16, — a-couto, m/fn. (q. v.). cuti, f. (sa. cyuti) falling down; destruction; acc, ~im (sattanam) Dh. 419 (opp. upapatti). Pali Glossary. ° codeti cuddasa, mum. (contracted fr. catuddassa (v. catu); sa. catur-daca) == 14; — cuddasama, m/fn. the 14*, m, ~o (vaggo) Dh. XIV, *Cunda, m. nom. pr. of a smith (kammaraputta) in Pava, whom Buddha visited before his death; nom. ~0, 77,390; acc, ~wam, 77,24; gen. wassa, 77,20. ce, ind. (sa. ced) if; most frequently combined with other particles (v. sace, noce, yatice) and never found at the beginning of u sentence; ettha ce te mano atthi, 72,21; tai c’ayam, 96,11 (cp. ca); attha ce patthayasi, 104,22 8q.; pula ce puriso kayira, Dh.118; passe ce vipulam sukhuih, Dh. 290; yail ce villi pasarhsanti...ko tam etc, (si quem,.., quis eum...) Dh,’ 229: yah ce = than if, 107,23. Dh. 106, v. yaiice; — api ce or pi ce, even if; sakalo pi ce... (n’eva) 16,13; alamkato ce pi, Dh, 142 = alamkato pi ce or: sace alatikato pi; — tice (in commentaries = if you ask so) 85,32 (kim idan ti ce ti aha = viz. with the following words; cp, core rections), ceta & cetaka, m. (== sa.) a servant, slave; acc. pl. ~ke, 55,13. cetas, m. ”. (?) (= sa.) mind, thought; instr. ~asa (vippasannena) Dh. 79; gen. ~aso, 80,35. 91,6. 96,12; sabba-cetaso, gen. adv. with all one’s mind, 71,33 (~samannaharitva dham- mam sunanti). ~ an-anvabata-cetasa, mfn. (q. ¥.). Ceta, m. pl. (sa. Cedi) nom. pr. of a people and its country, south of the Ganges; ~4, 34,21. cp, next. Cetiya'-rattha, mn. (cp. sa, Cedika) = prec.; acc. ~ath, 32,14. cetiya?, . (sa. caitya) a sepulchral monument, sanctuary, temple, place of worship; loc. ~e (Aggalave) 86,12; pl. ~ani, Dh, 188 (arama-rukkha-°), codeti, vb. (sa. codayati, caus, youd) to exhort, correct, punish, re- prove; to request, ask; imp. 2. sg. codaya, Dh. 379 (coday’ attanam, ie! cora synon, patimaso, ib. & saifiimaya, 380); pp. m. codito, 113,14. cora, m. (sa. cor. & caura) a thief, robber; acc. wam, 36,22; pl. ~a, 30,30; acc. pl. we, ib.; — payut- taka-°, pesanaka-° (v, h.). — cora- rajan, m. gen. arshiio (,,the ruffianly king“) 39,35; — corupaddava, m. attack from robbers, ~0, 42,5. cori, f. (sa. cori & cauri) a female thief; as adj, — thievisa, deceitful ; pl. miyo, 5,4, 62,. (= prodigal, extravagant ?); gen, pl. ~inam (thi- nam) 51,30; — daraka-°, f. a female kidnspper, acc, wirh, 5,15. cclaka, m, (sa. coda(ka) & cola- (ka)) cloth, rag, exp. 1 rubbing-cloth or mop; ace, ~am, 84,20. Ch. cha, :nfn. (mon: ace. pl.) num, (sa. shash (shat)) <= &; 38,13. 82,11; the declination is : instr. abl, chahi, gen, dat, chanoam; loc. chasu or chassu. cp. next & chattimsati, ckabbanna, chabbisati, chalabhiiia, satthi, solasa. chattha, mfn. (sa. shashtha) the sixth; 7. ~a (send) 103,37. chatthama, mfn. (sa, shash- thama) = prec.; acc. f, ~ath (ga- tham) 64,35. chaddana, n. (sa. chardana) throwing away, ejecting; kacavara-°, wh, chaddapeti, vb. (caus. II. ychrd) to cause to be thrown away; aor, 3. sg. ~esi (appagghabhandam) cast overboard, 26,3, chaddeti, bd. (sa. chardayati, caus. Vcbrd) to fling, throw away, eject, vomit; to leave, quit, expose, reject (acc.); pr. 3. sg. neti (kaca- varam, tassa upari) 50,2; part. m. pl. ~enta (matamanussam amaka- susane) 40,31; aor. 3. sg. ~esi, 50,1; 3. pl. wesum, 40,32; ger. wetva 98 (brihmanarh magge) 33,18; (sirivi bhavath) 47,22; 52,2-1 (rejecting); 64,23 (gharavasar); 86,21 (dsivisam dandakena); grd. ~etabba, ». ~am eiears 84,24; °-bhavam papunl, 42.32 (,was deserted“, cp. bhava). = caus. II. chaddapeti (q. v.) ep. chad- dana, 7. chatta, n. (sa. chattra) a parasol, umbrella, canopy (ensign of royal power); gen. seta-cchattassa hettha, under a white canopy, 42,8. cp. cha- deti (chad) ete. chattimsati, f. num. (sa. shat- trimngat) thirty-six; Db. 339 (Ati sota). chadana, n. (= sa.) a thatch, ruof; loc, pl. ~esu (artlha) 76,29. chadda, nm. (sa. chadman?) a thatch, roof (Abhidhana.); only in the comp. vivatta-cchadda (q. ».). chanda, m. (= sa.) delight, wish, will, desire; acc. ~am (na tamhi ~ kayiratha, let him not delight in it) Db. 117; chandadi-vasena, according to one’s will etc. (by chandadi is probably meant chanda, dosa, moha, bhaya, or the four wrong courses (modes of proceeding, agati)) 42,27 (0. vasa); — *chanda-jata, mfn, in whom desire has sprung up, m. <0 (anak- khate) Dh, 218. channa}, mfn. (== sa., pp, chad, ep. chadeti) covered, thatched; f. va (kuti) 104,92 (opp. vivata}. — duc- channa, mfn, &succhanna, mifn. (q. v.). *Channa®, m 1) nom. pr. of Buddha’s servant; ~0, 65,15; acc. ~am, 65,26.~”) nom. pr. of a certain bhikkhu; ~0, 79,14; gen. ~wassa, 79,12. *chabbanna, mfn. (fr. cha + vanna,; sa. *shad-varna) six-coloured; gen. pl. ~&namh (rarsinam, the six- coloured rays of light emitted from Buddha’s body) 87,33, chabbisati, f. num. (sa. shad- vimcati) == 26; Ati vagga, Dh. p. 94, v. 3. — chabbisatima, mfn. the 265; xo (vaggo) Dh. XXVI. chalabhififia, mfn. (fr. cha + b) 99 abhiiiid, sa. shad-abhijiia) possessed of the six abhijias, v. abhiina. chava, ') m., n. (sa, gava) a corpse, dead body, ~ *) mfn, low, vile, con- temptible; gen, m, ~wassa (khelipa- kassa) 74,38, chavi, f. (= sa.) skin, colour, splendour; *chavi-vanna, m. beauty; acc, wath, 18,6; — *chavi-santhana, n, the appearance of the skin; loc, ~e, 85,23 (vannasaddo idha w~ va datthabbo, the word vanna is here to be understood as complexion); — man- gura-cchavi, mfn, (q. v.) op. anu- cchavika, mfn. chata, mfn, (= sa., cp, sa. psiita) emaciated, hungry; m. pl. wa, 111,31 (cp. Pischel, Gr, d. Prakr, Spr, § 328 & next.) *chataka, nm. (fr. prec.) hunger; °akara, m, sign of hunger; ace. ~am (dassesi, gave them to understand that he was hungry) 41,8, chadeti, vb. (sa. chadayati, caus. ychad) to cover, hide (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~eti (attano vajjani) 106,18 = Db, 252; aor. 3. pl. ~esurh (devata potthakam, rendered the book invisible) 114,16. cp. chatta, chadana, channa, chaya, f. (= sa.) shade, shadow; nom, ~@ (anapayini) Dh. 2; gen. ~iaya (abhavena, on account of the absence of shadow (sign of being a Yakkha) 59,18; — *sita-cchaya, m/fn. q. v.). ine vb, (pass. chindati, ychid) to be cut off, to be split, torn, destroyed; pr. 3. sg. ~ati oi Dh, 284; 3, pl. ~anti (hatthapada 99,13; ger. ~itva 17,32; repeated : 60,7 (being mowed down everywhere); pp. chinna (q. v.). ; chidda, m. (sa. chidra) a hole, leak; fault, defect; acchiddavutti, ». a-cchidda, mfn. chindati (& a-cchindati), vb. (sa. Ychid & a-Vcchid) to cut off; to tear, split, cleave, destroy (acc.); imp. 2. sg. chinda (pasam) 12,1; 2. pl. ~watha, Dh. 283; — pot, 3, sg. chinde, ja Dh. 870; -- fut. 3. sg. checchati, Dh, 350 (esa-cchecchati, probably fr, a-cchindati); — aor. 3. sg. acchidda (= acchida, RB. acchindi, fr. chindati or a-cchindati) Db, 351; — inf. chet- tum, 105,18; — ger. *) chinditva (givam) | 4,33; (sisam) 5,12; (dvidha ~, to cut in two) 33,18; a-chinditva (vissasam, pin unbroken amity“) 13,7; — >) chetva, 83,31, 105,19; Dh, 283, 369; ~ °) chet- vana, 47,28; Dh, 346; — caus. IT, chindapeti, pass. chijjati, pp. chinna (q. v.) ep. chidda, cheda, chindadpeti, vb. (caus. II. chin- dati) to cause to be cut off, to let be removed (acc.); ger. ~wetva, 36,19. 38,1. chinna, mfn. (= sa., pp. y/chid cut down, torn, split; m. ~o (rukkho Dh, 338; acc, wath, 34,5; ”. sam (miusika-cchinnam thanam) 26,7; chinna-pasibbaka, 13,5; chinna-tata-, a sheer precipice, 27,3; chinna-tthana, n, a crack, fissure, 91,30; vata-cchinna, mfn, driven away by the wind, °-vala- haka, mm, 40,28 (v. h.). . chuddha, mfn. (sa, kshubdha, Vkshubh) thrown away, rejected; m. ~o (kayo) Db, 41 (Comm, = apa- viddho; cp. Jat. V, 302,4. 303.4 = chaddita). Fausbsll (Bem. p. 19) & Trenckner (Mil, p. 422—23) refer it to Vkshiv = shthiv; ep. Pischel, Gr, d, Prakr. Spr. § 66 & 120. ». nitthu- bhati & nutthubhati below, . cheka, mfn. (= 8a.) clever, shrewd; skilful, skilled in (Joc.) ; instr. m. wena (sakunikena) 88,33; nom. ~0 (afiga-vijjaya) 48,16. checchati, chetva, chetvana, chettum, v. chindati. . cheda, m. (= sa.) cutting off; interruption, abandonment; asa-ccheda, m., kamma-°, m., sandhi-°, mfn., sisa-°, m, (v. h.). J. ja, mfn. (e. c. = sa.) born; v. atta-ja, daru-°, dvija (dija), pabba-°, q* jagati yoni-®, viri-°, Sihabahu-narinda-°. ep. jayati. jagati, f. (= sa.) the earth, world; OMAR PROS m. a spot in the world, ~o, Dh, 127, jacca, instr, == jatiya, v. jati. jaggati, vb, = jagarati (g. ».). jajjura, mfn, (sa, jarjara) infirm from age, decayed, old; jara-°, mfn. (v. h.) cp, jara ete. jafifia, mfn, (sa. janya) ‘to be born or produced’, charming, excellent (? cp. MN. I p. 528, ad p. 29,19); v. a-jaiiia & purisajaiifa. jana, pot. v. janati. jata, f. (= sa.) the platted or matted hair (of an ascetic); Dh. 141; instr, pl. «éhi, 106,83 — Dh. 393. cp. next, jatila, m. (= sa.) an ascetic (wearing matted hair); instr. pl. urina-jatilehi (who had been Jatilas efore) 70,29, janu, m. (+= 8a.) people (coll. sometimes constructed w, pl, ot the verb), pl. men, persona; nom. ~0, 106,31 — Dh, 222; Dh. 249 (w. pl. dadanti); bahu-jano, many people, a tnultitude of people, the vulgar, 88,32: bahujjano, id. Dh. 320; maha- jaro, id, 37,23; mahajana-majjhe, before ell the people, 51,10; loka- mahZjano — loko (g. v.) 88,31; ace. janam (unfiam bahukath) 108,19; maha-janumh, 68,6; jer. janagsa. 110,16; maha-janassa, 73.12. 87,9; loc. maha-jane (among men) 114,15; - pi. dve jana, 6,53. 37,45; gen. pl. tinnamh jandnam, 14,1;; — gama-jana, puthujiana (v. A.) cp. janapada, janinds, janana, mfn, (e, ¢, — ¢a,.) pro- ducing, causing; bhaya-", m/n. terrific; m., eo (saddo) 27,4. janapada, m. (== sa.) ") an in- habited country, the country (opp. the town), the continent; acc. ~am, 22,3 (opp. Tambapannadipa); 43,10 (opp. nagara); rattha-janapada-va- sino, m. pl. ythe country people of 100 the kingdom“, 102.5. — *) a nation, tribe; subjects, cp, janapada. — janinda, m, (fr. jana = inda; sa, janendra) a sovereign, king; voc. ~a, 47,10 (janinda’ti); 55,1. janeti, vb, (caus, yjan, sa. Ja- nayati, cp. jayati) to bear, bring forth (ace.); aor. 3, sg. janayi (Maya Gotamam). 108,21. cp. jana, Janana. *jantaghara, n. a bathing place for hot sitting baths; om. acc. wath, 83,27-31; abl, ~4, 83,358; loc. we, 83,34; °-pitha, . the chair belonging to the jantaghara, acc. ~am, 83,28. The etymology of this word is not clear; Bihler (& Oldenberg) take it — sa. yantra-grha (an oil-mill) KZ, XXV (1881) p. 225, but the prakritizising of ya (into ja) is upon the whole very questionable and esp. in this case, be- cause yanta (sa. yantra) frequently occurs in Pali-texts, EK, Hardy, (Deut- sche Litt, Zeit. 1902 p, 339) refers to sa, jentaka (a dry hot bath) the etymology. of which is likewise un- known, cp, SBE, XIII p. 157, jantu, m. (= sa.) a creature, man, person; nom. ~u, Dh. 107; ace. ~um, 106,12 = Dh, 395; gen. wuno, 106,11 == Dh. 176; Dh, 105. 341. jambu, f. n. (= sa.) ') f. the rose apple tree (Eugenia). *) m, the fruit of the Jambu tree; instr. pl. ~iuhi, 2,10. Jambudipa, m, (sa. Jambu- dvipa, the central one of the seven continents — the known world) nom. pr. of India (sa. Bharata-varsha); ace. war, 114,32; loc. sakala-Jam- aes 39,11. 98,15; *°-gamika, mfn. v. hh). jambonada, », (sa, jambiinada) a kind of gold (from the Jambi river); gen, ~assa (nekkhamh) Dh. 230. jamma, mfn, (sa. jalma) 1) con- temptible, poor, miserable; m, ~0 (gadrabho) 8,25, °) cruel, fierce; f. ~i (tanha) 107,31; ace. with, 108,1. jaya, m, (= sa.) victory; jaya- parajaya, m, victory and defeat, acc. 101 ~am, Dh, 201, — jayamh (Dh. 201) part. m., v. (jinati &) jeti. Jara, mfn, (only as first part of comp, = sa, jarat) old (an epithet implying contempt or vexation); jara- Sakko, 59,s1. cp. jirati, jinna & neat. jara. f, (= sa.) old age, decre- pitude, decay; nom, ~A, 63,13. 67,8; instr, ~aya. 70,29; — *°-jajjara, m. a decrepit old man; acc, ~ath, 63,8; — *jarappatta (sa. *jara-prapta) mfn, decrepit, decayed; gen, f. pl. ~anam. 47,15; — °-maranarh, ». old age and death, 66,10-16; — jiti-jara, f., jati- jarupaga, m/fn., yava-jara, adv, (v.h.). ~ Jarai-vagga, m, the 11t* chapter of Dh, jala, n. (= sa.) water; instr, wena, 110,29; loc, we (samattho. q. v.) 4,14; — *gocara, mfn. living in the water; m. pl, ~a, 1,8; — thala- jala-, 19,22, lona-jala-, 24,16 (v. h.). jalati, ob. (sa. yjval) to burn, shine; pr, 3. sg. ~ati (aggi) 94,30; part, loc. pl. ~antesu (padipesu), 65,18; pot. 3. sg. ~neyya, 94,29; aor. 3. sg. a-jali, 95,7; caus, jaleti & jaleti qs V.). salets. vb, (caus. fr. prec.) to set on fire, light, kindle (a@cc.); ger. ~wetva (aggim) 100,24. cp. jaleti. java, mfn, (= sa.) quick; Java- sakuna-jataka, . (the tale of the dexterous bird) 13,8 (if not java is the name of a bird; Trenckner refers to sa, cavy&é — vaca, but this seems not to agree with rukkha-kotthaka, 13,10, which is = sa, gatapattra, Jitakamala p. 235,20). — m. speed; énstr, wena, quickly, 23,14. ; jaha, mfn. (e€. c. = sa.) leaving, abandoning; v. sabbaiijaha. cp. next. jahati (& jahati), vb. (= sa. yha) to leave, abandon (ace.); pr. 3. pl. wanti (okamokam) Db. 91; pot. 3. sg. jahe, Dh, 221. 370 (cp. vippa- jaheyya); 1. sg. jaheyyam (rajjamh) 8,3; fut. 3. sg. jahissati (attanam, will loose his life) 54,30; inf. jahitum, 44,81. 46,s4; ger. hitva (abalassam, jataka leaving behind) Dh. 29; (kame) Dh, 88; Dh. 91. 231, 417; pp. hina (v, h.); caus, hapeti, pass. hayati (q. v.) cp. jaha, mfn. jagarati (& jaggati), vb. (sa. Vjiigr) to be awake; part. gen. m, wato, 107,09 == Dh. 60; part, med. jagaramana, gen, pl. ~anam (sada ~, ever watchful) Dh, 226, cp. pati- jaggati & bahujagara, jata, ') mfn. (= sa. pp. Vjan, cp. jayati & janeti) boro, grown, produced; become (in this sense often used as finite tense); m. ~0, 18,28. 34,94. 45,94, 113,2; instr, ~ena (maccena) Dh, 58; gen. ~wassa (,every one that is born“) 63,13; loc. we (varanarukkhe) 4,1; xamhi (atthamhi) Dh. 331; f. ~@, 98,8; ace. ~am, Dh. 340; Yakkhini jatfsi (you have been born a Yakkhini) 59,1; ” wam, 31,21. 49,04; m. pl. wa (danté) 12,1; x. pl. wani (kesani, sisamhi) 47,1; comp, piti-somanassa-jata, adj. f. filled with pleasure and satisfaction, 64,13; pasdnapittham nissiya jata- (gumbe) 17,30; — “jata-divasa, m. birthday, Joc. ~e, 24,31. 45,21; — chanda-°, mfn., sayath-°, mfn. (q. v.). — *)n, a kind, sort; gandha-° (v, h.) cp. jatarupa & nezt. jataka, *) mfn, (= sa.) born; m. a child; nahdpitassa ~0, 25,10 (a bastard). — ”) 7. *) nom. pr. name of a Pali work, the 10 section of the Khuddaka-nikdya; ace. wam, 102,16; loc. ~e, 102,20; comp. jaitak'-abbhuta- vedallarh (parts of the navafigam Satthusdsanam) 109,34. The Jataka is the Book of Birth-Stories, containing 547 tales of the anterior existences of Gotama Buddha (jatakani) and an introduction (nidana-katha) about the legendary history of the Buddhas; cp. I. Feer, Etude sur les Jatakae, IAs. (1875) sér. 7. vol. V-VI; a useful bibliography is given by H. Wenzel, JRAS. 1893, p. 351. Specimens are found p. 1-60, 72-74; of Nidana- kathé p. 61-65. — >) a tale of the jatariipa Jataka-book, consisting of two chief parts, viz. paccuppanna-vatthu (story of the present) generally in prose only, and atita-vatthu (story of the ra} in mixed prose and verses (gatha together with a verbal commentary (atthavannana or atthakatha); the tala ccncludes in a short summary (samodhina, identification of the ac- tora in the atita-vatthu). Jataka-tales are also found in Cariya-pitaka, Buddha-vamsa and pessim in other holy scriptures (cp. Rhys Davids, Buddhist Birth Stories, Introd.), with the northern Buddhists in Maha-vastu, Jataka-mala, Divyavadana, Avadana- cataka etc. ; numerous scenes of Jataka- tales are figured on the Bharhut-Stupa, Boro-Boedoer, and Mangala Cheti Da- gaba (cp. the notes of Part 1), Spe- cimens of Jatakas in their whole ex- tent (without commentary) are found p. 28-32, a little proof of the verbal commentary p. 52,1¢7, wath samo- dhanesi (,identifiad the birth“) 29,16, 30,24, 32,5. jatarupa, nm. (= sa.) gold; jata- rupa-rajata-patiggahana, n. accepting gold and silver, abl. ~4, 81,26. jati. f. (= sa.) *) birth, re-birth, (former) existence; mom. wi, 66,10. 67,8; instr, wiya (or jacca, v. below 70,99; gen. wiya, 63,13; loc. wiyam (atita-°) 85,12; — *°-kkhaya, m., end of births, ac war, Dh. 423; - *0.jara, f. birth and decey, acc. ~urh, Dh, 238. 348; °-ja.’-tipaga, mfn. (v. upagu); — *°-nirodha, m, cessation of births, wo, 66,16; abl.) wa, ib.; — *paccaya (v. h.); — *°-marana, n. birth and death, gen. ~assa, 105,96; - *snmsara, ri. the revolution of being, 108,18; — *-sambhava, m. existence, 17,98; ~ °-ssara- (sa. jati- smara), remembering one's former existences; *°-faana, #, the power of remembering ones former existences, instr, wena, 17,4; — pafica-jati-satani (ace. tarough 600 births = 500 times) 17,10. ~ *; age; instr. jacca = jatiya, by 102 age, 47,21. ~ °) caste; acc. wim, 111,11 (mama jatin ti, my royal lineage) ; instr. jacca, by caste, 106,68 — Db. 393; — °-gotta-kula-padesa, m. posi- tion with regard to caste, race and family, acc. ~am, 43,30; — °-mant’- Upapanna, m/fn. (v. upapanna). cp. Fick, Soc, Glied. p. 22. — *) kind, sort; catu-jati-gandha, m. (v. catu, cp. jata, n.). jatu, adv. (= sa.) at all, ever (generally explained by ekamse(na) or kadaci); tasu ko ~ vissase, 51,4. *“anana, n. (nom, act, fr. janati) knowing, knowledge; °-manta, m. a spell of knowledge, acc. war, 53,36; sabba-ruta-janana-manta, m. 63,14 (v. ruta). *jananaka, mfn. (fr. prec.) know- ing, a knower; catuppadika-gatha-°, v. catuppadaka, 102,27. janapada, mfn. (= sa.) living in in the country; m. pl, country-people; ace, pl. we, 6,2 (negama-°); — *jana- paditthi, f. a country-woman, ace. ~im, 30,28. janati, vb. (sa. ja) to know, understand, learn (acc.); perceive, ob- serve; recognize; be aware, find (find out); experience (suffer); pr. 3. sg. ~ati (ko ~ kim karissati) 13,17: 30,6. 32,9, 72,24, 102,25; 2. sg. wasi, 5,11; 1. sg, wami, 41,33. 51,10. 87,36. 92,10; 1. sg. med. jane, 118,19; 2. pl. ~atha, 59,15; 3. pl. wanti, 51,35. 59,30, 104,2; — part. *) (janath) gen. m. janato, Dh, 384; a-janato (te) 101,30; >) m. jananto, 67,3; pl. wa (nama nahesuri, no one knew) 19,19; a-jananto, not knowing, unaware, un- suspecting, 5,1. 50,17; pl. wa, 21,6; f. ~anti, 57,24; °) med. pl. m, jana- mana, 17,26; — imp. 2. sg. janahi, 46,8, 72,29 (evar); Dh, 248; 2. pl. ~watha (find out) 74,3; — pot. 5) 2. Sg. Janeyyasi, 94,29; 1. sg. janeyya (~ahath) 94,31; 3. pl, eweyyum, 17,38; 2. pl. weyyatha, 9,14; >) 3. sg. jaina, Dh. 157. 352; — fut. 3. sg. ~issati, 56,8; 2. sg. ~issasi (tuyhar pattam, 103 suffer) 6,35; 1. sg. ~issimi (paccha, see to it afterwarda) 15,16; ~ aor. 4) 3. sg. annasi, v. ajanati; ») 3. pl. ja- nimsu (tam karanam) 37,8; — ger. *) Hatva, 3,20. 8,95. 12,9-96. 33,5, 34,14 (sabbar). Dh, 12, 22 ete.; ») janitva, 50,31; a-janitva, 53,1; — pass. fayati, pp. hata, caus, apeti & janapeti (q.v.) cp. ana, fdtaka, nati, -nfd, & janana(ka). janapeti, vb. (caus, II. janati) to let know, to inform any one (acc.); imp. 2. sg. wehi (nath) 55,23; ger, ~wetva (tam) ib. cp. iapeti. jani, f. (sa. jyani; fr. japeti, yjya ') loss (of property), amercement, ? growing old, infirmity; acc, ~im, Dh, 138. jayati, vb. (— sa. yjan) to be born; pr. 3. sg, ~ati, Db. 193; ~ati, Dh. 212 foll, Dh, 282 foll, (birm. read, wte); pot. 3. sg. med. ~etha, Dh. 58; aor. 3. sg. jayi, 45,32; pp. jata, grd. jaiia (v. h.); caus. janeti (q. v.) cp. jataka, jati, jana ete, jara, m. (= sa.) a paramour, lover; acc, ~am, 61,1. jala, m (— sa.) a net, snare; cob-web; wire-net, lattice; acc, ~am (khipapetva) 26,1; Dh. 347 (cob-web); antojalam, 88,35 (v. anto); suvanna-°, a golden net, 62,22; instr. ~ena, 88,34; 62,23 (suvanna-°); 88,35 (Mara-°); abl. ~ato (muccati) 88,31; °-mutto (sakunto) 88,30; — *iana-jala, n. the limits of one’s perception; gen, ~assa (anto pavittham disva, calling her into his mind) 86,38; — *°-karandaka, m. (v. h.). jalin, myn, (— sa.) ‘having net’, ensparing, deceptive, fascinating; /f. ~wini (tanha) Db, 180. jileti, vb. (caus, jalati) to cause to burn or shine (acc.); pr. 3. pl. wenti (dipam) 37,9 (cp. jaleti). ji, mfn. (e.c. — aa. jit) winning, victorious; 0. saigamaji (cp. jinati). jigaccha, f.(sa. jighated) hunger; Dh, 203 (var. B. digaccha). _ jinna, mfn, (pp. jirati; sa. jirna) jiva old, decayed; m. wo, 74,0; acc. ~am (purisam) 63,15; — °-koica, m. pl. Dh. 155. — mogha-°, m. Dh. 260 (v, h.) ep. parijinna. jinnaka, mfn. (sa. jirnaka) old, worn out; #, pl. wani (pilotikani) 57,5. jita, mfn. (pp. jeti & jinati; = sa.) conquered; atta jitam. seyyo (,one’s own self conquered is better“) Dh, 104 (where jitam is an old nasalized form instead of m, jito, cp. Dhpd. (1855) p. 287; Kuhn, Beitr, p. 59); ace. m. wath (Maram) Dh. 40; — subst. n. victory; Dh, 179; acc. ~ath, Dh, 105 (opp. apajitarh). Jina, m. (= 8a.) ‘victor’, epithet of the Buddha; °-sisana, 7. the doc- trine of Buddha; ace. ~am (navafigarh) 109,22 (= Satthu-sasanam, 109,32); loc. we, 109,86. jinati (& jeti, g. v.) vb. (sa. Vjya & yji) to win; to conquer, overcome (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~nati (niccam) 48,9; Dh, 354 (sabbadanam, exceeds); 103,32 (nam); — pot. 3. 8g. jine (kodham) 44,8; 107,35 = Dh, 103; aor, 3. sg. a-jini, Dh, 3; pass, jiyati, v, parajiyati. jiya, f. (8a. jya) a bow-string; acc, wan, 92,16, jivha, f. (sa. jihva) the tongue; 70,31, Dh. 65; instr. ~aya, Dh. 360; loc. waya, 71,9; — °-samphassa-viii- nanayatanam, 72,15, the sense of taste (cp. ayatana), jiyati, vb, ') = jirati (q. v.) - *) pass. jinati & jeti, v. parajiyati. jirati, vb. (sa. yjf, jiryati) to grow old, become decrepit; pr. 3. sg. ~wati, Db. 152; 8. pl. ~anti, Dh. 151 (are destroyed); pp. jinna (q. v.) op, jara, jara, jajjara. jiva, mn. re ) n, life, soul; nom. wath, 89,s8-29 (opp. sarirarh); acc, wath, 108,17; — ydvajivam, adv. all the life long, 13,7 Db. 64; — dujjiva, sujiva, mfn. (g. v.). — *) m, a living being; °-loka, m. living beings; ~0, 47,17. jivati jivati, vb. (sa. yiiv) to live; to live by, subsiez on (nissitya); pr. 2. 8g. ~w8i, 13,29; 1. 2g. med. (or pot.) jive, 103,31; 1. pl. wma, Dh. 197; part, m. jiwamn, 103,7; f. med. jiva- mana, 31,17; pot. 3. sg. jive, Dh. 110 (1. sg. 103,35 ?); imp. 2. sg. jiva (cirem) 59,93; jiva bho, 103,7; fut. 1. sg. ~wissami (rajanam nissaya yin ths king’s service“) £4,138; inf. witum (asakkonta) 39,1, jivitu-kama, m/fn. loving life, m. wc, Dh, 123. cp. jiva, jivika, jivita, jivin. jivika, f. (=:’sa.) livelihood; ace. wait (kappesi, kasikammena) 8,15. jivits., 2. (= sa.) life; nom. ~am, 86,15; aco. wam, 4,33; abl. na, 76,3; — °-kkhaya, m., dzath; acc. wam, 4,22; - **-daina, n. saving one’s life; acc. warn (dassami) 12,26; 42,12, — *°-pa- tilabha, m. rescue, escape, 00, 42,10; — *yariyosina, ». the end of life, tec. we, 34,99; — *-samkhaya, m. = jivita-kkhaya; loc. ~amhi, Dh. 337. jiviit, fn. (e. c == sa.) living, v, dhamma-jivin. juti, f. (sa. Gyuti) splendour; — *jutin-dhara, m/fn. bright, splendid; m. pl. ~& (pakkbi) or voc. wa (?) 11,143 — jutimat, mfx. (= sa.) id., m. pl. ~manto, Db. 89. ep, jotati. ge & juihati, vb. (sa. yhu, juhoti) to offer; to sacrifice to, wor- ship (acc.); part. gen. m, jihato (aggihuttam) 103,8; pp. huta (2. v.). jiita, n. (& m, ?) (sa, dyiita) game at dice; ace. war. kilati, plays at dice, 19,10. 48,5; — *gita, n. a verse sung for luck in game: acc. warn (gayanto) 48,8; 50,20; — °-mandala, m, a game-chamber or dicing-table; acc, ~am, 19,1:; 50,28. juhati, vb. = juhati (¢. ».). jettha, mf(n). (sa. jyeshtha) first, chief; first born, elder brother or sister; m. gen, (dat.) ~wassa (yakkhassa) 112,13; niyydmaka~°, 24,10; °-putta, m. ace, wam, 45,3; °-bhata, 34,33; °-yakkhini, f. 21,21; °-vanija, m. acc. ~wam, ib. 104 *jetthaka, mf(n). = prec.; m. niyyamaka-jetthako, 24,14; °-kanitthe, acc, pl. m, two brothers, 32,31 (cp. kanittha); °-tapasa, m. ace. ~am, 35,2; °-bhatika, m. acc. ~am, 32,21. Jetavana, n. nom. pr. of a garden near Savatthi, bought from prince Jeta (a son of Pasenadi) by Anathapindika, who built a monastery there and pre- sented it to Buddha (Jat. I p. 92. IJ, 216); acc. ~am, 86,26; abl. ~a, 87.3; loc. we, 28,2; — %Abhimukhi, f. 73,13 (v. abhimukha); — °-magga, m, the road from J., ace. wath, 73,15. jeti, vb. (sa. jayati, Vji; ep. jinati) to win; to conquer, overcome, exceed (acc.); pr. 3. sg. jeti (sadhum sadbuna) ppays good with goodness‘, 44,2; part, m, jayath (the victor) Dh. 201; pot. 3. sg. jeyya (jeyya-m-attinam, con- quers himself) 107,41 == Dh, 103; ger. jetva, 103,32; pp. jita (v. h.) cp. jaya, m. ji, mfn, & Jina, m. jotati, vb. (sa. dyotate, /dyut) to shine; part. m. ~anto (manirata- nam viya) 62.30. cp. juti, f. Jh. jhana, n. (sa, dhyana) abstract religious meditation, ecstasy, divided into four stages, through which the mind comes into a state of complete indifference; nom. warm, Dh. 372; ace. pathama-, dutiya-, tatiya-, ca- tuttha-jjhinath, 89,s-s; abl. wa, ib.; loc. a-parihina-jjhdne, 45,15; — *jha- nabhinind, f. (v. abhififid); - *-pa- suta, mfn. given to meditation, m. pl. ~a, Dh. 181; — *samadhi-jhana, n. the ecstasy of self-concentration, ace, ~wam, 109,21. jhapeti, ob. (caus. jhiyati!) to burn, set on fire (acc.); pr. 2. sg. ewesi (gimami) 101.6; 7. sg. ~emi (niham khettam 2, I did not set the field on fire) 100,28; pot. 3. sg. weyya, 101,14; aor. 3. sg. nesi (ayam aggi 105 ma math ~) 51,18; ger, wetva, 34,6; pp. jhapita, m. ~o (gamo) 101,38. jhayati}, vd. (sa. kshayati,/kshai) 1) to, burn (intr.); pr, 3. sg, ~ati, 65,28; 3. pl. wanti, 65,3; part. med, ~mana, m ~0, », ~am, 1014, — *) to waste away, dry up, to be emaciated, perish; pr. 3. pl. ~wanti, Dh, 155, cp, Bollensen, ZDMG, XVIII, 834; Weber, Ind, Str, I, 143; Pischel, Gramm, § 326, Fausdell, Dhpd. (1855) p. 323 refers to y/jya, Trenckner to dah (cp, PM. p. 65,95), but jbama, mn, (burnt, scorched) must be identical with sa, kshama. — caus, jhaipeti (sa. kshipayati) v. h. jhayati®, vd. (sa, dhyayati,/dhyai) to contemplate, meditate; part, m, * acc, ~antam, 103,8; 106,18 — Dh, 395; gen. ~wato, 66,30; a-jhayato, Dh, 372; — >) nom. ~wanto, Dh. 27; — imp. 2. 8g. jhiya, Dh. 371. jhana, n, (q. v.) ep. next. jhayin, mfn. (sa, dhyayin) re- flecting, thoughtful, absorbed in medita- tion; nom, m. ~i (brahmano) 107,24 = Db. 387; acc. ~im, Dh. 386; gen, ~ino, Db. 110; m, pl. wino, Dh. 23, 276, N. fiatta, n. (sa. jiiatra) the intellec- tual faculty; mom, wam (balassa jayati) Dh. 72. (cp. Dhpd. (1855) p. 262 = jananabhava; it can hardly be sa, jnapta, Max Muller, SBE. X, p. 22; iiatte (loc.) Jat. V, 26,6 & 486,13 (= santike, near) stands for flante, sa, ny-ante). fiatva, ger. v. janati. fiana, n. (sa, jfiana) understanding, knowledge, intelligence; nom. ~am, 71,15; 79,30 (opp. pasdda); 90,35 (assa evath ~ hoti, he reasons that); 96,14; instr. ~ena (sekhena) 69,8; jatis- sara-°, 17,4; — *°-karana, m/n., *°-jala, n. (q. v.); — *%-sampanna, mfn, full thapapeti of intelligence, m. a-iiana, n. (v. h.). *Nanodaya, m. (*sa, jnana + udaya) nom. pr. of a work by Buddha- ghosa; acc. ~am (nama pakaranam) 113,23, fata, mfn (pp. janati; sa. jidta) known; pl. m. wa (guna) 41,31; gen, ~anam, 90,33, a-fiiata & a-ffataka, mfn. (v. h.), *Rataka, m. (fr. *hatika, cp. sa, jiati & next) a relative, kinsman; pl. wil, Dh, 48; raja-°, 76,1. (cp, Tr, PM. p. 76,1.) haiti, m. (sa, nae) a relative, kinaman; pl, nom, wi, Dh, 204; instr, ewihi, 11,10; gen. ~inam, Dh, 139, 207; loc, wisu, Dh. 288; fati-mitta- ete, 47,31; Hati-mitt&, m. pl. kinsmen and friends, Dh. 219; — *°-gharam, yhome to her relatives“, 62,3; — °-sa- lohita, m. pl. 92,8 (v. h.). apeti, vb. (caus. janati, sa. jiapayati) to make known, explain; part, m. wento (iti ~) 9,30. cp. janapeti. flaya, m. (sa. nyaya) 1) method; *) right manner, fitness; the right path (= ariyo atthaigiko maggo, 67,3); gen, ~assa (adhigamaya) 90,18 (cp. Tr. PM. 58,18). idyati, vb. (pass. janati) to be called, named; pr. 3. sg. wati (katham bhadanto ~) 96,20; 1. sg, ~ami, (Nagaseno ti “i 96,30, fieva, indecl, (after a nasal — yeva), v, eva), °-AT, mfn. (e.c., sa. jiia) knowing; v. a-katahit, mattanhiu; cp. viiiu. 24,14; ~0, Th. thatva, ger., v. titthati. thapapeti, vd. (caus. IT. titthati) .to cause to stand, to cause to be placed; ger. ~etva (matamanussaih ujukarh, setting the dead body upright) 41,17; 102,34. thapita thapita, mfn. (pp. thapeti; ep. sa, sthapita) placed; left at one’s disposal, prepared for; mukhe thapita- matta (yagu, as soon as :t had come into her mouth) 57,22 (cp. matta*); °-vasita-udakam, 41,2: like thita this word is often combined with a pre- ceeding ger, : sammbaritva thapite (si- take, acc. m, pl., the clothes that were lying folded up) 41,4. thapeti, vb. (caus. titthati; sa. sthapayati) ‘to causy to stand’, to place, set, lay (acc. & loc.); to fix, make firm (acc.); to appoint (to any office, loc.); to place aside, save, except (ace.); pr. 2. sa. kith thapesi (why do you except her?) 50,31; 2. pl. ~etha, 1,20; ~ imp. 2. sg. wehi, 44,26; — aor, 3, 8g. ~2si, 5,17, 75,8; 3. pl. weyum, 16,27; — inf. weturh (nica- thaniyam ucce thai:e) 76,11; — ger. ~etva, 1) 6,27. 9,10 (te putta-tthane) ; 13,19; (pitv. yaguia ~, having saved a portion for her father) 66,31; 57,33, 65,s0-91; 87,27 (laid aside); (cittam idam ~, making firm) Dh. 40; a- thapetva (hatthe) 56,27; — *) used like a prp. w. acc. (vefore or after) — except, but; ekam eva vaddhari ~, 12,20; ~ mam (exceyt me) 27,15; -~ Mama, 48,24; tumhe ~~, 51,9; Savatthi-vasino ~, 73,33; — grd, *) thapetubba, °-yuttakam (acc. m,, rija-tthane) 11,1; —») thapaniyam (paiihayh, acc. m., » question not to be iskec) 91,51; — pp. thapita (q. v.) cp. thapapeti. thassati. fut. v. tittnati. thahati &thati, ob. — titthati; v. utthahati, adhitthati. thana, mn, (sa. sthina) *) place, spot, locality, dwelling-place; om. ~am, 25,7; abl. ~a, 104,4; loc. we, 17,24, cinna-tthane, laa (v. A.); phasnka-°, 35,26; a-vijjamina-°, 18,15 (v. vijjati) loc, pl. saka-saka-tthanesu, 22,9; paficasu ~nesu, 30,26; — apa-. gata-°, Ql,a9 (g. v.); — arafina-, 32,14; — gata-°, gata-gata-°, gahana-° (q. v.) — chinna-° (= vivara) 91,30: 106 — dhamma-gandika-°, 6,25 (v. gan- dika); — nivesana-°, 2,15; — purana- gama-°, 35,95 (v. gama); — yujjhana-°, 29,04; — vasana-°, 2,94. 6,10. — ° place or room for; rathassa ukkamana- tthanarh, 48,19. — °%) space, extent; ace, wath (yojanamattam) 6,9; (atthi- sabhamattarh) 27,37. — *) case, circum- stance, point, occasion; Joc, pl. catusu ~wesu, 86,82. — 5) state, condition (e. c. = bhava); acc, ~am, Dh, 137; ace, pl. ~ani (cattari) Dh. 309; —- Agata-tthanam va gata-tthanam va (her coming or going) 19,18; — loc. (e. c.) = instead of : putta-tthane, 9,9. — ©) position, office, rank; Joe. raja-tthine, 11,1; ucce thane, 76,11 (cp. nica-thaniya, mfn.). — 7) cause, object, thing, means (e. c, == things that serve to or cause); instr. pl. tihi thanehi, Dh. 224. 391; °-pamada- tthana, ab/, (veramani, which cause indifference) 81,23; °-vibhiisana-tthana (id, which serve to decoration etc.) B12. — a-tthdina, n. (g. v.) cp. nezt, thaniya (or thaniya) mfn. (sa. sthanika & sthaniya) e. c. = having @ certain position; v. nica-thaniya. *thanuppatti(ka), mfn. (fr. thana + uppatti) ‘arisen on the spot’, immediate; (or: resulting from one’s office (9; practice or competence ?)); instr, f. wiya (medhaya samanna- gato, comm. on ‘medhavi’) 91,37. ep. Jat. VI, 304,16 & 308,23, thita, mfn. (pp. titthati; sa. sthita) standing; m. ~o (dipake) 2,32; (ko- tiyam, g. v.) 17,8; kimattham .0’si, why do you stand there? 15,11; ace. wari, 65,19; loc, ~e (sarath nissaya) 3,31; acc. m. pl. ~e (mige) 6,8; often combined with a preceeding ger. (cp. thapita) : nahatva ~assa, gen, m. sg. (when he had finished his bathing) 41,3; nivasetva A, 41,1 efc.; also comp. w. kile, khane : 41,7-14; 87,35; darakam gahetva ~a, f. (she who has taken the child) 59,11; ~puriso, 86,21 (like a man who, having seen a snake from afar, has cast it away by 107 means of a stick), — *0_citta, mfn. whose mind is firm or constant, gen, m. ~assa, 80,39; — pathavi-9, yattha-°, mfn. (q. v.). “thitaka, mfn. (= prec.) standing; m. ~0 (pide pasiretva) 62,28; 65,31. thiti, f. (sa. sthiti), ‘standing, remaining’; continuance, steadfastness; Dh. 147. “thitika, mfn. (e. ¢., fr. prec.) standing, remaining, lasting; existing or living by, depending on; v, ahara-°. °-ttha, mfn. (e. c. = sa. stha) standing; v. gahattha, dhamma-®, nava-°, pabbata-°, bhaya-°, samipa-®, cp. kappatthiya, D. dayhati, vd, pass, dahati (¢. wi), dasati. wb. (sa. dacati, vdarn¢) to bite; part. ace, m, (med.) ~minam (givdya) 40,18; inf. witumh, 40,17; ger, witva, 4,28; 14,97 (valliyam); 35,24 (manikkhandhath mukhena), cp, sandasa, dahati, vb, (sa, dahati, dah) to burn (trans.); pr. 3. 89. ~wati (oeeany Dh, 140; part, nom. m. aham, Dh. 31; nom, n, «wantam (papam kammam) 106,22 = Dh. 71; pot. 3, sg. ~eyya (khettam) 100,36; pp. daddha (always spelt with initial ‘d’, which occurs also in the other Mae v, aggi-daddha; pass, dayhati (sa, dahyate & wti); part, m. ~mano, Dh. 371, cp. next, (Pischel, Gr, § 222.) daha, m, (sa. diha) burning, heat; v. anto-daha. T. tam!, pron. demonstr. (sa. tad), mn. tam, 13,39. 22,31 etc.; by sandhi : tam, 26,16(tam pi); 97,29 (tam aham); tan t’aham, 85,95; tai fieva, 5,10; tam the older form tad is also to be found before vowels: tad avasari, 81,9; tad eva, 91,10; tad abhinanditurh, 97,5; tad ajj'aham (cittam) Dh. 326, and in some comp. (v. below; cp. takkara) ; —m. so or sa: 1,18. 2,4. 7,9 (sv-aham == so aham); 106,7. 107,4. 114,8 etc.; — f. 8&8: 2,97 etc.; — except the nom. sg. the declension is a regular pron, inflexion of the base ta- : acc. m. tam, 1s. 51; f. tarh, 58,17; — instr. m. n. tena, 1,9. 2,24 (ten’eva); 50,1; f. taya, 19,19; — gen. (dat.) m. n. tassa, l,e-11 etc.; f. tassa, 2,19. 7,10 ete.; — abl. mon. tasma, 17,1; tamha, 14,4. 108,2; — loc. m. n, tasmim, ¥,2 e¢c.; tamhi, Dh. 117; — plur. m. nom. ace. te, 3,21. 21,30 etc.; f. mom. acc. ta, 20,33, 59,3-4; — instr, m. n. tehi, 25,98; f. tahi, 21,6; — gen. m. n. tesam, 4,17 etc. Dh. 4 (tes’); f. tdsarh, 21,17; — loc, m, n. tesu, 14,91; f, tasu, 51,4. — 1) = it, that, this; m. he; f. she; (subst. & adj.) : 25,97, 29,27. 58,17 etc, — *) corresponding w. prec, pron. rel. (cp, yam); 68,23 (ya... tam); 84,7-s (yasmim ,, . 80); 99,80; 107,4; and sometimes combined w, pron, rel, in the sense of a pron, indef. = whichsoever, whatsoever; 1, yan tam, Dh. 42 (quicquid); instr, yena tena upayena, 1,9; pl, m. ye te manussa, 76,30. — %) repeated : acc, m. tama tath (bhaccath, each) 112,23; loc. m. pl, tesu tesu (kathen- tesu, all of them constantly) 49,9; tarh jivam tath sariraih (= the same, opp. aiitiam ... ajifiam) 89,28, — 4) emphatically, *) before subst, or nom. | r,:tassa s& bhariya, 2,97; ayam ho sa majjhima patipada, 67,5; so Kassapo, 109,0; — >) before pron, 1, pers, : sv’aham, 7,9; acc. tam mam, 103,2; gen. tassa me, 103,23; — °) before pron. 2. pers. : tassa te, 97,34; ep. so karohi, Dh, 236, — 5) pleonasti- cally: m, pl. te (pamatt&) 77,5 (or corr. w. a prec. ye that has dropped), ‘— %) several cases are used adverbi- ally : tath (acc. n.), tena (instr. n.), tam tasma (adl. n.) . separately. — *) com». t. tud-, takzara, tarh-namaka. tam, adv. (by vanchi tad = tanh}, acc. n.) 1) = there, to that place: tad avasari (corr. w. yena = where) 77,19. 81,9. — *) = now, then, in that case; thereafter; tad eva, (corr. tw. yad eva) 91,10; tam kim majiiasi, $4,290. 99,4; tam aham, 97,29. 98,10; tam evarh, 47,91. 100,12. — °) there- fore; tai c’ayam, 96,1:. tam’, pron. 2, pers, acc.; v. tvam. takka, m. (sa, tarka) reasoning, speculation; v. a-takkévacara, m/fn.. takkara, mfn, (sa. tat-kara) doing that; m. ~o (naro) Dh. 19. Takkasila, f. (sa. Takshagila) nom, pr. of a city in the Gandhara- country (Taftda in Panjab); ace. ~wam, 42,25; loc. waya, 45,26. takkola(ka), m. (sa. kakkola, cp. takkola) a sort of perfume, Bdel- lium; tambula-takkolakidini, 49,16. tagara, m. (= sa.) a kind of tree and a sort of perfume or fragrant powder prepared from it; ~am, Dh. 55; — *°-candanin, mfn, prepared from Tagara and Candaua (q. v.); m. ~i (gandho) Dh, 5f; — *-mallika, Tagara and Malliki (g. v.) Dh, 54 (cp. SBE, X p. 18), tuca & tacas, md n, (sa, tvac, tvacd, f. & tvaca (comp. -tvacas) n.) 1) skin; nom. ~0, 82,2 = 97,20. *) bark; *-papatika, pl. f. yloose shreds of bark“, 95,22; epagata-°, mfn. free from that, wm. ~o (sdlarukkho) 95,3-24. tacchaka, m, (sa. takshaka) ao cerpenter; pl, ~a, 106,28 — Dh. 80. tajjita. mfn. (sa. tarjita, pp. tajjeti) frightened; m. pl. ~@ (marana- bhayena, struck with horror of death) 6,21; marana-bkaya-tajjito, m. 5,14; bhaya-tajjita, m. pl. (,driven by fear“) Dh, 188. tajjeti, vb. (sa, tarjayati, /tarj) tc threaten, frighten, scere; ger. wetva (niraya-bhayena) 17,30. tata, m. (= sa.) a shore, bank, 108 slope; precipice; chinna-°, sheer precipice; 27,8. ; ' tandula. m, (— 8a.) rice-grain; uce, wat, 57,18; pl. ~a, 16,1; ace, pl. ~e, 33,25. 57,20; instr. pl. miila- tandulehi, the most coarse-grained rice, 57,20; majjhima-°, the middle- sort of the rice, ib., opp. kanika, the © finest grains or flour, 57,21; — tan- duladi, adj. n. (navattharh) consisting of rice efc. 111,91; tila-tanduladayo, 15,6, tanha, f. (rarely tasina, sa. trshna) ‘thirst’, desire, craving; ~a (vedana-paccaya, originating from vedana& and causing upadana, g. v.) 67,13; 107,29; Db. 180; catutthi (sena Marassa) 103,26; acc. ~ath, 108,13 gen. ~waya, 67,15. 108.4; abi. ~waya, Dh, 216; gen. pl. ~anam (khayam) desires, Dh. 154; — *°-anu- saya, m, the attachment to desires, loc. ~e, Dh. 338; — tanhakkhaya, m, (tanha + khaya) destruction of desire, loc. ne, Dh. 353; Arata, mfn, delighting in that, m. ~o, Dh. 187; — *°-bhava-, Dh. 416 (cp. kama- bhava); — *°-vasika, mfn. being in the power of desires, enslaved by desire, m. ~0, 23,20; — *°-vagga, m. the XXIV‘> chapter of Dh.; — kama-®, bhava-°, vibhava-tanha, f. 67,14; hetu-°, /. 108,13 (v. 4.); — vita-tanha, mfn. who is without desire, Dh, 351 —52 (mm. ~0). cp. pipasa. tatiya, m/fn, (sa, trtiva) the third; ace. f, ~am, 11,15; Dh. 309 (tatiyamh); loc. m, we (vare, for the third time) 114,17; ace. n. adv, ~ath, thirdly, for the third time, 74,25, 79,22 (~am pi kho); yava-tatiyath, up to the third time, 3,7 (cp. 102,26); — °jjhana, n. 80,t (v, jhana); — -savana, f. (v. h.) ep. addhatiya, addhateyya, & ti? (tayo, tini). tato, adv. (sa, tatas) *) thence, from that place; 2,23. 3,21; ~ yeva, from the same source, 101,13. — *) there- upon, then, afterwards, further; 6,18 (~ patthdya, q. v.); 63,14 (~ va); 109 101,16. 103,16; Dh, 42 (papiyo ~)3 tato tato (corr. w. yato yato, as soon as, the more...the more) Dh, 390, ~ 5) for that reason; 112,30 (corr. 1, yato). tatoparaih, adv, (sa, tatahparath & tato ’param) then, afterwards, im- mediately after; 55,15 (cp, itoparam, para & apara). tatta, mfn. (sa, tapta; pp. tapati heated, hot, red-hot; m. wo ny 1071 — Db. 308; Joc. f. naya bhimiya) 97,31; ~— °-kapala, 2. v. h.). tattato, adv, (sa. tattvatas, fr. tattva) according to the truth, really, accurately; ~ ajanitva, ,not knowing the truth“, 53,1. tattha (& tatra, ». next) adv. (sa. tatra) 1) there, on that (this) place; 2,23-25, e¢tc.; 108,27 (tatth’); tatth’eva, *) on the same place, 3,6. 12,34, >) on that very spot, straightway, 72,25. 104,18; — tattha tattha, here and there, 21,3; yattha.. . tattha, 72,7-8; tattha idhapi, both there and here, 112,15; — very frequently used at the begin of commentaries : 85,s- 17-27. — ?) there, to that place; 1,15 (~ gantva) 1,17, 2,4; 111,14; tatth’- eva, to the same place, 58,15; tattha tatth’eva (bhijjissima, in all direc- tions) 11,8, — *) then, therefore, thence; Dh, 249; 112,16 (tattha saddo’yam). tatra, adv. (— prec.) 110,21; tatr’assa, 73,23. 90,32; tatrapi, 43,8-9; tatrayam, 62,17; tatra kho, 66,s4. 70,23; — tatra-tatrabhinandin, mfn. 67,13 (v. abhinandim). tatha, adv. (= sa.) so, thus; tath’eva, in the same way, likewise, 2,25. 39,5. 105,28; 44,20 (id. without eva); tatha...c’, 10,30; tatha ... ca... na, nor, 113,37; often corr. w. yatha, so... that, 12,3-6; Dh, 282; yatha... tath’eva, as... 80 also, 5,8; corr. w. yena, so... that, 77,6. comp., v. next, Tatha-gata, m. (= 8a.) ‘who comes and goes in the same way’ [as tad-utthdya the Buddhas], probably orig. a designa- tion of an Arhat, afterwards esp. of Go- tama Buddha (as Sammasambuddha, while still living as a human being, preaching the truth), used in the holy scriptures when Buddha is represented as speaking of himself in the third person; hence pl, ~a appellatively = the Buddhas (cp. the most important note by Rhys Davids & Oldenberg, SBE, XIII, p. 82; HE. Sénart, JRAS. 1898 p. 865; R. Chalmers, ib. p. 103; Bohtlingk, Ber. d. Sichs, Ges. 1898 p. 78; Dhammasangani, transl. p. 294). — nom. ~0, 80,25. 94,10; hoti wo parammarana, does ‘T exist after death? 89,29; rupasamkhavimutto T-o, gambhiro appameyyo duppa- riyogaho seyyatha pi mahasamuddo, 95,12; acc. wam, 76,27; inst. wena, 66,29. 94,8; gen. ~wassa, 76,1. 94,7. 110,28; pl. w& (anupakkamena ~ parinibbayanti) 76,28; aggadhamma ~G, 109,28 (v. h., otherwise Geiger, Dipavamsa u. Mahivamsa, 1905, p. 5); akkhataro ~a, Dh, 276 (the T.s are only preachers); nippapaiica ~a, Dh, 254 (,,free from vanity“). tatha-bhava, m, (= sa.) being 80; acc, wath (fiatva) 3,20. Vtatha-ripa, mfn. (= sa.) such, like that; pregnantly = so great, im- portant, efc.; acc, m. ~am, 68,35 (w. foll, yatha); gen. m. ~assa, Db. 105; gen. f. ~aya (parisaya) 87,31. (cp, eva-rupa). tad-, pron. demonstr. n., used by sandhi instead of tam (v. tam’) & comp. (v. tad-anuripa, tad-utthaya, tad-tipika). *tad-anurupa, m/fn. conformable, suitable to that; acc. m. wam (vyai- janath) 57,21. tada, adv, (= sa.) at that time, then; 1,5; 29,18. 30,24 (cp. tena sam- ayena, 32,6); tadasi, 8l,s (= tada the asi), tad-utthaya, (fr. ger. utthahati) == having sprung from that, 106,19 == Dh, 240; tad- stands possibly for 1 tad-iipika tat’ (Comm, tato utthahitva, Dhpd, (1855) p. 870). *tad-tipika (or °-tipiya) m/n. (fr. tad- -+- opityika =: sa, aupayika) conformable, suitable to that, answer- ing; f. ~& (paid) 2,12. (Trenckner, PM. p. 78, takes it =: sa. *tadopya, fr. & -+- \vap). tanaya, m. (= sa.) a son; nom. raja-tanayo, 112,4 (a prince). tanu, mfn. (== sa.) thin, little, small; *-bhiita, mi. id.; °-soka, mfr. whose mind has been relieved, light-hearted, comforted, m. ~0, 89,15. cp. su-tanu. tanuka, n/n, (= sa.) = prec.; mt, ~0 (tanuk’ ettha vipassati, few only} 83,2 == Dh, 174; 88,82 (= na bahujano). tanti, f. (= aa.) a string (of a lute); *°-ssara, m, the sound of the strings; instr. wena, 19,39 (cp. sara’), ae m. (== 8a.) a thread; tesara-° (q. v., cp. correztions). tandita, mfn, (se. tandrita; fr. tandi, drowsiness, lassitude, slotb, = sa. tandra & tandri) only comp. w. the negative prefix a- (v. h.) ep. dandha. tam-namika, mfn. (sa, tan-na- mika) named thus; f. wika, 56,11. tapa, m. & tapas, n. (sa. tapas, n.) +) religious austerities, penance, devotion; nom. ~o (sukho) Dh, 194; ~o (paramam) Dh, 184. — ”) virtue, chastity; <0 (bhinno, manavikaya) 50,32; gen. ~assa, 50,29. cp. tipasa, tapasi. | tapati, vb. (sa. tap) ') to shine (as the sun), to be bright; pr. 3. 8g. ~ati, 107,23-2 = Dh, 387. — 2) to burn = to cause pain or repentance; paccha tapati dukkatam, Db. 314. — pp. tatta, pass. tappati (q. v.) ep. tapa ete. tappati, vb. ') (ass, tapati; sa. tapyate) to be burnt, tormented; to suffer; pr. 3. sg. wati, Db. 17. 136 (sehi kammehi dummedho). — *) (sa, 110 vtrp) to be eatieed or weary; PP. titta (v. A., ep. titti.) tamba, mfn, (sa. timra) red, copper-coloured; =bhiimi-, 112,29; — tamba-panni, 112,22, is probably a pun (= tamba-pdnayo, adj. m. pl. with red hands, cp. pani) in order to make the etymology of the mom. pr. Tambapanni to agree with the tale. Tamba, m. nom. pr. of a king; voc, wa, 20,175 xraja, 19,6; Instr. arajena, 19,10. Tambapanni, f. (sa. Tamra- parni) nom. pr. of a city in Ceylon and of the island itself, 112,30; ace. ~im == %-nagaram, 112,24-25; — %-dipa, m. the island C., loc. ne, 20,02; — Si-sara, m. nm. a lake in C.,, loc, ~e, 21,36, ep. Laika. tambila, n. (sa. tambila) betel or betel-leaves (to chew after the meal); acc. nam, 41,14; °%-takkolakadini, 49,16; — *°-pasibbaka, m. a betel-sack; toc. we, 57,33, taya, ». (sa, traya) a triad; e.¢. -ttaya, v. Pitaka-°, potthaka-°, Sai- piti-®, tayo, num, mf. (sa. trayas) v. ti? tarati, vb. ') (sa. ti, tarati) to cross over (acc.); ‘aor, 2. sg. atari (samuddarn) 20,19; pp. tinna (q. ». cp, su-duttara, mfn. — *) (sa, ytvar to make haste; v. abhi-ttharati. tarahi, adv, (sa, tarhi) then, at that time; 74,81; cp. carahi & etarahi. taruna, mfn, (= sa.) young, tender; new, fresh; m. ~0, 46,99. 99,4; f. wi (darika) 101,19; taruna- kale yeva, while (they were) yet quite young, 9,8; °-dabba-tina, m. young Kusa-grass, 16,17. taro, v. itara. tala, mn. (= sa.) level, surface, bottom; side, end, flat, roof etc.; loc. imasmim ae, on this side, 35,13; pathavi-°, 28,7; pasana-°, 10,7; bheri-®, 35,21; Manosila-°, 61,1; mabi-° 113,21; bhetthima-°, on the lowest level, 59,27; — instr, khagga-talena, with the flat of the sword, 41,26; — 1l1 abl, pisada-talato, down from the palace, 65,34; — pasidavara-tala-, the roof of the palace, 64,12; — maha- tala, x. (v. h.), tasa, mfn. (sa. trasa) moving, trembling; feeble; Joc, pl, wesu (bhiitesu) Dh, 405 (opp. thivara), tasati, vb. (sa, Vtras) to tremble, to be afraid of (gen.); pr. 3. sg. wanti (dandassa) Dh, 129; tasa, mfn. (q.v.). tasara, m, (sa. id, & trasara) a shuttle; acc. ~am (vaddhetva) 87,19; - *°-tantuka, m. 87,11 (v, corrections) ; — *pacchi, f. a basket or box with a shuttle, 89,5; acc, wim, 87,97. 89,3. tasina, f. (= tanha, gq. v3 8a. trshn&) ace. ~am, Dh, 343; instr, waya, ib, tasita, mfn. (pp. tasati; sa. trasta) trembling, frightened; m, pl, bhita-tasita, 27,5. tasma, adv, (abl. n. pron. tam; 8a, tasmat) on that account, therefore; 12,35. 86,92. 110,29. Dh. 211 ete.; whi, Db. 356; — tasma ti ha, ‘there- fore just so’, accordingly (pointing to the following) 93,s. *tahim (or *tahari), adv. (formed after the analogy of kuhim, kaham) == there, thither; 112,35 (~ vasi); 114,18 (~ santhapesum). tana, m. (sa, trana) protection; dat. ~aya (na santi putta, ,are no help*) Dh. 288, *tanata, f (fr. tina w. suff. -ta) protection; Dh, 288. tata, m. (= sa.) a father; voc. tata & pl. tata is very frequently used as a term of affection to one or more persons (esp. to younger or inferior persons) = friend, my dear etc.; tata, 9,21. 16,82. 69,91 (tata Yasa); to two persons : 9,12; — tata, 16,94. 25,18. 38,33. tadi, adj. m. (sa. tadrg) such, like that; often pregnantly said of Buddha’s holy disciples (‘like him’) and even of the Buddha himself; gen. m. ~ino, Db. 94. 95. 96; 80,82. tadisa, mfn. (sa. tadrga) such, like that; m, ~0, 7,19. 55,1; 85,16 tavata (vanno); acc, ~am, Dh. 76. 208; acc. m, pl, ~e, Dh, 196. cp. etadisa, tapasa, m, (= sa.) a hermit, ascetic; ~0, 35,6; panduroga-°, 35,4 (v. h.); ace, jetthaka-tapasam, 35,9; gen, ~assa, 36,7. tapasi, f. (= sa.) a female ascetic; 1ll1,6; acc, wim, 111,7, tala, m. (— sa.) the Palmyra or fan-palm; °-vanta, . (sa, °-vrnta), the leaf of P, used as a fan; loc, pl, ~esu (mani-, ,upon jewelled fans“) 41,6; — %vana, 7, (— 8a.) a grove of P,-trees; acc. ~am, 60,7; — *tala- vatthukata, m/fn. (— tila + a-vatthu- kata) ,pulled out of the ground like ; a n, wath (ripam Tathigatassa) 95,11, taleti, vb. (sa. tadayati, tad) to beat, strike (acc.); ger. ~wetva, 61,21, tava, adv, (before vowels sometimes tavad-; sa. tavat) ') so much (before adj.); ~ mahato, 10,14. — *%*) 80 long, until; pato va ~, until to-mor- row, 15,16; ajjipi ~ na, never before to-day, 10,13; often corr. w, yava: 33,21; 102,3, Dh. 284; naw,... yava na, not ,., until, 92,2. — >) mean- while, 37,22, — °) now, first (w. fut.) : vimamsissami ~, 3,6, 38,31; 41,9, 65,36; likewise ww, pr. 1. sg. 55,95, — 4) tavad-eva, at once, immediately, straightway ; 7,5. 23,14. 33,5. 62,19. 64,29, 105,31. — *) well, indeed, really; well and good, be it then (often tw. imp. or fut.) 7,18-21. 44,6; w, foll, pana: aham ~... ayam pana (quidem, mév) 17,10; — yasma taya ~ dittham, tasma.. 85,31; yakkhini ~ janati, 111,s1. — +) emphatically in exhorta- tions (w, imp.): ehi ~, 9,99; tittha ~, 11,5; gaccha ~, 19,91; tam tava me detha, 22,31; adhivasehi ~, 53,35; kathehi ~, 54,39. cp. next. “tavataka, mfn, (fr. prec.) 80 much; pl. so many; acc, pl. m. ne (corr. w. yavatake) 81,18. tavata, adv, (— sa, tavata, instr.) 1) so long; 110,5 (corr, w. yava). — tavatimsa *) on that account, for that reasou; 106,5 (na tavata, scil. yavata bhik- khate pare = Dh. 266). tdvatimsa-°, ') num. (sa. trayas- trimcat) 33, only at the beginning of comp. == the 33 gods, whose chief is Sakka (while the num. 33 always is tettimsa); *°-bhavana, n. Sakka’s devaloka on the mount Sineru (Meru), loc. we, 59,24; — *°-devaloka-ppa- mana, mfn, ,equal in extent to the realm of the Thirty-tree“, . ~am, 59,28, — *) mfn. id., frequently m. pl. nwa (deva). cp. Pischel, Gr. § 254 & timsa below. tit, indecl. (sa. iti) thus, so; besides ti we also meet with the full form iti which is contracted to -iti with a prec. i, 1,16-17, and before a vowel is changed into icc’, 4,32; but generally the first i drops by elision, and a prec. short vowel (a, u) is lengthened, 1,9-18-19 etc., while prec. 1h is changed into n, 1,321. 3,1 etc.; instead of the final i we find also y: ty’aha, 111,20 (= c’ after grec. i: ns karomi c’aha, 74,1 = Dh. 306) and even v: tv’eva, 42,04. 60,95, or the i drops before ce: ‘s'eva, 32,18, — ') The full form iti is used *) at the beginning of a sen- teuce = thus, in this manner (as told before) 30,23. 47,23, 88,2. 110,33. 112,11. Th. 62. 74. 186, 286; dittham h’etam Tathagatena : ici ruipam etc, thus (is) form = chis is the nature of form, 94,3. — >) after evan, 47,26, cp. evamgot‘o iti, 92,:3. — °) after an- other (ijti: mozham affan ti iti pattho (iti perhaps = etc., cp. °) below) 90,4. — 4) in the apodosis : sace..., icc’etarn kusalam, 4,33. — °) metri causa like the ordinary ti: 98,0. i1),1. 112,81 (v. Below), — *) ti (iti) is most frequently used by quoting in oratic diresta one’s words uttered or the couients of cne's thoughts, emo- tions, or judgemeris, preceeded or followed by a verbum sentiendi et declarandi : l,s-is (after aha); 3,5 (after ten’assa etad ahosi); 1,19 (ti 112 sampaticchitva); 1,19 (ti vutte); 1,21 (ti aha); 3,1 (ti cintesi), but also without a such word preceeding or following : 3,6-9-12. 35,29. efc. ete. Of such quotations we find often one included within another : ti safil ahosi, 2,6 etc. Verses quoted end always with ti which stands without the metre : 2,13, 3,97 e¢fc., but in poetic style it is often omitted, 103,10 (followed by ima gatha bhanam); 104,16 efe. (cp. 111,4. 113,17, where iti forms the half of the last foot), and even in prose ti may be omitted by very abort sentences (questions and answers) and generally before majiiie (gq. a 3,25. 5,7. 35,35 (cp. 50,33. Dh. 74). Useful examples illustrative of the use of ti are also found on p. 88. — °) ti after single words or names (in 70m.) : mata ti, such a thing as a mother, 99,7; pita ti, 99,8; ditthigatan ti. 94,7; saddo ratho iti, the sound (word) ‘ratha’, 98,30; satto ti sam- muti, the phrase ‘a living being’ 98,31; Nagaseno ti, 96,29 efe.; balo ti vuccati, Dh. 63. cp. Dh, 218. 257. 367, 370. 388; likewise by glosses in commentaries : ‘me’ ti mayham, 85,20; ‘tan’ ti tasma, 85,97 etc.; cp. above under iti '). — ‘) ti is sometimes used to connect two sentences (coordinate) == in this way, by means of, for this reason, efc,: atth’ eko upayo ti kha- dapessami tam..., 1,10; abhirapa ahositi so tass& varam adasi, 10,1: puifiam me katan ti nandati, 107,97 = Dh. 18; so siham adinnava iti Sihalo, for that reason (he was called) Sihala, 112,31. — §) = and, and 80 on (w. foll, adi) : 73,30 (ep. adi 5)); ti anukkamena, and so on by degrees, 34,8; ti iti, 90,4. % above '°), = °) ti is sometimes strengthened by a foll, eva or evam : 32,18, 42,2. 60,25; 86,17. — *) emphatically after other adv. : kin ti, how? 3,8 (= kim*); tasma ti ha, accordingly, 92,3 (v, tasma). cp. Franke, ZDMG, vol. 48, p. 87. 113 ti®, mum. (sa. tri) three; . tini, nom. 21,11. 82,9; acc, 28,95 (saranani); 57,28. 86,36; — m. tayo, nom, 14,9 (sahaya); 65,1. (bhava); acc. 6,21 (pahare); —/. tisso, nom. 82,9(vedana); acc, 20,2 (gatha); — instr. tihi, Db. 224. 391; — gen. tinnath, 14,18. 28,26 (rataninam); Dh. 157; — Joc. tisu, 31,16. 114,99. — comp. v. ti-kkhattum etc., tiha, te-pitaka, etc., cp. tatiya, taya, tavatirhsa (tettimsa), tirsa, terasa. tithsa (& timsati), num. (nom, tirhsam or timhsa; sa. trimcat) thirty; timsa-yojana-maggamh, acc. (agato) 87,19. cp. tavatitnsa (tettimsa), dvat- timasa & chattithsati. ti-kkhattum, adv. (sa. tri-krtvas) three times; 11,4. tikhina, mfn., v. tinha, ti-gavuta, v. gavuta. titthati (& thati, comp. w. prp. also thahati; sa. tishthati, \/stha), to stand; to stay, remain, stop; to be present, be alive; to abide by, acqui- esce in, etc.; pr. 3. sg. wati, 102,3 (pali, is extant); 103,32 (bhiyyo ~, “gets more steadfast’); 110,5, Dh. 340; 2. sg. wasi, Dh, 235; 3. pl. wanti, 110.4; — part. med. gen. f. titthamanaya(sakham gahetva) 62,20; — imp. 2. sg. tittha, 11,5. 16,13, 111,10; — pot, 3. sg. tittheyya, 98,33; — fut. 2. pl. thassatha (mama vinicchaye) 59,6; 1. pl. ~ama, ib.; — aor. 3. sg. *) attha, 103,11, >) atthasi, 3,22, 15,10, 26,4. 41,20; pharitva ~, pervaded, 57,23; 3. pl. ~wathsu, 22,7, 87,18; — ger. thatvad, 3,6, 8,13 (Bodhisattassa ovade); 17,83 (id.) 34,99 (yavatayu- kam); 36,20. 46,1. 108,20; — pp. thita; caus. thapeti & thapapeti (v. h.) cp, -ttha, mfn., thana, ., thiti, f. ete. ; tina, ». (sa. tryna) grass, straw of a thatch); herb, weed; acc, ~am the thatch) 101,4; gen. bahu-tinassa, 5ljss, 52,2; pl. wani, 15,5; comp. tina-°, 94,36; tina-dosa, mfn, “damaged by weeds”, n, pl. ~ani (khettani) Pali Glossary. tibba Db. 356; dabba-°, nivapa-°, nila- kusa-°, riilha-° (v. h.). tinna, mfn, (pp. tarati, sa. tirna) who has crossed, gone through, passed over to, overcome; m, ~o (“I have passed over to Nibbana”) 104,30; *0_vicikiccha, mfn, having overcome uncertainty, m. ~0, 69,13; *°-soka- pariddava, mfn. “who has crossed the flood of sorrow”, acc. m. pl. we. Dh, 195; ogha-° (q. v.). tinnam, gen. pl., v. ti?. tinha, mfn. (generally tikhina, sa, tikshna) sharp; instr. m. wena (asina) 33,17. titikkhati, vb. (sa. titikshate, desid. y/tij) to bear, endure (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~ati (ativakyam, akkosam) Dh. 321. 399; cond. 1. sg. ~wissamn (I had to endure) Dh, 320 (cp. adhi- gacchissam, sandhavissam etc.). titikkha, f. (sa. titiksha) endu- rance, forgiveness, long-suffering; Dh, 184 (synon. khanti). titta, mfn. (pp. tappati?; sa, trpta) satisfied; v. a-titta, cp. titti. tittaka, mfn. (sa. tiktaka) bitter; *O-bhava, m. a bitter flavour, acc. ~alh, 37,9. titti, f. (sa. trpti) satisfaction; Dh, 186 (kamesu). tittha, ~. (& rarely m.) (sa. tirtha) a landing-place (on the shore of a river), a bathing-place; a ferry or harbour, metaph. religious persuasion; loc, we, on the shore, 28,5. —*paniya-°, a watering-place; Joc. we, 11,28. cp. next, titthiya, m. (sa. tirthya & tir- thika) an adherent of another sect, a heretic; pl. ~a, 73,21; gen. ~anam, 19,4. — “aiiia-°, v. kh. — *titthiyarima, m., v. arama. ti-pitaka, m. (sa. tri-pitaka) ‘the three baskets’, the three collections of the Buddhist sacred books (cp. pitaka etc.). ~ tepitaka, mfn. (v. h.). tibba, mfn. (sa. tivra) sharp, strong, violent; *°-raiga, mfn. full of strong passions, gen. m, ~assa, Dh, 349, 8 ti-bhaga ti-bhaga, m. (ea. tri-bhiga) the third part; n.0, £0,229. *ti-mandala, av. (sa. *tri-man- dala) ‘the three circles’, viz. the navel and the two knees; acc, wam, 82,37 (ep. SBE. XIII, 155). timira. m. (= sa.) pame of a tree; gen. pl, wainam (gendho) 20,16. *ti-yojana-satika. mfn (sa. *tri-yojuna-cataka) 300 yojanas long (cp. yojana); gen. %. ~assa (rajjassa) 3,31. tila, m. (= 82.) sesame, sesame seed; pl. wa (taita-kapale pakkhit- ta-°) 11,7; %tandulicayo, l6,«. cp. tela. tisso, tini, v. ti, tira, mn. (= sa.) a shore, bank; acc, ~amh, Dh. 85 (anudhavati, “runs up and down the shore”, /, e, without reaching the other shore (Nibbana)); 4,20 (sara-°); 21,17 (samudda-°); 28,1 Aciravati-°); lee. ne, 66,3; 1,2 Gueee 2,19 (nadi-°); 3,21 (para, on the opposite bank); abl. orima- tirato (v. h.) cp. anutire. tiha, n. (sa. tryaha) three days; dviha-tibam, two or three days, 36,6 (cp. aha). tihi, instr, v. ti tuccha, mfm {== 8a.) empty; °-paitim (acc.) the empty bowl, 56,97. tuttha, mfn. (pp. tussati; sa. tushta) pleased, sstisfiled; m. ~0. 24,28; *-citta, mfn. id.; m. r0, 32,1; pl. wa, 41,91; — *°-manasa, mfn. id.; m, ~0, 65,28; f. ~8, 87,7; — *°-hattha, mfn, pleased and rejoicing, m, wo (samgho), 1°.4,93, tutthi, f. (sa, tushti) joy, enjoy- mens; nom, tuttbi, Dh. 331; ace, mim (“the glad news") 64,6; instr. ati-tutthiya (“by ‘ais extreme joy”) 10,13, tunda, #. (= =a) a beak; instr. wena, 4,21. — *tundaka, n.(?) id; rmoukha-®, 4,8, 18,7. tunhi, indecl. (sa.tiishnim) silently; ev abosi (Bhagava, remained silent) 90,93; ~ ahesua, 79,1; by sandhi: ‘ sutta-°), 114 tunhim dsinarh, Dh. 227; — comp. tunhi-bhava, m. the being silent; instr. wena (adhivasesi Bhagavad) 70,1. = 77,20; — tunhi-bhita, m/fn. silent; m, ~0 (nisidi) 87,20; acc. ~am, 87,21. tudati, vb. (sa, ytud) to strike, torment; pr. 3. pl. ~wanti (mam, kama) 20,17; pp. v. neat. tunna, mfn, (pp. tudati) etruck, hurt; gen. pl, vyadhi-marana-tuona- num, suffering from disease and death, 108,33. *tunna-kamma, ». the trade of a tailor; acc. wam, 57,8 tunna-vaya, m. (= sa.) a tailor; ~0, 57,3; °-upakaranani, n. pl. 55,29 (v. upakarana); %vesam gahetva, in the disguise of a tailor, 68,16, tumhe, pron. pl. & tuyham, gen. sg., v. tvam. turiya, m. (sa. tirya) any musical instrument; pl, ~ani (gahita-gahitani) 65,2; nana-°, all kinds of musical instrumente, 64,30; instr, wehi (nip- purisehi) 67,33; *°-bhandani, m. pl. musical instruments or implemente, 65,4; *°-sadda, m. sound of music, ace. ~wam, 112,7, tuli, f. (= sa.) a balance; ace. ~am va paggayha (“as with a ba- lance”) Db, 268; a-tula, m/fn. (v. h.). tuvam, pron, in the githis = tvamh, 47,9, 64,19. 105,24. Tusita, m. nom. pr. (sa, Tushita) pl. ~i (deva) a class of celestial beings; °-vimana, n. the residence of the T.-angels (the fourth devaloka), loc. we, 87,01. tussati, wb. (sa. tush) to be satisfied or pleased; ger. witva, 24,33. 55,3; pp. tuttha (v. h.) cp. tutthi, f. te, pron, 1) gen. sg. o tvam; *) m. ply v. tam}, teja & tejas, m(n). (sa. tejas) splendour; power, efficacy; instr. ~ asa (tapati Buddho) 107,25 = Dh, 387; vena, 16,7 (sila-°); 111,11 (paritta- 116 tejana, m. (= sa.) an arrow; acc, wan, 106,27 = Dh, 80. 145. tena, adv. (instr, fr. tara!; = sa.) 1) in that direction, there (corr, w, yena): 68,2 (yena nivesanadvaram ten’ upasamnkami); 68,5 etc. 74,20. *) for that reason, therefore, now then (in this sense often comb. w. hi): 3,3, 7,13, 54,30. 106,4; tena hi: 1,10-19, Q,s, 19,81. 22,30, 41,91, 118,14, *tepitaka, mfn. (fr. tipitaka) belonging to ‘the three baskets’ (op, pitaka); ». loc, ~e Buddhavacane, the word of the Buddha contained in the holy scriptures, 102,s, *temeti, vb. (caus, tim) to wet, moisten; grd, temetabba, f. ~& (mat- tika) 83,98, terasa, num, (sa. trayodaga) 13; terasama, mfn. the 13; m. wo (vaggo) Dh, XIII. tela, m. (sa. taila) oil (prepared from the seeds of the sesame plant); acc, ~ath, 50,24; instr. wena (gan- dha-°, with scented oil) 37,2; — °-ppa- dipa, m, an oil-lamp; ~0, 67,97; pl. ~& (gandha-°) 65,3; — -pajjota, m, id. acc. ~am, 69,17. ep. tila. *tevacika, mfn, (sa. “traivacika, cp. trivacika) effected by the three words or the triple formula, viz, Bus ddhath saranarh gacchami etc. (v. sarana); m. <0 (upasako, a lay- discipel by the triple formula) 69,21. tevisati, num, (sa. trayovithgati) 23; ~ima, mfn. the 23°; m. nO (vaggo) Dh, XXIII. torana, m. (= sa.) an arch, portal, gateway; dalha-pakara-°, mfn. 90,31 (m, ~wam, nagaram); 91,21 (dalha- toranam = thira-pitthasarhghatakam). ty’, *) == ti* (iG), TT 1jo} ap, co’, 74,1. — *)= te (gen, tvam) 13,26. tv’, = ti! (iti); 42,2. 60,95. 64,9. tvam, pron. 2. pers. (= sa.) thou; nom, *) tvam +(tath) 1,14. 3,12 (tvan ti); >) tuvam, 47,0. 54,19. 105,%; — ace, turh (tvarn) l,ta-1t-91, 2,8. 4,97 (tan) pi); 5,10 (tafi leva); 94,e7 (tum yev'); 94,99, 105,90; — instr, (ab/.) thala taya, 4,20. 5,0; — gen. dat. *) tuyham, 3,16, 3,25 (~ abbhantare); 7,13; >) tava, le, 3,16 (~ santikam); 12,1, 55,4; °) te, 1,15 (vattati); 2,3 (das- sami); 2,8 (atthi); 7,13 (pasanno); 18,26 (ty’ atthu); 78,13, 85,4 e¢c.; te may also be used for instr, (and acc.) : kathentena te sundaram katam, 1,34; 78,7 (?); cp. taham = te aham (ace,?) 85,27 [Pischel, GGA. 1877, p. 1066; ZDMG, 85, p. 714]. — loo, tayi, 10,19, 17,14; — pl. nom. tumhe, 1,96; to a single person : 25,17. 85,18; - ace, tumhe, 4,11, 12,98; 97,15; — instr, tumhehi, 12,93; — gen. dat. *) tumhakam, 4,4. 6,15. 35,18. 97,7; >) vo, 9,25. 108,8; dat. ethicus : 42,16; 47,19 (id. or gen. partitivus); vo may also be used for acc, 4,8. 108,5; — loc, tumhesu (= sg.) 50,10, Th. thandila, ». (sa. sthandila) an open place, bare ground; °-sayika, f. the act of lying on the bare ground (as a penance), Dh, 141. thaddha, mfn. (sa. stabdha) firm, hard; m. ~o (paharo) 50,92 (opp, muduko); — *°-hadaya, m/fn. hard- hearted; f. pl, wa (comm, on kathina) 52,5, thambha, m. (sa, stambha) a post, pillar; metaph. insensibility, stue por; ~0, 103,98; acc, ~am, 60,2, tharana, n, (sa. starana) the act of spreading, » bhumma-ttharana, which is probably °-attharana (sa. astarana, a@ + vetr) = a carpet, 84,17. thala, m. (sa. sthala) the land, dry land, firm earth; acc. ~am, 15,14, 105,21 (opp. ninnath); loc. we (opp. jale) 4,14; 27,97. 52,16; Dh, 98 (opp. ninne); *°-gocara, m/n. living on land, m, ~0, 1,8; — %patha, m. a road by land; acc, “=jala-pathath, everywhere by land and water, 19,22. g* thavika "thavikd, f. a purse; acc, sahassa- thavikazh, a purse containing « 1000 pieces of money, 102,94. thavira, v. thera. thaima, *. (sa, sthiman, *.) strength, power; “-sanipanna, m/n. strong; m. ~0, 1,3. 40,37. thivara, m/n. (sa. sthavara) im- moveable, firm, strony; Joc. pl. wesu (bhitesu) Dh. 405 (opp. tasa). thira, m/fn, (sa. sthira) firm, hard, solid, s:rong;- m. pl. ~ani (uddapa- dini) 91,18 (opp. dubbalani); *thira- pakara- etc. mfn, 91,20--1 (comm, on dalha-°). thi, f. (sa. str!) = itthi, a woman (v. h.); gen. pl. Shinarh, 51,21. thina, n, (sc, styana) sloth, in- difference; *°-middha, ». “sloth and drownivens" (paticand send Miiragsa), 103,37. titila (& thulla), m/n, (sa, sthiila) large, thick, coarso; t. anumthila. thera, m. & (-j) f. (sa. sthuvira) old, venerable; an ‘Elder’ (said of venerable bhikkhur); mm, nom, wo, S1,12, Dh, 260; Dh. 261 (to be scan- ned thaviro); mahna-thero, 113,8; instr. wena, 86,13; pl. ~a, 109,22; maha-*, 109,11; ace. we (bhikkht) 83,05; enstr, wcki, 109,19; gen. ~ainam, 109,53 added to a nom. pros Upiilt-®, 109,18; Muhiikassupa-°, 109,17; — dhamma-kathika-°, m. (v. h.) — com- par, theratara, m. wo (thikkhu) 79,10; instr. wena, 79,8. cp. next, Thera-gitthad, f. pl. name of a canonical book, u section of the Khud- daka-Nikaya; specimen thereof ; 107,2a sequ. *thera-vaida, m, the doctrine of the Tkeras, the urthodoxe Buddhist doctrine; ~o, 109,14 (therehi kata- srihigaho); 4 aggaviida, 109,00; ano, war, Ll4,n; duster. pl. wehi, 114,91. *theriya, mfn. (fr. thera) be- longing to the theres; m. pl. °-Acariya, the old teachers or, the propounders of the thera-vada, 114,30. Theri-gaitha, f. pl. name of a 116 canonical book, a section of the Khud- daka-Nikaya; specimen thereof : 108,10 sequ. ; thoka, mfn. (sa, stoka) little, small, short; acc. wath (adv.) a little: ~ netva, 1,20; ~ gantva, 36,11; ~ sayitva, 12,1; ~ kildpetva, 58,3; f. wa (yagu) 57,1; — *thoka-thokam, adv, little by little, Dh. 121—22 (~am pi); Db. 239. *thokaka, mfn. (fr. prec.) small, short; /. ~ika (rati, a short pleasure) Dh. 310. thometi, vb. (denom. fr. *thoma, sa, stoma, stomayati) to praise (acc.); ger. wetva (panditam) 59,23, -d-, sandhieconsonant, inserted in attadattha, sadattha-pasuta (q. v. likewise in samma-d-eva ete. sanimi), On account of sandhi ao old ‘d’ is often preserved in some pron,:tad-, yad- (v. tara, yar), kocid- (= koci) ete. (Kuhn, Beitr. p. 62—63; Tr. PM. p. 82; Windisch, Ber, d. siichs, Ges, 1893, p. 228 seqv.] *“dakkhati & dakkhiti, wb, (Vdr¢) to nee, perceive; pr, (fut) 2, 8g. ~asi (na me maggath x, “the path [ tread you never can fiad” 72,93; 3. pl. winti, 69,18 ae maunto rupani ~); — aor. addukkhi, 3. 89, 77,8; 2. 9g, 20,10. Formally dakkhuti & dukkhiti look like fut, fr. Vdr¢ (sa. drakshyati), but really these forms may have sprung either from aor, addakkhi (sa, adrakshit) or from an old base *drksh-° [Kuhn, Beitr. p. 116; Tr. PM, p. 61; Pischel, Gr 3 B64] cp, dismntis dakkhinu, mfn, (sa, dakshina) ‘) right, on the right hand; instr. m. wena (hatthena) 77,1. 11),24 (opp. vama-hatthena); °-passam, the right side, 61,21. — #) southern; ace. f. wu (disath) 95,5; samudda, m. . ’ 117 the southern sea, gen, ~wassa, 60,4, cp. padakkhina, dajja, pot., v. dadati. datthabba, grd, & datthum, inf., v. dissati. daddha, mfn. (pp. dahati, g. v.) burnt; . xam (khettam) 100,27; aggi-°, mfn. (v, h.). danda, m. (= sa.) 3) a stick, staff; a handle; acc, wath (gahetva, “staff in hand’) 47,92; instr. wena, 77,13; loc. we (the handle) 35,5; — °-hattha, mfn, leaning on ao staff; acc. m. ~wam, 63,9; — a-danda, atta- danda (q. v.). — *) punishment; ace. wan, Dh. 310. 405; instr, wena, Db, 131; purisa-vadha-°, punishment for murder, 74,14; gen. wassa, Dh. 129; — %~kamma, n. fine, mulct, penalty; idam me wai, “in this way I make amends”, 53,13; — *°-ppatta, mfn. liable to punishment; m. ~o, 100,15; — patidanda, brahma-danda (q. v.). — Danda-vagga, m. the 10% chapter of Dh, dandaka, m. (= sa.) a stick, staff; acc. ~amh, 13,19; 36,1 (a twig from a tree); instr. wena, 86,21; — *ratha-°, m. (q. v.). datta, mfn, (e. c. = sa.; pp. dadati, cp. dinna) »v. Devadatta, Brahmadatta. cp. atta}. datva, ger., v. neat. dadati, vb. (sa. da) *) to give (w. gen. pers. & acc. rei) 29,3. 31,16 etc,; to hand, deliver, give in charge, pay (do.) 82,18; 31,2; 39,90. 111,19; 37,18; 102,8; to offer (an oblation, acc.) 17,6 (elakam); — *) variously constructed w. acc, : okasarm ~, to give an opportunity to (inf.) 40,17; ovadamh, to admonish, 85,2; danarh, to make ‘gifts, give alms, 14,12. 86,14; jivita-danam, to spare one’s life, 12,26; pativacanam, to answer, 3,9; phalam, to bear fruit, 36,36; maggam, to give place to, 44,12; matakabhattam, to offer an oblation to the dead, 16,23; saiifiam, to make a sign, communicate, 55,29; sadhukaram, to applaud, 5,19; dadhi — 5) to permit, allow (acc, & inf.) 5,10. 12,17. 17,19. 39,24. 48,19. 52,20; — *) constructed w. ger. of another verb = to do that to any one; daruni aharitva ... dassati, 35,9; rajjam gahetva datum. 35,19; &Aharitva adamsu, 41,4; vibhajitva adasi, 41,19. — ")pr. 1. sg. dadami, Viv; 3. pl. dadanti, Dh. 249; part. on. m, da- dato, Dh, 242; part. med. m, dada- mano, 12,38; f. ~&, 5,20; pot. 3. sg. 1) dadeyya, 98,54; 2. 89. nasi, 53,15; 1, 8g. ~am, 33,18. 41,1; *) 3. sg. dajja, Dh, 224; — ») pr. 1. 8g. dammi, 7,14, 15,24, 29,3; — °) pr. 3. sg. deti, 12,17, 28,04. 98,8; 2. sg. desi, 3,9; 2. 8g. demi. 31,16; 3. pl. denti, 37,2; 2. pl, detha, 18,11. 52,20; 1. pl. dema, 18,11. 39,94. 114,10 (dema’ti); imp. 3. sg. detu. 36,21. 39,20; 2. sg. dehi, 5,15. 69,93. 101,98. 111,97 (read : jivi- tam dehi); 2. pl. detha, 18,9. 31,9. 114,8; part. m. dento, 40,17. 85,94; — [*) rare or ficticious present-forma- tions are: dajjati, (cp. pot. dajja) & dati]; — fut. 3. sg. dassati, 3,8. 30,13; 2. 8g. ~asi, 2,2; 1. 8g. 2,4. 5,10; 15,12 ete.; 1. pl. ~ama, 17,19. 60,14; — aor, 3. sg, *) adasi, 3,11. 6,18. 36,36; dasi, 114,9; 2. sg. adasizh, 17,6. 42,13; 3. pl. adamsu, 4,15, 31,s. 41,4 e¢e.; >) ada (3. sg.) Llljs (mada), 114,25; — inf. datum, 15,5. 31,30. 102,98; a-datu-kamata. f. (g. v.); — ger. datva. 7,28. 16,26; a-datva, 48,19. 55,90; — grad, *) databba, . ~am. 14,19. 82,18; >) deyya, m. ~am. 112,9; — pp. dinna (& datta, ec.) v hy - [pass, diyati, cp. a-diyati]; — caus, dapeti (v. h.) cp. dina, diya, dayaka., adhi, ». (= sa.) sour milk, curd? nom. dadhi, 99,ss-s0, 101,27; dadbim, 26,18; acc, with, 26,11. 35,22. 101,28; instr. wind, 35,17; loc. ~imhi, 36,35; — *-ghata, m. a milkbowl, acc. warn, 35,17; — *-mala, m. m. pr. of an ocean; acc. wath, 26,12; malin, id. 26,15 (°-maliti) cp. Aggimala; — *0.varaka, m. a pot of milk-curd, acc. wath, 14,30; gen, ~wassa, 14,81; = danta °-vihana, m. 2. pr. of a king; ~0 pama raja, 36,29; °-jitaka, n. 34,50. danta?, m, (= 8a.) a tooth; nom. pl. ~f, 12,1. 82,2 == 97,20; ace. pl. we, 65,6; instr. pl. wehi, 12,5; khanda-®, mfn. (q. v.); dantantara- gata, v. antara; — °-kattha, n. (0. h.). danta’, mfn. (pp. ydam, 84. dinta) tamed, suydued; tame, mild, patient; m, ~0, 77,10-13; Dh, 321; ace, m, wath, ib; n. swam (cittam) Dh, 35; pl. m. wa. Dh, 322; — *atta- dauta, mfn, & sudanta, mfn. (v. h.) cp, dameti, *dandha, mfn.,slow, slothful, in- docible; warm, adv. slothfully, Dh. 116. ‘The etymology of this word is doubtful; Fausball & Weber, ZDMG. 14, p. 48 refer to sa, *tandra (cp. a-tandra); Trenckner, PM. p. 65 to drdha (& dhandha), but cp. tandita & dalha. According to Miller, PGr. p. 22 we ought to look for something like *dardhra or drdhra (cp. Liders, ZOMG. 58 p. 70C). dabba (& dab»ha), m. (sa. dar- bha) the Kuca-grass; — *°-tina, n. id, pl. nani, 15,4; sayana, nao lair of K.-grass, abl, ~to, 16,4. dabbi & dabbi, f. (sa. darvi & ~i) a ladle, spoon; nom, wi, Dh. 64. dama, m. (= 8a.) moderation, self-command (synon. saifiama); ~0, Da. 261; instr, wena, Dh. 25; S-yacca, m. temperance and truth, instr, ~ena, Dh. 9; duddama, mfn. (g. v.). damatha, m. (:= sa.) self-com- mavd; ~9 (ettassa’ Dh. 35. dameti (& damayati), vd. (sa. deniayati, caus. dat) to tame, sub- due; to conveft (acc.); pr. 3. pl, damayanti (dandena) 77,12; (attanam pandita) 106,38 == Dh. 80; part. nom. m. damayaih (uttanam) Dh. 304; inf. demeturh (vattati, g. v.) to convert, 113,9; cp. danta & prec. darnmi, pr. 1, sg, v. dadati. dara, »3, (=: 8c.) fear; v. niddara & vita-ddara. 6 tS) 118 daratha, m. (= 8a.) pain, euffer- ing; Joc. pl. sabba-kilesa-darathesu, 64,21. dari, f. (= 8a.) a cave, hole, cleft; *°-saya, m.a lair in a hole or cleft, Joc. we, 108,24 (if not to be corrected into darisayo (mfn.) ‘having my lair in a hole on the bank of a river’, ep. Jat. I. p. 18. v. 106, & daricara, mfn, Jat. V. p. 70,15). dalla, mfn. (sa, drdha) firm, hard, strong, fast; f. ~@ (bhiimi) 110,73 ”. ~am Ue Dh, 112; ~wam dalhassa khipati (». A.) 44,1; %ppahadra, m. a violent stroke, ace, ~wam, 30,13; — *°-parakkama, m/fn. undaunted, firm, energetic; m. pl. ~4, Dh, 23; acc, we, 108,19; ~— *°-pa- kara-torana, mfn. having strong walls etc., strongly fortified; m. wath (na- garam), 90,31. 91,21; — *°-uddapa. mfn, havidg a strong foundation; . wam, 90,31. 91je0. — daihath, adv. firmly, strongly; Dh. 61. 313; vam katva (gahita-sigale) with a fast hold, 40,24; dalha-gahita-, 40,2. (cp. dandha). dasa}, num. (sa. daga) ten; 31,13 (bhataro); 81,21 (sikkhapadani); °-mase (acc.) 62,3; insir, dasahi, 18,16, 82,14; gen. dasannam, Dh. 137 (dasann’). At the end of comp. num. ‘d’ is often changed into ‘r’ (or 1) cp. atthirasa, ekaidasa, cuddasa, terasa, pannarasa, solasa. dasa’, mfn. (e. ¢., sa. drca), ». duddasa, sududdasa. (cp. dassa). dasabala, m. (sa, daga-bala) ‘possessing 10 powers’ —= Buddha; Kassapa-° (q. v.). o. dasama, mfn. (sa. dagama) the 10; ~o (vaggo) Dh. X. dassa, mfn. (e. cy sa. darca), v. sudassa, (cp. dasa*), dassati, fut., v. dadati. dassana, m. (sa. dargana) seeing, looking; perception, intelligence, in- sight; religious persuasion; ~ar (appiyanam, to see what is unpleasant) 106,236 = Dh, 210; (ariyanam, “the 119 sight of the elect”) Db. 206; instr. ~cena (sekhena) insight, 69,35; ittara-°, 30,12 (v, h.); abl. wa (°-visiika-, se-ing spectacles etc.) 81,24; gen. mussa (visuddhi) Dh, 274; — sila- dassana-sampanna, mfn. (g. .); cp, a-dassana, dassaniya, mfn, (sa. darcaniya) visible, fair to see, beautiful; m, wo (raja) 47,9, dassayati, vb., v. dasseti. dassin, mfn, (e. c, sa, dargin) seeing, finding; v. bhaya-°, vajja-°, dussivas, mfn, (e. c., sa, dargi- vas) seeing; v. bhaya-°, dasseti, wb. (caus. dro, ep, dissati) to cause to be seen or to appear, to show, point out, produce, manifest, give to understand (acc.); to show to, present to, to bring be- fore (acc, & gen.); pr, 3, 8g. neti (mayhath apacitim) 29,96; 3. pl. wenti, 21,4; dussayanti (uccivacam, q.v.) Dh. 83; part, m. dassento, 2,1; imp, 2, 8g. wehi, 114,10; 2. pl. wetha, 24,28; pot. 3, sg. weyyu, 100,19; fut. 1. pl. ~essima (pubbanimittam) 63,8; aor. 8 8g. “) wesi (attinath) 12,97; (unhakaram) 15,8; (chatakakaram 41,8; (paharam, g. v.) 52,33; (soni- rupena, sezl. attanarh, presented her- self) 111,2; >) dassayi, 113,18, 3. pl, mwesuth, (core raiifio) 38,33. 74,8; 63,10; inf. dassetum, 91,25; ger, wetva, 4,16, 36,9. daha, m. (sa. draha, by metathesis = hrada) a lake, pond; acc, Ano- tatta-daham, 61,18; ab/. Kannamunda- dahato, 36,31, dahati, vb. *) ie dadhati, dha to put, hold, consider; pp. hita (g.v. ep. dheyya; antaradhayati, pidahati, sarnvidahati, saddahati, sandahati. - *) = dahati (g. ».). dahara, mfn. (= 8a.) young; m, m0, 46,92, 99,4; (bis pou) Dh. 382; pl wa (pakkhi) lls, f ~i (darika) 101,19; ace, wim, 101,10; 47,19 (ku- marim); — daharitthi, a young wife, gen. ~iya, 49,18; — compar, dahara- daraka tara, mfn, the younger of two, gen. m, wassa, 43,26. daitabba, datum, v. dadati. dana, n. (= sa.) giving, gift, esp. alms, almsgiving, liberality; mom. ~wam (daitabbamh) 14,13; Db. 177; (dinna-°, almagiving, 14,18; acc. warm, 86,14 (Satthari Alavirh anuppatte ni- mantetva ~ adamsu); mahd-°, 61,6; instr, wena, 16,13. loc. we (uttanad dinna~-°) 29,2; — danadini puiiani, 17,33; danadihi, 22,17; — *dana-katha, f. talking about (the duty and profits of) almsgiving, acc, ~am (pakasesi) 68,10; — %sala, 7, » ball for alms- giving, pl. ~@, 38,13; — jivita-®% dhamma-° (», h.). dani, adv, = idani (q. ».). dapeti, vb, (caus, dadati, sa. dipayati) to cause or order to be given (acc. & gen.); aor, 3. sg. wesi (tassa attha kahapane) 24,98; fut, 1, sg. ~wessami, 43,97; pp. daipita, m. wam (aggam) 111,85. dama, n, & m, (sa, diman, ».) & rope, cord; a chain, wreath; m. pl, ~i (muijamaya) 105,17; 2. pl. wani (mala-°) 37,2; kusuma-dima-sadisa-, mfn, 47,13; rajata-dima-vanna, mfn. 61,19 (v. h.). daiya', m. (= sa.) a gift, dona- tion; wo, 25,10; nahapita-°, ib, (a barber’s fee), daya*, m. a diva) a forest, grove; », miga-daya, dayaka, mfn. (= 8a.) giving; v. paccaya-dayaka. dara, m. sg. (sa. daira, m. pl.) a wife; loc. pl. wesu, Dh. 345; para-°, another man’s wife, acc. ~am, Dh. 246; paradardpasevin, mfn, one who covets another man's wife, nom. m, ~i, Dh, 309; puttadara, m. sg. wife and children, ace. wam, 38,30. daraka, m. (= sa.) a child, son, boy; «0, 58,83; acc. wath, 58,80. 81,11; Joc. we, 59,12; pl. wa aera 52,17; ace. pl. we, 21,1; *-cori, (q. v.); %matar, f. nom, wa, the child’s mother, 59,93. darika darika, f. (= sa.) a daughter, gir), young msid; Aa, lOljs; ace. wam, 55,27, 1C1,15. dru, ”. (= sa.) wood, timber; a stick, log of wood, pl. fire-wood; ace, wum, 106,23 = Dh. 80; pl. ace. awlini, 15,32. 35,6. 57,13; instr. ~thi, 35,7, *Y-kalape, m. (g. v.); *-rasi, m.(q.v.); dirtdaka-, 20,13 (fire-wood und water), daruja, mfn. (= sa.) made of wood; m. ~aih (bendhanam) Db. 345. diruna, mfa. (== sa.) horrible, dreadful; acc. mn. wath (abbhakkha- nam) Dh, 139, daieti, vb. fsa. dilayati, dal) to cause to burst, to break through (acc.); ger. Galayitva (pitilatam), 105,19. dasa, m. (= sa.) a slave, servant; ~0, 5,7. dasi, f. (= sa.) a female servant or slave; voc. ~i (term of abuse) 111,25; d&si-gana-, 21,1 (a troop of ~). di-°, at the beginning of comp. == dvi (two, double), v. dija, dipada, diyaddha. digaccha = jigaccha (gq. ».). dija, m. (sa. dvija) a bird; pl. wa, 60,17, ep. dvija. dittha’, mfn. (pp. dissati, y/drg; sa, drshta) 1) sean, perceived; m. ~0, 12,14. 108,17; ”. \am, 85,95; instr, mena (imina, what we have seen here) 54,15; °-pubba, m/n.; yatha-, mfn. (v. h.); — *) known, understood; 1, wath (h’etatn Tathagatena) 94,8; — 5) belonging to tunis world (cp. di- ttha-dhamma below); loc. we va dhamme, in the present life, 92,39. dud-dittha, mfn. (v. h.). dittha’, m. (sa. dvishta, mfn.) an eunemy; acc. ~arh, 3,27. dittha-dhamma, (sa. drshta- dharma) 1) mfn, having seen the truth; m, ~0, 69,12, — 7). this world, the present life; -sukhaviharam anuyutto, “in the enjoyment of happiness reached even in this world”, 74,223; cp, dhamma & dittha! above, 120 ditthi, /. (ea. drshti) view, belief, doctrine, theory, esp. false theory; acc, ~im Kuoikan) 91,16. Db. 164; loc. (i)ti ditthiya sati, even if we suppose that, 92,97; — °-gata, n. (an) theory or doctrine; wam Lg sae 90,24; (sassato loko ti) 93,33; (uppan- na-°) 91,17; 94,7 (apanitam etam Yathagatassa); pl. ~ani, 93,33; — *O-cahana, -kantara, -vistika, -vi- pphandita, -samyojana (v. h.) 94,1-a; —samma-, f. right belief, right views, 67,4. 96,5; — miccha-°, f. false doc- trine, acc, sim, Dh. 167; °-samadana, mfn. (q. v.) Db. 316. — ep. evame- ditthi, mfn. & aiia-ditthika, mfn. *dinna, mfn. (pp. dadati) given, presented; m. ~am. 21,6 (tahi); 49,2 (milam); Dh. 356 (vitaragesu, a gift bestowed on ...); as finite tense: m. ~o, 82; f. ~8, B71; 2. ~am, 7,1; — dana, nm. almsgiving, 14,18; °-sunka, f. (maya) 101,s: (v. sunka). ep. a-dinna, dipada, m. (sa. dvipada) a biped, a man; gen. pl. ~anamh, Dh. 273. dibba, mfn. (sa. divya) heavenly, divine; charming, beautiful; acc. m. warn (vogarh) Dh. 417; f. ~am (ariyabhimim) Dh, 236; loc. pl. m. ~esu (kamesu) Dh, 187; comp. dibba- kame (acc. pl, m.) 45,5; °-gandha-, 20,8-0; -cakkhumhi (Joc,) 109,8; -pa- nam, 59,25; -pupphani, 61,14; “tli janam, 20,7; -vattha, ». 2U,8. 61,13; “sampatti, 23,17; -sayana, . 20,9. 61,16. diyaddha, mfn. (sa, dvyardha) 11/5; °-yojana-satika, mfn. 150 yo- janas long, instr. m. wena, 60,4. cp. addha. divasa, m. & n, (= ea.) a day; nom. m. ~O (uposatha-°, fustday) 14,16; acc, ~am, by day, in the course of the day, 2,32; tarh ~ath, on that day, 87,51; ~am pi, ‘all day long’, 42,30; ~am pi sapathamh kurumana nanacitta va honti, even on that same day they will change their minds and take their oath,.., 51,28; eka-°, one 121 day, 13,22. 63,2; instr. wena (eka-®, on one and the same day) 64,3; adi. mato (sattama-° patthiya) 61,3; (dhammadesanam suta-°, from the day on which she had heard) 86,30; loc. ~e (puna-®, next day) 2,35; (jata-°, on his birthday) 24,31, 45,21; eee on the same day) 45,2; acc, pl, m. ime we, “the last few days”, 73,23; n, ~ani, 25,30; loc, wesu (afifiesu, q. v.) 3,10, 65,2. ep, devasikarh, adv. & next, diva. adv, (= sa.) by day; w tapati ddicco, 107,38 = Dh, 3887; rattim pi divapi, night and day, 9,16; ~ va rattim va, Dh, 249; w ca ratto ca, Dh, 296. cp. rattindivam, adv. 86,25. disa!, mfn. (e. ¢.; sa. droa) like that; v. idisa, eta-°, ki-°, ta-°, sa-9; khandha-disa, v. khandha, cp. dasa?. disa?, m, (sa. dvisha) an enemy; ~0, Dh, 162; acc, ~am, Dh. 42. disa, f. (sa. dig & diga) quarter, direction; region, country; acc. ~am katamam, in which direction) 95,5; aa ~, “the untrodden country” = Nibbana) Dh. 323; adil. nato uttara-°, g. v.) 61,18; acc. pl. wa sabba) 85,4. Dh. 54; loc. pl. wasu sabba-°, in each direction) 63,19. cp. catuddisa & next, *disa-kaka, m. a crow kept on board ships in order to search for land; acc. wath, 18,4. (cp. Fick, Soc, Gl. p. 173; E. Hardy, Buddha, p. 18.) *disi-pamokkha, mfn, world- famed, very celebrated; m. wo (aca- riyo) 16,33. *disva, *disvana, ger., v. next. dissati, vb. (sa. dro, pass, drgyate) 4) pass, to be seen, appear; pr. 3, sg. wati, 44,25. 52,11; na ~wati has disappeared) 68,30; 3. pl. ~wanti na, are not seen, opp. ane Dh. 304; 104,1 (ettha [scil. saigame na ~, don’t devote themselves to this battle, ep. Windisch, Mara, p. 27; the ‘na’ is perbaps interpolated); part. dissamana, acc, pl. m. we (= a- Dipavamsa dissamane, invisible) 112,18; pp, dittha, seen (v, h.); grd. datthabba, mfn. to be regarded or understood, m, ~0 (attho) 85,10-23, n. wam, 79,4. — *) act, to see, regard, understand (acc.) (the suppletive verb is passati, q. 1); aor, 3. sg. *) addasa, 4,25 n | ‘asa); 23,16; addasa, 75,18. 76,20 ~ iho); 2 sg. addasa or addasa, 71,9: (addasa ti); 3. pl. addasasum, 76,18; 1. pl. addasama, 105,23; "1 ad- dakkhi, v. dakkhati; fut. v. dakkhati; inf. datthum, 48,19. 87,0; comp. datthu-kama, mfn. wishing to see, f. w& (tam) 19,19; ger. *) disva, 1,6 ete.; >) disvana, 67,81, 68,10, 76,19 (at the heginning of a sentence). cp. dasa, dassa etc.; ditthi, disa’. digha, mfn. (sa. dirgha) long; m. ~0 (puriso, tall) 92,13 (opp. rasso); f. ~a, 107,7 = Db. 60; n. wam, Dh. 409; acc. ~am (addhanamh) 44,21; (pacanayatthimh) 71,39. *Digha-nikadya, m. name of a Pali work, the first of the 5 Nikayas (q. v.); ~0, 102,15, Specimens thereof : p. 77,14-81,4. *Digha-bhanaka, m. a repeater (expounder or follower) of Digha- nikaéya; pl. wa, 64,2. digha-rattam, adv, (sa. dirgha- ritram) for a long time; 90,27. 104,33, dipa?, m. se sa.) a lamp; ace. wath, 37,3; dipdlokena, 4l,az (v. aloka). cp. padipa. dipa?, m. (& n.) (sa. dvipa) *) an island; land, continent; ~o, 110,s1. 112,30; acc. wam, 114,82; loc. we, 19,9; sabba-dipamhi (over all Jam- budipa) 113,5.-—?) metaph. a support, refuge; karohi dipam attano, Dh. 236. cp. Jambu-dipa, Naga-°, Laika-, Seruma-, x. pr. “dipaka, m. (fr. prec.) a little island; ~0, 2,90; gen. ~assa, 2,99; abl, ~A, 3,20; wato, 2,81; loc, we, 2,93, dipana, mf(~i)n. = 8a.) ex- plaining, illustrating; v. Paramattha- dipani. . “Dipavamsa, m. (fr, dipa*) dipin name of a Pali work, the oldest chronicle of Ceylon; Specimen thereof: p. 109— 110,16, dipin, m. (sa. dvipin) a panther or leopard; gen. ~ino, 8,37. dipeti, vb. (caus, dip) 1) to ilustrate, explain, teach (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~eti (atthath dhammafi ca) Dh. 363; -- *) intr, to emit light, uhine; pot. 3. 8g. --eyya (sabbarattim) 99,:8. du-, indecl. (83. dus-) prefix to nouns (subst. & adj.) implying ‘evil, bad, difficult’ ( Before vowels the old form dur- is preserved, e. g. dur-accaya, elc.. before consonants du- with the foll. cons, doubled, e. g. dukkata, ducchanra, dummana, ete. <¥ becomes bb: dubbaca, dubbanna), except before r, where the u is length- ened, ¢. g. du-rakkha. By vrddhi we have do-°, e. s. domanassa (cp. debe da). dukxata & dukkata, m (sa, dush-kyta), evi: deed, sin, offending; wath (akatam) Dh. 314: (-t-, manasa) Dh, 391; sukate-dukketa, mfn. good and evil, gen. pl. ~anam (kamma- nam) 97,14. cukkara, mn. (sa, dush-kara) Gifficuli to do, difficult; m. ~o (maggo padhanaya) 103,10; ». parama-dukka- ram, vary d. Dh. 163. dukkha, +) mj. (sa. duhkkha) unpleasant, painful (app. sukha); m. ~0, 66,27. 67,10. Dh. 117; f. wa, 67,3; mn. wath, 67,0; 70,s7; a-dukkham- asukhar, neither plessant nor painful, 70,27; — dukkham, adv, Dh. 201 (~ seti, “is unhappy”). — *) n. (some- times written dukha metri causa, Dh, 83. 203) pain, misery; grief, eutfering; nom, ~am, 36,19. 77,8; kin te a, “what aile you?” 13,13; dukkh’, 17,98; ~ ariyasaccamh (q. v.) 57,8; sabba-°, 108,13; acc. wari, 16,30. 23,16. 107,19; (marana-°) 7,9; (sisaccheda-°) 17,19; instr, wena (-kh-) Dh. 83; dat, waya, Dh, 248; gen, wassa, 70,17. 107,19; abl. *) -.B, 16,28, 107,22 = 122 Dh. 192 (sabba-*); ») ~ato, 31,20; loc. we. a 2 Db. 277; pl. wi (— rani, cp. Kuhn, Beitr. p. 72) Dh, 202, 203 (-kh-). 221; instr. pl. wehi, 70,80; — comp. *dukkhanupatita, mfn. “beset with pain”, Dh, 302; - *0-Anubhavana-, 28,18 (y. anubha- vana); — *%-fipadhina, , causing pain; Dh, 291 (para-°, v. upadhina),; — *-Apasama-gamin, mfn. leading to quieting of pain, acc, m. ~inam (mag- garh) 107,20 = Dh. 191 (v. upasama); —- *%kkhandha, m. (v, khandha); ~ °domanassa, 1. pl. \ cea comp.) 90,18; — *%nirodha. m. cessation or destruction of misery; ~am (ariyasac- cama [g. v.] adj. ., a scholastic ex- pression <= concerning the cessation of misery) 67,18; °-nirodha-gamini (adj, f. leading to that) 67,17; - *O.ppatta, mfn. afflicted by pain, m. ~0, 59,10; — *°-samudaya, m. (v. h.); ~wam (adj, mn. ep. dukkha-nirodha above) 67,19; — *-samuppada, m. 107,19 (v. h.) cp. sasdukkha, mfn. & next, dukkhin, mfn. (sa. dutkhin) pained, afflicted, sorrowful; m, wi, 2,14. 72,95, dukha, nm. — dukkha. dugga, mfn. (sa. dur-ga) difficult, impassable; painful, evil; m. Ao (maggo) 103,10; acc. sam (samsa- ram), Dh, 414; abl. n. wa (“out of the evil way’’) Dh. 327. duggata, mfn, (sa. dur-gata) unfortunate, miserable, poor; *~itthi, f. @ poor woman, acc. with, 48,16; 7 *°-bhava, m, poverty; acc, wath, AF duggati, f. (sa, dur-gati) ‘evil path’, hell, unfortunate existence; acc. ~im. Dh. 17; 106,90 — Dh. 240, (cp. suggati). *duggahita, mfn, badly grasped; m. ~0 (kuso) Dh. 311. duccarita, *) He dug-carita) evil; acc. m. ~wam (dhammam, — sin) Dh, 169; — *) n. ill-conduct, sin; kaya-°, mano-®, vaci-° (v, h.). 123 *ducchanna, mfn, ill-thatched; nm, ~amh (agdramh) Dh, 13, *dujjina, mfn. (cp. sa. dur- jfiana & j€nana above) difficult to be understood; m, ~o0 (dhammo, taya) 94,96, dujjiva, mfn, (sa. dur-jiva) dif- ficult to live; m. ~am (jivitam) Dh. 245 (tw. instr.). duttha, mfn. (sa, dushta) bad, evil, malignant; f. pl, wa, 52,6; °-brahmana, voc. 33,16; *-citta, mfn, evileminded, with evil intention; m, ~0, 76,24 op, a-duttha, paduttha & dussati. dutiya, mf, (sa. dvitiya) the second (cp, afifia, itara) acc, m. wath, 35,10; f. ~um (gatham) 8,31; °~jjhina, n, (v. jhina); — dutiyarh, adv. for the second time, ~am pi (kho) 74,28, 79,21. 88,17; yava ~am pl, up to the second time, 102,26. cp. dvi (dva). duttara, mfn. (sa. dus-tara) dif- ficult to be passed; v, su-duttara. duddama, mfn. (sa. dur-dama difficult to be subdued; m. wo (attaé Dh. 159. duddasa, mfn, (sa. dur-dr¢a difficult to be seen; m, ~o (dhammo 94,25; m. wam, 106,16 — Dh. 252 (opp. su-dassa); su-duddasam, Db. 36. duddittha, mfn., (sa. dur-drshta) confused, misguided; acc, m, am, Dh. 339. duddha, mfn. (pp. dohati, duhati (-i-); sa. dugdha, duh) milked; *O.khira, mfn. (v. h.) ep. duyhati, pass, dundubhi, m. (= sa.) a kettle- drum; deva-°, m. & f, thunder, pi. ~iyo (f.) 80,30. dunniggaha, mfn. (sa, dur-ni- graha) difficult to be restrained; gen, mn. ~assa (cittassa), Dh. 35. ; dunnivaraya, mfn. (sa. dur-ni- varya) difficult to be kept back or restrained; ». wala (cittam) Db, 33; m. ~o (kuiijaro) Dh, 324, cp. nivareti. ; duppaiifia, m/n. (sa, dush-prajiia) dummana stupid, foolish, ignorant; m, 10, Db, 111, 140. *luppabbajja, . the painful life of a pabbajita (q. v.); nom. warm (durabhiramam) Dh, 302 (differently Max Miller, SBE, X, 73). -cp. pab- bajja, Ff. *duppamuiica, mfn. difficult to be loosened; m. war (bandhanam) Dh, 346, (cp, pamuiicati). *duppardmattha, mfn, badly practised; m. ~am (simaiiam) Dh, 811. (cp. puraimasati). *“duppariyogaha, mfn, difficult to get at the bottom of, unfathomable; m, ~0 (Tathigato) 95,13, (op. pari- yogaha). dubbaca, mfn. (sa, dur-vacas) abusive, unruly; difficult to reason with, self-willed; *°bhava, m. self-will, instr, wena, 34,16, (cp. vacas), dubbanna, mfn. (sa. dur-varna) of a bad colour, ill-favoured; m. 0, 103,5. dubbala, mfn. (sa. dur-bala) weuk, feeble; m. 0, 12,27; acc. ~am, Dh. 7; n, pl, ~ani (uddapadini) 91,19. *dubbalatta, m. (sa. *dur-ba- latva) weakness; abl. wa, 12,21. *dubbali-karana, mfn. who causes weaknees; acc. pl. mn. ne (w. gen, paiiiaya, scil. paiica nivarane) 91,7. dubbuddhin, mfn. (sa. dure buddhi) foolish, without insight; m, pl. wino, 76,80. dubbhati, vd. (sa. Ydruh, druh- yati) to be hostile to, plot against (loc.); fut. 1, 8g. wissimi (tayi) 41,36. ep. dubha. dubbhasita, mfn. (sa. dur-bha- shita) badly spoken; », ~am (padam) 110,13. duma, m, (sa. druma) a tree; dumagga, 7. the top of a tree, abl, wamhi, 13,4 (ep. agga*). dummati, m. (sa. dur-mati) a fool; nom. ~i (aham) 30,39. dummana, m/fn, (sa. dur-manas) | dinimedha dejected, in bad spirits; m. ~0, 2,14. 72,98, 104,18. dummedha, m. (sa. dur-medha) a fool; nom. ~0, Db, 136; voc. wa, 106,10 = Dh, 394. cp. next. *dummedhin, mfn. foolish, stu- pid; m, pl. ~ino Ue) Dh. 26. duyhati, vb. (pass. dohati, vduh) to be milked; part. n. ~ manam rk new milk, 99,28; pp. duddha q v.). d . accaya, mfn, (sa. dur-atyaya) difficult to be conquered; ace. f. ~am (tanham) 108,1 = Dh. 336. duranubodha, mfn. (= sa.) difficult to be comprehended; m. ~0 (dhammo) 94,35. durannaya, mfn. (sa. sealed is difficult to be fathemed; f. ~a (gati Dh. 92. *durabhirama, mfn., difficult to be enjoyed; mn. ~ati (duppabbajjam) Dh. 302. durabhisambhava, mfn. (= sa.) difficult to reaca or enter upon; m. ~o (maggo) 103,10. “durajanoa. mn. difficult to be understood; m. -.o (bhavo thinam) 61,31. *duravasa, mn, difficult to dwell in, d. to be lived or led; pl. (n.) ~& (ghara, the houeehold life) Dh. 302. dullabha, mfn. (sa. dur-labha) difficult to be ‘ound or obtained; m. ~0, 31,18, Dh. 193; ace. wam, Dh, 160; ». su-dullabham (saccam) 51,30; ~ "-manussattem, . the state of man which is one dificult to obtain, 22,15. dussa, 1510, according to the Comm. gen. ron. demonstr, = amussa fep. asu, apuka), but this can hardly be correct; the reading dussam which, in spite of the Comw., has been main- cained by the Cingalese Mes., ought no doubt to be preferred; dussa, #. (sa. dushya, diicya or durga) a kind of woven stuff, occurs frequently in the Pali texte; hence *dussika, m. a ma- nufacturer of that stuff, or a cloth-seller (Jat. VI, 276,25. Mil. 262,14, 333,13); 124 but 1 think that in this case dussa must be adj. = 8a. dushya, corrup- tible, easily to be spoiled or damaged, n. ~am (khettapalassa rattibhattam). Francis & Neil, Jat. III, p. 16, trans- late “wrongfully” (dussam, adv., cp. dussati below) and it is perhaps in order to avoid this interpretation (which does not agree with the ten- dency of the prose tale) that the Comm. has taken it for gen. pron. Trenckner accepts the gen, dussa (= amussa) although that form is not found else- where. Henry (Précis de gramm. Palie, p. 94) corrects dussa into amussa. dussati, vb. (sa. dushyati, /dush) to sin, offend (against, gen. or loc. pers.); pr. (appadutthassa) Dh. 125; (appadutthesu) Db. 137, pp. duttha e h.); caus, diseti (q. v.) ep. dussa above. dussila, mfn. (sa. dul-cila) ill- patured, bad, wicked, vicious; m. x0, 107,2 = Dh. 308; Dh, 110. 320; f. ~8, 9,11; instr. f. ~aya, 20,29. *dussilya, n. (fr. prec.) wicked- ness; nom. ~am (accanta-°) Dh. 162. duhati, vb., v. dohati (dthati). dita, n. (= sa.) a messenger; pl. ~a (deva-°) 45,12; acc. pl. ne ee 68,21. *dibha, m. (fr. dubbhati, /druh; base of diibhati, vb. = dubbhati; ep. sa. droha) malice, perfidy, treachery; only in comp. a-dtibha (qg. v.) cp. a- diibbaya (dat.) Jat. I, 180,92; a-drii- bhaya, Vin. I, 347,21». dtira, mfn, (= sa.) distant, far (opp. viditira); — duUrath, adv. far away, 12,99; durafi-gama, m/fn. going far away, acc.m, ~am, Dh. 37; - di- rato (abl.) adv. from afar, 68,10. 76,20. 86,20. Dh. 219; — dure (loc.) adv. & prp.w.abl., far, far away; ~ thito, 56,8; ~ pakasenti, Dh. 304; dumag- gamha ~, 13,4; ~ito, 20,17; ep. atie dira. durakkha, mfn. (sa, di-rakshya) difficult to be guarded; n, wath (cit- tam) Dh, 33, 125 duraigama, mfn. (=sa.) v. diira. *dirama, mfn. difficult to be en- joyed; yattha ~am (n.), where enjoy- ment is difficult, diseti, vb. (caus, dussati, sa, dushayati) to spoil, destroy, infest (ace,); aor, 3. sg. dusayi, 9,2 (without obj. = spoiled the game; — attanam diisayi, Comm.), deti, vb. & deyya, grd., v, dadati. deva, m. (= sa.) !)a god, deity; mostly pl, the gods, esp, the Devas (opp. Asuras) or inhabitants of the Devaloka, whose chief is Sakka; nom, ~0, 110,12; Dh. 105; gen. ~assa, 110,37; pl. ~a, Dh. 94, 181. 230. 366. 420; ~a abhassara (v. A.) Dh. 200; gen. pl, ~anam, 59,28, 80,36; Dh, 30. 224 (devana); loc. ~esu, Dh. 56; — comp. (often implying the sense of ‘celestial, superhuman’, etc.) : *deva- nubhavena (instr.) by the power of the gods, 63,32 (v. inubhava); devinda, m. the lord of the Devas (Sakka), 110,s4-s6; °-kaiifia, f.a celestial nymph, pl. ~8, 64,80; *°-kumara, m. a son of a god, %vannin, mfn, beautiful like that, pl. m. wino, 45,96 (ep. °-putta); °-gana, m. o class or troop of gods, instr, ~ena, 60,93; %-tthana, ». place or seat in heaven, 16,18; *°-nagara, n. = %-pura, », the city of the Devas, 17,34. 59,38; 27,31; °-putta, m. (= °-kumara) acc, ~ath, 63,8 (cp. putta) ; %-rajan, m. (= devinda), nom, ~a, 45,80; loka, m. the world of the Devas or any superior world, heaven, nom, ~0, 59,30; acc. ~am, Dh. 177; loc. wasmim, 59,30; loc. pl. ~esu (dvisu, viz, Sakka’s and Brahma’s worlds) 60,23; °-Abhimukha, mfn. (v. abhimukha); tavatimsa-°, 59,28 (v. h.); — *yimana, n. the palace of the gods, °-sadisa, mn. like that, acc. m. ~am (rathath) 63,6; — *°-samnkhalika, /f. a magic chain, instr. ~aya, 21,14. — *)the sky, atmosphere; the rain-god; ~0 (na vassati) 102,6; voc. wa, 104,29; gen. ~assa (vassato) 105,29; %dun- dubhi (v. 4.), — °) the god of death; desana deva-diita, m. a messenger of death; pl. ~a (uttamafigaruha) 45,19. — ¢) a lord, voc, deva frequently used in addressing a king (‘sire, your majesty’) 6,14, 31,9-19. 65,17; Makhadeva, m. nom. pr. (q.v.). cp. dibba, mfn., devi, f., sadevaka, mfn. & next, devata, f. (& m.), (= 8a.) a god, deity; a spirit, ghost; in sg. often used instead of deva (cp. deva-putta); nom, «i (varanarukkhe adhivattha) 5,19; pl. wa, 63,7, 65,24. 114,15; instr. wahi, 63,20; loc, wasu, 34,96; — rukkha-®, a dryad, 3,31; — samudda-®, a spirit of the sea, 28,28; ~ devatanu- bhavena, instr. 17,25 (v. Anubhava) ; — *°-paribhoga, mfn. fit to be enjoyed by the gods, ». ~am: (ambapakkam) 36,31; — *°-sannipata, m. an assembly of gods, loc. ~amhi, 110,30, Devadatta, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. of a relative (cousin) and enemy of Gotama Buddha; wo, 74,19, sequ, “Devadaha, n. nom. pr. of a town, near the Lumbini-Grove, be- longing to the family of Gotama Bu- ddha’s mother; °-nagaram, 62,56. [cp. Lassen, IA. II. p. 66 & XXXIII.] “devasikam, adv. (fr. divasa, ep. sa. daivasaka, mfn.) daily, every day; 6,2. devi, f. (= sa.) 1) a goddess; pl. wiyo, 61,12. — #) a queen; nom. ~i, 61,33; voc. devi, 55,26; acc, with, 19,14; gen. ~wiya, 19,21. 61,30; comp. w. nom. pr. Amara-°, the wife of Mahosadha, 55,32. 56,22; = Amara, 56,12; — Udumbara-° (gq. v.). desa, m. (sa. dega) region, place, country; part, portion; nom, ~0, 82,33. 112,30; acc. wat, 31,35; loc. we majjhima-°) 91,18, cp. padesa, vi- esa. desana, f. (sa, degana) a sermon, discourse, lesson; nom. ~@, 86,9. 87,2; acc. ~wam, 30,94; %dvasane, at the end of the discourse, 89,2; — dham- ma-°, f. id.; instruction in the sacred doctrine; 68,33 (buddhanam); acc. desita ~am, 17,81. 29,16; ~ saddhamma-°, * id. Dh, 194, desita, mfn. (pp. deseti, sa. de- gita) shown, set forth, taught; m. ~0 (dhammo) 79,5, ". war (nibbanam) Dh, £85; ace. m. wan (Buddha-°, taught by the B.) 109,25; (Samma- sambucdha-~®, kuthGmaggath) 113,39; m. pl. wa (vaggay Dh. p. 94. v. 3. suedesita, snfn. (q. v.). deseti, vb. (sa, degayati, caus, /dig) to show, set forth, teach, preach ae. pr. 1. sq. ~emi (dhammaih 90,12; part, m, ~enio (dhammam 17,27. 47,18. 74,18; aor. 3. sg. wei, 17,30; fut. J. eg. wessimi, 68,15; ger. wetva, 7.47; part, pass, desiyamana, loc. m. we (dhamme) 69,22; pp. desita (g. v.), cp, desana, deha, m. (== 8¢.) the body; nom ~0, 88,6 (comm. on kaya). domanassa, m. (sa. daurmana- sya) dejectedness, despair; grief; instr. pl. wehi, 70,30, gen. pl. ~anam (dukkha-° dvandva-comp.) 90,18; 66,10-17 (do.); °-ppatta, m/fn. sorrow. ful, m. ~o, 13,6. cp. dummana, mfn. dovarika, m. (sa. dauvarika) a door-keeper, porter; ~9, 90,32; acc. nam, 91,25; gen. ~assa, 58,1; ace. pl. we, 58,2 (cp. Fick, Soc, Gi. p. 102); instr, pl. ~wehi (pandita-°) 91,as, cp, dvara. dosa', m. (se. dosha) fault, guilt; ~0, 74,133 @ ¢. min. ance by) v. iccha, tina, dosa?, moha, raga. dosa*, m, (sa. dvesha) hatred; ace. wath, Dh. 2G (in the series : raga, dosa, moha): *-aggi, m, the fire of hatred, 64,20 (do.); *%-dosa, mfn, (sa. *dvesha-dosha) damaged by hatred, f. ~@ (ayath paja) Dh, 357; *°sama, mfn. like hatred, m. ~o (kali) Db. 202; vanta-°, vita-°, wfn, free from hatred, Dh, 263. 357. (cp. Pischel, Gr, 3 129). dohati (& duhati) vb. (sa.\/duh) : milk; pass. duyhati, pp. duddha (gs v.). ; dohala, m. (sa. dohada, m., cp. 126 sa. daurhrda, m.) wisk, desire, esp. the morbid Jonging of pregnant women (w. loc.); nom. ~0, 1,88; acc. AM, 1,e (hadayamerhse); hence the fre- quently occurring adj. f. dohalini, 1) pregnant, 7) desiring, longing for (w. loc. or comp.) : Jat. IV, 334,21. VI, 484,26; III, 27,22. VI, 326,13 ete. The sanskritic etymology dohada = daurhrda has been called in question by Liders (Gitt. Nachr. 1898,1: fr. *dvibrd); likewise Jolly, Idg. Forsch. XK, 213 and Pischel, Gr. § 436; but Béhilingk, ZDMG. Vol. 55,98 takes it == doha-da (“das Verlangen nach dem, was Milch erzeugt”, scil, kdma?) dva-, dva-, in comp. = 2; next (cp. dvi (dve)). dvattimsa, num, (sa. dvatrime- gat) 32; 23,93 (petiyo); *°-akara, n. name of a chapter of Khuddakap&tha (the 32 parts of the body) 82,6. *dvattikkhattum, adv. (sa. *dva-tri-krtvas) for a second and third time; 114,16 cp. khattum & tikkhat- tum. dvaya, ') mfn. (= sa.) twofold, double; loc, pl. ~esu (dhammesu) Dh, 384. — #) ». a pair, couple; two (opposite) things; acc. ~am (nissito loko) 96,6; gatha-dvayam, two gathas, 47,23. 114,0; potthaka-°, 114,18 (two copies). dvadasa, mum. (sa, dvadaca) twelve; dvidasama, m/n. the twelfth, m, ~0, Dh. XII. dvara, m. (= sa.) door, gate, entrance; nom, wut (nivesana-°, nagara-°) 68,2-5; acc. ~am, 6,5. 68,3; instr, wena, by the door or gateway, 12,10 (pure~°, the front door); 12,13, 57,13 (pacchima-°, the back door); 55,30 (uttara-°, the northern safest 59,3 (sala-°, g. v.); Joc. we, 57,13 (pure-°); often e. c, = at, before: gama-°, 8,20; ghara-°, 27,27; acc. pl. ~Ani (nagara-°) 39,95; loc. pl. wesu, 38,12. 43,9; comp. gabbha-? (q. v.); °-samipamh (v. h.); — dvara-kotthaka, m. a gateway; loc. pl. wesu, 48,32; 127 satta-dvara-kotthaka, mfn. having 7 gateways, acc, ~am (geham) ib.; — *dvara-gima, m. a suburb; abl. ~ato, 19,93; °-gamaka, m. id., acc. pl. we, 43,9; — aparuta-dvara, mfn. (v. h.); eka-dvara, mfn. (v. eka*?); catu-°, pihita-°, bahu-°, mfn. (q. v.) ep. dovarika, dvavisati, mum. (sa. dvavimeati) 22; dvavisatima, mfn. the 22; m, ~o (vaggo) Db, XXII. dvi-, (= sa.) base of the num. dvo (nom. acc, mfn.) = two; nom. 6,83 (jana); dve pi, both, 19,14; 2416 Rane: ace, 6,18 (mig); 62,98 hatthe); ekarh dve karoti (= ka. sati) 56,15; instr. dvihi, 7,14; 12,9; gen. dvinnamh, 12,82; 40,81; Zoc. dvisu, 60,22. ep. di- (dija, dipada, diyaddhba); dutiya, mfn.; dva-, dva-; dvaya, mfn, & next, dvija, m. (= sa.; cp. dija) a bird; *O-gana, m. a flock of birds; pl, ~a. 7,20. dvidha, adv. (= sa.) twofold, divided in two; 33,18 (chinditva); 58,22 (bhinditva); — °-karana, n. the dividing in two (= kasana), 56,16. ep. dvedha. dviha, mn. (sa, dvy-aha, m.) a period of two days; v. aha, cp. tiha. dve, num. nom. ace., v. dvi-. dvedha, adv. (= sa.; ep. dvidha) twofold, divided in two; *®-patha, m. a double path, cross-way; doubt; acc,,~am, Dh, 282. Dh. dhamsin, mfn, (rather = sa, dharshin than sa. dhvarsin (Tr.); ep. Dhpd. (1855) p. 372-3) audacious, obtrusive, importunate; instr. m. ~ind, Db, 244 (cp, MN.I p. 236,1). dhaja, m. (sa. dhvaja) a banner, flag or standard; °-patakadihi, 62,7. dhajini, f. (sa. dhvajini) an army (arrayed); acc, wim, 104,s. dhamma dhana, n, (= sa.) wealth, pro- perty; money; nom, wath, 23,6. 48,11; acc. ~am, 29,6. 38,20. 48,18; gen. ~wassa, 62,5; — “dharanatthaya, 32,17 (v. aharana); dhanatthaya, 32,29 (v. attha!); °-lobha, m. desire of money; instr, wena, 22,23; *°-vassa, n. & *0_vasapanaka, m/fn. (v. h.); °-santike, 33,36 (g. v.); — mahad-dbana, m/fn. (2. v.); cep. nid-dhana, sa-dhana & hanesin, *“Dhanapalaka, m. nom. pr. of an elephant (said to be identical with Nalagiri, g. %.); nom, xo nama kufijaro, Dh, 324 (op, Jat, V, 337,1). *“Dhaniya, m, nom. pr. of a herdsman; ~0 (gopo) 104,20. dhanu, » (& m.?) (sa, dhanus & dhanu, m.) a bow; acc. ~um, 61,30. 92,15; asi-satti-dhanu-adini (d@vudhani) 6,12; dhanu-kalapa, (m. ?) bow and quiver, 75,15, dhanesin, mfn. (sa. dhanaishin) longing for riches; gen. pl, ~inam (vanijanam) 20,22 = 25,s0. dhamani, f. (= sa.) a vein, nerve; °-santhata, mfn. (g. v.) covered with veins (said of an emaciated person); nm ~am (jantum kisam) 106,13 = Dh, 395 (cp. Weber, Bhag. II. 289,2-s). dhameti, vb. (caus, dhamati, to blow; sa, Vdhma) to blow (any in- - strument, acc.); part. m. pl. wenta (surnkhe) 8,33. dhamma!, m. (rarely x.) (sa. dharma) *) ordinance, law; right, duty; nom. ~o (sanantano) 106,24 = Dh. 5; acc, ~am (ekam) 106,14 = Dh. 176; (vissam, the whole law) 106,5 — Dh. 266; gen. ~assa (anu- dhammacari, q, v.) Dh. 20; 1», pl. ~ani, Dh, 82; samana-°, priestly duties, 15,12; often opp. attha (v. h.). ~ *) righteousness, morality; virtue, good quality; ~o, 106,9 — Dh. 393; 3,21; Dh, 261; wam (cara) 7,24, cp. Dh, 169; instr, ~ena, righteously, 36,29. 42,96, Dh. 257; ~assa (gutto, g.v.) Dh, 257; loc. we (with honour- able intentions) 1,2; pl. wa (caturo) dhamma 3,26; (cattaro) Db. 109; (papaki, sins) Dh. 242; instr. wehi, 3,34; gen. e«anam, Db, 273. cp. a-dhamma, m, — *) “the truth’; *) any religious doctrine or philosophical system, esp. that taught by Buddha (the Four Truths etc.); preaching of that doctrine; ~0, 94,95; wath (sunahi) 22,17; (sossami 87,:6; (deseti) 7,97. 51,5; (uttamam Dh. 115; (kanhath, g. v.) Dh. 87; vara~°, 87,9; Satthu -varh, 87,13; lve. ~e (desiyamine) 69,23; — »%) the second great collection of the Buddhist sacred books (tipitaka, also named sutta-pitaka) opp. vinaya (qg. ¥., cp. abhidhamma) : ~o ca vinayo ca, 79,5; ~am, 109,15; °-vinaya-samgaha, m. 199,33; — °) ix. the triple formula: Buddha, dhamma, samgha, 69,19. 107,17 = Dh. 190 (ep. tevacika & sarana). — cp, sad-dhamma, a-sad- dtamma (v. a-sat); 0: the end of adj, comp. v. aggs-dbamma, dittha-®, patta-°, pariyogilha~°, vidita-°, sam- khata-”, — 4) In the psychology = nature, character; coadition of being, condition cf life; thing: in pl. dhamma is often == menta: objects in general, phenomena (just as riipa are the objects of sense to the eye, 70,95), sometimes taken as identical with sarkhara (q. v.\; loc, ditthe va dharmme, in this world, in the present life, 92,32 (ep, dittha-dhamma); sahetu-dhamma, m, the effect together with its cause, Gcc, ~arii, 66,21, pl. na, 66,20; 70,59; sabbe w@ anattd, 107,15 == Dh. 279; manopubbafigama A@, the states of mind are the result of thought (?) Db, 1 (cp. manag); loc, pl. wesu eines Dh, 353; dvayesu vesu in two things; #.¢, samatha & vipns- sun, Comm.) Dh, 384, — Thu dono. tion of “nature, state, condition” may be seen in many comp. (subst. & adj.) : mitta-dhamma, m. friendship, 14,3; methuna-°, m. love, 64,11; more fre- quently at the end of adj, comp, == having the nature of, boing subject tos a-nivattana-dhamina, a-vinipita-9, 128 an-uppada-*, nirodha-°, papa-°, ma- rici-°, vaya-°, samudaya-°, mfn. (v. h.). As to the different explanations of the meaning of the word dhamma ep. Maz Muller, SBE. X. p. 3-4; Caroline Rhys Davide, Transl. of Dhamma-Saigani, Introd. p. XXXII seqv., p. XLI. cp. next, ete. dhamma’, m/f(i)n. (sa. dharma) belonging to dhamma®; instr. f. siya (kathaya, by a sermon or religious discourse) 71,22 == 77,25, dhamma-kathika, m. (sa. dhar- ma-kathaka) a preacher or propoun- der of the dhamma; ~0, 22,99. 62,27; instr, ~ena, 22,30; gen. pl. ~anam, 109,9; *thera, m. the elder who preaches the dhamma, acc, ~am, 22,27, “dhamma-gandika, f. a block for execution; 6,25-37 (v. gandika). *dhamma-gata, mfn. directed so the law; f. wa (sati) Dh. 297. dhamma-cakkhu, », (sa. dhar- ma-cakshus) the eye of the truth; nom. ~um (udapadi, Yasassa) 68,36. dhamma-cairin, mfn, (sa. dhar- ma-cirin) observing the law, virtuous, dutiful; nom, m. wi, Dh, 168 (cp, anudhammacarin). *dhamma-jivin, mfn, virtuous, dutiful; gen. m. wino, Dh, 24; gen, pl. ~inam, Dh. 164. dhamma-ttha, mfn. (sa. dhar- ma-stha) just; m. 10, Dh, 256, 257; acc, m. wam, Dh, 217, — °-vagga, m. Dh. ch, XIX, dhammatad, f. (sa, dharmata) inherent nature; manners, practice, habit; 21,17, cp. su-dhammata, f, dhamma-dina, n. (sa, dnharma- ditna) the gift of the law (or the truth); Dh. 364, dhamma-desand, f, (sa, dhar- ma-degand) instruction in the truth (or in the four truths): a sermon, religious discourse; wil (eadahanen? O8,95; ace, wat, 17,01. dhammied tara, m, (sa, Uharnias dhara) ‘a supporter of the dhamma’, 129 one who knows the sacred doctrine; m0, Dh. 259; pl. 08, 109,26, *dhamma-pada, ». a word or verse of the sacred doctrine, also nom. pr. of a canonical book, being a col- lection of moral sentences; nom, & acc, wath, Dh, 102; 44. 45 (sudesitam); ekam pi ~ath, one single word of the sacred doctrine, 22,23. cp, Max Muller, SBE. X, Introd. p. LIII; Weber, Ind. Str. I, 125; Franke, ZDMG, XLVI, 734. Specimens thereof p. 106-107, — Dhammapadatthakatha, f. the Com- mentary on Dh,; specimen p. 86,12— 89,17. *dhamma-pitin, mfn. drinking in the law; m. v1, Dh, 79. — °-rasa, m, the sweetness of drinking in the law; acc, ~am, Dh. 205, dhamma-rata, mfn. (sa. dhar- ma-rata) delighting in the dhamma, virtuous; m. ~0, Dh. 364. dhamma-rati, f. (sa. dharma- rati) delight in the dhamma; om. ~i, Dh. 354, *dhamma-rasa, m. the sweetness of the dhamma; wo, Dh. 354, dhamma-raja(n), m. (sa. dhar- ma-raja) a righteously ruling king; ‘the king of truth’ (epithet of Buddha) ; nom. ~3, 38,12; Buddho wa, 19,1. *“dhamma-vinicchaya, m, in- vestigation of what is right, righteous decision; instr. ~ena, Dh, 144. dhamma-samgaha, m. (sa. dharma-samgraha) the collection of sacred books, called Dhamma-, or Sutta-pitaka; acc. wath, 10916 ~ dhamma-vinaya-samgaho, the collec- tion of Dhamma & Vinaya, 109,13. ep. dhamma 3, *Dhamma-saigani, f. nom. pr. of a canonical Palibook, the first part of the Abhidhamma-pitaka, being a compendium of psychology; 102,13; gen, ~iya, 113,23 (commentary there- on: Atthasalini, gq. ».). *dhamma-santati, f., the con- tinuity or serial succession of the liv- ing beings, 99,25 (~ sandahati). Pali Glossary. dhituka dhamma-sabha, f. (sa. dharma- sabha) a place or hall of religious meeting; loc. wayam, 29,28. dhamma-savana, , (sa. dhar- ma-gravana) the hearing of a sermon, attending divine service; °-atthadya (gate), in order to attend service, 28,5. dhammassami(n), m. (sa. dhar- ma-svamin) ‘lord of Dhamma’, 7, e, Buddha; gen, ~wissa, 114,6, *dhammanuvattin, m/fn., follow- ing the law (cp. anuvattin); m. pl, ewino, Dh. 86. *dhammarama, mfn. ‘one who has Dhamma for his pleasure garden’, dwelling in the law; m, ~0, Dh, 364 (cp. arama). dhammasana, ». (sa, dharma- sana) a cathedra, preaching-seat; abl, wato, 62,27. dhammika, mfn. (sa. dharmika) righteous, pious, religious; m,. ~0 ela 38,12; 39,8. cp, aq hammika, a-dhammikata. °dhammin, mfn. (sa. dharmin) having the nature of, subject to; uppada- vaya-° (v, uppada, cp. dhamma’), 28. dhammi, adj. f., v. dhamma?. °dhara, mfn. (e. c. = sa.) holding, wearing; possessing; jutin-° (v. juti); dhamma-°, pamsukula-°, vinaya-° (gq. v.); uttama-rupa-° (v, rupa) ep, dhiareti. dharani, f. (= sa.) earth, land, kingdom (orig. adj. f. bearing, sup- porting); godharani, f. (v. &.). dhati, f. (sa. dhatri) a nurse; acc. pl. wiyo, 45,35. dhatu, f. (€m.), (= sa. dhatu, m.) @ primary element (e, g. a verbal root); the property of a primary ele- ment (colour, efc.); any constituent part (esp. of the body); a sacred relic; *pacina-loka-°, the eastern quarter (or Tenet abl. wto, 32,30. °dhatuka, mfn. (ec. = sa.) having the qualities of, affected with; panduroga-°, having jaundice, m, wo, 9 Dhatukatha 35,16; — vamanaka-°, “having the qualities of one that is deformed”, m. wO (pacchd-°) 24,24, Dbatukathna, f% mom. pr. of s canonical book, the third part of the Abhidhamma-Pitaka; 102,19. dhana, n. (= sa.), only e. ¢. = a receptacle for, a heap of, v. sarh- kara-’, dharana, m. (= sa.) holding, wearing (of ornaments); mala-gandha- vilepana-°, 81,35. dhara, f. (= sa.) stream, current; udaka-, 62,82 (gq. v.). dhareti, vb. (caus. ydbr; sa. dharayati) ') to hold, bear, wear; carry, bring (acc.); pot, 3. sg. weyya (andhakare telapajjotamh) 69,17; pp. ~wita, 2. ~am (vadumam) 23,35. — *) to hold back, restrain (acc.); pot. 3. sg. dharaye (kodham) 106,33 = Dh. 222. — 3) to bear in mind, re- member (by tradition); to hold, con- sider, understand (ac. or acc. & abl.); aor, 3. pl. wesum (Jinasisanam) 109,23; fut. 3. pl. wayissanti (Jata- kath) 102,17-213 inf. wayitum, 102,18; — imp. 2. pl. wetha (vyakatam me vydkatato, consider only that elucidated what has been elucidated by me) 93,9-a. ~— +) to admit, receive, tuke up, sustain (a cause, acc.); imp. 3. 8g, ~etu (apisakam mam) 69,20; pot. 2. sg. neyyasi (kassa Pane 101,9. ep. dhara, dharana, ete.; dhiti. dhavati, vb, (sa, Vdhiv) to run; pr. 3. 8y. wati (vanam, gq. v.) Dh, 344; part, gen. f. dhavantiya (pathe) Bi,s4; ger. witva, 69,1. dhi (or dhi), indect, (sa, dhik) interj, of reproacn or displeasure : fie! share on, woe upon (commonly w. acc. or gen.); dhi Goin. hantaram) -Ob, 369; dhi (yassa muiicati) %b.; very »ften combined with imp. atthu before which an e1phonic ‘r’ it inserted ; dhi-r- aithu (idha jivitam) 103,33; ~ (ja tiya) 63,13. dhiti, fi (sa. Abyti) firmness, for: 130 titude, courage; nom. wi, 3,37; ace. ~im (upatthapetva) 41,97. dhir- & dhi, v. dhi. dhitar, f. (sa. duhitr) a daughter; nom, dhita, 10,4; 10,11 (rija-°); 86,24 (pesakara-°); acc. ~ararh, 10,0; 86,13; gen. dhitu (later dhitaya, v. below.) 57,1; pi. waro, 32,20 (matu-°, 7. e. mother and daughter), Besides dhitay we find also the base dhita (esp. in younger texts & at the end of comp.): gen. ~aya (pesakara-°) 89,17; loc. pl. ~asu (putta-°, dvandva-comp.) 7,25. ~ kula-dhitar, f. (v. h.). dhira, mfn. (= sa.) constant, firm, energetic; wise, thoughtful; m. ~o (i, €. Buddha) 78,30; Db, 28 ete. m, pl. w&, 47,28, 109,20; Dh, 23 ete. dhuta, mfn. (sa. dhuta & dhita, ‘shaken’) ‘one who has shaken off his sins’, dutiful (?) cp. Vin, I, 197.1; dhuta, ». = dhutafiga, x, is a desig- nation of certain priestly duties; lence dhutavada, m., 1) the doctrine of Dhutanga, the Dhutaiga precepts, cp, Dh, (1855) p. 259,7; #) @ teacher or propounder of those precepts (= dhu- tavadi(n), Jat. I. 130,92), gen, pl. ~inam (aggo, Kassapo) 109,6, cp. AN. I. p. 23; 5) adj. = dhuta (Mil. 380,20, “puce in speech”) cp, dhona below, dhutta, m. (sa, dhiirta) a frau- dulent fellow, gamester; scoundrel, villain, scamp, rogue; ~0, 49,92; ace. wath, 48,27; gen. wassa, 49,3; pl. wa, 74,4; ace, we, 74,7; gen. winam, 73,19, dhura, m. (= sa.) the foremost or chief part of anything, a yoke, the fore end of a ship; loc. ~e (navaya), 18,19. 27,19. cp. dhorayha. dhuva, !) mfn, (sa. dhruva) fixed, permanent, certain; m, wath (mara- nam), 86,16, a-ddhuva, mfn. (v. h.). *) m. permanence, durability; «am. Db, 147, dhiipa, m. (= sa.) incense; gan- dha-dhupa-° ete. (dvandva comp.) 48,30. 131 dhenu, f. (= sa.) a milk-cow; Sal a female deer, hind, doe; 29, *dhenupa, m, 105,11. °dheyya, m. (sa. dheya) realm, region; ». Maccu-°, Mara-, | *dhona, m/fn. (probably = dhota, pp. dhovati, to wash; sa. dhauta, Vdhav*) pure, purified from sin, The commentators agree in explaining this word by dhuta-papa (v. dhuta, Vdhu, dhunati) or by Aliwha-lileen =— bud- dha (Pj. ad Sn. v, 834 & Ps, ad MN, ch. 56). Fausbsll, Gloss. So. p. 203 refers it to V/dhu, to shake, which after all may be closely related to dhovati; but it is questionable whether this word is contained in the comp, ati-dhona-carin (q, », Dh. 240), I think it better to take atidhona = sa, atidhavana fr, vb. atidhavati, to transgress, A subst. m. dhona is men- tioned in the Comm, on Dh, v. 240 (= the 4 paccayas, v. Childers) and on MN, ch. 56 (= ana; hence dhona, mfn, ‘tena samagato’). *dhorayha, m. (fr. *dhorvayha, sa, “dhaurvahya, abstr, fr. dhiirvaha) a beast of burden, — °-sila, m/n, having the virtue of a (good) draught:-cattle, “much enduring”; acc, m, warm, Dh, 208. dhovati, vb. (sa. dhavati, V/dhav*) to wash, to clean by rinsing or rubbing (acc.); aor, 3. sg. dhovi (pade) 57,16; ger. witva, 22,2 (mukham); 41,19 (khaggam); 82,2 (bhajanam); a- dhovitva (patim) 56,35; pp. dhota or (more rarely) dhovita : hatthe dhovita-kale (“when he was washing his hands”) 41,13. cp. dhona & nezt, dhovana, x. (sa, dhavana) wash- ing; mukha-dhovanatthaya gantva (“when he went to wash his face’) 21,98; hattha-°, 56,95 (washing the hands, or ; water for washing?). a calf; pl, wa, nam N. na, adv. (= sa.) not; before vowels ‘a’ may be dropped (n’atthi, 1,15; n’etamh, 8,27) or contracted with a foll, ‘a’ (néhama, 1,21); before ‘i’ we find sometimes ‘y’ inserted (na-y-idam, 23,35). — 1) na is the usual negation before verbs: 1,9, 16, etc., but it occurs also often before other words : na Sakhamh upasamvase, 7,33 (cp. ma); na gahe rame, 47,26; natidure, 83,2; na tavata, 106,5, and especially at the beginning of a sentence: nahath, 1,21; na koci, 8,3 efce, — *) in questions, used like the English ‘not’: *) kith na passasi (have you not seen?) 111,19; kaccin nu... na, 9,38; >) im disjune- tive questions : kim ,.. karoti na ka- roti (= or not) 9,25. — 5) repeated ; e)n. «aT. na (neither .., nor « . nor) 8,27, 94,3, Dh. 127; n’eva ,.. na, 3,3. 10,16. 74,12 (id.); n’eva upapajjati na na upapajjati, 89,31. 94,18; cp, neva-sannhd-nisanfayatana; naca.., na ca (id.) 99,3; >) na kiiici na (all, every) 51,35, cp. na... akiiici (“not a little’) Dh. 390, — *) comb, w, other particles : *) n’eva, not for all that (after ‘pi ce’) 16,14; n’eva... na (v. above); ») na kho (pana), verily not, 9,31. 93,27; “) na ca == than, 8,3 (rajjam jaheyyam na ca tam patii- ham); ca na ca (both... and not) 89,30. 94,16; na ca... na ca (neither .. nor, v. above); %) na hi (non enim) Dh. 5; in answers — no, nay verily, 97,19. — 5) negative prefix in comp. = a- (cp. nir-, vi-) v. na-cira, na-nikima-seyya (natthita, f. (q. v.) is abstr. fr. the phrase n’atthi). cp, nanu, nina, no & ma. *nath, pron. demonstr, (in several cases besides nom. substituted (encli- tically) for tam, cp. enama & the base ana-, 8a, instr. anena etc.) him, her, it; acc. mfn. nam : m. 4,88. 7,80. 16,15 etc, 103,92. 113,20; nan (ti) 3,6, 12,98; f. 55,16. 88,9; nan, 9,18; m. 94,98; — ace, pl, ne, 74,8; gen. pl. nesam, 9* nakkhatta 8.10. 73,1. — nath is aleo sometimes pleonastically inserted, e.g. 73,18 (cp. tam, 9,:; Cinghalese reading : nam). in such cases the vommentaries explain it as a particle (nipata) or as a shortened form of nama (?); cp. Pischel, Gr. § 160, (431). nakkhatta, #. (sa. nakshatra) 1) an asterism or corstellation, a con- junction of stars (esp. that of the moon with soy constellaticn, a lunar man- sion); acc. ~am (olcketi, to read the —) 32,81; — %-yoga, m. id., lor. we laddhe, (“a> a certain con- junction of the planets”) 32,10. — *) a festival; sam (hilati, to enjoy the festival) 61,3; — *9-kila, f. “the festi- vities” (v. h.) 61,5; °-patka, m, ‘star- path’, the starry sky, aec. ~am, Dh, 208. -— asalhi-°, 61 (v. hh.) ep. asalhe. nakha, m. («= 3a.) a nail; pl. ai, 82,2 = 9F,2). nagara, 7. (= sa.) a town, city; a fortress; mom. war (yakkha-°) 20,32; (atthinam, “a stronghold of the bones”) Dh, 150; acc. ~am, 58,24 the inhabitants of the city); anto-° . h.); saka-°, to his own city, 44,16; loc. we, 19,15; 61,2 (Kapilavatthu-°) ; 77,15 (Bhoga-°); comp. °-Abhimukha, mfn. (v. abhimukia); nagaripama, mfn, like a fortress, ». ~am, Dh. 40 (cp. upama). °%-dvara (v. h.); %-sa- mipe, 21,18; °-vithisu, 73,29; °-vasin, mfn, (v. h.); — *deva-° = deva-pura, n.(q.v.); anto-nogare & bahi-nagare (inside & outside the town) g.v. cp. nagara. nagga. mfn. (sa. nagna) naked; f. wa, 310-13; 2. wath, 312. — °-cariya, f. going naked; Dh. 141. nafigala, . (sa. lafigala) a plough; acc. ~am (mahantath) 71,28, nacira, mfn. (= sa.) not of long duration; nacirass’eva (adv.) v. ci- rassam. nacca, mn. (sa. nrtya) dancing; instr. wena, 10,20; %~jitaka, 2. 10,1; 132 dvandva-comp. ~Adini, ~wAdisu, 65,1. 64,32; Sgita-, 64,99. Sls. ; naccati, vb. (sa. nrtyati, ynrt) to dance; pr. 3. sg. ~ati, 18,18; part. m. wanto, 10,15; imp. 2. 8g. wassu, 50,1; fut. 1. sg. wissami, 50,18; aor. 3. sg. nacci, 18,20; inf. witum, 10,15; comp, naccitu-kama, mfn. wishing to dance, 50,35 (°-kam’amhi, I (f.) wish to dance). cp. nacca & nataka. nattha, mfn. (pp. nassati; sa. nashta) lost, perished; acc. m, ~am (yasam) 42,13. nattar, m. (sa. naptr) a grandson; gen. nattu, 64,9. natthita, f. (sa. nastita; fr. n’atthi) non-existence, non-reality; acc. ~am, 96,7 (cp. atthita). nadati, vb. (sa. ynad) to cry, roar; to make a noise (ace.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati, 8,28; part. m. pl. ~wanta mahanadam) 6,13; aor, 3. sg, nadi tenet 16,143 ger. witva (kofica- nadam) 61,20; pp. nadita (v. next); cp. nada, nadita, n. (pp. fr. prec.; ep. sa. nadita) roar, noise; war (sihassa) 8,97. nadi, f. (= sa.) a river; nom. ~i, 14,9; 35,18 (maha-°); acc, nim, 16,25. 103,2; instr. ~wiya (“upstream’’) 29.5; gen. wiya, 2,19-21; tassa nadiya vasati, 2,26 (tass&é must here be taken as loc. f., cp. Jat. 1. 170.1; MN. I. 385,9); loc, wiyam (maha-°) 36,30; gen, pl. winam, 103,18; 72,27 (maha-°); — killa, ». = °-tira, . the bank of a river, loc, we, 2,19. 108,24; — °-pare, on the opposite side of the river, 56,31; — °-majjhe, in the middle of the river, 2,22, naddha, mfn. (pp. nayhati (nan- dhati); sa. naddha, \/nah) tied, bound, put on; °-paficayudha, amfn. 111,16 (v. ayudha). cp. onaddha, sannaddha. *nanikama, mfn. (fr. nikima, m.) disagreeable; °-seyya, f. “an un- comfortable bed”, Dh. 309 (ace, wat). nanu, indecl. (== sa.) 1) particle of interrogation (dutin ; nonne); ~ 133 maya tuyham abhayam dinnam, 7,6; ~ brahmacariyassa te kalo, 46,34; ~ so mutto bhavissati, 100,7. — *) particle of affirmation : surely, cer- tainly; ~ na sakka, 91,16. nandati, vb. (sa, Vnand) to re. joice; to delight in, to be glad of (instr.); pr. 3. sg. wati (puttehi) 105.28; 107,26 = Dh, 18, cp. next. nandana, f. (= sa.) delight; 105,39, — raja~nandana, m, a prince (poetically); acc. ~am, 112,11. nandil, m, & nandi, /. (sa. nandi, m,) joy, pleasure; °-rdga-, pleasure and lust, 67,13 (-sahagata); *nandi- bhava, m, rise of pleasure; °-parik- khina, mfn, “in whom all gaiety is extinct”, Dh, 413 (ace. m. wath) cp, kamabhava, — nandi?’, f., v. neat, nandhi, f. (sa. naddhri) a leathern satrap or thong (often spelt nandi); acc, ~im (chetva) Dh, 398. nabha(s), . (sa. nabhas) sky, atmosphere; instr, ~asa (°-Aigama, “departed through the air”) 111,1. namati, vb. (sa, ynam) to bend or bow to (intr.); aor, 3. sg, nami (cittazh, pabbajjaya) 65,13; pp. na- mita, bent; °-citta, mfn. 46,18 (m. ~0, pabbajjaya, one whose mind has turned to retiring from the world), — caus, namayati (& nameti), to bend (acc.); pr. 3, pl, wayanti, 106,97 = Dh, 80. cp. an-amatagga. namassati, vb. (denom. fr. na- mas (v. namo below); sa, namasyati) to pay honour to (ace.); pr. 3. sg. ewati (apujjam) 30,91; pot, 3. sg, ~weyya, Dh. 392. namita, mfn. (pp. namati, q. v.). Namuci, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. of a demon (identical with Mara,. q. v.); nom, wi, 103,4; voc. wi, 103,31. namo, éndecl. (sa. namas, 7.) an exclamation of adoration or homage (w. gen. pers.; also often combined with verbs, as karoti, dadati); ~ ty’atthu (“homage to thee”) 13,26. 108,11; ~ tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhasasa, 81,5 (the usual navanita formula at the beginning of a Pali book). naya, m. (= sa.) ‘leading’, in- struction, plan, method; way, manner; instr. ~ena (Mahapadane agata-°, “in the manner related in M.”) 63,19; ti Adina ~, 91,81 (v. ddi>); purima- nayen’eva, in the same manner as before, 26,10, 63,21; hetthavutta-°, id, 63,22. nayati, vb, (sa. yni) ». neti, nayhati (or nandhati), vb. (sa, ynab) to bind, tie; only comp. w. prep., v. upa-nayhati, pilandhati; ap naddha (q. v.) cp. nandhi (nan- 1) f. an m, (= 8a.) a man; nom, ~0, 111,10; ace, wath, Dh, 473 gen, wassa, 105,29; foc, pl, wesu, 47,20, — f. nari (v. h.) = narinda, m. (sa, narendra) ‘man-lord’, king; ~0, 112,31; voc, wa, 7,15; Sibabahu-narinda-ja, m, son of 8, (Vijaya) 110,23 (nom, ~jo). nala or nala, m. (sa. id. & nada) bame of a species of reed; a reed or stalk in general; som, w0, 26,27; acc, ~am (-l-) 108,5 = Dh, 337; 5,18 (kumuda-°); —. %vana. 7». @ thicket of reeds, 26,25, cp. nalika, f. Nalamala, m. (sa. Nalamalin) ‘reed-garlanded’, nom. pr. of an ocean; ace, ~ath, 26,25, — Nalamiali(n), m, id, 26,80. nalata, n. (sa. lalita) the forehead; loc, ~e (sedi muccimsu) 46,31. nava?, num. (= sa.) nine; 82,13, — *navafiga, m/fn. ninefold (v. afiga). navama, mfn. the ninth, m. ~o (vaggo) Dh, IX. cp, nayuti, navutika, nava’, mfn. (= sa.) new, young; m, pl, ~& (dama) 105,17; (bhikkha) 83,33. cp, abhinava & next, navaka, m/n, (= sa.) new, young; compar. ~tara, younger (opp. thera- tara), m. ~o (bhikkhu) 79,8; insér. wena, 79,9. navanita, ”. (= sa.) fresh butter; nom, wam, 99,90; abl, wato, ib. navuti navuti, num. (sa. navati) 90; v. navutika, mfn. nassati, vb. (sa. nacyati, y/na¢) to perish, to be destroyed; pr. 3. sg. wanti, 6,24; aor. 3, pl. ~withsu (tassa cakkhiini a, “lost their sight”) 24,16; cond. 3. sg. nassis8u, 29,8 (he would have perished); pp. nattha & caus. naseti (q. v.) cp. nasa, m. nahata, mfn. (pp. nahayati, q. v.). nahataka, m. (sa. snataka) ‘one who has bathed’, a Brahman who has finished his studies; acc, war (metri- enlly = nhatakam) Dh. 422 (“accom- piished”, SBS, X, 96). cp. MN. I, 280,19 & Sp. v. 521 (who has washed away all sins). nahana, m. (sa. snana) bathing, bath; ~wam. 83,25; °-atthaya (raiifio, for the king's bath} 41,3, nahdpita, m. (sa. napita) a bar- ker; gen. wassa (jitako, “a barber's brat”, é. e. bastard) 25,10; — *°-ku- tumbika, m. & *°-daya, m. (v. h.). - In the ancient times the barbers be- longed to the lewert castes (cp. Fick, Sos. Gl. p. 211); there cannot in my opinion be doubt about the iden- tity of sa. napita anc nahapita, but if the latter is not a mere literary form (it is not rarely spelt nhapita and even napita), thea it must be derived from nahapeti (v. newt) through “nahapitar (23 salla-katta from calya-kartr}. ep. Pischel, Ge. § 210. | nahapeti, vb. (caus. nahayati; ga. snipsyati) te cause to bathe, to wash ; ger. wetvé, (elakam) 16,35. nahayati (or nhayati), vb. (sa. ‘gndyati, sna) to bathe; imp. 2. sg. nahaya, 111,30; fut. 1. sg. issami, 41,1; inf. wituh, 68,30; nahityitu- kama, mfn. wishing to bathe, m. ~0, 83,04; ger. nahatva, 41,3. 53,25. 111,38; nahayitva, 57,34. 61,6; pp. nahata, one who has bathed, instr. m. wena, 84,1: dvandva-comp. °-Anulitto, 41,9 (bathed and scented); caus. v. naha- 134 peti, cp. nahataka, nahana & naha- ita. ‘ naharu, m. (& . coll?) (sa. snayu, f. ». Pischel, Gr. § 255) a sinew, tendon; wu, 82,2 = 97,20; instr. ~und, 92,81; gen. ~ussa, 92,17. naga, m, (= sa.) ') a Naga or serpent-demon; *°-bhavana, %. (sa. nagaloka) the world of serpents; abl. ~a, 52,16; — *°-manavaka, m., a young Naga; pl. ~a, 53,10; acc. pl. we, 53,1; — *O.manavika, f., » Naga girl; 52,97 ete.; — °-raja(n), m., a serpent-king; nom. ~a, 28,27. 52,10; instr. wena, 52,15. — 2) an elephant (with the Buddhists the emblem of endurance); metaph. a preeminent man; om. ~0, Dh. 320; 105,19; acc. ~am, 77,3; instr. ~ena, 76,31; — *naga-m-asada, m. attacking an elephant, 77,3 (v. asada); — °-bala, mfn., strong as an elephant; m. ~0, 1,3; instr. wena (rania) 40,19; — *-vagga, m. the 23 chapter of Dhpd.; — °-vana, m. the elephant grove, gen. ~assa, Dh. 324; — naga-hata, m. “he who strikes the elephant (of men, ¢. e. Buddha)” = *hata-niga; gen. wassa, 77,4. cp. maha-naga, hatthi-naga. (Rhys Da- vids, Buddhist India, p. 220). Niigadipa, m. (sa. Nagadvipa) nom. pr. of an island (7, ¢, the north- western part of Ceylon?); ~o0, 19,8 (formerly called Seruma-dipa, q. v.) cp. Lassen, 1A. I.? p, 241; Tennent, Ceylon J. p. 331, nagara, m. (fr. nagara; = sa.) a citizen; acc, pl, we, 6,7. Nagasena, m, (= sa.) nom, pr. of a Buddhist sage (thera), in the philosophical work Milinda-paiha dis- puting with King Milinda (gq. 0.); nom. ~o (@yasma) 96,24; voc. wa, 98,33, etc. cp, SBE, vol, XX XV, p, XXV, nataka, m. (= sa.) a play or drama; acc. pl. wani, 63,17. natha, m, (= sa.) refuge; protec- tor, lord; wo, (atta hi attano ~) Dh. 160. 380. nada, m, (= sa.) roaring, crying, 135 noise; acc, ~am (maha-°) 6,13; ~ kojica-°, m. (v. h.). nana, indecl, (= sa.) separately, differently, variously; this word is mostly used at the beginning of subst. or adj. comp., where: it may be translated by ‘different, divers, various, many’ efc.; before double cons, the final a is shortened ; *nanaggarasa, m. (or m/n.) (= nana -++ agga-rasa) all the choi- cest delicacies (of food) : acc, pl. we, 57,14; °-bhojanam, 41,10; — ninappa- kira, mfn. various, of all kinds (-P, pakara); m. pl. ~& (sakuna-sarigha) 62,12; m, pl. xani (phalani) 2,29; instr, pl. ~wehi (phalarukkhehi) 2,20; - “nana-kunapa, n. (v. h.); *nana- citta, amfn, of different mind, false- hearted; pl. f. wi (itthiyo) 51,9, — *nina-turiyani, 7. pl. 64,30 (v, turiya); ~- *nana-pupphani, », pl. flowers of divers kinds, 41,6, 49,16;—*nanavudha, n, 6,7 (muggaradi-°) v, avudha, nima!, indecl, (fr. next; = 8a.) 1) by name (after nom. pr. or in inter- rogative sentences) : Tambaraja «~, 19,6; cp. 44,13. 102.2; namena N. nama, 5,30; kissa phalam ~, 36,34; ki ~ tvara (what is your name?) 56,10; kimsaddo nam’ esa, 60,9; ko nam’ esa puriso, 63,11 (who is this man?). — *) particle of affirmation or emphasis after subst. (adj.) pron. ete. = just, indeed, certainly; 2,6, 4,10. 9,29. 88,23 efc.; tvarh ~, 9,21; ekan ~, 82,8; — app’eva nama (perhaps, v. api) 17,:6. 69,5; seyyatha pi ~ (just as) 68,21. — °) in exclamations : aho punfanam phalamh a», 58,12; 86,24, cp. 63,18. — 4) after interr, = ‘then’; katharh ~ (how then?) 41,30; kith w, 4,6. 16,11, 88,4. — 5) in an- swers:imaya ~, 29,31. 31,4. — °) with negation = not at all; ... nima n’atthi, 4,39. 8,10. 10,31. 18,5 (cp. 18,94). 19,81 (cp. 19,19). 87,89. nama’, n, (sa. naman) name, appellation; nom. ~am. 9,7. 98,24; acc. ~am (akamsu, called) 38,10. 60,35 ; 96,81; (the old acc, nama is used nava adverbially, v, above); instr. ndmena, by name (often combined with nima, before the nom, pr. or after nama, 5,30) 112,123 — nama is often opp. to rupa (q. ¥.) cp. namartipa below; - comp, ; °-gahana-divasa, m, name- day, loc, we, 38,9; °-matta, 2. a mere name (cp, matta®) wam, 97,2; ~ evam-nama, kin-nama, tam-namika, mfn, (q. v.); Sa-nama, n, (his name) lll,s2, v. sa‘. cp, next, namaka, mfn, (= sa.) named, called (e. ¢.); anupariyaiya-° (q. v.) 91,28 (~am maggam), cp, tam-na- mika. n&ma-ripa, ». (= sa.) ‘name and form’ = individual being; om. wath, 66,7 (vifiana-paccaya, origi- nating from vifiiana and causing salayatanam); 100,8; Joc. wasmir, Dh. 367 (“mind and body”, cp. SBE. X. p. 87); %-nirodha, m. 66,13 (v. h.). nayaka, m. (= sa.) a leader, chief, lord; loka-°, m. ‘lord of the world’, i. e, Buddha, wo, 110,19. Narada, m, (= sa.) nom. pr. of several persons; nom. ~o (ayasma, a thera living at Gijjhakiita) 84,34; voc, ~a, 85,10. naraca, m, (= sa.) a kind of arrow, an iron arrow; acc, ~am, 92,04; — *yalaya, m, ”. an iron ring or collar, inst*., wena, 111,23. nari, f. (= sa.) a woman; mom. ~i, 64,15; ace, with, 47,21; loc. pl, ~isu, Dh. 284, cp. nara. Nalagiri, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. of an elephant; nom. ~i (nama hatthi) 76,8; acc, ~ith, 76,18; gen. wissa, 77,1. cp. Dhanapalaka. najika, f. (sa. nalika & nadika) 1) a small tube or pipe, a hollow stalk or stick; *)a small measure (of capa- city) : addha-nalika-matta, m/fn. con- taining as much as a half nalika, ace, m. warn (tandulam) 57,18. *ndvattha, m. (sa, *nava-stha) “articles from ships”, wat, 111,33. (cp. Vin, III 49,11.) nava, f. (sa. nau & nava) a ship, nivike boat; nom, ~8, 28.10; acc, warm, 19,27; Dh. 369 (metaph, == the human body); instr, gen, abl. lev. mdya, 18,4; 19, 6-27; 23,65 112,97; 20,1; 25,19; 24,15 (artjha-°, ». arohati); — bhinna- nava, ivf. shipwrecked (v. A.) cp. meat & navatthar pavika, m. (== sa.) 1) a mariner, sailor; gen. ~assa, 27,27; gen. pl. minam, 35,30. — *)# ferryman; loc. we, 28,5. *navutika, mfn. (fr. navuti) 90 years old; acc, f. wam (narim) 47,2. nisa, m. (sa, naca) destruction, ruin, death; acc, ~am (maha-° pa- punissanti) 34,18. nas, f. (= sa.) the nose; *°-vata, m, the breath from the nostrils, instr. wena, 53,2; ~ khura-nasa, mfn. & °naisika, mfn. (v. khura). naseti, vb. (caus, nassati, sa. na- cayati) to destroy, spoil; to kill (aec.); pr. 2. sg. ~esi (mama tandule) 57,24; 2. pl. wetha (amhakam kammam) 6,15; 63,17; ger. wetva, 37,9; inf, netum (attanam) f4,94. ni-, indecl. 1) (= 8a.) prefix to verbs and nouns, implying ‘in, into; down’, sometimes confounded with next. — *) before double cons, — nir-, ni- (sa, nis (nir-)) prefix implying ‘out, away’, v. below, nikati, f. (sa. nixrti) wickedness, fraud; instr, wiyi (metri causa: ni- katyd) 5,21; — -ppatitia, m/n. versed in fraud; mt. ~0, 6,21, nikama, m. (— sa.) desire, pleasure; v, nanikiima, mfn. nikiya, m. (= 8a.) a collection of Buddhist Su:tas, name of the 5 sections of the Sutta or Suttanta Pi- teka, viz. Digha-°, Majjhima-°, Sam- yatta-°, Afiguttera-°, Khudda(ka)-° 102,14-16 (g. ¥.). nik2ta, m. («= si.) a house, abode; loc. we, Dh, 91. nikkaddhati, vd, (sa, nish-y/krsh to drive cut, expel; yp. ~ito, m. ne 35.29. nikkarunats, f. (sa. nish-karu- 136 nata) unmercifulness, hardheartedness; instr, ~aya, 59,18. : iil mecare, mfn. (sa. nish-kash- Aya) free from dirt or sin; ¥. a-nik- kasava. ; ; *nikkujjati, vb. (fr. ni -+ kubja? opp. ukkujjati, g. v.) to overturn; pp. n. witath, 53,20. 69,15 (Comm. adhomukha-tthapitam hetthamukha- jatam). nikkhanta, mati, g. ¥.). nikkhamati, vb. (sa. nish-y/kram) to go out, go away, depart, get out, issue (w. abl.); pr. 3. pl. wanti (ma- tukucchito) 62,26; 90,36 (nagarar pavisanti vi ~ va); part. m. ~anto (mukhato) 13,21; acc. ~antam (pure- dvarena) 12,10; instr. ~antena, 12,14. mfn. (pp. nikkha- 83,35; pl. m. manta, 62,25; — aor. 8. sg. nikkhami, 12,8. 36,93; 3. pl. ~wimsu, 19,16; — fut, 1. sg. ~issimi, 12,15; 3. sg. wissati, 12,13; — ger. *) nikkhamma (agara, leave the house- hold life) 61,33. 64,23; >) nikkhamitva, 13,21. 40,99, 45,2 (to retire from the world); 86,26 (tate), 114, (id.); = inf. witumh, 12,17. 36,25; 65,13 (ma- habhinikkhamanam, v. abhinikkha- mana); comp, °ritu-kama, mfn. 65,16 (m. x0, id.) — grd, witabbam, 2, 83,38; — pp. nikkhanta, m. ~0, 5,35. 12,12; °-kalato, 9,15 (v. kala); — caus. nikkhameti (& Aameti, v. h.) cp. next & nekkhamma. nikkhamana, m. (sa. nish-kra- mana) going out, departing; °-bhava, m. 12,9 (wv, h.). nikkhameti (& nikkhameti), vd. (cavs. nikkhamati; sa, nish-kramayati) to cause to go out, to bring forth or away (acc.); aor. 3. pl. ~amesum, 39,36; ger. ~etva (ubho pi jane sa- mudd, “conveyed them oversea’) 29,4, *nikkhittaka, m(fn). (fr. nik khitta, pp. nikkhipati, q. v.) one to whose charge anything has been com- mitted; om. pl. agga-nikkhittaka (thera) 109,11 (v. agga). nikkhipati, vb. (sa. ni-ykship) 137 to throw, lay down or away, loose, drop (ace.); to give in charge of (acc. loc.); part. instr. m. wantena, 83,17; - aor, 3. sg. nikkhipi (nahapitam upasakassa hatthe) 28,21; 36,37; 3. pl. ~withsu, 73,28; — fut. 3. pl, wis- santi (samussayam) 80,2; — ger. ~itva, 57,13. 73,20, 75,91. 101,26; — grd, witabbath, m. 83,16; 0, m. 83,18; — pp, nikkhitta, acc. m. ~am (mafigalakhaggamh, ussisake, lying) 41,15; comp. °-maniratanam (Kasika- vatthe) 62,99. cp. nikkhittaka & neat. vnikkhepa, m, (sa. ni-kshepa 1) throwing away, laying down; : mark, footprint; acc, wath (suvannas padukanam) 68,33, nikhanati, wb. (sa. ni-Vkhan) to dig into, bury (acc.); imp. 2. sg. wahi (tam sobbhe) 78,14; 2. pl, watha, 39,93; ger. witva, 78,19; pp. nikhata, rammed down, m pl, na (khila) 105,17. nigacchati, vb. (sa, ni-gam) to enter, undergo, come to (ace.); pr. 3. sg. ~ati (dukkham, suffers) Dh, 69; (dasann’ aifataram thanam) Db. 137, nigama, m, (= sa.) a little town, or market-place; ge, ~wassa, 95,21; loc, we, 92,14. cp, negama, (Fick, Soc. Gl. p. 104.) nigala, m. n, (sa. nigada) an (iron). chain for the feet; loha-nigala- sadisa, mfn. 11,99 (v. h.). nigtthati, vb, (sa. ni-/guh) to hide, conceal (acc.); pr. 3. pl, wanti (itthiyo rahassam na ~) 46,9, nigganhati, vb. (sa, ni-/grah) to hold back, restrain; fut. 1. sg. ~gahessami (cittam) Dh. 326; grd. niggayha (sa, ni-grhya) v, next; cp, dunnigaha, mfn, *niggayha-vadi(n), mfn. (fr. 8a, nigrhya, grd. ni-/grah) ‘resenting what is to be blamed’, censuring, re- proving; acc. m. ~im, Dh, 76. nigrodha, m. (sa. nyagrodha) the Banian-tree, Ficus Indica; °-ruk- kha, m. 20,8 (gen. wassa). — Nigro- nitthubhbati dha, m. nom, pr. of a deer; acc. ~am, 7,83; Joc, wasmim, 7,s14; = °-miga- raja, 5,30. nighadta,’ m.. (= sa.) striking down, suppression, destroying, extinc- tion; acc, ~am (yes{am] 3%, e, jati, jara, maranam, etc.) 92,32. niccam, adv. (sa. nityam) always, constantly; ~ luddani kubbato, 13,28; ~ candanagandhini, 20,24; ~ jinati, 48,0. a-nicca, mfn, & a-niccata, f. (g. 0). “niccamma, mfn, (sa. *nig-carma) excoriated, scourged; acc. f. ~am (pitthim karetva, “flogging the skin of her back”) 55,17, niccala, mfn, (sa. nig-cala) im- movable; f. ~& (nava atthasi) 23,11. nicchareti, vb. (caus. niccharati; sa. nig-/car) to cause to issue or come forth; ger. ~etva (madhurassa- ram) 18,20. [nicchinati], vb, (sa. nig-yci) to decide, fix upon; to discriminate (acc.); to persuade oneself, be con- vinced, consider (tw, prec, ‘ti’); pot. 3. sg. niccheyya (attham anatthai ca) Dh. 266; ger. nicchiya (ti ~) convinced, 114,6; pp. nicchita, do. lle: (m. ~0). nittha, f. (sa. nishtha) firm per- suasion; completion, perfection; con- clusion, end; nitthafigata, mfn. (sa. nishtha-gata) who has reached pere fection, m. ~o, Dh. 351. *nitthapeti, vb. (caus. nitthati, nitthayati, sa. ni-/stha) to accom- plish, complete, finish, make ready; imp. 2. sg. wehi, 48,29; aor. 3. sg. ~esi (ahatahatam) 57,6; fut. 1, sg. wessami, 87,11-12. cp. next. nitthita, mfn. (sa. nishthita, pp. ni-/stha, cp. prec.) finished, come at an end; completed, ready, prepared; mn. wat (jatakam ete.) 62,11. 71,18; (bhattam) 78,3; Joc. we (bhatte) 33,92. a-nitthita, mfn. (g. v.) op. pari-nitthiti, /. nitthubhati & nutthubhati, vd. (sa, *nih 4+ Vstubh, but as to the nidda signiication equal to 84. nih-shthiv°) te spit out; aor. 3. sg. nutthubhi (kakkaretva ~) 37,95; ger. nitthu- Lhitva (yagum) 57,s. [Pischel, Gr. § 120.]. ep. chuddha. nidda (& other varr, niddha, nidha, nida = nila, sa. nida) , a nest; place, seat; roga-niddam (idath riipam, “full of sickness”) 107,27 = Dh, 148. nidahati, v. (sa, ni-ydha) to lsy down, deposi!; to lay aside; grd. ~itabbath, ”. (civaram, unhe) 83,9; ger u'dhaya (dandah (q. v.) sabbesu bhittesu, “without hurting any crea- tures”) Db. 142. 405. cp. nidhi. nidagha, m. (== 8a.) heat; ~o (mahanto) 4,5, *°-3amaya, m. the hot season, loc, we, 3,32. niddara, mfn. (sa. nir-dara) free ‘rom fear; m, ~0, Dk. 205. cp, dara & vita-ddara. nidda, f. (sa. nidri) sleep; wa Yasassa okkami) 67,28; acc. warm gate, being asleep) 21,23; (okkamitva okkami) fell asleep) 22,24. 64,39; upagato, id.) 6b,9. cp. next. niddaiyati, ob. (3a. ni-drayate, ydri) to sleep; pr. 3, sg. wati, 41,95. 65,30; part, m. acc, wantamh, 35,53; gen. ~antassa, 41,96; f. pl. ~wantiyo (itthiyo) 65,5; aor. 3. sg. niddayi, 89,4. *niddadyitar, m. (fr. prec.) a sleepy person; nom. wta, Dh. 325, niddhana, m/n, (sa. nir-dhana) without property, poor; ucc. m. ~ah, 524. niddhanta, mfn. (pp. niddha- mati, q. v.) blown off, driven out; *0-mala, mfn. one whose impurities are blown away, free from sin; m, ~0, Dh, 236, 238 (synon. an-afigana). niddhamati, vb. (sa. nir-\/dhma) to blow off; to drive out, expel, re- move (acc.); pot. 3. sg, niddhame as Dh, 239; pp. niddhanta v, h.). nidhaya, ger. nidahati (q. v.). nidhi, m. (= sa.) a treasure; gen. pl. ~winam, Dh. 76, 138 nindati, vb. (= sa. yaind) to blame (acc.); pr. 3. pl. want (bahu- bhaninarh) Db. 227; inf. ~itum, Db. 230; pp. wita, mfn. blamed, *. ~0 (poso) Dh. 228; a-nindita, mfn. Dh. 227; cp. next. ninda, f. (= sa.) blame, reproach, reproof; ace. warm, Dh, 143. 309; %pasamsaisu (loc. pl.) blame and praise, 106,30 == Dh, 81. ninna, mfn, (sa. nimna) deep; loc. m. we (sakata-magge, @ sunken road, defile) 43,18. — #. low ground, depth (of the sea); acc. ~ath (opp. thala) 105,21; loc. we (do., “on sea” Dh. 98. *nipaka, mfn. (sa, “*nipaka) in- telligent, prudent; acc, m. ~wam (sa- hayarh) Dh. 328. . nipajjati, vd. (sa, ni-V/pad) to lie down; pr. 3. sg. ~ati, 6,30; imp. 3. sg. watu, 6,28; aor. 3. 8g. nipajji, 2,31. 3,19. 12,24. 30,18; 3. pl. *) wimsu, 65,3; >) wisum, 112,6; ger. ~itva, 42,1; pp. nipanna (g. v.); caus, 0. next, *nipajjapeti, vb. (caus. nipajjati) to cause to lie down, lay down, deposit (ace.); aor, 3, pl, wesuth, 32,30. 61,16; ger, wetva, 13,17, 16,18. 20,7, 41,38, 59,7. nipatati, vb. (sa. ni-pat) to fly down, descend on, fall down on (loc.); pr. 3.8g. wati, 2,32; ger. witva (Bha- gavato padesu sirasa, “falling at his feet”) 75,22, ep, nipata ete, nipanna, mfn. (pp. nipajjati) lying; m. ‘~0, 3,5-13, 7,4. 35,31 (pha- lake, floating on a plank); 65,15 (sleeping); 110,19; comp, tassa ~ttha- nam (where he was lying) 49,94; °-kale (while he was sleeping) 53,3. “nipannaka, mfn. (fr. prec.) lying; acc, m. wath, 6,31. nipata, m, (= sa.) 2 falling; instr. udabindu-nipatena, “by falling of waterdrops”, Dh, 121. ~ *)a par- ticle or indeclinable word; nom. ~o (‘ma’ti) 85,33. ~— %) a section of a book (esp. of Jataka or Aiguttara 139 Nik., whose single books are arranged according to their length or number of stanzas); Sutta-°, m. nom. pr, (0, h.) ep, next, *nipataka, mfn, (fr, nipatas) divided into nipaitas (as Aiguttara- Nikaya); acc. m. ~am ts pavibhajja) 110,s. nipatin, mfn, (= 8a.) flying or falling down; yattha-kama-9, mfn. “rushing wherever it listeth”, ace. n, ~inath (cittam), Dh, 36; gen, ~ino (cittassa) Dh, 35, nipuna, mfn, (= *) clever, skilful ; fine, subtile; m, +o (dhammo) 94,25; su-nipuna, mfn, (q. v.) cp. nepunna. nippapatica, mfn, (sa, nish- prapatica) free from diffuseness, calm, undisturbed; m, pl, wa (Tathagati) Dh. 254. nippabha, m/fn. (sa. nish-prabha) without splendour; m. pl. wa (aiiiia- titthiyd) 72,20; cp. pabha, f. nippipa, mfn. (sa, nish-papa) free from sin; m. ~o, Dh. 205. nippileti, vb. (sa. nish-pidayati, ypid) to press, squeeze (acc.); aor, 3. sg. ~esi (tassa givam) 5,13. nippurisa, m/fn. (sa. nish-purusha) without men, female; izstr. n. pl. ~ehi (turiyehi, “a female orchestra’) 67,23 (cp. Speyer, Rem. on Divyavadana, Wien, Zeitschr, XVI p. 105.) nipphatti, f. (sa. nishpatti) com- pletion, perfection; acc, wim (niyya- makasippe) “complete mastery”, 24,13. nibaddha, mfn. (pp. nibandhati; = sa.) 1) bound (on or to), fixed; *“~am, adv, constantly, 6,14. — ®) asked, pressed; m. ~0 (punappuna, “being asked again and again”) 63,35. nibandha, m. (= sa.) binding, chain, attachment to; continuance, continuity; upayupadanabhinivesa-®, 96,10 (g. v.). nibandhati, vb. (sa. ni-/bandh) 1) to bind on; *) to press, urge, im- portune; aor. 3. sg. nibandhi, 54,1; pp. nibaddha (q. v.) ep. nibandha. nibbina nibbattati, ob. (sa. nir-y/vrt) to become, come forth, be born (again), sprout up; pr. 3. sg. ~ati (dukkham) Dh. 338; fut. 3. sg. wissati (Tusita- vimane) 87,31; 2. sg. ~issasi, 88,15; 1. sg. wissimi, 88,16; aor. 3. sg, nibbatti (rukkhadevata hutva) 3,31; ger. ~witva (kapiyoniyarh) 1,8; (ruk- kho) 36,36; pp. nibbatta, m. ~0o, 17,24. 28,97, 84,30 (niraye), 101,11 (aggi); nibbatt’amhi, 88,10; f. nib- battasi, 88,9. caus. nibbatteti (q. v.). nibbattana, x. (sa, nirvartana) the coming forth, being born, growing, sprouting; rukkha-nibbattana-bhay- ena, for fear thut a tree would grow up, 37,5; amkura-°-tthina, 2. (g. v.). nibbatteti, vd. (caus. nibbattati) to bring forth, produce, complete, per- form; ger, wetva (jhanabhifiiam) 47,33, nibbana, mfn, (sa, nir-vana) } without forest, woodless (Jat. IT, 358,8), - *) free from desires; m, pl. wa, Dh. 283 (cp. vana’). *nibbanatha, mfn. (fr. nir + vanatha, g. v.) free from lust; mm, ~o0 (synon. yana-mutto) Dh. 344, nibbana, x, (sa. nirvana) ¢ ex tinction, the being extinguished (as a fire or oa lamp); ~am (pajjotassa) 80,35 (cp. Jat. I, 212.8). — *) the Buddhist Nirvana : *) absolute extinc- tion of all desires and passions, com- plete sanctification or Arhatship (cp. arahat); >) absolute annihilation of individual existence (7%. e. in the Sam- sara), release from every conceivable attribute of being (cp. an-abhavakata), the eternal happiness attained after death by an Arhat or a Buddha (ta- thagata), whereafter he shall not be born or die again; .~am (Sugatena desitamh) Dh. 285; acc. wath, 64,93. 89,2. Dh. 23, 134. 184. 203. 226. 369; dat. ~aya (samvattati) 66,30; gen. ~wassa (sacchikiriyaya) 90,18; ~ass’- eva santike, near to N.. Dh. 32 = “santike, Dh. 372; — *°-gamana, mfn. leading to N., acc. m. wam nibbapeti (maggath) Db. 289; *%gamin, mfn. id., f. -inl (scil. patipada) Dh. 75; *-patisamyutta, mfn. 71,22 (v. h.); — magga-phala-nibbanani (n. pl., dvandva-comp.) “the paths, the fruits, and the N.”, 97,10; — The transition into N. is described as vimokho ce- taso, 80,35, which is compared with the extinction of a lamp (pajjotasséva nibbanam, cp. AN. I, p. 236; epithets of N. are a-kata, a-mata, para etc. cp. nibbayati, nibbuta, parinibbana. [D’Alwis, Buddhist Nirviina; a review of Max Miiller’s Dhammapada. Co- lombo 1871; Childers, Dictionary (sub voce) 1875; Dahlmann, Nirvana. Berlin 1896; Eklund, Nirvana. Up- sala 1899; 2Pfungst, Was ist das buddk istische Nirvara in Wirklichkeit? (Aus der indischen Kulturwelt. Stutt- gart 1904, p. 56); Olcenberg, Buddha, 3. Aufl, p. 310; Zrenckner, Mil. p. 424] nibbapeti, »b. (caus. fr. nezt; sq, nir-vapayati) to extinguish, annihi- late; to cool, refresh; imp. ~etha (sckam me) 89,18; inf. ~etum (do.) 89.10. nibbayati, td. (sa. nir-\/va) to be blown out or extinguished; to be vefreshed, to feel happy, attain the Nirvans; or. &. sg, «ati (matuhada- yam) 64,17; pot. 3, sg. ~eyya (aggi) 95,1, cous, nibbapeti (gq. ».); pp. v. nikbuta, cp. nibbana. nibbijja, ger. (fr. nibbindati; sa, nir-vidya) having become despon- dent, depressed, or disgusted with {ebl. or ace.\; ger. nibbijjipema (Gotamam, cp. apeti, vb.) 104,13 [or have we to take nibbijjapema as pr, 1. pl. teom *nibdijjapeti, to give up (on account of deepoudency)? cp. *nibbejaniya, f. pl. cr gen. sg. nir- vij° ?) SN. I, p. 124,3], nibbittha, mfn. (pp. nibbisati; sa. nir-vishya) gained, earned; instr. nm. wena (carami, “with what I have gained I wander about’) 105,s. nibbida, m, (or nibbida, f. (?); 140 sa. nirvid, f. & nirveda, s., cp. Jat. IV, 471,25. 473,83) aversion, disgust, weariness; daft. ~aya (cittam santhasi, “his mind became weary’) 67,31; ~aya (sarnvattati) 93,7 (cp. Kuhn, Beitr. p. 70). oe nibbindati, vb. (sa. nir-yvid, nirvindati & pass. nirvidyate) to be indifferent, to become weary of or dis- gusted with (Joc.); pr. 3, sg. ~wati (ripesu) 71,5-14; (dukkhe) 107,12 = Dh, 277 (metri causa ~wati); part. m, wam, 71s; pot. 3. sg. ~eyya opp. asitnsetha) 42,16; ger. nibbijja 2 h.); ep. nibbida. nibbisati, vb, (sa. nir-Vvic) lit. ‘to enter into’; to earn, gain; part, m, nibbisam, v. a-nibbisam. nibbuta, mfn. (sa. nir-vrta) ‘) happy, content, free from passions; *) extinguished (through false etymo- logy combined with nibbayati, nib- bana); m. ~o (pita) 64,14; (gini, «. e. the fire of passions) 104,25; (anupa- daya) Dh, 414; acc. wath (opp. atta- danda; “mild’’) Dh. 406; acc. pl. re, Db. 196; f. wa (mata) 64,14; loc. n. kasmim nu kho ve hadayam wan nania hoti, after what having become extinguished does the heart feel happy ? 64,18, nimanteti, wb, (sa. ni-Vmantr) to invite; aor, 3. sg, wesi, 56,23; 3. pl. ~wayithsu, 87,5; ger. wetva (da- nam adarisu) 86,14. Nimi, m. nom. pr. of a king (= 8a.); ~ nama raja (Mithilayai) 45,16, nimitta, n. (= sa.) ') sign, omen; rl, ani (cattari) 64,3; pubba-°, id. acc, wat, 63,7; pl. vani, 63,1. = *) cause, reason; gahita-nimittena, tnstr. ‘on account of his having taken hold of it’, i. e, by a tug, 89,7; a-ni- mitta, mfn. (v. h.). nimisa, m. (sa. nimisha) winking or twinkling of the eye; a-nimisa, mfn. not winking; subst, f. a-nimisata (v. 4). nimilati, ob. (sa. ni-y/mil) intr. 141 to shut, close (us the eyes); pr. 3. pl. ~anti (akkhini, kumbhilanara mu- khavivate) 3,18; caus, nimileti, to close (the eyes, acc.); ger. wetva (akkhini) 3,19. nimugga, mfn. (pp, nimujjati; sa, ni-magna) sunk or plunged in (loc.); guthakalale °-gamasikaro, 46,33. nimujjati, vb. (sa, ni-ymajj) to sink, dive in (loc.); pr. 3. pl. wanti, 25,26; ger, witva (kimakalale) 46,33; pp. nimugga (qg. v.); caus. IZ. nimuj- japeti, to cause to sink (acc.); ger. ~wetva (navam) 27,13; ummujja-ni- mujja, m. (v. ummujjati). nimba, m. (= sa.) the Nimb tree, Azadirachta Indica (with bitter fruits); pl, ~a, 37,20; acc. pl. we, 38,19 = pucimanda, 37,33. 38,1, ~ *°-kasata, n. (v. h.). — °-panna-sadisa-rasa, mfn. having a (bitter) taste like the leaves of a Nimb tree, m, ~0, 37,93. nimmakkhika, mfn. (sa. nir- makshika) free from flies; °-madhu- patula-°, 38,93 (v. h.). nimmala, mfn. (sa. nir-mala) spotless, taintless, sinless; m. pl. wa (bhikkhavo) Dh, 243. nimmita, mfn. (sa. nir-mita, yma) constructed, built, fashioned, created; acc. n, ~wam (uyyanaih de- vatahi) 63,20. niyata, mfn, (= sa.; yam) ') held back, restrained; m, ~o (synon. danto) Dh, 142; — ?) fixed, certain; sure, insured; limited; mm. ~o (bhik- khu) 79,34; ». war (maranam) 86,17; *0-catika, mfn. (q. v.); a-niyata, mfn, uncertain, unlimited (v. .). niyama, m. (sa. niyama & niyama) 1) restraining, determination etc. — ®) practice, way, method; instr, wena (imina@) 2,25; maccha-gahana-° (,a8 if to catch fish”) 25,35. niyyati, vb. (sa. nir-Vya) to go out, depart; to get out (esp. from the samsara); pr. 3. pl. ~anti (lokamha) 91,6; aor, 3. sg. wasi, 39,9; 3. pl. niraya ~wimsu, 91,5; fut. 3. 89. wissati, 90,29; 3. pl. wissanti, 91,6. niyyadeti, vb. (also niyyateti; sa, nir-yat, caus. niryatayati) to deliver, to give anything (acc.) into one’s charge (gen.); pr. 1. pl. ~ema (-mige raiifio) 6,5; ger. wetva (brah- mani amhakam) 9,18; 38,5. niyyanika, mfn. (sa, nir-yanika) conducing to blessing, salutary, pro- fitable; *a-°, mfn, (q. v.). niyyama(ka), m. (sa, nir-yama- (ka)) a navigator, master, mate; ~ko, 25,16; ace, ~kam, 25,13; *niyyamaka- kamma, ». “the mariner’s calling”, acc. ~am, 24,14; *°-jettha, m. “master mariner”, gen. ~wassa, 24,10; *°-jet- thaka, m. id., ~ko, 24,14; *°-sippa, mn. “the art of seamanship”, loc, we, 24,18; *-sutta, ~. “mariner’s lore”, instr, wena, 25,38. nir- (before vowels) indecl. prefix (sa. nis) to verbs or nouns, implying “out, away’, or ,“without, free from” (cp. a-, an-, nas, vi-); before cons. it is always shortened to ni- (v. h.) and the foll, cons. is doubled (nik- kaddhati etc.; nutthubhati), but be- fore r, h it is lengthened to ni- (niroga, nibarati, cp. nibbana, niva- rana). niramkaroti (or nirakaroti) vb. (sa. nir-a-/kr) to throw away, repudiate; to ruin, destroy; ger. ~atva (attam) 55,1. nirattha, mfn. (sa. nir-artha useless, vain; f. ~@ (tassa nee 14,3; » ~am (kaliigaram) 107,6 = Dh, 41, — niratthaka, mfn, id. (sa. nir-arthaka); °-lapana, . 52,6 (v. h.). niraparadha, mfn. (= sa.) unoffending, guiltless; acc, m, ~am, 39,29. niraya, m. (= 98a.) hell; ace. ~wam, 58,14. 74,1; dat, ~aya (upa- kaddhati) Dh.311; loc, we (nibbatto) 84,30; wamhi, 108,7; ussada-°, 23,26 (q. v.); — *%bhaya, #. fear for hell, instr, wena, 17,30; °-bhaya-bhita, mfn, fearing hell, m. pl. wa, 17,31; virasamkata *C.vagga, m. name of the ch, XXII of Dh. (ep. nerayika). *nirdsamkats, f. (ep. sa. nir- figafika, mfn.) the no’ hesitating; instr. wHya, 59,18 (op. Asatka, f.). nirasaya, mfn. (sa. nir-acraya) standing alone, sunportless, who has no invlina‘ions, acc. m., vam, Dh. 410 (cp. asaya). nirujjhati, vb. (pass., sa. ni- yrudh) to cease, end, ‘o be dissolved ; pr. 3. pl. wanti, 66,17. 80,29; part. mana, 2. sam (dukkham nirujjhati, opp. uppajjati, (¢. v.)) 96,13. (ep. nirodha). nirutti, f. (sa. nirukti) gramma- tical analysis, etymology; pronuncia- tion, diction, dialect; instr. (or abl.?) wiya (Magadhanaih) 113,32; (Maga- dhaya) 114,28; °-pada-kovida, mfn. skilled in the [interpretation of] words of the nirutti, i. ¢, the old dialect or the original language of the holy scriptures, m. ~0, Dh. 362. (cp. SBE. X. p. 84.) *nirupakara, mfn. (cp. sa. nir- upakarin) useless; m ~0, 35,28. nirupaddava, mfn, (sa. nir- upadrava) without afftiction or mishap, happy, secure; f. wa (nava) 25,20. nirumbhati, vb. (sa. ni-\/rudh) to stop, suppress; to hush, silence {acv.); yer. witva (saddam) 65,25, (cp. Tr. PM. p. 59.) nirupadh:, mfn, (sa. nir-upadhi, with n lenghtened nietri causa ()), cp. Fausvoll, Dhpd. (1855) p. 433 & Tr. PM. p. 78) free from’ passions; 105,29. Dh. 418 (v. upadhi), nirokiisa, mfn. (sa. nir-avakaca) inaccessible, impossible, inconvenient; loc. a. we (thane) 41,29 (cp. an-ava- kasa & okasa). nirodha, m, (= 6a.) cessation, destruction; nom. ~0, 66,18. 108,14 (scil. sabba-dukknassa), sarnkhara-° etc, 96,12 etc. (v. h.); a-sesa-viraga-°, 5715 (v. h.); acc. wam (safiia-ve- dayita-°) 80,1c; dat, ~aya, 93,8; abl. na, 94,12; *-dukhkbu-°. mfn. (q. 0); 142 — *°.dhamma, m/fn. subject to destruc- tion, m. wath, 68,37 (cp. dhamma ‘)). nilina, mfn. (pp. niliyati; = 8a.) sitting on (Joc.); hidden, concealed ; m. w0 aakhey 13,13; Loc, we, 50,28. niliyati, vb. (sa. ni-yli) to sit down (esp. in order to hide one’s self); pr. 8, sg. wati, 60,7; aor. 3. sg. niliyi (sakhagge, Joc.) 13,22; 50,23; ger. ~witva (rnkkhe) 4,21; — caus. IL. *niliyapeti, to cause one to hide one’s self, to conceal (acc.); ger. ~wetva (dhuttam) 50,9. ; nivattana, m, (sa. nivartana) turning back, fleeing; a bend or curve of a river; loc, we (Gaiiga-°) 1, — a-nivattana, mfn, (q. v.). nivattati, vb. (sa, ni-/vrt) to turn back, return; to flee, disappear, vanish; pr. 3, sg. ~wati (himsa-mano) Dh, 390; part, instr, m. wantena, 83,5; imp. 3. sg. watu (sotthim nava, “return to safety’) 27,24; aor. 3. sg. nivatti (nagarabhimukho) 43,15; inf. witum, 27,115 ger. witva, 6,16. 12,11; pp. nivatta, m. ~o (bhavissati) 60,21. ~ caus. nivatteti & nivattayati, to turn, lead back; part, acc. m. ~aya- manam, 60,19; imp. 2 sg. waya (nivattay’etam ratharh) 60,14; ger. wetva, 60,18, nivattha, mfn. (pp. nivasati; sa. nivasita) 1)dwelling, living, inhabiting; 7) clothed, dressed in, wearing (acc, or €. ¢.); f. ~& (satakam) 31,10; m. ~0 (siina-sati-°) 71,29; su-nivattha, mfn. carefully dressed; acc. m, wam (pabbajitamh) 63,20. nivata, mfn. (= sa.) sheltered from the wind, low (opp, paviita, sa. praviita); — *nivata(ka), m. a place sheltered from the wind, calm, stillness; loc. ~e (labbhamane) 48,7 must be understood in the sense of “opportus nity’, if we have not here an old error for nimantaka, m. (sa. nimantraka, ep. nimanteti) an inviter, é. e€, a wooer or seducer, cp, the comm. Jat. V, 437,18 (raho nimantake paribhedake) & Mil. p. 205, 143 nivapa, m. (= sa.) seed; food, a portion of food, gift of food; acc. ~am (vapitva, miganam) 6,4; — *°-tina, n. “grass to eat”, acc. ~am (ropetva) 6,6; *%puttha, mfn, “fed on grains’, m. ~0 (maha-varaho), Dh, 325, *nivaretay, m, (sa, *nivdrayitr) one who holds back, who refuses to admit any person; xom. wa (a-fiia- tiinam) 90,32 (opp, pavesetar). nivdreti, vb. (caus, ni-Vvr, sa, nivirayati) to keep back or away from (adl.); to prohibit, forbid; pot, 3, ag. wiraye (asabbha) Dh, 77; (papa cittam) Dh. 116; aor. 3. 89. ~wesi, 39,17-19; grd. wetabba, m. wo, 83,4; nivaretay, m, (q. v.) cp. dun-nivaraya, nivaisa, m. (= sa.) dwelling, abode; acc. ~am (gahetva, “stopped”’) 8,20, — pubbe-°, m. (v. h.). nivasana, m. (= sa.) an under- garment; nom. am (opp. parupanam) 29,23; 82,24 (cp. patinivasana).- *nivasapeti, vb. (caus, II. ni- vas, cp. next) to cause to be dressed at double acc.); ger. ~etva (mam ahatavatthani) 27,18; (devimh dibba- vattham) 61,18. nivaseti, vb, (caus, ni-y/vas, sa. nivdsayati) to put on (clothes, acc.), to dress one’s self; ger. wetva (te, scil. stake) 41,4; 76,16, 78,4 (having dressed himself); parimandalarh a, 82,27 (q. ¥.) ep. nivasana & pree, nivittha, mfn, (pp. nivisati, sa. ni-/vig, nivishta) entered, settled down, founded, situated; married; kasa-°, mfn. touched by the whip, m. ~o (asso) Dh, 143° (lit, “married to the whip’’?). nivedeti, vb. (caus. ni-y/vid, sa. nivedayati) to communicate, report, announce, proclaim (acc.); imp. 2. pl. wetha (tutthim) 64,6; aor. 3. pl. ~wayimsu, 31,6. nivesana, . (sa. nivecana) ') ‘entering’, dwelling, mansion, house, home; nom. ~wam, 78,5; acc. wath gantva, “went home”) 51,6; loc. we sake) 78,1; — *-tthana, n, id, 2,15; nisidapeti ~ %~dvara, », the entrance or gate of a house, 68,2. 73,31; loc. we, 38,13; — raja-°, the king’s palace, abl. ~a, 19,16. — ?) metaph, attachment of mind or false opinion (Comm, = ditthi), v, a-nivesana, mfn, Dh, 40. niveseti, wb. (caus, ni-Vvig, sa. nivegayati) to cause to enter; attanam ~, to place or direct one’s self; pot, 3. 9g. waye, Dh. 158; ~eyya, Dh, 282, cp. nivittha, nivesana. nisamma, indecl. (ger. nisameti, to observe, attend to; sa. ni-camya, V¢am) carefully, considerately; *°-ka- rin, mfn. acting considerately; gen. m, wino, Dh, 24. nisificati, vb. (ni-Vsic, sa. ni- shijicati) to sprinkle, besprinkle (acc.); ger. ~iya (te jalena) 110,33. nisinna, mfn. (pp. nisidati; sa, nishanna) seated, sitting; m. ~0 (dhanasantike) 33,26; acc. warm (ku- pagge) 18,6; gen. ~assa, 86,6; pl. ~a (assembled) 109,32; gen. pl. ~wa- nam, 61,25; comp, °-kale, while sitting, 1,12; °pallarnkato, 65,27 (q. v.); rukkhe °-puriso, 36,3; as finite tense: nisinno’si (cintento), 4,3. cp. san- nisinna, — nisinnaka, mfn, (sa. ni- shannaka) id, m, ~o (va niddayi) 89,4. nisidati, vb. (ni-y/sad, sa, nishi- dati) to sit, be seated, sit down; to dwell; part. m. ~anto (ekato), 45,28; imp, 2. 8g. nisida (dvare) 57,29; aor, 3. sg. nisidi, 11,36 (rukkhagge); 12,13, 66,4; 3. pl. *) ~witmhsu (tassa guna- kathaya, were lauding) 31,23; >) isum, 112,38; ger. *) nisiditva (rukkhe) 2,5; 42,31. 87,34; >) nisajja, 78,6; pp. ni- sinna (q. v.); grd. nisiditabba, n. ~ail, 83,33; caus. nisidapeti (g. v.) cp. next, *nisidana, ”., a mat to sit on; °-paccattharanam, 84,10 (v. h.). *“nisidapeti, vb. (caus. II. nisi- dati) to cause to sit down or take place, to cause to remain, leave; ger. wetva (Bodhisattam hatthipitthe) 45,89; 58,2-19, nisedha nisedha, m. (sa. aishedha) keep- ing off, holding back, restraining, pro- hibition; ~o (manaso piyehi, “holding tke mind back from the pleasures of life’) Dh, 390; — *hiri-°, mfn. re- strained by shame, m. wo (puriso) Dh. 143, nisedheti, vb, (caus. ni-/sidh, sa, nishedhayati) to kee> off, restrain, prohibit, warn (acc.); part, m. ~ento (yaribbajakar) 30,10. ; nisevati, vt. (sa, ni-/sev, ni- shevate) to attend, follow, practise, cultivate; (acc.) pr. 3. pl. med. nisevare (sixhii sikha, wind round one another) 37,34. nissamnsayash, adv. (sa. nih- stmngayam) undoubtedly, surely; 114,24. (cp. sathsaya). *nissakkana, n. (fr. nissakkati, va, nih-Vsrp) creeping out; bilara- nigsakkana-matta, ijn. 90,35 (v. A). nissajjati, »b. (sa, nih-ysrj) to jet locse; give up. give over (acc.); imp, 8, sg. ~atu (mama bhikkhusam- gham) 74,23; poi. 7. sg. ~eyyam, 74,27, nissadda, mfn. (sa. nih-gabda) noieeless, silent; acc. m:, ~am (maha- janam) 8§,s. *nissaya, prp. w. ace. (ger. nis- sayati, sa. *nicraya, yori, lit. ‘leaning on’) 1) near to; padumasaram ~w, 3,31; pasanapittham, 17,s0; — *) by means of, by one’s support; tumhe w, 12,33; rajanam ~ (“in the king's service’) 24,18; tam ekikam ~, 31,2; tam a, 87,2; imam kayatha, “through con- nection with”, 99,16; — °) because of, by the reason of, for sake of; Mitta- vindakam a, 23,11-13; dhanam a, 83,36; mam ~, 39,16; etarh w, 49,21; amhe a, 60,12; issaviyamh ~, 60,13; ditthim ~ papikama, Dh. 164. cp. next, *nissita, mfn. (pp. ni-Yori} cp. sa, a-grita) depending on, devoted to (ace, or comp.); m wo (dvayam, aya loko) 96,6; raga-°, mfn. devoted 144 to passions, m. pl. ~a (sarhkapp&) Dh. 339. ep. a-nissita, san-nissita. nisseni (or ~i), f. (8a. nih-creni) a ladder, stairs; abl. ~ito (otaranto) 62,97. ; nihata, mfn, (= sa. pp. ni-yhan) ‘slain’, dejected; humiliated, humble; m. ~o (seti) 30,2; *0-mana, mfn. whose pride is defeated, humble; ~mina-bhava, m. humility, acc, sar, 57,30. ; nihina, mfn. (= 84., pp. ni-/h3) low, vile, mean; *°-kamma, mfn., pl. m, ~& (manuja) “men of evil deeds”, 74,2. *nigha (or nigha), m. (cp. sa. nigha, sin) suffering, pain; *a-nigha, mfn. (q.0.). nica, mfn. (= sa.) low (opp. ucca); acc, m,n. war (katva, “hold- ing it down, turning it downwards’) 82,21. 84,11; *°-thaniya, mfn. occu- pying a low position, acc, m. ~am (ucce thane thapetum) 76,11. nita, mfn. (= sa.; pp. neti) led, brought; acc. pl. m. ~e (attano san- tikarh) 38,30, niyati, neti. niroga, mfn. (= sa.) free from sickness; m, ~0 (siho) 13,22. nila, . (sa, nida) s nest; w. nidda. nila, mfn. (= sa.) dark, blue, green; °-vanna, mfn. id. ace. m. war (samuddam) 26,18; — nil'uppala-, 47,13 (v. uppala); — °-kusa-tina, . 26,18 (v. kusa); — mani & inda-nila (v. h.). nivarana, ». (& m.?) (sa. nivas rana & nivirana, 7.) an obstacle, hindrance; acc, pl. paiica we, 91,6 (the five obstacles to a religious life, i, e, lust, malice, sloth, pride, and doubt, v. Childers, Dict.); vi-niva- rana-citta, m/fn. (q. v.) ep. nivdrana, n, fr. nivareti (q. v.). niharati, wh (sa, nir-yhr) to take out, to pull or drive out (acc.); aor, 3. sg. nihari (kacchapath) 12,59; niyamana, pass. v. 145 50,25; ger, ~witva (migaganamh gaha- natthanato) 6,12; 14,26; 37,17, 57,33, 84,9, nu, indecl. (= sa.) 1) a particle combined with interrogatives, very frequently followed by kho (gq. v.); kin nu kho, 1,21. 86,29 ete. (v. kith®); kin nu kdranam, 3,1; kacci ~ kho, 3,5; kaccin nu, 9,28; kaya nu... ka- thaya, 29,30; ko nu dipo, 110,s1; kahan ~ kho, 34,113 kathamh ~ kho, 81,15; kati ~ kho, 81,19; api nu, 73,4. — *) particle of interrogation (generally = ne, num); atthi nu kho, 14,26; bhabbo nu kho, 70,1; saddo yeva nu kho Nagaseno (“is N. any- thing but a mere sound”’) (= nonne) 97,30; sometimes pleonastically inserted after a relative before the following interrogative sentence ; yan nu aham bilo, atha kena... 64,96; yo nu kho evath vadeyya..., samma nu kho so vadeyya, 99,30-s1. — °) particle of asseveration; at the end of a sentence; nii ‘ti cintiya (certainly, surely) 111,18, cp. nanu & nina, nutthubhati, vb. = nitthubhati (q. v.). nudati, vb. (sa, \/nud) to push, drive away (acc.); pr. 3, sg. ~wati (pamadath) Db. 28, nina, indecl, (sa. niinam) 4) inter- rogative (comb, w. yam): yan nina, “what if?” (w. pot.) 6,4. 33,27. 46,23. 68,35. — ?) affirmative : certainly, surely ; na nina visahati, 90,26; nibbuta niina sa mata, 64,14. cp. nu. nekkha, m. (or nikkha; sa. nishka) a golden ornament; a certain coin of gold; acc. ~am (jambonadassa) Dh. 230. nekkhamma, w.(sa. naishkramya, fr. vish-Vkram, cp. nikkhamati) re- nunciation of the world, abandonment of desires; loc. we, 68,20; °-kalo, 45,6; °-sukham, Dh. 272, “the happi- ness of release’, cp. SBE, X, 67; °-fipasama, m.(v. upasama) Dh, 181. As nekkhamma frequently occurs in the phrase ~am nikkhamati and the Pali Gloseary. nerayika Burmese often write nikkhamma, it seems to be advisable to derive it from sa, naishkramya, The northern Buddhists write generally naishkarmya (fr. karman), but this is surely due to false etymology; nekkhamma is often opp. to kama, wherefore Rhys Davids & Oldenberg (SBE, XIII, 104) have preferred to derive it from sa. *naish-kamya,. cp. abhinikkhamana. negama, m, (= =a a citizen, townsman (opp. janapada); °-jana- pada, m. pl, “townsmen and country- folk”, acc, we, 6,2; loc, wesu, 7,33, cp. nigama, neti (& nayati), vb. (sa. y/ni) 1) to lead, guide; to bring, carry off, take, take with (acc,); pr. 2. sg. nesi, 5,5; 101,18 (tava bhariyam); J. sg. nemi, 101,19; 3. sg. wati (metri causa: mati) Dh, 257; 3. pl. wanti, 106,20-a7 == Dh, 240; 80; imp. 2. sg. nehi (mam) 2,3; 2. pl. netha, 19,26. 58,15; pot, 3. 8g. naye (atthamh sahasa, “to carry a matter with violence”) Dh, 256; fut. 1. sg. nessami, 1,18; 2. pl. nes- satha, Dh. 179-80; aor. 3. sg. nayi (s& nayi, perhaps = sanayi, fr. aneti) llljso; 3. pl. nayithsu, 24,33; inf. netave (= netum) Dh. 180; — pass. biyati, 3. pl, ~anti (lokamha, abl.) Dh, 175; part. loc, pl. niyamanesu, 40,2; pp. nita (qg. v.) ep. naya, nayaka & next, *nettika, m. (fr. sa. netra) one who makes conducts for watering; pl. ~& (udakam nayanti) 106,27 = “Dh, 80. nepufifia, #. (sa, naipunya, /r. nipuna) experience, skill, wisdom; acc, ~am, 114,15. i Neraijara, f. (sa. Nairaiijana) nom. pr, of a river in Magadha, near Uruvela; acc, ~am, 103,3; gen. waya, 66,3. nerayika, mfn, (sa. nairayika, fr. niraya) belonging to hell, suffering in hell; *°-satta, m. an inhabitant of hell or condemned to hell; nom, wo, 24,1; gen. pl, w~anam, 23,27. 10 neva neva, tndecl, (sa. naiva, fr. na + eva) v. na®, neva-saffd-nasanfia, f. (sa. naiva-samjia-nasamjid) neither per- ception nor not perception, only comp. S-ayatana, n. 80,8-9 (v. h.). not, gen, pl. pron., v. aham. no*, adv. (= sa.) a negative pars ticle, equal to ‘na’, but with more emphasis : 1) not ,non) 10,20. Dh. 95; no h’etam, “certainly not 80”, 70,3 (cp. h’); no ca kho, “and certainly not”, 90,35 (followed by atha kho); ti evam no, “in this way you cannot reason”, 92,28; ‘ti evam pi no, “nor ro’, 92,90; no yati koci, Dh, 179 (Comm, = na uyyati?); — *) and not ae : samsadeti no vissajjeti, 90,26, ep, nex’. node, adv. (fr. no + ce g. v3 sa. no ced) if not (opp. sace); 4,3. 56,20 (20. foll. fut.); no ce paragave- sino (wv. A.) Dh. 355. P. *pal, indecl., a syllable indicating abbreviation == etc,, sometimes used instead of pe (¢. ».)3 102,19 (ep, la). pa-?. imdecl, (sa. pra) prefix to nouns and verbs, sonietimes implying ‘on, forth, away’, otherwise giving the verbs a certain perfective meaning or making them inchoative (cp. parodati) or intensive (cp, pamoduti); in comp. after vowels the p ic sometimes doubled, €. g. a-ppamiida ete. \ ~pa®, mfn, (== sa.) only e. ¢. 4) drinking; v. dhenu-pa; *) guarding, protecting; v. gopa. paiksu, m. & n, (sa, pamsu, m. soil, dust. earth; mom, m. wu (sithilo 40,24; acc, wum (madhuram) 38,9-3; gen. ~wuno, 40,26! nm. pl. uni (ace. pida-°, “the dust at his feet?) 77,1. ~ killa, m. ‘a dust-heap’, a certain uscetic dress made of rags; *°-kula- dhara, mfn. “wearing dirty raiments’’, acc, m. wam, 106,12 = Dh, 395. 146 pakati, f. (sa. prakrti) nature, natural state; at the beginning of comp. = natural, real; usual, ordinary; what has been hitherto, former; *°-samudda, m. (opp. the mythical or supernatural ocean) 25,21; *-uyyanapalaka, m. (“his former gardener’’) gen. ~assa, 38,6. pakarana, n. (sa, prakarana) ‘production’, a literary work, book, treatise; Nanodayam nima am, 113,22; Maha-°, Ss h.). pakara, m. (sa, prakdra) kind, sort; nana-ppakara, m/fn. (v. nana). pakdseti, vb. (caus. pra-Vka¢, sa. prakagayati) ') to illustrate, ex- plain, declare, preach, make known (acc.); part.m, wento (imam attharh) 2,9; 30,16. 43,35. 47,94; aor. 3. sg. ~wesi (saccini) 52,9; (anisarhsam) 68,21; inf. wetum, lle. 114,15; ger. metva, 29,16. 47,30; pp. pakasita, m. ~o (dhammo) 69,18. — *) intr. to shine; pr. 3. pl. wenti (dire santo. opp. na dissanti) Dh. 304. pakinnaka, m/fn. (sa. prakirnaka) mixed, miscellaneous; °-vagga, m. the XXII" chapter of Dh. pakopa, m. (sa. prakopa) anger, rage; *kaya-ppakopa, *mano-®, *vaci-, Dh, 231-33 (v. h.). pakka, mfn. (sa. pakva) 1) boiled, roasted; acc. m. ~am (agginad) 16,2; loc, nm, we (sarire) 15,33; “pakkodana, mfn, (v. odana), — *) ripe, mature; pakka-phala-, 2,1; ”, wath, fruit (= phala); amba-°, mango fruit, 16,95 (ambapakk’); 36,31. cp. paripakka, pakkamati, vb, (sa. pra-Vkram) to go forth, go away; pr. 3. pl. wanti, 42,32; pot. 3. sg. weyya, 100,25; aor. 3. sg. pakkami, 9,4. 59,23; carikam wn, 70,21 (v cirika); 3. pl. pakka- mizisu, 6,17; pp. pakkanta, f. ~a, went away, 73,10; loc. m, acira-ppak- kante, 70,13 (v, a-cira). pakkosati, vb. (sa. pra-ykrug) to call, call upon, invite (acc.): aor. 3. 8g. pakkosi (nabapitarn) 28,33; ger. witva, 9,99. 19,28. — caus. II. 147 *pakkosapeti, to send for (acc.); aor, 3, sg. ~esi (dhitaram) 10,9; ger, wetva, 6,23; pp. m. wito (tena), 37,19. pakkha, m. (sa. paksha) a wing; acc. pl. ~e (pasaretva) 10,14; (vi- dhunitva) 18,19, ep, pakkhin & pek- khuna. pakkhandati, vb.(sa. pra-/skand) to make off, spring forth (out) or over (ace.); aor, 3. sg, pakkhandi-(nivaya samuddamh, went to sea) 23,10; (nava samuddam ~) 23,14; 3. pl.’ wimsu, 25,20; ger. witva (thanam) 27,27; pp. pakkhanta, m. wo (Simbalivanam) 60,6; f. ~@ (videsarh) 27,25, cp. next, pakkhandika, f. (sa. praskan- dik&) diarrhoea; v, lohita-°. pakkhandin, mfn. (sa. praskan- din) ‘springing forth’, attacking, in- sulting; instr. m. wina, Dh, 244, pakkhitta, mfn. (pp, pakkhipati; sa. prakshipta) thrown, cast or put on & so) comp. °-tila (tattakapale) 11,7; %kukkuto (paiijare) 46,20, pakkhin, m. (sa. pakshin; fr. pakkha) a bird; nom, pl. wi, 11,14. pakkhipati, vd. (sa. pra-y/kship) to throw, cast, place (acc.) on or into (loc.); pr. 3, pl. wanti (te karana- ghare) 21,15; aor. 3. sg. pakkhipi, 9,24; inf. witum (maranadukkham Aiiiiassa upari) 7,9; ger. witva, 4,21. 18,14. 39,33 (pamsum); 40,18, 50,34. - caus, II, *pakkhipapeti, to cause to put into; aor, 3, sg. wesi (tam navaya) 26.17; ger. wetvd, 38,3. pagabbha, mfn. (sa. pragalbha) bold, arrogant; m, instr. ~ena, Dh, 244, — a-ppagabbha, mfn, (v. h.). pagadlha, mfn. (pp. pra-/gah; sa, pragadha) sunk or plunged into, devoted to; m. pl, wa (ettha, v. h.) 104,1. pagganhati (or ~ati), vb. (sa. pra-//grah) to stretch out, raise, lift up; to take, seize etc, (acc.); ger. *) paggayha (anjalith) 22,4; (bahia) 30,19; (tulath) Dh. 268; — >) pagga- hetva (afijalim) 22,6; — °) paggan- hitva (aijalimn) 30,6. cp. paggaha. paccati paggayha, ger.; v. prec, *paggava, m.a kind of creeping (bitter) plant (probably = phaggava, “a sort of pot herb’, Abhidhanap., ep, Vin, 1 201,14 & 381,17 (pakkavan ti latajati)); ace. pl, we, 381. — valli, f. id.; acc, pl. wiyo, 37,19, paggaha, m, (sa. pragraha) ‘atretching forth, seizing’, assuming, accepting, friendly reception; *asanta-°, v, aesanta. paggahetva, ger., v. pagganhati, paggharati, vb. (sa. pra-Vghr) to flow, trickle or ooze forth; part, instr. nm. wantena (assuni) 5,14; pp. ~wita, m. ~am (assum) 89,13; °-khela, mfn, 65,5 (v. h.). pamka, m(én), (= sa.) mud, clay; dirt, sin; Joc. ~e (sanno) Dh. 327; °-pitthe, on the mud (». pittha) 5,17; pl, ~@ (dirt) Dh. 141. pacati, vb, (sa. pac) 1) to cook (ace.); pr. 1. sg. ~ami (kittakarn) 57,10; imp. 2. sg. ~ahi, 57,19; aor. 3. sg. paci, 57,11; inf. witum, 57,24; ger. witvi, 28,93. — *) intr. to burn, to be tormented (in hell); ger. witva (cp. pass. paccati, g. v.) 84,80. — caus, IT. *pacipeti, to cause to be cooked (ace.); part, m. ~ento (patarasam) 8,20; inf. ~wetum (bhattam) 33,25. cp. pakka. pacinati, vb. (sa, pra-y/ci) to collect, pluck (acc.); part. acc. m. ~antam (pupphani) Dh. 47-48; fut. 3. sg. pacessati (puppham iva-ppa- cessati) Dh, 44. paccakkhato, adv. (abl. fr. paccakkha, mfn. visible, perceptible; sa, pratyakshatas) before the eyes, visibly; attana a, fatva, 38,18; ~ passasi, 85,21. paccakkhati, vb. (sa. praty-a- vkhy@) to refuse, deny, abandon (acc.); ger. ~aya (purimam ambath a-pac- cakkhaya, not being able to deny the first mango) 100,18. paccati, vb. (pass. pacati); +) to be cooked, ripen (metaph. of actions which are ripe for retribution); pr. 3, 10* piccattam sg. ~ati “piparh) Dh, 69. 119. — *) to burn, be tormented (in hell); part. paccamana, acc. m, wari (nerayika- sattam) 23,90; m. pl. wa (satta, Avicimhi) 27,14. paccattam, adv.(sa, praty-dtmam) singly, by one’s sel’; suddhi asuddhi ~, “one is pure or impure by him- self”, Dh. 165. *paccatthzraaa. n. (fr. praty- a-ystr, cp. sa. asturana) a carpet or sheet (to lay on a bed); nisidana-” wath, 84,10 (“the mat and the sheet’). paccanta, mfn, (sa. pratyanta) bordering on; m. wath (nagarat, “frontier fort’) Dh.315; comp.°-gima, m, & °-gamaka, m. a border-village, 38.29. 14,9; %bhumi, f. a bordering country, ace. wim, 43,13; -simato, abl. from the frontier, 43,14. (ep. sima, f.) paccantima, m/fn. (sa. pratyan- tima) = pree.; m. wath (nagaram) 90,1. paccaya, m. (sa. pratyaya) 1) belief, trust, confidence; #) requisite, means, help, reliance; acc. pl. ne, 102,8; gilana-° -thesa)ja, 97,8 (v. h.); °.dayaka, m, “one who gives the re- liances (to the priests)”, pl. wa, 102,8; 5) cause or concurrent occasion (cp. hetu); vinasa-°, 34,21 (q. ».); abl. paccaya (e. c.) = depending on, on account of, avijja-° [etc.] 66,6 efc., cakkhu-samphassa-°, 70,27 (q. 0.); a-pura-ppaccaya, mfn. (v. h.) ep. pa- ticca; Waddel’, Lanuisn, p. 118. pascavekkhati, vb, (sa. praty- ava-viksh) to look at, consider, con- template; part. gen, m. wantassa (yathividitarh bhtimim) 69,23. paccassosulk, aor, 3. pl, v. patisuniti, paccigacchati, vb. (sa. praty- a-:/gam) to come back again, return; ao. 3. sg. ~agami, 26,12; 3. pl. wa- gamimsu, 40,12. 45,97, op. ert, paccagan.ana, nm, (sa. pratya- gamana) coming back; na °-tthanam, 148 the place from where one does not return, 56,18. : paccamitta, m. (sa. praty-amitra) an enemy, adversary; pl. ~8, 35,14; ace. pl. we, 3,24. On account of false etymology the ‘a’ has been lengthened, as it were derived from pacca (sa. praty-i) ++ mitta (sa. mitra), ep. mitta & a-mitta. . paccasimsati, vb. (sa. praty-a- Vo¢aths) to expect (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (mamigamanam) 87,26-37. paccuggacchati, vb. (sa. praty- ud-\/gam) to go out (towards), go to meet; pr. 1.89. ~ imi (w. dat. yuddhaya, to battle) 104,14; ger. ~gantva, 83,6. paccuttheti [or paccutthati], vd. (sa. praty-ut-stha) to rise, arise; ger. ~tthaya, 68,9. pacctsa, m, (sa. pratyUsha) dawn, daybreak; °-kile (Joc.) at dawn, 12,8; °-samayaih (acc.) & °-samaye (loc.) id, 68,8. 86,97, pacceti, vb. (sa. praty-(a-)yi) to go back, return; to fall back (upon, acc.); pr. 3. 8g, ~weti (papath; to be scanned : pati-eti) Dh, 125, *pacchato, adv. (& prp. w. gen.) (abl. fr. sa. pagca); behind; 83,32 (opp. purato); Dh. 348 (opp. pure); tesath ~ agamiasi, 33,7; ~ nisinnam, 46,9; ~ kassaci andgamanabhavam fatva, “having observed that nobody pursued them”, 40,1. cp. next. paccha, adv, (sa. pagcat) 1) be- hind; Db. 421 (opp. pure); cp. pacchi- hahah, e¢c,; ~ *) afterwards; ~ janis. sami, 15,27; w piviss&mi, 22,32; 35,365 55,2; 113,19; paccha-bhattam (v. h.), cp. pacchima, *paccha-bahath, adv, (fr. baha or == paccha-baddham?) with the hands tied behind the back; ~ ban- dhitva, 39,s1. *paccha-bhattam, adv., after the meal, in the afternoon; 86,5. *paccha-vamanaka-dhatuka, mfn, deformed behind; m. wo, 24,34 (cp. dhatu & dhatuka). *paccha-vippatisarin, mfn. 149 feeling regret or remorse afterwards; m, pl. wino, 79,18. pacchaya, f. (sa. pracchaya, ».? cp. chaya) a shadowy place; loc, wayam, 75,33. *pacchasana, m. a back seat (on an elephant); loc. we (hatthipitthe) 45,32, paccha-samana, m. (sa. pagcac- chramana) a junior Buddhist monk who accompanies a senior monk, walk- ing behind him at some distance; an attendant priest; acc. ~am, 82,26; instr, wena, 70,10. 83,1. *pacchi, f. (cp. sa. pragna, m. (?) & pastya (Tr.); Prakr. pacchi. ep. Pischel, Gr. § 293) a basket; loc. wiyam, 50,25; puppha-®, flower- basket, instr. wiyd, 49,36; loc, 50,4. — kacavara-chaddana-°, 48,34 (v. ka- cavara). — tasara-°, 87,97 (v. h.). pacchindati, vb. (sa, pra-y/chid) to cut off, break off, discontinue, leave (acc.); ger. ~itva (aharam) 46.4. - pass, pacchijjati, to cease; aor. 3. sg, pacchijji, 42,30, pacchima, mfn, (sa. paccima, cp. pacchad) 1) being behind or at the back of; °-gehe (loc,) behind the house, 12,13; °-dvadreya (instr.), by the back- door, ib.; °-padehi (instr, pl.) “in his hind feet”, 24,26, — ®) last, latest; Ana (vacé Tathagatassa) 80,3; Joc. m, we (kale) 86,18; (yaime) 99,93; °-vili- hana-samgaha (q. v.) 99,20. — 9) western; acc, f. wam (disatmh) 95,5. *pacchimaka, mfn. (fr. prec.) back, last; m, ~o (bhikkhu) 79,33. pajahati, vb. (sa. pra-ha) to leave, abandon, give up, eschew (acc.); fut. 2. pl. pahassatha (metri causa ~a, B. jahissatha) to get rid of, overcome (dukkham) Dh, 144; inf. *) pahatuth (yasam) 54,35; >) pahatave (in order to escape, maradheyyath) Dh, 34; ger. *) pahaya, 9,4 (tam); 43,4; 91,6 (paiica nivarane); Dh, 329; >) pahatvana, Db. 243. 416; pp. pahina (v. h.) ep. pahana, paja, f. (8a. praji) offepring, race; paicangulika creatures, men, people; nom, ~a, Dh. 85, 254, 342; acc. warm, Dh. 28; loc. maya, 78,16, ep. pajapati. *pajana, mfn, (nom, ag. fr, next) possessed of knowledge; sammap)pa- jana, mfn. Dh. 20 (v, h.) cp. patina, pajanati, wb. (sa. pra-yjna) to know, understand, perceive (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~ati (sahetudhammamn) 66,21; 71,16; Dh. 402 (dukkhassa khayam); pass. pannayati, caus. paniapeti (q. v.) ep. pajana, paiina, panna ete. pajapati, m. (f. wi) (sa. praja- See lord, husband (f. lady, wife); ~i-hadayam, the heart of a wife, 64,18; — sa-pajipatika, m/fn,. being together with one’s wife or husband; m. ~o (kumbhilo) 2,26. — Pajapati, f. nom. pr., v. Mahapajapati Gotami. pajjalita, mfn. (pp. pajjalati, pra-y/jval, sa, prajvalita) flaming, blazing, burning; loc. we sati (nic- cath, “as [this world] is always burn- ing”) Dh. 146; °-aggikkhandha, m. 26,3 (v. h.). pajjota, m, (sa. pradyota) light, flame, fire; gen. wasséva nibbanam, 80,35 (“even as a flame dies away”); tela-°, m. (v. h.). pajjhayati, vb. (sa. pra-ydhyai, ep. jhayati?) to muse, mourn, to be afflicted; part.m, ~anto (parajito viya dukkhi dummano) 2,14, paiica, num, (= sa.) five; nom, acc, ~a, 82,10; 67,11 (paic’ upada- nakkhandha); 91,6 (~ nivarane); ~ (scil, safige) Dh. 370 (ep. paticas safigitiga); instr. (abl.) ~ahi (kama- gunehi) 67,25; gen. (dat.) ~annam (mahanadinamh) 72,37; (bhikkhu-sata- nam, cp. paiicasata) 79,33; loc. ~asu (silesu, g.v.) 7,24; (thanesu) 60,96; — comp. paiica-vanna-, of five colours, 4,9. 62,12; -sugandhika-parivara, mfn. 4ljis (v. h.) ep. next etc., paniasa papnarasa & pannarasa. : paiicaigika, mfn. (= sa.) having five parts, five-fold; °-bandhana, n, 23,91. *paficafigulika (or paficafigula, paficama wli), ”. (cp. sa. paficangula & ~/i) ‘a mark of five fingers’, *) an ornament in the shape of w spread hand used aos a symbol to avert misfortune; gandha- paficafigulika’h (acc.} “nerfumed gar- lands with five spreys”, 37,1 (cp. Jat. III 303,21; III 23,20 & 160,83; 1V 153,27; Vin, II 123,18); — ») an innugural mark (cons:rting of perfumed Kurlunds) to be placed on the neck of the victim; acc, wath, 16,25 (ep. Jat. 1 192,3). (Morris, JPTS, 1884 p. 84; Jat, transl. by Jeuse, If p. 72; SBE, XX p. 116.] paficama, mfn, (= sa.) the fifth; acc. f. wam (ga‘ham) 54,28; nom. f. ~i (send) 103,21; Joc. we (é. e. in the fifth chapter of Upasaka-vagga of the AN) 91,19; veyyaggha-°, Dh. 295 (v. h.). *pafica-vaggiya, mfn. (cp, sa. piufica-varga) beonging to a group of five; acc. m. pi, we (bhikkhu) the five mouks (é, e, Kondaiia, Vappa, Bhaddiya, Mahindma & Assaji, Vin. i 12+13; Jat. I p. 82) 66,34. paicer-visuti, sum, (sa, pafica- vimeati) 25; °-visatima, mfn. the 26', m, wo (vaggo) Dh, XXYV. *jyaticn-saigatiga,m/fn.,“ escaped from the five fetters’, a, 20, Dh, 370; vw, safiga & atiga, pafica-sata, num, mfn. pl. (sa, prtica-gata) 500; m. pl. wa, 21,18, 32,15; ace, we, Ql; f. wa, 21,213 instr, wehi (therehi) 109,12; gen. rwanam, 109,5; comp. -miga-parivara, mfn. 5,29; sata is often separated from paiica, forming the last part'of a subst, comp., paiica-jati-satani (n. pl.) 17,10; paiitasu attabhava-satesu (¢oc.) 17,7; paficannam bhikkhu-satanam (gen.) 79,33. — pafica-satima, m/v. the 500; m. ~0, 37,8. *naficinantariya-kamma, n, v. dnantariya, paniciyudho, , (= sa.) five sorts of weapon; naddha-°, mfn., v. ayudha. panjara, 2. (& m.) (== sa.) a cages 150 loc. we, 18,2¢. 46,30; 18,14 (suvanna-°) ; — *ratha-°, », the body of a chariot, wath, 98,5; — “siha-°, ». a window, loc. we, 46,1. : : patina, mf. (sa. prajiia) wise, prudent, intelligent; acc. m. ~am, Dh. 208; nikati-°, mfn. (q. 0.) cp. a-paiifia, duppafiia & panha, f. Datifiattn, mfn, (pp. paiiipett, aa, prajiapta, cava, prucyiiti) made known, ordered, appointed; prepared, arranged, laid down; m. ~o (dham- mo ca vinayo cn desito ~) 79,5; mn, vam (sikkhipadam) 81,13; Joc. ~e Caen 68,11; yathapaiiattarm (bhummattharanam) 84,17 (“how it was spread out’). paniatti, f. (sa. prajiapti) ') declaration, ordinance; 7) name, desig- nation; nom. wi (synon. voharo) 97,2. ~ puggala-° (v. h.). patifiapeti, vb. = (q. v.). paifiavat & pafifiavanta, mfn. v% pafhaval, panna, f. (sa. prajia) wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, understanding; nom. x4, 2,8. 103,16; Dh, 372; instr, ~waya, 91,24. 104,6, 107,11 = Dh, 277; gen. ~iya, 91,7, Dh, 280 (maggam, “the way to knowledge”); — °-cakkhu, n. (q. v.). — *-pisada, m, ‘palace of wisdom’, ace. wath (aruyha, “climbing the terraced heights of wisdom”) Dh, 28; — *-fAvudha. », (v. aivudha); = °-sila-samahita, mfn, rich in knowledge and virtue, ace, m. vat, Dh. 229; ~ *-samkhata, mfn, named pana, instr, f. ~waya (medhaya) 91,7. = gambhira-paiiiia. mfn., maha-paiifia, mfn. (q. v.), Sammappanna, f. (v. samma) cp. pafiiia, mfn. ete, pahtapeti (& paiiapeti) vb. (caus. pajanati, pra-yjia, sa. pra- jiapayatt & prajiapayati) to make known, declare, prescribe; designate, predicate; to prepare, arrange, lay down (acc, as a seat, carpet etc.); pr. 1. sg. ~upemi (nighitam, g. v.) 92,9; yena rupena ‘T'athigatama ~apaya- pannapeti 151 mana (part, med. m.) pafiapeyya (pot. 3. sg.) “all form by which one could predicate the existence of the saint”, 95,10; ger, «etva (asanam) 22,38; (dibbasayanam) 61,16; grd. n, ~wetabbaih (asanam) 82,19; pp, paii- fiatta (q. v.). pahnayati, vb, (pass, pajaniti) 1) to be known or seen, to be visible, appear, look like; pr. 3. sg. wati (maha hutva) 3,4; (mabasobbho viya 27,3; 3. pl. wanti (sise me palitani 46,23; — *) to be, exist, be found; pr. 3, sg. wati (raja) 10,30; fut, 3, sg. vissati (jard, “old age must come”) 63,13, painadvat (or paiiavat) & pai- favanta (or paiiavanta). mfn. (sa.. prajfiavat) wise, intelligent; nom. m., ~vVa (-a-) 99,9; pl. m. ~anto (pakkhi) 11,14; — gen, m. ~antassa, Dh, 111; gen, pl. ~antanam, 57,6. painhdsa(th), num. (sa. paiicicat) 50; 7. a collection of 5U suttas in the Majjhima-Nikdya; patiidsaka, mfn. om paiicicgaka) divided into paiiisas as M.N.); vagga-paihadsakam (sad- dhammam, acc.) according to vaggas and paiidsas, 110,9. patha, m. én. (sa. pragna, m.) & question; nom. ~o (maya pucchita-°) 88,11; acc, warm (puttho) 90,26; ace. pl, ~e (cattdro) 86,32; ”. kumara-° (v. h.); *-patibhana, x. (g. v.) ep. Milinda-°, pata, m, & n. (= sa.) a sort of cloth, dress; *°-saini, f. a curtain, veil or screen of fine cloth, instr, wiya (parikkhepo pan’assa ~ ahosi) 37,3. cp. patta. patala, n. (= sa.) a layer, cover, membrane; a heap, mass; madhu-®, a honey-comb, 38,24 (nimmakkhika- wadhupatala-sadisam). pati, indecl. (= pati, g.v.; 8a. prati) prp. (w. ace., cp. pati-lomam, pati-vatain) & prefix to verbs and nouns implying ‘towards, near to, against, back, in return’ efc.; it is also used distributively, esp. inserted in patiganhati dvandva comp, like vatta-pativatta (q.v. cp, anu), Before the vowels a, u, @, oO it is always contracted to pacc- (v. above), which still some- times may be metrically equivalent to pati, Dh, 125 : pacceti = pati-eti. *patikujjeti, oh, (denom. fr, *patikujja, mfn. (sa. *prati-kubja) lying flat with the face downwards, Jat, I 456,s6; V 145,27) to cover (acc., as a bowl or a dish); ger, wetva (-patiyo) 61,97; cp. ukkujjati, nik- kujjati; Pischel, Gr, § 206. : *patikutati, vb. (sa. *prati + Vkut) to bow, bend (towards or back); pp. ~ita, bowing, m. wo (patisakki) 77,8; (cp. Mil. 297,15 : patikutati). patikkamati, vb. (sa. prati- Vkram) to retire, turn back; imp. 3. sg. watu, 76,95; aor. 3. sg. ~ami, 29,26. 62,20; ger. a-patikkamitva, 30,5; pp. m. patikkanto (pindapata-°, q. v.) 86,0. patikkila (& patikiila) mfn. (sa, pratikiila) ‘against the bank’, contrary, disagreeable; instr, n, ~ena (a-sucina) 62,25. The form with ‘kk’ relates to sa, *prati-kiila, cp. Kuhn, Beitr, p. 19, a, , *patikkosati, vb. (sa, prati- ykruc) to contradict, reject (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (sasanamh arahatam) Dh, 164. patikkhipati, vb. (sa. prati- vkship) to refuse, reject, repulse; ger. ~itva, 46,15; pp. patikkhitta, f. wa (pi puna nibandhi) 54,1. ep, neat. *patikkhipana, m. (cp. sa. pra- tikshepana) refusing, rejection; nom. ~alb, 56,23, *patigacca, indecl., only in the phrase patigacc’eva, previously, 67,26 (i. e. “sooner than usual”); patigacca ger.) derives from sa, pratikaroti vkr; the Birman spelling is often patikacc’eva) == ‘to provide against future events’, Tr, Mil, p. 421-22. patiganhati (& -ganhati), od. (sa. prati-grah) to take, receive, accept (acc.); pr. 3. pl, wanti (pati-®, patiggahana C; pati-° B.) Dh, 220; imp. 3. ag. nwtu (accayam accayato, »v. pent 75,25; pot. 3. sg. ~weyya (rajanam 68,25; ger. patiggahetva (with the ‘g’ doubled before the weak form of the root) 82,21. 109,24; grd. m. ~ggahe- tabbam, 82,94. cp. nezt. patiggahana, m. (sa. pratigra- hana) accepting; abl. ~a (jatariipa- rajata-°) 81,26. paticodeti, vb, (sa. prati-/cud, caus. ~codayati) to exhort, admonish, reprove (acc.); imp. 2. pl. wetha (manusse) 73,34. paticca, prp. (orcg. ger. from prati-y/i) resulting trom, depending on, on account of (ty. acc.); kim ~, 94,33; isam [ete.].. paticca. . ratho ti. . nimam pavattati, “the word ‘ratha’ is but a name for pole” (etc.] 98,22, — °-samuppada, m. ‘origination by dependence’, the Buddhist chain of ciusation, or the formula explaining the {welve causes of existence, begin- ning with a-vijja (v, 66,6 efe.); ace. ~arh, 66,5. ep. paccaya, paticchati, vb. (sa. prati-vish) to take, receive (acc.); inf. aitumn (etam, amsena, v. amsa) 24,25; caus. v. paticchapeti. paticchanna, mfx. (pp. pati- cchadeti; sa. praticchanna) covered, hidden, concealed; protected; ». wath, what has been hidden, 69,16; loc. ne (thine, a secluled or private place) 33,31; paticcl.anna-tthine, 36,14, 64,13; a su-paticchanna, mfn, v, h.). ’ pajicchdde:i, vb. (sa. prati- ychad, xcchadayati) to cover, cons ceal (acc.), to hid or cover one's self; part, instr. m, ~eutena (timandalath) RQ,07; fut, 1, pl. wessuma (-pipa- kammam) 73,97; ger. ~etva (rohita- macche valik&ya) 14,21; 20,10. 83,32. *patiechapeti, vb. (caus. IT. pati- cchati) to deliver over, to toe with, intrust to (w. double ace.); ger, wetva (brahmanim sukapotake, “leaving hos wife in charge of the young parrots’’) 152 9,14; (rBjanath rajjath) 42,5. 47,81; (amacce rajjama) 43,11. sage: patijaggata, vb. (sa. prati-yjagr) to watch over, take care of, look after; to feed (acc.); intr. to be awake, be watchful; pr. 3. pl. wanti (uyyanam) 37,18; part. med. f. ~mana, 20,10; pot. 3. sg. weyya, Db. 157 (intr.); aor. 3. sg. patijaggi, 9,10; 3. pl. ~imsu (tam, phalaphalena) 18,15. — caus. EL. *patijaggapeti, to cause to be carefully tended (or fed; acc.); aor. 3. sg. ~esl (gandhodakehi ambam) 38,4. ep. nezt. patijaggana, m. (sa. pratijaga- rana) watching over, attending to; *garira-°, 2. care of the body (washing one’s self, etc, ep. sa. garira-cinta) acc. wath (katva) 85,1. *natijinaipeti, vb. (caus. pati janati, sa. prati-yjfid) to cause to consent (promise or believe, acc.); ger. ~etva (rajdnarh, “make him be- lieve it”) 46,21 (cp. Dhpd. (1855) p. 164,9 tr.) patinna, f. (sa. pratijiia) promise, agreement; ace. ~am, 8,3. patidanda, m. (sa. prati-danda, mfn.) retribution; pl. 7a (“blows for blows”) Dh, 133. patinivattati, vb. (sa. prati-ni- yvrt) to return; aor. 3. sg. wvatti, 63,15; ger. Aitvd, 63,14. patinivasana, n, (sa, pratiniva- gana) a kind of garment, a second under-garment (used only as a house- dress); acc, wat, 82,24 (cp, SBE. XII], p. 155), patinissagga, m, (sa. prati-nih- sargi) giving up, abandonment, doing away with; nom, wo (tanhaya) 67,16; abl. wa, 94,12; Adana-°, m. (q. v.). patipajjati, vb. (sa. prati-ypad, ~padyate) ') to go to, arrive at, reach; to walk on a path (acc.); aor. 3. sg. ~pajji (tam eva maggath) 66,2; 76,17; imp. 2. pl. watha (etarh maggath) Dh. 274; pp. m. patipanno (imath raccham) 76,13; m. pl. ~a, Dh. 275, — #) to undertake, take upon one’s self (acc.); imp. 2. sg. patipajja (rajjam) 45,6 — 153 8) to proceed or deal with (Joc.); to behave; ger. ~itva (bhatte pi tath’eva) 57,27; grd. nm. witabbam (katham nu kho maya a, “now what am I to do?’’) 81,15, — caus, patipaideti (q. v.) cp. next, patipada, f. (sa. pratipada) the path to be walked; nom. ~ 2 (majjhima, the middle path) 66,20; (dukkhaniro- dhagamini, g. v.) 67,17; loc, ~waya, 79,18 (the right path, the right course of conduct, synon, w, magga (?) or == the first steps on the right path (?)), patipanna, mfn, (pp, prati-/pad) v. patipajjati. *patipati, /. (sa. *prati-pati, cp. paripati) order, row; instr, (or loc.) wiya, “in a row”, 34,39, *patipada(ka), m. (sa. *prati- pada) that which supports the bed- stead; maiica-patipadaka, pl, (“sup- porters of the bed’) 84,14, patipadeti. vd. (caus. patipajjati, sa, pratipadayati) to cause one (ace.) to go on a road or in a certain direc: tion (acc.);. imp, 2. pl. ~wetha (ha- tthim, imam raccham) 76,14; aor, 3. pl. wesuth, 76,19. *patipuggala, m. (sa. *prati- pudgala) one who is equal to-another, a rival; a-ppatipuggala, m/n, unequal- led, 80,24. patipucchati, vb. (sa. prati- yprach) to inquire, ask in return ‘(ace.); fut, 1. sg. wissami (tath yeva) 94,08; inf. witum (Bhagavantam) 79,20. *patippassambhati, vb. (sa. *prati-pra-//grambh) to cease, to be dissolved or dispersed; caus, ~weti, to cause to cease, put an end to (acc.); pot. 1. sg. ~eyyam (iddhabhisam- kharath) 69,29; aor. 3. sg. ~wesi, 69,30. patibaddha. mfn. (sa. prati- baddha, pp. prati-bandh) bound to; ®citta, mfn. whose mind is turped to, fallen in love (with Joc.), m. vo (mayi) 64,96; pl. wa (afifiamaiiiom) 19,14; -*0.mana, m/fn, whose mind ia bound, m, ~0, Db. 284, patiyadeti patibala, mfn. (sa. pratibala) uble to (inf.), competent; m. pl. ~a, 76,11; m, instr, wena (bhikkbuna) 81,16. *patibaheti, vb. (caus, “pati- bahati; sa, prati-/vrh, cp. prati- ybidh) to repel, dislodge (acc.); grd. m. pl. nvetabb& (nava_ bhikkhi; asanena, with regard to their seats) 83,34. patibujjhati, ob, (sa, prati- Vbudh) to awake; ger, witva, 67,28, *patibhiga, mfn. (sa. “prati- bhiiga) like, equal to; m, pendant, counterpart; Kravana-°, mfn, equal to E., gen, m. wassa, 45,91; kaiicana- rupaka-°, mfn. like a golden statue, gen. pl. ~anamh, 47,14, patibhana, n, (sa, pratibhana) intelligence, sagacity, presence of mind, readiness of speech; *pafha-°, 2. a difficult or intricate question, pl, ~ani, 98,33. patibhadnavat, mfn, (sa. prati- bhanavat) endowed with intelligence & presence of mind, quick-witted; m. ~via (Vaiigiso) 109,s, patimandita, mfn. (sa, _prati- mandita) decorated, adorned; f, pl, wa (sabbalamhkara-°) 64,29. *patimasati, vb. (sa. *prati- Vmrg, cp. pari-/mr¢) to examine, explore; pot. 2. (3.) sg. (2?) patimase (sa. *prati-marcges > °mrces) Dh. 379; cp. Pischel, Gr. § 486 (sarnphase); Dhpd. (1855) p. 424; Childers & Ed. Miller take it for imp, 2, sg. from caus, *patimaseti (not yet traced in Pali). patimuficati, vb. (sa. prati- Vimuc) to put on (clothes, acc.); to tie; ger. ~itva (ganthikam) 83,1. patiyatta, mfn. (pp. prati-yyat, cp. next) made ready, prepared ; adorned, decorated; ». ~am (sukaramaddavath) 78,8; alamkata-°, mfn. splendidly dressed (or decorated), acc, m. & n. wam, 39,20. 61,8, 65,9; f. pl. wf, 21,1. patiyadeti, vb, (caus. prati- Vyat, pratiyatayati) to prepare, make patilabhati ready facc.); ger. ~etva (bhojaniyam 22,28; grd. :. wetabbam (nahadnam 83.25; — caus. IT. *patiyadapeti, to cause te be prepared (ace.); ger wotva, 78, pasilabnati, 9b. (sa. prati- ‘labh) +) to receive back, recover lacey; aor, 1, 8g, wlabhith (nattham yasath) 42,19; — *) to take, form (as a dislike, or a resolution); pr. 3. sg. wAti (pipakath ditthigatam) 90,25. cp. next, patilabha, m. (sa, pratilabha) fecovering, cbtaining, attainment; 20m, ~0 (panfiadys) Dh. 333; jivita-°, 42,0; manusga-? (the conception of meu) Dh, 182. patilomam, ad». (sa, prati-loma) ‘against the hairs’, contrarily, obsti- nately; in reverse order, backwards; anuloma-°, 66,6 (v. 2.). pativacana, vm. (sa. prativacana) answer; acc, wath (alabhanto) 3,7; 73,4. pativatta, » vatta!, putivatteti, vb. (caus, prati- yvrt) to overturn, subvert; inf, ~etum, 110,10; grd. pativattiya, v. u-ppatie vattiya, mfn. pativadati, vb. (sa. prati-yvad) to answer, reply; pot. 3. pl. weyyu (tari, ‘will answer thee in the same way’) Dh, 133, pativasati, vb. (sa. prati-yvas) to live, dwell; pr. 3. pl. wanti, 59,94. pativatam, adv, (sa. prativatam) against the wind; ~wam (khitto) Dh, 125; ~am (eti) Dh. 64. ° pativedeti, ob. (caus, prati-/vid) to make known, announce; aor, 3. 8g. ~csi (Bodhisattassa) 63,5. patisathyutta. mfn. (sa. prati- sath-yukta) connected with, concerning; resulting from; instr. fi wilya (nib- baina-°) 71,22; acc, nm. wat (vacisu- carita-°) 86,8 patisamvedin, mfn. (sa. prati- samvedin) feeling, experiencing; nom, m. ~1(vimutti-sukha-°, “experiencing the bliss of emancipation”) 66,4, 154 patisakkati, vb. (sa. prati-y/srp) to go back, retire; aor. 8. sg. pati sakki, 77,8. patisattu, an enemy, adversary; 39,297, 2 , *patisanthdra, m, (sa. “prati- satistira, str) friendly greeting, conversation; acc, ari yaar 21,17; 28,11. — °-vutti, mn. (sa. *°-vrtti friendly, kind; °-vutt’assa (varr. o-vU- ttyassa, -vuttissa) “let bim live in charity”, Dh, 376. ; patisandahati, vb. (sa. prati- sam-\/dha) to be re-born (into a new existence); pr. 3. sg. ~ati, 100,2-5; pot. 3. sg. ~weyya, 100,9. ep. sanda- hati d& nezt. : patisandhi, m, & f. (sa. prati- samdhi, m.) re-birth, transmigration ; acc. wim (ganhi) 5,25; 42,22; Joc. ~ismim, 101,12. *patisambhida, f. (cp. 8a. prati- samvid, f.) analytical science; loc. wa (i, « wfyu) 109,10; patta-°, adj, pl. m., possessed of analytical knowledge, 109,20, The four patisambhidds are: attha-°, dhamma-°, nirutti-°, pati- bhina-°, ¢. e. expertness in the Bud- dhist theory and practice, etymology, and dialectics, Mil, 339,7-8; cp. Chil- ders sub voce. patisammodati, wb. (sa. prati- sam-y/mud) to exchange friendly greet- ings, to return one’s greeting; aor. 3. 8g. ~niodi, 96,27, patisameti, wv (caus, prati- Vcam) to arrange, put in erder; to put by, keep safe, lay away (acc.); grad. n. wetabbam, 82,22. patisunati, vb. (sa. prati-V/gru) to promise, assent (gen.); aor, 3, sg. paccassosi (Bhagavato), 77,18; 3, pl. ~wosur (Devadattassa) 76,15; ger. *) patissutvi, 78,10-18; >) patisunitva (sadhu’ti) 16,20, 63,3; pp. n. patisu- tam (tumhehi mayham sahassam) 22,51. patisedha, m. (sa. pratishedha) prohibition, denial; loc, we (nipato, m. (8a. prati-catru) acc, wuMm, 165 “mati, a particle implying probibi- tion) 85,33. patisedhana, », (sa. pratishe- dhana) warding off, warning against; phala-patisedhana-mukhena pi hetum eva patisedheti, by warning against the results he even warns against the cause, 86,4. patisedheti, wb, (caus, prati- ysidh) to prevent, prohibit, warn against (acc.); pr. 3. sg. weti (hetum) 86,4. cp. patisedha, ~sedhana., patisevati (& patisevati, ¢.v.) vb, (sa. prati-\/sev) to practise, pursue; feel, undergo, suffer (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. ewati (vipikam) Dh. 67, patissutva, ger, ». patisunati. patihatiiati, ob. (pass. pati- hanti, sa, prati-Vhan) to knock to- gether, strike against (/oc.); ger. witva (vemakotiyam), 89,s. patta, m. (= sa.) ') a tablet or plate (of gold ete. for writing or pain- ting upon); kajicana-patta-sadisa, mfn. 46,31 (q. ¥.) — ?) @ strip or slip of cloth (cp, pata); sumana-patta- vitina, mn. 65,18 (q. v.). pattana, x. (sa. pattana & pattana) a port, seaport; acc, ~ath (Bharu- kaccha-°) 25,12; *°-gama, m, a sea- port-town, ~0, 24,10. patthana, . (sa. prasthana) 1) origin, cause; “sati-patthana, 2. (v. kh.) — *) nom, pr, name of the seventh (last) book (pakarana) of Abhidhammapitaka, also called Maha- pakarana, 102,11. patthadya, prp. (ger. patitthati, sa. prasthaya) beginning from, from (w. abl.); *) dvira-gimato p., 19,93; sisato p., 57,29; millato p., 62,10; galato p., 85,30; — >) pathamakappi- kato p., 4,10; tassa nikkhanta-kalato p., 9,15; dhammadesanam suta-diva- sato p., 86,30; ito p., henceforth, 6,16; ito dani p., id. 39,2; tato p., thence- forth, 6,18. pathama, mfn. (sa. prathama) 1) foremost, first, former (cp. purima); f. ~@ (seni) 103,95; acc. f. ~am pandicca (gatham) 8,26; pathama-jjhana, ». 80,3 (opp. dutiya etc.); pathama- kappa & -kappika (v. h.); pathama- gahita (m. pl.) “others already caught”, 21,14-19; — acc. nm. wam (adv.) at first, for the first time, 4,19, 12,19, 15,9, 18,99. 69,21, 102,14. Dh, 158; w~am eva (opp. pacchai) 35,36; 102,11 (first of all). — *) comp, = just, newly; *pathamabhisambuddha, mfn., having just attained Buddhaship, m. wo, 66,3; *pathamuggata, mfn., newly-blown, m, ~0 (kaliro) 47,9. pathamaka, mfn, (sa. pratha- maka) = prec.; -bhainavara, n, (v. h.) Dh, I-XIV. pathamataram, adv, (sa. pra- thamataram) before, first (of two) 82,5 == 84,104. pathavi (or pathavi [puthuvi, mavil), f. (sa, prthivi) the earth; ace, with (maddanto) 28,14; with (adhi- sessati) 107,5 = Dh. 41; gen. (or loc.) ~iya, Dh, 178 (pathavya); pa- thavi-tale (on dry land) 28,7; “pa- thavi-tthita, mfn. living on the eartb, m, pl. ~@ (earthly beings) 110,11; *pathavi-sama, m/fn, like the earth, m, ~0, Dh. 95, panameti, vb. (caus. pra-\/nam) to bend forwards, stretch out (acc.); ger. ~wetva (anjalim) 74,20, panihita, mfn. (sa. pra-nihita, pp. pra-ni-/dha) laid on, applied; miccha-°, mfn, wrongly directed, x, wam (cittam), Dh. 42; samma-°, mfn, well-directed, Dh, 43. panita, mfn. (pp. paneti, sa. pranitu) ‘performed, fifished’; excellent; m ~0 (dhammo) 94,95; ”. wath (khadaniyam) 78,1. paneti (& paneti), vb. (sa, pra- Vni) ‘to lead to’, perform, execute, apply (ace.); pr. 3. sg. ~eti (dandam ‘ap a Db, 310; pp. panita v, h.). ; pandara, mfn. (sa. pandara) white, pale; instr. pl. n. wehi (-ke- sehi) 47,13. pandicca, m. (sa. panditya) erudi- pandita tion; cleverness, skill; 91,26, pandita, mfn. (= sa.) wise, in- telligent, clever; m. ~0, 57,35; gen. ~assa, 24,22; m. pl. wi, 9,29; (to. loc. appamadamhi) Dh, 22; f. wa, 5S,8; often e.c.: Sasa-pandito, 14,12; Supnaraka-°, 25,4; Upali-°, 109,7; — “.dovirika, m. 91,33 (q.v.); *°-bhava, m. cleverness, skill, gen. ~wassa, 91,24; %manin, mfn. one who thinks him- self wise, m. ~1(balo) Dh.63; *°-vagga, m, the sixth chapter of Dh.; *°-veda- niya, mfn, “intelligible only to the wise”, m. ~o (dhammov) 94,36; *°-sarh- 8ayga, m, company or intercourse with wise men, gen. ~assa, 29,8. pandu, mfn (sa. pandu) yellow, pale, white; °-kambala, mm, a white woollen blanket : °-siJ@sanath, 15,8 (v. h.y; P-palass, m. a withered leaf, nom. ~0, Dk. 235; %roga, m, jaundice : °apaso, m. 35.1, *%dhatuka, mfn. euflering from jaundice, 35,16. panna, nm. (sa. parna) ') a leaf (esp. betel leat); acc. pl. ~ Ani, 17,21; nimba-panna-®, 37.22 (g.v.); *°-sanna, 7. a mark of leaves (tied up in order to indicate the boundary of a field), ucc, wan, 8,8; *panna-bandhana- saiia, »./=panna-saini-bandhana?) tying up leaves, nom, -.aih, 8,9; panna- sali, f. w hut cf leaves and grass, hermitage, ace, vai faditta-°) 44,90; lov. wiiya (by the but) 35,11; ace. pl. mii, 34,93, Satta-, som. pr. (v. A.) - *)a leaf for writing upon, a letter; n bond, deed of gift, donation; acc, nam (pahesi) 36,22 (cp. next), — 5) u feather, wing (only e.c.) v, supanna. *pannakara, m., a present, dona: tion; acc. wam, 58,21-24; acc. pl. ne, 68,22. ep. panna?) & akara. Patuinjali, m. (= sa.) nom pr of a philosopher (propounder of the Yoga philosophy); v. Pitanjali-. patati, wb, (s2. \/pat) to tly, jump, fall; to fall down (upon, loc, or ace.) ; pr. 3. sg. wati (dipake) 2,25; 1. sg. mimi (yamh’okdse thatva oraparam instr, wena, 156 patdm’aharh, standing where I use to jump over, cp. oraparath) 108,26; part. m. ~anto (navaya) 20,1; loc. f. wantiya (asaniya) 39,16; part. med. ~mana, loc. n. ve (pitthiyarh paha- rasate) 55,12; — fut. 3. sg. ~issat, 53,26; 112,20 (tesam kaye, ace. pl.); 1, sg. ~issaimi (aigaragabbhe) 15,33; — aor, 3. sg. pati, 16,7, 89,6; (tassa hatthe, fell to his share) 23,12; 3. pl. ~imsu (poured down) 33,6; — perf. 3. sg. papata (kadlam katva) 89,8 {but here the reading of the Colombo edition ; papata, aor. 3, 8g. (from papatati, g. .) undoubtedly ought to be preferred, because this formation is generally found elsewhere, €. g. Jat. VI, 566,38 (= patita); Vin. IL, 17,23 (cp. 1], 126,3)}; — ger. witva, 13,20. 49,5. 89,9; — pp. wita, fi v2 (asani), 17,22; acc, m. wath (cipato garam, “sent from the bow’) Dh, 320; — caus. pateti (qg. v.) cp. patana, pata. patana, m. (= sa.) falling, ruin; *0-akadra-ppatta, m/fn. being on the point of falling out, m. pl. ~& (danta) 12,21; 2. pl. ~ani (akkbini) 50,19; ~— geha-°, 19,16 (¢. .). pataka (& pataka), f. (= sa.) a flag, banver; dhaja-patakadihi, 62,7 (cp. adi). pati', m. (= sa.) husband; lord, muster; nomt, wi, 31,34, 64,15; comp. v. gavampati, gubapati, Sabampati. pati*, indecl, (sa. prati) ') prp, w, ace, near to, towards; nadim Nerafijaram a, 103,2; *) prefix to verbs & nouns, generally spelt pati- (q. .) cp. next ete, patikara, m. (sa. pratikira) re- ward, return, retribution; *a-ppati- karaka, mfn. (q. v.). patitthati, ob. (sa, pra-ystha) to depart from, originate; ger. pa- tthaya (prp. tv. abl.) v. h.; caus. pa- tthupeti, to set forth, propound, exe plain; cp. patthana, n. patitthahati & patitthati, vb, (se. prati-ysthi) to stand firm, 157 to be established; aor. 3, sg. ~tthahi (sotapattiphale) 89,3; (sakadagami- phale) 29,17; 1. sg. ~tthahim (para- kule) 108,29; — fut. 3. sg. *) ~ttha- hissati, 87,3; >) ~tthissati (Lankayam mama sasanam) 110,94; — ger. ~tthaya (sile, “standing fast in moral practice”) 14,18; (rajje, “became king”) 42,26; — pp, wtthita, m. wo, 38,11 (rajje), 61,31 (gabbho kucchimhi), 95,94 (sare, “standing in its strength’); su-pati- tthita, mfn. (q. v.) — caus, patittha- peti, to set or lay down, establish (acc.); aor, 3. sg. wesi (phalitam raifio panimhi) 44,97; ger. ~etva, 22,0, 29,6; (rajanam paiicasu silesu) 7,24; 17,32, 59,29, patittha, f. (sa. pratishtha) *) resting-place, support; acc, ~am (la- bhitva, to get footing) 28,13-16, — *) security, refuge; nom, ~@, 28,25, patidissati, vb. (pass. patipas- sati; sa. prati-\/dr¢) to appear (as), to look like; pr. 3. sg. wati (yatha aggiva suriyo va) 26,5 etc. patimaneti, vd. (sa. prati-/man, caus.) to honour; to await, wait for (ace.); part. f. ~enti (tassigamanara) 22,28. patirupa, mfn. (sa, pratirupa) like, similar; suitable, fit; loc. m. we (“what is proper”) Dh. 158, patisevati (& patisevati, q. v.) vb. (sa. prati-/sev) to practise, pur: sue (acc.); part. m. ~anto (methuna- dhammam, making love) 54,11; aor. 3. sg. ~sevi (asaddhammam, id.) 52,29, *patissata, mfn, (sa. *prati- stmyta) recollecting, thoughtful; m, pl, ~a, Dh. 144, patissaya, m. ') (sa. praticraya) refuge, house; **) (sa, pragraya) obe- dience, respect; v, next. patissava, m. (sa. pratigrava, Gru) obedience, respect; *a-ppatisava, mfn, (also spelt a-ppatissaya and some- times shortened to a-ppatissa) dis- respectful; hence “a-ppatissavasa, m. anarchy, 10,81. patita, mfm, (sa. pratita, pp. patti prati-v/i) pleased, glad; m, wo (synon. sumano) Dh, 68. patoda, m. (sa. pratoda) a goad; ep. °-patodamh (7, “pole, axle [etc.] and goad unitedly”) 98,7; °-latthi, f. (sa. pratoda-yashti) “the goading- stick”, 98,6, patta!, . (sa. pattra) a wing, feather; a leaf; karavira-°, ». (q. v.), instr, pl. ~ehi (vajitam, kandath) 92,19; kumuda-patta-vanna, mfn. (v. h.); pokkhara-°, », w lotus leaf, loc, ~we, Dh, 401, patta’, m, (sa. patra, 7.) a vessel, pot, bowl, esp. the alms-bowl of a Buddhist monk; nom. wo, 82,26; acc, ~wam, 87,18; (€amam) 104,6; énstr. wena, 62,2; — *%civara, 7. bowl and robe, 76,16, 83,7; — *pariya- panna, . (v. h.). patta®, mfn. (pp. papuniti; sa, praipta) 1) pass, attained, reached, acquired; *) act, one who has attained to, reached, etc. (1. acc. or @. ¢., also used as finite tense); m. wo (jatik- khayam) Dh, 423; patto si nibbanam, Dh. 134; f. ~a& (Khuramala-sam- uddath) 25,23; ». wath (vinadsath) 34,0; tuyhatm pattata (pass, “the consequences of your own fortune”’ 6,35; gen. m. ~wass’ ierluades 103,23; acc. pl, m, patte (jivitakkha- yam) 34,8; — comp. (mfn.) apaneta- bbakdra-ppatta, 45,1; jara-°, 47,15 (v. jara); danda-°, 100,15; dukkha-®, 59,10; domanassa-°, 13,6; patana- kara-°, 12,21; bala-°, 80,25; rupa-°, 64,30; ripagga-°, 49,12; labhagga- yasagga~°, 18,16; vajjha-°, 40,14; vaya-°, 8,15; vara-°, 6,27; vesdrajja-°, 69,13; vyasana-°, 8,30; samvega-°, 53,11; santasa-°, 86,19; somanassa-°, 15,90; hattha-°, 67,30; — “patta- dhamma, m/fn. “having mastered the truth”, m. ~0, 69,19; *°-patisambhida, 109,20 (v. h.); a-ppatta, mfn. (q. v.). patti, f. (sa. prapti) acquiring, gain; share, part, portion; ace, win Sl ... bhivita-bhavanaya, etassa ammi) 29,3; dat, wiya (yogakkhe- patthaddha massa, “for the suke of acquiring’’) 103,s. patthaddha, mfn. (sa. prastab- dha) stark, stiff (as a pillar); instr. m. weno, (kiyena) 76,17. patthayati, vb. (sa. prirthayate) to wish, desire (ace.); pr. 2. 8g. ~asi (atha ce wasi, if you like) 104,22 etc.; part. med. m. wmano (tava hadayamamsam) 3,18; pl. wmana (vaddhim) “seeking gain”, 34,18. pattharati, vb. (sa. pra-ystr) to spread, extend (trans. & intr., tw. acc.); ger, witva (sakalanagaram, “through the whole tewn”) 65,34. patvd, ger., v. papunati. patha (or partha, g. v.), m. (= sa,) road, path, way; loc. we, 31,34; maha-® (“on the highway”) Dh. 58; comp, v. *anupariydya-°, adicca-°, kamma-°, thala-jala-°, *dvedha-°, nakkhatta-°, sagga-°, *hattha-°, ep. pada, palipatha, piatheyya, pathavi, f. (= pathavi, g. 0.) the earth; gen. avya, Dh, 178. pada, m. dn. (= sa., cp. pada) ‘) foot: v. catuppade, m., dipada, m. - *)step, footstep, trace, track; ace. wan (vaiiceti, g. v.) 12,30; uttinna-°, 111,17 (v.h.); pada padam (abl. dace.) “step by step’, 104,11; instr. wena (kena, “by what track”) Dh, 179; “vaiafja, m. footprint, acc, wath. 11,28, — °) way, path; position, stand- point; place, abode, home; nom. (n.) eam (maccuno) Dh, 21; Dh. 93, 254; acc. ~am (siantam = Nibbana) Dh, 368 = amatamh padam, Dh, 114, cp. amuata-padu. (v. a-mata) & a-pada, mfn.: arsama-9. n., iara-, m., sagga-°, n, (cp, sagga-patha) ¢.v — *) a word, verse (ov quarter of a verse), sentence; mn. idamh wath, 85,8; acc. wath (dub- bhasitam) 110,12; ». pl. --a (caturo, saccanam é. e. cattari ariyasaccani) Db. 278; attha-°, n. (v. b.); *gatha-®, n, (v. gatha), *dhamma-°, 2, nirutti- pada-kovida, mfn., *sampunna-®, min, sikkha-°, n. (v. h.). padakkhina, mn. (sa. pradak- 158 shina) ‘moving to the right’; clever, good, auspicious; wath, indecl, (constr. w. karoti, to walk round persons or objects, keeping the right side towards them as token of respect, to salute respectfully (acc.); to go round (a city, acc.) in procession; wath katva (matu sayanam) 61,21; (Bhagavantam abhivadetva) 70,12; ~am kuruma- nassa (nagaram) 64,12; wath akasi (do.) 45,33. padadati, v. padeti. padara, mn, (sa. pradara) ') m. ‘splitting’, a cleft (in the earth); — *)n, a piece of wood, a plank; nom. pl. ~ani, 28,30, padeti (padati & padadati) vd. (sa. pra-Vda) to give away (acc.); fut. 3. sg. padassati (uttamattharh bhariya) 54,29. padipa, m. (sa. pradipa) a lamp, light; mom. ~0, 99,22; 101,38; ace. wam, 99,18; Saggi, m. & tela-°, m. (v. h.). padipeti, vb. (caus, sa, pra-di- payati) to light, kindle (acc.); pot. 3. sg. weyya (padiparh) 99,18; pp. padipita, m/fn. burning, shining; m. ~o (sabbarattizh) 99,24. paduttha, mfn. (sa. pradushta) corrupt, wicked, malignant; instr, ~ena (manasa) Dh. 1 (opp. pasanna); u-ppaduttha, m/fn. (g. v.) cp. dussati. *padubbhati, wb. (sa, *pra- ydruh) to do wrong, offend, commit treachery; ger, witva (antopure) 38,17 (cp, dubbhati), paduma, m (& yf (sa. padma) a lotus; nom, wath (hutva) like @ lotus, 23,81; 23,34; acc, wath (seta-°, a white lotus) 61,19; pafica-vanna-? (of five different colours) 4,9; *°-punja, m.a cluster of lotuses, Joc. ve, 16,65 °-gara, mn. a lotus-lake, ace. wat, 3,30. padesa, m. (sa. pradeca) +) spot, place, region, district; mom. ~0 (ja- gati-ppadeso) Db. 127; ace, ~am, 43,18. Dh, 303; loc, we, 22,21; (Hi- mavanta-°) 1,2, 13,9; — *) extent, 159 distance; loc. ~e (tigavuta-ppamane, yojana-ppamane) 63,2s-28; yatha- padese, adv. (cp, sa. yatha-pradecam) all over, at all sides, 47,1; — 5) posi- tion, rank, order (?); acc, ~am (jati- gotta-kula-°, q. 8 43,30; samana- bal(iidi)-°, mfn, having equal position with regard to military force efe., m. pl. ~a, 48,31. ep. neat, *padesika, mfn. (fr. prec.) ‘being in the region’, in the neighbourhood of (only e, c.); solasa-vassa-°, mfn, about 16 years old, m, ~0, 38,10, cp, uddesika. padhana, x. (sa. pradhina, as to the meaning = sa. pra-ni-dhana, ep. also buddh, sa. prahana) exertion, profound religious meditation; instr, wena (kim kahasi, “what do you want with exertion?) 103,9; dat. ~waya, 103,10; *ukkutika-ppadhana, n, Dh. 141 (v. h.); *°-pahitatta, mfn. whose mind is intent upon meditation, acc. m. ~am, 103,2; *°-sutta, ». nom, pr. of a chapter of Sutta-nipata, p, 103 —04; cp. Mahapadbana-ghara. pana, indecl, (the enclit, form of ‘puna’, q. v.; sa. punar) ") now! welll (in the continuation of a tale): 2,19; 2,26 (tasmim ~ kale, “now, at that time”); 10,3 etc, — *) but (adversative, often combined with other particles) : l,es. 4,12. 8,8 (the preceeding sentence negative); 5,5. 50,22. 66,25 ete. Dh. 252. 292; ca pana (but) 7,35. 71.17; atha ca ~ (nevertheless) 3,4; na kho pana (but certainly not) 7,8, 9,31; eva pana (on the contrary) 5,10; corresponding with a preceeding eva (it is true, no doubt... but, ep. greek wey... 5€) : maranabhavam eva janami [maranadivasam] pana na janami, 88,22-23; sometimes repeated in both sentences : eva pana... pana na, 2,8; — va pana (or else) 81,17; cp. Dh. 42 (veriva pana = veri va pana ?); — 5) then! (in interrogative sentences, often expressive of surprise): kaham a, 1,96; kim a, 44,4; aguna pana kidisa, 44,5; katamo ~, 79,13; papatati in a second question : kit ~, 89,25; ko w ettha N., 97,31; after a negative sentence : kith ~ (how much less) 74,28, cp. Pischel, Gr. § 342. panasa, m. (= sa.) the bread- fruit tree; instr. pl, wehi, 2,10; amba- panasiidihi, 2,20. panudati, vb. (sa, pra-Vnud) to drive away (acc.); imp, 2. sg. panuda (kame) Dh, 383, paneti, vb., var, lect, for paneti, Dh, 310 (wv. h.), panta, mfn, (sa, printa) distant, secluded, solitary; m, wath (sayana- sanam, “sleeping and sitting alone’’) Dh, 1865. pantha, m, (= patha; ep, sa, panthan) way, road; *-ghita, m, murder and robbery of highwaymen, brigandage; acc, wat (karonti) 32,15, panna, mfn, (= sa., pp. °-pajjati, vpad) fallen, gone; *°-bhira, mfn. “who has put down his burden”, acc, m, ~am, Dh, 402, pannarasa, num. (sometimes writ- ten pannarasa = pajicadasa, sa, pajicadaga) fifteen; wma, mfn, the fifteenth, Dh, XV. papaiica, m, (sa, prapaiica) abundance, diffuseness, error, vanity; this word may also often be translated by ‘detriment, decay; delay, omission, waste of time’ efc.; it is generally explained in the commentaries by tanhi-ditthi-mana-°; *°-abhirata, mfn, “delighting in vanity”, m. pl. ~a, Dh. 254; *°-samatikkanta, m/fn. “who has overcome the host of evils’, acc. pl. m we, Dh. 195. — *Papaiica- - sidani, f. nom. pr. of a commentary on Majjhima-nikéya by Buddhaghosa; specimen p. 61, *papatika, f. (rarely papatika) 1) a splinter, piece, fragment; nom. ~a& (-t-) 76,1; — *) the outer dry bark of a tree, falling off in loose shreds; taca-°, 95,s9-23 (v. h.). papatati, vb. (sa. pra-ypat) to fall off; pr. 8. pl, wanti Gsokn tamha) papatika 108,2; aor. 3. sg. papata (Ed. papata) 88,8 (v. patati). *papatika, f, v. papatikd. papata’, pf. (fr. patati, to be corrected to papata, 39,8) v. papatati. papata’, m. (sa. prapita) a steep rock, precipice; ~o, 27,7; loc. we (Sineru-°) 59,36; °-sasdisa, mfn. like a wall, m xath, 274. *papupphaka, m (se. *pra-push- paxa) ‘flower-pointed’, p:. the flower- arrows of Mara; pl. ace. wani, Db, 46 (aaa§ dey.). pappotheti (ce papphoteti), vd. (caus. pra-ysphut) to beat, slap, shake as clothes, in order to dust them, ace.); tv dap the wings (acc.); ger. ~wetvad (pakkhe) £2,3. pappoti, vd., ». papuniti. papphasa, m. (sa. pupphusa, m. & phupphusa, #.) the lungs; om. main, 82,:. 97,21. *pabalha, mfn. (cp. sa. badha, ybamb) strong, sharp; f. ~a (vyadhi) 78,31; pl. ~a@ (vedana) 78,21; acc. m. wan (abadhath) 78,30, pabujjhati, vb. (sa. pra-budh) to wake up, awake (intr.); pr. 3. pl. wanti, Dh. 296; fué. 3. sg. ~issati, 65,32; ger. witva, 36,1. 65,4. 89,6; pp. pabuddha, f. na (devi, awoke) G1,23. cp. su-pabuddham. ado, pabbaja, m. (== babbaja, sa. balbaja) a sort of coarse grass; *pab- baja, mfn. (= pabbaja-maya) made of grass (hemp), x. ©am (bandhanam) Dh, 345. cp. Weber, Ind. Str. 11], 394. pabbajati, vb, (sa. pra-yvraj) ‘to yo forth’, esp, to leave the world in order to become a hermit, or to enter the order of Buddhist monks; fut. 3. sg. ~issati (agara nikkhamma) 61,33; 63,16; inf. nitum, 45,2; comp. witu-kaima, sfn. “bent on retiring from the worla”, ace, m. wath, 45,8; ger. *) pabbajja, 113,17; >) pabbajitva (w. ace. isi-pabbajjatn) 34,32. 45,13; 64,21 (nikkhamma); 1i3,18; — pp, pabbajita (m.) g.v. — caus, pabbajeti (q. t.) cp. next & “duppabbaja. 160 pabbajana, ™ (sa. pravrajana) passing over to a religious life; a- pabbajanatthaya, 47,5 (v. a-pabba- ana). aoa ‘ rob iagaias m. (pp. pabbajati) a monk (or hermit); ~0, 63,33; 184; acc. ~wamh, 63,30; instr, wena, 66,25; pl. wa, Dh. 74; °-guna, m. q. v.). a pabbajja, f. (sa. pravrajya) re- tiring from the world, the ordination of a layman wishing to become a Buddhist monk; acc, ~am (labheyya- hath) 70,15; (ydcitva) 89,15; (isi-®, g. v.) 34,32. 45,18; gen. (dat. & abl.) ~iya (namitacitto) 46,18; (satim na karissati) 63,18; (cittarh nami) 65,12; (antarfyam, agdrasma ana- gariyam) 68,4; — °-karana, ». & °-samaya, m. 45,9-12 (v. h.); laddha- pabbajjipasampada, mfn. (v. upa- sampada). pabbata, m. (sa. parvata) a mountain, hill, rock; nom. ~o (Hi- mavanto) Dh, 304; acc. wam, 16,16; gen, wassa, 75,33; pl. wani (with neuter termination by attraction to the foll. vanaini (?) or adj. m, = sa. pir- vatani (?)) Dh, 188; gen. pl. ~anam, Dh, 127; — *°-kiita, m. a mountain- peak, pl. na, 75,96; — *°-paida. m. the foot of a mountain, wo, 14,9; loc. ne. 84,31; — *-rasa, m, “the essence of the mountain”, acc, wath, 16,16; Rajata-°, Suvanna-°, m, nom. pr. (q. %.). pabbata-ttha, mfn. (sa. par- vata-stha): standing on a mountain; m. ~0, Dh, 28 (opp. bhumattha). pabbajeti, vb. (caus. pabbajatis $a, pravrajayati) ') to send or drive away (acc.) aes abl.); part. nom. m. ~Ajayam (attano malam) Dh.388; aor, 3, sg. wesi (rattha}. — #) to or- dain (ac¢.), admit to the Buddhist monastic order (through the pabbajja, . q. v.); imp, 3. sg. wetu (imam da- rakam) 81,12. pabhamkatra, m., v. pabha, pabhaiguna (& pabhangu), mfn. 161 (sa. cree fragile, brittle; frail; m, wath (idam riparh, var. ~guram) 107,75 = Dh. 148; — *pa- bhafiguna, x. subst, fragility; destroy- ing, destruction, wath (bhoganar) Dh, 139. pabha, f. (sa. prabhi) light, splendour; instr, ~aya, 85,7; — pa- bhamkara, m. (sa, prabhakara) ‘light maker’, the sun; epithet of Buddha; ~o (Buddho dhammaraja) 19,1; - nippabha, mfn. (q. v.). pabhata, mfn. (sa, prabhata) begun to become light, loc, f. waya (rattiyd) “at daybreak”, 42,1, — subst, nm, == daybreak, morning, paces vb, (caus, sa. pra- Vbhas) to illuminate, enlighten (acc.); pr. 3. sg, ~eti (sabba disd; tassa abhaya = attano pabhaya ?) 85,8; Tees lokam) Dh, 172. pabhinna, mfn, (sa. prabhinna, pp. pra-ybhid) ‘burst open’, flowing with juice, esp. m. said of an elephant in rut; *hatthi-prabhinona, m, a furious elephant, acc. wath, Dh. 326. cp. next, pabhedana, », (sa, prabhedana, cp. prabheda) the flowing of juice from the temples of an elephant; *ka- tuka-pp°, m/fn, Dh, 324 (v, h.). pamajjati4, vb, (sa. pra-/mad) to be careless, negligent, or idle; trans, to neglect (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. ewati (na-pp®) Dh. 172. 259; pot. 3. sg. ~eyya (do) Dh. 168; ger. witva, Dh. 172; aor. 2. 8g. pimado (mi ~) 77,5 (cp. Notes); Dh. 371; pp. pamatta (q. v.) ep. pamada, m. pamajjati®, vb, (sa, pra-/mr)) to sweep, rub, scour, wipe off (acc.); to stroke (along with the hand); ger. ~itva (hatthena civaravarhsam) 83,91; grd, n. ~itabbam (udakamh gattato) 84,8; f. ~& (bhitti) 84,20; m. pl. na (-kannabhaga) 84,19. pamatta, mfn. (pp. pamajjati; sa, pramatta) careless, inattentive, negligent, thoughtless, indolent; m, ~0, Dh. 19. 309; gen. wassa, 41,25; pl. wa, 77,5. Db, 21; gen. pl. ~anam, Pali Glossary. pamuicati Dh, 292; *-bandhu, m. “friend of the indolent” (é, e. Mara) 103,13 (voc.). — “-carin, mfn. (cp. sa. pramada- carin) acting in a careless manner, gen, m. ~ino, 107,99 = Dh, 334, — a-ppamatta, mfn. (q. v.). pamathita, mfn. (pp. pra-Vmath) agitated; *vitakka-°, mfn. (q. v.). pamana, n. (sa. pramana) mea- sure, size, extent, length, etc.; e. ¢. mfn.): equal in extent to; nom, warm n’atthi gacchantanam, “there was no end to them’’) 9,16; acc. wath (attano, na janasi, “you don't know your mea- sure’) 9,23; énstr, wena (tesath, in proportion to them) 57,11; comp, udaka-ppamiina, ». 3,9; pasdna-, ib,; — assa-potaka-°, m/fn., gala-°, mfn., ghata-°, mfn., tivatiznsa-deva- loka-°, mfn., ti-gavuta-°, mfn, & yo- jana-°, mfn. (v. h.). pamada, m, (sa. pramada) neg: ligence, carelessness, indolence; nom. ~o (maccuno padari) Dh, 21; ~o rajo sabbada, ~4nupatito rajo, indo- lence is always dirt (¢, e, moral de- filement), dirt is the result of it (v, anupatati), 108,8; istr. ~ena, Dh, 167; °-pamada-tthana (ab/.) 81,28 (v, thana ’)). pamareti, vd. (sa. pra-marayati, caus, pra-\/mr) to strike one dead, to maltreat, hurt severely (acc.); pot. 3. sg. ~eyya (marh) 87,15. pamukha, mfn, (sa. pramukha) being at the head of, chief (e. 0.); Vijaya-ppamukha, m. pl. “with V. at their head”, 110,30, 112,97. ep. pii- mokkha. pamuccati, wb, (pass. pamuii- cati, g. v.). pamuiicati, vb. (sa. pra-Vmuc) to liberate, send away, shake off (acc.); pr. 3, sg. ~ati (pupphani, “sheds the flowers”) Dh. 377; — pass. pamuc- cati, to be delivered (from, ab/.), Dh, 189. 192 = 107,22 (sabbadukkha); fut. pamokkhati, 3. pl. ~anti (Mara- bandhana) Dh. 276; — caus. pamo- coti, to deliver (acc.) from (abl.); aor. 11 pamudita 2. & 3. 8g. ~esi (mam dukkh@) 108,12. ~ ep. duppamuiica, mfn. pamudita, mfn. (pp. pamodati; sa, pramudita) greatly delighted, pleased; *°-citta, mfn. greatly de- lighted in his mind, m. ~o, 16,7. pameyya, mfn, (sa. prameya) measurable; ». a-ppameyya, m/n. pamokkhati, fut, pass., v. pa- muiicati. oe vi, (cats. pamuicati, q. .). pamodati, vb. (sa. pra-mud) to be delighted, to rejoice greatly; pr. 3. sg. ati, Dh. 16; pp. pamudita (q. v.); cp. pamojja. painohana. x, (sa. pramohana, mfn.) bewilderment, delusion; nom, -~amh (Marassa) Dh, 274. payati, vb. (sa. pra-Vyi) to go forth, set out, advance. proceed; aor, 3. 3g. pilyasi fw. augm.) 5. 34,4. 54,1; 3. pl. payimsu (do.) 33,7; pp. payata, loc. fem, waya (sukha-, navaya, “when the ship was fairly of’), 19,27; gen, pl. m. wanam (va- nijanam, Bharakaccha, who have vome from Bh.) 26,30; Bharukaccha- paydtinam (do.) 20,22. payirupasati, vb. (sa, pary-upa- yas) to sit beside, attend on (acc.); pr. 3. sg. wati (metrically — pay rupasati) Dh, 54-65 (panditam). *payuttaka, mfn, (fr. sa. pra- yukta, cp. neat) hired, bribed, sub- oraed; a, ~9, 38,28; coro, 38,27; %dhuttd, m. pl. 49,7, payojeti, vb. (caus. payuijati; 8a. pra-yojayati, \/yuj) to use, em- ploy; direct; practise (acc.); pr. 1. pl. payojayama (naccadini) 65,1; aor, 3, sg. ~wesi (purise, “directed some men’) 74,4; 3. pl. wayithsu (naccagitavaditaini) 64,31. para, mfn. (= sa.) 1) other, diffe. rent (opp. attan, ep. viiha, apara); m. ko... paro (“who else?) Dh, 160; ace. ~am, Dh. 184; (lokam) Db. 220; gen. ~wassa, 68,13; parassa- hetu, “for the sake of others”, Dh, 162 84 (opp. attahetu); loc, ~ambi (loke, opp. asmimh) Dh. 168; — instr. n. (adv.) parena (= aparena samayena) afterwards, later on, 47,21; — m. pl. nom. pare (others, other people; some- times pregnantly == bad or impious people) Dh. 6; acc. pare, 103,30. 106,4. Dh. 257; gen. paresam, 8,5; 34,25 (opp. attana, cp. ainesamh, 34,24); 41,33 (paresam (= instr.) tava guna jiita); — comp, °-santaka, mfn. (q. v., cp. corrections); — °-kula, #. (v. h.); °-kula, m. = %-tira, n.(q. v.); *du- kkh’tpadhana, v. upadhana; °-loka, m, another world, 106,15 (vitinna-°, g. v.); *°-vajjanupassin, ¥. anupassin (cp. vajja); para-paccaya, ¥. a-para- paccaya; *para-ppavada etc., v, below; in ‘omp, with words beginning with u the final a drops and the u is length- ened, v, parupakkama, parlpaghatin. — *) higher, superior; highest, supreme; acc, m. wath (khanath) 110,18; santi- para, mfn. “higher than rest”, 2. wam (sukham) Db, 202. — param, indecl. (v. next). ~ superl. parama (q. v.). — ep. parato, parattha, para, parato ete. param, indecl. (== sa.) afterwards, after (w. abl.); ito-param, tato-param (v. h.); param-marana, after death, 89,20. parakkama, m, (sa. parakrama exertion, effort; acc. ~am erent 34,23; instr, wena (kata-°, “when we a best”) 12,3; “dalha-°, mfn. v. h.). parakkamati, vb, (sa. para- Vkram) 'to advance, attack (ace.); to show courage efc.; pot. 3, sg. parak- kame (dalham enam) Dh, 313; ger. ~kamma, “valiantly”, Dh, 383, parato, adv. (sa. paratas) ') after- wards, further; 26,3, 34,7 (gacchanto). — *)on the other side; 21,16 (opp. orato) cp. pitrato. parattha!, adv, (sa, paratra) in another place, in the other world; 74,9 (wa’ti); Dh. 177, parattha’, m. (sa. parirtha) the 163 advantage or interest of others; instr. (for the sake of) wena, Dh. 166 (opp. attadattha, q. v.). *parappavada, m. (cp. sa. para- pravadin) disputation; °-kusala, mfn, 110,9 (g. v.) ep. pavadin, mfn. parama, mfn, (= sa.) highest, best (or worst); f. ~& (rogi) Dh. 203; . wam (sukhamh) ib. & 184; nm, pl, ~& (dukha, », dukkha) ib,; abl. n. param& va seyyo (better than the best) 65,2; — comp. *arogya-pa- rama, mfn. having health for its best, f. ~& (labha, v. arogya) Dh. 204; *vissiisa-°, mfn, ib. (g. v.). — *°duk- kara, mfn, (q. v.); °-attha, m. the best sense, the whole truth (v. next); abl, paramatthato (adv.) v, attha °). *Paramattha-dipani, f. nom. pr, of a commentary, by Dhammapiala, on several books of the Khuddaka- Nikaya; specimen of the comm, on Petavatthu p. 84,25—86,10, paradjaya, m, (= sa.) defeat; jaya-°, 2. victory and defeat, acc, eam, Dh. 201. arajita, mfn. (= 8a.; pp. para- Vji [& jya]) defeated, conquered; one who has lost (in game, w. acc.); m. ~o (sahassam) 2,14; 50,31 (as finite tense, “he lost’); 60,4 (tehi ~o). paradjiyati, vb. (pass. parajeti [& -jinati]; sa. para-yji [& jya@]) to be overcome, defeated; to lose (in game); pr. 3, sg. wati (opp, jinati) 48,9. paramasati, vb, (sa. para-\/mrg) to touch, feel, stroke (acc.); part. m. wanto (hatthissa kumbbham) 77,1; ger. ~itva ([tam] hatthena) 24,30, 25,3; pp. paramattha, », duppara- mattha. parayana, . (sa. parayana) aim; refuge, resort; €. c. mfn, == destined for, resorting to; *Brahmaloka-°, m/n. 47,38; *sambodhi-°, mfn. 79,84 (q. v.). pari-, indecl. (= 8a.) prefix to verbs and nouns, implying ‘round, around; richly, fully, completely’ etc. ; before vowels it takes the form pariy- pariganhati (v. below), but before u also payir- (metathesis, v, payirupasati); it is sometimes changed into pali- (gq. ».). parikamma, m. (sa. parikarman) 1) attendance, waiting upon; ~am (ka- tabbath, w. gen.) 84,1. — *) prepara- tion, treatment (as painting, cleansing, dressing etc.); *°-kata, mfn. prepared, treated (e.c.) : geruka-°, 84,19; lakha-°, 5,8 (v. h.), parikkhaya, m. (sa. parikshaya) destruction, ruin, loss; acc, swam (gacchati, to be lost) 48,10; (fiatinam etc.) Dh. 139. ep. parikkhina. parikkhara, m. (sa. parishkara) provisions, utensils, esp. the priestly requisites (civara ete.); acc. (e, ¢.) wan, 97,8. parikkhipati, wb. (sa, pari- vkship) to put, hang, or wind around, to surround (acc.); pr. 3. pl. wanti (maladamani) 37,2; aor. 3. pl. ~imsu, 6,10; ger, ®) witva (thanath) 6,9; (malath kanthe) 16,25; (ass& sanim) 62,20; >) witvana, 112,6; — pp. pa- rikkhitta, m, ~o (rajjuya, tied with ropes) 64,20; ” cam (naharuna, kandam, “wound round with sinews’’) 92,01; pakara-°, 23,20 (v. A.); su- parikkhittam (sayanam) 112,3 (sa- niya). cp. parikkhepa. parikkhina, mfn. (pp. parikkhi- yati; sa. parikshina, pari-ykshi) va- nished, disappeared, extinct; m, pl. ~a (asava) Dh, 93; *kamabhava-®, *“tanhabhava-°, *nandibhava-°, mfn, (v, h.) ep. parikkhaya. parikkhepa, m. (sa. parikshepa) throwing about, surrounding, that by which anything is surrounded; ~o, 37,3, pariganhati, vb. (sa. pari-y/grah) 1) to embrace (acc.); part, m. ~wanto, 21,9; ger. pariggahetva (babahi) 20,0; — *) to examine, search (through) ; to try, test (acc.); part. m. ~wanto (bahivalaijanake) 43,8; 43,5-s8; 38,18; 57,16 (tath, in order to test her); part, med. m. Aamano, 43,12; aor. 3. 8g. ~i (antonagaram) 43,0; fut, 11* pariggaha 1. sg. wissimi (janapadam) 43,11; ger. egyahetva (do.) 44,15. — caus, II. pariganhapeti, to cause to be ex- amined; part, m. wento, 48,26. cp. next, pariggaha, m. (sa. parigraha) ‘belonging to, dependent’, family, wife, property, etc.; a-pariggaha, m/n. (un- married) v, h., opp. sa-pariggaha, mfn. 56,4-7. pariggahetva, ger., v. parigan- hati. parighamsati, vt. (sa. pari- Vghrsh) to rub, scrub; part, instr. m, a-parighamsantena (sc. bhajanam, without rubbing) 82,21. paricarati, vb. (sa. pari-ycar) ‘to go round’, tu attend, wait on; to serve, worship («cc.); pot. 3. sg. ~care aygim) Dh. 107, — caus. paricareti v.h.) cp. next, paricarika, f. (= ea.) a female attendant, waiting woman; nom. va (itthi) 49,3; gen. pl, wanath, 19,13; pida-°, f. id. & wife, instr, wiya, 56,11; pl. wa, 21,19; *°wika-yakkhini, f. a menial Y., 111,3. paricare ti, vb. (cous. paricarati; $1, paricarayati) to surround (acc.); pass. part. m. paricariyamano (ni- ppurisehi turiyehi, “surrounded by’’) 67,34. pariccajati, vb. (sa. pari-y/tyaj) to abandon, give up, sacrifice (acc.); fui. 1. sg. wissi.mi (attanam tuyharh) 3,16; ger, witva (attanam) 165,33; {jivitarh) 60,14. ep, next. pariccaga, m. (sa! parityaga) ieaving, abandouing, giving up; abl. ~i (mattasukaa-©) “by leaving (a smal) pleasure)’ Dh, 290. parijana, m. (= sa.) surrounding or atteading people, servants; acc, war, 67,98; ger -vassa, 67,26, parijinna, mfi. (vp. parijiyati; &4, parijirna, yjf) worn out, decayed, exhausted; 2. wat (puranasetthiku- lath, ipspoverished, reduced) 55,1; (idam rtipam) 107,7 = Dh, 148. parinnata, mfn. (pp. parijanati; 164 sa, parijiata, ina) thoroughly known; mn. ~wam (sabbadukkham, 8c. maya) 108,13; *°-bhojana, mfn. “living on recognized food”, i. e, one who has the right view of the food he eats (who exactly knows the substance of which it consists, that it is only vile and impure matter, and taat there is no pleasure in eating it) m. pl. ~a, Dh. 92 (cp. Db. (1855) p. 281; Chil- ders Dict. pariiia). ; parinamati, vd. (sa. pari-\/nam) to bend, change (intr.); to develop, ripen, become old, be digested (as food); part. loc. ~ante (vaye, “as age ripens”) 47,13, cp. nect, parindma, m. (= sa.) change, development; digestion; samma-parina- mam (ace.) gaccheyya, 78,16 (can be fully digested). paritassati (& paritasati), wb. (sa. pari-y/tras) to be frightened or alarmed, to tremble; pr. 3. sg. na ~wati (sabbasarhyojanam chetva) Dh. 397 (“after cutting all fettera he does not tremble’’); but we had perhaps better to translate “he does not feel any desire’, and take paritassati = sa, pari-ytrsh, to be afflicted by thirst, metaph, to feel desire or longing; the explanation Dhpd. (1855) p. 428 : tan- haya na bhayati (he does not fear on account of thirst) and on several other passages in the commentaries is pro- bably due to a confusion of those two verbs, of which pp. paritasita (cp. tasita) frequently occurs; paritassana, f. seems, to have both significations : fear & longing; cp. Mil. p. 253,26 (gono chito paritasito), Rhys Davids, Dial. of the Buddha (1899) p. 63. paritoseti, vb. (sa. pari-y/tush, caus. paritoshayati) to satisfy com- pletely, to appease (acc.); part. med. m. ~ayamano (athke nisinnam put- tam) 38,15 (“cherishing”’). paritta!, mfn. (sa. paritta) limited, small, little; . wath (udakam) 4,5; parittatthakatha, f a concise commen- tary, acc, wam, 113,24. 166 *paritta®, ». (cp. sa, paritrina, fr. pari-ytra) protection, an amulet; osutta, m.a thread for defence, a charm- ing thread, 111,11 (°-tejena). paridahati, vd, (sa, pari-y/dha) to put on (clothes, acc.); fut. 3. sg. ~dahessati (kfsavami vattham) Dh. 9. parideva, m. (= sa.) lamenta- tion; instr, pl, wehi, 70,29; gen. pl. ~anam (soka-°) 90,17; soka-° (dvandva comp.) 66,10-17. cp. pariddava. paridevati, vb. (sa. pari-ydiv) to lament, cry, groan; part, m, ~wanto, 30,33; 7. wanti, 31,3; gen, pl. wanta- nam, 47,31; part, med, m, wmino, 30,15; aor. 3, sg. paridevi, 24,7. pari- deva, m. & paridevana, 7. (q. 0). paridevana, m. (= sa.) lamen- tation, groaning; °sadda, m. “the sound of groaning”, nom, ~0, 23,33, cp. parideva & next, *pariddava, m, (sa. *paridrava, Vdru; this word is formed after the analogy of upaddava (gq. v.) and may probably be due to an old confusion with parideva (v, above), by which it is generally explained in the com- mentaries (Tr.); it is only found in comp, with soka-°) lamentation; tinna- soka-°, mfn. “who has crossed the flood of sorrow’? Dh, 195. “parinitthiti, f. (fr. pari-ni- ystha, cp. nitthita) completion, accom- plishment; acc, wim (gatesu, fulfilled) 114,31. parinibbati, vbd., v, parinibba- yati. parinibbina, », (sa, parinir- vana) complete extinction of indivi- duality, so that one shall not be born again; attainment of Nirvana; adi, ~a, 80,19; °-maficamhi nipanno, 110,19. parinibbayati & parinibbati, (sa. parinirvati, va) to be extin- guished, to. attain Nirvana; pr. 3. pl. ~ayanti (Tathagata) 76,98; ~anti, Dh. 126; aor, 3. 99. wiyi, 29,18; 80,19 (Bhagava); pp. v. parinibbuta, cp, parinibbana, n, paribbajaka parinibbuta, mfn, (pp. sa. pari- birvrta, \/vr, but as to the signification belonging to parinir-//va, v. pari- nibbayati, cp. nibbuta) completely ex- tinguished or liberated (from the sam- sara); m, ~0, 80,11; loc. we, 80,19; pl.m. ~3 (loke, “even in this world’’) Dh, 89. paripakka, mfn. (sa. paripakva) completely cooked, quite ripe, accom- plished; m. ~o (vayo) Dh, 260, paripucchati, vb. (sa. pari- yprach) to put questions to (acc.); inf. ~itum, comp. kama, mfn. who wishes that questions shall be put to himself, m, ~0, 84,73 grd. m, witabbo, ib, 8 paripunna, m/fn. (sa, pari-purna) quite full; accomplished, perfect; m. ~ath (candamandalam, “the full moon”) 32,30; *sabbakara-°, m/fn, altogether pertect, acc, m. ~am (pu- risam) 10,36; *°-gabbha, f, adj. (v. gabbha). paripurati, wb. (sa. pari-ypf) intr, to become full (completely); to become perfect; pr. 3. 8g. ~ati (paii- fa) Dh, 38; pp. paripunna (q. ».). paripphoseti, vb, (caus. pari- yprush) to besprinkle, water (acc.); ger, ~witva ([bhumim] udakena) 84,29, pariplava, mfn, (= sa.) swim- ming round; unsteady; *°-pasada, m/n. “whose peace of mind is troubled”, gen, m, wassa, Dh, 38, pariphandati, vb. (sa, pari- Vspand) to tremble all over; pr. 3, sg. wati (idam cittam).Dh. 34 (cp. phandana), paribbajati, vb. (sa. pari-vraj) to wander about (esp. as a religious mendicant, cp. paribbaja(ka)); pr. 3, pl. ~wanti (etam [bandhanam] che- tvana) Dh, 346; pot. 3. sg. paribbaje (kame pahatvana andgaro) Dh. 416. paribbaya, m. (sa, parivyaya) payment, salary; travelling expenses or travelling cash; acc. ward, 18,93; 48,18, ‘paribbajaka, m, (& paribbaja; paribbavite ea. parivrija(ka)) « religious mendi- cant, ascetic; nom. we (Uttiyo) 89,19; acc, ~am, 29,29; “-avama, m. (v. h.). — °-vesena, in the character of a p. 110,29. paribhavita, mfn. (pp. pari- bhaveti; = sa., caus, pari-ybhi) pre- pared, treated; m. wath (cittam, “highly cultivated”) 105,2; acc. f. wark (raainusivacara, karunaya, “filled with compassion”) 22,3. paribhasati, 10. (sa. pari-/bhash) to blame, censure, atuse (ace.); pr. 8, ag. ~wati (bhiklhii) 84,29. paribhuijati, vd. (sa. pari-/bhu}) to eat, enjoy (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~ati (dadhitn) 35,23; 97,0 (“makes use of it”); 3. pl. wanti, 21,0; inf. witurh (kime) 69,57; ger. nitva, 36,35; pp. paribhetia, . wem (yassa, “when he has eaten it’) 78,13. cp. next. paribhoga, m. (== 3a.) enjoyment, use; *devata-°, mfn. 36,31. (v. h.). parimajjati, vb. (sa. pari-y/mrj) to cleanse, wipe; to touca, stroke(acc.); pr. 2. sg. wasi (bahiram) 106,11 = Dh, 394; part. f. wanti (pitthim) 46,8. parimandala, mfn. (=sa.) round, circular; m. ~am, 36,33, adv. ~ath, all arvund, 82,97; *su-parimandalan, adv, completely, 13,7. parimaddati, vb. (sa, pari-/mrd) to rub, stroke (acc.); ger. witva (ha- tthena tassa sarirath, “passed his hand over”) 24,23. parimana, », (= sa.) circum- ference; extent; acc, wath, (rajja-°) 43,29. pariyatti, f. (sa. paryapti) learn- ing, esp, study of the holy texts; the texts themselves hanced down through oral tradition (= tipitaka); nom. wi, 102,10; °-antaradhana, ». ‘the dis- appearance of learning’, name of a chapter of Anagata-vamsa (q. v.) 102.2. pariyanta, mn. (sa, paryanta) endec, ceased; far, remote; — m. end, circumference, edge, border, outskirt; 166 . acc, wath’ (parisa-°, v. parish) 87,23; loc. we (udaka-°) 4,2; (sara-°) 5,17; pl. hattha-pada-pariyanta (the hoofs) 5,27, ee pariyati, vb. (sa. pari-y/y@) to go round (acc.); pr. 3. 3g. wati (ra janivesanam) 31,3. pariyadana, n. (buddh. sa. pa- ryadana) consuming, consumption, exhaustion, destruction, end; abl. wa (tassa, “when that has been consumed”) 95,8. : *pariyapanna, mfn. (fr. pari A-//pad) included, contained in; patta- pariyipannari, ». “what has been put in the bowl’, 83,3. pariyaya, m. & n. (sa. paryaya) ‘going round’, encompassing (also a synonym); turn, succession, series, enumeration (also a religious discourse in general, opp. nippariyaya, a dis- course delivered on some particular occasion); way, manner, order, method, precision; view or point of view; nom. n. Aditta-pariyayam (“the sermon of the burning”) 71,18; instr, wena (aiifiena = anfiendkarena, in another way, from a different point of view o: wrongly?) Q1,11-32; aneka-pari- yayena, adv. in many ways, 69,18, pariyesati, vb. (sa. pari-vish) to seek or search for, inquire, inves stigate (acc.); part. m. wanto (goca- ram) 14,99; (phaldphalini) 35,39; part, med. m. pl. ~mand (mige, in order tc find) 6,8; fut. 1. sg. wissimi, 14,22; (dibbakime) 45,5; inf. ~itum, 43,3; ger. witva (core) 30,30. *pariyogalha, mfn. (pp. pati- yogahati, to inquire into, penetrate; sa, *paryava-V/gih, cp. ava-gadha); °-dhamma, mfn. who has penetrated the truth, m. 0, 69,13. cp. next, *pariyogadha, m. (fr. pari-ava- Vgah) inquiring into, penetrating; *duppariyogaha, mfn. (q. v.). *pariyodapana, n. (fr. next) cleansing, purification; sacitta-°, Dh, 183 (v. citta?). *pariyodapeti, vb. (cats, pari« 167 ava-/dai) to cleanse, purify (acc.); pot. 3, sg. ~eyya (metrically = paryo- dapeyya, attainarh) Dh. 88, pariyosana, m. (sa. paryavasana) end, conclusion; loc, we, 29,17 (sacca-°, q. v.); 34,29 (jivita-°); ec. mfn, = ending with: gala-°, 18,7; marana-°, 86,16; vipatti-°, 47,16 (v. h.). parilaha, m. (sa, paridaha) burn- ing, heat; pain, suffering, sorrow; nom, ~0, Dh. 90; sa-parilaha, mfn. filled with pain, ». wath, 94,9. parivajjeti (& parivajjayati) vb, (sa, parivarjayati, caus. pari- vr}) to avoid (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~eti papaini) Db. 269; imp. 2. sg. (med.) ewayassu (kuldvaka (ace, f. or n, pl. ?) “dont disturb the birds’ nests’) 60,16; pot, 3. sg. ~waye, Dh. 123. parivattati, vb. (sa, pari-yvrt) to turn, change (intr.), to change into en) pot, 3. sg. ~weyya (khiram, adhi ~) 99,98; ger. witva, 47,12; — caus. v. next, parivatteti, vb. (sa. parivartay- ati, caus, pari-yvrt) 1) to overthrow, turn topsy-turvy; also intr, to rush, hurtle (on account of confusion) : part. m. pl, wenta, 60,8. — *) to repeat, rehearse, recite (acc.); pr. 3. sg. weti (Patanjali-matam) 113,7; pot. 2. sg. ~eyyasi (mantam) 52,26; ger. ~etva, 32,10. — *) to translate (acc.); imp. 2. sg. ~ehi (tam, Magadhanam niruttiya) 113,33; aor. 3. sg. ~esi, 114,27. parivara, m, (= sa.) suite, re- tinue, followers; e. c. mfn., surrounded by; instr, ~ena (mahantena) 7,5. 62,8; paiicasata-bhikkhu-9, m/n. 87,3; paiicasata-miga-°, m/fn. 5,39; paiica- sugandhika-°, mfn. prepared with five kinds of fragrant substances, ”, wail ({tambiilam) 41,13; sa-parivara, mfn. together with the retinue, acc, m. ~atl, 110,25. ; parivareti, vb. (sa. parivarayati, caus. pari-\/vr) to surround, encom- pass (acc.); without obj. to stand around; aor. 3. 8g.+~wesi, 36,93; fut. 3. pl. wessanti, 35,15; ger. wetva phrissaya (ambarukkham, “round the Mango tree”)37,19; pp. m. parivarito(amacca-9) 112,96, cp. parivara, m. & parivuta, min, *parivitakketi, vb. (fr. pari-vi- ytark) to reflect, ponder; aor. 3. 8g. ~esi, 53,33. parivisati, vb. (sa. pari-yvish, but as to the formation confounded with pari-y/vi¢) to serve, wait on (acc.); imp. 2. sg. parivisa (mam tena, “serve me with it”) 78,8; aor. 3. sg. parivisi, 78,11; ger. witva, 87,17; part. f. ewanti (rajainaih, suvanna-katacchum gahetva) 53,32, parivuta, mfn, (sa. parivrta, pp. pari-/vr) surrounded by (instr. or e€. c.); m. ~0 (deva-ganena) 60,23; 36,28; 74,17; 7,28 (miga-gana-°); acc, m. wam (amacca-gana-°) 39,98; f. pl, ~@ (dasi-gana-°) 21,1. *parisamvuta, mfn. (sa. “pari- samvrta) covered, hidden, guarded; restrained, controlled; su-parisamvuta, Dh. 234 (q. ».). parisappati, vb. (sa. pari-\srp) to run about; pr. 3. pl. wanti, Dh. 342. The common form of this verb is pari-sakkati, cp. osakkati, nissak- kana ete. parisa, f. (sa. parishad) an as- sembly; multitude, group, crowd; nom. ~a (assa, “his followers”) 40,3; ace. wan, 88,95; instr, waya, 74,17; gen. dat, ~aya, 6,32; 86,10 (sampatta-°, the assembly present); Joc. Ayam, 87,25; comp. catu-°, f. (v. h.); at the beginning of comp. generally shortened to parisa-, 87,93 (°-pariyantarh); %majjhe, 10,21. 42,4. 61,15. parisuddha, mfn. (sa. paricud- dha, Ygudh) clean, pure; a-parisud- dha, mfn. 41,1 (q. v.). parissaya, m. (& m.) (sa. pari- graya, m. (?) Weber, Ind. Str. III, 395; as to the signification nearly agreeing with parissama (sa, pari- ¢rama) by which it is sometimes re placed in the manuscripts; Fausbell, Dbpd. (1855) p. 407 & Gloss. Sn., paribarati derives it from 6a, “parismaya, smi, which can hardly be possible) danger; pain, trouble, annoyance; ”, pl, wai (sabbani) Dh, 328. [Physically paris- saya seems to mean ‘the internal heat of the body’, as it is sometimes in the comm. explained by kammaja-tejo; perhaps it ought to be derived from pari -+ yori = yyra (or yeram), ep. utu-parissaya-vinodana, MN, I p. 10,17.) pariharati, vb. (sa. pari-yhr) 1) to carry (round), to wear (acc.); pr. 1. sg. med, ~hare (muijam, q. v.) 193,93; ger. rvitvad. (xucchiya Bodhi- suttam) 62,3. — *) to protect, take care of, be the leader of; fut. 1. sg. wissami (bhikkhu-saihghamh) 74,23; inf. witush, 74,94; ep, parihara. parihana, m. (sa. parihina) the being deprived of, falling away from; dat. ~aya (abhabbo) Dh. 32. parihayati, vb. (sa, pari-hiyate, pass, pari-Vha, cp. jahati) to be de- rived of; to fall away from (abi.), disappear, vanisn, decrease, etc.; pr. 3. sg. ~wati (sadd:amma) Dh. 364; aor. 3, sg. whayi, 18,20; fut. 3. sg. wissati, 102,10; -— pp. paribina, loc, m, we, 102,10; 2. wath n’atthi (vw. abl, ‘has net been neglected’) 37,27; a-parihina, mfn. unbroken (v. h.), parihara, m. (= sa.) ‘carrying round’, protection, taking care of, the making much of anything; abl. wate (roranaka-°, as hitherto} 37,27; “gab- bha-®, m, (q. «.) 42,28 (laddha-°), | aa mn, (pp. parihayati, gq. 0.) Bt de ation m. (fr. para + upakkama) approaching or attack of otoers (external enemies); instr. ~ena, 76,27 (cp. an-upakkainena), *parupaghatin, mfn. (fr. para + upaghatin) who strikes or injures others; om, m. v1, Dk. 184. pareta, mfn. (= sa. pp. para + vi) reached, approached; ¢. c, = fol- lowed by, overcome with; *soka-°, 168 mfn. overcome with sorrow, gen. m. wassa, 104,17. parodati, vb. (sa. pra-yrud) to begin to weep or lament; aor. 8. 89. parodi (mabantena saddena) 16,21. pary-, v. parly~. : palavati (or pilavati, plavati), vb. (sa. plavati, vplu) to float, swim; pr. 3. sg. wati (burahuratmh) 107,30 = Dh, 334 (metri causa wati); aor. 1. sg. a-plavith (phalakena) 20,23. *palapeti, vb. (caus. palayati, g.v.) to drive away (acc.); imp. 2. sg. wehi (te) 35,12; 2 pl. wetha, 52,20; aor, wesi, ib.; inf. ~eturh, 8,1. palayati (& paleti), vb. (sa. pa- layati) to flee or fly away, escape; pr. 3. sg. paleti, 106,3 = Dh. 49; 2. sg. wayasi, 54,01; 3. pl. wayanti, 6,21; 1. pl, wayima (let us escape), 21,30; aor. 3. sg. wayi, 10,33; 3. pl. wayimsu, 30,30; fut. 3. pl, wissanti, 35,14; 1. pl. wissima, 21,32; inf. ewitum, 21,37; ger. witva, 60,21; — caus, *palapeti (v. h.). palasa, m. dn. (sa. palaca) ') m.a leaf; pandu-palaso, Dh. 235 (gq. v.). — *) mn. (coll.) leaves, foliage; sakha-palasam, 95,22 (g. v.); apas gata-°, mfn. 95,23. pali- or pali-, prp. = pari-¢ (q. v.) ep. next ete. paligha, m. (sa. parigha [& paligha]) a bolt or bar of a door; an obstacle, hindrance; *ukkhitta-°, mfn, Dh. 398 (v. h.), palita, mfn. (= 8a, but often spelled with ph through confusion with phalita, g.v.); 1) grey, greyhaired; %. wath (siro) Dh, 260 (ph®); *-kesa, mfn. greyhaired, acc, m. wath, 63,9. - ") n. grey hair (sg. & pl.); nom. sg. wath (ekatin) 44,25 (ph); 46,24 (eka-p°); 46,27 (ekath oa pl. sini, 46,23; 44,22 (ph); — *phalita-patu- bhava, m, 44,33 (v. patubbava), *palipatha, m. (read : pali-®; fr. pra-ylip. tw. suff. -atha) mud, mire; acc. wath (duggam) Dh, 414 (this miry road, which is difficult to pass?) 169 ep. Tr, PM, p. 80-81 Notes; JPTS, 84, p. 86. Childers & Fausball de- rive it from pari-patha (-pantha), “adversary”. palibuddha, mfx. (probably iden- tical with sa. pari-ruddha, through dissimilation (?) or from *pra-vi-rud- dha by metathesis; in palibodha, m. hindrance, we could suppose influence from sa. pari-Vbadh (Tr, PM. p. 66) or pari-yVbandh (Lewmann); from palibuddha we have verb, denom. palibuddhati, to check, restrain; to urge, dun; to seize upon, usurp) checked, restrained; m. pl. ~a (titthiya, ‘there was put a stop to their mischief’) 74,14. (cp, also sa. pary-ava-rodha. palujjati, vd. (pass. sa. sear oe to be broken, destroyed; to fall off; pot. 3, sg. ~eyya (sakhapalasam), ae 3. pl, w~eyyum (tacapapatika) ib, paleti, vb, = palayati (q. ».). palepana, x. (sa. pralepana) the a ‘1 smearing; *galha-°, mfn, 92,7 v.h.). palobheti, vb. (sa. pralobhayati, caus, pra-Vlubh) to allure, seduce (acc.); ger. wetva (vanije) 21,13, pallamka, m, (sa. paryafika & palyafika) a couch or sofa; a throne or palanquin; the sitting cross-legged (as in meditation), in the phrase : pal- lathkena (instr.) or we (Joc.) nisidati, 17,25, 65,4. 66,4 (eka-°, gq. v.); 53,23 (Joc.) ; %majjhe, 39,26 (“on the royal throne”); kajicana-°, 42,9 (v h.); nisinna-pallathkato, abi, “from the couch on which he was sitting”, 65,37 (vutthaya). pallala, . (sa. palvala) a small pond or lake; acc, ~am, Dh, 91; loc, we, 21,36, ‘ pavaddhati, vb. (sa. pra-/vrdh) to grow up, increase; pr. 3) sg. watl, Dh, 282; 3. pl. wanti, 107,32 = Dh, 335. pavattati, vb. (sa. pra-yvrt) 4) to arise, set out, break forth; aor. 3. 8g. pavatti (mahanadi) 36,5; (uda- pavittha nam) 65,13. — *) to become, appear, to be, exist; pr. 3. sg. ~wati (ratho’ti namam) 98,24; (Sihalesu w~ati, “is extant among the S8,’’) 113,31; fut. 3, sg. ~wissati (manussesu catuppadika gatha) 102,22, caus. v, pavatteti; cp. next, avattar, m, (rather fr. sa. pra- vaktr than fr, pra-vartitr, cp. next) one who tells or relates, expounder, teacher; acc. waram (nidhinam, “who tells of hidden treasures”) Dh. 76, pavatti, f. (sa. pravrtti) appear- ance, what appears or happens, news, tidings, etc.; acc, wim (arocesi) 6,23; tatr’assa ~im na janama, “we dont know what happened afterwards”, 73,23, pavatteti, vb. (caus, pavattati, sa, pravartayati) to cause to arise, send forth (ace.); ger, ~etva (maho- gham) 35,19, pavara, m/fn, (sa. pravara) the choicest, best; noble, excellent; ace, m, wam, Dh. 422, pavassati, vb, (sa, pra-yvrsh) to rain, begin to rain; imp, 2 8g. pavassa (deva!) 104,%2; aor, 3, sg, pavassi (mahamegho) 105,21. pavati (& pavayati), vd. (sa. pra- Vva) to blow through, pervade (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. ~ati (sabba disi) Dh. 54, pavadin, m. (sa, pravadin) a disputer, polemic; acc, pl. ~wino (ahindanto) 113,5, cp. parappavada, pavala (& ie mn, (sa. pravada & pravala) +) coral; comp. -ppavala-, 27,28; *) a sprout, a young leaf or branch; kala-°, 47,20 (gq. v.). pavasa, m. (sa. pravasa) absence from home, departure; abl, ~a (agato) 9,97. cp. cira-ppavasin, mfn. pavijjhati, vb. (sa. pra-\/vyadh) to hurl or cast down (ace.); aor. 38, 8g. pavijjhi (mahantam silarm) 75,35. pavittha, mfn, (pp. pavisati, sa. pra-vishta) entered, one who has en- tered or come into (ace, or abl.); m. ~o0 (himagabbham) 16,9; ace. wath (adittapannasalamh) 44,20; mukhe pavibhajati «am. (ambaphalamh) 37,4; (fina a- sassa anto ~) 86,38; comp, kucchim pavittha-sadiso, 61,2; gahanatthana- pavittha-maggam, “the path by which they bac turned into the jungle”, 34,11. pavivhajati, vb. (sa. pra-vi- +/bhaj) to divide, distribute, arrange ace.); aor, 3. pl. wajjimsu (Satthu- sizanam) 109,32 (incorrect spelling instead of pavibhajimsu); ger. wajja, 110,1. ep. vibhajana. paviveka, m. (sa. praviveka) solitude; *%rasa, m. “the sweetnesa of solitude”, Dh. 205 (acc. ~am). pavisati, wb. (sa. pra-yvi¢) to enter, go to, come into (ace. [or loc.]}); pr. 3. pl, wanti (nagaram) 90,36; (antojalam) 88,35; part. m. instr. wantena, 83,31; imp. 2. 8g. pavisa (udakam, dive into) 13,1; (aggit) Ble; fut. 1. ag. wissami (aggith, i. é, I will pay with my life for it) 54,4; aor. *) (w. augm.) 3. sg. pavisi, 13,2 (wi, metri vausa), 33,95; >) 3. pl. pavisitisu, 53,4. 60.09; 2. pl. ~ittha (mai) 27,30; inf. witurh, 13,15; comp. ~witu-kima, m/fn. 82,24. 83,27 (m. wo, w, acc.); ger. *) pavissa, Dh, 127; b) witva, 6,7, 14,15. 37,12; grd. witab- bath, , 83,0; pp. pavittha (q. v.); caus, pavesoti & pavesiipeti (q. v.) cp. next, *pavisana, m, (om, act. fr. pa- visati, cp. pavesara) entering, coming in; “-kile (w. ace. aggith) 61,14; 73,13 (do, nagararh); %-veliyarh (tesa, “as thoy came in”) 53,4. pavuccati, vb. (pass, pra-\/vac) to be called; pr. 3. sg. dhammattho ‘ti wati, Db, 257; tanha ~ati, 103,26, pavedeti (nayati), vb. (caus. pra-yvid, sa. pravedayati) to com- municate, relute, tench (aec.); pr. 3. pl. wayanti (sc. dhammanh) Db. 151; pp. pavedita, taught; acc. m. ~am (isi-pp®, maggaih) Dh, 281; loc. m, we (ariya-°, dhamme) Dh. 79, pavedhati, v% (fr. sa. pra- Yryath, but ariven as a new simplex to caus, “pra-vyiiihayati > pavedheti ; 170 ep. Tr, PM. 76,95) to tremble, quiver; part. med. acc, m. f. ~manam, 47,23. 63,9. . paveni & paveni (or wi), fF (sa. praveni) ‘a long braid of hair, hence !) race, lineage, esp. breed of cattle, cattle for breeding; pl. ~1yo (godharaniyo, g. v.) 105,11-14. (Comm, on Sn. v. 26: vayappatta balivaddehi saddhith methunapatthana - gavo); *) tradition, traditional custom or doc- trine (also = the holy scriptures) ep. Tr. PM. p. 69,7-44. *pavellati, vb. (fr. pra-y/vell) to shake or swing to and fro, to sway; part, med. f. ~mana, 47,20. pavesana, m. (sa. pravecana) 1) entering (cp. pavisana); *) placing or putting on, application; dande pavesana-vasena (v. vasa) “according as you fit it to the handle”, 35,5. *navesapeti, vb. (caus. IT. pa- visati) to cause one (acc.) to enter (acc.); pr. 8. 8g. weti (mitugimam aggim) 61,20. *pavesetar, m. (nom, agentis fr. next) one who allows to enter, who gives admittance; nom, ~a (idtanam) 90,33. pavoscti, vb, (caus, pavisati; 8a. pravegayati) to cause or allow to enter (acc,) into (ace, or Joc.), to put on, introduce; pr. 3. pl. wenti, 49,1; fut. 3. 8g. wessati, 102,97; ger. wetva (bahumige uyyane) 6,5; (migaganam uyyiinam) 6,15; (uggahana-rajjukarin givilyn) 14,32; (nagar) 73,96; caus, IT. pavesapeti (q. 0.) ep. pavesana, n., pavesetar, m., pasamsati, vb. (sa. pra-/cams) to praise (acc.); pr. 3. pl. wanti (appamadath) Dh, 30; Dh. 229. 366; Na-ppasaisanti, Dh, 177; ger, witva, 3,38; pp. pusainsita, m. .0, Dh. 228 ~30. cp. next, pasamsa, f.(sa. pragarisa) praise; ninda-pasatisasu, Joc. pl. (blame and praise) 106,50 = Dh, 81. pasanna, min, (pp, pusidati; aa, prasanna) ') clear, bright; placid, 171 tranquil; pleased, happy (w. gen. or loc.); m. wo, (te) 7,13; (tassa) 31,14; (Buddhasdsane) Dh, 368; 114,1; instr, wena, 8,2; Dh. 2 (manasa). ~ *) who is clear in his persuasion, be- lieving, full of faith or devotion, pious; m. ~0, 28,3, 102,93; evar ~o aham, 79,97; pl. ~a, 76,32 (opp, a-ppasanna, q. v.); *-citta, mfn. with a pious mind, believing, acc, m, wath, 68,92. pasavati, vb. (sa, pra-/sii) to procreate, produce (acc.); pr, 3. sg. i. a Dh, 201; pp. pasiita g: v.). pasahati, vb. (sa. pra-\sah) to conquer, overcome leak pr. 38. 8g. ~ati (metri causa ~ati) Dh. 7 (tam); Dh, 8 (na-ppasahati); 104,5 (tath senam); pot. 3, sg, med, ~etha (na- pp°) Dh. 128. pasada, m. (sa. prasada) *) bright- ness, purity; *) favour, kindness (opp. kopa); °) conviction, persuasion, faith (opp, hana); abl. ~a, 79,99; *°-matta, f. a minute portion of faith (Gota- massa, “on G,”) 94,23; *pariplava-°, mfn. Dh. 38 (v, h.). pasadana, n, (sa, Scanner 1) clearing, calming, propitiating; ? = prec, *yathi-pasadanam, adv. according to one’s favour, pleasure, or faith, Dh. 249. pasadhana, 2. (sa. prasaidhana) decoration, vesture; am (uraccha- da-°, g. v.) 23,99; (yakkharaja-°) 112,29; instr. pl, wehi, 112,93. pasadheti, vb. (sa. pra-\sadh) to adorn, decorate, array (acc.); wor, 3. sg. ~ayi (bhaccam, pasadhanehi) 112,33; pp. pasadhita, m. ~o (man- dita-°, “dressed and arrayed”) 41,10. cp. prec. pasdreti, vb. (sa. prasarayati, caus. pra-y/sr to stretch or spread out, to open (acc.); aor. 3. sg. ~wesi (apanam, ‘opened a shop”) 48,31; ger. ~etva (pakkhe) 10,14; (hattham), 62,18; pp. pasarita, outstretched, Ogiva, f. 17,22 (v. h.). pasibbaka, m. (sa. prasevaka, passati cp. Fausboll, Dhpd. (1855) p. 268; fr, *pra-sivyaka (?) Childers) a bag, sack, purse; aco. ~am, 12,31; 13,5 (chinna-°); loc, we, 12,24; tambiila-®, 57,33 (q. v.). 4 pasidati, vb. (sa. pra-\/sad) to become clear, tranquil, or pleased (w. gen.); pr. 3. sg. wati (cittam) 103,21; ger. ~itva (tassa) 37,17; pp. pasanna (q. .) cp. pasada & pasadana, pasu, m., (sa, pacu) cattle; putta- pasu-°, Dh, 287 (children and cattle). pasuta, mfn, (sa. prasita, pp. ra-/sa, 81) intent upon, devoted to gen. or loc., ore. ¢.); m, ~O (miga- vadha-°) 5,39; (gocara-°) 18,13; (sad- attha-°) Dh. 166; pl. wa (sa-kicca-°) 86,23; (jhana-°) Dh, 181. pasiita, mfn, (pp. pasavati, sa. prastita, si) procreated, brought forth; . ~am (bahum apuiifiam) 76,3, passa, n. (sa. pargva) side; instr. wena (nipajjapetva, “upon his side”) 13,17; loc. we (pitthi-°, brahmanassa, “behind”) 50,18; Joc. pl. wesu (ubho- o ee — *sammattha-°, mfn. 47,19 vvh.). passati, wb. (sa. pag) to see, look at, consider, perceive, notice, find out (acc.) cp, dissati*); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (paiifidya, understands) 107,u = Dh, 277; (rajanam, comes to see, visits) 52,24; 2.89. ~wasi, 10,13. 73,6. 85,16. 111,19; 2.89. ~ Ami, 31,3. 97,30; 42,17 (~ vo’ham attanar, ‘an ex- ample thereof I am myself’ ?); 3. pl. wanti, 63,10. 110,12 (find); 1. pl. ~ama, 73,32; part. m. *) passam (evam, ‘considering this’) 71,4; a-pas- sath, Dh. 114; >) passanto, 14,27. 46,4 (a-°, not seeing); gen. *) passato, 96,8. Dh, 114; >) passantassa (gen. abs.) 17,24; instr. passata (intelligent) Dh. 245; pl. a-passanta, 30,81; f. a- passanti, 68,29; gen. ~wantiya, 64,17; — imp. 2. sg. passa, 2,1. 5,7 (pass’); 11,iz. 19,22. 103,24; 2. pl. ~watha, 18,6. 51,19. 88,3; — pot. 3. sg. ®) passe, Dh. 76, 170; >)passeyya, 16,14 (find); 69,1; 90,84 (look for); — fut. 1. sg. paseiisa wissimi, 65,90; — aor. 3, ag. passi, 28,8. 36,7. 54,8 (mahijano mai ~); a-passi, llljaz; 3. pl. wimnsu, 27,1; 1, pl. ~imha, 54,18; — inf. passitum, 4,13; — ger. u-passitva (not seeing) 13,5; — pass. v. dissati!); — caus, v. dasseti. passasa, m. (sa. pragvasa) breath- ing in, inhaling; mom. -vo (assasa-°, q. v.) 80,32. pahamsati', vb. (sa. pra-ghrsh) to rub, stroke (acc.); ger. witva (pharasuti hatthena) 35,8. cp. pari- ghatheati. [pahathsati®] vd, (sa. pra-Vhrsh) to vejcice. be glad; pz. v, pahattha. pakata, mfn. (yp. pabarati, q. v.). pahattha,. mfn. (sa. prahrshta, pp. pra-Vhysh) erect (as the hairs of the body efc.); delighted, glad, pleased; “-kanna-vila, mj. with the tail and ears erect, m. 00, 75,21 pahata, mfn. (sa. prahata, Vhan; zometimes confounded with pahata, sa. prahrtx; v. paharati) beaten, killed, severely hurt; m. ~0, 30,22. cp. next, pahatvana, ger. v. pajahati (Dk. 243. 415-16 =: Sn, 639-40; the Birm, reading is always pahantvana, Tr. pra-Vhan). | paharati, vb. (sa. pra-vhr) to beat, strike, cut; to strike at, hit, attack (w. acc., or rareiy w. loc, or gen.); pr., wati (kannam, “reaches his ear’’) 22,94; part. m. pl. ~anta (bhimim, muggarvehi) 6,11; ¢mp. 2. 8g. wihi, 50,17; pot. S. sg. weyya (brilimanassa, B, has hareyya) Dh, 389; aor. 3. sg. pahari (tath mukhe) 12,10; 13,20. 50,19 (sise kapparena), 89,8; 1. sg. wim, 51,8; 3. pl. wirhsu, 52,18; inf. witum, 7,36; comp. ~itu- kima, mfn. desiring to beat, m. ~0, 29,25 (“to butt”); f wa, 50,16; ger. witva; 13,21. 23,9. 36,3. 41,18. 50,0; — caus, II. *paharapeti, to let strike; imp. 2. sg. ~ehi (etath katipayehi pa- harehi) 65,8; aor. 3. sg. ~esi (ubho- su passesu) 55,14; ger. vetva (jaram tava sise) 511; ~ pp. pahata, m. 172 ~0, 12,11; . pl, ~Gni (lonajala-°, cakkhiini, “injured”) 24,16; cp. pa- bata, pahara. pahassatha, pahatave, pa- hatum, v. pajahati. pahana, x. (sa. prahina) aban- doning, giving up; nom, ~am (sab- bassa dukkhassa) Dh, 331. — pahaya, ger., v. pajahati. pahara, m. (sa. prahara) ') a stroke, blow; nom. ~o (thaddho) 50,22; acc, pl. we, 55,15; instr. pl. ~wehi, 55,8; pahdra-sate (Joc.) 55,1 a hundred stripes); eka-ppaharen’eva instr.) v. eka%); dalha-paharam acc.) 30,18 == su-ppaharam, ib.; pani-ppahadra-saddena (instr.) “at the clapping of the hands”, 18,18, — *) the mark of a blow, wound; ace, wath, 50,24. 52,83; acc. pl. we, 6,21. pahinati (& wati) vb. (sa. pra- vl) to send, send away (acc.); aor. ®) (augm.) 3. sg. pahesi (pannam) 36,22; (darakam) 81,12 [hence we have by false analogy a new verb paheti, pr. 3 8g.\; ‘) 8. sg. pahini, 48,29; 64,6 (sdsanam); 38, pl. pahinimsu (pannakare) 58,22; pp. v. next. pahita, mfn. (pp. pahinati, sa. prahita) sent, directed towarde; acc, m, vam (pannakaram) 58,22; — pa- hitatta, mfn. (sa. prabitatman, cp. attan) whose mind is intent upon, energetic, resolute; acc. m, wal, 103,17; padhana-°, 103,2 (v. h.); pl. m. ~8, 104,9; acc, pl. we, 108,19 (sivake). pahina, mfn. (pp. pajahati; sa. prabina, \/ba) thrown off, abandoned, ceased; m. ~aih (tam ripam Tatha- gatassa) 95,10; *puiiia-papa-°, mfn. “who has ceased to think of good and evil”, gen. m, ~assa, Dh. 39; *sabba- gantha-°, mfn. Dh. 90 (v. gantha); *0-mana, mfn, free from pride, gen. m, ~assa, Dh, 94. pahuta, mfn. (sa. prabhita, pp. pra-Vbhi) much, abundant; ». vam marae 78,2; (puifiam) 3,9. 173 paikata (or pakata) mfn. (fr. pakati, q. v.; sa. prakrta, cp. sa. pra- kata) ‘natural’, vulgar, universal; known, widely known, famous; m. ~o sakalakappam) 16,15; 38,17; ”. ~am bhikkhusamghe ponesueaambahe kane (disclosed) 65,7. pakara, m. (& ”.?) (sa, prakira) a wall, rampart; wath (n.? perhaps we have to read: sabbaso va pana tesamn pak@ro na hoti, “or else [be- cause] those [towns] have no fortifica- tion at all”) 91,19; thira-°, & dalha-° (v. h.); = *-parikkhitta, mfn. sur- rounded by a wall, m. wath (nagaram) 23,26; *°-vivara, m. acc. warm, 90,34 == pakarassa chinnatthinam, 91,30; *9_sandhi, f., acc. wim, 90,84 = dvin- ste itthakanam apagatatthdnam, 129, picana (rarely pajana) n. (sa, prajana) o goad; *yatthi, f. 71,99 (= patoda-latthi, 98,0) v. yatthi. cp. paceti. pacina, m/fn. (sa. pracina) eastern; -loka-dhatu, 32,30 (v. h.); *sisaka, mfn, with the head turned towards the east, », wath (dibbasayanam) 6] ,16, *paceti (& pajeti) vb. (sa, *pra- V/aj, caus.) to drive (as cattle, acc.); pr. 3, sg, weti (gavo) Db, 135, cp, pacana. patali, f. (= sa.) the trumpet flower tree (Bignonia suaveolens); *Citta-°, f, 59,29 (q. v.). patha, m. (= sa.) reading, lec- ture; the text of a book, passage, lectio varians; Khuddaka-°, m. nom, pr. (q. »). pana, m. (& rarely », pl. (8a, prana) breath, life; a living being; pl. & 8g. coll, living beings; nom. ~0, 17,99; acc, wat, 60,i7 (= jivi- tam, 60,14); eka-pinath, 27,28; coll. 97,10. Dh, 246; ». pl. ~ani, Db. 270; gen. pl. ~anam (sabba-°) ib.; *°-va- dhakamma, n. destroying life, acc. ewam, 60,13, cp. next etc, ) 29,28; comp. %=bi- . patimokkha pinaka, m. (sa. prainaka) a little animal, a worm or insect; pl. ~A, 16,5. *panaghatin, m(fn). (cp. sa. prana-ghataka) one who kills or mur- ders; m, nom. wi, 17,29. panatipata, m. (sa. pranatip’ . destroying life, taking animal |. nom. w~0, 97,15; acc. wam, 16,31. 17,26; abl. wa, 17,81; 81,22 (vera- mani). cp, panam atimapeti, Dh, 246. pani, m. (= sa.) the hand; instr, wind, 112,98; Dh, 285; loc, wimhi, 44,26; comp, °-ppahara-saddena, 18,18 (v. h.) cp. tamba-panni (v. tamba). panin, mfn. (sa, pranin) living; subst. m. a living being; acc, winam, 17,99; gen. pl, ~inam (= paninam) Db, 135 (cp, Kuhn, Beitr. p, 81). painupeta, mfn, (sa. prandpeta) living, “while one’s life laste’; ace. m, wath (math, saranam gatarh) 69,20 (cp, upeta). pita, m. (= sa.) falling (down or into); v. pindapata, m. 83,19. *Patanjali-mata, m, the doc- trine of Patanjali (gq. v.); acc. ~wam 113,6, (Pataiijali- must either be adj, = *Pataijaliya or subst, = Pataijali; cp. sa, Patafijala, mfn, & Pataijali = Pataiijali.) patarasa, m, (sa. pratar-Gga) morning meal, breakfast; acc. ~ath, 8,20; *°-bhattath, 57,9 (id.); bhutta-, mfn, one who has eaten his breakfast, m, ~0, 22,23, ep. pato, pati, f. (sa. patri) a cup, bowl; acc, ~im, 56,95; tuccha-°, 56,97; punna-°, 27,18; bhatta-°, 34,18; Joc, mwiya, 56,26; pl. wiyo (suvanna-ras jata-°) 61,97; instr, wibi (id,) ib, pitimokkha, nm. (buddh, sa, pratimoksha, m., fr. prati-/muo, cp, SBE, XIII, p. xxv) the moral law, the title of the oldest collection of moral precepts of the Buddhists; Joc, ~e (salivaro, “living restrained under the law”) Dh. 185. 375 (cp. SBE. X. p. 51 Note; Hardy, Eastern Mona- chism p. 8; a translation of the Pati- patu- mokkha-precepts is given by Rhys Davids & Oldenberg, SBE. XIII. p. 1-69.) patu-, indecl, (before vowels: patur-; sa, pradur) forth, in sight (only prefixed to the verbs karoti & bhavati and their derivatives) v. below. patum, inf, v. pivati. patu-bhavati, vb. (sa. pradur- Vbhi) to become visible or clear, appear; pr. 3. pl. ewanti, 66,20; aor. 3, sg. paitur-ahosi, 67,31; pp. patu- bhiita, m. wam, 45,4. cp, nezt, patu-bhava, m. (sa. pradur- bhava) becoming visible, manifestation, appearance; acc. wath (phalita-°) 44,30, pateti, vb. (caus, patati; sa. pitayati) to cause to fall, let fall, drop, loose, throw down (acc.); part. m. wento (dandakam) 13,21; aor. 3, sg. wesi, 29,97. 36,1; fut. 2. sg. wes- sasi, 4,39; ger. wetva, 4,93. 12,31. 23,9; pp. patita, m. ~o, Dh, 407. pato, adv, (sa. pratar, cp. paita- rasa pete) in the early morning; ew va (nikkhumitva) ‘quite early in the morning”, 14,21; ~ va tava hotu, “let it be till tc-morrew”, 15,16, patheyya, 2 (sa, pitheya; ep. patha) provisions for a journey, via- ticam; wat, Dh, 235. pada, m. (== sa.; ep. pada) ') the foot or leg (cf o person or an animal), the foot (of a mountain, tree e'c.), basis, foundation ‘?); nom. ~o (pabbata-°) 14,9; instr, wena (gac- chantassa) 97,25; loc. Ae, 76,1; pl. wit, 97,36; hattha-°, 99,13 (hands and feat) comp, 5,97; acc. pl. we, 49,6. 57,16, 62,28; ¢vstr, ~ehi, 40,25; pac: chima-”, 24,96 (hind feet); loc, wesu, 59.8. 75,22 (sicasi nipatitva) ep. pa- da-mile (loc.s “at one’s feet”, 49,5. 36,27; — padodaka, »., *°-kathalika, n., *°-pamsu, %. = raja, 2. °-pa- ricarika, f., °-pitha, ms °-saiifata, mfn. (v h.). — *thira-pikara-pada, mfn. whose fortifications have a strong foundation; #, ~am, 91,20 (comment 174 on dalhuddaparh). — *) the fourth part of a verse; abl. pl, wehi, 114,21. cp. catuppadika, m/fn. ; neaaka, mfn, (== 8a.) having feet (e. ¢.); *sarabha-°, mn. 42,0 (q. ».). paduka, f. - sa.) @ shoe, slipper ; acc, pl, ~ayo (suvanna-°, “gilt slip- pers”) 68,2; abd. pl, wahi (do.) 68,16. pana, (= sa.) drinking, » drink; instr. wena (opp. anna) 20,36; comp. °-bhojana, m, (drink and food) loc. we, Dh. 249; dibba-°, . 59,25 (i. é, the liquor of the Devas); sura-°, sura-meraya-° (q. v.). pinaka, n. (= sa.) a drink, be- verage; *sakkhara-panakadihi (instr. pl.) “sugar-water and the like”, 18,27. paniya (or paniya), ». (= sa.) a drink, esp, water, drinking water; acc, wath, 1,12; instr. paniyena, 83,13; *0-tittha, m. a watering-place, 11,28 (loc. we); vasita-°, m. 41,11 (g. ¥.). papa, mfn, (= sa.) bad, evil, wicked; m, ~0, Dh, 119 (opp. bhadra); n, subst, evil-doing, sin, crime (often esp, of sexual intercourse); nom, wath (maya kata-°) 17,17; ace, wath, Dh, 117 (opp. puiiin); 48,7 (unchastity) ; 59,21; 85,2c (mukhasa); 104,34; gen. ~wassa (phalati) 17,26; Dh, 183 (sab- ba-°); abl. na, Dh. 116; loc. ~as- mim, ib.; pl. wani, Dh. 119. 265; gen. pl. ~anath, Dh. 265. 333 (pa- pan’); — ep. nippapa, mfn., bahita-°, mfn, (v. h.); puia-papa-pahina, mfn, (v. pahina); °-vagga, m, the 9th chapter of Dh. ~ compar. wiyo (or wiya) v. hk. cp, next ete, paipaka, mfn. (= sa.) bad, evil, wicked; f. nik (gati) Dh. 310; ace. ~ikam (ditthita) 91,16, Dh, 164; nm. ~uth (dittbigatam) 90,24; (kammath) 100,06; abl, pl. ~ehi (kammehi) 100,8; n, subst, wath, eviledoing, 59,21. pipa-kamma, mn. (sa. papas karman) wickedness, sin, crime; nom. ewan, 51,7; ace, wari (vaciya) 85,34; 99,19. (Satthara kata-°) 73,27; abd. mi, Dh, 197, papa-kammin, m/fn. (sa. papa- 175 karmin) evil-doing; m, pl. wino, Dh. 126. papa-karin, mfn. (= sa) = prec.; m. wi, Dh. 15, paipimat, mfn, (sa. papman) wicked, sinful; m, subst, ‘the wicked one’, i, e. Mara; nom. ~ma, 71,37 (Maro); gen. ~mato (Marassa) 71,94; voc, ~ma, 71,31, papiya(s), compar, fr, papa (sa. pipiyas) worse; ue ~0; % ~wam &] payiyo, Dh, 42. 76 (opp, seyyo). paipunati (& pappoti) vd, (sa. pra-\/ap) to arrive at, attain to, reach, obtain on or gen, (dat.)); pr. 3. 8g, pappoti (sukham) Dh. 27; 8 pl. paipunanti (maranam) 6,99; imp. 8. sg. wnatu (varo, mama parisiya (gen. dat.) cp. 6,39) 6,26; put. 3. sg. ~ne, Dh. 138; aor, 3. sg. wni, 6,32 (w. gen. dat.); 20,3 (rukkhassa santi- kam); 42,32; 89,16; 1. sg. ~nim, 17,7; fut. 3. pl. wnissanti, 34,19; 2. pl. ~nissatha (vindsam) 32,28; ger. patva, 17,11 (dukkhath); 23,21 (dipam); 30,4. 38,11. 45,29. 87,23. 110,18; pp. patta (q. v.) as finite tense: m. ~0, 30,23; nm. ~am, 43,3 (= papuni); caus. v. next, ep. patti, f. paipeti, vb. (caus, papunati; sa. prapayati) to cause one on to reach or attain (ace. or gen. dat.); pr. 3, sg. ~eti (navarh vindsath) 27,12; imp, 2. sg. ~ehi (varamh aiiiassa 7,8; fut. 1. sg, ~essami (tam vind- sath) 5,10; inf. ~etum (varam ajiiie- sam) 6,35; ger, ~etva (tam jivitak- khayath) 4,22. pamado, aor. 2. sg. (v. pamaj- jati.) *pamokkha, mfn, (fr. pamukha, g. v.) eminent, famous; chief, principal; disa-°, mfn, (v. h.); brahmana-pa- mokkhe (acc, pl. the most eminent among the Br.) 61,24; Mahakassapa- pamokkha thera, the Theras whose chief was M., 110,15, ; *pimojja, » (fr. pamodati; ep. 8a, pramoda) joy, delight; acc. ~am (piti-°, “happiness and joy”) Dh, 874; para-gii ®-bahula, mfn, full of delight, m. 0, Dh. 376. payasa, m, n, (sa, payasa) rice boiled in milk, milk-porridge; gen. ~wassa (vara-°, excellent milk-porridge) 61,26, payasi, payimsu, aor., v. payati. payeti, vb. (caus, pivati; sa. payayati) to give to drink (w. double acc,), to give suck (acc.); pr. 1. sg. emi (nam) 68,33; imp. 2. 3g. wehi, ib.; ger, ~wetva (asure dibbapanam) 59,05, para, ». (= 8a.) the opposite bank or shore, the other side; the highest end, metaph. = Nibbana; wath (prp. w. gen.) on the other side, beyond; 2,11 (samuddassa); comp. °-Gafigaya (Joc.), on the other side of the Ganges, 1,14; nadi-pare (Joc.) 56,21; acc. ~wam (essanti) Dh. 86 (perhaps to be taken as one word: parani-essanti, “will pass over”, SBE, X. p. 25); abl. (adv.) parato, v. be- low; param a-param va, ‘neither the further nor the hither shore’, Dh. 385, & piriparam, ‘both shores’, ib, seem to be used metaph, in the sense of ‘this and the future existence, the whole existence’ (?) cp. oraparam, adv, 108,26 (i h): para-ga, mfn. (= sa.) going to the opposite shore, crossing over, who has overcome or mastered, knowing thoroughly, versed in (gen. or Joc.); m, ~o (tisu vedesu) 113,38; pl. wa (jati-maranassa) 105,26. cp. para-gu. pira-gata, mfn. (= sa.) who has reached the opposite shore (i. e. Nibbana); m. ~o, Dh, 414. *para-gavesin, mfn. looking for the other shore; m, pl. wino, Dh, 355. para-gamin, mfn. (= sa.) pass- ing over to the opposite shore; m. pl, ~ino, Db. 85. para-gi, mfn. (= para-ga, q. v,) nom. sg.m. wit inom vedanarh, bréhmano) 16,93; (bhavassa) Dh, 348; (dvayesu dhammesu) Dh. 884. pireto Parato, adv, (sa, pHratas; abl, fr, para, q. v.) on or to the further side; 83,21 (opp. oraio). *parami, f. (& paramita, f.; buddh. sa. id.) perfection, accomplish- trent; virtue (esp. pl. ~wiyo, the ten virtues : dana, sila, nekkhamma, khanti, metta, paiiiia, viriya, sacca, adhitth#na, upekkha); sacca-°, 108,31; ~ pdranigata, mn. having attained to perfection; m. pl. wi (w. lov. saddhamme) 109,21. *Paricchattaka, m, (cp. sa. parijdtaka) nom. pr. of a tree in Devaloka, under which Sakka’s throne (pandukambalasilasana) is placed; ~0, 59,28. paruta, mfn, (sa, pravrta, pp. pra-\/vr) covered, dressed; put on; m. ~o (sibacammena) 8,38; su-paruta, mfn. duly dressed (i. e. according to the rules of the order) acc. m. ~waih (pabbajitam) 63,30. cp. next. parupati, wb. Ge pra-/vr) to cover, dress; put on (acc.); ger. witva (gadrabham sihacammena) 8,18; (sam- ghatiyo) 82,28; pp. paruta (qg. v.) ep. parupana, n. [Tr. PM. p. 63; cp. apairuta & avapurapeti.] padrupana (or paipurana) n, (sa. pravarana) an upper garment; nom, wan, 29,23 (cp. nivasana). paila(ka), m, (= sa.) guard, pro- tector keeper (e, ¢.); v. uyyana-°, khetta-°, & gopala(ka), cp. Dhana- palaka & Sathghapala, m. nom. pr. péli (often written pali) f. (= sa.) & line, row, series; a holy text, reading or passage of the holy ‘text; nom. satthakatha pali (she text together with the commentary) 102,8; acc. with (viya, “as the text itself”) 114,30; ~im {abhidhammussa, “a passage from the A.”) 113,15; pl. abl, wihi (she verses ?) 114,31; pali-mattam, the text alone without the Comm. J13,ae. (Tr. PM. p. 69: Franke, An- zeige, BB. XXIi. 296.]. pavaka, m (== sa.) fire; nom, wc (bhasmachannc) 106,22 = Dh, 176 71; aggi ~o, Dh. 140 (“lightoing- fire” ?). pavacana, #, (sa. pravacana) speaking, recitation, discourse, esp. the words of Buddha, the holy scrip- tures (the suttas); nom. ~am (atita- satthukam) 79,3; ~am (Gotamassa) 95,95, Pavia, f. nom. pr, of a city of the Mallas (near Vesali); nom. ~2, 77,16; ace, wam, 77,2; loc. wayam, 77,19. pavisi, aor, v. pavisati. paisa, m. (sa, paca) ') @ snare, trap; acc, wam (oddetva) 11,29; loc. me, 11,80, — *) = pasaka (v. next), pisaka, m. (sa. pagaka, ep. pra- saka) a die; acc. pl. wake (suvan- na-°, khipati) 48,8; pase = pasake, 50,20; °-khipana, ». throwing the dice, 48,23. pasana, m. (sa. pashana) a stone, rock; nom. ~0, 3,1; voc. wa, 3,7; acc. wath, 2,32. 104,13; instr, wena, 3,6; kdla-°, a black rock, 24,21; *pi- tthi-° (v. h.); °-tale, 10,7; °-ppamana, n. 3,2; °=pittha, 2. 17,20; *°-sakalika, f. 17,22 (q. v.). pisada, m. (sa. prisida) a plat. form or terrace, the upper story of a house, a lofty building, palace; nom. ~o (Vejayanta-°, g. v.) 60,2; ace, wal, 63,14, abl. w8, 67,24; loc. we, 50,6; pl. wi, 67,925 lec. pl, wesu, 76,29; °-talato, 65,94 (v. tala); upari-°, 64,19 (v. h.); metaph, paiid-°, Dh. 28 (v. h,). pasadika, mfn. (sa. prasidika; ep. pasada) kind, amiable; graceful, beautiful; m. ~0, 24,11, pihesi, aor, v. pahinati. pi, indecl, (enclit. form of api. q.v.) 1) and, also; 2,25 (punadivase pi); 4,:¢ (tam pi); 5,1 (aiifo pi); 5,32 (so pi); 6,33 (akam pi); 7,17 ae pi); 26,10 (tato pi); 29,32 pubbe pi) etc.; w. negation : napi, 16,1 (meque); 97,15 (nor). — *) empha- tically : very, even, although; 9,1 (ciram pi); 7,13 (manussesu pi); 27,97; 53,16; 68,24 (seyyatha pi nama j 177 106,2 (yathdpi); 112,15 (idhadpi, ep. idha); — 20,20. 22,18, 24,17. 31,13. 41,33, 57,3 etc.; pleonust. repeated 114,22 (potthakesu pi tisu pi); w. negation : 4,25 (eka-maccham pi na); 16,10. 17,18. 18,30. 27,23. (cp. kiticapi). — 5) Similarly used after word express- ing ‘quantity’ (numerals etc.) implying the notion of totality : sabbe pi, 3,9; ubho pi, 5,12; tayo pi, 11,26 (cp. te pi tayo, 13,6); dvihi pi, 12,2; cattaro pi, 14,10; sakalo pi, 16,13 ete, — 4) but (vero; after a new subject at the beginning of a sentence): 9,3, 10,25, 13,6. 23,15, 79,94 (but then), — 5) per. haps, probably, may be (w. foll, fut. or pot.) : 7,16. 35,19; 13,15. 87,15, — *) repeated : *) both - - and; 4,14 (jale pi thale pi); 9,16. 67,8. 76,12; >) either -- or: 6,32, 35,5; 17,14 (whether - - or). - ') prp. (prefix to verbs) v. pidahati (pithiyati), pilandhati (~apeti). pimsati, vb. (sa. Vpish, pinashti) to crush, pound; to hurt, injure (acc.) ; part, med, n. ~ manam (tassa ma- tthakath) 24,5. pitaka, ». (= sa.) a basket; a collection of sacred books (‘a basket of oral tradition’, cp. Tr. PM. p. 67 ~—68). The Buddhist canonical works are divided in 3 great collections : ti-pitaka, 2. (q. v., cp. tepitaka) viz. 8) Vinaya-pitaka, 102,16-17; >) (Sutta-) or Suttanta-p. 102,13 (which is also named dgama-p. 110,3); °) Abhi- dhamma-p. 102,13 (cp. dhamma’>)), The term pitaka is also applied to the last book of the Sutta-pitaka ; Cariya-pitaka (q. v.). — *Pitaka-ttaya, n, == ti-pitaka, acc. warm, 113,18, 114,11; loc. we, 114,25, pittha, 2. (& pitthi, 7, v. next) (sa. prshtha) the back; the hinder part or upper side of anything, top, surface; pasana~°, », the top of a rock, acc, wath, 17,20; kavata-°, ». 84,12 (v. h.; in this comp, and in pittha-samghata(ka) ”. 91,21 (comm. on torana) pittha seems to have the signification of ‘post, door-post’; cp, Pali Glossary. pitta sayana-pittham, ‘bed-side', 41,30); instr, & loc, (at the end of comp.) are often used prepositionally = along, over; beside, on efc.; instr, wena (samudda-° gacchanto, “passing the ocean”) 23,21, 60,6; (udaka-°) 28,10; loc, pitthe, 5,17 (pathka-°); 16,18 (ta- runa-dabbatina-°); 20,7. 41,25. 65,4 sayana-°); 23,11, 59,33 (samudda-°) ; 5,s2 (hatthi-°), ey. SBE, XX. 105. pitthi, f. (sa. prshtha & prshthi) = pittha [cp. Tr. PM. p.65; Franke, Anzeige, BB, XX, 287]; nom. wi (rucir&) 10,19; acc, with, 1,17, 46,8; abl. wito, 2,5. 8,17; adv, nito wito (upajjhdyassa, ‘hot-foot upon’) 83,98; loc, wiyath, 62,33, 65,19; *°-passe, behind (w. gen.) 50,18 (v. passa); *~pasina, m. a rock in the surface of the water, or a flat rock, a bare rocky ground; ~0, 2,22; loc. we, 2,31, 10,29 (cp. pasana-pittha, 17,20). pinda, m, (= sa.) a lump of food, alms of food (received by the Buddhist monks in their alms-bowl); acc. vam (rattha-°, “the charity of the land’’) 107,2 = Dh. 308; dat. ~aya (for alms) 76,17. 86,5. — *pinda-cara, m. wandering about for alms, 85,3 (°-a- tthiya). — pinda-pata, m. the food received in the alms-bow], 83,12. 97,8; °-patikkanta, m. one who has returned from seeking alms, 86,5 (wo). cp. next. pindi, f. (sa. pindi) a ball, lump; a cluster or bunch of fruits; acc, wim (amba-°) 15,2; comp. pakka-phala-°, 2,1. pita, m. (sa. pitr) father; nom. pita, 87,10. 108,15; (ace. waram, loc, ~ari); the weak stem is pitu (or piti), hence gen. (dat.) sg. pitu, 24,13. 56,31. 87,14 & pituno, 69,22 (after the ana- logy of u-stems); pl. nom. acc. ~aro, 22,13 (mata-°, parents); gem. ~unnaih (do.) 31,18; loc, wiisu (do.) 7,94; pita- putte, acc. pl. a father and a son, 32,18; pitu-hadayam, a father’s heart, 64,17. cp. petteyyata, f. pitta, ”. (= sa.) bile; nom. ~am, 82,4 = 97,22; 103,20, 12 , pithiyati pithiyati, vb. (pass. pidahati; sa. (a)pi-Vdba; the Burmese write pidhiyati, v. Tr. PM. p. 6207) to be covered or shut; tc shut, close (intr.); pr. &. sg. wati, Dh. 178; aor, 3. pl. ~imsu (akkhini) 3,19. pidahati, wb. (sa. (a)pi-ydha) to cover, conceal; to shut, close (acc.); part. med. f. ~mini (tassa akkhini) 50,:4; inf. witum (mukham) 13,18; ger. pidhaya (dvaram) 6,14; pass. pithiyati, pp. pihita (¢. v.). pipati, vd., v. pivati. pipasa, f. (== sa.) thirst; v. khu- ppipisa. pipilika, f. (= sa.) an ant; nom, wi, (2ka) 58,19; pl. 08, 53,30; gen. pl. wanam, 53,16. cp. kipillika, nlya, mfn. (sa. priya) beloved, dear; pleasant, agreeavle; m. am, 55,1; abl, wato, Dh, 212 (“from pleasure”); n, pl. wiini (beloved objects or plea- sures) 55,1; piyd = piydni, 65,9; instr. abl, wehi, 67,10. 106,25 = Dh, 210; gen. ~fnlamj} 106,20; — subst, m, == friend, ace, ~am, Dh, 220; — comp. piyipaya, m. (wv. apaya); piya- ppiyam, #. pleasant and unpleasant, Dh, 211 (ep. a-ppiva, mfrn.); plya-gga- hin, mfn. grasping at pleasure, m. ~1, Dh, 209; °-bhancéa, 64,34; °-ma- tulaka, 5,5; °-samvasa, 11,27 (v. h.); Piya-vagga, m. the XVIt» chapter of Dh. — compar. piyatara, mfn. 64,33 (m. 20) ep. next. piyiiyati, vb, (denom. fr. piya; sa, priyayate) to be fond of, love, fondle; part. med. f. ~miina, 9,29. “pilandhati, vb. (denim. fr. pi- landha = sa. pi-naddha, api-ynah) to dress, deck, decorate (w, double acc.); to deck oneself with (acc.); ger. ~itva (pupyhani) 41,7. ~— caus. *pilandhapeti; ger. ~etva (mam pu- pphani) 33,3. ep. onaddha, upa-nay- hati, san-nayhati. (Tr. PM. p. 55.) pilavati, vb. v. palavati. *pilotika, f. (varely mn.) cloth, stuff (made of hair, worn by poor people; felt?) ». pl. ~Ani (jinnakani) 178 57,5, If this word is not a loanword [Trenckner refers to Syriac piloto fr. Greek mAwtug (?)] then it is probably derived from sa, plota = prota, mn. pivati (or pipati) »d. (sa. pa, pibati) to drink; pr. 3. sg. ~ati (maj- jam) 97,11; 2. 8g. ~asi (suram) 74,7; part, nom, m. *) pivam, Dh, 205; >) pivanto, 45,28; pl. ~wanta, 74,4; imp. 2. 8g. piva, 22,30. 111,20; 2. pl. watha, 21,5; fut. 2. sg. wissasi, 56,22; 1. 8g. wissimi, 22,32; inf. patum, 11,30; ger. *) pitva, Dh, 205; >) pi- vitva, 1,12 ete.; pp. pita (q. v.); caus. payeti (q. v.) ep, pana, paniya, pitin, pipasi. pihaka, ». (sa. plihan, m.) the spleen; nom. ~am, 62,3 = 97,21. pihita, mfn. (pp. pidahati; sa. pihita) covered, shut, closed; *°-dvara, mfn, whose doors are barred, loc. n. ~e (bhavane) 41,29. piheti (or pihayati) vd. (sa. /sprh, ae to desire (acc, or gen.); to envy (gen, pers.); pr. 3. 8g. ~weti (pihet’attiinuyoginath, gen. pl.) Db. 209; 3. pl. wayanti, Dh. 94; Dh. 181 (according to the metre : pihenti); part, nom. m, wayam (aiiiesam) Dh, 365. pitha(ka), ». (= sa.) a chair, stool; nom. warm, 84,13; acc. ~am, 83,18 (hettha-°, v. h.); 83,20 (janta- ghara-°, v. h.); loc. wake, 87,17; — pida-°, 2. a foot-stool, nom. wat, 83,6. pinita, mfn. (pp. pineti; sa. caus. prinuyati, /pri) satisfied, pleased, de- lighted; f. ~wita (yakkhi) 111,35. ep. piya, piti. pita, mfn. (pp. pivati; = sa.) drunk or having drunk; gen. m. wassa (yaguih) “when he has drunk it”, 82,20. piti, f. (sa, priti) pleasure, joy; acc, ~im (buddhirammanaih) 28,6 (cp. irammana); °-pamojja, . Dh. 374 (v. h.); *°-bhakkha, mfn. “feeding on happiness”, pl. m. A (deva yatha) Dh. 200; *°-somanassa-jata, m/fn. 179 64,13 (v. jita); — *dhamma-piti, f. delighting in the dhamma, Dh, 205 (°-rasamh); *dhamma-piti, m(fn). id. Dh, 79 (so all Mss; the comm, takes it = dhamma-pitin (i. e. payako, pivanto), but 1 dont know whether the word pitin (drinking) is found elsewhere in the Pali texts), pitin, mn, (sa, pitin, e, ¢.) drink- ing (v. piti & Han ee pileti, vb. (sa. pid, pidayati) to press, squeeze, wring; to hurt, an- noy, oppress (acc.); ger. wetva (pab- batam) 16,16; (colakam) 84,91; 45,1 (without obj. oppressing); pp. pilita, vexed, annoyed, m, ~0 (surisumirena) 108,25. puggala, m. (sa. pudgala) a per- son; personality, individuality, the Ego or individual soul; nom. 0, 3,24. 92,6; na h'ettha ~o upalabbhati, 97,2. cp. patipuggala & next, Puggala-paniiatti, f. nom, pr. of a canonical Pali work, the 4‘ part of the Abhidhamma-pitaka; 102,12. pucimanda, m. (sa, picumanda or °-marda) another name of the Nimb tree (v. nimba); acc. pl. ne, 38,1; *0-parivara, mfn, surrounded by Nimb trees, m. ~0 (ambo) 37,39. pucchati, wb, (sa, \/prach, pre- chati) to ask, question (acc, pers, & rei); pr. 8. sg. ~wati, 91,14; 3. pl. wanti, 21,9; 2. pl, ~atha, 88,9; part, m. ~wanto, 9,25; pl. ~anta (Maha- sattam samuddassa namam) 25,94; imp. 2. pl. watha, 79,18; pot, 3. sg. meyya, 9432-34; 2. pl. weyyatha (mam imam karanam) 17,1; 79,24; fut. 1. sg. wissimi, 56,7; aor, 2.-3, sg. apucchi, 91,1 (Bhagavantam paiham); 112,8; pucchi, 9,17; 3. pl. apucchisum, 110,30; pucchimsu, 4,3; ger. witva, 25,81; 43,96 (vaya); 86,52 (kumarikam pajihe); 109,15; grd. m. witabbo (upajjhayo paniyena, he ought to be offered water to ae 83,13; ¢p. a-puccha, mfn.; — pp. ® puttha, m. ~0, 25,28 (evar tehi et 85,14 (katakammam) ; 90,26 (paiham); putta f. ~4, 73,13; >) pucchito, m. 54,27; 91,15; comp. maya pucchita-panho, 88,11. cp. pafttha & next, puccha, f. (sa, precha) question; ace. wath, 91,15; gen. pl. ~anam (sabba-°) 91,14. pujja, mfn. (grd., v. pujeti). punja, m. (= sa.) a heap, mass, quantity, multitude; loc, we (padu- ae 16,7; comp, ratta-kambala-°, 427, puiiiia, #, (sa. punya) virtue, good work, moral or religious merit (opp. papa); nom. acc, ~am, Dh. 196, 331; 103,9; 107,27 = Dh, 18; 106,6 = Dh, 267; instr, wena, 103,14; pl. Wani (katva) 8,13; diinadini a, 17,34; 103,7; gen, pl. ~anamh (phalarh) 58,12; 103,15 (read : pufifiena ?).—comp. kata-puiina, mfn. one who has done good, virtuous, m. ~0, 107,296 == Dh. 18; acc. ~am, Dh, 220; — %papa-pahina, mfn. (v. pahina); — *°-pekha, mfn. (v. h.). pufiiiavat, mfn. (sa. punyavat) full of merit, virtuous, fortunate; /. wvati, 56,1. ; puttha!, mfn. (pp. v. pucchati), puttha®, mfn. (sa. pushta, pp. Vpush; cp. posipeti) nourished, fed; m, ~0 (nivapa-®, q, v.) Dh, 325, ep. phuta & phuttha. punna, mfn. (pp. purati, pireti; sa, purna) full; %-ghata, 62,6 (gq. v.); pati, 27,18, Punna, m. nom, pr. of a thera; nom. ~0 (dhammakathikanam [aggo]) 109,9. punna-canda, m. (sa. purna- candra) the full moon; acc, ~ath, 42,5; *°mukha, mfn. with a face splendent like the full moon, m, ~o (Gotamabuddho) 87,s. punnama, f. (sa. purnima (pir- nami)) the day of full moon; gen, ~iya, 61,8; punnamuposathadivasa, 22,19 (v. uposatha), putta, m. (sa, putra) a son, pl, children (also the brood of animals); ace, ~amn, 7,39; pl. nom. wa, 105,5; acc, we, 13,4; instr. wehi, 105,98; at 12* puttaka the end of comp. it is often used as designation of family or caste, as me- tronymic or patronymic, v. kammara-®, kula-°, khara-°, deva-°, raja-°, ludda-°, setthi-°, Maluiikya-?; cp, ayya-putta, bhagini-putta; dvandva: dara, m. (q. v.); °-dhitasu (loc. pl., v, dhitar); °-pasu-, Dh. 287; pita-putte, ace. pl, 32,18, ‘ puttaka, m. (sa, putraka) a little son or child; mom, ~o (eka-°, an only son) 23,6; acc. wath, 6,33; acc, pl. ~e, 12,35 (young ones). *puttimat, mfn. {probably arisen by confusion between sa. putrin & *putra-mat = putravat) having sons; nom, m. ~ma, 105,28-31. puthn, ') mfn. (sa. prthu) exten- sive, broad, large; manifold, diverse, common, general; acc. m. pl. AU (sa- mana-brihmane) +9,2. — %) indecl. (adv.) extensively,, Zar end wide, all round; 194,8 (cp. sa. prthak & neat. puthujjana, m. (sa, prthag-jana a vile or ignorant person, a fool; coll. common people, the vulgar; loc. we (anchabhate) Dt.. 69; a-puthujjana- sevita, Dh, 272 (q¢.v.); °-kalakiriya, f. 87,29 (g. v.) cp. pothujjanika. puna (& punam) adv, (before vowels also pun’ or pwiar-, punad-; sa, punar) back again; ~ gantva, 4,03; ~ anetvd, 4,17; at the beginning of & sentence : 63.29; 63,19 (pun’eka- divasan); puna pi, again, once more, 3,8. 52,31, pnnar eva (do.) Dh. 338;, again as before, 38,4; tw. negation; na punar, ‘not again, no more, Dh, 238. 348; puna-nisak- khi, 55,17; na... vi puna (nor yet) Dh. 271; puna astranain an-igama- naithaya, in order that they might not come back agaia, 60,26, The en- clitic ‘orm of this werd is pana (g. v.) cp. nect ete. *suna-divaga, m, the next day; loc. we, 2,25. punappuna(ih), adv. (sa, punah- punar) again and again, repeatedly; 25,18. 73,4; vat, 52,93, 108,5. 180 punabbbhava, m. (sa. punar- bhava) new birth, transmigration; nom. ~0, 108,18. cp. pono(b)bhavika. *puna-vare, adv, (loc., ep. vara) another time, the next time; 18,17. puppha, n, (sa. pushpa) a flower; acc. wath, 106,2 = Dh. 49; pl. wani, 33,3; 37,16 (akala-°); 41,6 (nana-°); Db, 47 (wain’eva); instr. wehi, 20,9 (dibba-gandha-°); 34,6 (vana-°); gen. ~ainam, 65,29; — comp. pupphanta- rehi, 62,12 (v. antara); *°-kannika- sadisa, m/fn. 7,29 (v. kannika); *°-gan- dha. m. the scent of flowers, ~o, Dh. 54; *-rasi, m. a heap of fl, Db, 53 (abl. wimha); *°-vagga, m. the Vth chapter of Dh. pupphati, vd. (denom, fr. pu- ppha; sa. pushpyati) to flower, blos- som; pr. 3. sg. wati, 59,31; op. ~wita, gen. f. ~aya, 59,29; — caus. *puppha- peti, to cause to flower or blossom; part, m. ~wento (akala-pupphani) 37,16. pubba?, m. (sa. pya) pus, puru- lent matter; nom, ~0, 82,4 == 97,92. pubba’, mfn, (sa. plrva) first, former; except loc. pubbe (adv. q. v.) it is only used in comp. like °-kamma, n, & S-nimitta, . (g. v.) and esp. at the end of adj. comp. whose first part is a past participle, implying the sense of ‘before’, with a negation : ‘not be- fore, never’: dittha-pubba, m/n. seen before, m,. ~o (na maya, I have never seen (before this day)) 7,13; ito me tinnath samvaccharanam matthake Satthad v0, it is three years since I saw the master, 87,8; the same comp, is also used in an active sense (w. obj. acc.) : aliiapurisam ditthapubbam itthiin, a woman who has seen another man before, 48,13 (but this construc- tion may probably have arisen through a dissolution of a longer comp. *aiia- purisa-dittha-pubba, mfn.); dinna- pubba, mfn. given before, », a-dinna; cp. a-pubba, anu-pubba & nect. pubbafigama, mfn. (sa. piirvar- gama) preceeding, going before, leading, chief; v. mano-°, 181 pubbanha, m, (sa. plrvahna) morning. forenoon; *°~samaya, m., id.; acc. ~ath, in the morning, 76,15; rat- tindivam-pubbanhidisu (Joc.) 88,29. pubbapara, m/fn, (sa. purvapara) being before and after; successive; 7. pl. ace. ~ani (scil. akkharani, in the right order) Dh, 352; °-vasena, ac- cording to the consecutive order, 114,20 (cp. vasa). pubbe, adv, (loc, fr. pubba, ep. sa, purvam) before, formerly, in times past; 28,15 (~ pi); 54,12; 69,98; 85,19; 86,7 (~ va). — *°-nivisa, m. (cp, sa, purva-nivisa) ‘former habitation’, 4. e, former existences, acc, w~am, Dh, 423, pura, . (= sa.) a city, town; mom, wam (yakkha-°) 112,12; ace, ~am (deva-°) 27,31. cp. antopura. pura(s), imdecl, (sa. puras) at the beginning of comp. pura-° or puro-° (v. below) == pure (q. v.) ep. purato, purima. purakkhata, mfn, (sa. puras- krta) ‘placed before’, followed by, filled with, attacked or injured by (gen. or instr.); f. 4 (paja, tasinaya) Dh. 342. purato, adv, & prp. (w. gen.) (sa. puratas) before (of place), in front of; forward, further; ~ thapetva, 35,27; ~ paticchidetva (opp. pac- chato) 83,52; after gen, assa nw, 23,1; tesath w, 42,3; rathassa x, 54,9; mitu w, 62,23; 76,36. 94,29. purattha, adv. (sa, purastit) before, in front; hence : *puratthima, mfn, eastern; acc. f. ~am (disam) 95,5 (opp. pacchimam). purdna, mfn, (= sa.) ancient, old; gama, m. 35,22 (a ruined vil- lage); °-jatila, m. who has been Jatila before, 70,22; °-setthikula, 7». 55,31 (q. v.); ”. pl. puranani, events of the past, Dh, 156. cp. poranaka. *purima, mfn. (fr. pura(s), ep. pure) former, previous, first; the same as before; instr, m. ~ena (kathasal- Japena) 94,22; gen. wassa, 101,39; Joc. we (yime, the first watch) 99,19; purohita comp, °-bhave, in a previous existence, 58,11; °-nayen’eva, v. naya; °-sadisa, mfn. happening as before (or above), nm, ~am (sabbam) 31,28. purisa (rarely purisa), m. (sa. purusha) a man, person; nom. ~0, 92,7; Dh. 117 (puriso); 36,3 (rukkhe nisinna-°); 86,19 (bhita-°); sap-puriso, Dh, 54 (cp. sat & santa‘); voc. wa, 23,31. 101,6; 76,3 (mogha-°); ace. ~om, 10,26; gen. wassa, 9,13; pl. wa (rija-°, royal servants) 40,3. 74,7; Dh. 236 (Yama-°, q. v.); acc. pl. we, 74,4; — comp. purisidhama, m. ace, pl. ~e, low people, Dh. 78 (cp. adhama); “purisdjaifia, m, a remark- able man, supernatural person (i. ¢. Buddha) Dh, 193 (cp. ajaiiia); puri- suttama, m, acc. pl. we, the best people, Dh. 78 (cp. uttama); puri- santara, m., v. antara®; *°-gabbha, m. (q. v.); %-vadha, murder, 74,14 (°-danda, q. v.); °-sahassam, ”. a thousand men, 34,9; — eka-purisika, f. & nip-purisa, mfn, (v. h.) cp, po- risa & posa. pure, adv. (sa, puras) in front, before, formerly; ~ ca paccha ca majjhe ca, Dh, 421; munca w~ (“give up what is before’) Dh. 348; of time : 37,50. 47,1. 61,5. Dh. 326 (once, for- merly); 108,15 (in former births); 85,5 (id. = pubbe atitajaitiyam, 85,19). cp. pura(s) (pura-, puro-) & next. purekkhara, m. (sa. puraskara) ‘placing before’, intention; giving pre- ference to, preference, precedence; ace. ~wam (bhikkhusu) Dh, 73. cp. pu- rakkhata, *pure-dvara, m. the front door of a house (opp. pacchima-dvara); instr, wena eae, by the front door) 12,10; loc, we (darini nikkhipitva) 57,13. purohita, m. (= sa.) a family priest, a king’s domestic chaplain; ~o, 48,9; instr. wena, 48,5; gen. ~assa, 45,01; *°-brahmana, m. id.; gen. ~wassa, Blo; *°-tthina, #, the rank or situa- pijana tion of ap, Ice, we, 45,0 (ep, Fick, Soc, Glied. p. 107~117). ptjana, & ptjand, f..(sa. pujana, ”.) worship, homage, adora- tion; nom. w& (sd) Dh. 106. puja, fA (= eh worship, honour, cere, efe.; ace, wat, 37,31; acc. pl. wa, Dh, 73; ~- pujaraha, mfn. (sa. pujarha) deserving homage; ace. pl, m. we, Dh. 195 (cp. araha). pUjeti, vb.. (sa. pitjayati, ypuj) to hoaowr, worship, revere (acc.); part. gen, m. ~ayato (piijiirahe) Dh. 195; pot. 3. sg, waye (bhavitattanam) Dh, 106, aor, 3. pl. a-pujesuh (kakam mamsena) 18,33; ger. wetva, 34,7; pp. pujita, m. wo, Dh. 303; grd. pujja, nfn., v. a-pujja. cp. pljana (~a), puja. puti, mfn. (= sa.) stinking, foul, putrid; /f. stink, stench; *°-sandeha, m,. a heap of corruption, ~0, 107,28 = Dh. 148, *piiti-latad, f. name of a certain kind of creeper or shrub; occ. ~am, 105,19; according to the comment Jit, I. p. 177,¢ & Dhpd. (1855) p. 313,s [read : tarund pi galocilata putilata] it is another name of the young (or eoft) galoci-creeper, pirana, mf(~i)n. (= sa.) filling, completing; v. Manoratha-pirani. purati, vb, (pass. pi, pir, sa, puryate & ~ti) to be filled; pr. 3, sg. ~wati, Dh. 121-22; pp. punna & caus, pureti (q. 0.). piirisa, m. = purisa (q. ».), yureti., vb. (caus, y/p}, pir, sa, pirayati) to All (uee.) with (gen. or instr.) ; to fulfill, complete (acc.); part, m, wayanto, 105,21; part. med. m, rnayamino (saggapatham) 34,29; aor, 3. sg. ~wesi (tuccha-patimh yaguya) 56,28; devanagaram, devapurari, saggapacam (or saggapathamh) pu- resi is a frequently occurring expres. sion for ‘going to heaven’, or ‘attaining heavenly bliss’ : 17,34. 27,91. 44,15 (54,29); aor. 3. med. (=: aor. 3. pass. purayittha (“was filled with”, ee 182 28,29; ger. wetva (patiyo piydsassa) 61,97; (silarh, “fulfilling the moral law”) 16,19; pp. purita, filled, n, wah (uyyanam) 6,16; pass. pirati (v. above). piiva (rarely pupa), m. (& 2.) (sa. pupa, m.) a cake; acc. ~am (a rice caké) 67,19-21; °-khanda, m. . 53,18 (v, h.). <_< p2, indecl., a syllable indicating abbreviation == ‘and so on’ (in the same way); 92,4 (cp. 89,25, efc.); 92,s2-33, 93,1-5 (cp. 89,28-29, efc.); 93,29-31, 94,4 (do.); 96,19-21 (= 66,13); 100,23-24 (= 100,12); instead of pe we find also frequently pa or la (q. v.), and in the Birm, Mss. gha is similarly used (probably arisen through corrup- tion of the letters pe or pa-la). Ac- cording to the native comm, pe is an abridgment of peyyala, m. »., which most likely is another form of pari- yaya (q.v.) ¢. e. ‘repetition’ [*pali- yaya, *payyala] cp. Oldenberg, KZ. 25,324; Tr. PM. p. 66. Buddh, sa. pe- yala & preyala, v., Windisch, Mira und Buddha, p. 315. pekkha(ka), mfn. (e. c. = sa, preksha, f. & prekshaka, mfn.) see- ing, regarding, looking at; *puiiia- pekha, mfx, aiming at merit, Dh. 108, pekkhati, vb. (sa. pra-yiksh) to look at, regard, wiew (acc.); part, nom, m, wai (attham anagatarh, foreseeing) 112.4; part, med. m. ~miino (ti ~) 47,20, cp. pree. *pekkhuna (or pekhuna), #, @ tail feather (esp. that of a peacock) ; pl.w ani (vyimamattini) 10,20; citra-°, mfn. 10,10 (v. h.). — The etymology of this word is unknown; but it may be akin either to pakkha (q. v.), or to pilija, ». (cp. sa. piccha), by which it is explained in the comm. Jat. I, 207,27 & VI, 218,29. Pischel, Gr. § 89, refers to sa. prenkhana, Prékr. pe- huna; cp. Weber, Ind. Str. III, 396, be ee pekhuna, wv. pekkha, pekkhuna. pecca, adv, (orig. ger. fr. pra- 183 yi, sa. pretya) after death, in the next world; 74,3; 107,26 = Dh, 18 (opp. idha). cp. next, peta, mfn. (sa. preta, pp. pra-v/i) dead, deceased; m. the spirit of a dead person, a ghost, demon; nom. ~O0, 84,39; ace. wath, 85,9; *sikara-mukha-®, a peta with a pig’s mouth, 84,97; *su- kara-peta-vatthu, the story of that peta, 86,10, peti, f. (q¢. v.). Peta-vatthu, . nom, pr. of a canonical Pali-book (a section of the Khuddaka-Nikaya); specimen thereof (with the comm, of Dhammapala [Para- mattha-dipani]) p. 84,25-86,10. *peti, f., a female peta (q. v.); pl. ace, wiyo, 23,16-33. *petteyyata, f. (fr. pitar through | *petteyya, m/n.) the state of a father; Dh. 332. cp. matteyyata, f. pema, 2, (sa. preman, m. ”.) love, affection; abl, ~wato, Dh, 213, peyyala, m. n., v. pe. *pesakdra, m. (fr. sa, *pegas- kira?) a weaver; °-geha, n. 88,5; S-dhitar, f. 86,13; sala, f. 88,5 (v. h.) cp, Fick, Soc, Gl. p. 211, *pesanaka, mfn. (fr. pesana, 7. ‘sending’, errand, commission; sa, preshana) one who sends a message; only in the comp. ©-cora, m. pl, robbers who use to despatch one to fetch the ransom, 32,15, etc. pesala, mfn. (sa. pegala), beauti- ful, lovely; skilful, clever; su-pesalo, m. (catuppado) 30,8. pesi, f. (sa. peci) a small piece of flesh or meat; the foetus shortly after conception; gen. wiyd, 99,11. pesika, f. (sa. pecika) a piece, stick (esp. of bamboo); instr, waya (velu-°) 52,31. pesuiiia, x. (sa. paigunya) back- biting, calumny; *°-karaka, m. a slan- derous person, gen. ~wassa, 42,7. peseti, vb. (sa. preshayati, caus. pra-vish) to send, send forth or away (acc.); pr. 3. sg. weti (pannakaram) 64,27; 3. pl. wenti, 32,18; imp. 2. pl. ~wetha (maccham) 4,14; part, m, porisa ~wento, 37,4; aor. 3. sg. ~wesi, 24,30; ger. ~wetva, 65,26. cp. pesanaka. pokkhara, m. (sa. pushkara, cp. paushkara) a lotus-flower, esp. the blue lotus; acc. pl. ~e (= pokkha- rani?) 111,90; °-patta, m. a lotus-leaf, loc, we, Dh. 401. pokkharani, f, (sa. pushkarini & paushkarini) a lotus-tank; ace, wim, 58,98. 111,7; loc. wiyam, 52,28. *nokkharata, f. (fr. pokkhara) beauty; instr, ~aya (vanna-°, beauty of complexion) Dh, 262, Potthapada, m. (cp. sa. proshta- pada) 20m, pr. of a parrot; nom. ~0, 9,8. ota(ka), m. & potika, f. (= a a young animal; assa-pota-°, 2,18; assa-potaka-°, 5,39; suka-potaka, m. acc. pl. we, 9,11; supanna-potaka, pl. 60,8; hamsa-potakassa, gen. mi. 10,21; °-potika, f. 10,4. potthaka, m,n. (sa. pustaka) a book or manuscript; acc, wath, 114,16; acc, pl. we, 114,8; loc. pl. ~wesu, 52,11 (porana-°); 52,14, 114,92; °-dva- yath, 114,18 (two books); °-ttayam, 114,19 (three books), *pothujjanika, mfn. (fr. pu- thujjana) vulgar; m. ~0, 66,26 (synon. hina, gamma). potheti, vb. (sa, Vputh, caus, pothayati) to strike, beat, cudgel (ace.); pot. 3. sg. ~eyya (math) 87,15; ger. ~wetva, 8,29, 39,15, 51,26. pono[bjbhavika, mfn. (sa. pau- nar-bhavika) causing new births; /. wa (tanha) 67,13 (cp. punabbhava). porana, mfn, (sa. paurana) re- lating to the past, ancient; 7. (swbst.) wam, “an old saying”, Dh. 227 (opp. ajjatana); °-potthakesu, Joc. pl. iu the old manuscripts, 52,11. cp. purana & next, pordnaka, mfn. (sa. pauranika) ancient, former, old; what has been hitherto, usual; comp. °-uyyanapala, m, 37,17; %parihara, m. 37,37. porisa, m. (fr. purisa; sa. pau- Tusha) a man; nom. ~o (uttama-®, q.v.) Dh, 97. cp. next, posa *posa, m. (= purisa, porisa; arisen by contraction, perhaps influen- ced by the verb poseti, v. neat) a man; nom, ~0, Db, 228; purisa (metrically = posa) voc, Dh. 248; gen. wassa, Da. 104. *posapeti, vb. (caus. II, poseti, to feed, nourish; sa. poshayati, \/push) to rear, bring up (ace.); ger. wetva (kumarikam) 48,20. cp. puttha, mfn. plavati, vb, v. palavati (pilavati). Ph. phardana, xzfn. (sa. spandana) moving (suddenly), cuivering, trem bling; . warn (cittar) Dh. 33 (synon, capala). ¢p, pari-pbandati. pharati, vd. (va. \/sphar uae. to spread, extend (trans, & intr.); to pervade, suffuse fili up (ace.); aor. 3. sg. phari (hatthim mettena cittena) 76,34; ger. ~itvd (resaharaniyo) 57,23; pp. pauta & phuttha (¢. v.). pharasu, m, (sa. paracu) an axe; nom wu, 35,5; ace. wut, 35,7; = see *“pharasuka, m. 35,5 (vasi-°, q. v.). pharusa, mfn. (sa, parusha) harsh, cruel; acc. f. wath (vedanam) Dh, 138; n. ~am, Dh. 133 (of speech); instr, m, pl. ~wehi (yakkhehi) 41,34. phala, ». (= sa.) fruit; metaph, consequence, result (yood or bad), re- tribution, reward, advantage; 1) pl, ~ani, 2,23; 1,13 (kasata-°); gen. pl. wainam (madhura-°) 1,15; pakka- phala-°, ripe fruits, 2,1; °-rukkha, m. @ frait tree, instr. pl. wehi, 2,20; cp. phalaphala below; ~ *) nom. ace, wath, 17,26 (papassa) ; 29,10 (silassa); 68,12 (puiifianam); 42,1 (kataviriy- assa, samijjhati); 42,18 (viriya-°); *0-patisedhana, 1. (q. v.); sakada- gami-°, 29,17 & sotapatti-°, 87,1 (v h.); magga-phala-nibbanini, n. pl. (dvandva comp.) v. nibbana; — at the end of adj. comp, phala is often 184 spelled with ‘pph’, v, katuka-pphala, madhura-°, maha-°, cp. a-phala & sa-phala, mfn. phalaka, ». (= sa.) a board, plank; mom, warn (apassena-, g. v.) 84,16; instr. wena, 20,23; loc. we, 20,1; 48,8 (*rajata-°, a silver table for dicing). phalati, vb. ') (sa. yphal) to burst open, split asunder; aor, 3. pl. ~imsu (devadundubhiyo) 80,20; pp. phalita (q.v.); caus. phaleti (gq. v.). — *) (sometimes written phallati; sa. phalati, ~te, denom. fr. phala) to bear fruit, ripen; pr. 3. sg. phallati (dummedho, phalani katthakasséva) Dh. 164. *phalaphala, n. (sg. & pl.) va rious kinds of fruits (cy. phala); ~am, 1,15; 2,7 (tava ~ tam eva hotu, ‘only keep all those fruits to yourself’); instr, ~ena, 18,15. cp. maggamagga [Tr. PM. p. 74]. phalika, m, (sa. sphatika) crystal; *0.vimana, , a crystal palace, 23,15, phalita, mfn. 1) (pp. phalati; = sa.) burst, split; bearing fruit; instr. n, ~ena (hadayena) 59,10, — *) grey; mn. grey hair (through confusion with palita (q. v.), because the grey hairs split and fall off), phallati, vb, v. phalati. phassa, m, (sa. sparca) touch, contact; nom. ~0, 66,8 (salayatana- paccaya); °-nirodha, mm. 66,14 (v. .); rae 66,8 (v. paccaya). cp. phu- sati. phanita, », (= sa.) the juice of the sugar cane, molasses, sugar; *4-bin- du, 7. a drop of molasses, 53,18; *°-sa- kata, ”. @ cart-load of m., 63,20; dvandva-comp, madhu-phanitehi (in- str. pl.) 53,17; madhu-phanita-puve (ace. pl.) 53,21. *phali-, only incomp, phali-phulla, mfn., which seems to be either an intensive formation of vb. phalati, or a dvandva-comp. phalin (= sa. phalin, bearing fruit) + phulla (= sa, flowery); at any rate, preceeded by words like 185 sabba or eka as it is always found, it means ‘flowery all over’, or ‘with fruits and flowers all over’; sabbamh eka-phaliphullayh [scil, Lumbini-va- nath| ahosi 9: it was in full blow, 62,11, phaleti, vd. (caus. phalati; sa, phalayati) to split, break (trans, w. acc.); part, m. ~ento (hadayarh) 27,5; ger. ~etva (pasibbakath) 12,31. *phasu, n. [& adj. ?] (either from *prasu, ?.e. pra + asu, or from ved, sa. pracgu, quick) health, healthiness; ease, comfort; Vin, J, 92,94. Jat, II, 394,18. cp. next. “phasuka, mfn, (fr. last) agree- able, comfortable, pleasant; °-tthane (loc.) on a pleasant spot, 35,26; a= phasuka, mfn. (v. h.), The etymology of phdsu & phasuka has often been discussed; Childers derives it from sa. sparha (y/sprh), but see the objections of Weber, Ind. Str. III, 396, and Sénart, Journ, As, 1876, II, 485 (re- ferring to Buddh., sa, sparga); Trenck- ner, PM. p. 81,20, takes it == ved, sa. pragu; Jacobi refers to Prakr, phasuya, sa. prasuka (from pra + asu) ZDMG. 34, p. 311; Pischel, Gr, § 208, to /spr¢, *sparguka. phasuka, f. (sa. parcuka, par- cuka & parovaka, m.) a rib; pl. wa, Dh. 154 (metaph, said of the rafters _ of a house). phuta, mfn. (pp. pharati, cp, sa. sphuta; it is often written puttha & phuttha, g. v. cp. MN.I, 276, Note) thrilled, pervaded, filled with (énstr.); m. so (manasa, thoughtful? — pu- rito, Comm.) Dh, 218. phuttha, mfn. 1) = phuta (». above); m. wo (mettena cittena) 76,35. — *) = phusita (pp. yspro, sprshta) touched; m. pl. ~a (sukhena) Dh. 83; tamba-bhimi-rajo-°, 112,29 (v. corrections), cp. phusati, pho- tthabba. phulla, mfn, (= sa.) blown (a8 a flower); v. phali-° above, cp. pha- lati. bandhati phusati, vb. (sa. spr¢) to touch; to reach, attain (acc.); pr. 1. sg. ~ami (nekkhamma-sukham) Dh. 272; 3, pl. ~wanti (nibbanam) Dh, 23; pot. 3. pl. weyyu, Dh, 133; pp. v. next; grd. v. photthabba; cp. phassa & phuttha, phusita, mfn. (= phuttha, pp. phusati, g.v.) touched, reached, attained; m, ~o (maya, maggo) 108,14. pheggu, f. (? = sa. phalgu; cp. sa. velli = valli, Tr.) brittle or weak wood, fibrous wood, bast (?); nom. ~u, 95,22; apagata-phegguka, m/fn. “free from the unsound wood”, m, ~0, 95,24. phena, m. (sa. phena & phena) foam, scum; phenupama, m/fn. (sa. phenopama) resembling scum; acc. m, wath (kayam) Dh. 46. photthabba, m (& n.) (orig. gra. fr. phusati, g. v.; sa. sprash- tavya, 7.) touch, contact; pl. the ob- jects of contact; nom, pl. ~&, 70,33; loc. wesu, 71,10, cp. phassa. baka, m. (= sa.) a heron, crane; nom, ~0, 4,1 etc, — %-jataka, m, 3,29. bajjhati, vb. (pass. bandhati; sa. badhyate) to be bound or tied, to be ensnared or caught; ger, witva (pase) 11,30. baddha, mfn. (pp. bandhati; = sa.) bound, tied; ensnared, caught; m, ~o (bandhanagare) 46,20; Dh, 324; f. ~a, 104,30; *°-rava, m, the cry of one who has been caught, acc. ~wam (ravi) 11,30; *alha-°, mfn. 111,10 (q. v.); *bhandika-°, mfn. 34,19 (q. v.). bandha, m. (= sa.) binding, bond; emprisonment; vadha-°, Dh. 399 (v. h.); hatthi-bandha, v. bhanda. bandhati, wb. (sa. bandh) to bind, tie; catch, ensnare; to bind round, put on (acc.), bandage (acc. & instr.); imp. 3. pl. wantu (pannasaiiiam) bandhana 8,8; cor. 3. sg. bandhi (mukham) 50,14; 3. pl. wimsu (veram, aiifia- maiifiam, “nursed enmity”) 11,20; ger. ~witva (dvaram) 6,5; (te devasai- khalikaya) 21,14; (rajanarh galhaban- dhanam) 39,31; (mukham satakena) 50,13; (kayabandbanam) 82,:8; caus. Ij. bandhapeti, pass. bajjhati, pp. baddha (q. v.) cp. bandha, bandhana, etc. bandhana, n, (= sa.) binding, bond, fetter; nom, ~am, 64,7; 23,32 (paficafigika-°, g. v.); abl. wil, 33,2; Dh, 276 (Mara-°); pl. wini, 105,19; kaya-°, n. (q. v.); *galha-°, mfn. : v.); *panna-bandhana-saiina, x. (v. panna); bandhanagiira, n. a prison; abl. wato, 32,1; loc. we, 46,20. bandhava, m. (sa. bandhava) a kinsman, relative; pl. ~a, Dh. 288. *bandhapeti, wb. (caus. IT. ban- dhati) to cause to bind or bandage (acc.); ger. ~apetva (mukhari) 50,15. bandhu, m. (= sa.) a kinsman, relative; a friend; vec. wu, 103,13 ‘(pamatta-°, g. v.); instr. ~una, Dh, p. 94, v. 3 (adicca-®, g. v.), babbaja, m., v. pabbaja. bala, n. (= sa.) power, strength, force; military force, army; 20m. ~am, Dh. 109; 13,95 (yam wath ahuvam- hase, “according to what power we had”); acc. wath, 10,13; 60,20 (rein- forcement); insti. wen. (mahantena) 36,28; €. c. mfn. v. khanti-°, naga-°, cp. a-bala, dub-bala, etc. — *bala- ppatta, mfn. mighty (¢. e. by wisdom), m. ~0 (Tathigato) 80,25; — balinika, mfn. “who has strength for his army’, strongminded; acc. a. warm, Db. 399. cp. next ete., ° *bala-vahana, n. military force, army; acc, wath, 39,8; instr. wena, 38.24. balava (& hbalavat), mfn. (sa. balavat) powerful, strong; wath (maya katapapah) 17,17, palin, mfn. (== 68a.) powerful, strong; m. wi, Dh. 280, balivadda, m. (sa. balivarda) a 186 bull, ox; nom. m0, Dh. 152; ace. pl. me, 71,31; instr. pl. ~webi, 71,83. balya, n. (sa. balya) foolishness, stupidity; nom. acc. wam, 54,21. Dh. 63. cp. bala. bahala, mfn, (= sa.) thick (of consistence), dense, compact, firm, deep (as water) efc.; ati-bahala, m/n. (q.».). bahi, adv, (sa. bahis) out, outside; ~ nikkhante, 50,6; 52,2 (apart from that place, viz, khaditatthanam; but here bahi is perbaps an error for bahu, ep. bahu-tinassa, 51,33); comp. bahi- nagare (loc.) outside the city, 39,20. 43,9. 73,34 (opp. antonagare); *bahi- valafijanaka, m. pl. out-door people, acc. ~e, 43,8 (v. valaiija). cp. bahira & next, bahiddha, adv. (sa. bahirdha) outside (abl.), from outside; *°-samu- tthana, mfn,. ‘originating from out- side’, resulting in outward behaviour i.e. in good manners); #. atl tsdlaumaniy 10,16 (opp, ajjhatta-°). bahu, mfn. (= sa.) much (many), great, frequent, abundant; nm. wu & «um, Db, 258 (bahu bhasati); ~uwih dhanam) 23,6; fame 76,3; nis 111,32; tam ~ yam hi jivasi, it is a wonder that you are still alive, 13,29; énstr. m. wund, Dh. 166; 2. pl. wtini, 49,16; m. ple AU (macchi) 3,32; ~avo, Db. 307; instr. pl, wuUhi, Yl,e; gen. pl. xunnath, 23,275 wUnam, 108,21; comp. bahu- mige, 6,5; °-bhattarh, 57,11, efc. (v. below); cp. bahuka, bahula, bahu-®, bhiyyo (compar.), bhiyyoso, yebhuy- yena. *bahu-abhifiiiiadta, mfn, highly esteemed; m, pl. ~& (sdvakad) 109,19. bahuka, mfx. (= sa.) much, many; acc. m. ~am Bawa 108,12. bahu-jana, m. (= sa.; some- times written bahujjana, metri causa or after the analogy of puthujjana; Fausbell, Das, Jat. p, 28) many people; nom, ~0, 88,32; Dh. 320 (-}j-). *bahu-jagara, mfn., very watch- 187 ful, awake; m. ~0 (opp, sutta) Dh, 29. cp. jagarati. bahujjana, v. bahu-jana. bahu-tina, m. (sa. bahu-trna) abundant grass, beautiful pasture; ger. ewassa, 51,33 (= mandpassa tinassa 52,3). *bahu-dvara, mfn., having many doors or gates; doc, mn. wasmim (na- gare) 91,23. *babhu-buddhi, m/fn., wily, cun- ning, crafty; f. gen, pl, winar (thi- nama) 51,30, *bahu-bhinin, mfn., who speaks much; ace, m, winam, Dh, 227. *bahu-bhava, m., quantity, abun- dance; acc. wath, 49,19. bahula, mfn. (= sa.) much, large, abundant; ¢, ¢, abounding in; pa- mojja-°, mfn. full of delight, m. wo, Dh. 376, cp, sambahula. *bahu-sathkappa, mfn., having many purposes, full of schemes; acc, wath (kiyam) Dh, 147, bahussuta, mfn. (sa. bahu-cruta) very learned; m. ~o (Anando) 109,18; ace, ~am, Dh. 208; gen. pl. m. wi- nath, 109,7. cp. bahusacca. *bahupakara, mfn., very useful (v. upakara); m, wo (amhakam, sakuno) 18,19. badhita, mfn. (== sa.; pp, ba- dhati, ybadb, to press, pain, vex) pained, oppressed; mm. ~0 (saso, “a snared hare”) Dh, 342. cp. bibhaccha. Bardnasi (& wi), f. (sa. Vara- nasi) mom, pr. of the city Benares; abl. wiya (avidiire) 36,20; loc. ~iyam, 1,2; °raji (wi) the king of B., 5,9, ete.; -rajja, 2. (wi) the kingdom of B., 38,23; °-rajja-saimika, m, king of B., 43,29. bala, mfn. (= sa.) ignorant, foo- lish; m. wo, 2,7. 54,16; voc. wa, 44,305 ace. wat (yatha) 75,23; 106,22 = Dh. 71; pl. wa, 54,12; gen. pl. ~wa- nam, 107,10 = Dh. 60; comp. °-sum- sumara, (voc.) 2,5; °-raja, 54,6; °-ma- hajano (many unconverted) 74,14; *andha-°, mfn, (v. h.); *°-saiigata- bahusacca carin, mfn, “walking in the company of fools”, m. ~1, Dh. 207; °-vagga, m. the fifth chapter of Dhpd. — com- par, balatara, mfn. 54,22 (m, ~0) cp, next & balya, n. balata, f. (= sa.) stupidity, foo- lishness; instr, ~aya (attano, on ac- count of their foolishness) 5,9, *balisika (& balisika), m., (fr. balisa or balisa, m. a fish-hook; sa. badica & vadiga) a fisherman, angler; nom, ~0, 14,29. *Baveru, f. (?) nom. pr. of a city (perhaps = Babylon, cp. Minayeff, Bull. de l’Acad. de St, Pétersbourg, T.17. p.70 (Mél, As. VI 591); Morris, JPTS '91-93. p. 25; Franke, ZDMG. 47, Bd. p. 606); acc. ~wum, 18,54; C-jataka, 2. 18,1; °-rattha, m, the kingdom of B. 18,4-5, baha, f. (= bahu, sa. bahu, m.) the arm; pl. acc, ~A, 30,19; instr. ~ahi, 20,6; *paccha-baham, adv. (v. h.) ep. Franke, Pali u. Sanskr. p. 102, bahita, mfn, (pp. baheti, q. v.) removed; *°-papa, mfn. ‘who has got rid of evil’, m, ~o ti brahmano (in- tended to be the etymology of the word brihmana, cp, Franke, Pali u, Sanskr, p. 117) Dh. 388. bahira, mfn. (fr. bahi; sa. babya, cp. bihika) being outside (one’s self, one’s body, house, or family); being outside the Buddhistic order, none Buddhistic; 2. swam, the exterior (opp. abbhantaram) 106,11 == Dh, 894; m. ~o (samano n’atthi, “there is no Samana beyond the order” [just as thore is no path through the air] Dh, 254-55 (var. bibire, loc. adv. cp. bahiya (wika), Jat. I 421,:3 & III 432,23, which probably is a nom, pr. (cp. Muller, Pali Gr. p. 31.) bahu, m. & f. (also baha, f. (q. v.); sa. bahu, m.) the arm; v, Siha- bahu, nom. pr. *bahusacca, ». (fr. bahussuta, sa. bahu-cruta, rather than fr. *bahu- sati (sa. *bahu-smrti) which is not found in Pali) much learning, erudi- vaheti tion; instr. wena, Dh. 271 (cep. Dhpd. (1855) p. 381; Tr, PM. p. 75, cor- rections). baheti, vv. (sa. barhayati, caus. brh {Tr ), if not denom, fr. bahi Veber, ZDMG., 14,89) cp. also y/badh & »/vah) to tear out, eradicate, remove (acc.); ger. ~etva (pufiian ca papan ca) 106.6 = Dh. 267: pp. bahita (¢. v.). bindu, m. & n. (= sa.) a drop; nom, wu (uda-°) 108,2 = Dh. 336; cum (madhu-®, phinita-®, g. v.) 53,18; uda-bindu-nipaitena, Db. 121. ‘bimba, m. n. (== 8a.) an image (as a picture or statue); acc, war (said of the human bedy) Dh, 147. bilaira, m. (sa. bidala) a cat; “O-nissakkana-matta, mfn. just large enough that a cat can sneak out through it, ». wath (pakdra-vivaramh) 90,35, bibhaccha, mfn. (sa. bibhatsa) loathsome, disgusting; °-sambadha- tthana, ». 65,7 (q. v.). birana, #. (sa. virana) name of a fragrant grass (Andrepogon Muri- catum); wam, 107,372 = Db. 336 (its root is called usira, 108,1). bujjhati, vb. (sa. ybudh) to know, perceive, understand (acc.), to be conscious of; pr. 3. sg. nati (te. part, pipiini karamini karam, “when he commits evil deeds’) Dh, 136; (do, rahokammath ivikubbath, “when he openly does what ought to be secret’) 54,17; (antariyaih) Db. 286; pp. bud- dha, m/fn, intelligent, wise, enlightened (esp, subst, m, & nom, pry v0. next); ace, wut, Dh, 398. cp. buddhi, hodhi, efe, Buddha, m, (== sa; pp. bujjhati, q. v.) &@ Buddha, /. e. a person who has attained to infinite knowledge, and who is liberated from all existence, so that he shull rot be born again; nom. pr. ‘the Buddhw (é e. Gotama, q, v.) mostly mentioned by epithets like Bhegavat, Satthay, Sugata (y. v.) ep. Tathagata & Sammasambuddha; ~0 (*iya) 113,21; yadi xo tittheyya (“if 188 the B, were alive”) 98,33; ~o bhagava, 66,2; ~o dhammaraja pabhathkaro, 19,1; ~0 bhavissati loke vivatta- cchaddo, 61,83; ~o tapati tejasa, 107,25 = Dh. 387; maha-Gotama-®, 87,8; acc, wath (anantagocaram) Db. 179; gen. wassa (viya) 113,20; Zoe. ~e (in the formula B., dhamma, samgha, cp. 107,17) 79,17; pl. instr. ~wehi, 102,24; gen. ~Anath, 68,22. 74,15. 86,24. 108,20 (metri causa : Buddhana). comp, v, next ete, *Buddha-gata, mfn., directed to Buddha; f. ~a (sati) Dh. 296. *Buddha-ghosa, m. nom. pr. of a Buddhist teacher, author of several commentaries on canonical books (liv: ing about 420 A. D.); nom. no (ti nam viydkarum, Buddhassa viya gambhiraghosatta) 113,21. *Buddha-desita, mfn., taught by the Buddha; ace. m. ~am (dham- mafi ca vinayaii ca) 109,25. *Buddhantara, ., a period be- tween two Buddhas; acc. ~am (ekari) 84,30. (cp. antara.) Buddha-manta, m. (sa. °-man- tra) a sacred text of the Buddha; x0, 113,16. *Kuddha-lilha, f, the grace or charm of a Buddha; instr. waya (dhammaih desetva) 7,27, 47,17. *Buddha-vagga, m., the title of chapter XIV, of Dhpd, Buddha-vacana, nm (= sa. the word of the Buddha, the holy texts; acc, wat (karotha) 108,0; loc. me (tepituke) 102,2, *“Buddha-viru, mm, ‘the enlighe tened hero’ (Buddha); voc, wa, 108,11, “Buddha-settha, m., ‘the best of Buddhas’ (Buddha); gen. ~wassa, 109,23. *Buddhirammana, mfn, framimanna, buddhi, fs (= 8a.) intelligence, insight; v. dubbuddhi & bahubuddhi, mfn. ep. next. buddhimal, mfn. (= sa.) en- 189 dowed with insight, wise; 4, ama, 113,24; pl. ~manto, 76,82. *Buddhuppada, m., the appear- ance or birth of a Buddha, the period after the appearance of a Buddha; gen. massa abhavi, because the Buddha had not appeared, 63,31; Joc. we (imasmim) in the present Buddha- period, 84,31, bubbula, m, én, (sa, budbuda) w bubble; dimin. bubbulaka, m. & z., id, acc. ~am, Dh, 170; (cp. Dorris, JPTS, '84,80). bojjhanga, m, (sa, bodhy-anga, nm.) one of the seven faculties neces- sary for attaining perfect knowledge (or Buddhahood), viz. sati, dhamma- vicaya, Viriya, piti, passaddhi, sama- dhi, upekha; pl. ~& (satta) 82,19; acc. pl. we, 91,8, cp, sambodhi- anga. bodhi, m. & f. (= sa.) 3) f. per- fect knowledge (possessed by a Bud- dha), Buddhahood; v. bojjhanga, cp. sambodhi; *) m, the sacred tree under which Buddhahood is achieved, a Bo- tree; °-rukkha-mille, Joc. at the foot of the Boetree, 66,3; cp, Mahabodhi & next, *Bodhimanda, m, or n, (?) the terrace of the great Bo-tree in Maga- dha; °samipamhi (loc.) near B., 113,, Bodhisatta, m, (sa. Bodhi- sattva) one who is destined to be- come a Buddha, the Buddha in any of his anterior births; wo, 1,3; ace. ~am, 2,97; gen. wassa, 1,6; abl, wato, 8,10, *bondi, f.(& m.) (probably akin to sa. budhna) the body; nom, wi (mahati) 2,19 an sarira, 2,7). op. Prakr. bomdi, bumdi; Kuhn, Beitr, p. 41; Dorris, JPTS. '89,07, bya- ete, v. vya-. brahma-cariya, ». (sa. brahma- carya) holy or religious life, holi- ness, purity, chastity (sometimes = the Buddhism or the Buddhist reli- gious system and practice); nom. wall braihmana (vusitarh) 71,15; acc, ~wam (cara, “lead a holy life”) 70,16, 92,3; *°-vasa, m. the living a religious life; mom. ~0, 92,27; gen. ~wassa (kalo) 46,35, ~ *di-brahmacariyika, mfn, (v, Gdi')) cp. neat ete, brahmacariyavat, mfn. (sa, brahmacaryavat) who leads a holy life, practising chastity; mom, m, wva, 106,6 = Dh, 267, brahmacairin, m. (= 8a.) one who leads a religious life, who prac- tises chastity, a priest; nom: wi, 30,19. Dh, 142; sa-brahmacari (m. pl.) 96,30 (“fellow-priests”). brahmafiata, f. (sa. brahma- nyata) ') friendliness towards Brah- mans; *) the state of a Brahman; nom. wta, Dh. 332. brahma-danda, m (= sa.) name of a certain kind of punishment imposed by the order on a Bhikkhu; nom, ~0, 7913-14 (“the Bhikkhus should neither speak to him, nor ex- hort him, nor admonish him”, 79,15) cp. Vin. II p. 290; Kern, Manual of Indian Buddhism, p. 87. Brahma-datta, m. (= sa.) nom. pr, of several mythic kings in Benares; loc. we, 1,2. 2,17, etc.; °-ku- maro, 42,04; °-maharaja, 43,22, Brahman, m, (= sa.) the god Brahma; nom, ~8, 110,11; ~ Saham- pati, 80,21; imstr, ~wuna, Dh. 105; Maha-®, id. (v, h.) cp. sa-brahmaka, mfn. & next, Brahma-loka, m. (= sa.) the world or heaven of Brahma; loc. we, 45,16; *-fipaga, mfn. going to B.; m. ~0, 45,18 (cp. upaga); *°-para- yana, mfn, destined for B.; m, ~0, 47,33, rahma-vihara, m. (= sa.) one of the four perfect states of mind (viz, metta, karuna, mudita, upekha); ace. pl. we (bhavetva) 45,15-18. braihmana, m. (= sa.) a man belonging to the priestly caste, a Brah- man; nom, ~0, 9,9. 92,10; 106,68 = Dh. 393 ete, (in @ moral sense); acc, brihmani ~am, 30,9; gen. ~wessa, 9,9. 66,20; voc. wi (metri causa}, 30,12; pl. wa, 61,30; gen. ~wanam, 61,26; purohita-°, Blo (g. v.); *%paimokkba, mfn. (q. v.); *°-manava, m, a young Br., nom. ~0, 113,2; *-vesena (instr.) in the disguise of a Br,, 15,10; *°=vagga, m. title of Dhpd, ch. KXVI; — dvandva conp, samana-?, 19,2; amacoa-°-gaha- patike, 42,9; °-gahspatikesu, 7,25 (ep. gahapati); sa-ssamana-brahmana, min. (q. 0). brahmani, f. (== sa.) a Bréah- man’s wife, 9,10; acc. with. 9,14. briti, vb. (sa. brite & braviti, y brit) to say, reply; to speak to (acc.); to tell (acc. & gen.); to call (w. double acv.); pr. 1. sg. briimi (tan te, = kathemi) 85,25-28; 106,:3 (tam brah- manaih) = Dh, 95; 106,34; aor, 3. sg. ®) a-bravi (Miiram) 103,13; >) a- bruvi, 110,31; 111,9. bruheti, vb. (sa. brmbhayati, caus, Vbriih) te increase, further, promote, cherish, practise (acc.); imp. 2. sg. waya (sant:maggam) Dh, 285. Bh. bhekkha, 1) mfn. (e. ¢.; sa. bhak- sha) eating or drinking; *lohita-°, mfn, blood-drinking; gen. wasse, 13,98; *piti-°, mfn. (7. v.). — 2) m (sa. bhaksha, m. or bhakshya, grd.) food; ~o si mama (“thou art my prey”) 111,10. | bhakkheti, vb. (sa. bhaksha- yati, Vbhaksh) to eat, devour; inf. ~etum, 111,13 pp. wita, m. gen. pl. Anam (vanijanam) 111,32; bhakkha, mfn, (v. above), bhagavat, mfn, (== sa.) illus strious, venerable, holy; esp. m, used as a term of veneration by, Buddhists when speaking of Buddha, “the Bles- sed one’; nom. Buddho bhagava or only Bhagava, 66,2-3-5. 104,23. 108,17; ace, wvantam, 68,17, 104,11; énstr. 190 mvatd, 69,18; gen. abl. wvato, 76,1; 68,11; loc. wvati, 74,32; 92,2 (‘under the Blessed one”), bhagini, f. i sa.) a sister; also used as a term of address to any woman (or said of a woman of the order); voc, ~i, 73,8; instr. wiyd (kanittha-°) 56,80; *°-~wi-putta, m. a nephew; % ati-bhagini-putta. cp. bhagineyya. bhagga, mfn. (pp. bhaiijati; sa. bhagna) broken; ”, am, 30,17. 53,30; f. pl. wi, Dh. 154, bhaiiga, m. (= sa.) breaking, breach; bending, fold; nom, ~0, 83,11; ace. wat (sarira-°) 47,16. bhacca, m. (sa. bhrtya, grd. y/bhr) a servant, attendant; acc. war (tam tat) 112,23; pl. wa, 111,18; acc. pl. ~e, 111,19; instr, pl, vehi, 111,20. bhajati, vb. (sa, Ybhaj) to par- take of, recur to, keep company with, frequent, follow, practise (acc.); pr. 3. sg. wati (padesam) Dh. 303; part, med, gen. m. sg. ~manassa, Dh, 76; imp, 2. sg. med. ~agsu (mitte) Dh. 375; pot. 3. sg. bhaje, Dh. 76, 78; 3. sg. med. wetha, Dh. 78. 208; caus. bhajeti (q. v.). bhafjati, vb. (sa. bhaiij) to break, bend; to defeat (uce.); pr. 1. sg. ~imi (senain) 104,6; part. m. pl. ~anta (atthini) 8,29; aor. 3. sg. (ma bhaiji (vo) 108,5; pp. bhagga (q. a cp. bhafiga, m. bhaniati, ob. (pass. bhanati, 3 er bhanati, vb. (sa, ybhan) to speak, say; to recite, propound (ace.); pr. 3. 8g. ~ati (musa) 97,11; 1. sg. ami (do.) 98,21; 2. sg. med. bhane (v. next), part, m wat, 103,11 (ima giithd); Dh, 264 (alikam); part. med. m, ~ mano, 83,4; gen. ~ miinassa, 83,3; imp. 2. sg. bhana, t1j13; pot. 3. sg. bhane (saccam) Dh, 224; 2. sg. bhaneyy’aham, 11]; aor. 1. sg. abhinim (an old augmented formation) 47,8; pass. bhaiiati, loc. n. part. bhanfiamane(veyyakaranasmith) 71,17; 191 pp. n. bhanitar (alikath tassa, scil, maya) 108,30. cp. bhdnaka, bhanin. bhane, indecl. (orig. pr. 1. 59. med, fr. bhanati) Ut. ‘I say’, look here! my friends! a term of address used by a superior to inferiors (the latter answer with ‘bhante’, g. v.); mayam kho a, 76,10; tena hi a, 76,13. bhanda, ')” (sa, bhanda) sg. & pl. goods, wares, things; utensils, implements, instruments, ornaments, etc.; nom, wath, 30,17; ace. wath (appaggha-®, “wares of a little value” 26,:; (piya-°, “anything that is deo’? 54,34; pl. wini (turiya-°, “musical instruments’) 65,5. — *) m. (e, ¢, = ae a keeper, groom (cp. sa, bhanda); *hatthi-°, m, an elephant- keeper (= *hatthi-bandha, cp, sa. acva-bandha) pl, v4, 76,15; ace, pl, me, 76,10, cp, SBE, XVII, 141, Note?, bhandaka, » (sa, bhandaka) = bhanda, n.; *assa-°, 65,17 (borse- iin bhandika, f. (sa. bhindika@) a bundle, a small packet; ace. am, 8,17. 33,7; sahassa-°, a purse of 1000 pieces, 23,1 (cp, sahassa-thavika, 102,04); — *bhandika-baddha, mfn. packed, bundled up; gen. ~assa (dha- nassa) 34,12. bhata, mfn. (sa. bhrta, pp. bha- rati) ‘born’, brought up, reared, sup- ported; f. wa (bhariya) 61,4; *atta- vetana-°, v. attan. bhataka, m. (sa. bhrtaka) a ser- vant; nom, ~0, 105,s. bhati, f. (sa. bhrti) wages, hire, support; service for wages; instr. wiya, 105,9. bhatta, ». (sa. bhakta) a meal, ration; food, esp. boiled rice; nom. acc, wath, 78,3; 21,5. 33,25. 53,80, 70,10. 76,11; bahiu-°, 67,11; *paccha-°, 86,5; “patarasa-°, 57,9; *mataka-°, 16,23 (v. h.); *ratti-°, 15,19; loc. we, 57,97; ~wasmim, Dh. 185; pl. ~ani, 111,33; — comp, *bhatta-karaka, m. bhante (sa. bhatta-kara) a cook; nom. ~0, 6,20; — bhatta-kicca, #. preparations for a meal; °Avasaine, loc. (v. ava- sana) after the meal, 86,15; — *bhatta- pati, f. a rice-bowl, acc, with, 34,13; — *bhatta-sakata, . a cart-load of rice, 53,30, bhadanta, m. (= sa.) a vene- rable person, a term esp, used in ad- dressing (or mentioning) a Buddhist priest, often equal to pron. 2. pers, (but with the verb in 3. sg.); katham ~0 fiayati, “how is your reverence named“, 96,29. [bhadanta (also often written bhaddanta) seems to be » later formation from the voc, bhadante, which has probably arisen from the phrase bhaddam (or bhadram) te (q. v.) and has been contracted into bhante (v, below); cp. Windisch Mira und Buddha, p. 68; Tr. PM, p. 69-70; Weber, Bhag. IT, 155 & I, 418; Sénart, Kacc. p. 115 (II, 4,35); Pischel, Gr. § 366>.] bhadda (& bhadra), mfn. (sa. bhadra) happy, good, pleasant, beauti- ful; m,. sro (a good man, opp. papo), Dh, 120; ace, wrath (assam) Dh. 380; f. wa (mata) 20,25; voc. f. we (my dear!) 1,8; 2 wrarm, happiness, Dh, 119; pl. wrini (good things) Dh. 120; ». wam is often used with gen. pron. 2, pers, parenthetically in a sentence, meaning ‘if you please’, ‘let it be said with all deference’, ‘sit venia verbo’ and the like: na me ruccati bhaddam vo, 11,16; tam vo vadami bhaddath vo, 108,3 (cp. sa. bhadram te (vah) & bhadanta above). bhaddaka, mfn. (sa. bhadraka) = bhadda; m. su-bhaddako (catu- ppado), very pleasant or lovely, 30,8. bhanta, mfn. (pp. bhamati; sa. bhranta) wandering, moving, or rol- ling about (unsteadily); acc. m. wam (ratharn) 106,33 = Dh, 222. V*bhante, indecl. (fr. bhadanta, gq. ¥.) @ term of address to superiors’ or venerable persons : reverend sir, your reverence! 4) = voc, 28,12 (to bhabba Buddha); 36,3 (téipasa); evarh a, 76,14 (Devadatta); 79,10 (an elder bhikkhu ought to be addressed by bhante or ayasma); 85,2 (Narada); kinnamo si ~, 96,29; — *%) = nom. ~ Bhagava, 69,4 (with 3. sg. of the verb). [bhante has generally been considered as a Magadhism, from sa, bhavant- (Weber, Trenckner & Franke, KZ. XIV, p. 419), from which also bhadanta (v. above) possibly might have arisen through insertion of an inorganic ‘d’; but I think it will be impossible to arrive at a true histori- cal view of the various terms of address, bhagavd, bhavam (bhonto, ete.), bhadanto (Ate), bhante, bhane, which seem to be connected with one another phraseologically as well as etymologi- cally. ] bhabba, mfn. (grd. bhavati; sa. bhavya) future, what probably will be or ought to be, suitable, proper; w. inf. being able to; m. xo (kame paribhunjitum) 70,1; a-bhabba, m/fn. q. v.). : bkamati, ob. (sa, Ybhram) to wander about, to move to and fro (on account of perplexity); caus. bhameti, to swing, agitate, perplex; imp. 2. sg. med. bhamassu, Dk. 371, seems to be used as imp, 3. sg., but perhaps we have here an old error; the Mas, Khar. reads ma te kamaguna bha- memsu cittarh, which ssems to prove that we ought to read kamaguna biuamimsu (aor, 3. pl.) or bhamesum (aor, 3. pl. caus.). | bhamara, ‘m. (sa, bhramara) a bee; -~0, 106,2 == Dh. 49; °-gana, swarms of bees, 62,12 (paiicavanna-°). bhaya, !) 2. (=. sw.) fear, danger; nom, ward, 53,1. 110,32. Dh. 283; a.str, bhayena, from fear, 13,15. 43,7, often at the end of comp. : geha-pa- tana-°, 19,16; niraya-°, 17,30; mara- na-®, 6,91; rukkha-nibbattana-°, 37,5 (4. v.) ep. a-kuto-bhaya, a-bhaya, maha-bhaya, m/fn.; — *°-janana, mfn. (q. 0.1; — bhayattha, mfn. (sa. bhaya- 192 stha) terrified, f. ~&, 111,98; - "O.tajjita, min. (q.0.); — -dassin & *0-dassivas, mfn. seeing danger, fear- ing; nom. m. ~va, Db. 31; pl. wino, Dh. 317; — *°-bhita, mfn. & *°-saii- kita, mfn. frightened, alarmed (v. h.) — *) mfn. dangerous; acc. m. vam (maggam) Dh. 123. bharati, vb. (sa, ybhr) to bear, support, hire; cp. next etc., bhira, bhacea, bhata(ka), bhati. bharita, mfn. (= sa.) filled with (e. ¢.); vippaviddha-ndnakunapa-°, mfn, 65,10 (v. h.). bhariya, f. (sa. bhadrya) a wife; nom, wya, 1,5. 51,4; ace. wyam, 101,18; gen. (dat. loc.) wyaya, 1,23; 54,29 (metri causa contracted to bha- riya); 58,2 (dovarika-°), Bharukaccha, », (sa. id. & Bhrgukaccha) nom. pr. of a seaport- town in Western India (Baroach, Bagvyata); nom. wath (nima patta- nagamo) 24,9; *°-pattanam, 25,13; *O-nayata, mfn. 20,29 (v. payati); *0-vanija, m. 19,24 (gq. v.). *Bharu-rattha, m. nom. pr. of a country; loc. we, 24,9. — *Bharu- rajan, m. the king of that country; nom. ~ raj& nama, 24,9. bhava, m. (= sa.) 1) coming into existence, birth; existence, any mode of existence, being, life; nom. wo upidaina-paccaya) 66,0; %paccaya jati) 66,10; gen. wassa (pairagi) Dh, 348; loc. ~e (purima-°, in a former life) 68,11; pl. tayo bhava, “the three modes of existence”, iz, sensual, corporeal, formless existence, or existence in the three worlds kima-, rupa-, arlpa-loka, 65,1 (cp. kama, bhava, vibhava 67,11); — *°-tanha, f. thirst for existence, 67,14; *°-niro- dha, m. cessation of ex., 66,16; *%-sal- lani, ». pl. “the thorns of life’, Dh, 351; kama-°, tanha-°, nandi-° (v. 7.) - Fel ies welfare, prosperity (opp. vibhava, q.v.); dat. wiya, Dh, 282, = ep. bhava, punabbhava, ete. bhayanh, pron. (orig. part. bhavat 193 fr. next; sa. bhavan, m. & bhavati, f.) thou, you (used as a respectful term of addrese, often comb, with the name of the person addressed, but mostly with the 3. pers, of the verb); nom, wath (Gotamo) 90,19. 93,37; (ace, bhavantamh); instr. bhota (Go- tamena) 90,15; gen, bhoto (Gota- massa) 94,6; (loc. bhavati); pl. nom. voc, acc. bhonto (or bhavanto, nom., bhavante, acc.) : sunantu me ao, 97,3; (instr, pl. bhavantehi; gen. pl. buavantanam, or bhavatarh). As voc. sg. & pl. we have a contracted form bho (q. v. separately below). bhavati, vb. (sa. Wbhu; very often contracted to hoti, g. v.) to be, exist, stay, become, arise, come into, etc, (also used og auxiliary verb); pr. 3, sg. wati, Dh, 375; 38. pl. wanti (jati-paccayd) 66,1; 111,4; pr. 1. pl. med, bhavamase, 105,26; part, v. bhavam above; imp. 2. 8g. bhava (cp. hohi) Dh, 236; 2. pl. bhavatha (var. watha) Dh, 143; pot. 3. sg. bhaveyya, 1,25; 1. sg. ~eyyam, 56,5; 2. sg. ~weyyasi, 86,3; aor. ahu, ahosi, etc., v. hoti; fut. 3. sg. bha- vissati (cp. hessati) = will be, ‘must be’, or ‘is probably’, ‘is certainly’ : 32,26. 87,3. 99.7, etc.; 12,27, 34,3 (vassapitam ~); 40,32 (gahito ~); 56,30 (laddhath ~ maijifie); also in questions and answers: kim ~ (supi- nam) 61,29; kin nu kho w (kumarika) “how may she be’? 86,29; evam a, 56,15; fut. 2. 89. wissasi, 46,14. 56,12; 1, sg. ~issami, 23,29; 3. pl. wissanti, 6,28. 21,1i-27. 33,27 (imam dhanam dve kotthasa ~, pl. instead of sg.); 1, pl. ~wissama, 21,12; — cond, 3. sg. a-bhavissa, 42,11. 92,28; bhavissa, 29,8; — inf. bhavitum, 24,24, 56,4; — ger. v. hutva (under hoti); — grd. bhavitabba, mfn. (cp. hotabba & bhabba) ”. ~am (used like fut. in pass, construction) 24,2 (iminapi aga- tena ~ = ayam pi agato bhavis- sati); 34,4-10. 47,13, 48,26, 91,25, etc.; acc. mn, ~am ev'etam kathesi, “you Pali Glossary, bhinavira tell of what must be”, 47,11 (cp. ka- likath, 47,10); — pp. bhiita (q. v.); — caus, bhaveti (q.v.) cp. bhava, bhava, m., bhavana, ». bhavana, 7. (= sa.) house (pa- lace), home, abode (world); acc. wath (attano) 19,18; loc. ~e, 41,29; asura-®, tavatimsa-°, naga-°, Sakka-°, su- panna-° (v. h.). bhasta, m. (sa. basta) a he-goat; acc, wath, 54,16 (cp, Jat, VI, 12,2; Abhidh, has vasso). bhasma, 2. (sa. yore ashes ; *O-Achanna, mfn, 106,22 (v. @channa). bhassati, vb. (sa. \/bhraric) to fall down, drop; to swoop down, go on shore; to take a road, lounge about; aor, 3. 8g, bhassi (adho Gafigam) 14,24; (tassa matthakam) 24,5; aor. 3. sg. med, a-bhassatha (vind kaccha) 104,17 (cp. Kuhn, Beitr. p. 110). bhaga, m. (= sa.) ') a part, fraction (often comp. v. numbers, v. catu-bhaga, ti-bhaga & sahassa-°); — *)a portion, share, lot; task, busi- ness, wages, salary; (v, acariya-°); — 5) place, region, side, quarter (v. upari-°, kanna-°, bhumi-°, ep. sab- bato-bhagena, instr. adv.); — *) time, division of time (v, ratti-°, cp. apara- bhage, loc, adv.) cp. bhaga, ete., sobhagga. *bhagavat, mfn. (fr. hee par- taking of, having a share in (gen.); nom. m, ~va (simaiiiassa) Dh, 19. 20, bhadgineyya, m, (sa. bhagineya) a sister's sop, nephew; °-hamsapota- kassa (gen.) a young hamsa, a nephew of his, 10,21. cp. bhagini. bhadjana, n. (= 8a.) a vessel, an earthen jug; acc. wath, 82,19. bhajeti, vb. (caus. bhajati; sa. bhajayati) to divide, distribute (acc.); inf. ~etum (matamanussam) 40,32; ger, ~etva, 27,29. cp. bhaga, bhajana. bhanaka, m. (= sa.; fr. bhanati) a reciter, repeater, declarer; *Digha-°, m. (q. v.). bhanavara, m. (& m.) a section 13 bhinin of the holy texts, which are divided itto such sections for purpose of reci- tation; pathamaka-’am, the first sec- tion of Dhpd. containing ch, I-XIV; Dh, 196. *bhanin, mfn, (fr. bbanati) say- ing, speaking; v. vahu-°, manju-°, manta-°, mita-°, mfn. _ bhatar, m. (ca. bhratr) a brother; nom. ~ta, 108,15; 9,7 (kanittha-°); ace, vtaram, 3l,sc; -nstr. vtara, 31,31; nom. pl. ~taro, 31,13, 34,32. bhatika, m (sa. bhratrka) a brother; acc. ~am (jetihaka-°) 32,21; gen. evassa (jettha-°) 35,20. bhayati, vb. (sa. ybhi, bibheti & bhayate) to fear, be afraid of (gen.); pr. 3. pl. ~anti (maccuno) Dh. 129; aor, 2. 8g. (ma) badyi, 1,10. 4,30. 75,20; 2, pl. (ma) dhayittha, 32,21. 76,26; pp. bhita (q. v.); ger. ohayitva (kassa) 98,13, ep. bhaya, bhitasanaka, bhiru, bherava, bhira, m. (= sa.) burden, load; trouble, labour; task, charge; mom. ~o (mayham ~, or mayharh esa a, “let it be my charge, leave that tu me’’) 42,6, 49,30; imassa sukha-duk- khath tava ~0, “look after him in better and worse’, 28,20; khari-°, m. & panna-, mfn. (v. h.). bharaka, m. (?) (= sa.) burden, load; only in the comp. *gadrabha-®, m. (?) 1) an ase-driver; *) goods car- ried by an ase, instr, ~ena voharar karonto, 8,16. bhava, m. (= sa.) ') being, be- coming, appearance, state, condition, nature; nom. «0 (thinam) 51,31. — *) do,, at the end of comp, (subst, m.) : 4) w, adj. : tittaka-°, duggata-°, dub- baca-°, nihata-mina-°, pandita-°, bahu-°®, sapariggaha-apariggaha-®, samana-vaya-°, sassamika-®, sithila-®, suddha-° (q. v.); — ») i. adv. : tatha-® (q. v.)5 — °) w. subst. (ep. dhamma) : atta-°, mitta-°, sotthi-°, & likewise with the verb attni, 3. sg. : atthi-° (y. v.) — khuracakka-° (= “that it was’) 24,6; yakkhini-®, 21,26 (do.) 194 ep. hava-bhava (q. v.) 21,18; — ¢) w. pp. or grd, (which in English is ex- pressed by a full sentence: “that it was,..’, or “that it ought to be’) : figata-°, gata-°, gahita-°, bhinna-°, marita-°, vaiicita-°, hattha-gata-°; chaddetabba-° (g. v.); — °) similarly w. nom, actionis : avattharana-°, aga- mana-°, an-dgamana-°, gamana-°, nikkhamana-°, marana-® (gq. v.) cp. tunhi-bhava & patu-bhava, m.; a- bhava, m. & an-abhava-kata, mfn. bhavana, f. (=sa.) !) producing, acquiring, mastering, developing (one’s own mental faculties), meditution; acc. wath (anuyuijati, “applies himself to meditation”) 97,9; loc. ~aya (atta- na bbavita-°) 29,2; (rato mano) Dh. 301; — *) veneration, respect, praise, reputation; acc, ~arh (asatari, metri causa bhavan’) Dh. 73. bhavita, mfn. (pp. fr. next; = sa.) produced, developed, cultivated, practised; f. ~f (marana-gati) 86,20; °-bhavanaiya (pattimn, “the powers 1 have developed”) 29,2; — bhavita- tta(n), mfn. (sa. bhavitatman) one who has trained himself (by medita- tion); acc. ~anam, Dh. 106. cp. a-bhavita, su-bhavita, m/fn. bhaveti (& bhavayati), vb. (caus. bhavati; sa. bhavayati) to produce, develop, cultivate, apply oneself to (acc.); pr. 3. sg. weti (metri causa bhavayati) Dh, 350 (asubhamn); imp, 2. pl. (or pot, 3. sg. med.) ~etha (mettam) 40,8; (marana-satim) 86,17; pot, 3. sg. med. ~etha (pandito) Dh. 87; aor. 3. sg. wesi, 86,25; inf. ~etum, ib; ger, wetva (brahma-vihire) 45,15; (bojjhafige) 91,8; pp. bhavita, v. above; bhavana, f. (g. v.). bhiisati, vb. (sa. ybhash) to speak, talk; to say, pronounce, recite ace.); pr. 3. sg. wati, 22,3; Dh. 1-2 Gaeta = nati; Dh. 258; 2. sg. ~wasi (alikami) 97,31; part. m. ~mano, 103,14; Dh. 19; tmp. 2. sg. med. bha- sassu, 98,20; pot. 3. sg. bhase (gatha satam) Dh. 102; fut. 1. sg. ~issami 195 (githaih) 87,1; aor. 3. sg. abbasi, 13,30. 80,22; 3. sg. med. abhasatha, 105,23; pp. bhasita (q. v.) ep. next. bhasa, f. (sa. bhasha) language (esp. vernacular), dialect; loc. waya (Sihala-°, in the Sinhalese language 113,31; mula-bhasaya (abl, or instr. ; CES (v. mila); sabba-bhasa, m/fn. vh.). bhasita, mfn. (pp. bhasati) said, spoken; . ~ath, 98,98; gen. ~wassa (attham) 90,30. %. subst. ~am, speech, word, Dh. 363; 93,18; cp. dubbha- sita, subhasita, m/fn. *bhimsanaka, mfn. (fr. sa. bbi- shana & bhishma) terrible; m. ~o, 27,6 (saddo); 80,20 (bhiimicalo); ». (subst.?) ~am, 81,3. bhikkhati, wb. (sa. ybhiksh, bhikshate) to beg, ask for, esp. to beg alms (from, acc.); pr. 3. sg. med. ~ate (pare, “others”) 106,4 = Dh. 266. cp. next etc. bhikkha, f. (sa. bhiksha) the act of begging alms; dat, ~aya (caranto) 29,24, bhikkhu, m., (sa. bhikshu) a men- dicant, a Buddhist monk or priest; nom wu, 79,8. 106;s = Dh, 266; Dh. 75 (Buddhassa savako); ace. awwh, Dh. 362; instr. ~wuna, 79,8; gen. wuno, 79,12; eka-bhikkhussa, 79,17; pl, nom, ~U, 29,28; wavo, 109,16; voc, wave, 29,30. 70,25; ~avo, Dh, 243; acc. wU, 66,24; instr. whi, 79,15; — *-vagga, m. title of Dhpd. ch, XXV; — %sata, m. 79,33; °-sa- hassa, 7. 70,32 (q. v.); %-samgha, m. the congregation of Buddhist monks, the Buddhist brotherhood; gen, ~assa, 72,27; instr. wena, 70,21; loc, we, 29,27; pl. wa, 109,2. bhikkhuni, f. (sa. bhikshuni) a Buddhist nun; instr. wiyd, 98,98. bhimkara, m. (sa. bhrngiira) o pitcher, bowl or vase (golden); instr. ~wena (suvanna-°) 41,11. bhijjati, vb. (pass. bhindati) to be broken or wrecked; to be scattered or dispersed; pr. 3. sg. ~wati, 107,6 bhisi = Dh. 148; fut. 3. sg. wissati (nava) 19,30; 1. pl, ~issima (tattha tatth’eva) 1,8. bhitti, f. (= sa.) o wall; nom, ~i (kannakita) 84,20. *bhindapeti, vb. (caus. II. bhin- dati) to cause to be broken (acc.); fut. 1. sg. ~essaimi (silat assa) 48,96, bhindati, vb. (sa. Vbhid) to break, cut asunder, destroy, disturb, violate (acc.); part. m, ~anto (ghatam) 16,29; (sotani) 27,5; pot. 3. 8g. ~eyya (met- tith) 53,9; aor. 3. sg. bhindi (nivam) 20,1; ~itum (rafifio vacanam, to diso- bey) 40,2; (itthiya silarh, to seduce) 48,28; witva, 10,14 (hirottappam) ; 50,5. 58,93 (dvidha); pp. bhinna; grd. bhejja; caus, II. bhindapeti (gq. v.) cp. bheda. bhinna, mfn, (pp. bhindati; = sa.) 1) broken, destroyed, violated; wrecked; . wath (bhandath) 30,17; f. x (nava) 20,93. 28,22; loc. waya navaya) 28,16; bhinna-nava, mfn. cp. sa. bhinnanau) shipwrecked; m, pl. wf, 21,9; gen. ~anam, 20,33. — *) separate, different, deviating; *-ripa, mfn, id.; m. pl, ~& (acariya-vada, “the schismatic doctrines of old tea- chers”’?) 113,27, bhiyyo, adv. (sa. bhiiyas; compar. fr. bahu) !) more, still more; ~ cit- tam pasidati, 103,22; A nandati, 107,27 = Dh. 18; — *) once more, again; ~ opammam karohi (“give another illustration”) 99,27, cp, next & yebhuyyena. bhiyyoso, adv. (sa. bhiyagas) still more; only in the comp. *bhiy- yosomattaya (v. matta, f., ep. buddh. sa, bhiiyasya matraya) in still higher degree, 65,3. bhisakka, m. (sa. bhishaj) a phy- sician; acc, wam, 92,8, (As to the form cp, sa. a-tvak-ka) cp. bhesajja. bhisi, f. (sa. brsi) a cushion, roll, pad; nom. wi, 104,30 (baddha hi ~ susamkhata; in this sentence bhisi seems to be somewhat ambiguous; could it also mean a sort of cushion, 13* bhita made of twisted grass. used instead of a awimming-girdle? Fausball, SBE. X, (2) p. 4, translates it by ‘raft’; cp. SBE, XX, p. 165. Note 3); instr. wiya, 104,31. bhita, mfn. (pp. bhiyati; = sa.) frightened, terrified (w. gen. or e. ¢.); m. ~0 (tasam) 21,33; (marana-bhaya-°) 8,25; 75,17; m. pl. wa, 40,10; 17,31 (niraya-bhaya-°); bhita-tasita, m. pl. dvandva comp. 27,5; °-puriso, 86,19 (asivisam disva ~), bhiru, mfn. (= sa.) timid, cowardly; sabst, f. bhirtl, cowardice, 103,27 (cha- ttha [seni Marassa]). cp. bherava, bhunjati, vb, (sa. Vbhuj) to enjoy, eat (acc., rarely instr.), to take a meal; to awallow, devour (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (vind mamsena na a) 6,1; Dh. 224; 3. pl. wanti, 57,10; part. gen. nm. ~wantassa (sayamasamn) 53,29; cmp, 2. pl. watha (bhattam) 21,5; pot. 3, sg. weyya, 101,3, 107,2 == Dh. 308; 3, sg. med, ~netha. Dh. 70; aon 3. sg. bnunji, 41,10. 57,15; 2. sg, bhuijith, Ole; 3. pl. a-bkhufjisum, 111,34; ger, 9) Whutwa, 16,0; >) bhuijitva, Qh (khaditva -); 57,15; 61,7 (bho- janam); 78,20 (biattaih:; °) bhunjiya, 111,35; pp. bhutta (q. %.); grd. v, bhojaniya; cans, bhojeti (q. ¥.) ep. bhoga’, bhojana. bhutta, mfn. (pp. dbufijati; sa. bhukta) 4) enjoyed, eaten; m. pl. 03 (me kama) 45,5; mm. ~0 (uyogulo, “swallowed”’) 107,1 = Dh, 308; *9-pa- tariisa, mfn. {v. J), - ?) one who nas eaten; gen. sg. wassa (w, instr, 3u- karamaddavena) 78.31. | *bhuttavi(n), mfn. (fr. last) one who has enjoyed or eaten (acc.), who has finished the meal; gen. m., wvissa (bhattamh) 78,24; 83,14. bhutvd, ger. v, bhuijati. bhumma, !) mfn. (sa. bhiimya, cp. bhauma) belonging to the earth, — *)comp. = bhiimi, f. (arisen through bhummi? or from the oid doc, bhumya, Jat. I, 507,12. V. 84,12, ete.); *bhum- ma-ttha, m/fn, standing on the ground; 196 ace. m, pl. ne, Dh. 28; — *bhum- ma-ttharana, #., ‘floor covering, a carpet; wam, 84,17. ep. bhuma. bhusa!, mfn, (sa. bhrga) strong, vehement, excessive; m, pl. wa (sota) Dh, 339. : bhusa’, ». (sa. busa) chaff; sam (viya) 53,2; yatha vam, 106.7 = Dh, 252. bhita, mfn. (pp. bhavati; = sa.) 1) being, existing, real, true; become, happened; n, ~am, 9,99 (opp. a-bhi- tar, q. v.); 101,30. — 7) subst. m. n. any living being; pl. m. ~a (sabbe) 80,23; 2. wani, Dh. 131; loc. ~wesu, Dh. 405. — 5) e. c. being, being like (sometimes almost pleonast.) : *) *aga- rika-°, *anda-°, *andha-*, *tanu-®, *samkara-°, mfn, (v. h.); ») -1-bhiita: v. tunhi-°, *samangi-°, sammukhi-°, siti-°; cp, yathd-bhita (°-bhucca) & pahuta. *bhima& htimaka, mfn., (only e.c, = bhiimi. cp. sa. bhumika & bhumma above): satta-bhtimaka, mfr. (sa, sapta-bhiima, & °-bhiimika) hav- ing 7 stories; 2, sam (geham) 48,31. bhimi, f. (= sa.) 1) the earth, soil, ground; nom, xi (acala) 110,7; ace. with, 6,11; (otinna, gone on shore) 112,27; loc. wiya (on the ground) 61,295. 83,19. 97,94; -iyath, 5,12. 53,19, 56,97 (katva); tamba-°, 112,29 (gq. ».): *O-cala, m. (cp. sa. bhiimi-cala) ao earthquake; nom, 20 (maha-°) 80,19. ~ *) the fluor of a house; 84,91; story (of a house) v, bhiima. — 5) a terri« tory, country, @ *ariva-°, *uyyana-°, paccanta-®, Suvanna-®°. = 4) place; *0-rdmaneyyuka, . a delightful place, Dh. 98 (q. v.); ukkira-°, 18,31 (¢. v.); %-bhiga, m. place, quarter, stall (of a horse); loc. ne, 65,19. — 5) step, stage; acc, wim (yathaviditath, “stage of knowledge”) 69,23, [Burm. writing bhummi; cp. bhumima & bhiima above. | bhuri, 1) mfn. (= sa.) much, great (only at the beginning of comp.), — *) f. knowledge, intelligence; mom. ~i, Dh, 282 (yoga jayati); *°-sam- 197 khaya, m. loss of knowledge, 20m, ~0, Dh. 282, *bhusita, mfn. (pp. %bhiseti, /bhiish) adorned, decorated; f. wa (eathabhaesna-s) 112)1. bhejja, mfn, (grd. bhindati; sa, bhedya) to be broken or destroyed: a-bhejja, mfn, 39,12 (q. v.). bheda, m. (= sa.) breaking, de- stroying, dissolving; abl, ~a (kiyassa), “when this body is dissolved", 7,20, Dh, 140, bhedana, ». (= sa.) = pree.; ace, wath (sarirassa) “injury of the body”, Dh. 138, bherava, mfn. (fr. bhiru; sa. bhairava) terrible; . subst, horror, terror; “.rava, 2. a cry of horror; ace. wath (ravanta) 86,19. bheri, f. (= sa.) a drun, kettle- drum; ace. wim, 35,13; (carapetva) 42,2, 102,26 (used generally by pro- clamations); gen, ~iya, 36,15; °-tale, 35,21. bhesajja, m (sa, bhaishajya) medicament, medicine; comp. gilana- paccaya-°, 97,8. cp, bhisakka. bho, indecl. (sa. bhos) a vocative particle, orig. voc, of bhavarh (g. v.), used in addressing one or more persons ; O! Hallo! I say, look here! 1) with a foll, voc. bho pasana, 3,7; kim bho pasana (vanarinda) 3,9-11; bho purisa, 23,34. 101,6; bho cora, 32,34; bho yakkha, 40,36; ®) without voc. ehi bho, 24,3; aho vata bho, 42,17; dhi-r-atthu vata bho, 63,13; upaddutam vata bho, 65,12; naharh bho gamam jhapemi, 101,7; ayara bho ko nu dipo, 110,31; — bhovadin, v, below, ep, ambho & hambho. bhoga?, m. (= 8a.) a curve, fold; acc. ~am (orato katva) 83,21, cp. obhoga & bhogga. bhoga’, m, (= 8a.) enjoyment, use, advantage; wealth, riches, trea- sures; pl, wi, Dh. 855; gen. wanarh, Dh, 139; -tanha, f. “thirst for riches”, Dh. 355 (instr. ~aya); yaso-bhoga- samappita, m/fn. (gq. v.). mamsa *Bhoga-nagara, n. nom. pr. of a town (from bhoga!, in the sense of ‘serpent’); loc, we, 77,15, bhogga, mfn, (sa. bhugna) bent, crooked; gopanasi-bhogga-sama, mfn, 47,99 (q. v.). bhojana, », (= sa.) 4) enjoying, eating; *vikala-°, eating at forbidden times; abl. wd. 81,24 (cp. vikala), ~ *) a meal, food (esp. boiled rice); aco, war, Dh. 70; 20,7 (dibba-°); 41,9 (nfinaggarasa-°); 61,7 (vara-°); pina- bhojanaim, food and drink, Dh, 249; ~ “pariifidta-°, m/fn. (q. v.). bhojaniya, #. (sa, bhojaniya; grd, bhuijati) soft food (as boiled rice, gruel, soft cake, meat etc., opp. khadaniya, g. v.); acc. wam, 78,9; khadaniya-°, 18,30. bhovadin, mfn. (= sa.) one who addresses another person by ‘bho’ (as non-Buddhists used to address Bud- dha; hence sometimes = a Brahman); m. ~1 (bhovadi nama) Dh. 396. ep. Tr, PM, p. 70; differently Weber, Ind, Str, I, 181, M. m, 1) by sandhi instead of rh : vud- dhim anvaya, 2,18; agacchantam eva, 2,31, etc. — *) an old m (ti) is sometimes preserved by sandhi, e, g. tunhim @si- nami, Dh, 227, ~ *) inserted in comp. : naga-m-fsado, 77,3; okam-okato, Dh, 34; do, metri causa : bhiimim-rama- neyyakam, Dh. 98; cp. aififiam-aiiiam, — *) inserted between two words (not comp.) : jeyya-m-attinam, 107,4 = Db, 103; apassi-m-uttinnapadam, 1lljz; idh’eva-m-eso, Dh, 247; sammati-m-eva, Dh, 390; cp. safigam, Dh, 412 (Tr. PM, 82). — °) m’, ab- breviation of me = mama, 112,90, [ Windisch, Ber. d, siiche, Ges, 1893, p. 228.] mamsa, . (sa, matnsa) flesh, meat, nom. wam, 82,2 = 97,203, ace. makara ’ loc, we, (hadaya-°) 1,e; — “mamsa- sila, x. & m. a spit with roasted meat, or ‘a bit of rousted meat’ (cp. sa. Gulya-mamsa, ”.; Morris, JPTS.’84,01); n. pl. wani, 14,99; m. pl. wH, 15,20; acc.m. pl, we, 14,32; — marnsa-lohita-, flesh and blood, Dh. 150 (v, lepana). makara, m, (= 8a.) a certain sea monster or fabulous fish (delphin, aword-fish; corresponding to the ca pricorn of the zodiac); nom. wo, 20,13 instr, pl. ~ehi (bninna nava) 20,23. makasa, m, (sa. macaka) a mos quito, gnat, fly; *andhaka-°, m. (q. v.). makkata, o. (sa. markata) a monkey; nom, ~0, 14,10. makkataka, m. (sa. markataka) a spider; nom. wo, Dh. 347. makkha, m. (sa. mraksha & mak- slia) hypocrisy, diesimulation; nom. ~0, 103,98, Dh. 150. 407. makkhika, f. (sa. makshika) a fly; acc. ~am, 63,293; nimmakkhika, mfn. (q. v.). makkhita, mfn. (pp. fr. nezt; sa, mrakshita) smeared (with instr, or é.¢.); , wam (lohita-°, mukham) 12,e1; m. pl. wa (asucina) 62,36, opp. a-makkhito, 62,29; instr. ~ebi (kad- dama-°, “mud-stained”) 71,39, makkheti, 0b. (caus. ymraksh) to besmear (ace,) with Mallee ger. ewetvii (mukham mattikaya) 83,39; pp. makkhita, v. adove; ep. makkha, *Makhadeva, m nom. pr. of king; ~o (raj Mithilayam) 44,19; voc. wa, 44,91: °-amba-vana (& -va- nuyyana), +!5,7-14 (q. 0.) mayga, m. (rarely n.) (sa. mirga) ‘) track, roac, way; nom. wo (gamana-®, way to go or excape; 3,14; acc. ~am (agazchanto, “on the way”) 28,12; 52,6; (acikkhitva) 56,:4;° (timsa- yojana-° figato) 87,19; (Jetavana-°) 73,15; instr, nena (aifiena, “by another way”) 12,30; abl, wa (uyyahi, “make way’) 44,3; 7ec, we, 33,18; wath, 1,1 (hadaya-°); 16,7 (sarira-°); instr, wena, 6,1; 18,14 (maccha-®*) ; 198 (sakata-°, “carriage-road”’) 43,18; (ga- mana-°) 60,7; gen. pl, ~inam (me- tri causa maggin’) Dh, 273; — maha-°, m. a highroad; instr, wena, 34,4. 43,14; loc. we, 34,5; — hatthi-°, m. an ele- phant track, 35,11. — *) in the dogma- tics: the path or way (leading to emancipation from the misery of exi- stence; nom. wo (ariyo atthafigiko, “the holy eightfold path’’) 67,3, etc.; ~o visuddhiya, “the way that leads to purity”, 107,12 = Dh, 277 (cp. Visuddhi-magga); ace, wath (nibba- nagamanath) Db. 289; loc. we (the fourth link of the series : Buddha, dhamma, samgha, efc., cp. patipada) 79,18; dvandva comp, °=phala-nibba- nani, 97,10; °-vagga, m. title of Dhpd. ch, XX; santi-maggam (acc.) “the path of peace”, Dh, 285. cp. nezt. *maggamagga, m. (sg. or comp.) ‘various paths’, the various parts of ‘the path’ (or the best of paths ?): gen. ~assa (kovidaih) Dh. 403. [ep. phalaphala; I think that Trenckner, PM. p. 74, is right in tracing this sort of dvandva-comp, “to a drawing together of phrases like gama gamani, duma dumaii’”’; by the commentaries it is generally explained by magga +- a-magga, “the right way and the wrong”, SBE, X p. 93.] Maghavat (or -van?) m. (= sa.) the chief of the gods, Sakka or Indra; nom. ~va (devanati) Dh, 30. mathku, mfn, (= sa.) dejected. despondent, dispirited; m, yo nu bhavati (w. loc.) Dh, 249. (cp. sa, manyu, m.; Dhpd. (1855) p, 375.) mafigala, n. (= sa.) a festival or solemn ceremony (comp, == any- thing auspicious or solemn); acc. ~am (karesi) 58,20; faivaha-°, n. (q. v.); *kata-mafigala-sakkara, mfn. (q. 0.)} *maiigalassa, m.a state horse, 24,29; *0-sindhava, m. id. 63,5 (q. v.); *0-ratha, mt., a state chariot, 25,1; *0-sala-vana, m., a pleasure-grove of Sal-trees, 62,10; *°-hatthin, m., a state elephant; 24,20, cp. a-mafigala, mfn. 199 mafigura, m. (sa. madgura & majigura) a kind of fish; *-cchavi, mfn. having the colour of that fish (yellow ?), 92,13. macca, m, (sa, martya) mortal, a man, person; acc, ~am, Dh, 141; instr, wena, Dh. 53; gen. pl. wanaih (metri causa ~ana) Dh. 182. maccu, m, (sa. mrtyu) !) death; gen, ~uno, Dh, 21. — *#) Death per- sonified, the king of death (= Mara, q.v.); nom. xu, Dh, 47 = 287; ®-raja(n), m, (sa. mrtyu-raj) id.; ace. mrajinam, 44,29; gen, wrijassa, Dh, 46; — *°-dheyya, 2. the dominion of death, the world of death (i. e. samsara) Dh, 86 (~ath suduttarath), (cp. Windisch, Mara, p. 186.) maccha, m. (sa, matsya) a fish; acc, ~am (kana-maha-°) 4,15; (eka-°) 4,25; gen. ~wassa, 51,31; pl. wa, 4,1; ace. we, 4,1; 14,23 (rohita-°); gen, ~iinam. 4,10; *khina-°, mfn. (q. v.); *Ocahana, 2. catching fish, wniya- mena, 25,35 (v. niyama); °-gandha & °-mamsa, m. (q. v.). macchaka, m. (sa, matsyaka) a little fish; acc, pl. ~e (sabba-°, all the poor fishes?) 4,24. maccharin, mfn, (sa. matsarin) stingy, niggardly; m, «1, Dh. 262. macchera, », (sa. matsarya) stinginess, niggardliness; .wam, Dh, 242, majja, 2. (sa. madya) spirituous liquor, any intoxicating drink (cp. sura, meraya); acc, wath, 97,11; sura-me- raya-°, 81,23. majjati, vb. (sa. mad) to be drunk or mad; aor, 2. sg. mado (ma) 77,5; pp. matta (q. v.) cp. pamajjati. majjha, n. (sa. madhya, mfn.) 1) the middle, centre, the interior of anything; acc, ~am (janapada-°) 39,18; instr. adv. wena, midway, 96,17 (ubho ante anupagamma); Joc. adv. majjhe, in the middle (of, gen. or @.¢.): ~ thite mige, 6,8; ~ katva, 6,10; ~ janapadam hanapesi, 39,4; pure ca paccha ca w~ ca, Dh, 421; 2 maninati ma ~ bhafigo ahosi, 83,11; sakuna- nam ~, 10,12; sayanassa x, 47,25; comp. agira-°, 46,18; nadi-°, 2,22; nagara-°, 60,23; parisa-°, 10,21 (ete. v. parisa); mahajana-°, 51,10; lekha-°, 59,7; sakuna-samgha-®, 10,18; samud- da-°, 28,16. Dh. 127; — *) the middle of the body, waist; v. su-majjha, m/fn, ~ cp. vemajjha, next ete. *majjhantika, m, (sa. *madhy- antika; probably transformation of sa, madhyatidina or madhyahna) midday, noon; °samayath, acc. “in the middle of the day”, 97,31; °-suriyo viya, “like the sun at midday”, 26,4 (cp. Tr, PM. 76,16.) majjhima, mfn. (sa. madhyama) being in the middle, middlemost, in- termediate, central; m. 0 (puriso, “of the middle height”) 92.13; f. wa (patipada, q. v. ep. Windisch, Mara, p. 303) 66,28; loc. m. ~e (yame, “in the middle watch”) 99,20; comp. °-tan- dula, m. (v. h.); °-tapasa, m. the second brother, 36,14; *°-desa, m. (sa, madhyadeca) the midland; also nom, pr. of the midland country be- tween Himalaya & Vindhya; loc, we, 91,18, Majjhima-nikaya, m. nom. pr. of a Pali work, the second of the five Nikayas (gq. v.); nom, ~0, 102,15; specimens thereof : 92,1—95,33; come mentary : Papaiica-sudani (q. v.). manoa, m, (= sa.) a bed, bedstead; nom, ~0, 84,11; acc. ~am (hettha-°, under the bed) 83,18; loc. ~wamhi oan aa 110,19; — *%patipa- aka, m, (v. h.). maiicaka, m. (= sa.) a bed or couch; a bier, litter; acc, wath, 73,26; loc. we (khuddaka-°) 42,1. maiju, mfn, (= sa.) beautiful, lovely; *°-bhanin, mfn. lovely-voiced; gen. m, ~ino (sikhino) 18,ss. mafiiati, vb. (sa. \/man) to think, reflect; to suppose, imagine; to believe, consider; to know, understand (acc.); pr. 3, sg. wati (balyam. “knows his foolishness”) Dh. 63; 2, sg. wasi, maiaita 69,34. 94,29 (tam kim ~); pr. 1. gg. med, maiiiie (v. below); part. m. med. Maiiiamaéno, 44,30; emp. 3. pl, wantu, Db, 74; pp. mata (q. v.) cp. maiifita, maAiifieti; mundti; mati, manag, ete. *mattiita, 1 (?) “fr. maiifiati) imagining; gen. vl, ~inam (sabba-°) 94,11, maiifie, indecl, (orig, pr. 1. 8g. med, maiiiati; sa. manye) certainly, to be sure; as it were; I think, sup- pose, or dare say (sometimes ironi- cully) : 3,25, 5,7, 38,28. 56,14-30, 67,31. *maiineti, vb. (rarely instead of maiifiati, perhaps arisen through in- fluence by maiifie, v. above) to think, imagine, efc,; aor. 2. sg. ~wesi, 50,33. mani, m. (== sa.) a precious stone, vem, jewel; ace, wim, Dh. 161; nila-? & indanila-°, 22, sapphire, 26,23, 28,29; ~ *%kundala, n. pl, (dvandva) q. v.; - %kkhandha, mm. a large gem, ace. nam, 35,233 gen. ~assa, 35,31; *°-gula, m, jewel, pearl, 5,26, 18,7; — *%-tala- vanta, 2. (v. tala); — °-ratana, n. a most excellent jewel, 62,30 (cp. ratana); — *vanna-giva, mfn. v. givay = *Ovimana, n (q¢.v.); — %-saira, m. = mani-ratana, 24,20 (°-ddini). manda, m,n. (= sa.) acum, Cream, essence (4. c. implying ‘choi- ceness’); *Bodhi-°, the terrace of the Bo-tree, 113,2 (contracted of man- dira?). mandana, n. (= 8a.) ornament, decoration; %vilhiisanas, 81,25, mandala, n. (= sa.) a circle, disk (csp. the orb of the sun or the moon); nom. wam, 32,31 (canda-°); loc, we, (do.) 16,16; dipina-%, jlita-° (q. v.) cp. ti-mandela, pari-mandala. *mandu, m.(?) name of a certain plant (perhaps shortened from man- duka = sa. mandiika); °-kantakena, with a mandu thorn, 37,5. mandits, mfn. (pp. matdeti) udorned, dressed, °-pasadhita, mfn. 41,.0 (q. v.). mandeti, vd. (sa. mand, caus. mandayati) to adorn, decorate (acc.); 200 ger. ~wetva, 16,2%¢; pp. mandita (g. v.) cp. mandana. ; mata', mn. (pp. mafiiati, = 8a.) thought, imagined; known, understood ; honoured, esteemed; subst. n. opinion, view, doctrine, belief; acc, ~am (sa- kara, otiresi) 113,19; Pataijali-° (q. v.); Sambuddha-mata-kovida, mn. 114,18 (v. kovida). mata2, mfn. (pp. marati; sa. mrta) dead; m. w0, 34,3. 36,4; pl. ~a@ (bha- vissanti) 21,11; acc, f. ~am, 89,9; comp, °-manussam. 40,31; . subst. ~am, death, 7,34. 103,34 (opp. jivitam) ; cp. a-mata, an-amatagga & nezt. mataka, mfn. (sa. mrtaka) dead; m, a dead man; *°-bhatta, m. a feast for the dead; acc, wari (dassami) 16,23. *matatta, #. (sa. *nrtatva) the being dead; abl. wa (matapitunnah) “as my parents are dead”, 31,18, mati, f. (= sa.) understanding, knowledge, intellect; maha-°, mfn. eminently wise, m, wi, 114,2; dum- mati, m(fm). (gq. v); “*vajja-mati, mfn. (q. v.). matimal, mfn, (= sa.) wise, ine telligent; instr, m. wxmatai (metri causa : mati-°) 113,28. matta', mfn. (pp. majjati; = sa.) overjoyed, drunken, mad, furious; m. ~o (vedana-°) 24,7; acc. m. pl. ne sillnaie 59,25; gen. f. pl. wanaih uttama-yobbana-vildsa-°) 47,15; °-va- rana, m. w rut elephant, acc, pl. ae, 39,9; °-vara-varana, m, “a royal ele- phant in his pride”, 45,31. matta’, n. (sa. matras only e.¢. = matta, q. v.) measure, quantity (e. c, the exact measure, a small quantity, as much as, only, mere, etc.) : !) subst. nm. ainmana-mattena, instr. in a meae sure of an ammana (qg. v.) 65,20; — nama-mattath, a mere name, 97,2; = pali-mattam, the text only, 113,26; = manusa-matte, loc. abs., » mere mors tal, 19,30; ~ lomakiipa-mattam pi... na, not even a pore of the skin, 16,10; - vidatthi-mattam, as much as one 201 vidatthi (q. v.); 87,11; — (na) silab- bata-mattena, instr. (“not) only by discipline and vows“, Dh, 271; — ?) mfn, of that measure or number, as large as, just large enough ;: ® atthusabha-matta (v. attha'); addha- nilika-matta (v. addha); anu-matta (q. v.); catusatthi-matta (q. v.); bi- liranisakkana-matta (v. bilara); yo- jana-matta (7. v.); suhassa-matta (q. v.); — >) comp. w. a past part., in English often translated by a sub- ordinate pampcn) clause : an-ok- kanta-matta, (v. okkamati); agata- matta, at one’s arrival, 33,28; (mukhe) thapita-matta (v. thapita); thita- mattam eva (ace., w. prec. ger. bha- ttath otaretva, instantly after he had put it on the ground, cp. thita & tha- pita) 33,33; visattha-matta (q. v.); vutta-matta, when thus addressed, in conformity to the command: m, ~o (Sakkena) 110,28; f. wa, 111,90. - cp. *appa-mattaka (mfn.) nezt ete, *mattaiiiu, mfn. (sa, *matra- jiia) moderate; acc. m. ~uth (bhoja- namhi, moderate in his food) Dh. 8, *a-mattaifiu, m/n. (q. v.). *mattanfhuta, f. (fr. last) mo- deration; nom, ~@ (bhattasmim) Dh. 185, matta, f. (sa. mitra) = matta?; *Osukha, n. a small pleasure, acc. ~am, Db. 290; °-sukha-pariccaiga, by leaving a small pleasure; ib.; — *pasada-°, f. (g.v.); — *bhiyyoso- mattaya (instr, adv.) 65,8 (v, bhiy- 0S0). ae: f. (sa. mrttika) earth, clay; ~a (temetabba; “the face was besmeared with moistened clay in order to protect it from the heat”, SBE, XIII, 157) 83,38; instr. waya, 83,31. *matti-sambhava, mfn. of (good) maternal extraction; acc. wath, Dh, 396, (‘matti’ may either be another form of matu- (v. mitar) or con- tracted of mattika, m/fn, (sa, matrka) maternal.) (fr. *matteyyata, f matar madhura through “matteyya, m/fn. who loves his mother) the state of a mother, motherhood; ~a& (sukha) Dh, 332. (cp, petteyyata). matthaka, m. (sa. mastaka) 4) the head, skull; acc. wath, 3,21, 24,4; loc. we, 65,30 etc.; °-majjhe, 41,17. — *) the upper part of anything, sur- face, top, end (mostly e.c.); instr, matthaka-matthakena (samuddassa, along the crests of the ocean) 60,5; Himavanta-°, over the H., 36,5; doc, ~e (ito tinnam samvaccharanam, after 3 years) 87,8; ito sarnvacchara-°, 33,14. matthalufiga, ». (sa. mastu-® & mastaka-lufiga) the brain; matthake ~am, 82,6 = 97,23, mathita, mfn. (= sa. pp. math) churned; shaken, agitated; . subst. agitation; gen, pl, wanam (sabba-°) 94,11. mado, aor, 2. sg. v. majjati. maddati, vb. (sa. /mrd) to tread upon, crush, trample (acc.); part. m. ~anto (pathavim) 28,14; ger. ~itva (tini pi ekato) 57,28; (valika) 97,35. maddava, mfn. (?) (sa. mardava, n.) soft, putrid, withered; 7, pl, ~Ani (pupphani) Dh, 377; — subst. n, ‘soft nese, mildness’; comp. *sukara-mad- dava, n, a kind of meat, generally transl, by “hog’s flesh (lard or bacon)”, “a dried boar’s flesh” (Rhys Davids), but Newmann (in his German transla- tion of MN. p. XX—XXI) is perhaps right in tcanslating it by “Eberlust, eine essbare Pilzart” (cp. Fr. Zimmer- mann, Buddhistischer - Katechismus, p. 26 ff.; “in this case probably con- nected with mrd"?) nom. wath, 78,11-14; instr. ~ena (vyadhbi ppabalba udapadi Satthuno) 78,31. madhu, m, (= 8a.) honey; comp. *O.cati, f. & %-patala, m. (gq. v.); “O-bindu, . a drop of honey, 58,18; dvandva-comp. %phinita-", 538,11-20; %.)aja-°, 18,97; sappi-®, 61,96, cp. ma- dhuva, madhura, mfn, (= 8a.) sweet; madhuvaé pleasant, charming; acc. m. m, ~am (pamsum) 38,3; (bhasitarh) Dh. 363; (varadhammamh) 87,9; f. pl. ~4, 52,7; n. pl. »ani (phalani) 37,3; comp. °-sita-sadda, m. sound of sweet song, 23,33; °-phalanam, gen. pl. sweet fruit, 1,15; °-phala, m/n. bearing sweet fruit, m. ~0 (ambo) 37,22; °-rasa, m, sweetness, 38,4; °-ssara. m. sweet voice, instr. wena, 5,20 (cp. sara). a-madhura, mfn. (q. v.). madhuva, adv, (sa. madhu-vat) like honey; Dh. 69, Inana(s), %. (sa. manas) 1) the mind, the internal organ or mental powers in general (often esp, from a moral point of view); #) in the psycho- logy : the faculty of thought or organ of thought, considered as the sixth organ of sense (cp. ayatana), whose objects are dhamma (v. dhamma*); nom. ®) mano (sometimes mase. gene- ris and considered as a-stem) 70,32 (aditto); Dh. 116; Dh. 300-01 (rato); >) manam (sarta’a, declined like a- stems) Dh. 93; insir. manasa, Db. 1-2. 233. 281; manasakasi, v. next; gen. Mansso, Yh, 59C; loc, *) manasi, v. next; ©) manasriiin, 71,11; — comp. meno-°, v. below, cp. manapa, ma- nuffia; e. c. “mana & °%manas, ». atta-°, dummana (domunassa), su- mana (somanasss); patibaddha-®, vyasatta-°, saiiisanna -sarhkappa-®, mfn.; hirnsa-°, n. (ag. v.) op. °-miina- sa, mfn. manasi-karoeti, vb. (sa. mana- si-kr) to bear in the mind, think over, meditate upon, remember (acc.); aor. 3. sg. manasikisi (contraction of manasi akasi) 66,6 (paticcasamuppa- dam); ger. manasikatva (sc. dham- mam) 71,:3. *manapa, mfn. (sa. *mana-apa) ‘gaining the mind’, pleasant, charming; f. xa (gopi) 104,33; gen. mn. ~assa (tinassa) 52,3; °-ssavana, mfn, flowing with pleasure (cp. savana); m. pl. wi (sota) Dh. 339. manuja, m. (= sa.) a man; gen, 202 ~wassa, 107,29; pl. wa, 74,2. 110,32. ep. manussa. . manuiiiia, mfn. (sa. manojiia) ‘agreeable to the mind’, pleasing, lovely, beautiful; . (adv.) wath (rudam) 10,19. manussa, m, (sa. manushya) a mav, human being; pl. men, beings; pl. nom. ~A, 6,3. 25,26; acc. we, 21,3; gen. wanam, 6,1; loc, wesu, 7,13. 102,23; — comp, °-satani (satta) 27,13; sassa-karake-°, arakkha-°, (q. 2.)3 *manussivasa, m. (v. avasa); *°-gha- taka, m({fw). a manslayer; nom, ~O (hatthi) 76,9; *°-patilabha, mm. ob- taining birth as a human being, Dh. 182; *°-bhita, mfn. being a man (0: enjoying the benefit of having been born among men) m. w0, 41,32; *°-vasa, m, abode of men, acc. ~am, 21,2; *-santhina, mfn. of human form or figure, 85,21; *9-samana-sarira, m/v. with body like men, 25,33; cp. a-ma- nussa, manusa & next. manussatta, 2. (sa. manushya- tva) manhood, the state or condition of man; nom. wath (dullabha-, gq. v.) 22,15. *mano-duccarita, m. the sins of the mind, Dh. 233. *mano-pakopa, mm. anger of the mind, Dh, 233. *mano-pubbafigama, mfn. ‘hav- ing the mind (or thought) going be- fore’, resulting from mind; m, pl. ~& (dhamma), Dh. 1. *mano-maya, m/fn. consisting of mind (or thought), spiritual; m. pl. ~2 (dhamma) Dh, 1. *Manoratha-purani, f. ‘ful- filling desires’, nom. pr. of a Pali book, being the Comm. on Aaguttara Nikiya; specimen thereof: 91,13-s3, manorama, mfn. (= sa.) plea- sant, beautiful; ». wath (padumam) Dh. 58; subst. n. a comfortable abode, 15,25; cp. ati-manorama. *mano-viiiiana, . ‘conscious- ness of mind’, the thinking faculty, 70,33. 203 *mano-samphassa, m, ‘contact of mind’, perception through the sense of thought, 70,33; °-vifiianayatana, the sense of thought, 72,5 (cp, aya- tana). Manosila, f. (sa, manah-cila, ‘red arsenic’) nom. pr. of a place in Himavanta near the Anotatta lake; °-tale (loc,) “on the M. table-land”, 61,11. *mano-susalivuta, mfr. “well restrained in mind”’;:m, wo, Dh, 281 (cp. manas& samvuto, Dh. 233). *mano-settba, mfn, having mind for the best or essential part; am, pl. mit (dhamma) Dh. 1. mano-hara, mfn. (= sa.) ‘seizing the mind’, ravishing, fascinating, char- ming; ”. wath (ripam) 111,36, manta, m. (sa. mantra) ') delibe- ration, counsel; °) a sacred text, a mystical verse, charm, spell; nom, ~o, 32,2; 53,14 (anaggha-°); acc. war, ib.; instr, wena, 55,15; pl. wa, Dh. 241; janana-°, a spell of knowledge, 53,36; 53,14 (sabba-ruta-°); °-lobhena, through greed for the charm, 55,13; jati-mantupapanna, mfn,v. upapanna; 3) knowledge, doctrine, wisdom (also f. manta) : nom. wo, 113,16 (Bud- dha-°); cp. neat ete. *mantajjhadyaka, m(fn),. versed in mystic knowledge (the Vedas); comp. ©-brahmano, 17,5 (probably fr. manta -+ jhiyaka, v. jhayati?). *mantatthin, mfn. desirous of knowledge; m. <1, 113,18. *mantabhainin, mfn. speaking wisely; m. wi, Dh, 363 (manta vuc- cati panna, Comm., cp. manta’). manteti, vb. (sa. /mantr) to con- sult, deliberate, discuss (acc.); part. m, pl. ~wenta; aor, 3. pl, ~ayimsu, 11,32, 72,30. manda, mfn. (= sa.) 1) slow; scarce, small (of quantity); mm. .0 (gocara) 4,5; %. w~am (udakamh) 3,39; n, pl. ~Gni (sitthani) 56,28; *) weak, tender; /. wa, 28,8; m. wo, 99,4; ) fool, stupid; m, ~0, Dh, 325, cp, next. marati mandakkhi, adj, f. (sa. man- daksha, m/n.) looking with softness, tenderness, or bashfulness, languishing or bashful (?), 20,97. cp. akkhi. mama, gen. pron, 1. pers., v, ahain; ep. next ete, mamiyati, vb. (denom. fr. prec.; sa. mamayate) to treat anything as if it were one’s own property, to love, fondle, to be attached or devoted to; pp. *mamayita, being one’s own, be- loved, dear; m. 8g. & pl. one’s own property, beloved or desired objects; yassa n'atthi witath (tv. loc, nima: riipasmim, “who has no desire at all for name and form”, free from selfish- ness) Dh, 367; cp, Sn, v. 119. *“mamimkara, m (fr. *mami- kira; ep. niratkaroti = niraikaroti, sa, mama-kara) the false view that anything belongs to one’s self; sabba- ahimkara-°, 94,11 (comm, = tanha). ep. ahimkara. °maya, mfn. (= sa.) only e, ¢. = made of, consisting of; v. amha-®, indanilamani-°, kattha-°, muiija-®, rajata-°, vaddha-°, suvanna-° & so- vanna-°, mayUra, m. (= sa.) a peacock; %rajan, m. an excellent or magnificent peacock, acc. ~inam, 18,17. cp. mora. marana, 2. (= sa.) the act of dying, death; nom. acc, wath, 67,9. 103,5; 6,22. 7,10. instr, wena, 70,29; gen. ~wassa, 103,6; abl. wa, 17,15; mato, 87,32; comp, *-kale, 89,13; *0-dukkha, ”, 7,9; marananta, m/fn. , (= sa.) ending in death, 107,8; *°-pa- riyosana, mfn. id, 86,16; °-bhaya, 2. the fear of death, °-tajjita, mfn. 5,14; °-bhita, mfn, 27,13; °-bhava, m. (q. v.); *-sati, f. thinking of death, call- ing to one’s mind that death is inevi- table, 86,17-18; dvandva comp. jara-®, 66,10; jati-°, 105,26; vyadhi-°, 108,22; cp. param-marana, adv. (q. v.). marati (& miyati (miyyati) q. v.), vb. (sa. Ymr) to die; part. m. instr. marantena, 49,37; m. pl. wanta 511; pot. 2. 8g. weyyasi, 53,15; aor. marici 3. sg. mari, 9,8. 24,99; 3. pl. wimsu, 16,5; fut. 1. 3g. marissimi, 88,23; 1, pl. wissiima, 5,12; yp. mata, m/fn. a v.); grd. maritabba, ». warm maya) 88,16; loc. ~e (sati) 6,243 cp. macca, Maccu, Marana; caus. mareti (cp. Mara, m@rana) & marapeti, q. v. marici & maricika, f. (= sa.) a mirage, vapour like a surface of water, often appearing in deserts; acc. ~ikam, Dh. 170; *°-dhamma, mfn. like a mirage; acc. m. ~am, Dh. 46, maruva, f. (Birm, reading : mu- ruva, s@. murva) a sort of hemp, from which bowstrings are made; gen. naya, 92,17. maru, m, pl. (sa. marutas) gods, deities (= devata), 114,18. mala, . (= 8a.) dirt, impurity; spot, taint; fault, sin; wom, acc. wam, 106,10 == Dh, 240; Dh, 239, 241. 242 (mal'itthiyd); 243; abl. xf (mala- tarath) Dh, 243; comp, minusa-°, 61,13; *niddhanta-°, mfn. (q. v.); *vanta-°, mfn. free from impurity, Dh. 261; vita-°, m/fn. id. 68,26; “a- sajjhaya-°, mfn. whose fault is non- repetition, m. pl. «a (manta) Dh, 241: *an-utthina-°, mfn. (v. h.) ep. nim-mala, mfn.; Mala-vagga, m. the title of Dh, XVIII. *malatara, mfn. (compar. of mala) more impure; m, ~am, @ greater or worse taint, Dh, 243, mallaka, m, (== 8a.) on earthen vessel or bowl; nom. wo (khela-% g. v.) 84,15. *Mallika, m. nom, pr. of a king; nom. ~0 (Kosalaraja) 43,15; °-raiino, gen, 43,20; %maharaja, 43,29. mallika, f. (== sa.) Jasminum Zambac; comp. suraara-niallikadinam pupphinam, 65,s¢; tagara-°, Dh. 64 (q. v.). a ete: mfn. (sa. mahargha) of great price; ”. vam, 25,5 (cp. aggha). laahagghasa, m. (sa. maha- ghesa) a great eater, Dh. 325, mahaddhana, mfn. (sa. maha- 204 dhana) having much money, carrying much wealth; m, wo (vanijo) Dh. 123. mahat, m/fn. (= sa.) great, large, high, numerous, important, eminent, etc.; m. maha, 3,4. 37,1. 55,19. 95,21. 112,15, ete.; (acc. mahantath); 7. nom. acc. mahantamh, 2,8. 5,29. 17,17. 71,285 f. nom. mahati, 2,12. 101,20; istr. m. mahata, 70,21; f. mahatiya, 74,17; gen. m. n. mabato, 10,14; the strong stem mahanta is also used in nom, m, and sometimes in the weak cases: nom, m, mahanto, 4,6. 99,5; znstr. mahantena, 7,5; Joc. mahante, 10,7; mahantamhi, 110,20; at 75,35 mahan- tath seems to be acc. f. (silath); cp. ati-mahanta, kiva-mahanta & compar. mahantatara, m. ~0, 74,15, — At the beginving of comp, we generally find maha (v, below), whose & in most cases is contracted with a foll. vowel (or elided, v, maha@oubhava, maha- raha, mahiddhika, mahesi, mahogha, etc,, cp. mahaggha), but sometimes the i is shortened before a doubled consonant (v. mahagghasa, mahad- dhana, mahapphala); cp. mahallaka, min, mahanta &mahantatara, mfn., v. mahat, mahapphala, mfn. (sa. maha- phala) bearing much fruit, bringing great reward; #, wath, 14,18, Dh. 312. 356. mahallaka, mfn. (= sa.) old; grown, adult; elder (of two); m. ~o, 45,4. 74,21; 55,21; gen, wassa, 43,97; f. ~ika, an old woman, 46,293. 57,9. maha-°, mfn, = mahat, at the beginning of comp. : °-uposatha-divasa, m, 22,20 (q. v.); S-ganin, m. 109,17 (q. v.); jana, m. (q. v.); %-tala, m. a royal hall, acc. wath, 39,29. 65,103 loc. ~we, 39,26. 63,17; thera, m. 109,11. 113,8 (g. v.); °-dana, ». 61,6 (g. vi °nadi, f. 35,18, ete. (g. v.); °-nada, m. 6,18 (gq. v.); Snava, f. 28,27 (q. v.); S-nasa, m, 34,18 (q. v.); °_paiifia, mfn. very wise, of profound knowledge, m. ~0, 113,9 (cp. pana); 205 °-patha, m. Dh. 58 (q. v.); °-bhaya, mfn, awful, m, wo (saddo) 27,6; *-bhumicala, m, 80,19 (v. bhumi),; °-magga, m. 34,4 (q. v.); °-maccha, m. 4,15 (kdna-°, q.v.); °-mati, mfn, very clever, eminently wise, 114.3; muni, m, the great sage, i, e, Bud- dha, 105,24. 110,20; °-megha, m. 105,21 (y. v.); °-yogga, 2. 58,19 (gq. v.); +yo- dha, m, 39,19 (q. v.); = rava, m, 60,8 (q. v.); %vardha, m, Dh, 325 (q. v.); S-virava, m, 40,0 (q. 0.); °-sadda, m. 16,32 (q. v.); °-samudda, m, 10,27, 95,13 (q. v.); °-sampatti, f. 58,8 (y. v.); S-sayana, n. 41,36 (q. v.); -sara, m. 1. 4,9 (9. v.) 3 °-sala-rukkha, m, Glu (q. v.); %-soka, am. 89,10 (q. v.); sobbha, m. 27,3 (¢. v.); °-hasita, n. 16,29 (q. v.); cp, also next ete, Maha-kassapa, m. (sa, °-ka- ¢yapa) nom, pr. of a thera (president of the first Buddhist council); °-thero, 109,17= Kassapo, 109,6; °-pamokkha theri, 110,15 (v. pimokkha). maha-naga, m/(fn). (= 8a.) most eminent, heroic (? cp. naga®); m, pl. ~a@ (kunjara) Dh, 322. mahanubhadva, mfn. (= sa.) of great might, powerlul; m. +o (Bha- gava), 75,30; gen. wagsa (rao) 62,14 (cp, anubhava), *Maha-pakarana, x. (sa, *°-pra- karana) ‘the great work’, i.e, Patthdna (y. v.); nom. wath, 102,11. Maha-pajapati Gotami, f. (sa, °-prajapati Gautami) nom. pr. of Buddha’s aunt and foster-mother; githds of hers: 108,11-29. *Maha-padana, . (sa. *°-pra- dina) name of a chapter ‘anita in Digha-Nikdya (DN. XIV); loc. we, 63,12. *Mahi-padhina-ghara, n, non. pr. the Mahipadhina Hall (in Mahavihara, q. v.); acc, wath, 114,4. Maha-bodhi, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. 1) the Bo-tree at Buddha Gaya; acc, ~it (vanditum Jambudipam upagami) 114,32; *) the Bo-tree at Mahinda Anuradbapura (Ceylon); °-samipamhi, 114,14. (cp. bodhi?). Maha-brahman, m. (= sa.) nom, pr. the god Brahma, ruler in the Brahmaloka; pl. °-brahmano (cattGro) 62,22 (i, ¢. four Mahabrah- mas of different cakkavalas, y. 0.), mahabhinikkhamana, ». (sa, °-abhinishkramana) ‘the great retire: ment’, 65,13 (v, abhinikkhamana), Maha-maya, f. (= sa.) nom, pr, of Buddha’s mother; (devi) 61,3, maharaha, mfn. (sa. maharha) precious, splendid; v, araha, maha-rajan, m. (= sa) "Ja great king or supreme sovereign (opp. uparajan); nom, °-raja, 43,23 (Mal- lika-°); voc. raja, 7,16, 96,30, 97,19 (wa'ti); — *) pl, %rajano (cattairo) 61,9, the four lokapélas or guardians of the world, viz, Dhatarattha (in the North), Virii]ha (South), Virtipakkha (West), Vessavana (Kast), mahad-rajja, n. (sa. “-rajya) the title or position of a supreme sovereign; acc, war (katva) 44,91, Maha-vamsa, m. (= sa.) name of a Pali work, being a chronicle of Ceylon, written in the 5'® century by Mahdnadma; specimens thereof ; 110,17 ~114,39. Maha-vihara, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. of a Buddhist monastery (vihadra) at Anurddhapura, Ceylon; acc, ~am, 114,s. Maha-satta, m. (sa. °-sattva) ‘the great creature’, synon, Bodhisatta (q. v.); nom, wo, 7,33; ace, ~wam, 25,24. *Maha-silava, mm. nom. pr. of a king; rij, 38,11; °-jataka, x. 38,7. cp. Silava. *mahiddhika, mfn. of great power, mighty; 75,30. 109,20 (cp. iddhi & iddhika). Mahinda, m. (sa. Mahendra) nom. pr, of a prince, son of king Asoka (he transplanted Buddhism into Ceylon, in the last half of the 3'4 cen- mabisa tury BC.); instr. wena (matimata) 112,28, mahisa, im. (sa. mahisha) a buf. falo; gen, ~assa, 92,91; vana-mahisarh (ace.) a wild buffalo, 13,9. mahi, f. (= sa.) *) the earth; °-ta‘e, “throughout the world”, 113,91; 2} nom. pr. of a river; gen, Mahiya, 104,21; Mahiy’, 164,24. mahesakkha, mn sa. mahe- cikhva, ¢. e. mahd-iga-akhya; diffe- rently Tr, Mil. p. 422 (65,11)) emi+ nent, mighty; m. ~0 (putto) 62,24, méhesi, ». (fr maha + isi, sa. malharshi) the great sags (7.¢. Buddha); ace. wim, Dh, 422; instr. ina, 77,13. mahesi, f. (sa. mahishi, a buf- falo-cow) a queen; agga-°, q. mahogha, m. (sa. mahaugha) a mighty flood, ». ogha. *mahedaka, sf(rika), aboun- ding with water, ». udaka. *Mabosadha. m. (fr. sa, maha -++ aushadha) xoxt pr. of a prince (Bodhisatta); mom. ~0, 55,21, ma, tndecl. (= sa) a negative particle, generally used in prohibitive (or consecutive) sentences : ‘not, that not, lest’, and joined with aor, of the verb (augmentless or augmented), but also frequently with imper, or pot., and even with indic. of pr. & fut.; ma ‘ti patisedhe nipato, 85,33. — 1) w. aor. ~ bhayi, 1,10. 4,39; ~ asam- kittha, 7,113 ~ karittha, 39,3; ~ ma- rithsu, 16,5, efc.; augmented: ~ akasi (= ma karohi) 86,1; ~ ahgsi (3. sg.) 83,11; ~ ahesumh (ma-y-ime, i.e. ma ime, to be scanned : *may-me) 60,17; ~ acitvayi (3. sg.) 104,41. — *) tw, imn- per, ~ gaccha, 7,31; .~ detha, 52,20; ~ karontu, 8,7; ~ kilamantu, 60,12; imper, & aor, alternatively, v. Dh, 371. — 5) w. pot. ~ anuyuiijetha, Db. 27; ~ vadetha, 55,2. — 4) w. pr. 3. 8g. ~ Wevarmn kho... pati- labhati, 90,24. — °) without verb: vanam chindatha, ma rukkham, Dh, 283. Migadha, mfn, (= 8a.) relating 206 to the Magadha country; mt. pl. the in- habitants of that country, gen. ~anam, 113,89; instr. 7. waya (niruttiya) the M, dialect, i. e. Pali, 114,2e. manava, m. (= sa.) a youth, esp. a young Brabman; nom. ~0, 19,11; °vesena, in the disguise of a young Br., 19,10; brahmana-°, 113,2. ~ di+ min, 1) manavaka, m, id.; pl. ~a, 16,31; acc. pl. we (naga-°, “Naga youths”) 58,1; — *) manavika, fi a young girl, acc, wath, 48,21; naga-°, a Naga girl, 62,98; acc. ~am, 52,25; instr, waya, 52,27; loc. pl. wasu, 52,e4, mataiiga, m. (= sa.) an elephant; nom, ~o (mataiig’araine va nago) Dh. 329. matar, f. (sa. matr) a mother; nom, matd, 20,25; 69,23 (daraka-°); 64,5 (Rahula-°, g. v.); acc. ~aram, 23,9; tastr, ward, 23,8; gen. matu, 9,12, or mituya (Bodhisatta-°) 62,2, [after the analogy of u-stems, also used for other oblique cases] or matava (Rahula-°) 65,27 (after the analogy of ai-stems]; loc, wari, Dh, 284; — dvan- dva comp, mati-pitaro, m. pl. parents, 22,13 (v. pitar); mata-putta, om. pl. mother and son, 49,8; matu-dhitaro. f. pl. a mother and her daughter, 32,20 (instead of mata-°?); — at the begin. of other comp. we find the weak stem matu- [or mati-] : °-hadaya, x. a mother’s heart, mom. cath, 59,12; a-matuhadayam, ib.; cp. matti-sam- bhava, matteyyata & matugama below. Matali, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. of the charioteer of Sakka (Indra); wi, 60,18 (nom.); 60,12 (voc.); acc. wim, 60,9. matu, ete, v. miltar. matu-gama, m. (sa. matr-grama) womankind, the female sex, any being of the female sex, woman; mom, v0, 50,34; ace. mam, 48,12. 50,52; *-va- sika, “being in the power of woman- kind”, m, ~0 (raja) 54,3. matula(ka), m. (= sa.) a mater- nat uncle (also used as a term of fa- 207 miliar address); voc, wa, 5,4; piya~ mitulaka, mfn. who loves his uncle, m, ~0 (atibhaginiputto, q. v.) 5,5, mana, m. (= sa.) pride, arrogance; nom, ~0, Dh. 74. 407; ace. ~am, Dh, 221; °%-ditthi-adi, 64,21; *°-Anu- saya, m. 94,11 (v. h.); *nihata-°, *pa- hina-°, mfn. (q. v.). minasa, », (= sa.) the mind; e. ¢c. mfn, v, tuttha-°, vimutta-, viratta-°, samvigga-°, manin, mfn. (= sa.) thinking, imagining; pandita-°, m/fn. (q. v.). minusa, mfn, (= sa.) human; %mala-, 61,13 (human stain); a-ma- nusa, mfn. (q. v.); — m. @ man, hu- man being; pl, ~& (gandhabba-°) Dh. 420; acc. we, 107,35 = Dh. 108; %-matta, . (v, matta®); f. manusi, a woman, pl. ~iyo, 21,29; comp, w. subst, f. manusi-vaca, human speech, acc. ~am, 22,3. manusaka, mfn. (= sa.) human, acc, m. ~amm (yogam) Dh. 417; pl. m. ) 1, sg. muccissami, 16,28; inf. muccituth (marana) 17,15; pp. mutta (q. v.). muccati?, vb, (sa, y/miirch; pro- bably instead of mucchati through confusion with muccati!) to congeal, coagulate, turn sour (as milk); pr. 8. sg. ati (khiram va, papam kam- mam, with both significations : to loosen & to turn sour) 106,21 = Dh. 71. cp. next, muccheti, vb. (caus. \miirch) to strain, strengthen; to tune (a strin- ged instrument, acc.); ger. ~etva (vinam) 19,32. (Aforris, JPTS, ’84,92.) Muiicati, vb. (sa. ymuc) to loose, release, set at liberty; to leave, give up; to send forth, utter (tw. acc.); intr, med. & act. w. abl. or gen. (dat.) to free one’s self from, to make resi- stance against (Dh. 389?); pr. 3. sg. ~ati (assa) Db. 389; part, m. ~anto (obhasam) 26,4; imp. 2. sg. muiica (pure, q. v.) Dh, 348; pot, 3, sg. ~eyya (papakamma) Dh. 127 (w, intrans, sense; B, bas the pass, muc- ceyya); pot, 3. sg, med. ~etha (assa) Dh, 389; aor, 3. pl. withsu (atika- runa-saram, uttered) 27,15; ger. witva, 17,18, 76,13; pass. v. muccati!; pp. mutta (q.v.); caus. moceti (q. v.) ep. mutti. mufija, m. (= sa.) name of a sort of grass or rush; acc. ~am (paribare, “I wear m,-grass”, a token of sacrificing one’s self in battle : samgamavacara anivattino purisé attano anivattanaka- bhavam fdpanattham sise vi dhaje va Sjvudhe va mudja-tinam bandhanti, Comm.) 103,83; °-kesa, m/fn. with hair Pali Glossary, : munati like m., 21,35; °-maya, m/n, made of m., m. pl. ~& (dama) 105,17. mutthi, f. (sa. mushti) the clen- ched fist; » handful,.a small bundle; acc, with (akisi, closed his hand) 56,8. munda(ka), mfn, (= sa.) shaved ; subst. n. mundaka, tonsure, instr, wena, Dh, 264. mutifiga, m. (sa. mrdafiga) a small drum, tabour; acc. warm, 67,39 (cp. Tr. PM. p. 62, 64; 78-79). mutta’, mfn, (sa. mukta; pp. mufcati) loosed, released, freed (from, abl,); m. ~0, 54,21. Dh, 172 (abbha); 100,83 (pipakehi kammehi); comp. jAla-°, 88,30; vana-°, Dh, 844; m. pl. mii (dukkhato) 81,20. mutta’, n. (sa. mitra) urine; nom, wath, 82,5. 97,93. mutta, f. (sa. mukta) a pearl; at the beginning of comp, we find sometimes mutta-°: *°-sara, m. 24,90; mutta-hara, m. a necklace of pearls, acc. wath, 64,26. mutti, f. (sa. mukti) liberation, deliverance (from, abl.); 67,16 (tan- haya); 87,32 eee) mudu, mfn, (sa. mrdu) soft, mild, gentle; instr. m. ~una (athkena) 20,24; ». 44,1 (Sunda mudum, se. jeti); ~ulb, “something soft”, 104,14; *9-citta, mfn, ‘soft-minded’, impressible; acc, m, warm, 68,29. : muduka, m/fn, (sa. mpduka) soft, mild, tender; m. wo (hattho) 50,23; nm. ~wam (matuhadayam, w. loc, da- rake) 59,12, mudda, f. (sa, mudra) ') a seal, seal-ring; *) reckoning or speaking by means of the fiogere, signal made by the hand, at 66,7 called *hattha- mudda, instr. ~aya (pucchissami). muddhan, m. (sa, mirdhan) the head; [nom. ~a]; ace, ~am, Db, 72; loc. wani, 77,8. munati, vd. (= maiiiati, ~man (Kuhn, Beitr. p. 99) or rather fr. ymi (Trenckner, cp. Pischel, Gr. § -489)) to understand, to know (acc.); 14 muni p*. 8. og, wKti fubao toke; etymo- logy of muni, g. v.) Dh, 269. (op, Dh. (1855) p. 380.) muni, m. (= sa.) & sage; som. ai (mahi-°, Buddha) 110,90; voc. 105,94 (do.); avi (motel causa) 80,8 Buddha); 109,. == Dh, 40; Dh, 268-59; pl, munayo, Dh. 225, ep, mona, ”. mummura, m.(?) (sa. murmurs embers, ashes; loc. we (upakilito 9,99. muyhati, ob. (se. Ymuh) to be confused or bewildered; pp. v. milha; ep. mogha, moha. mulali, m. [& mulala, m. n.) (sa. mrnala, 7.) a lotus-fibre or -root (edible); acc. pl. ~wayo, 111,8. musa, 1) adv. (sa, mrsha) falsely; wabhanim, 47,8 (I told a lie); ~ bhanati, 97,11; comp. °-vada, m. lying, lie; acc. wam (katva) 46,24; (bhasati) Dh, 246; 97,32; abd. wa, 81,93; °-va- di{n), mfn, who speaks falsely; gen, m. wissa, 106,14 == Dh, 176. — *) *musa, subst. f. falsehood, lie, 51,32 = musavado, 52,1. muhutta, m. (sa. muhirta) a moment, instant; acc, (adv.) war, for a moment, -awhile, 64,32 (niddam okkami); 50,15 (naccitva); 83,8; ~am api, but for a moment, Db. 65. 106. mila, ». (= sa.) 1) the root (of plants); foot, Lottors, base; metaph. cause, origin: nom, wam (milena, instr, “root with root”) 37,34; pl. ~ini (mulehi, do.) 37,20; sala-%, 62,16; metaph. Db. 247; tanhaya wam, 108.4 = Dh, 337; vinasa-°, 33,26; abl. ~ato patthaya, “from the ground”, 62,10; loe. we (rukkha-°) 4,93; (pada-°, at one’s feet) 36,27, 49,5; ~amhi (rukkha-’) 111,6; was. mim (do.) 112.2; comp. *°-tandula, m. (v. h.); *%bhasa, f. the original language (or tue chief of all lan- guages?), instr. ~aya (sabbesam, ¢. e. Magadhi, nirutti, g. v.) 114,98; *ucchinna-°, mfn, (v. h.). — *) price, 210 payment, money; nom, wath, 57,4; 49,10 (bahum); 49,15 (agahetva, “gra- tie’’); 49,2 (gandha-puppha-°, “money to buy flowers and perfumes’); instr. wena (ganhatha, “take it at a rae 18,10; Channivadh n’atthi, ». kamma? 57,4; comp, suhassn-mila, m/fn. (4. v.) ep. neat, *“mila-ghaccam, adv, radically (extirpated); ~ samUhutam, “taken out with the very root’, Dh, 250 (cp. ghacca). mulha, mfn. (pp. muyhati; sa. miidha) confused, bewildered, stupid; ace. m. wan, 75,24; gen. ~assa, 69,16; comp, *-ripa, mfn. foolish; m. ~0, Db. 268. cp. mogha, moha. miusika, m. (sa. mushika) a mouse, rat; *°-cchinna, mfn. cut by mice, nm. ~wam (thanam) 25,7. me = mama, gen. pron, 1, pers., v, aharh; — ‘me = ime, pl. pron. demonstr., v. ayam. megha, m. (= sa.) a cloud; nom, ~o (maha-°, “a shower”) 105,21. *menda(ka), m. (cp. sa, menda, mendha, mendhra, metha, mentha) a ram; tnmstr, wena, 30,22; comp. S-vara, m. 30,9 (g. v.); mendako, 30,14 (cp. elaka). metta, 1). & metta, f. (sa. maitra, 7.) friendship, kindness; ace, ~am, 40,7; comp. khanti-mettanud- daya-°, 7,19. 38,15 (v. #.); *metta- viharin, mfn. “who behaves with kindness”, m. v1, Dh. 368. — *) mfn. friendly, kind, benevolent; instr. n. ~wena (cittena) 76,31; °-citta, mfn. friendly, ‘benevolent, m. pl. wa, 35,14, metti, f. (sa. maitri) = prec.; nom. wi, 18,12; acc. with, 53,9. Metteyya, m. (sa, Maitreya) nom, pr. of the future Buddha; nom. ~0, 114,94, methuna, %. (sa. maithuna) copu- lation, love, marriage; *°-dhamma, m. id., acc. wam, 64,11. meda, m. (sa. meda, m. & medas, n.) fat; ~0, 82,5. 97,93; — °-vanna, 211 mfn. “looking like (a lump of) fat”, acc, m. ~ath (pasainam) 104,13, *medhaga (or medhaka) m. n, (ep. ved, sa. mrdh & ech) quar- rel, strife; pl. ~a, Dh. 6 (= kalaha, Comm.) cp. Sn. v. 893-94; Vin. II, 88. medha, f. [(& medhas, ».] (= sa.) intelligence, prudence; instr. ~aya, 91,27. cp, dummedha, sumedha, su- medhasa, mfn, & next, medhavin, mfn. (= sa.) intelli- gent, wise; nom, m. ~i (dovariko) 90,32. 91,a7; acc, wim, Dh, 76. °medhin, mfn, (e, c, = sa.) id.; v, dummedhin, meraya, (n.) (sa. maireya) a kind of strong drink; dvandva comp, sura-®, 81,23. Dh, 247 (°-panam). mokkhati, fut., v. muccati. Moggallana, m, (sa. Maudga- lyayana) nom. pr. of one of Buddha's most famous pupils; Sariputta-Mog- gallina, pl. 8. & M, 74,30 (~éva); gen, pl. ~inam, 74,97. mogha, mfn, (= sa.) vain, use- less; foolish; m, wath (aifiarn) 89,99; °-purisa, voc. 0 foolish one! 76,3; *0-jinna, mfn. grown old in vain, m, «0, Dh. 260. moceti, vb. (caus. muiicati; sa. mocayati) to cause to be loose, let go (acc.); to liberate, save (acc. & abl.); aor, 3. sg. ~esi (jane dukkha) 31,25; inf, ~etum, 40,20; ger. wetva (mam bandhana) 33,2; (asse) 44,12; (sata- kam) 50,24; (puttam) 59,11. modati, vb, (sa. mud) to be glad or happy, to delight; pr, 3, sg, ~ati (opp. socati) Dh. 16. mona, m. (sa. mauna) silence; instr, wena, Dh, 268. mora, m, (= mayira, g. v.) a peacock; nom. ~0, 10,18; voc, wa, 10,11; gen. ~wassa, 92,20; yoni, f. 18,2 (v. h.); dvandva comp. batsa- moradayo, 10,s. moha, m. (= sa.) bewilderment, infatuation, delusion, folly; acc. wath (in the series: raga, dosa, moha) Dh. 20. comp. mohaggi, m. the fire of de- ya- lusion, 64,20; *°-dosa, mfn. damaged by delusion, f. ~& (paja) Dh. 358; *vita-°, mfn. free from delusion, Joc. pl. ~esu, Dh. 358. Y. y, 1) on account of sandhi inserted in ma-y-ime, 60,17; mama-y-idam, 72,20, *) instead of i or e, v. ty’ (= ti, te) cp. tv’, ya-, base of the pron, relat, (= 8a.); mom, ace. nm, yath (sa. yad): 56,11. 72,20. 78,8 ete.; 78,7 (yan); the old form yad is sometimes preserved by sandhi: Dh, 345; yad-idam, 97,3; yad-eva, 91,9; m. yo, 30,9 efc.; with elision of the vowel: y’assa, Dh. 389; y'ayam (i, e, yo ayam) Dh, 56; f. ya, 47,97, etc.; 67,12 (yayam); ya ce = yafi ce, Dh. 104 (v. yaiice); as for the rest the declension is like that of pron, demonstr, tam : acc, f. yarn, 67,10, 87,18; gen. m. (n.) yassa, 3,96 (yass’ete); gen. f. yassa, 64,15 (yassa- yam); instr. m. n. yena, 1,9. 103,13 (yen’atthena, v. attha’); yen’eva (7.) 96,7; f. yaya, 92,16 (yay'); Dh. 408; abl. m, (m.) *) yamha, Dh. 392; >») yasma (v. separately); loc. m. (n.) ®) yamhi, 106,29 = Dh, 393; 108,26 (yamh’okase) ; >) yasmim, 84,7; p/. n. yani, 2,11; m. ye, 75,3; gen. yesam, 86,20; 86,18 (yesafi hi); 92,31 (yes’- aham, i.e. yesam aham); Joc. f. yasu, ° 51,30. — 1) who, which, what (often corresp. with foll, demonstr., cp. tata) : 68,23. 78,7-8 etc.; yam yeva... tah yeva (the same... as) 99,30; yasmir vihare...sace so viharo, 84,7; yo yaso...esa te sena, 103,s9-81; yo ... tanhaya...nirodho (after prec, idam) 67,15; yayath tanha, 67,12 (do.); esa ya (gehe vasato, part. gen.) rati, 47,27; w. pot. of the verb.: yo evam vadeyya, 99,80; anavakaso yo (do.) 76,36 (v. an-avakasa); yam balam (q. v.) 13,35. — *) repeated : whatever, 14* yam whichever; yem yarh, 50,3; ya ya, 5C,2. — 5) combined with other pron. ®) w. pron. demonstr, == whatever, whichsoever : yan tam, Dh. 42; yad- idam, 70,26; yena tena, 1,0; ye te, 76,30, >) in the same sense w. pron. indef.: yo koci, 110,8; yam kiiici, 68,27; yo afifio, 34,24; Uikewise fol- lowed by pi: yam pi... tam pi, 67,10; °) w. pron, 1. pers. (foll, by 1. pers, of the verb.) ; yo’ham, 75,24; ye mayam (we who, siace we) 106,23; yesan no (gen. pl.) n’atthi kificanam, though we have nocthing at all, Dh. 200. — 4) pleonastic or omitted: yad- idamh ‘Nagaseno’ ti, thia word N,, 97.2; yath bhithsanakam (v. h.) 81,3; [yo] jaina, Db 352; [yo] udiraye, Dh, 408. ~ 5) several cases are used as indecl. (conj.) i n. ave. yam, instr. yena, abl. yasmé, v. separately, cp. yato, yattaka, yattha, yathd, yada, yadi, yava ete. & yebhuyyena. yam, indecl, (conj.) (acc, n, fr. ya-; a, yad) ") that (quod); tath bahum yaih bi jivasi, 13,29 (v. bahu); *) when, if (quem in its different meanings) ; 80,33 (yam kalam akari muni); 97,18 (yam vadesi); 90,19 (yamh pan’); 54,26 (yan nu, even if); 5) as, siace, because . 76,3, 95,7 (yam hi); 61,8 (anacoluthic = as (for in- stance ?)); 4) comb, w. niina (in op- tative sense like Germ. dass, w. pron, 1, pers. and pot. of the verb): yan nundham, what if 1? = let me! 33,27. 46,23. 68,35. 71,26 efe.; yan niina mayath, 6,3; °) comb., w. ce, wv. yatice. yakana, n (9a. yakrt, yakan) the liver; nom. ~am, 82,3. 97,21. yakkha, m. (sa. yaksha) name of certain superhuman beings (as goblins or ogres), who are the enemies of men; nom. wo i. €. Mara) 104,18; gen, ~wassa, 112,12; pl. wa (inbubi- tanta of Laika) 112,10; acc, pl.- we, 112,9 (to be corr, into yakkha); 112,91 (sabba-°); gen. pl. ~anam (they eat dead corpses) 40,31; °-nagara, ». 20,32 212 = pura, nm, 112,12 (Sirisavatthu); O-raja-°, 112,99. yakkhini (or yakkhi), fi (sa. yakshini & yakshi) a female yakkha; nom, wini, 58,30; 21,22 (jettha-°); 59,19 (wini-mhi = ~ini amhi); ~1, 111,35, 112,11; ace. wim, 111,23; enstr. ~iniyd, 59,7; gen. winiya, 21,25; pl. winiyo, 20,38; °wini-bhava, m. (q. v.); paricdrika-°, f. (v. paricarika). yajati, vb. (sa. Vyaj) to sacrifice; pot. 3. sg. med, ~etha (sahassena, “with a thousand”) Db, 106. cp. yittha. *yatice (or yaii ce), indecl. (i. e. yarn + ce, g.¥.) than, than if; ma- tam seyyo ~ jivitam, 7,34; 103,31. Dh. 106-07; by attraction to a subst, f. we have ya ce = yajfice, Dh. 104 (seyyo ya c’ayath itara paja) cp. yaii ce, Dh, 229 (v. ce). yatthi, f. (sa. yashti) *) a stick, staff; acc, ~ith (pacana-°, a goad) 71,29; 7) name of a certain measure of length = 7 hatthas or ratanas (about 3'/, metres) v. yojana. cp. latthi. yato, 1) indecl. (adv. & conj.; abl. of pron. rel. ya-, correl. of tato; sa, yatas) #) whence, wherefrom, where, 31,35 (~ sodariyam dnaye); ») since when, 27,22 (~ sarami attanam); °) since, because, 66,21. 112,39; ¢) repea- ted: yato yato, as soon as, according to, w. foll, tato tato: the more — the more, Dh, 374. 390, — *) gen... part., v. yati. *yattaka, mfn. (correl. of ettaka, kittaka, g. v.) however much, as much as (quantus); pl. m. 2, as many as, 57,10 (fr. sa. yavat, ». Tr, PM. p. 30). yattha (& yatra), adv. (sa. yatra) in or to what place, where, whither; 56,11 (gata); 63,13 (yatra, sc. jatiya, jatassa); 104,10 (~ gantva); comp., v, next ete, yattha-kamam, adv, (sa. yatra- kaimam) whereever one plaeses, accors ding to one’s wish; Dh. 326; comp. yatthakama-nipatin, mfn. (vw. ni- patin). *yatthatthita, mfn. (cp. sa. 213 yatra-stha) where staying; m, ~0, Dh, 127; ace, wam, Dh. 128. yatra, adv, (= sa.) v, yattha. yatha, indecl, (conj.; = sa.; correl, of tatha) 1) as, like (with full sentence, corr, w. demonstr, tatha, evamn, etc, or before nouns; at the beginning of comp, v. below) : ) 1, full sentence (pres.) : 5,8 (tatha); 34,92 (evam eva); ~ (kho) pana... na evam, 62,25, 79,0; tadiso vanno ae passasi, 85,10; sometimes at the eginning of a sentence (w. pot.) by giving an illustration: “it is as if”, 100,11 etc,; ») before nouns: 8,96 (~ tava); 26,5. 61,s2, 63,11 (na ~ afiiie- sam); 75,23 (~ balamh, acc. like o fool). — *) so that, in order that (at; yatha na, wt non, ne); that (quod); 12,6 (w. fut.); 12,9 (w. pres, ind, 13,18. 22,23. 39,33 (do.); 68,36 (w. pot.); 70,8 (quod). — 5) as soon as, 18,17 (w, pres, ind.). ~ comp. : *yath'icchitam, adv, (or adj, n.) according to one’s desire, 111,28; — yatha-kammam, adv, according to one’s deeds, 8,13, 13,7. 22,18; — %-dittha, m/n. as seen, ace, f. ~am (bhimim) 69,23; — *°-pai- fiatta, mfn, 84,17 (v. h.); — %-padese, loc. (sa, yatha-pradegath) 47,1 (. padesa); — *°-pasadanam, adv. Dh. 249 (v. h.); — *°-"bhirantam, adv. 70,20. 77,15 (v. abhiramati); — *°-bhuc- ca, mfn. (fr. yatha-bhitam) accor- ding to the fact, real; m. wath (aja- nanti, “the truth”) 108,16; — %bhi- tath, adv. according to the fact, right- ly, truly, 91,8. 96,8. Dh. 203; — *°-va- cath, adv, (cp. sa. %-vacanath) accor- ding to one’s words, 108,30; *°-vatam, adv. by the wind, 20,3 (gacchanto); — vidita, mfn. (sa. °-vitta) as found or understood; ace. f. ~am (bhimim) 69,23; — °saddham, adv, according to faith, Dh. 249; — %-sukham, adv, according to one’s pleasure, 2,18, Dh, 326. cp. seyyatha. yad-, by sandhi = yam (v. ya-). yada, indect. (conj. = sa.; correl. of tad&) when, whenever; from what . b] yasa time, as soon as; tv. aor. 18,34 (aiga- ma, w. foll. atha); 68,21 (do.); 99,4. : 108,24; w. pot. 35,7. 44,22 (w. foll. atha); w. pr. indic. 66,20 (atha); 76,12 (tada); 107,11 (atha). yadi, indecl. (conj. = sa.) if; w, pot, 98,53. 100,8; w. pres. ind. 100,7; yadi evam (without verb, “if so’) 5,15; yadi va or yadiva ee prec, va, == “or”) Dh, 98; yadiva (shor- tened of yadi va) Dh. 195 (“or”); yadi va (repeated, without verb, = whether — or) 92,15 ete, yanta, m. (sa. yantra) a vice, press, machine; loc, we (pakkhipitva viya) 40,18, yanti, pr. & pl., v, yati,. yan nina, ». yam. Yama, m, nom. pr. (= sa.); the king of hell or god of death; gen, ~assa (santike, “near to the death’’) Dh, 237; — °%-purisa, mm, a servant of Y., messenger of death, pl. ~a, Dh, 235; — °-loka, m. the world of Y,, acc, ~am, Dh, 44-45, Yamaka, n. nom, pr, (lit, “the twofold”) of a Pali work, the sixth book of Abhidhamma-Pitaka; ~wam, 102,11. — vagga, m. name of the first chapter of Dh, (lit. “double- verses’), [yamati], vb. (sa, Vyam) [to hold, support; hold back, restrain; intr. to leave off, to cease (i. ¢, “to decease”?)]; imper. (injunctive) 1, pl. med, yama- mase, Db, 6 (the meaning is uncer- tain; perhaps “to subdue one’s self” or “to be subdued” as by Yama?), (cp. Franke, WZKM, 1901; Dhpd. (1855) p. 110.) yava, m. (= sa.) barley; ace, wan, 9,1; °-khetta, #. a field of bar- ley, 8,18 (sali-°); — °-majjhaka, m/fn. having barley(-fields) in the middle, or being situated amidst the barley-field ? comp. *Uttara-yavamajjhaka, m. nom. pr. of a village, 55,80. yasa (& yasas, comp. yaso-) m. (sa. yacas) +) honour, glory, reputa- tion, celebrity; nom, ~o (maha) 55,19; yasassin 103,s9; Db. 24; ace. wath, 42,19. 45,09. 54,54; instr, wena, 64,10; comp. yaso-bhoga-samappita, m/fn, endowed with glory and fortune, m. 10, Dh. 303, — *) Yasa, nom. pr. of a man; nom, ~0 (kulaputto) 67,21 ete. ep. next. yasassin, mfn, (sa. yacasvin) glorious, famous, celebrated; mom. m. ~i, 30,9. yasma, indecl. (abl. fr. ya-) since, because (corr, w. tasiva) 85,29, 91,18 (ep. yato). yagu, f. (sa. yaviigu) rice-gruel; nom, ~uU, 56,99, 82,19-20; acc. ~um, 21,5; instr, wuya, 56,98; °-ghata, m. (q. v.) 56,94. yaicaka, m, (= sa.) a beggar; ace, pl, we, 14,19; gen. pl. winam, 15,5, ydcati, vb. (sa Vyiic) to ask or bey (for, acc.); pr. 1. 89. ~ami, 31,5; 2. pt, watha (etam) 28,28; aor. 3. 9g. yiici (jivitam) 111,20; ger. witvad (w. doubl, acc.) 7,98, 89,10; — pays. yie ciyati; part, pass, m. *) yaciyamano, 25,18. 46,15; >) *yaciyanto, 11], — pp. yacita, m. ~o (tens) 28,17; Dh, 224 (w. loc. appasmi); yacaka, m. v, above, yati, vb. (sa. yi) to go, walk; pr, & eg. yattr, Dh. 29, 179, 294; 2, sg. yasi, 49,14; & pl. yanti, Dh, 126 (saggam); part. gen. m. yato (ito param, “when 10 is passing from henve”) 77,4; tmp. 2 ag. yahi, 18,1. 34,10. S8a, yiinn, s. (= sa.) o vorrloge, any vehicle or draught-animal; énetr, pl, vehi, Dh, 323, yima, m, (== #4.) a night-watch (three hours); @ce. wai (tinnam afiiataram) Dh. 187; (pathamam, during the first watch) 66,5; loc. yitme (pathama-°) 11,30; (purime, id.) 99,19; majjhime, in the middle w.) 99,26; pacchime, in the last w.) 99,33. y iva (or yavarh, by sandhi yavad-) indecl, (sa. yitvat) 1) conj. o8 long as, until (corr, tw, titva); w. pres, ind. : 214 23,19. 48,91. 102s. 110,4. Dh. 72 (ya- vad-eva), Dh. 119; w. aor, 33,1. 77,8; yava na, while not, before, to. pres, ind, 19,1. 92,9. Dh. 284 (ya- vath); w. fut. 92,8. — *) prp. to. abl. 12,17 (arunuggamana); 62,6; tw. ace, 43,18 (paccantabhiimim); 62,10 (agga- sakha); « tatiyam (up to the third time) 3,7. 102,26; ~ dutiyam, 102,26. cp. °-jara, °-jivam. *yava-jara, adv. (fr. yava + jara, the last being either contr. of jaraya (?) abl. of jara, f.(?) or abl. of the base jara, g. v.) until old age, Dh. 333. yava-jivam, adv, (sa. yavaj- jivam) during all the life, Dh. 64. yavat, mfn, (= 8a.) as, great, as much; pl, as many; m, pl. yavanto, 108,3 == Dh. 337 (yavant’ ettha samfagatil). cp. nert ete. *yavataka, mfn. (correl, of tava- taka) = prec.; ace. pl. we, 81,17. yiivata, indecl, (instr. fr. yaval, == sa.) as far os, inanmuch as, bee cause; 106,14 == Dh, 266 (corr. w. tona & tiivat@); ep. nert. *yavatayukam, adv. (cp. sa. yavadayusham) all one’s life long; ~ thatva, after having lived out one’s term of life, 8,11, 34,98. 38,5. yittha, mfn. (pp. yajati; sa, ishta sacrificed; . subst, with tactic Dh. 108 (offering, sacrifice), yuga, #, (= sa.) a yoke; wam, 98 150 yujjhati, vb, (sa, Vyudh) to fight (against, ace,; with, instr, or prp.)s part,, wmiino, 60,9; ger. witvit (corehi saddhim) 33,19; (visa. Hath) 33,20. ep. newt & yuddha, yodha. *yujjhana, n, (fr. prec,) fighting; %tthiina, ». fighting ground, 29,94, *yuiljati, vb. (sa. Vyuj) *) to yoke, harness, join; to prepare, arrange: *) med. & act, w, attanam, to apply or Bive one's self to (loc.); pr. 3. 8g. med. ~wate (Buddhasasane) Db. 382; part. m, yuiijath (attinuti, nyoge) Dh, 209; pp. yutta (q. ¥.); caus, yojeti & *yo- 215 japeti (q. v.) ep. yuga, yoga, yogga, yojana, etc., yotta. yutta (& *yuttaka), mfn. (pp. yunjati; sa, yukta) ') joined, yoked; .54,9 (rathe °-sindhava); *) prepared, arranged; acc, f. wam (dhajinim) 104,38; °) proper, fit (w. inf.); right; m, ~0 (maiigalasso bhaviturh) 24,31; comp. w. grd, *kattabba-°, mfn. right to do, ». sam, 54,33; kitabba-yutta- kam karissanti, 39,34 (v. karoti, grd.); *thapetabba-yuttaka, m/fn. fit to be set in a place (loc,); acc. m, wath {rajatthine) 11,1, yuddha, m. n, (= sa; pp. fr. yujjhati) battle, war; acc. ~am (detu, let him an) 36,91, 39,90; dat, ~aya (paccuggacchimi), 104,4. yuvan, mfn, (= sa.) young, nom, m. ~va, Dh, 280 (a youth), cp, yob- bana. ylsa, m, 7. (sa, ylisha) juice, gravy; wam (amba-®, g. v.) 37,24. ye, pl, m, pron, rel., vu ya-, yena, indecl. (conj.; instr. fr. pron, rel, ya-, corr. w, demonstr. tena) 1) in what direction, where; 68,5 etc. (cp. yena, sc. maggena, 104;2), — *) (so) that (ut); 77,6 (tatha karissasi ~ gamissasi). — *) because; Dh, 256 {w. pot.); 260. 270 (w. pres.). *yenicchakam, adv. (fr. yena + iccha) where one likes; Dh, 326. *vebhuyyena, adv. (instr. of yaihuygs, mfn, numerous, much; fr, ye = yam (Magadhism) & bhiyyo (Tr. PM, p. 75); cp. sa. yad-bhiiyas) generally, entirely, always, upon the whole, in all; 73,33, 96,7-11. (cp. Franke, KZ, nu. F, XIV, 420.) yeva, indecl., v. eva. yesam, yehi, yo, w yas. yoga, m. (= sa.) 1) junction, union, combination; acc. ~am (manusakam, “bondage”) Dh. 417; comp, sabba- °-visamyutta, mfn. (v. h.); nakkhat- ta-°, m, conjunction of stars, constel- lation (v. h.). — *) application of the mind, exertion, devotion, meditation etc.; abl. ~a, Dh, 282; loc. ~asmit, yojeti Dh, 209; comp. *aiifiatra-°, mfn. (q. v.); yoga-kkhema, m, ‘tranquillity of devotion’, complete happiness (= Nib- bana); acc, ~ath (anuttaram, nibba- nam) Dh, 23; gen. ~assa (pattiya) 103,83; a-yoga, m. (q. v.). yogga, m, (sa. yogya) a carriage, vehicle; loc, ~e (maha-°, a chariot of state) 58,19. yojana, ». (= sa.) ‘yoking, har- nessing’, a measure of distance (the length of an Indian yojana is variously indicated, varying between 4—18 miles; according to some = 21,400 Metres (about 12 miles) = 4 gavutas, one givuta being 80 usabhas & 20 yatthis & 7 ratanas (or hatthas, '/; Metre) & 2 vidatthis & 12 afgulas (inches)); nom, wath, 107, == Dh. 60; Joe, (addha-®, g. v.) 63,19; comp. *0_ppamana, & *°-matta, mfn. having an extent of a yojana, 63,28; 6,8; *0_sahase’-ubbedha, mfn. (v. ubbe- dha); ti-yojana-satika, mfn. (q. v.); timsa-°, & diyaddha-° (v, h.). yojana, f. (= sa.) ‘union, con- junction’, grammatical construction; in the comment style: what is to be supplied or understood; ‘mukhena sukara-sadiso asin’ ti yojand, ‘I was like a pig by my mouth’, so is to be understood, 85,29. yojanika, mfn. (e. c. = 8a.) 80 many yojanas long; satthi-°, 61,10; satta-9, 61,11. yojapeti, vb. (caus. IT. yuiijati) ‘to cause to be joined or fixed’, to apply, employ, prepare (acc.); ger. wetva (dvarath) 6,7. yojeti, vb. (caus, yuiijati; sa. yojayati) 1) to harness; to make ready (acc.); ger. ~wetva (sindhave), 63,5; imp. 2. 8g. ~ehi (rathamh) 63,3; *) to fasten, hold fast, grapple, attack (ace.); pot. 3. sg. med. ~etha (Ma- raza) Dh. 40; w. attanam : to apply or give one’s self to (loc.), part. m. a-yojayam (attanam yogasmirh, who does not give one’s apif to meditation) Db, 209, ~we yotta yotta, mn. (sa. yoktra) a rope, cord; acc, nvath. 25,85; pl. wani, 28,30. yocha, m. (= sa.) a warrier, scldier; pl, °-maha-vodha, 39,19. Yona(ka), mfn, (sa. Yavana) Ionian, Greek; pl. the Greeks (in Bac- tria), ~wkai, 97,4. (ep. Weber, Ind, Sir, IT, 321.) yoni, f. (= sa.) the womb, uterus; source, origin; ¢, ¢, a class or kind of living baings; loc. yoniyam (kapi-° nibbattitva, having been born as an apey 1,3; (miga-°} 5,23, cp. neat ete, yonija, mfn. (= sa.) born from the womb, born in a certain class of beings; acc. m. wai (na brahmanam briimi, “on account of his birth”) Dh. 396. yoniso, adv, (sa. yonicas) ‘by the source’, radically, thoroughly, deeply (wisely); Dh. 326 (cp. SBE, X. 79). yobbana, ». (fr. yuvan; sa. yau- vana) youth; loc. we, Dh. 155; ut- tama-yobbana-vildsa-matta, mfn. 47,14 (v. vilasa, cp. matta?), R. r, sandhi-consonant, inserted be- tween vowels (like sa, siddhi-r astu, 114,s3) : dhi-r-atthu, 63,13. 103,38; usabho-r-iva, 105,19; aragge-r-iva, Dh. 401; sdsapo-r-iva, Dh, 407 (cp. Tr, PM. p. 82; Windisch, Ber. d. sichs, Ges, 1693). ramsi, f. (sa. ragmi, m.) *) a string, line, cein, bridle (v. rasmi below). — 7) a ray of light, splendour; gen. pl. winam (chabbannanamh, q, v,) 87,38. rakkhaka, mfn. (sa. rakshaka) guarding, watching; m. a watchman; kheita-°, wi. a field-watcher, pl. ~A, 8,18. rakkhati, vb. (sa. Yraksh) to guard, watch, protect; to keep, observe; to beware of (acc); pr. 3. 3g. wati 216 (silarn) 38,14. 97,0; (dhanar) Db. 26; part. m. wanto, 33,2; gen. ato, Db. 241; imp. 2. sg. rakkha, 22,16. 110,25; pot. 3, sg. rakkhe, Dh. 40; rakkheyya (kaya-ppakopamh) Dh, 231; Db, 157 (metri causa : weyya); 3. sg. med, ~etha, Dh. 36; inf. witum, 20,99; grd. rakkbitabba (to be ob- served) 14,19; a-rakkhiya, mfn. diffi- cult to watch, m. wo (miatugimo) 52,8; pp. rakkhita, & caus. *rakkha- eti (v. below) cp. rakkhaka, rak- Phend rakkha, durakkha. rakkhana, m. (sa. rakshana) guarding, protecting; °-atthaya, 52,25 (v. attha?); sassa-rakkhan’attham, 8,7. rakkha, f. (sa. raksha) protection ; acc, ~am (Lafika-°) 110,97. *rakkhapeti, vb. (caus. 1D. rak- khati) to watch; aor. 3. sg. wesi, 73,33. rakkhita, mfn. (pp. rakkhati; sa. rakshita) guarded, protected ; comp. °-gopita-vatthumbi (doc., v. vatthu) 58,13; a-rakkhita, su-rakkhita, m/fn. (q. v.). raccha, f. (sa. rathya) a carriage- road, street; acc. wath, 76,13. (cp. ratha). raja(s), m, (sa. rajas, n.) vapour, dust; dirt, impurity (metaph. of pas- sions); nom, ~0, 108,8 (pamadanu- patito, “defilement”); (sukhumo) Dh. 125; acc, wan, Dh. 313; 58,5 (pada-°, “the dust at his feet’, ep. pada-path- sini, 77,7); instr, wena, 84,23; comp. rajo-° (originally ».) 112,29 (tamba- bhumi-°); cp. rajovajalla below. rajata, , (= sa.) silver; nom, wah, 26,16; gen. nassa, Dh, 239; comp, *°-dama-vanna, mfn. like a silver chain, 61,19; *°-phalaka, »m. 48,8 (v. h.); maya, mfn, made of silver, 28,30; *°-vanna, mfn, silver- coloured, 5,27; *vimana, n. 23,a2 (v. h.); dvandva comp. suvanna-°, 61,27; jatarUpa-°, 81,2, — Rajata- pabbata, m. nom. pr. of a mountain (in Himavanta), ‘Silver-Hill’; nom. ~0, 61,15. 217 rajana, », (= sa.) colouring, dye; acc. ~wam, 6% ~~ cp. ratta}. *rajovajalla r rajojalla), 7. (fr. raja(s) & *jalla, avajalla = smut, soot (?) cp. sa. jhallika & Childers s. v.) “dust and dirt”, or “rubbing with dust”, Dh. 141 (SBE. X, 38; Dhpd. (1855) p. 306; Trenckner refers to jaleti, denom, fr, jala, to cover, which is found in Pali, cp. Dhatup, XXXI1J,10; the Birm., reading is rajo- jallam, which is always found else- where: Jat, V, 421,20; Mil. p, 133 etc.; rajovajall(am) might be due to tmesis = rajo va [= va] jallazh; cp. rajojallika, mfn. covered with dust, Jat. I, 390,18, & Sn. v. 198, 249). rajja, m. (sa. rajya) sovereignty, government; kingdom; nom, wam, 112,9; acc, warm, le 83 etc. (~ karoti, to be king); instr, wena, 59,25; loc, we, 42,26; comp. *rajjatthika, mfn, (v. atthika); °-parimana, 7. 43,20 (q. v.); *°-simika, m, king, 43,22 (Baranasi-°); %sima, f. 39,15 (q. v.) cp. eka-°, opa-°, maha-°, & rattha. rajju, f. (rarely m. = 8a.) a rope; nom, ~u (alambani, g. v.) 47,97; ace. um (civara-°, g. v.) 83,91; instr, wuya, 54,20. cp. next. rajjuka, m. (dimin, fr. last; = sa.) a rope, string; acc. ~am (ugga- hana-°, g. v.) 14,39. rafiia, raffle, ranfio, ja(2). rattha, m. (sa. rashtra) kingdom, realm, country; abl, wa, 38,91; wa ~wath (acc, from kingdom to kingdom) 104,8; loc. we, 18,24; comp. °-jana- pada-vasino, 102,5 (v. h.); °-pinda, m. 107,2 (v. h.); Kasi-°, Kosala-°, Baveru-°, Videha-° (q. v.) cp. rajja. rata, mfn. (pp. ramati; = sa.) delighting in (loc, or @€,¢.); m. ~0, Dh. 181. 300; ajjhatta-°, Dh. 362; tanhakkhaya-°, Db. 187; dhamma-°, Dh. 364 (g. v.); pl. ~& (gocare) Db. 22. ratana}, m. (sa. ratna) a jewel, é. c, a valuable or precious thing; v, Ta- rattindiva pl. ~ani, 33,6; instr. pl. wehi, 27,29; 28,28 (sattahi, the 7 precious things, i. e. gold, silver, etc.) cp. satta-ratana- vicitta, mfn. ornamented with the 7 jewels, 18,28, & satta-ratana-vassa, n. 32,11 (v. vassa); gen. pl. wana (tinnam, the 3 jewels, metaph, of Buddha, Dhamma, ee) 28,26; , c. assa-°, 24,19; kambala-°, 25,5; nilamani-°, 26,23; mani-°, 62,30; hatthi-°, 24,19 (q, v.) (cp. JRAS, XII (1880) p. 178), ratana’, », (or ratani, f.; sa. ratni, aratni) a certain measure of length = 2 vidatthi (q. v.) cp. yojana, rati, f. (= 8a.) pleasure, delight (often esp, of love); nom. wi, 47,27, Dh, 149; Ai, Dh. 310; ace. wim, Dh, 187; abl. wiya, Dh. 214; comp. kama-°, kilesa-°, dhamma-° (», h.) cp. a-rati, ratta!, mfn, (pp. yraiij, rajjati, rafijati, rajati; sa. rakta) coloured, dyed (esp. with red selcig metaph, affected with (e, c.); comp. °-kambala, Bat (v. h.); raga-°, mfn, subject to passion, pl. wa, Dh, 347; saratta-°, mfn. Db. 345 (v. h.) cp. rajana, rattata. ratta?, m,n. (e. c. = ratti; sa, ratra) night; addha-°, 40,8 (q. v.); aho-°, Dh, 226 (q. v.); ep. digha- rattam, adv. rattata, f. (sa. raktata) redness; instr, ~aya (akkbinam) 59,5. ratti, f. (sa. ratri) night; nom. wi (digha) 107,. = Dh. 60; ace. wim, 58,17; 22,21 aoe adv. by night 9,16 (opp. diva); 112,7 (cp. rattindiva); gen, loc. ~iya, 66,5. 78,1; 41,28, 42,1; an old Joc. is ratto (sa. ratrau) Dh, 296; pl. acc. wiyo (sab- ba-°) 67,37; comp. °-khitta, mfn. (q. °); *0-bhatta, 1. evening meal, 15,19; *O-bhaga, m, the night time, 21,93; eka-ratti-°, 104,24 (v. eka*); *aho-°, f. day & night (v. h.); at the end of comp, we find sometimes the a-stem ratta® (g. 0.) cp. neat. rattindiva, m. &m. (sa. ratrim- ratto diva) night and day; acc. adv. wath 88,22 (comp. ~am-). ratto, adv., loc. ratti (q. v.). ratha, m. (= sa.) a chariot;, ~0, 60,5; 25,1 (maiigala-°, 7. v.); ace. wtih, 7,5; 63,4-(uttama-°); instr. wena (payasi)54,<; 98,2; 60,4 (Ve- jayanta-°, g. v.); pl. wa (raja-°) Db. 151; comp. *°-dandaka, m. the ban- ner-staff of a chariot, 98,5; *°-paii- jara, 7. 98,5 (v. h.); vara, m. an excetlent ch., 64,10 (ace. wath); °-ve- ga-, 60,10 (g. v.) ep. raecha. randheti (or randhayati) vb. {ccus, Vrandh), to make subject to, bring to (acc. & dat.); aor. 3. pl. ~wayum (ma tar apse Dh, 248, rama, mjn. (e. c. == sa.) pleasing, delizhting; v. dti-rama, mano-rama. ramaniys, mfn (grd. fr. next; == 3a.) pleasant, clelighiful, beautiful; n. ~am (uyyanan:) 37,16: loc. m. we, 65.19; 2. pl. war[i] (araiiani) Dh. 99. cp. ramaneyyaka. ramati, vb. (sa, \/ram) to be glad, to delight in (loc.j; pr. 3. sg. wati, Dh. 79; 99 (metri causa wati); 1. sg. med, rame (gahe) 47,26; 3. pl. wanti, Dh. 91; 1. pl. ~ama (kilesa- ratiya) 53,24; fut. 1. pl. vissama (“we will enjoy ourselves’) 53,27; fut. caus. (= simplex) 3. pl. ~essanti, Dh. 99; pp. rata (g. ., ep. ramita); grd. ramaniya & ramma (q. v.); - caus, II, ramipeti, to gladden, de- light; ger, wetva (tath kilesaratiya) 73,18. ramita, mfn. (pp. caus. ram; == sa.) delighted, happy; m. ~0, Dh, 305. ramma, mfn, (grd. ram; sa. ramya) delightful, beautiful; loc. we, 109,31. rava, m. (= sa.) a roar, cry; song, sound; nom. ~0, 60,10; acc. wat, 53,21; 8,25 (gadrabha-°); 60,8 (ma- ha-°); loc. ~e (gadrabhanam) 113,11; *pita-°, m. 112,7 (q. v.); *bherava-°, m, 86,19 (gq. v.). ravati, vb. (sa. y/ru, rauti, raviti) 218 to roar, cry, to set up 4 cry (ace.) ; part. m. pl. wanta (bherava-ravam) 86,19; part, med. m. ~mano, 9,2; aor. 8, sg. ravi, 8,15. 11,30; 3. pl. ~ithsu, 60,8; cp. rava, rava, ruta. rasa, m (= sa.) juice, essence; taste, flavour tae agreeable), sweet- ness; acc. wam, 37,9. 106,83 = Dh. 49; Dh. 354; 16,16 (pabbata-°); pl. ~, 70,32; loc, pl, ~wesu, 71,9; °-ha- rani, f. (v. h.); dhamma-°, & dham- mapiti-° (q. v.); ndnagga-° (v, nana); paviveka-° (g.v.); raadhura-° (g. v.); sadisa-°, mfn. of the same taste, 37,22 (nimba-panna-°); sUpa-° (q. ¥.); dvandva comp. vanna-gandha-°, 37,30 (°-rasiipeta, mfn.). rasmi, f. (& m.) = ramsi (sa. ragmi); pl. ~iyo, 98,6 (the reins); °-goatha, m. holder of the reins (opp. sarathi) 106,31 = Dh. 222. rassa, mfn. (sa. hrasva) short; m. ~0 (puriso; opp. digho) 92,13; nm wam, Dh. 409. rahada, m. (sa, hrada) a lake, pool; nom. ~0, Dh, 82 (metrically : rhado); Dh. 95. rahassa, m. (sa, rahasya) a sec- ret; acc, ~am, 46,9. cp. next, raho, adv. (sa. rahas) in secret, privately; 54,13; *°-kamma, m. what is to be done in secret, acc, war, 54,17. riga, m, (= sa.) 1) colour, dye- stuff (cp. rajana, ratta', & vamesa- raga); *) metaph. passion, lust; nom. ~0, 106,32 = Dh. 14; comp. 9-aggi, m. the fire of lust, loc. wimhi, 64,20 (in the series: raga, dosa, moha); *0-dosa, mfn. damaged by passion, f. ~a, Dh. 356 (cp. dosa'); *°-nissita, mfn, devoted to passions, Dh, 339 (v. h.); *°-sama, mfn. like passion, Dh, 202; *tibba-°, & *vita-°, mfn. (v. h.); dvandva comp. nandi-raiga-°, 67,13. raja(n), m. (sa, rajan) a king, prince, chief; nom. ~&, 6,3; voc. wa (maha-°) 7,16; ace. \Anarh, 6,14; instr. ranfid, 48,21; gen. (dat.) raiifio, 219 6,5; abl. ~ato, Dh. 139; loc. raiiiie, 52,14; pl, nom. acc, ~ano, 102,4. Db. 294; gen. ~inam, 37,4; — in comp, we have the base raja-°, °-raja (e. c. also frequently raja) : agga-°, m. (nom. w~ raja, 98,13); aja-°, m. (voc, ~ raja, 54,96); assa-°, m. (acc, ~inam, 65,19); kapi-°, m. (gen, ~assa, 1,7); kumbhila-°, m, (voc, ~ raja, 1,16); Kosala-°, m. (gen. wraiiio, 31,2); cora-°, m. (gen. ~raniio, 39,35); Tam- ba-°, m. (nom, ~ raja, 19,6; instr. ~ rajena, 19,10); deva-°, m, (nom. ~ raja, 45,30); dhamma-°, m, (nom. ~ raja, 19,1); niga, m, (nom. ~ raja, 28,97; instr, ~ rajena, 52,15); macou-°, m. (acc, winam, 44,89); maha-°, m. (q. v.); yakkha-°, m. (~ raja-°, 112,22); sasa-°, m. (acc. ~ rajam, 15,9); Si- lavamaha-®, m. (gen. ~ rajassa, 39,11); supanna-°, m, (nom, ~ raja, 19,15; gen. ~raiiio, 20,10; ~ rajassa, 20,3); hamsa-°, m. (nom, ~ raja, 10,5; cp. raja-hamsa, 10,3); — raj'-afigana, 7. (q. v.); °-Abhisekba, m, (v. abhisekha) ; °-iipatthana, n. (v. upatthana); °-o- vada-jataka, n. (v. ovada); °-kula, n. (q. v.); *-adtaka, m. (q. ¥.); %-ta- naya, m. (qg. v.); %nandana, m. (v. nandana); °-nivesana, 7. (¢. v.); °put- ta, m.a prince, a person of the royal family; gen, ~assa, 45,23; instr. wena, 111,3; °-purisa, m. a royal servant, pl. wa, 40,3, 74,7; %-ratha, m, a royal chariot, pl. ~&, Dh. 151; *°-rathu- pama, mfn. like a royal chariot, Dh, 171; °-settha, m. the best among kings, voc, ~a, 47,8; °-hamsa, m. o kind of swan, 10,8 (suvanna-®, ‘golden king-swan’), Rajagaha, n. (sa. Rajagrha) ‘the king’s house’, nom. pr. of a city, the capital of the Magadha country; acc, ~am, 76,9; loc, we, 76,8; °-samipe, near to R., 84,31. Radha, m. (= 8a.) nom. pr. of a parrot (Bodhisatta); nom, ~0, 9,7; -jataka, n. 9,5. : rimaneyyaka, ®. (fr. ramaniya; sa, ramaniyaka) loveliness, beauty; ruccati comp. *bhiimith-°, . (with rh inserted) a delightful place, Dh. 98 (cp. Tr. PM, p. 55-56). rava, m. (= sa.) a cry, acc, ~am (baddha-°, g. ». instr, ~ena (gadrabha-, gq. v. cp. rava. risi, m. (sa. raci) a heap, quan- tity, multitude; acc. wim (dhanassa) 34,12; 16,3 (aiigara-°); 5,8 (kantaka-°); 51,11 (daru-°); abl. wimha (puppha-®) Dh, 63; loc. ~imhi (afigara-°) 16,7, Raihula, m. (= sa.) nom, pr. 1) of Gotama Buddha's son [Laghula in the Agoka Insor, (Bhabra text) |; nom, ~0, 64,7 (explained by ban- dhanath, ‘a bond, fetter, impediment’, cp. Weber, Ind, Stud, III, 180 & 149) = *-kumaro, 64,9; *°-matar, f. the mother of R., whose name according to later Buddhist tradition was Yaso- dhara; nom. wa, 64,5; gen. ~aya, 65,27; ~ *) of a samanera (q, v.) of Sariputta; nom, wo, 81,14, rukkha, m. (sa. ruksha & vrksha; cp, Pischel, Gr. § 320; Wackernagel, Gr, I, § 184, b.) a tree; nom. ~0, 36,36; abl. wa, 12,32; wato, 11,31; loc, we, 2,3; comp, rukkhagge, Joc, at the top of a tree, 11,95 (v. agga); *0-kotthaka, m. a woodpecker (q, v.); °_devata, f. a dryad, 3,81; °-miila, ». the foot of a tree (g. v.); dvandva comp, °-gumbiadayo, 6,11; ep. arama-°, udumbara-°, kappatthiya-°, nigro- dha-°, phala-°, bodhi-°, maha-sala-°, varana-", susira~°, ruci, f. (= 8a.) liking, pleasure; wish, desire; acc, with (uppadeti, w. loc. to take pleasure in, take a fancy to) 10,12, 64,2; Joc. wiya (assa sati, “at his command”) 39,11, cp. *aiifia- rucika, mfn. rucita, mfn, (pp. ruccati; = 8a.) being at one’s pleasure, agreeable; *citta-°, mfn. (q. v.). rucira, mfn, (= 8a.) beautiful, lovely; f. ~@ (pitthi) 10,19; ”.. warm (puppham) Dh, 61. ruccati (& °-rocati), vb, (sa. ruc) roar; 11,30; 113,10, rujati to plense, to be agreeable to (gen.); pr, 8. sg. ~ati (no, mayham) 11,8-18; pot, 3, sg. weyya uneee) 55,25; aor. 8. sg. rucci (ma te ~) 74,94; pp. rucita (g. v.); caus. roceti (9g. v.) cp. ruci, rucira. rujati, vb, (sa, yruj) to cause pain, ache; pr. 3. pl. wanti (pada, gacchantassa (te)) 97,26. cp. paluj- jati & roga, m. ruta, nm. (= sa.) cry, voice (of animals); sabba-"-janana-manta, m. a spell giving knowledge of all sounds, 53,13, *ruda, m. (cp. sa. rud, f. & prec.) cry, voice (of animals); mom. wath (manufiiam) 10,19. rudati (& rodati, g.v.), vb. (sa, yrud) to cry, weep; part. acc, m. wantam, 1) 1,18, rudda, mn. (sa. rudra) furious, cruel, formidable; °-dassana, mfn. of dreadful app-arance, m. ~o (kum- bhilo) 108,97; e#. ludda. ruha, mfn, (e. c. = 8a.) growing; *uttamafiga-°, v. afiga. cp. rihati. ruhira, ». (sa. rudhira) blood; mom. acc. warn, 76,7. 76,4. cp. ro- hita, lchita. rupa, ». (& m.) (= sa.) *) form, appearance, esp, handsome form, grace, beauty; acc, war (manoharam) 111,36; instr, ~ena (soni-®, qg. v.) L112; gen. massa (adinavara) 47,23; comp. *ru- pagga-ppatta, mfx. v. agga‘, cp. patta®; *°-ppatta, m/n, beautiful, f. pl. wii, 64,90; °-sampaiti, f. beauty, ace. with, 19,11; S-siri, f (dvandva) “beauty an.i majesty”, acc. with, 64,13; “utta- mia-riipa-dhara, mfa. endowed with the highest beauty, “va, 19,7; 2¢,, v, anurtipa, mfn., abhiriipa, m/fn., evarupa, mfn., *kalyana-°, mfn., jata-°, ,, tatha-°, mfn., *bhinna-°, mjn., *mulha-°, mfn., *sidhu-°, mfr. — *) in the dogmatics : material form, body; idath wath, 107,7 == Dh, 148 (synon. ayam keyo, 107;5); esp. as one of the five constituent elements of an individual (v. khandha) : 94,8, 220 ete.; pl, visible things, objects to cakkhu : wani, 69,17; m. pl. wH, 70,25. 71,89; loc. wesu, 71,5; *0-samnkha- vimutta, m/fn, “released from what is styled form’, m. wo (Tathagato) 95,19; dvandva comp. naimn-rupa, ”. (v. h.) cp. nimafi ca rupati ca, 82,9. riipaka, m, (=: sa.) an image, esp, a statue; *kaficana-°-patibhaga, mfn. 47,14 (v. patibhaga). rulha, mfn. (pp. ruhati; sa. ru- dha) sprung up, grown; °-tina, m/n. abounding with grass, Joc. we (kacche) 104,97, rubati, wb. (sa. rohati, ruhati, yruh) to grow; pr. 3. sg. wati (ruk- kho) Dh, 338; pp. riilha (q. v.); caus, ropeti, ropapeti (q. v.) cp. ruha, Revata, m. nom. pr. of a thera; nom. ~o (mahathero) 113,8. roga, m, (= sa.) disease; abl. ~a (jigaccha parama w, hunger is worse than disease) Dh, 203; pandu-°, m, (q. vj; *-nidda, n. (v. h.) ep. ae roga & niroga, mf. roceti, vb. (caus, ruccati; sa. rocayati) to find pleasure in, to choose (acc.); part. f. ~enti (samikam) 10,19; aor. 3, sg. ~esi (moram) 10,10; ger. ~wetva (ulukamh) 11,5, rodati, eb. (sometimes also ru- dati (q. v.); sa, Vrud) to cry, weep; part, m. ®) ~wanto, 17,9. 89,113 >) ro- darh, Dh. 67; part. med. f. ~mana, 58,13. 59,11; aor. 2, sg. rodi, 16,33; 1, sg. rodith, 17,13, 58,14 (rodin ti); inf, witum, ger, witva, 49,10. *ropipeti, vb. (caus, II. rihati) to cause to be planted (acc.); ger. wetva, 36,35. ropita, mifn. (fr. caus, ropeti; = sa.) planted; m, wath, 87,6; m. pl. wa, 100,14. *ropima, mf, planted, raised, cultivated (cpp. kaccha, sayamjata) ; ace, wam (kandam) 92,19, ropeti, vb. (caus. rihati; sa. ro- payati) to plant, sow (acc.); aor, 3. sg. ~esi, 37,19; ger, ~wetva (nivapa- 221 : tinai) 6,6; pp. ropita (qg. v.) ep. ropima. roruva, m. (sa. raurava, cp. ruru) a kind of savage animal, the Ruru-deer; gen. ~wassa, 92,99, rohita, mfn, (= sa.) red; °-ma- cche, 14,33, (cp, lohita), L (-1). 1, Sandhi-Consonant (sa. -d-), pre- served in cha-]-abhiiiia, sa-]-ayatana (a. v.). la, indecl., a syllable indicating abbreviation, = etc. 70,31 (cp. pa, pe). *lakana(ka), » & lakara, m., v. laiikara, lakkhana, » (sa, lakshana) a mark, sign, attribute; a lucky mark, mark of beauty; acc, ~am (sasa-°, the sign of a hare) 16,16; sabba-° -sampanna, w/fn, endowed with all marks of beauty, f. wa, 55,39. laggati, wb, (sa. viag) to adhere, stick in (Joc.); aor, 3. sg. laggi (gale) 13,11; (jale) 36,32; caus, v. neat. *“laggapeti, vd, (caus. IJ, laggati) to tie (acc.), to lay to, bring to (as a ship); ger, ~etva (navam) 265,86. laggeti, vb. (caus. laggati; sa, lagayati) to tie (acc,, to: loc.); aor, 3. sg. nesi, 12,95; ger. ~wetva (su- ttar hatthesu) 111,1. Lafika, f. (= 8a.) nom. pr. of the capital of Ceylon; acc, wath, 110,23; loc, wiyam, 110,94; *%dipa, m. Cey- lon, 110,81; °*nagara, m. 112,19 (°va- sini, f, v. vasin); °-rakkha, f. (q. v.). *“laikdra, m, (Birm. reading of lakara; lakana(ka) ».. is also found) prob, an anchor (= arab, pers, mah- ratt, lankar, langar); nom. ~0, 28,30. (ep. Jat. Transl. II, 78; Tr. PM. 62,16). lamghati, vb. (sa. vlaiigh) to leap over, spring up, ascend; ger. ewitva, 16,6. : lajjati, vb. (sa. vlajj) to be ashamed (w. gen .pers. & instr. or loc. lapa rei); pr. 2. 8g. wasi, 50,18; 1. 8g. ~ami (w. duo loc.) 50,12; 3. pl. wanti (lajjitaye) Db, 316. 3. pl. med. ware, ib.; ger. witva, 10,22; pp. m wito (filled with shame) 10,16; grd. lajji- tabba (what one ought to be ashamed of) of which an elder form is found Dh. 316: lajjitaye, loc. m. & a-lajji- taye (cp. Tr. PM. p. 66,43). lajja, f. (= sa.) shame; instr. ~waya (from shame) 46,6. lajjita, & waya, »v. lajjati. *lajjin, mfn. (fr. lajji) endowed with the sense of shame, modest, well- conducted; m, pl, ~ino, 102,17. latthi, f. (= yatthi (q¢. v.); sa. yashti) a stick, goad; patoda-°, f, (v, h.). lata, f. (= sa.) a creeping plant, creeper; nom, ~8, Dh. 340; comp, *puti-°, & vijjullata (qg. v.). laddha, mfn, (pp. labhati; sa. labdha) taken, obtained; arrived; 7, ~am (dukkham) 16,30; acc. m. warm (yasara) 54,34; it is often used as finite tense ; 2. wam, 22,16, 52,93, 56,90; f. wi, 58,11; w, auziliary verb : 66,30, 58,19 (~ bhavissati); in duo loc, 7,14 (abhaye we); 87,20 (okase); some- times it is even used in active sense; ‘has got, obtained’: na kho tvam... patittham laddho, 28,15; — comp, *0-Abhaya, mfn. (v. a-bhaya); *°-ova- da, m. (admonition obtained from, abl.) 8,11; *°-kaha@pana, m. (money received or gained, 7, e, blood moe 74,6; *O.gabbha-parihaira, mfn. (v. h.); *epabbajjupasampada, mfn, (v. upar aauvendiy; S.vijayo, 112,99 _ Cor- rections); cp. “miochd-°, & su-laddha, min. laddhaka, mfn. (sa. labdhaka) == prec, (only e.¢.); *abhaya-°, mfn. (v. a-bhaya). laddha, ger. & laddhum, inf, v. labhati. *lapa, mfn. (fr. next) talking, speaking (esp. falsely), hypocritical; *0_gakkhara, mfn. speaking sweetly, wheedling, f. pl. wa, 51,34. Sapati lapati, wb. (sa. ylap) to talk, prate; caus, lepayati (lapeti) id.; pr. 3. pl. wayanti, Db, 83; cp. lapa, lapana. lapana, n. (= sc.) talking, speak- ing; niratthaka-°, », nonsense; instr. wena, 52,6. jabuja, m. (sa, lskuca & likuca, ep. libuja) the bread-fruit tree aes carpus Lacucba); amba-labujaédinam (gen. pl., v. adi) 2,14 (ep, panasa). labbha, mfn. (grd. iabhati; sa. labhya) obtainable, attainable, possible; n. pl. wi (piyd) 56,2; hence *labbha, indecl. (probably originally swbst. f.) frequently used ‘n passive coastruc- tions like sakka (q. ».). labbhati, pass., v. labhati. Slabha, mfn. (ec = sa), % dullabha. labhati, vb. (sa. Vlabh) to take, catch, find; to get, obtain, receive (acc.); to be allowed, or have oppor- tunity of (doing anything, w. foll, inf.); pr. 3. 8g. wati (paharitum) 8,4; (iccham) 67,10; (okasam) 87,19; metri causa wati, Dh. 374; 1. 8g. ~ani (hist, pr.) 108,95; 2, pl. ~atha (khaditum) 8,6; 3. sg. med. ~ate, Dh, 131. 103,33 (sukham); part. m. wanto, 48,34; a-labhanto, 3,7; f/f. nenti (a-°) 46.3; f. pl. wantiyo, 21,16; part, med. m. ~mano, 37,21; f. ~mand (a-°) 6,36; imp. 3. pl. ~antu (tava, be it then that they ob- tain) 7,18; J. pl. med. (injunctive) labhamase, 13,26; pot, 1. sg. ~eyyam, 15,11. 70,15; weyyaham, 70,14; 3. sg. med, wetha, Dh. 328; aor. 1. sg. labhim (jivitam, eaved my life) 12,33; 3. pl. witsu, 28,15; fut. 3. sg. 9) la- bhissati (jivitarh) 12,3; 7.89. ~issaimi, 1,io. 4,36, ete.; 3. pl. wissanti (abha- yam) 7,16; 2. pl. ~issatha, 18,10; by 2. sg. lacchasi, 2,39; inf. laddhum, 11,1; ger. ®) witva, 6,21, 28,13 (pati- ttham); 60,2 (balam); a-labbitva, 10,22. 73,4. 102,27; >) witvana, 64,19; — pass. (to be found, obtained, ace quired) pr. 8. 8g. labbhati (yassa 222 mittadhammo ~, whose friendship is acquired) 14,3; part. labbhamane (loc. is 48,7; pp. laddha (g. ».); grd. labbha (q. ») ep. “labha, labba. lasika, f. (sa. lasika) the lubri- cous fluid of the joints, synovial fluid; 82,5 = 97,28. lahu, mfn, (sa. laghu) light, quick; inconstant, flighty; gen. m. ~uno (ci- ttassa) Dh, 35; m. (adv.) lahum, quickly, Dh, 369. lakha, f. (sa. likshi) lac; *°-pa- rikamma-kata, m/fn. lacquered, 5,38. lija, m. (= sa.) ') fried or pare ched grain; dvandva comp. madhu- laja-°, 18,97, — *) a kind of flowers or Dalbergia arborea, Childers); laja- ihi, 6ljes (w. adi). labha, m. (= sa.) obtaining, ac- quisition, gain, profit; nom. ~0, 18,35; dat, ~@ (shortened of labhaya, ep. Kuhn, Beitr, p. 71; Weber, Ind. Str. IIT, 371) 70,7. 105,23, if not we have here pl. = 8g., cp. Dh. 204: drogya- parama (q. v.) labha, which must be nom. pl.; but Brogya-parama might perbaps be an old error for arogyam parama (or paramam); if ~am labha is the true reading, we have to trans- late: health is better than gain, and labha would be abl. (cp. roga, Db. 203), parama being used in the sense of a comparative; — comp. v. *a-puii- fia-°, m.; *appa~°, mfn.; salabha, m. (v. sa-‘); labhagga, nm. the highest gain (v. agga®); dvandva : °-sakkara, m., gain and honour, nom. ~0, 18,29; loc. we, 72,38; *hata-°-sakkara, mfn. who has lost his gain and honour, 2. pl. ~a, 72,28; cp. *libhipanisa, m/fn. (? ». upanisa). Lala, m. (sa. lita) nom. pr, of a country in India (cp. Westergaard, Buddha's Dgdsaar, Overs. Vid. Selsk. Forh, Copenh. 1860, p, 162); °-visaya, m. ‘who has L. for his dominion’, i. e. king of the Lala Country, 110,92 (Vijayo). lala, f. (= sa.) saliva, spittle; 223 °-kilinna-gatta, mfn. whose body is wet with spittle, f. pl. 03, 65,5. lippati, vb. (pass. limpati, to besmear, taint, defile; sa. ylip) to adhere, cling to (loc.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (kamesu) Db. 401. cp, lepana, lina, mfn. (= sa.; pp. yi) ‘adher- ing’; dissolved, melted; slothful ; modest, humble, dispirited (often opp. uddhata); *a-lina, m/fn, free from attachment, or: undaunted, confident, cheerful; Dh. 245 (cp. J. J. Meyer, Dacakumaraca- rita, p. 8-9, note). *“lilha, f. (prob. fr, vlib: ‘delicate taste, delicacy’) grace, charm, graceful power (cp. sa. lila); instr, waya (Buddha-° dhammam desetva) 7,27. 47,17; (kinnara-°, g. v.) 49,13, luncati, vb. (sa. Vluiic) to pluck, pull out (acc.); ger, ~itva (palitam, kesam) 46,28-29, ludda?, mfn. (sa, rudra) furious, cruel; cp. rudda; 7. pl. acc. wani, cruelties, 13,28 (cp. neat). ludda?, m, Ve lubdha, confounded with rudra = ludda’) a hunter; ~o, 12,8; gen. ~assa, 12,7; *°-putta, an. & person who is by caste a hunter, acc, wat, 12,22. (cp. Tr. PM. p. 59,19. 63,81; Fausbell, 6 Jat, p. 38.) luddaka, m. (sa. lubdhaka) a hunter; nom. ~0, 9,8; 11,97 (miga-°). Lumbini-vana, n. nom. pr. of a grove between Kapilavatthu and Devadaha (the birthplace of Gotama- Buddha); ~am, 62,9-13. lekha, f. (= sa.) a line, stroke; ie ~am adanitess 59,6; °-majjhe, 9,7. leddu (or lendu, Birm. also lettu) m. (& n.) (sa. leshtu, cp. lenda) a clod or lump of earth; °-adihi, 52,17 (ep. adi). lepana, nm. (= 8a.) smearing, plastering; mamsa-lohita-°, m/n. pla- stered with flesh and blood, ”. wam (atthinam nagaram) Dh. 150. loka, m. (= 8a.) 1) the universe, & region or sphere of the universe; the world, the earth; acc. wat, 86,s6; loha (saggath, heaven) 7,26; loc. we, 3,23. 61,33. 69,21; ~asmim, Dh. 247; metri causa wasmi, Dh, 143; -dhatu, f. (v. h.); °-nayaka, m. (v. h.); *°-san- nivasa, m. (q. v.); ep. deva-°, para-°, Brahma-°, Yama-°; ®) the life in this world, this existence (= bhava, sam- sara); ayam ~0, 96,7; abl, ~amha, 91,5. Dh. 175; loc. we, 96,8-10; *°-ni- rodha, m. & *°-samudaya, m. (gq. v.); °-vagga, m. name of ch, XIII of Dh,; *0.vaddhana, m/fn. supporting or cher- ishing this existence, m, ~0, Dh. 167; cp. vanta-lokamisa, mfn. & sabba-lokabhibhti (v. abhibht); — 5) mankind, people, men; ayaih ~0o, 88,29 == ayamn lokamahajano, 88,31; sabbo w0, 90,23; jiva-°, m. living beings, 47,17. lona, m, (sa. lavana) salt; °-jala, n. salt water, 24,16 (°-pahata, m/fn.). lobha, m. (= sa.) cupidity, cove- tousness, greediness; mom. ~o (ca nam’ esa vindsamilam, now, ‘cove- tousness is the root of ruin’ [prover- bially], lit. ‘this very covetousness’) 33,95; Dh. 248; acc, wam (imassa karissami, excite his senses) 47,4; instr, wena, 25,33; (dhana-°) 22,99; dvandva comp. icchaé-lobha-°, Dh, 264, lobhayati, vb. (= sa, caus. . vlubh) to cause to desire, to excite lust; part. f. ~ ayanti (va naresu gacchati, she walks among men as it were in order to excite their senses) 47,20. loma, m. (& .) (sa. loman) the hair of the body; pl. ~a, 82,2 = 97,19; lomantaresu, 16,5 (v. antara); kipa, m. (qg. v.).. ep. anuloma,. patiloma, viloma & nezt. loma-hathsa & -hamsana, mfn. ‘causing erection of the hairs of the body’, i. ¢. terrible (subst. . terror); m. ~ hamso (bhumicalo) 80,20; x. ~ hazhsanam, 81,3. lola, mfn. (= sa.) wanton, lust- ful; itthi-°, mfn. (v. itthi); a-lola, mfn. (q. v.). loha, . (= 8a,) iron, any metal ;. lohita *O-guja, m. an iron-ball, Dh. 371; *O-nigala-sadisa, mfn. like an iron chain, 11,28. lohita, ') mfn. (= 6a.) red; °-can- dana-vilepana, ». 23,83 (v. h.); ep. rohita. — *) m. blood; nom. wam, 23,32. 103,19. 82,5 == 97,22; loc, we, 103,20; *°-pakkhandika, f. dysentery, 78,24; *%bhakkha, mfn. (g.v.); *°- makkhita, mfn. (q. v.); dvandva comp, °-mamsa-, 41,33 (°-khadaka, mfn. g. v.); mamsa-°, Dh. 150 (°-le- pana, 7. g.v.), ep. salohita, Vv. va, indecl, '\ enclitic particle, shore tened of iva (7. v.), only after words ending with a long vowel : like, as if; 9,82, 29,16. 47,29. 58,50-88 (va'ti); 104, 6-18 (wat va}; 108,5 (do.); 111,10. Dh. 28; a3 conjunction with full sen- tence: Dh, 24 (corr. w. foll. evamn). - *) do, = eva (q.¥.), after long vowels : just, even, only, etc. : 5,32. 22,1. 55,2. 69,91; 2,39. 6,s0-290. 10,22. 17,20; 22,26, 86,7; — 30,25. 32,5. 33,31. 37,31; 44,81. 57,35, etc. etc, — %) do, rarely = va, ‘or’: 26,5 eae su- riyo ya}; 26,18-a0-a7; Dh. 195 (yadiva == yadi va), vatisa, mm, (sa, vathca) ') bamboo; *civara-°, g.v.; *°-raga-, the colour of bamboo, 26,31 (°-veluriyam, q. v.). — *) race, lineage, family; acc. ~am, 46,17. — 5) tradition, list of teachers; genealogy, history, chronicle; », Ana- gata-vathsa, Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa, vakka, n. (sa. vrkka) kidney; nom, wam, 82,3 = 97,21. vagga, m. (sa. varga) ') a division, class, group, multitude; ®) a chapter or section of a book; *%=paffiasaka, mfn. (v. h.); esp. of the sections of Digha-Nikaya; the chapters of Dhpd. are likewise named vagga. cp. paiica- vaggiya, mfn, vamka, mfn. (sd. vakra, ep. vaii- 224° kya) crooked, curved, wry; ace. m. ~wam, 63,0; %-gati, mfn. having a winding course, f. wi (nadi) 48,6; *vamkottha, mfn. 54,20 (v. ottha). Vaiigisa, m. (cp. 8a. vag-ica) nom. pr. of a thera, 109,s (wo pati- bhanava). + vaca(s), m. & nm. (8a. vacas, %.) speech; acc. n. ~0, 110,26; dubbaca, mfn. (q. v.) cp. vaci, vaca, vacasika, & nect, vacana, n. (= sa.) speaking, speech, word; advice, instruction; acc. ~wam (sutva) 6,17; ~am karoti, to follow one’s advice, 4,8. 32,95; .am bhindati, to disobey, 40,2; ~am agan- hantim, disobeying, 52,82; eka-vaca- nena, instr. 57,31 (v. eka*); — °-kara, mfn. obedient, acc, m. pl. we, 21,33; Buddha-®, ». (q. v.); ep. pati-vacana. *vaci, f. (mostly at the beginning of comp.) speech, word; °-duccarita, n. misbehaviour in speech, 86,8 (°-san- nissita, m/n. g. v.); °=pakopa, m, anger of speech, acc, ~am, Dh, 232; °-su- carita, . good conduct in speech, 86,8 (°-patisariyutta, q. v.). vaccha, m, (sa. vatsa) 1) a calf; nom. ~0, Dh, 284; °-danta, m. a kind of arrow, acc. ~am, 92,24 (a calf-tooth arrow), = 7) nom, pr., v. next, *Vacchagotta, m. nom. pr. of an ascetic (paribbajaka); nom. ~o, 93,22; voc. Vaccha, 94,7, vajati, vb. (sa. V/vraj) to go, walk, wander; to go away; to enter into, attain (acc.); pr. 3. pl, wanti, 47,98 = Db. 347; Dh, 83; (sugatith) 77,5; (devalokaih) Dh, 177, vajira, m, (rarely m.; sa. vajra) ‘) a diamond; nom, ~am, 25,82. Dh. 161; pl. wani, 27,29; *°-samudda, m. a diamond sea, 25,33; °-sara, m. a good deal of d., acc. wath, 26,1. = (?) a thunderbolt.] Vajira, f. nom. pr. of a bhikkhuni, contemporary of Buddha; instr. ~aya, 98,28, vajja', m. (sa. vadya & vadya) speech, speaking; v, sacca-°, 225 vajja*, m, (sa. varjya) ‘to be shunned’, i, e. fault, sin; nom. ~am, 106,16 = Dh. 252; acc. abl. ~am ~ato iatva, considering sin what is sin, Dh, 319; pl. ani, 106,17; *°-das- sin, mfn, seeing fault, pointing out what is sin, acc. m, ~inam, Dh, 76; *0-mati, mfn. seei:.g sin, m, pl, wino, Dh, 318 (avajje); para-°, the faults of others, Dh, 263 (anupassin, g. v.); Cp. a-vajja, vajjha, mfn. (sa. vadhya, grd. va- dhati) to be killed; subst. ». (or wa, f.) killing, execution; *°-ppatta, m/fn. sentenced to death, m. pl. wa, 40,14. vaiioana, #. [or wa, f.] (= sa.) deception, fraud; nom, wath, 51,35. vaiiceti, vb, (caus. \vaiic, sa. vaiicayati) ‘to cause to go astray’, i, e, to deceive, trick (acc.); aor. 1. sg. wesith (tam) 2,7; inf. ~vetum (attano samikam, seems to be a gloss inserted into the text) 51,27; comp, vancetu-kama, m/n. (v. kama?); ger. ~etva (macche) 4,2; (padam, picked up his heels) 12,50; grd. ~etabba, mfn. to be tricked, m. ~0, 3,15; pp. vaicita, mfn, tricked, m. ~o, 51,25. 2,13; °-bhava, m, the being tricked, acc, ~am (maya) 5,11. cp. vaficana. vatta, 7. v, vatta. vattaka, m. (sa. vartaka) a cer- tain kind of bird, a quail; loc, pl. ~esu, 88,34. vattati, vb. (sa. V/vrt) +) to turn, roll; to take place, be found; to live; in this sense it is nearly always written vattati (g. v.); *) pr. 3. sg. *) imper- sonally : must, ought; may, is permit. ted, advieuble, sufficient, etc. (w. inf, the subject of which, if added, is put into instr, or gen.); kin te... kha- ditum ~ (had you not better to eut) le; amhakam ... laddhum w, 11,1; amhehi palayituzh ~, 21,27; maya m~, 35,26-36. 36,8. 43,3. 64,24. 65,14 (“it behoves me”); maya ettha kith ka- tum ~ (“what can I do about that?’’) 73,7; tava gantum ~, 50,8; imaya me paricarikaya bhavituh ~, 56,4; Pali Glossary. vanta without subject (& object) : idam ka- tum «, 44,13; laddhamh yasam paha- turh na ~, 54,35; dameturh ~ (“it will be worthy [of me] to convert [him]”) 113,90. — >) personally : ought to take place, is good, is sufficient; appatissaviso na ~, 10,9; eko va [dovariko] ~, 91,23. — caus. vatteti, to cause to turn, to upset; pp. vattita (v. below), vatti, f. (sa. varti) +) a roll, tuft (esp, the wick of a lamp), a lump, mass; *) rounding, edge, rim, brim, esp. comp, w, mukha-°; “avata-mu- khavattiyath, loc, “at the brink of the pit’, 40,98, vaddhati, vb, (sometimes spelt vaddhati; sa. \/vrdh) to grow, increase; pr. 3. sg. wati (udakam, opp. hayati) 8,4; 48,91 (grows up); 107,:9 (tanha); 8. pl. wanti, Dh. 109; part. m. ~anto, 24,13; aor. 3. pl. withsu, 37,30; pp. ®) vaddha & vuddha (q. ».); >) vad- dhita, m. ~o (samwma, grown pro- perly) 24,38; caus. v, next etc, cp. vaddhana, vaddhi & vuddhi. vaddhapeti, vb. (caus, IT. vad- dhati; sa, vardhapayati) to cause to increase, raise (acc.); inf. ~etum (vetanath) 76,12. vaddhi, f. (cp. vuddhi; sa. vrddhi) growth, increase; prosperity, success; gain, profit; acc, with, 34,18. vaddheti, vb, (caus. vaddhati; sa. vardhayati) to cause to grow, in- crease; to foster, bring up; to prepare, make ready, bring, deliver (a discourse etc.) (w. acc.); pr. 1. sg. ~emi (ya- gumh) 56,36; aor, 3. sg. ~esi (Bodhi- sattam) 45,25; (tasaram), 87,17; ger. wetva, 18,11-26. 63,18. 87,12. vana, m, (& 7.) (sa. vrana) a wound; «0, Dh, 124; cp. a-bbanu, mfn. & vanita. vanijja, f. (sa. vanijya) trade; acc, ~am (karoti) 30,2; cp. vanija. vanita, mfn. (sa. vranita) wounded; m, pl. ~&, 6,98. vanta, n. (8a. vrnta) the footetalk of a leaf (or flower); tala-°, n. (q. 0.). 15 vanna vanna, m. (sa. varna) "') form, shape, appearance; instr. wena (na- vaya, “in ship-shape”) 29,11; kassa- ka-°, the appearance of a ploughman, acc, ~am, 71,88; — *) complexion, colour (also: tribe, caste); nom. ~0, 85,16; °-gandha, m. (dvandva) colour and scent, 37,30; 106,2; °-pokkharata, f. (q. v.); °-sadda, m. the word vanna, 85,22; very frequently at the end of comp, mfn. = having the colour of..., coloured, v. afijana-°, kila-° (°-kata, 84,21), kala-pasina-kita-°, 24,21; kumuda-patta-°, nila-°, meda-°, ra- jata-°, rajata-dama-°, 61,19; ratta- kambala-pufija-°, 5,97; suvanna-°; *chabbanna, mfn. of six colours (q. v.); paiica-°, mfn. of five colours, 4,9 (°-paduma-); 62,12 (°-bhamara-gana); . — 5) beauty; ~0, Db. 109; gen. ~assa; Dh, 241; chavi-°, 18,7; sarira-°, 47,5; — ‘) praise, glory; v. a-vanna. ~ cp. Uppala-vanna, dubbanna, vevanniya, suvanna (sovanna), nezt etc. vannard, f. (sa. varnana) expla- nation, commentary; 86,10 (SUkara- péta-vatthu-°). vannavat, mfn. (sa. vurnavat) of beautiful colour; m, ~vantam (pup- pham) Dh. 51. vannita, mfx. (sa. varnita) praised; ioc. m. we (gune) 47,3; Satthu-°, mfn. praised by the Master, m. pl, ~a, 109,19. °vannin, mfn. (sa. varnin; only e. ¢,) having the colour of °, like, res- sembling; m. al, ~ino (devakumiara-°) 45,26, vanneti, vb. (fr. vanna; sa. var- nayati) to coloar, depict, describe; to praise (acc.); aor. 3. 8g, ~wesi, 4,18, 37,18, 64,1; fet. t. se. wessami, 47,5, vata!, adv, (= sa.) a particle inserted after the first word of u sen- tence, often followed by bho (q. v.): 1) expressing asseveration or admission: certainly, indeed, truly; 212. 30,8 (vat’ayamh); 34,17, 42,13. 90,25. 105,93; — *) expressive of #) astonishment : aho vata bho, 42,17; ») of satisfaction or 226 hopefulness: wbho, 76,31-33; c) of de- light: sobhati vatayam darako, what a pretty little child! 58,81; 4). of re- gret or hopelessness : dhi-r-atthu ~ bho, 63,13; upaddutazh ~bho, 65,12; aci- ram vat'ayarh, 107,5 = Db. 41. vata’, mn. (sa. vrata) observance, religious duty, a religious vow; ~am, Dh, 312; cp. a-bbata, su-bbata, sila-bbata & nezt. vatavat, mfn. (sa, vratavat) duti- ful, performing the religious duties; acc. m. ~vantam, Dh. 208. 400. vati, f. (sa. vrti) a hedge, fence; ace. ~im, 8,7. vatta (& vatta), m. (sa. vrtta) a circle; practice, custom; good con- duct, politeness; business, duty, ser- vice; comp, vatta-pativattam, every single duty, 36,7 (tapasassa akasi, he rendered him every service). cp. pati & nezt. *vatta-kata (or °-gata), mfn, round, circular; wide-open; imnsfr. ~ena (mukhena) 5,1. vattati, vb. (= vattati, q. v.) to take place, set in; to be found; to live; pr. 3. 8g. wati (ravo, is heard) 60,10; 3. pl. Santi (khara vedana, set in) 13,12; 78,95 (w. gen. came upon him); fut. 1. sg. wissimi (gu- nesu, live a good lite) 43,4; — med. pr. 3. sg. vattate (ussavo maha) 112,16. cp. vatta (vatta) n. vattabba, vattum, v. (vadati &) vuccati. vattha, #. (sa. vastra) cloth, gar- ment, dress; nom, ~ath (suddhaii) 68,013 ace. wat (dibba-°) 61,13; instr. ~ena, 20,26; loc. ~e (Kasika-°, q. v.) 62,29; pl. Sani (ali q. v.) 27,18. 33,3; instr. pl. wel: * | hae°) 20,8; comp. ahata-vattha-', ol,es; apagata-°, mfn. with the dress fallea apart, f. pl. ~@, 65,7. vatthu, n, (sa. vastu |& vastu]) ") site, place, ground (of a building etc.) v, Kapila-®, Sirisa-°, & a-va- tthu-kata, mfn. — ?) thing, object, matter (of a story efc.); property; 227 nom. ~um (a tale, story) 89,17; loc, ~umhi (parassa_rakkhita -gopita-°, “in protecting and guarding the pro- perty of others”) 58,13; sukara-peta-°, 86,10 (gq. v.) cp. Katha-vatthu. vatva. ger, v. (meré &) vuccati. vadati & *vadeti, vb. (sa. yvad; suppletive of vuccati, .¢q, v.) to say, speak (acc.), answer; to speak to (acc.), to tell (ace, gen.), to declare; — A) va- dati, 3. sg. 73,18, 85,29; 2. sg. ~asi, 24,1, 88,7; 1. sg, ~ami, 70,30. 94,18; (saccamn) 38,28; (tam) 108.3; (nam, speak to her) 9,18; 3. pl. ~anti, 21,6. 72,90; part, acc, m. vwantam, 22,18, loc, wante, 9,3, pl. wanta, 74,11; part, med, m. ~ amano, 99,31; pot, 3. sg. weyya, 79,15, 92,8; 2. sg. meyyasi, 35,8. 99,14; 3. pl, weyyum (gunam, praise) 43,8; aor, *) 2. sg. vadi (na) 9,19; >) 3, sg. vadi (tam) 108,98; 3. pl, wimsu, 24,97, 73,21, — B) vadeti, pr. 2, sg. wesi, 17,14; 2, sg. wemi, 88,19; imp. 2. 89. wehi, l,is; 2. pl. wetha (ma kiiici rafio ~) 55,26; aor, 2. sg. wesi, 88,13. 93,31; 1. sg. wesim, 88,9. — caus. vadeti (q. v.). As to the wanting forms of this verb (act, & pass.) v. vuccati (\/vac); cp. vajja, vadana, vada, vadin. vadana, n, (= sa.) ‘speaking, mouth’; speech, communication, in- junction; acc, ~am (avoca) 110,21, *vadeti. vb, = vadati (gq. v.). vaddha}, m. [or .?] (sa. vardhra) leather, a leathern strap or thong; ace, wath, 12,20; ~ *%maya, mfn, leathern, acc, m. ~am (paisam) 11,39, cp. varatta, vaddha’, mfn, (also spelt vuddha {or vuddha], pp. vaddhati; sa. vyd- dha) grown; old; comp. *vaddhapa- cayin, mfn,. (v. apacayin). vaddhati, vb., v. vaddhati. °vaddhana, mfn. (¢.¢., 9a, var- dhana) causing to increase; “loka-°, min, (q. 0). vadha, m. (= sa.) killing, de- stroying; murder; execution or corpo- ral punishment; comp. miga-°, 5,33; vapati pana-°, 60,13 (gq. v.); purisa-®, 74,14 (q. v.); dvandva: vadha-bandha, m. acc. ~am, Dh, 399 (“stripes and bonds”). vadhaka, mfn. (= sa.) killing or intending to kill; *®-citta, m/fn. with murderous intent, 75,91; *satthu-°, mfn, 108,97 (v. satthar). vadhati, vb. (sa. V/vadh) to kill, murder (acc.); aor, 3, sg. a-vadhi, Dh. 3; ger, witvd, 13,23. 22,11, cp, vajjha, vadha, vadhaka. vana, ». (rarely m.; = sa.) ') a forest, grove; acc, wam, 5,20; Joc, ~e, 15,15; wasmim, 106,13 — Dh, 395; wasmi, 107,30 = Dh, 334; pl, vani (sabbe) 48,6; wani, Dh. 188; comp, °-gumba, m. (q. v.); *°-cairaka, m, a forester, acc. pl, we, 36,34; °-puppha, ”, @ wild flower, instr. pl. mehi, 34,6; *°-mahisa, m. (9. 0.); °-sanda, m. (9. v.); cp, amba-%, Cit- talata-°, tala-°, nala-°, niga-°, mafi- gala-sala-°, Lumbini-°, velu-°, Sim- bali-®. — *) lust, desire (cp. ved. sa. vanas); acc. ~am, abl. ~wato, Dh. 283; vanante, loc, “at the end of desires”, Dh, 305 (cp. anta); *°-fi- dhimutta, *°-mutta, mfn. (v. h.) Dh, 344. cp. next & nibbana. *vanatha, m. (cp, vana? & sa, Yvan) lust, desire; nom. ~o, Dh. 284; ace, wath, Dh. 283 (vanam ~an ca, “the forest of desires and its under- growth’), vanta, mfn, (sa. vinta; pp, va- mati) vomited; ejected, put away; *0_kasava, mfn. (q. v.); *°-dosa, mfn, (v. dosa*); *mala, mfn. (q. v.); *O.lokamisa, mfn. “who has rejected the baits of the world”, Dh, 378 (cp, aimisa); *°~isa, mfn. (v.. asa). vandati, vb, (sa. \vand) to praise, worship; to salute, greet Se ger, witvi, 28,10, 32,93 (foariyarh); inf. witurh (Mahabodhith) 114,39. cp, next, vandand, f. (= 8a.) praise, wor- ship; nom, ~& (Buddhana[i}) 108,20, vapati, vb, (sa, Vvap) to sow, 15* vapayati strew, throw (acc.); ger. witva (ni- vapam) 6,4. vapayati, vb. (sa. vi-apa-yya) to go away, pasa away, vanish; pr, 8, pl. wayanti (kafikhi) 66,21 (cp, Kuhn, Beitr, p, 96-97}, vamati, vb. (sc. y'vam) to vomit; rp. vanta (qg. v.\. vaya’, m. (& vaya(s), #.; sa. vayas) age, vigorous age, youth, ripe age, old age; nom. ~o0 (paripakko) Dh, 260; ace, wink, 43,90; aoe, m, vayo (anuppatto) 74,s1, loo. we (poring mante) 47,12; comp, vayu- & vayo-: *wa-ppatta, mfn, grown up, marries ugeatles m. wo, 8,15; f wa, 101,16; “samiingd-vayasbhuva, m. the being of equal age, ace, with, 48,s05 *w0* hara, mfx, indicating or disclosing old age, m. pl. ~a, (uttamafigaruhi) 45,11; upanita-vaya, m/fn. (q. v.). vaya? (or vyaya), m. (8a. vyaya) perishing, decay, destruction; *°-dham- ma, mfn, perinhuble, transitory; pd, m. a@ (sarikhira) 80,2 (cy, dham- ma‘); *uppida-vaya-dhammin, m/n. (q. v.); dvandva comp, udaya-vyaya, mi. origin and destruction, acc, wath, Dh, 113, 374 (v. 2. udayabbayati). vara, ') mfn.(—- aa.) bont, choicent, excellent; acc, 2. xu (vadunati) 110,21; Dh. 268 (idaya); repeated ; ~am auth (w, gen.) 51,33, 62,9; ace, mt, woh wut (prestantisimum quem que) 109,4; mont frequently comp, w, subst, (before or utter): 4) “stra, BOrg; Povitrand, 46,11, Glyary "bho. jana, 61,7; °dhamina, 87,9; ete, = >) menda-°, 30,9; ratha-°, 64,10; pa- sada-°, 64,12; efe.; sabb'-akira-var’- Upeta, 81,4 (v. akdra). — *) m. choice, wish, boon, gift; nom. no (maya dinno) 8,2; acc. wath (tussi adasi) 10,4; com. "gama-vara, a. the grant of a village (periaps a landed property of a certain measure, if not simply ‘an excellent village?) acc, ~arit (datva) 45,3. — °) m. varaih, indecl, rather, better (than : abl. or instr.); ~ may- hata udumbaro {is better to me) 2,11; 228 ~ assataraé danta, Db. 322; w. abl. tato x, ibs; w. instr. Db. 178. varana, m, (= sa.) name of a certain tree (Crateva Roxburgh); %rukkhe, loc. 4,21. varatta, f. (sa, varatra) « strap, thong (of leather); acc. wam, Dh. 398 (metaph. of ey 12,7 (camma-°); pl. ~& (sesa-°) 12,20. ep. vaddha}, vuriihn, m, (== 8a.) « hog; nom, wo (miuhiie’) Dh, 326, *viluija, m, (& .) 4) use, daily expenditure (also of excrements); *) a inark (from scratching or scraping); pada-°, footprint, ace, warm, 11,28, Henco valunjukn, mfn, e. ¢., 0. anto-, bahi-® (ep, Fansball, IRAS, 1870, p. 13, & Ten Jat, p, 90 | Ylunj & linch J). Valabhamukha, m. (?) (sa. Va- dabimukha) the entrance to the in- fernal regions at the South pole; *°-sa- mudda, 2, the Southern sea, acc. ~am, 27-11; *mukhi(n), mt. id, 27,9. valaya, n.(& m.) (= sa.) # bra- celet, ring; *niiraca-°, 111,23 (q. v.). valaiha(ka), m. (sa. balahaka) a cloud; nom. wako (viitu-cchinna-°) 40,28; *valihassa, mm. ww flying borse (ep. unsat) 2tyo0 (yoni), villi, fi (— sa.) a creeper; toe, awiyd (a stalk of a creeper, a withe) 14,23; wiyam, 14,27; pl, wiyo (pag: gavu-%, gv.) 37,19, vavutthipoti, vb (sa, vyava- sthiipayati, caus, vieuva-Vathd) to settle, doturmine, dixtinguinh, under- stund; pp, rita, 3,2 (tussa su-vava- tthiipitam, very well known to him), vasa. 1) m. (sa. vaca) wish, will, power; loc, ~e (thapeti, to bring into one’s power) 48,14; instr. vasena is used as prp. w. gen. or more frequently at the end of comp. with the meanings: by, by way of, on account of, accor ding to, with regard to; hatthinam ~, 35,19; ovdda-°, 14,13; kilesa-. 20,11; dande pavesana-°, 35,5; uda- na-®, 42,14; chandadi-°, 42,27; kam- massa vipaka-°, 84,32; aniccadi-°, 229 88,33 (v, a-nicca); pubbipara-®, 114,20; — attha-vasa, m, the power of the matter, acc. wath (etama, the meaning of this) Db. 289, ~ *) mfn, subdued, subject to; ~am (kurute) Dh. 48, which may also be suds. (‘into his power’). cp, ativasa, vasith & vasika. vasati, vb, (sa, vas) to stay, dwell, live; pr. 3. sg. ~wati, Qyer (w. loc, nadiya), 35,35 (idha); 1. sg, wwGmi, 49,18. 73,14; 38, pl, ~anti, 14,15; part, m. wanto, 20,20; 58,95 (w, acc. samaggavadsatn); 114,90; Joe, ~wante, 25,12; gen, wnto, 47,97; pl. manta, 7,21; part, med. amana, f. gen, ~aya (kinnaralilhiya, endowed with grace) 49,12; — imp. 2, 8g. vasa, 15,15. 23,20 (vas& ti); — aor. 3. 8g. vasi, 1,5; 3. pl. ~witmsu (piyasamva- sam, acc. lived together in amity) 11,27; 20,33; — fut. 1. sg. wissimi ({vassarh, during the rainy season) Dh, 286; — inf. witum, 9,94; — ger. mwitvd, 2,25 etc.; 112,24 (vasitv’ettha). — (pass. vussati); pp. vussita (vuttha, vasita) g. v.; — caus, IJ. *vasapeti (q. v.) cp. visa, vasika, vasin & neat, vasana, », (= 8a.) dwelling, re- sidence; comp. *°-giima, 12,7; *°-gum- ba, 14,97; *°-tthaina, 2,24. 65,97 (q. v.). vasii', f. (sa. vaci) a cow; pl, awit, 105,11. vasa, f. (= sa.) serum, lymph; nom. ~8, 82,5 = 97,23, “vasapeti, vb. (caus. II, vasati) to cause to dwell, lodge; ger, ~etva {tamh ghare, received her into his house) 48,18. : vasim, indecl. (sa, vaci-) only combined with karoti, to subdue ae ~ karitva (samkappam) 104,7; also comp. vasi-karoti, etc.] °vasika, mfn. (sa. vacika) being in one’s power; tunha-°, 23,20; matu- gima-°, 54,8 (v. h.). vassa, m, (sa. varsha) 1) rain, a shower (cp. vutthi); *kabapana-°, Db. 186 (g. v.); “dhana-®, 33,15; satta-ratana-°, 32,11. nom, = *) the rainy season; acc, wam, Dh. 286. ~ vi 5) a year; pl, ace, ~ani, 86,97, 104,11; %satam, 2. a century, Dh. 106. 110; solasa-vassa-kile, in his 16 year, 24,13; solasa-vassa-padesika, °-udde- sika (v. #.); caturasiti-°sahassani, 44,90 (q. v.). cp. vassika, vassati', vb. (sa. vag) to cry, screech (as birds); pr. 3. sg, wati, 18,18; part. m, wanto, 18,31; ger. witva, 12,9. vassati®, vb, (sa, Vvrsh) to rain; pr. 3, 9g. wati (vussati) 32,11; (devo, the god, @, ¢, the sky rains) 102.6; part, m, gen, vassato (devassa) 105,29; caus, II, *vassipeti, v, below; cp. vassa, vutthi, & next. *vassapanaka, mfn, (fr. nom, act, of next) bringing about rain; dhana-°-nakkhattayoga, m. a conjunc. tion of stars bringing about a shower of money, 32,95, *vassapeti, vb. (caus. II, vas- sati?) to cause to rain or pour down, call down a shower; aor, 3. sg. ~eSi, 33,11 (dhanam); 2. pl. ma wayittha, 32,97; fut. 1. sg. wessimi, 33,15 (dhanavassamh); 2 pl. wessatha, 32,97; ger. ~wetvi, 32,93; pp. wita (acariyenu dhanath witam, n.) 34,3, vassika, mfn. (sa. varshika) +) belonging to the rainy reason; m, ~O (scil, pasiido) 67,93; — *) ¢. ¢, being so many years old; solasa-°, », wari (rupam) 111,36, vassika & wki, f. (sa. varshiki, ep. varshika, , & vrshaka, 7.) a sort of jasmine; Dh, 55. 377. vaha, m. (= sa.) a river, stream, wave; pl. ~a, Dh, 339 (in stead of vaha, cp. SBE, X. p. 82). vahati, vb. (sa, Vvah) to draw, convey, carry away (acc.); pr. 3. sg. wati, 29,11; 2. 89. wasi, 54,22; 3. pl. wanti, Dh. 339; part. m. gen. wato (of the draught animal) Dh. 1, cp. vaha, vaha, vahana. vai, indecl, (= sa.) a disjunctive particle (sometimes comb. w. other particles) : +) ‘or’, used (enclitically) in combinations of two sentences or vakkarana links of a sentence : asassato loko ti v@, 92,90; yavatake va pana (or else) 81,17; after prec. negation : na ... Vi puna (nor yet) Db, 271, - *) repeated = ‘either — or’ (after two or more links) : 9,14. 9,29. 31,31. 92,10. etc.; w. negation = ‘neither — nor’: 7,36, 8,1 (v. corrections); 56,11; va... yadiva [before the last link] Dh. 98;, 114,20 (w. foll. n’eva); atheva [before the first link] ... va, Dh. 271. — 9) corvesp. w, foll. ca (in the same sense): Maro va Brahma ca passanti, 110,11. — 4) sometimes shortened to va (gq. v.). *vakkarana, m. (*sa, vak + karava) vociferation; na®-mattena, “not by means of wuch talking only”, Dh. 262 (cp. mat‘a?), vakyao, ». (= sa.) speech, sen tence; v. “ati-vikya. *vicasika,. mfn. (fr. vaca[s]) con- cerning the speech; instr, m. vena (sativarena) 85,19. vaca, f. (sa. vic & vaca) speech, words; nom, +2 (pacchima, Tatha- gatassa) 80,3; Dh, 51-52; 67,4 (sam- ma-® q. v.): ace, ~am (karunarh) 103,s; 22,3 (manusi-°, v. manusa, mfn.); instr, ~aya, 84,20, Dh. 232, *vacanurakkhin, mfn. watching one’s speech, m. —1, Dh. 281; *yatha- vacam, adv, (v. yatha); *santa-vaca, mfr. (q. v.), ep. vakkarana, vaca(s) & nect, Svacika & °vaiciya, mfn. (sa, viciku), verba'; only ¢. «4, v eka viciya, te-vacika. | vaceti, vb. (caus. yvac, v.vuccati; sa, viicuyati) to read out, recite (acc.); aor, 3. pl, wayinsu, 114,190; inf, wetum, 114,14, Vaijitu, mfn. (= sa.; Yvaj, Dhie tup. 32,74) having feathers, feathered; acc, ~am (pattehi, kandam) 92,19. vinija, sr. (== 3a.) a merchant; ~0, 8,16; pl. wa, 18,4; %-kula, a, (q. v.) 30,2. cp. vanijja. — vanijaka, m, (== 8a.) id.; ace. pl. ne, 18,8. vata, m. (== sa.) 1) the wind; 230 ace, wath, 19,15; instr. wena, 106,29; nom. ~0, 103,18 (here we have a pun:the wind as drying up humours & the asceticism destructive of ae comp. *°-cchinna, m/fn. (v. chinna); *0.vega, m. (q. v.); *akala-%, ». “un- seasonable wind", wah, 25,21; *nasa-°, m. (q.v.); ep. pativitam, yathavatam. — *) rheumatism (cause of disease or paiv) v. kammaja-vata, pl. 62,19. — cp. nivataka. vati, vb. (sa. Yva) to blow; to smell; pr. 3. sg. wti (gandho timi- ranam) 20,16; Dh, 56. vada, m,. (= sa.) 1) speech; »v. musa-°; *) addressing; v. avuso; °) doctrine, system; acc. wath, 113,14; agga-°, 109,30 (7. v.) = thera-° (q. v.); deariya-° (g. v.); dhuta-°, m. (gy. v.); 4) discussion, controversy; sabba-vada-°, 113,4 (°-visarada, q. v.). ep, next, *vaidatthin, mfn. (cep. atthin) desirous of dispute; m. a disputant; ai, 113,5. vadi, aor., v. vadati. vadita, n. (= sa.) music; pl. ~€ni (nacca-gita-°) 64,31; cp. 81,21. vaidin, mfn. (= sa.) speaking (mostly e. ¢.); acc, m. ~inam (tatha, or comp. tatha-®, q. v.) 103.2; ep. a-bhiita-°, wlika-°, niggayha-°, bho-°, musa-° (gen. °-vidissa, 106,11), sac- ca-°, Dh. 217, vadeti, vb. (caus. vadati; sa. Vvadayati) to cause to speak or sound, ta play musical instruments (ace.); part, m, pl. wenta (bheriyo, «beat- ing drums”) 8,24; loc. pl. ~wentesu (vinath) 50,10; aor, 3.89, wesi, 50,11, = u-vadesi, 51,3. ep. vadita, n. vanarao, m. (= sa.) a monkey, ape; ~0, 3,9. 107,30; viinarinda, am. (v. inda), Vainn, mfn. (= sa.) left, sinister; °-hatthena, “with his lett hand”, 111,e4 (opp. dakkhina). vamanaka, mfn. (= sa.; fr. vi- muna, a dwarf) dwarfish, deformed 231 (lame or halting); (paccha-)vama- naka-dhatuka, mfn, (q. v.) 24,s1-86. vayamati, vb. (sa. vi + a-Vyam) to struggle, strive, endeavour; imp, 2, sg. vayama, Db. 236 (khippam). cp. vayama, vayasa, m, (= sa.) a crow; x0, 104,13; gen, ~wassa, 18,35 (synon, kaka). vayama, m, (sa. vydyama) en- deavour, effort; .o (samma-®, gq. v,) 67,5; acc. ~am (karissati) 34,95. vara, m, (= Sa.) time, turn, lot; ~0, 6,25-26; acc, wath (gacchati, to take one’s turn) 6,33; loc. we (catu- tthe, tatiye, for the 4th, 3rd time) 58,7. 114,17; comp. eka-varam, adv. once, 50,16; puna-vare, adv. the next time, 18,17; *-ppatta, mfn. whose turn it is, on whom the lot falls; m, ~0, 6,27. cp, bhanavara. varaka, m. (= sa.) a pot, vessel; dadhi-°, m. 14,30 (q. v.). varana, m, (= sa.) an elephant; ~o (seta-vara-°) 61,17; acc. ~arth, 24,21; gen. ~uassa (matta-°) 45,31; loc, we (do.) 39,9. Vari, . (= sa.) water; nom, wi, . Dh. 401; ace, with, 13,3. 111,9. - °-ja, m. ‘born in water’, 7. e. » fish (or a lotus); mom. wjo, Dh. 34, vareti, vb. (caus, Vvr; sa. vara- yati) 1) to keep back, prevent, pro- hibit (acc.); aor, 3. sg. resi, 23,7; fut. 1. sg. ~essami, 23,8: inf, weturh, ib.; ger, wetva (mige) 8,6; pass. variyati, part, m. wanto, I1l,s. — *) to choose, ask for (acc.); aor. 3, 8g. ~e8i (simikam) 10,5; ger. wetva, 101,15; pp. varita, f. 101,20 (darika). — 5) to cast lots (acc, salakum); part, pass, variyamana, f. (salaka) 23,12. cp. vara. vala, mfn, (sa. vyada & vyala) fierce, cruel; subst. m. a beast of prey, a snake; pl, wa, 51,34 (cp. 52,6). vala, m. (= sa.) the hair (esp. of a horse’s tail); the tail (of a horse or other animals) ; *pahattha-kanna-®°, mfn. 76,1 (gq. ¥.) cp. next ete, vihana valadhi, m. (= sa.) a tail (esp. of a horse, a deer, or an ox); mon, ~1, 5,28; acc. with, 22,6. *vala-vedhin, m(fn). (sa. *vala- vyadbin) hair-splitting; m. ~i, “skil- led in hair-splitting” (sophist) 110,9. valika (or valuka), f. (sa. valuka) sand, gravel; instr. loc, ~aya, 14,21; 97,35; pl. acc, wa (in dvandva comp.) ib, vasa, m. (= sa.) 1) dwelling, abode; zom. ~o0, Db. 237; acc. wam (manussa-°) 21,2; ath kappeti, to live, 1,4, 2,95; comp, *a-ppatissa-vasa, m, (v, patissava); *eka-rati-°, mfn, (v. eka*); *brahmacariya-°, m. (q. v.); *samagga-°, m. (qg. v.); *samana-°, mfn, (q. v.) cp. sathvdsa, vasika, va- sin. — *) perfume; v, vasita. vasi, f. (sa. vaci) a small axe, knife, razor; *°-pharasuka, m. a “razor-axe” (dande pavesanavasena vasi pi boti pharasu pi) 35,45. vasika, mfn. (sa, vasaka; fr. vasa!) dwelling, living (e. c.); kattha- vasika, m. pl. 21,8 (v, kattha), vasita, mfn. (= sa.; pp. vaseti, Vvas, cp. visa?) perfumed, scented ; Yeudakamh, 41,2; °-paniyamh, 41,1 (thapita-°, q. v.). visin, mfn, (= sa; fr. vasa') dwelling, living (in: loc., but mostly e. ¢.); f. %vasini (Laikanagara-°) 112,13; m. pl. wino (gaima-°, the villagers) 8,93-20; (Baranasi-°, the inhabitants of B.) 20,19; (nagara-°) 58,21; gen. pl. ~inam (do.) 58,94. 62,9; comp. Kasiruttha-vasi-manusso, 36,98. vaha, m. (= sa.) lit, ‘drawing, flowing’, i.e. 2) w draught-animal, a horse; *) uw cart-load, a certain mea- sure; °) a current (of water), atream; pl. ~a, Dh, 339 (“waves”), vibana, ». (= 8a.) any animal for riding (a horse, au elephant); any vehicle or chariot; army or military force (cp. sa. vahana, f.); instr. wena, 98,2 (riding? cp. rathena, ib.); *ha- la-°, n. (v. h.); sa-vahana, mfn. to- vi= gether with onc'e army, acc, m. wath (Marat) 104,8. Da. 175. vi-, indecl, (=: su.) prefix to verbs | and nouns, implying ‘asunder, out, away, about’; ‘in various directions’ (or ‘contrarily’, often metaph. cp. vi- vadati, vicinteti); with nouns it often denotes ‘negation’ or ‘separation’ (opp. sa-, ep, as‘), v. vikila, vimala, vi- raga, visoka, etc.; with verbs (and ‘their derivatives) it is sometimes used to denote ‘intensity’ (cp, vinassati, upese or ‘opposition’ (cp. viva- rati, vijjhapeti). - Before vowels we have vy- (viy-) : vyaya (& vaya), viyUbati, or more frequently v- (by elision & contraction), esp. before other verbal prefixes beginning with | a vowel; vi +. ati (v. vitinadmeti, | vitisireti); vi + apa (cx. vapayati, | cp. vyapanudi); vi -+ ava (v. vava- | tthapita, voropeti, etc.); vi + a (w. | | | vayamati, ep. vyikaroti (viyakasi), vyipajjati); vi + ud (v. vutthati, | etc.); vi + upa (v. vilpasama); cp. vippa-, vippati- (sa. vi + pra, vi + | prati). vikaila, m. (= sa.) afternoon, , evening; wrong time; loc, re (kale ev, “in seagon ond out of season”) | $12; *°-bhojana, #. 8l,z4 (v. h.). | vikascti, vb. (caus, vi + kas, sa. vikfisayati) to cause to be opened (ace.); aor. 3. 8g, wesi (hattharh, she opened her liand, in order to make hira know that she was unmarried, cp. Meyer, Dacakum. p. 98) 56,9. *vikulava. mfm., deprived of one’s | nest, homeless; ol. ~& (dija) 60,17 (v | kulavaka). viktijati, vb. (sa. vi-ykiij) to chirp, sing, warble (as birds); part. , m. pl. ~anta (sakunasathgha) 62,15, | vikesika, mfr. (sa. vikega) have | ing dishevelled hair; acc. f. wat, | | | 37,30. *vikkhileti, vb. (fr. vievkshal) to wush off, rinse (ace.); ger. ~wetva (inukhath) 41,:2. 56,39, vikkhina, mfn. (sa, vikshina, pp. 232 vi-ykshi) destroyed; m. «0 (jatisam- siro) 108,18. . *vikkhelika, m/n., having saliva flowing from the mouth; ace. f. ~am, ' 67,30 (ep. khela). vigata, mfn. (= 8a.) gone away; *vigaticcha, mfn. (v. iccha); *°-ka- tharhkatha, mfn., *°-khila, mfn., & *O.guri-pina, mfn, (v. h.); cp. vita, Db. 356. vighaita, m, (= sa.) destruction, ruin, pain; sa-vighita, mfn, “coupled with ruin” (synon. sa-dukkha) 94,2. *vicakkhu-kamma, m., ‘making blind’, the making one’s sight wrong, perplexing, bewildering; dat. ~aya, (“in order to perplex him”) 71,27. (cp. sa, vi-cakshus). vicarati, vb. (sa. vi-ycar) to wander about, go uway; pr. 3. sg. wati, 8,16; 3. pl. wanti (fly about) 62,18; 73,35; part. m. wanto, 5,6; acc. wantam, 73,6; f. wanti, 20,5; aor. 3, sg. vicari, 17,19; fut. 1. sg. / wissimi, 17,16; cond. 1. sg. vicarissam (unaugmented = fut.) 104,8; ger. | witva, 25,22; caus. v. next, vicareti, vb. (caus, vicarati; sca. _ vicarayati) ‘to cause to go about’, é. e, to srrange, manage, administer, _ control (acc.); pr. 3. sg. weti (v. 1. ~wesi, aor.) 65,20; part. f. wenti (kutumbath, “managing the property”) 22,15. vicikicchati, vb. (sa. vicikitsati, desid, vi-cit) to be uncertain, to : doubt; pr. 3. sg. wati, 96,14. cp. next. vicikicchad, f. (sa. vicikitsa) doubt; ‘mom. ~@ (sattami send Ma- rassa) 103,28; *tinna-vicikiccha, mfn. 69,18 (v. h.). vicitta & vicitra, mfn. (sa. vicitra) variegated, ornamented, beauti- ful; satta-ratana-vicitta, mfn., loc. ~e, 18,26; “vicitra-kathin, mfn. eloquent, m. x1. 109,9 (Kumarakas- sapo, cp. Mil. p. 196,7), _Vicinati (or vicinati), ob. (sa. vi-y/ci) 1) to search for, investigate, inquire (acc,); imp. 2, pl, watha(nam) 233 73,24; part, m. wanto, 19,23, 34,14; pl. wanta, 73,95; ger. Vicinitvana, 109,4, — *) to gather, collect, pick up, heap up (acc.); part. f. ~anti (tka, q.v.) 46,26; ger, witva (sarkaranh, to heap up) 84,2s. vicinteti, vb. (sa. vicintayati) to think, reflect; pr, 3. sg, ~weti, Dh. 286, *vicunna, mfn., pushed or hurt on all sides, ouly comp, w. cunna, les (q. ¥.). vicunnita, mfn. (sa. victirnita) crushed all over; ratha-vega-° (by the course of the chariot) 60,10, Vijaya, m. (=sa.)!) victory ; -ante, loc. 60.25 (v, anta’, cp. Vejayanta, nom. pr.); laddha-°, mfn. victorious, 112,92 (but see corrections), ~— *) Vi- jaya, m, nom. pr, of a prince, con- queror of Ceylon, ~o (Lalavisayo, q. v.) 110,22, efc.; %ppamukha, pl, m, (v. pamukha), vijahati (or wati), vb. (sa. vi- Vha) to leave, quit, abandon (acc.); inf. witum (eta) 21,91; ger, vitva, 52,99, vijaita, mfn, (pp. .vijdyati, q. v.). vijanati, vb. (sa. vi-y/jna) to know, understand, comprehend, per ceive (thoroughly) (acc.); pr. 3. pl. wanti, Dh. 6; imp, 2. sg. ~ahi, 20,37, 54,19. 64,26; part. gen. pl. vijanatam, Dh. 171 (“the wise”); Dh. 374 (ama- tath, “who know Nibbaéva”); a-vijana- tam (saddhammam) 107,10 = Dh. 60; pot. 3. sg. weyya, Dh. 392; ger. *) viiiiaya, Dh. 186; >) vijaniya, 113,8; pp. vinnhata (g. v.) cp. viinana, ete. Vijayati, v. vijeti. vijdyati, vb. (sa. vi-yjan) to bear, generate, produce (acc., rarely in pass, sense: to be born); fut, 3. 8g. ~issati (dhitaram) 48,17; aor. 3. 8g. vijayi (puttam) 7,99; part. med. f. ~ mana (etam) 24,95; ger. witva, 6,33; pp. vijata, 7. ~a (puttarh, has born a son) 64,5; vijata-kale, after her delivery, 48,18. = ay Vijita, 1) mfn. (= sa.; pp. vijeti) vijjhapeti conquered; nm. ~ami (rattham) Dh. 329. — *) subst. n. a conquered coun- try, realm, kingdom; loc. we, 8,4, ep. next, *vijitavin, m(fn)., victorious; con- queror; acc. m. ~inam, Dh, 422. vijeti (or vijayati), vb. (sa, vi- Vji) to conquer, deteat, subdue (acc.); fut, 3. sg. ~essati (pathavim) Dh, 44; pp. vijita (q. v.) ep. vijaya, vijjati, vb. (pass. vindati; sa. vidyate) to be found; to be, exist; pr. 3, 8g, wati (attho na a, “is of no use’, w. instr.) 103,14, 104,31; 3, pl. (med.) vijjare, 104,97. 113,97; part, (med.) vijjamaina, 18,15 (saku- nanam a--tthane, on a place where there were no birds); Joc, m. ~ambi (gimamhi, “where there is a village”) lll. vijja, f. (sa. vidya) knowledge, science; instr. ~waya, 108,9; aiiga- vijja, f. ‘knowledge of limbs’ i, e. chiromantia, prognostication, loc, waya, 48,10; dvandva comp. *°-sippa-kala- vedin, mfn, accomplished in science and urts, m. wi, 113,93; °-carana, knowledge & behaviour, theory & prac- tice, Dh, 144 (sampanna-®, g. v.) cp, a-vi)ja. vijjullata, f. (sa. vidyul-lata; cp. lata) a flash of lightning; 3,21. vijjotati, wb, (sa, vi-Vdyut) to flash forth, lighten; part. med, m. ~ mano (springing forth [like light- ning|) 3,21; caus. vijjoteti, to illumi- nate, enlighten (acc.) 85,8 (sabba disi; synon. pabhaseti (q. v.); the reading of B. pabhasati vijjotati seems to be preferable, on account of the foll. explanation of obhasate as hav- ing @ causative meaning). vijjhati, vb. (sa, Yvyadh) to pierce, wound or kill (as by arrows or lances, etc.) (w. acc.); part. m. ~wanto (tah tundena) 4,22; imp. 3. pl. ~wantu, 6,95; ger. witva, 6,19. 37,6; pp. viddha (q. v.) cp. vedhin. *vijjhapeti, vb. (caus. *vijjhay- ati, to burn out, go out, become ex- vitiiana tinct; Vkshai, v. iha@yati*) to put out, extinguish (acc.); ger. a-vijjhapetva (aggim, without putting it out) 100,35; pp. ~ita, m. a-vijjhapito (aggi) 100,2s. _ vihana, n. (sa. vijhana) con- sciousness; mom, wai, 94,10 (one of the 5 khandhes q. v.)); 66,7 (origi- puting from samhkhara); instr. wena, 95,:9; comp, °-paccaya (g. v.) 66,7; °-nirodha, m. (q. v.) 66,13; vinnanai- cayatana, ”., v. anafica & ayatana; *Osamgaha, m. aggregation of con- sciousness, acc. ~am {pacchima-°) 99,20; — *apeta-", mfn. (v. h.); *ka- ya-°, *cakkhu-°, *mano-°, the con- sciousness of body, eye, mind, 7%. e. mentel impressiong through those ore gangs, or: the sense of touch, the fa- culty of sight, thought, 70,2e-35, 98,1 (dukkha-sahagatath kaya-viihanam uppajjati, a feeling of pain arises), vilifiita, wn. (pp. vijinati; sa. vijiidta) known, understood; *samma- vihfhata-samaya, wifn. perfectly know- ing the religious precepts, 7. 00, 113,4. vihhadpana,: mfliln. (sa. vijiia- pana) instructive; acc. f. wanim (gis ram) Dh. 408. vinihaya, ger., ¥. vijanati. viihuta (& vinnhta) f. (sa. vij- fiata) intelligence; ace. mam, 27,22. vind, m(fm). (8a. vijiia) intelli gent, clever; mm. vu, Dh. 65; m. pl. ~U (purisa) 90,90; Dh. 229. vitapa, m. (= sa.) a forked branch; °-antare (g. v.) 4,21 (in a fork of the tree), vitakka, m. (sc. vitarka) ') de liberation, consideration; 7) doubt, uncertainty; *°-(pasama, m. Dh, 350 (v. upasama); *°-pamathita, m/fn. Dh. 349 (“tossed about by doubts”). vitana, m.n, (= sa.) a canopy, baldachin; gen. ~assa (sumana-pat- ta-°, g. v.) 65,18; *°-samalarhkata, win. 112,3 (v. h.). vitinna. mfn. (pp. vitarati, to cross, pass over; sa, vitirna) who has crossed or passed over, also metaph. 234 (only comp.) who scoute, or does not believe in. ..; *°-paraloka, m/n. who does not believe in another world, gen. ~wassa, 106,15 = Dh. 176; a-vitinna- kamkha, mfn. Dh. 141 (. 4.). vittinna, m/fn. (once instead of vitthinna = vitthata (& ~ta), pp. vittharati, to spread out, extend, vi- ystr; sa. vistima) broad, large; f. ~a (Gaiiga) lis. cp. next. vitthara, m. (sa. vistara) exten- sion, diffuseness; abl. ~to (adv.) fully. in detail, 41,31 (kathesi). vidatthi, f. (sa. vitasti) a certain measure of length, equal to 12 augulas inches, q.¥.), a span; °-mattam, 87,11 e matta’) ep. yojana. [vidati], vb, (sa, vid) to know, understand (ace.); this present-forma- tion is only ficticious or made for ety- mological purpose; forms generally met with are: aor, 3. sg, vedi (avedi), Dh, 419, 423; 3. pl. (vidu); fut. 1. sg. (vedissami); ger. viditva (etam atthath) 66,19; 70,12; grd. (veditabba &) vedaniya (q. v.); pp. vidita, known, understood; comp. *°-dhumma. mfn. “having penetrated the truth”, m. 00, 69,12; yatha-°, mfn. (v. h.). = (caus. vedeti, vedayati, ®) to know, under- stand; ») to feel, experience, suffer (acc.); the caus. pass, vediyati [to be known, to be felt] is also generally used in the same active eense), cp, veda, vedand, vedayita, vedin, & vindati, F vidu (& vidii), mfn. (sa. vidvas & vidus) knowing, wise; m, sabba- ae asmi) Dh, 363, ep. viddasu. vidlra, mfn. (= sa.) very distant, far; ouly used with the prefixes a-° & su-° (synon. diira); a-vidire, loc. adv. not far away, near to (w. gen. or abl.), 48,31 (gharato) ; 95,21 (gamassa). cp. atidira. videsa, m. (sa. videca) a foreign country, far distant region; acc, ~ ath, 27,25. Videha, m. (pl.) (= Sa.) nom. pr. of a country and its inhabitants, in 235 the eastern North-India; °-rattha. », the V. kingdom, loc. ve, 44,19 (its cupital was Mithila). viddasu, mfn. (sa. vidvas, cp. vidu above) wise, intelligent; a-viddasu, mfn. Dh, 268 (v,h.); viddasu is a curious formation, that looks as if it had been formed with the suffix eyas repeated (Tr.), cp. Kuhn, Beitr, p. 69 & avidvi (gen, aviddasuno) MN, J, p. 311,7-23, viddha, mfn, ') (= sa,; pp. vij- ey) pierced, wounded; m, ~o (sal- ena) 92,110, — *) (sa, vidhra. op, ae clear, pure; v, Morris, JPTS, "85, p. 52, viddhamseti, vb. (sa. vidhvarh- sayati, caus, vi-ydlvamis) to crush, destroy, disperse, split (acc.); imp, 2. pl. ~etha (tam bhusam viya) 53,2, vidhava. f. (= sa.) a widow; nom. ~@ (itthi) 31,13, vidhavati, vb. (sa. vi-Vdhav) to run; pr. 3. sg. ~ati (ito c’ito ca) 36,2. vidhunati, wb. (sa, vi-ydhi, dhunoti) to shake (acc.); ger, vidhi- nitva (or vidhunitva) 16,6 (sariram); 18,20 (pakkhe, flapping the wings). vinaddha, mfn. (= sa.; pp, vi- ynah) covered all over; pl, m. ~a, 37,21. vinaya, m. (= sa.) discipline, esp, the rules of the Buddhist order; nom, ~0, 79,5; acc. wath, 109,15-25; loc, we, 109,27. — Vinaya, m. & Vi- naya-pitaka, 7, the firat section of the Buddhist holy scriptures; dham- ma-vinaya-samgaha, m. the collection of Dhamma & Vinaya, 109,13; *vi- naya-dhara, mfn,. knowing the V., pl, ~a, 109,26; °-pitakam, ace, 102,17; °-pitakena, instr. 102,16, Specimens p. 66—71,18; 74,16-77,13; 816-28; 82,15 —84,24. vinayam, part., v. vineti. vinassati, vb. (sa. vi-\nag) to perish; to be lost or forgotten; pr. 3. 3g. wati, 110.4; imp. 3. pl. wantu, 23,18; fut. 8. 8g. ~wissuti, 34,95; caus. vinaseti (g. v.), cp. Vinasa, vinasena. vinodeti vind, adv. & prp. (= sa.) without, except; usually combined with acc, or instr, (before or after), rarely with abl.; ~ mathsena na bhuiijati (he took no meal in which meat was want- ing) 6,1, vinasa, m, (sa. viniga) destruc tion, yuin; annihilation, death; ace, wath (papeti, lit. to cause to go to destruction) 5,10. 27,12, 29,82; instr, wena, 55,7; *°-ppaccaya, m, cause of destruction, 34,24; *°-miila, 7, id, 33,99, op. next, vinfisana, ». (sa. vinigana) = preo,; instr, wena (dhanassa), 52,5; a-vindsana, mfn. (q. v.). vinaiseti, vb, (caus, vinassati; sc. vinacuyati) to cause to be destroyed or lost; to forget (acc.); pp. vinasita, destroyed, ». ~ath, 34,17. vinicchaya, m. (sa, vinigcaya) decision, judgement; justice, procedure, court of justice; acc, ~am (anusasati, gq. v.) 42,37; loc. we, 59,6; instr, wena (dhamma-®, “discernment of the law”) Dh, 144; °-atthaya, for the sake of litigation, 42,31 (cp. attha?); *°-tthana, n, the place where court is held, ib. vinicchinati, vb. (sa. vi-nig-y/ci) to settle, decide (ucc.); aor, 3. pl. ~winithsu (voharath) 42,2; — pass. vinicchiyati; part, loc. pl, ~manesu (voharesu) 42,39. viniddisati, vd. (sa. vi-nir-\/dig) to point out, assign, distribute (acc.); aor, 3, sg, viniddisi (tandulidi) 111,31. vinipata, m. (= sa.) lit. ‘falling down’, state of suffering (esp. in a lower existence); *a-vinipata-dhamma, mfn. (v. h.) ep, dhamma‘. *vinivarana-citta, mfn., whose mind is free from obstacles; acc. m. ~am, 68,23. (cp. nivarana). vineti, vb. (sa. vi-/ni) 1) to lead away, remove, dispel (acc.); ger. Vi- neyya (oghath, g. v.) 104,80; — *) to train, educate (acc.); part, m, vinayar (siivake) 104,s. vinodeti, vd, (caus. viey/nud, 8a, vinodayati) to drive away or out, to vindati send away, dismiss (acc.); pot. 3. ag. aye (tasinam) Dh, 343. vindati, vb. (= sa; yvid, ep. vidati) to find (ace.); pr. 8. 8g. wati (maggam) Db. 57; pot. 1. pl. ~ema (muduth) 104,14; pass. vijjati (v. h.). vipatti, f. (= sa.) misfortune, calamity; *pariyosiina, m/fn. haviug a dreary end, m. ~0 (jivaloko) 47,16. *[viparakkamati], wb. (sa. vi- para-\y/kram) to strive, make efforts, exert oneself; only ger. viparakkamma (jhayantam) 103,s. Vipassati, #b (sa. vi-y/pag) to see (clearly), to understand, to be ine telligent; pr. 3. sg. ~ati (tanuk’ettha) 88,29-33 ; part. gen. m. vipassato (dham- mam) Dh, 373, vipiika, m, (= ea.) ripening, ma- turing (esp, of actions, ¢. ¢. result, ree ward or punishment); tass’eva kam- massa vipdka-vasena, because that action had just been ripe (for punish- mant) 84,33; nom. ~o (kammanam) 97,14; acc, war, Dh, 37, vipiiteti, vl, (cans, vieYpat, sa, vipituyati) to break, aplit meat part, m, vipituyant (muddham) Dh, 72, vipula, mfn. (=. sa.) large, great; nm, wait (sukhan,) Dh, 27, 290, vippakdra, mt. (= 8a.) ‘bad man- ner’, improper proceeding; shame, dise grace; outrage; acc. ~am, 65,8. vippakinna, mfn. (sa, vi-pra- kirnay strewn all round about; ace, nm, acti, 34,9, vippajahati, ob. (sa. vi-pras hi) to giva up, abandon (ace,}; pot. 3. 8g. ewjabeyya (miinamh) Dh, 221; ger, vippahaya, Dk, 87, vippatieiisin, mfn. (sa. vipra- tisiirin) {Ned with regret, repentants m wi, 20jve; pl. wine (pacehi-’, g. v.) 79,18, vippanattha, mfn, (sa. vipra- nashta, \/nag) perished, disappeared; inatr, (or loc.) f, witya (niiviiyn) 26,91. vippamuficati, eb (sa, viepras Vmuc) to liberate, send uway, shake off, to liberate oneeelf from (acc); pot. 236 2. pl. wetha (ragath) Dh. 377; pp. vippamutta, liberated, free from (abl.); gen. m, ~assa, Dh, 90, 212 (piyato). vippayoga, m™. (sa. viprayoga) separation (from : instr.); nom. ~0 (piyehi) 67,10. bate, Seal atial: (sa, vi-pra-ylap) to routter, talk (wildly, in one’s sleep); part, f. pl. ~antiyo, 65,6. 67,30. vippaviddha, mfn. (sa. vipra- viddha, /vyadh) thrown away, scat- tered about; °-naind-kunapa-bharita, mfn, filled with various dead bodies scattered about, . ~am (amakasusia- nam) 65,10. *vippasanna, mfn. (pp. fr. next) clear, serene, placid; m. wo (yathapi rahado) Dh, 82; ace. warm (candam va) Dh, 413; instr. n. wena (cetasit) Dh. 79. *vippasidati, vb. (sa, *vi-pra- Vsad) to be thoroughly clear or tran- quil; pr. 3. pl. ~anti (pandita) Dh. 82. vippahaya, ger, v. vippajahati. vipphandita,m/fn, (pp. vi-yspund) trembling, moving unsteadily; m. subst, wih, agitation, distortion, perversion (?); *ditthi-°, 2. uncertainty in views, or confusion on account of false views, 94,1. Vibhofiga, m. (= ea.) lit. ‘divi- sion’, or ‘explanation’, nom. pr. ) of a Pali work, the 2. part of the Abhi- dhamma-pitaka; nom. ~0, 102,12; — *) of the 2, section of Vinayuspituka, vibhujati, vb, (ea. vieybhaj) !) to divide, distribute (acc. & gen.); ger. ~itvd, 41,19; pp. vibhntta (q. v.); - ")to explain (cp. nezt), vibhajjaua, 2. (wrong spelling of vibhinjuna, == sa.) ‘separation’, di- stinotion, explanations doc, xambi, 109,10. (ep. puvibliajuti). vibhutta, mfn. (pp. vibhajati; sa, vibhakta) divided, distributed; sama-vibhatturh, m, ad equal part, 41,18; su-°, well atranged, 110,14, vibhuva, m, (—. sa.) 1) ‘develop. ment’, prosperity, power, wealth; loc. ~e, 48,10; comp, *°-tanha, f. thirst 237 for prosperity, 67,14; dvandva comp, siri-°, majesty and power, 47,32 (acc, wath); *asitikoti-°, mfn. (ov. iy = *) (as opp. to bhava) loss, destruction; dat, ~aya, Dh, 282, vibhuti, 7. (= sa.) abundance, splendour; *°-sampanna, m/n. brilliant, 61,4 (mala-gandha-°, with . ~lands and perfumes). vibhisana, . (sa, vibhushana) ornament, decoration; °-tthana, “n, 81,25 (v. thina’), vibhtisita, mn. (sa. vibhiishita) adorned, decorated; /. wi (sabbalam.- kara-°) 61,7. vimati, f. (= 8a.) doubt, uncer- tuinty; nom, wi, 79,17, vimala, mfn, (= su.) spotless, clean, bright; acc. m. ~am, Db. 413, vimana, m. (= sa.) seat, throne; place, abode; house, mansion, palace; acc. ~am, 29,15; abl. wa, 20,4; loc. ~e (phalika-°, crystal-palace) 23,15; 23,22-83 (rajata-°, mani-°, kanaka-°, q. v.); deva-°, the palace of the gods, or a divine chariot (or throne), 63,6 (°-sadisam rathamh); Tusita-°, ». 87,31 (v. h., ep, corrections), vimuccati, vb. (pass. vi-\/muc) to become free, to be delivered (esp. from the bonds of existence, abdl.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (viradga) 71,14; aor. 3. sg. vimucci (asavehi) 69,24; 3. pl. ~wimsu, 71,18; — pp. vimutta, mfn. released, delivered; m. ~o (anupada, v, upadiyati) 94,18; 71,15 (vimutt’- amhi); Dh, 353 (w. loc. tanhakkhaye, “free through the destruction of thirst’); loc. ~asmith (fainam hoti, when de- livered, he comprehends that he has become free) 71,14; ”. wath (cittam) 69,36. 105,23; comp. *°-citta, m/fn. one whose mind has been delivered, 94,13; *su-vimutta-citta, mfn. id. Db. 20; *O.manasa, mfn, id. Dh, 348. cp. next etc. vimutti, f. (sa. vimukti) libera- tion, emancipation (Nibbana); °-sukha, n, the bliss of emuncipation, 66,4. viraga vimokha, m., (sa. vimoksha) = prec,; nom, ~0 (cetaso), 80,35, Dh, 92. viy-°, ep. vy-% viya, indecl. = iva (gq. v.):2,14, 3,7. 5,28. 111,6, e¢e.; sometimes limi- ting the predicate of a clause: ahamy viya sukaramukho ahosi, 86,1; do. w, negation : kappana viya na hoti (scarcely any) 65,22; cp, kassaka viya hotha, 31,1, viyakasi, aor., ». vyakaroti. viyuhati, vb. (sa. vi-V/ihb) to re- move (acc.); ger, ~itva (valikam) 14,95; (pathsum) 40,20 (cp, apabbi- hati). viraja, mfn, (= sa.) free from dust or impurity, pure, blameless; acc, m, ~am, 68,90, Dh. 386. 412. virajjati, vb. (sa. vi-Vranj) to change disposition or affection, to be- come free from passion (or from plea: ~ sure); pr. 3. sg. wati, 71,14; — pp. viratta, mfn, having aversion to (Joc.); m. ~o (kimesu) 65,9; *°-manasa, mfn, id. 64,19 (gen. wassa (kilesesu)); *0_cittata, f. aversion to (loc.), instr. ~waya (kilesesu) 64,32. cp. viraga. viramati, vb. (sa. vi-/ram) to give up, abstain from, leave off (abl.); aor, 3. pl. ~imsu (panatipata) 17,31. cp. veramani. virava, m, (= sa.) roaring, cry- ing; @ roar; acc. ~am (maha-°) 40,21; (eka-°) 60,11 (viravanti). viravati, vb. (sa, vi-y/ru) to roar, cry; pr. 3. pl, wanti (w. ace. eka- viravamh) 60,11; part. m, ~anto (ga- drabharavena, “braying like an ass”) 118,10; llje; f. wanti, 53,31; aor. 8. 8g. Viravi, 40,21, 55,15; 3. pl. witmsu, 53,91; ger. witva (ti Adini) 73,80. viraga, m. (= sa.) lit, ‘the being decoloured’, change of colour, play of colours (or simply: colour); moat fre- quently metaph. of aversion, indiffe- rence (to pleasures), absence of pas- sion; nom. ~o (settho dhammanam) Dh, 273; dat. ~aya (sathvattati), 93,8; abl. ~a (by absence of passion) 71,14. 94,18; — in the comp, asesa- viriccati viraiga-nirodha, m. complete and track- lesa destruction, 66,12 (avijjiiya) vi- riga seems to be adj, ‘without colour’ (i. e, leaving no track, cp. raga); differently Rhys Davids: “the destruc- tion of ignorance, which consists in the complete ebeence of lust”. viriccati, vb. (sa. vi-yric, pass. viricyate; it seems tc be pass. of the caus, vireceti, sa. virecayati, to purge) to be purged; part. m. ~mano, 78,32. viriya, . (sa, virya) strength, power, energy; nom. wam, 103,16; Db. 112 (viryam); acc. wath (karoti, to persevere} 4211-19; kuta-° mfn. persevering, energetic, gen. wassa, 4213; *draddha-°, mf. id. 108,19. Dh. 8 (°-viriyam), opp. hina-viriya, mfn, weak, Dh. 7, 112; °phala, x. result of energy, 42,18, *°-bala, n. perseverance, instr. wena, 42,11. cp. vira, virya. virujjhati, vb. (pass. vi-y/rudh) to be opposed, to be at variance with, contend against (imsty.); pr. 3. sg. no wati (is patient) Db. 95; pp., v. next etc, viruddha, mfn, (pp. fr. last; = sa.) opposite, hostile, intolerant; Joc. pl. ~esu, Dh. 406; a-viruddha, mfn. (v. h.). virodha, m. (== sa.) opposition, contradiction’ acc. xam (dassayi, “pointed out in what respect they were fallacious”) 113,13. vilaisa, m, (== sa.) sport, play, routine; coquetry, dalliance; grace, charm, beauty; instr. pl. ~wehi (at the end of a cvandva-comp.) 21,13; uttama-yobbana-vilase-mattu, m/fn., gen. f. pl. wanath, 47,14 (“drunken with the pride of their glorious youth”), vilimpati, vb. (), m, ~o (at the moment he was set free) 17,20. *visattikd, f. (prob. fr. visatta, sa, vi-shakta, saiij, adhering to, extended over, w. loc.), desire, lust, longing for (often w. loc. loke and coordinate with tanha (q. v.), to which it sometimes bas been taken as adj. in the sense of “poisonous” on account of its resemblance to visa); nom. ~a (jalini ~ tanha) Db. 180; (jammi tanha loke ~) 107,31 == Dh, 3365. visada, mfn. (sa. vigada) clear, pure, spotless; even, smooth; m. ~0, 62,39. visaya, m, (sa, vishaya) sphere, dominion, country; La]a-°, m. 110,29 v hh). Tees, vb. (8a, vi-\/sah) to be able or capable to; to dare, venture (to. inf.); pr. 8 ag. ~wati [scil. pa- vissa tivacanam datum] 90,26; 1. sg. ~ami, 13,15; 3. pl. ~wanti, 8,1; part. m. a- visahanto (gantum, not venturing to 20, i, e, to enter on that expedition) 39,4. visarada, mfn. (sa. vicarada) wise, skilled or versed in; bold, con- fident; m. ~o (devindo) 110,26; (sab- ba-vada-°) 113,4. cp. vesarajja. visidati, vb. (sa. vi-sad) to siuk down, be immersed in; to despond, despair; pr. 3, pl. wanti, Dh. 171. *visiveti, vb, (caus. fr. sa. *vi + yoyai) to remove cold, thaw up,¢ warm oneself; ger, ~etvad, 100,95. cp, Morris, JPTS, ’84, p. 72. visujjhati, ob, (sa. vi-ygudh) to become pure; pr, 3. sg. ~wati, Dh. 165; caus. visodheti (q.v.) cp. nezt. visuddhi, f. (= sa.) purification, purity, holiness; dat. gen. ~wiya (sat- tanam) 90,17; (maggo) 107,12. Dh. 274-77; *kamma-°, f. (q. v.). — *Vi- suddhi-magga, m. nom. pr. of a work of Buddhaghosa (lit. ‘way of purity’); acc. ~wam, 114,12. “vistka, n, (fr. sa. *vi-y/stic, or vicoka, cp. Kuhn, Beitr. p. 29, Tr, PM, 78,33) show, spectacle, play; only in the foll. two comp, ; *ditthi- visika, . a puppet-show of heresy, 94,1; *vistika-dassana, 7, seeing spec- tacles, abl. wa, 81,24. ep. visoka, mfn, visesa, m. (sa. vigesha) difference, species; distinction, excellence; abi, (adv.) visesato, especially, distinctively, emphatically; 114,23, Dh, 22. visoka, mfn. (sa. vicoka) free from sorrow; gen. m, ~assa, Dh. 90. ep. visuka, 2. visodheti. vb. (caus, visujjhati; sa, vicodhayati) to purify, keep clear (acc.); pot, 3. sg. waye, Dh. 165. 281, 289. visoseti, vb. (caus. vi-ygush, vicoshayati) to make dry, dry up (ace.); pot. 3. sg. waye (nadinarh sotaui) 103,18; pp. visosita, dried up, f. ~& (tanha) 108,13. cp. sussati. vissa, mfn. (8a. vigva?) whole, viseajjana entire; acc. m. wath (dhammam) 106,5 == Dh, 266; (vissa in the sense of 8a, Vigva seins net to occur elses where in Pali; the Comm, Dhpd. 1855. p. 379 takes it apparently = sa. visra, mfn, (smelling like raw meat), and explains it by visama, vissa-gandha, which occurs sometimes in the com- mentaries, e.g. Vin. IIT, 288,2). vissajjana, , (sa. visarjana) sending forth, abandoning, giving up; nom. tec, ~em, 4,21; 47,4 (imassa nam kasimh, “I have caused him to leave me’). “vissajjapeti vb. (caus. II. Vissajjati) to send, throw. thrust away (ace.); aor. 3. sg. wesi, 55,17; ger. wetvd, 23,9, 51,2 (hattham). vissajjeti, vb. (caus. vissajjati, sa, visarjuyati, vi-y/srj) ') to emit, send (forth, away); to let go, set at liberty (ace.); pr. 3. pl. wenti (ma- taram) 32,20; imp. 2. sg. ~ehi (mam sarasinim:, put into) 5,16; pot. 1. sy. ~weyyam, 4,9; aor. 3. 8g. wesi, 4,17. 31,19; 36,24 (dedkighatarh, overturned); 3. pl. wesum, 32,23; fut. 3. sg. wes- sati, 4,3¢; ger. wetva, 4,16 59,14; 61,6 (satasahassani, dispensing); pp. vissajjita, m. pl. ~& (maccha) 4,27. — *) to explain, answer (a question, acc.); pr. 3. sq. ~weti (panham pu- ttho) 90,2; part. m. wento, 85,14; gen. f. wentiya, 86,52; ger, wetva (tam atthath) 85,21; pp. vissajjita, m. ~0 (panho) 88,12; 2. pl. nani, Y8,a3, , vissattha, m/fn. (pp. vissajjati = vissajjeti; sa. vispshta) sent away, loosed, released; m, ~0, 4,3 (put down), vissamati, vb. (sa. vi-/¢ram) to rest, repose; ger. Aitva, 9,24; pp. vissamita, comp. tesam °-kdle, 21,7 (“taking their rest’), vissasati, tb. (sa. vi-/¢vas) to trust or confide in (Loc, (or gen., acc.)); pot. 3. sg. vissase (tasu) 51,4. ep, next. vissasa. m. (sa, vicvisa) trust, confidence; acc. ~am (achinditva, “in unbroken amity”) 13,7; wath apajjati 240 (v. h.): 30,193 Dh, 272 (metri causa vissisa-mipadi); comp. *°-paraina fidti, Db, 204 (“trust ie the best of relationships”, cp. parama & laibha above). oe vissasika, mfn. (sa. vigvasika) 1) confident, trustful; *) intimate, fa- miliar, confidant; m, ~o (“confidential adviser”) 38,22. : vihanfati, vb. (pass, vi-Vhan) to be anxious or frightened, to be at- flicted or grieved, mourn; pr. 3. 8g. wati, 34,20. Dh. 15. 62; part. m. a- vihaiflamano (“without complaint’) 78,26. viharati, vb. (sa, vi-yhbr) to dwell, stay, live; pr. 3. 3g. wati, 2,19. 66,2. 75,0, 84,8 (vihare); 2. pl. ~ama, Dh. 197; part. m. wanto, 28,2; gen. ~ato, 103,23; imp. 3. sg. watu, 74,93; ger. ~witva, 70,90; fut. 2, sg. vihaihisi (su- khaih) Db, 379 (if not better from vijahati (sa, vi-Vha), ep. Kuhn, Beitr. p. 116), ep. meat & saddhi-vibarika. vihara, m. (== sa.) 1) passing the time agreeably, pleasure; sukha- vibara, happiness, 74,29 (dittha-dham- ma-°, q. v.); brahma-9, v. h. = *) pleasure-ground, place of recreation, home, esp. a Buddhist monastery or cloister; mom, ~0, 84,8; ~am, 22,%0. 114,38; Joc. we, 84,7; Aggalava-°, Maha-®, nom. pr. (q. v.). vihfrin, mfn, (= sa.) dwelling, living, delighting in; mostly e, ¢., v. *u-ppamada-°, *metta-°, “sadhu-°, mfn. Dh, 57, 329, 368. vihahiti, fut., v. vibarati (& vie jahati), vihimsati, vb. (sa, vi-\/hiths) to injure, hurt (ace.); pr. 3. sg. wati (bhitani pe Dh, 131. cp, nezt. vihetheti, vb, (sa. vieheth) to annoy, injure, insult (acc.); part, m. ~wayanto, Dh, 184 (parath); ger. ~wetva, 73,6; pass. fut. 3. sg. vihe- thiyissati (nagena) 76,31; pp. wita, pl. wa, 73,5 (vihethit? attha). [This verb is confounded with the synvr. verb viheseti, which seems to be iden- 241 tical with sa. vibhishayati or vihim- sayati, Tr.] cp, F. W. Thomas, JRAS, 04. p. 749. vici, f. (= 6a.) a wave; ace. pl, ~1, 28,7. vina, f. (= sa.) a certain stringed instrument, a lute; nom. ~a, 104,17; ace, wat, 19,32. 50,10. 67,29, vita, mfn. (pp. vi-/i; = sa.) gone away; very frequently at the beginning of comp, == free from, without; °-tanha, mfn, Dh, 351 (x, tanha),; *0-dosa, mfn. Dh, 357 (v, dosa®); *vitaeddara, mfn, fearless, Dh, 385 (fr. dara, q. 0, cp. nid-dara); °=mala, mfn, 68,20 (v. h.); *°=moha, mfn, Dh, 358 (0. h.), *vitinameti, vb. (sa. *vi-ati- \/nam) to spend time, pass away time (acc.); ger. ~etva (divasam) 22,2s, vitisareti, vb. (caus. vi-ati-ysr; Buddh, sa. vyatisirayati) to finish (Comm, = pariyosapeti); only in the usual phrase ; sammodaniyam kathath saraniyam ~, to exchange the usual ceremonious greetings, 89,21 (ger. we- tva); the same phrase is put into metre Sn. v. 419 (cp. Jat. 1V, 98,18). vithi, f. (= sa.) a row; a street, road, passage; Joc. ~wiyam (antara-°, q. v.) 39,6; loc, pl. wisu (nagara-°) 73,29; *°-sabhaga, m. a neighbour (liv- ing in the same street), gen, pl, Sanam, 57,7. vimamsati, vb, (sometimes spelt vi-4; sa, vi-mrg, but perhaps con- founded with mimamsate) to investi- gate, examine, esp. to put to the test (acc.); pr. 1, sg. ~ami (nath) 3,6; part. m. santo, 57,17; imp. 2. pl. ~watha, 58,4; pot. 3. sg. ~eyya (mam danena) 16,13; fut. 1. sg. ~issami, 13,23. 15,9; inf. witum, 114,8; ger. witvd, 58,15. cp. next. [The gramma- rians derive this verb from desider, yman, cp. Childers & Sénart, Kacc. p. 232 (434), Pischel, Gramm. § 251; on account of its signification (it has usually a personal object) I think it is preferable, as do Trenckner & Faus- Pali Glossary. vutthahati bell (6 Jat. p. 37), to derive it from vi-mro®, although \mrg with other prp. becomes masati.] vimamsana, ». (sa. vimargana, but 2 above) trying, testing; comp, “atthaya, 16,12; °-attham, 57,23 (ep, attha '), vira, m. (= sa.) a brave or emi- nent man, hero; acc. wam, Dh.’ 418; °Buddha-®, m, (q. v.); °-sena, m. nom, pr., name of a man, 97,1, cp, next, vera & verin, viriya, ”, v. viriya. visani, indecl, (& visati or °-tim, nom.acc. pl.; sa. viingati (vithgat)) num, ‘20’; ~ satasahassath, 20,00,000, 23,5. visatima. mfn. (sa, virhgatama) twentieth; m. ~o (vaggo) Dh. ch, XX; ekiina-°, q. v. vuccati, vb. (pass.y/vac, sa. ucyate) to be said, told, spoken (of or to); to be requested; to be called or named; pr. 3, sg. ~wati (is called) : 25,31. 82,14. 106,7. 109,14; (is spoken of) 96,5; 3. pl. ~anti (are called) 32,17; pp. vutta (v. below), From this a number of ac- tive forms have been preserved, but the active present tense is taken from the suppletive verb vadati (*vadeti) q. v.; aor, #) avaca, 3. sg. 51,15. 64,8; 2, sg. 22,18 (ma mam kijici ~); ava- cath, 7. sg. 55,6; — >) avoca, 3, sg. 2,0 (ima gatha); 68,15 (etad); 76,2 ones 110,21; 2. sg. voca -(unaugmented after ma&) Dh. 133; 3. pl. avocum, 76,23; [aor. °¢) avacisi, avocasi are also found; fué. vakkha- mi]; if. vattuin, 87,21. 103,15; ger. vatvi, 2,8. 3,7 etc.; a-vatva; 44,5 (alter- nating with vutte, abs. loc.); grd. vattabba, m. ~o (bhikkhuhi, to be spoken to) 79,15; ”. ~am, 88,5; 88,6 (wsiya); caus. vaceti (q. v.) ep. va- cana, vaca, etc. vutthahati & vutthati, wd, (sa. vi-ud-y/stha) to rise, arise, get up (from, abl.); aor. 3. sg. vutthasi, 111,9; ger. *) vutthiya (sayana) 41,27. 65,14; >) vutthahitva, 80,4; pp. vutthita, loc, m. we, 82,22, ep. next. 16 vuttbana vutthana, n. (sa. vyuttbana) ri- sing up; *gabbha-°, n. 62,0 (». h.). vutthi, f. (sa. vrshti) rain; nom. ~i, 106,81 = Db. 14; ace. wim, 104,38. vuddha, mfn. (pp. vaddhati, ep. vaddha®; sa, vrddha) grown, old; m. ~), 74,21, vutta, mfn. (pp. vuccati; sa. ukta) said, told, apoken; addressed, answered, requested, proposed; m. ~0, 113,19; (sumiino, being requested) 98,16; f. wa, 31,52. 111,81; nm. wah (tena ~ on that account it is said) 51,99; (idam) 84,28; ~ath wah (“each of his pro- positions”) 113,13; loc. abs. we (tia, evam ~) 1,19, 79,20, efc.; alternating with vatva (yer.) 44,5; m. pl. wa, 33.9. 73,23; comp, *vuttu-matta, mfn. (v. matta®>); *hettha-vutta-° (q. v.) 63,22 (°-nayen’eva, v. naya). *vuttari-bhaveti, v. uttari-®. vutti, f. (sa. vrtti) mode of lite, conduct, behaviour; *a-cchidda-°, mfn. Db. 229; *patisanthadra-°, mfn. Dh. 376 (v. h.). yvuddhu, mfn. (pp. vaddhati) = vuddha & vaddha (gq, v.). vuddhi, f. (sa. vrddhi) growth, increase; acc, wm, 2,18, 18,2. (ep, vaddhi). Visita, m/v, (vp. vasati; sa. ushita) lived, past, completed; . ~ath (brah- macariyar) 71,15, vipasama, m, (sa. vyupagama) cessation, pacification; ~9, 80,29. ve, indecl. (sa, vai) # particle of affirmation : ‘indeed’, ‘certainly’; 106,7 == Dh. 267; Db. 234; 108,¢ (ve ma); ba ve, 55,1; inserted in the relative sentence: yo ve, 106,33 = Dh, 22y, cp. have. *vekanda, m.(?), @ kind of arrow: acc. wath, 92,23 (not found elsewhere), vega, m, (= sa.) haste, speed, quickness, rapidity; enstr. (adv.) wena (gantvit) 7,4; 60,6; comp. asani-¥, 12,29; vata-°, 12,30; rathu-vega-°, 60,10. Vejayanta, m, (sa. Vaijuyanta) nom. pr. of the palace of Sakku (In- dra); nom. ~0, 60,25 (vijayante utthi- 242 tatti); °-pasado, 60,%; *°-ratha, m. Sakku'’s chariot (chariot of victory) 60,4 (instr. wena). ; vethita, m/n. (pp. vetheti, /vesht; sa. cee enveloped, covered; m. ~o (samukha-®, g. v.) 51,8. vetana, n. (= sa.) hire, wages; salary, payment; subsistence, livelihood, earning; acc. wam, 76,13; (~ khan- detva, g.v.) 19,15; *atta-vetana-bhata, mfn, 105,5 (v. uttan). vetta, m. n. (sa. vetra) a reed, stick, staff; °-agga, nm. the point of reed, 62,17 (susedita-9, g. v.). veda, m. (= 8a.) knowledge, per- ception, emotion, pleasure; pl. the (three) Vedas (viz. Irubbeda, Yajub- beda, Samaveda); gen. pl. ~anam (tinnam) 16,22; loc, pl. ~esu (tisu) 113,3. vedana, f. (= sa.) *) feeling, sensation (in the dogmatics : the secoud of the five khandha, g. v.); nom. wa, 66,8 (phassa-paccaya); 94,0. 95,16; instr, ~aya, 95,15; gen. waya, 94,9; -nirodha, m, 66,15 (g. v.); *°-samnkha- vimutta, mfn. “released from what is styled sensation’, 95,17; pl. tisso ve- dana, the three perceptions (vie, duk- kha, sukha, adukkha-m-asukha) 82,9; uttama-vedanam (ace. sg.) 103,23, seems to be the last of those three. — *) pain, suffering; acc. wari, 80,34; pl. wa (khara) 13,12; (pabalha) 78,245 comp.*vedanatta, mfn. 50,20 (v.atta!); *matta, mfn, “maddened with the pain”, m. ~0, 24,7; ace, wath, 30,15. vedaniya, mfn. (grd. yvid; sa. vedaniya) ‘to be known, intelligible; *pandita-", mfn. 94,26 (v. h.). Vedabbha, m(fn). (sa. Vaidar- bha) relating to the country Vidarbha; acc, m, wath (manta, name of a certain spell) 32,9; °-brahmana, m. a Brahman knowing that spell, 32,16, etc,; 34,21 (Vedabbhath); — °-jitaka, n, 32,2, “vedayita, n. (fr. vedeti, v. [vi- dati]) sensation, perception of the sen- se8, impression on the senses; wall, 243 70,27; sania-vedayita-nirodha, m. 80,10 (q. v.). ' *vedalla, m. (sa, *vaidalya; the native grammarians derive it from veda vema, m. (= 6a.) a loom; aco, wath, 89,7; *-koti, f. ib, (v. h.). *vemajjha, n. (cp. sa, vimadhya) the middle, or more correctly: the in- terior of anything between its centre and its outskirt (or vot far away from ita limits); acc, ~am (gata-kiile, i.e. before he had got os far as mid-river) 28,7; loc. we (nadiya, not far from the bank in the river) 2,10. veyyaggha, mfn. (sa. vaiyaghra? cp. vyaggha below) belonging to a tiger, tiger-like, i. ¢, eminent (?); °.paficamam, ‘an eminent man besides’ (lit. as the fifth) Dh, 295, SBE. X. p. 71-72. cp. JRAS, V. 229. (Faus- bell, Dhpd. 1855. p. 391, takes it from sa. Vvaiyagra (vy-agra).) *veyyattiya, n. (fr. vyatta) in- telligence, cleverness; instr, wena, 91,26, veyyakarana, m. (sa, vaiyaka- rana, mfn.) exposition, explanation; nom, ~ati, 109,33 (one of the nine divisions of Buddha's doctrine); loc, wasmim, 71,17. (cp. vyakaroti). vera, 7. (8a. Vaira) enmity, anger, hatred; acc. wam, Dh. 201; 11,20 (~ bandhati, g. v.); instr. wena, 106,23 = Dh. 5; abl, wa, Dh. 291; pl. ~ani, 106,23; comp. *°-sarhsagga- samsattha, mfn. Dh. 291 (v, h.); ep. a-vera, Vira, verin. *yeramani, f. (fr. viramana, vi- vesirajja yram) abstinence (from, abl.); nom, ~i (panatipata) 81,s2, ete. verin, mfn, (sa. vairin) hostile, hating; sinful; mom, m, ~1, Dh, 42 (var, lect.; cp. neat); acc, winam, ib.; loc. pl, ~inesu, Dh, 197, cp. a-verin, verivat (= veravat), mfn, (sa. vaira-vat) == prec.; nom, m. ~vAa, Dh, 42 (but the reading : veri va seems to be preferable). cp, puttimat, vela, f. (= sa.) *) limit, boundary, coast, shore; “°-anta, m. (q. v.), loc, ~we, 20,4 (“on the edge of the shore”); — *) time; Joc. velaya(m), ut that time, on that occasion (mostly e.¢.): aruna-°, 12,18; aigata-°, 20,10; jiita-kilana-°, 20,14; pavisana-°, 63,4; tayam a, 66,19; velayam eva, adv, = to mor- row (soon) 14,37—15,3. — Uru-°, nom, pr. (gq. %.) = sa, =vilva, velu, m. (once ».) (sa. venu) bamboo; nom. n, wurh, 26,97; %vana, n.a bamboo-grove, 26,95 (cp. below); *O-pesika, f. 52,31 (g. v.). veluriya, m. (sa. vaidirya) the cat’s-eye-gem, lapis lazuli, fegvidog; *Ovannupanibha, mfn. 10,19 (v. upa- nibha); “varhsa-raga-°, “coral of the colour of bamboo” (Jat. Transl, vol. IV, p. 89) 26,81, ep, JRAS, XII (1880) p. 178. Veluvana, n, (sa. venu-vana; cp. velu above) nom, pr. of a bamboo- grove and » monastery near Rajagaha, presented to Buddha by King Bim- bisira; loc. we, 84,97. vevanniya, , (sa. vaivarnya) change of colour, loss of beauty; ace. wai, 47,16, vesa, m, (sa. veca, vesha) dress, ornament, appearance, disguise; mostly e@.¢.: acc. wat (itthi-®) 58,81; (tun- navaya-°) 68,16; instr. wena (ania- taka-°, in disguise) 43,19; (aiiiatara-°) 55,29; (brahmana-°, disguised as a Br.) 15,10; (manava-°) 19,10; (pari- bbajaka-°) 110,a9. vesarajja, n. (fr. visarada; sa, vaicaradya) clearness of intellect, ex- pertness; *°-ppatta,. mfn. who has 16* Verea gaiaed full knowledge or confidence; m. ~w0, 69,18. . vessa, m, (sa, vaigya) a man of the third caste; nom. ~0, 92,10. .*Vessantara, m. (cp. Buddh., sa. Vicvantara; Jat. VI. p. 485,18) nom. pr. of a Siang (= Buddha in his last existence but one); °-jataka, m. the last tale in the J&taka-book, 102,19. vehisa (& vekdsaya), m. or .(?) (sa. vaihayasa) sky, atmosphere; comp. *vehasam-gama, mfn. able fo fly through the air, 21,35 (cp. sa, viham- gama). vo, pron, 2. pers., gen. dat. pl., ¢, tvam. *vokara, m, (= okara, q. v.) vile hess, worthlessness; anekakara-°, mfn, 86,8 (v. an-eka). voca, aor., v. vuccati. vodaka, mfn, (sa. vy-udaka) wa- terless, dry; ace. m. m, wam, 83,15. 84.2. (cp. sa-udaka). voropeti, vl. (sa. vy-ava-ropay- uti, caus. Yruh) to deprive of (abl, & acc. pers.); pot, 4. sg. ~eyya (Ta- thagatamh jivita) 76,27; aor. 2. sg. wesi, 75,315 fut. 1. sg. wessami, 75,32; 3. pl, wessanti, 75,3; inf. ~wetum, 75,30; ger. wetva, 75,3. *vosana, n. (fr. vy-ava-\/80) con- viction, determination; consummation, perfection; sabba-vosita-°, mfn, al- together perfect, ace. m, swam, Dh. 423, cp. nexi, vosita, mfn. (sa. vyavasita, pp. Vy-ava-//s0) perfect, determined; *a- shinny, min, Dh. 423! (v. h.) ep, vosana. vohara, m. (sa, vyavahara) ") prace tice, affair, business, trade; acc. wam (karoti) 8,16. 23,2-4; *°-karanatthaya, *for business”, 9,11; ~ 7) lawsuit, liti- yation; acc. war, 42,28; loc. pl. wesu, ib.; — 5) mode cf expression, appella« tion, aame; nom, ~0, 97,2. vyaggha. m, (sa. vyaghra) a tiger; | gen, ~wassa, 8,3. op. veyyaggha, vyaijana, 7. (= sa.) ') ornament, sign, mark, efc.; — *) a letter, syllable, l | | | 244 esp. consonant; instr. abl, pl. ~ehi, 114,91; — *) condiment, sauce; acc. ~wam, 57,91; *aneka-stipa-°, m/fn. 571 (v. an-eka); ep. sa-vyaiijana, mfn. vyatta, mfn. (sa, vyakta) *) evi- dent, clear; *) learned, clever, intelli- gent; m wo (dovariko) 90,32. 91,26; instr, wena (bhikkhuna) 81,16. cp. veyyattiya. vyanti-karoti, vb. (sa. vyanti- vkr) to put an and to, remove (ace.); fut. 3. sg. ~kihiti (Marabandhanam) Dh. 350 (metrically = viyanti-kahiti). vyapanudati, vb. (sa. vy-apa- ynud) to drive away, remove (acc.); aor, 3. 8g. (augmented) vyapanudi (dukkhakkhandham) 108,29, vyaya, m, = vaya? (q. v.). vyasana, nm, (= sa.) destruction, ruin; misfortune, calamity; acc. sam (ajjhagu) 34,31; °-ppatta, mfn, “come to grief’, acc. m. ~ath, 8,30. vyikaroti, vb. (sa. vy-a-kr) to declare, explain, elucidate, reveal (acc.); to give an explanation or answer; to call, name (acc.); pot. 2.8g. ~weyyasi eal 94,28, 95,6; 1. sg. weyyath eval), 94,35; aor. 3. sg. vyakasi, 91lj2; viyakasi, 113,13; 3. pl. viya- karuth (nath Buddhaghoso’ti) 113,20; fut. 3. sg. wissati, 92,3; pp. vyakata, explained, elucidated, revealed, 1, ~uth, 90,16, 93,3; abl, rato, ib. (v. dhiireti) cp, u-vyikata, mfn. & veyyi- karana, n. vyadhi, f. (= sa.) disease, sick- ness; nom. wi (dukkha) 67,9; (ppa- balhd) 78,31; dvandva comp, °-ma- rana-", 108,s3. vyadhita, mfn, (= sa.) dieeased ; acc, m. ~am (purisari) 63,21. Vyapajjati, vb. (sa. vy-d-ypad) to fall into misfortune, come to a harm; pr. 3. sg. wati, 25,14. cp. next, Vyapatti, f. (= 8a.) misfortune, ruin; nom. xi (navaya) 24,15. : vyima, m. (= sa.) a fathom; -matta, mfn. of u fathom's length, n. pl, ~ani (pekkhunani) 10,30. 245 vyasatta, mfn, (sa. vydsakta) attached or devoted to, occupied with; comp. *°-manas (or °-manasa? cp. °manasa) mfn. whose mind is distrac- ted, acc, m. °-manasam, Dh, 47.48. 287. Ss. sa-!, indecl.(=sa.) prefix to nouns, mostly implying ‘conjunction’ or ‘pos- session’ (cp. saha-, sath-) and opp, to a-* and other negative prefixes (cp. sa-kubbato, Dh, 52 (var. lect.) opp, a-kubbato, Db, 51; sa-ce, indecl., opp, no-ce (qg. v.)); it is often con- tracted with a foll. vowel (v, sattha- katha, ete., sodariya), but also un- contracted : sa-udaka, mfn. (sa. so- daka) containing water, m. ~o (patto) 82,2. — *sa-upayasa, mfn, (v, upayasa), ~ sa-kala, mfn. & sakad-°, sakimh, ». below, — *sa-kiicana, mfn. wealthy, m. ~0, Dh. 396 (opp. a-kificana). — su-gandhaka, mfn. (sa, sa-gandha) fragrant, full of scent, n. wat (puppham) Dh, 52. — “sa- gunam, adv, (?), only in the phrase ~ katva, duly arranged (duly folded or laid together?) 82,25 (= ekato katva, Comm.), — sajju, sattha, sadisa, v. below. ~ sa-dukkha, mfn. (sa. sa-duhkha) accompanied with misery, ”. wath, 94,2. — sa- devaka, mfn. (= sa.) together with the gods (comb. w. loka) 78,15, 87,21. 104,5. Dh. 44, — sa-dhana, mfn. (= sa.) wealthy, 52,4.~ santara, san- tika, v. below. — sa-pajapatika, m(fn), (sa. °-prajapatika) together with one's wife, m. ~0, 2,26.— *sa-parigga- ha, mfn. married, 56,6 (comp. °-a-pari- ggaha-bhava, m.). — *sa-parilaha, mfn, accompanied with pain, ”. ~alD, 94,2, - sa-parivara, mfn, (= 8a.) v. parivara. — sa-phala, mfn. ga.) fruitful, 7. ~& (vaca) Dh, 52. — sa-brohmaka, mfn. (= 8a.) together with Brabman, loc. we (loke) 78,15. — sam-° sa-brahmacarin, m. (= sa.) fel- low-student or -priest, pl. ~1, 96,30. — sa-bhaga, mfn. sa.) having a share, v. vithi-°, 57,7. — sa-ma- raka, mfn. (= sa.) including Mara, loc. we (loke) 78,15. — sa-rajaka, mfn. (== sa.) including the king, loc. f. wikaya (parisaya) 74,18 (¢. e. king Bimbiséra and his retinue). — *sa- vighata, mfn., v. vighata. — sa- visa, mfn, (sa. sa-visha) poisoned, instr, wena (sallena), 92,7. - sa- vyafijana, mfn. (= sa.) together with condiments, acc, wath (yagum) 57,22. — savhaya, v. below. — *su~ ssamana-brahmana, m/fn. includ- ing Samanas and Brahmans, loc. f. ~wiyd (pajaya) 78,15,— *sa-ssamika- hava, m, the being married (to a husband), 56,9. (cp. samin & samika). *sa-hetu-dbamma, m™., » dhamma‘, — *satthakatha, adj, f. together with the commentary, 102,3 (pali). — satthika, », below, — “saidana, mfn. filled with affection or desire, greedy, loc, pl. ~esu, Dh. 406 (opp. an-fdina, cp. ddana). — | sadhirana, », below, - sinucara, mfn, (= 8a.) having followers, 2, wath (rattharh, “with all its subjects”) Db, 294. — siimacca, mfn. (sa. sami- tya) together with ministers, acc. wath (rajanam) 40.4. — sdlohita, soda- riya, v. below, sa-?, mum. (= cha, q. v.) in the comp. salayatana, solasa, etc, (cp. satthi). sa°, mf. (= sa.) base of pron. demonstr, nom. sg., v. tam}. sa‘, mfn. (sa. sva) one’s own (also referring to 1. & 2. pers.); instr. pl. sehi (kammehi) Dh. 136; very com- monly the first part of comp.: sa-kicca, S-citta, °-nadma (v.h.); sa-mukha, 51,3 (°-vethito, who has let his own face be enveloped); °-labha, Dh. 365 -—66 (v.h.); sajjbaya, sadattha-, & sabhava, v. below. cp. saka, m/fn. sam-°, indecl, (sa. sam) prefix to verbal roots, implying ‘conjunction’, samyata ‘completeness’, etc. (opp. vi-°), before vowels sam-°, and by assimilation also saii-°, sai-°, san-°, sal-°, before r sometimes sa-° (op. siratta, siram- bha). samyata, mfn., v. safifiata. sathyutta (or safiiiutta), m/fn, (sa. samyukta, Vyuj) united, combined, collacted,; ~ Samyutta-nikiya, m. (cp. buadh, sa, samyuktagama) name of a canonical Pali work, the third of the five nikdyas (q. v.,, consisting of 55 Samyuttas or collecticns of short Sut- fas, nom. w~0, 102,15; acc. m. sath- yuttam (a4dj.) 110,2 (saddbammamn, t. e. “according to Samyuttas”), Spe- cimens thereof : 66,22-67,19; 71,19= 72,25; 96,129. samyoga, m. (= 8a.) union, con- junction; bond, attachment; pl, wa, Dh, 384. cp. nezt. samhyojana & saniojana, n. (sa, samyojana) = prec.; acc. ~am, Dh, 31, 397 (sabba-°); dvandva comp, C-saiiga, Di, 342 (9-sattaka, mfn. q. v.); — ditthi-°, . a clog of theory, 94,2. samvacchara, m, & a, (sa, sath- vatsara) a year; acc. ~am (“for a whole year”) Dh, 108; loc, we (tatiye) 36,36; ». pl. wani, 21ji; gen. pl. ~Gnam, 87,8; comp. °-matthake, 33,14 (v. h.). samvattati, vb. (sa. sari-yvrt) ‘to roll together’, come to an end, be finished or destroyed; w, dat. : to con- -duce, tend to; pr. &, sg. mati (nibba- naya) 66,30. 93,9. samvara, m. (== 8a.) self-control, restraint; nom, ~o (patimokkhe) Dh, 185. 375; (cakkhuna, etc.) Dh, 360-61, instr, ~ena (kayikena) 85,18; 85,19 (a-samivarena); dat. ~aya, 75,96. ep, samvuta. samvasati, vb. (sc. sath-yvas) to dwell, live (with, instr.); pot. 3, sg. samvase (pamadena) Dh. 167, ep. next. samvasa, m. (= sa.) dwelling together, living with (also of sexual intercourse); nom. ~0 (balehi, com- 246 pany with foole) Dh. 207; ({ajeama- na-®, q. v.) Dh. 302; (dhira-®, instead of sukha-°) Dh, 207 (cp. note ib.); ace, wath (katvana tiya) 112.6. — *samvasiya, mfn. (= ~ika) liv- ing together with; f. ~wiya (gopl) 104,ss. _— samvigga, mfn, (sa, samvigna) agitated, terrified; °-manasa, m/fn. agitated in mind, m. wo, 41,32; *°-ha- daya, mfn, agitated in heart, m. ~0, 63,14. cp. sarhvega. samvidahati, vb. (sa. sam-vi- ydha) tu place, put; dispose, arrange, prescribe (acc.); ger. witva, 48,15 (arakkham); 63,23, samvuta, mfn., (sa, samvrta) self- controlled, restrained; m, ~o (sam- varena) 85,18; Dh, 231 (kayena); m. pl. wa, Dh. 225, 234. a-samvuta, Dh 7; su-sathvuta (qg. v.); sila-°, mfn. (v. h.) cp. samvara & saiifiata. sarivega. m, (= sa.) emotion, agitation; terror; acc. ~am, 44,30; *0-ppatta, m/fn. moved, agitated, m. ~0, 63,11. cp, samvigga & next. *samvegin, m/fn. filled with emo- tion, ardent, eager; m. pl. ~ino, Dh. 143, samsagga, m, (sa. samsarga) conjunction, contact, intercourse, com- pany with; mom, ~0, 29,6; instr. wena (amadhura-°) 37,2; (madhura-rasa-°) 38,4; *vera-°-sarisattha, mfn. Db. 291 (v. next). samsattha, mn. (sa. samsrshta) connected, mixed with, entangled; m., ~0 (*vera-sathsagga-°, “entangled in the bonds of hatred”) Dh, 291; m, pl. wi, 37,20; cp. a-samsattha. samsati, vb. (sa. Voaths) to say, tell, speak to, call upon (ace.); aor, 3, sg. asathsi (thar) 108,98. 8amsandeti, vb. (caus. °-sandati, 8a. samh-y/syand) ‘to let run together’, 2. €, to sum up, to compare (acc., with: instr); ger. ~etva (niyyamakasuttena, gatham aha) 26,28 (i. e, comformably to his mariner’s lore), Salisanna, mfn. (pp. satnsidati, 247 to sink, go down; sa, sath-y/sad) de- pressed, without energy; *0_sarnkappa- mana(s), mfn, Dh. 280 (“whose will and thought are weak’). cp. samsa- deti. samsaya, m. (sa. satigaya) doubt; v, nis-samsayam, adv, samsarati, vb. (sa. sata-y\/sr) to go about (unvoluntarily), toss the body about, esp, to pass from existence to existence; part, loc. m. ~ante (apara- param) 40,34; aor, 1. sg. wsari, 108,16 (satisari’ham). cp, sath-carati & sarh- sara, samsadeti, vb. (caus. sarsidati; 8a, samsadayati) 1) ‘to cause to sit down or sink’, to embarrass, perplex; *) intr, to be embarrassed or perplexed ; pr. 3. 39, ~eti, 90,26, cp, sarnsanna. salsara, m. (= sa.) the revolu- tion of being, transmigration or pas- sing through a succession of existences, the life in this world; nom. wo (di- gho balanam) 107,10 = Dh. 60; ace. wath, Dh. 414; loc. we (anamata- ggasmim, q.v.) 89,13; pl. wa, Db, 95; *jati-°, m. id. 108,18. samharati, vb. (sa, sam-vVhr) to draw together, collect, fold up (as clothes, acc.); part. m., instr. wantena (civararh) 83,10; ger, witva, 41,4; grd, n. ~itabbarh, 83,9, ep. sambira. samhita, mfn, (= sa.) put to- gether, joined, accompanied by (e. c.); attha-°, mfn., v. attha®, an-attha-°, mfn. (q. v.) cp. upasamhita & sahita. samhira, mfn, (contracted of sambariya (*sathhera), grd. sarbha- rati, sa, samharya) to be removed, shaken or corrupted; *a-samhira, m/fn, te, h.) cp. Tr. PM, 78,%8, Pischel, ramm, § 537. saka, mfn, (fr. sa‘; sa, svaka) one’s own (referring also to 1. & 2, pers.); acc. m. n. am Se iat 67,98; (matath) 113,12; (vadam, re- ferring to 2. pers.) 113,14; loc. we (thine) 77,9; very often at the beg. of comp. °-sarira,. 16,6; °-rattha, 42,7 (cp. Fleet, TRAS, '04, 708); °-nagara, Sakka 44,16; °-tthana, 55,9; °-kammani, 2. pl. 106,30; repeated (with distributive meaning) : saka-saka-tthanesu (each on his own place) 22,9, sakata, m. n. *) (sa. cakata) a carriage; a cart-load; ». ~ath (pha- nita-¥, ptiva-°, bhatta-°, q. v.) 53,20-30; *0magga, m. a highroad, loc. ~we, 43,18. — *) wrong reading instead of kasata (q. v.). sakad-agamin, mf(n). (buddh, sa, sakrd-agamin) Jit. ‘returning only once more’, 7, €, a person who is to be re-born only once in the world of men, who has reached the second stage of sanctification (cp. Childers 8. v. & magga); °phale patitthahi, “he en- tered on the fruit of the second path”, 29,17. cp, sakim, adv, sakala, mfn. (= sa.) whole, all; m. ~0, 16,13; m. wath, 62,13; comp, °.pima-vasino, all the villagers, 8,93; °-kappa, 16,15; °-Jambudipa, 39,11; C-sarira, 57,29; °-nagara, 65,94, cp. neat, *sakalika, f. (prob. fr. sakala, but other spellings : sakkalika, sak- khalikai seem to show confusion with sakkara or sakkhara, q. v.) a piece, vuass, splinter; pasana-°, a splinter of rock, 17,29. sakith, adv, (sa, sakrt) once (lat. semel); 66,17-18; on account of old sandhi we have sakid-, or sakad-, cp, sakad-agamin, mfn. sakuna. m. (sa. cakuna) a bird; nom, ~0, 12,9; pl. ~&, 10,3; gen. pl, wanam, 10,12; comp. *°-gana, *Osamgha, m. (q. v.); *java-°, *ruk- khakottha-° (q,v.) ep. sikunika & next, sakuntao, m. (sa. gakunta) = prec; nom. ~0, 88,30; gen, pl. ~wa- namh, Dh, 92. Sakka, m. (sa. Cakra) nom. pr. of Indra; nom, ~0, 16,8. 45,80 (deva- raja); 59,31 (jara-®, old Sakka); 80,36 (devanam indo); acc. ~am, 110,21; instr. ~ena, 110,88; gen. wassa, 15,7; pl, ~& (aiifiehi cakkavalehi, from sakka * other worlds) 60,20; °-bhavana, n. the heaven or palace of S., 65,9 (°-sadisa). cp. sakkatta, n. sakka, mfn. (sa. gakya) possible, wv. sakka, indect, sakkaccam, indecl. (orig. ger. fr. sakkaroti, to honour, revere; sa. sat-krtya) devotedly, zealously, eagerly, assiduously; Dh. 392. (¢p. sakkara.) * Sakkatta, m. (sa, Cukratva) Sakka- ship; acc, ~am (papuni, was born as 8.) 35,1; (ka@resi) 52,15. sakkara, f., v. sakkhara. *sakka, indecl, (perbups orig. f. sg. fr. sukka, (grd. sakkoti) ep. sa. cakyam) mostly used in impersonal sentences, followed by inf. (often with pass, or intr, meaning, but sometimes with obj. added in acc.), the agens, if expressed, being put generally into instr, (but sometimes also nom.), to be translated by ‘it is possible’, gene- rally w. negation: ‘it 13 uot possible’, ‘cannot’, or ‘it is of no use’; ®) with- out subj. t na“w tava varath (ace.) afiesam p&ipetum, it is not possible to transfer your ture to others, 6,343 yacakanam tinani datum na x, 15,5; tumhakarh ratthe @agautum na a, 18,24; na w~ mam vretum, 23,8; appen’eva balavahanena ~ B.rajjath ganhituth, 3&,:4, na ~ datum, 63,36; nunu na w~ visgajietuwh, surely he cannot answer, 91,18; na ~ itopuramh. 12,17; w, anwcilicry verb: sakka siya, B65; — >) with subj. instr, :na nw maya... pakkhipitum (1 cannot) 7,8; maya imasmit thane vasitum na, 9,94; na ~ maya maranad muccitum (2 cannot be delivered from death) 17,14; marantenipi [se. maya] tuy- hath kathetum oa x, 49,27; — °) with subj. nom. (& instr, as subj, of the inf.) : matugamo kucehiyai pakkbi- pitva carentenipi rakkiitum na w~ (a woman you cannot be certain of, even if you walk about having her inside you) 50,34, (here we could also have acc. matugamam); the subj, being expressed by a relat, clause: 248 yo koci samano... samagato ng ~ pativattetum, 110,10. Besides this indecl. sakk& we find in some few instances grd. sakka, mfn. construed with subj. nom, (as in sa., cp. Speyer, Ved. u, Sa, Synt. § 220 & Childers 8, ee Quite parallel to *sakka is “labbba (qg. v.); both forms have been variously explained; on account of the predominant construction with instr. it seems evident that the instinct of speech has connected these forms with the pass, grd. of sakkoti (V¢gak); therefore it is difficult to judge, whether Pischel, Gr. § 465, is right in taking them as old optatives (@or.); cp. Franke, Pali u. Sanskr, p. 103, sakkara, m. (sa. sat-kara) honour, reverence, worship; reputation; mom. ~0, 18,35. 19,4. 37,1. 74,15; acc. ~am, Dh, 75; °-atthatb, 62,31 (v. attha'); *kata-maugala-°, mfn. (q. v.); dvan- dva comp, labha-° (wv. h.). sakkoti (later form: sak(k)unoti or sak(k)unati) vb. (sa. Vgak) to be able to (d#/.); to dare, venture, per- suade oneselt to (inf.); pr. 3. sg. ~otl (gocaram ganhitum na ~) 13,12; 2. sg. ~0si, 46,34; 1. sg, ~omi, 31,30. 48,98; 3, pl. wonti, 8,19; 2. pl. ~otha, 31,30; 1. pl. ~oma, 40,33; part. m. ewonto, 98,20; f. gen. sg. ~wontiya, 59,9; a-sakkonto, 37,295; pl. ~a, 8,98. 40,23, 102,18; aor. 3, sg. a-sakkhi, 16,8, 65,18; 2. sg. id. 44,81; 1. sg. a-sakkhim, 20,29; 2, pl. sakkhimha, 79,20; a later form is sakuni, 3. sg. 111,11; fut. ®) sakkhati, 2.’sg. ~asi, 48,27, >) sakkhiti, 3. pl. winti, 105,18; ¢) sakkhissati, 89,10; 2. sg. wasi, 4,34; 1. eg. ~&m)}, 48,13; 3. pl. wanti, 34,10; 1. pl. ~ama, 1,9 21,31; 4) sakkunis- sama, 1. pl. 73,2; grd. sakka, mfn. (q. v.) ep. sakka, sakkhard, f. (sometimes spelt sak- kara, in the beg. of comp. also ~a; sa. carkara) 1) gravel, pebble, small stone; *-a-kathala-valika (pl. dvandva comp.) 97,35. — *) sugar; nom. ~4, 52,7; dvan- dva comp. sappi-madhu-sakkara-®, 249 61,26; °-ddaka, n. sugar-water, 38,3; *0-panaka, n, id, 18,97; *lapa-°, mfn. (v. h.). sakkhiti, sakkhissati, fut., v. sakkoti. Sakya, m, (pl.) (sa. Cakya) nom, pr. of a tribe in Kapilavatthu (from which Gotama Buddha was descended); °-putta, m. a man of that tribe (esp, ot Gotama); °-puttiya, m. (sa. °-pu- triya) a follower of Gotama, gen. pl. ~anam (samaninam, the Buddhist monks) 73,30. sagga, m. (sa. svarga) ') heaven; acc. ~amh (yanti) Dh. 126; dat. waya (cnc 88,30, 89,1; gen. ~wassa gamana) Dh, 178; saggam (adj.) lokam (acc.) id, 7,26; comp. *°-katha, f., a discourse about heaven, 68,20 (~am pakasesi); °-patha, °-pada, m, the way to heaven, 34,29. 44,15 (ep. pureti); saggapaya, m. (dvandva comp.) Dh, 423 (v. apaya). — *) *Sagga, m. nom, pr. of a Gandharva, 19,20. 20,4-20. sathkaddhati, vd, (sa. sam-ykrsh) to draw together, gather, collect, pick up (acc.); ger. witva (dairiini) 15,39; 33,6; 49,35 (kacavaram, to sweep to- gether), samkappa, m. (sa. samkalpa) will, thought, intention, desire; nom. ~o (samma-~°, right aspiration) 67,4; Dh, 74; ace. wam, 104,7; pl. v4, Dh. 339; *sarhsanna-samkappa-mano, Dh. 280 (v. h.); miccha-°, Db. 11 (v. h.); *bahu-°, mfn, Dh. 147 (q. ».). sathkamati, vb, (sa. sati-Ykram) to go away, enter, go to; fut. 1. pl. ~issama, 77,17. samkam pati, vb. (sa. sam-Vkamp) to shake, quake, tremble; aor, 3. 8g. ~pi, 110,7. samkara, m. (= sa.) confusion, turmoil; *dura-°, mfn. secluded, soli- tary, tranquil; loc, we (vihadre) 114,26. *samkassara, m/fn. (prob. fr. 8a. *sath-kasvara, cp. samkasuka) bad, impure; unsteady, of doubtful charac- ter; m. wath (brahmacariyam) Db. 312. (cp. Weber, Ind. Str. J, 167; samkhiata Kern, Bijde, (Amsterdam 1886) p. 57; Morris, Introd, to AN. I p. 1X (1883); SBE, XX, 300.) cp. a-samkusaka, Jat, VI. 297,39. samkara, m. n. (= sa.) sweep- | ings; nom. n. wath, 84,93; *°-dhana, nm. a dunghill, Joc, ~asmim, Dh. 58; *O-bhiita, mfn. being like eweepings, loc, pl. wesu, Dh, 59, samkita, mfn. (sa. carkita) Mew alurmed; *bhaya-°, mfn. 111,15 vh.). samhkilittha, mfn. (pp. fr. next; sa, sathklishta) impure, sinful, depra- ved, corrupt; , ~am (vatarh) Dh. 312; instr. m. wena, Dh, 244. samkilissati, vb, (sa. sam-vklic, | pass. °-kligyate) to be impure, be- come defiled (by carnal lust); pr. 3. sg. wati (attanad) Dh. 165; pp. sam- kilittha (q. v.) cp. nezt. samkilesa, m. (sa. samkleca) contamination, impurity, sinfulness; acc. ~amh, 68,20. *samkuppa, mfn. (grd. sam- kuppati; sa. sam-Vkup) to be shaken or moved; *a-sathkuppa, m/fn. (v. h.). sathkha, m. (sa, gamkha) a conch- shell, trumpet; acc, pl, ~e (dhamen- ta) 8,23. samkhata. mfn, (sa. saihskrta) put together, constructed, prepared; f. ~& (su-°) 104,30. ep. sarnkhata below. salkhaya, m, (sa, sarnakshaya) destruction; nom, ~o (bhuri-°) Dh, 282; loc. ~amhi (jivita-°) Db, 331. *samkhalika, f. (fr. sa. grmkha- la, or ~@) a chain, fetter; instr, ~aya (deva-°) 21,14. samkha, f. (sa, samkhya) reckon- ing; consideration, deliberation; name, appellation; nom. wa, 97,1; acc. wam (gacchati, to be called) 95,9; instr. ~waya, (v. samkhati below); comp. *rupa-samkha-vimutta, mn, “released from what is styled name”, or: ‘up to the very name’ i, e, ‘totally. released from’ (Tr.), 95,12 ff. samkhata, m/fn. (sa. samkhyata, sankhati wp. satheVkhy@) reskoned, considered, weighed; called, named; known, vi- sibie; *-dhamma, mfn. “who has well weighed the Jaw", gen, pl. wanam, Dh. 70 (wrong epelling; sarnkhata-°) ; *paiia-°, 91,s7 (wv. h.). jsamkhati], vb. (sa. sam-Vkhya) to reckon; to consider, weigh; to call, name; if. ~atum (to measure) Dh, 196; ger. waya (“with care”) 106,7 = Dh. 267; pp. ~wata, v. above, samkhara, m. (sa, sathskara) *putticg together’, composition, aggre- gation; mostly in pl, ~@ : 1) all ex- isting things or eubstances, created things or creatures; 7) (in the dog- matics :) the fourth of the five khan- dha (constituents of the human being, 94,s-10), vie, states of mind, pree dispositions, conformations (originating from avijji, and causing viiidna, 66,6-7) lett from actions in former ex- istences, and therefore denoting any action, speech, or thought, the vital functions ete,, practically = moral constitution (Karma, v. kamma’); nom, pl. vA, 94,10; 80,2 (vayadham- ma); 80,38. 107,11 = Dh, 277 (anic- ea); 107,13 (dukkha); Dh. 255 (sas- sata n’atthi); instr. wehi, 95,19; comp, °-nirodha, m, (q. v.) 66,13; *0-fipasama, m. Dh. 368 (q. v.) cp. vi-samkhara-gata, mfn, For signifi» cation cp. dhamma‘, samkhitta, mfn. (pp. fr. next; sa, samkshipte) contracted, abbreviated; instr, n, (adv.) ~ena, briefly, conci- sely, 67,11. samkhipati, vb. (sa, sarh-Vkship) to throw or dvaw together (acc.), to contract, shorten; part, med, m. pl. ~mani, (mige) 6,9; pp. vkhitta (v. above). saiiga, m. (= sa.) clinging to, attachment; hindrance, bond, fetter; nom. ~0, Db, 171; acc, war (ubho, q.v.) Dh, 412; comp. safigatiga, mfn. Dh, 397 (v, atiga); pafica-safiga-°, Dh, 370 (the 5 fetters, i. e. the senses, 250 paficindriydni, Comm.); safifiojana-, q. v., ep, sajjati. caiigan Wels (or ~wati), ob. (sa. sath-y/grah) to gather, collect, to take hold of, take care of, help; to win (one’s favour) (tw, acc.); aor, 3. 89. ~ganhi (nagaram) 58,94; ger. ~ga- hetva (Pitakattayam), 114,12; pp. ~gahita, m. pl. eka-samgahita (sabbe, unified) 99,16; cp. samgaha, samga- haka, safigata, m. (= sa.) association, intercourse; *bala-°-carin, mfn. Dh. 207 (v. h.). samgaha, m. (once m.; sa. same graha) collection, aggregation; redac- tion, text; nom. ~o (dhamma-vinaya-°) 109,13; (therehi kata-°) 109,14; nom, n, wath, 110.4; acc, wath, 110,65 (dhamma-°) 109,16. 110,16; (vififiina-°, q. v.) 99,26; antevasikinath wath (col- lecting, ¢. e. teaching of pupils) 102,9. satbgahita, pp. & °-gahetva, ger., v. sarmganhati. saihgama, m, (sa. samgrama) battle; Joc, we, 103,34. 107,83 = Dh, 103; — ji, mfn, (sa. °-jit) victorious, in the comp. safigamajuttama, m. “the yreatest of conquerors’, 107,4 = Dh, 103 (ep. sa. superl. sathgramajittama). cp. next, samgameti, vb. (denom, fr. sam- gama; sa. sathgrimayate) to battle or fight with (instr.); fut. 3. ag. wes- sati (nigena) 76,8: samgahaka, m, (sa. samgrahaka) 1) a collector, compiler; *) a charioteer; nom, ~0 (Matali) 60,18, saiigiti, f. (= sa.) *) singing together, music; 7) collection or recen- sion of the holy texts, or a Buddhist council held for that purpose; *%-ttaya, m, the three councils (or recensions), 113,29. sathgha, m. (= sa.) !) a collec tion, assemblage, multitude, crowd; acc, wath (sakuna-°) 10,9; pl. wa (do.) 62,13; — *) the congregation or urder of the Buddhist monks (also a chapter or a certain number of monks, 251 elected and assembled for any religious purpose); nom, ~0, 79,1; acc. wat {in the formula Buddha, Dhamma, & Sathgha, cp. ratana’) 107,7 = Dh, 190; 114,7; instr. Sena (bhik. khu-°) 70,31; gen. wassa (do.) 102,8; loc, ~e (do.), 29,98; pl. wa (bhik- khu-°) 109,2 (combined with the prec, n. pl, satta satasahassini); ~ *°-gata, mfn, directed to the S., Dh, 298 (f. wa, sati); *°-sammata, n. (v. h.). sathghattati, ob, (sa.sarh-Vghatt) to strike or knock against, to rub, ete,; part, m. instr, wantena (a-°) 84,19. *Sathghapala, m. nom. pr, of a thera in Mahdvihara (Ceylon); gen, wassa, 114. salighita, m. (= sa.) the timber or frame work of a house; *pittha- sathghataka, ». (adj, in the comp, thira-°, comm. on torana) ‘with strongly constructed doorpost aud lintel’, 91,a1. (cp. SBE, XX, p. 105). samghati, f. (= sa.) an upper garment, one of the three robes of a Buddhist monk; nom. ~i, 84,3; pl. wiyo, the two uppers garments, 82,95, » *sace, indecl. (fr. ce with the in- decl, pref, sa-, q.v.) if; even if, though; this particle is always used at the be- ginning of a conditional period, the verb of both sentences being put usually either in fut, (sometimes pres.) or pot., nearly in conformity to the use of the indic, & conjunctive modes in Latin in such sentences; the second sentence is often beginning with a pron, de- monstr., but a particle corresponding with sace is not required; *) w, fut. (in both sentences): 1,9. 2,2. 35,18. 56,7; sac’aham : 25,32. 64,1. 65,31; >) w. pres. & fut. (or grd.) : 1,17, 82,19-33; °) w. pot. (in both sentences): 1,24. 4,7. 53,14. 56,5. 86,2; 4) like yadi evar & noce (q. v.) without full sentence : ‘if so’, ‘in that case’, 97,14-15 (sace bhante Na- gasena yo tumhe mareti n’atthi tas- Sapi panatipato). sacca, 1) mfn. (sa. satya) true; n, wath (girata) Dh. 408; idam eva sajjati ~, 89,24 (opp. mogha), — *) n, (subst.) ®) truth; nom. am, 51,39 (opp. musa); ace, wath (katheti, vadati) 24,27. 32,1; *0-sadisa, mfn, having the appearance of truth, 52,1; *sacc-iipasambhita, mfn. true, 9,31 (ep. upasathhita) ; ~ >) speak- ing the truth, truthfulness, veracity; nom, ~wam, 3,37; Dh, 261; 106,9 = Dh, 393; instr, wena, 44,9. 108,31; dvandva comp, dama-°, Dh. 9 (gq. v.); - °) a solemn asseveration, oath (op, sacca-kiriya, & °-vajja helow); instr, iming, ~ena (“so truly") 51,18; — 4) in the dogmatics (mostly pl.) : the four cardinal truths of Buddhism (op. ariya- sacca); wini, 29,16; sacca-pariyosiane, “at the conclusion of the Truths”, 29,17; — °) m. (adv.) truly, indeed, verily; justly, by rights; 54,16 (~ evam aharh- su pandita). [cp. bahusacca, fr. ba- hussuta]. sacca-kiriya, f. (sa. satya-kriya) a solemn asseveration, oath; nom. ~& (bhinna, is rendered of no effect) 51,23; ace, ~am (karoti) 27,20. 51,10; instr, waya, 27,16. *sacca-parami, f. (Buddh, sa. satya-paramita) truthfulness (one of the ten virtues, », parami) 108,31, *sacca-vajja, n. (fr. sa, satya- vida) ') truthfulness; ®) solemn asseve- ration (cp. sacca-kiriya); instr, wena (etena) 27,24. sacca-vadin, mfn, (sa. satya- vadin) speaking the truth; acc, m. ~inam, Dh, 217, sacchi-karoti, vb, (fr. sa. sak- shat-/kr, by analogy of other comp. of karoti w. indecl. ending in ‘i’) to make visibly present before the eyes, to realize, attain (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~oti (magga-phala-nibbainani) 97,10. cp. next. sacchi-kiriya, f. (sa, sakshat- kriyi) realization; dat, ~aya (nibba- nassa) 90,19. sajjati, vb. (sa. Vsaiij; pass. saj- jate) to cling, adhere; to be attached to (loc.); part. med. acc. m. a-sajja- mainam (namaripasmimh) Db. 221; sajjaipeti 252 pp. satta (g.v.); cp. safiga. (The secondary verbal-forms sajjeti & sajja- peti seem to be denem. fr. sajja, sajya, v. below). *gajjapeti, vb. (caus. II. sajjeti) to make ready, prepare festively, adorn eee); ger, wetva (nagaram) 45,30; jiitamandalam) 50,28. sajju, adv. (sc. sa-dyas) instantly, immediately; 106,91 == Dh, 71. — “saj- jukam, adv. id. 110.8. sajjeti, vb. (denom. fr. sa, sajja, sajya; cp. Weber, Ind. Str. 1. p, 243) to make ready, prepare (acc.); imp. 2. pl. ~etha (ratakani) 63,17; ger. wetva, 25,13 (navam); caus. II. saj- japeti (¢. above), pp. sajjita, v. su- sajjita. (Fausbell, Ten Jat. p. 99 traces this verb back tc y/srj; but the signi+ fication of that root in Pali is always ‘to throw away, leave off’ ond caus, is never used, except vissajjeti, Tr.). sujjhdya, m. (sa, svadhydya) repetition (of sacred texts); 7%. u-Saj- jhitya. snincarati, vb, (sa, sam-ycar) to walk about, pase, move, rock (to and fro, said of voluntary movements, cp. samsarati}; part, m, ~anto (apa- raparam) 40,97. samcicca, indecl. (ger. fr. sati- yvei(t); sa. sam-citya, & °-cintya) intentionally; 27,23. satichanna, mfn. (= 82.5 pp. sam-\/chad) covered all over; padu- ma-°, 4,9-97. *saijanana, n.(nom.uct. fr. next) understanding, considering, thinking; tesalh,.. sahjanan’-attham, “in order that they might think”, 21,3. sanjanati, vb. (sa, sath-yjiia) to understand, perceive, recognize (acc.); to conceive, imagine; aor. 3. 8g. wjani (Mahfasattah) 68,9; ger. *) sanhaya (siho ti) 8,19; 39,4; >) sanjanitva, 20,5. Al,oz. cp. *satijanana, sanna, sannin. safinata (or samyata), mfn. (pp. salh-/yam, sathyata) restraining one- self, self-controlled; mm. 10, 84,39. Db. 362 (w. instr, kayena, vacaya); gen. ~wassa, Dh, 24; a-saiifiata, m/n. (g.0.)5 pada-°, mfn, controlling one’s feet, Dh, 362; mukha-°, mfn. Dh. 363; hattha-°, mfn. Dh, 362; *°-carin, mfn. living under restraint, gen. m. ~ino, Dh. 104; *safifiatuttama. mfn. very well restrained, m, ~0, Dh. 362. safifiama, m. (sa, satiyama) re- straint, self-control; nom. ~0, Dh. 261; instr, wena (safiiato) 85,17; Dh, 25. (safifiamati) vb. (sa. sarh-\/yam). to control, restrain; pp. saiihata (q, v.); caus, *) saiifiameti, id. (ace.); fut. 3, pl. wessanti (cittam) Dh, 37; >) sainameti, id. (ace.); imp. 2. 8g, saii- famay(a] (attanath) Dh, 380. ep. san- flama, m. sanha, f. (sa. sathjid) +) under- standing, conception; perception (in the dogmatics : the third of the five khandha, g.v.); in this last sense; 94,10; 95,18 (instr. raya); 80,8-10, etc. (comp, neva-sanni-nisunia, g.v., cp, u-sunia); ace, wath (karoti, to think, imagine) 5,7; tumhehi drocita- saiifiaya (instr.) 25,18 (v. droceti). — *) sign, mark, name; acc, wat (adasi, “made a sign to’, gen.) 50,18; (adatva, “telling nothing about it”) 55,29; comp. panna-bandhana-® (n.?) 8,9 (v. panna), Sanfana, mn. (sa. sahjnana) = sanha*; instr, wena, 87,82 (olokita-°, = olokitakarena, 87,25; v. akara). sanhameti, vb. caus., v. saniia- mati. safifidya, ger, v. sanjanati, Sannin, mfn, (sa. samjhin) con- scious, perceiving; thinking, imagining; m. ~1 (ahosi, “you believed, imagined”) 2,6; *ujjhiina-°, mfn. (v. h.), sannhojana, n., v. sathyojana. satthi, f. num, (sa, shashti) sixty ; *O-yojanika, mfn. sixty yojanas long, loc. n. ~e (Manosila-tale) 61,10; ep. catu-satthi. satha, mfn. (sa. gatha) dishonest, deceitful, fraudulent; m. .o (naro). Dh. 262; kitavasatho, Dh. 252 (v. kitava). 263 _Sathila, mfn. (an older form of sithila, sa, githila; the orig. base was *erthila or *erthira, cp. sa. cratha clatha, & ved. sa. Grathar® ati) loons relaxed; metaph, careless. , carelessly performed, m. ~o (paribbijo) Dh, 313; 2. ~am (kammaih) Dh, 312 (var. lect. in both places :sithila); ep, Kern, Verkl. p. 58. “sanikata (or sanikath), adv. (fr, sa, Ganais through sanim) slowly, gradually; softly, gently; cautiously, accurately; 14,4, 35,52. 50,18. 54,93, (In spite of Abb. v, 1153 & Childers this word has never the signification ‘quickly’, v, Nord. Tidsskr, f, Filol. 3. R. V, p. 51-52; ep. Pischel, Gr. § 84.) *santha, m. or n.? (cp, sa. cran- tha) bark-strips or fibres of bamboo (?) from which bowstrings were made (= venuviliva, Comm.); gen. wassa, 92,17. (cp. D’Alwis, Introd. p. 103.) santhapeti, vb. (caus. fr. next, sa. Sath-sthapayati) to cause to stand firm, restore, establish (acc.); gor. 3. pl. ~wesum, 114,18; inf. ~etum (ku- tumbam) 56,6. : santhati (santhahati, or santi- tthati), vd. (sa. sam-ysthi) to remain, stand firm or still; aor. 3. sg, ~asi (nibbidaya, dat. (?), v. nibbida) 67,33; caus. santhapeti (q. v.) cp. next. santhana, m. (sa. satnsthana) shape, form, appeurauce; state, condi- tion; loc. we (chavi-°, complexion) 85,23; iastr. pl. ~ehi (hattha-pada- mukha-°) 49,8; *manussa-°, m/fn. of human form, 85,91; *sikara-°, mfn. 85,31 (g. v.) cp. su-santhana, mfn. sanda, m(n). (sa. shanda, cp. san- dra; Weber, Ind. Str. 1]. 237) a group of trees or plants, a wood, thicket; vana-°, id., acc. war, 15,1. sandasa, m. (sa, samdamga) a pair of tongs or nippers; a vice; instr. wena, 5,13; 5,2 (kammiara-°); 44,37 (suvanna-°). cp. dasati. sanha, mfn. (sa. clakshna) smooth, gentle, mild; small, fine; instr. m. ~ena (amkena) 20,2." sata sanhaka, n. (sa. glakshnaka) betel- nut (?); °-sadisa, mfn. like betel, instr. pl. ~ehi (kesehi, = pandara, white?) 47,12 (the Birman reading sinavaka- sadisehi (like hempen cloth, sa, *sana- valka) seems to be an improvement of the text). sat, mfn, (= sa.; part. fr. atthi, q. v.) 1) being; v, atthi; ®) good, right, righteous; acc. m. santat (padaih, é. e. Nibbana) Db, 368; nom, pl, santo, Db, 83. 151. 304; instr. pl. sabbhi, Dh, 151, 29,12 (sabbhi-r-eva); gev. pl. satam, Dh. 54. 77, 151. ep. santa ®* (santaka), samana, a-sat, a-santa; suk-kuccam, sak-kara, sad-dhamma, Sap-purisa, & satta®. sata', ». (sa. gata) a hundred; 4) appositive to a subst.: gatha a, 100 verses, Dh, 102; >) w. subst. gen., or at the end of subst. comp. : acc. wath (kahapana-°) 18,13; (vassa-°, for 100 years) Dh, 106. 110; instr, Sena (for a hundred sci. pieces of money, kaha- pana-° being understood) 18,11; Joc. we (pahara-°) 55,13; °) comp. tw, other numerals, usually mfn, pl. (but also sg., cp. attha-satam bhattam, Mil. 88,4) : satta-satani, 2. pl. 111,14 (with- out subst.); addhateyya-°, “250”, nom. m. pl. ~sata, 21,31; acc. m. pl. wsate, 21,33; pafica-°, “500” (v. h.); in this sort of comp. sata is often separated from the first number and put at the end of a subst. comp. :satta manussa- satani, “700 men”, 27,13 (for more exx, see puiicasata); cp. sattamacca- satinuga (v. anuga) 110,23; 4) at the beg. of comp. : sata-sahassa, x. “100,000”, 23,8; pl. wadni, 109,29; comp. *°-agghanaka, mfn. & *°-uttha- na, mfn. (q. v.); — *satarhsamam, (“for a hundred years”) Dh. 106, may be adv, with th inserted (Fsb.), if not an old error for satam sama (?), v. sama. — cp. satika, satima. sata®*, mfn., (sa. smrta) recollecting, conscious, thoughtful, attentive; m. ~0,' 78,35 (synon. sampajana); gen. pl. ~anam, Dh, 293; *saddsata, mfn, satatam “always reflecting’, Dh. 350. cp. sati?, sarati. satatam, adv, (= sa.) continually, constantly; v, satacca & satatika. satapatta, . (sa. catapattra) a woodpecker; nom. ~0, 11,25. sati, part. .loc., v. sat (atthi). sati®, f. (sa. smrti) recollection, thoughtfulness, attention, thinking of; nom. ~i, 103,22. Dh. 293; acc. wim, 104,7; ~im karoti, to think of (gen.) 63,18; marana-°, f. 86,20 (g. v.); sam- ma-°, f. right recollection, 67,5; *sati- patthaina, n. (cp. Buddh, sa. smrty- upasthana & upatthina above) fixing the.attention, earnest meditation (being fourfold, viz, meditation on the evils of body, sensation, mind, and existence, Childers); loc. pl. ~wesu (catiisu) 91,7. ep. sat-mat & sarati. Ssatika, mfn. (sa. gatika) contai- ning or concerning a hundred (only é. ¢.); ti-yojana-°, & diyaddha-yoja- na-°, mfn. (v. h.). *satima, mfn. (cp. sa. catatama) the 100; pajica-°, v. paiica-sata. satimat, m/n. (sa. smrtimat) full uf attention, whose thcughts are well collected; nom. m. ~ma, 109,18, Dh. 479; gen. wmato, 104,12. Dh. 24 (metri causa; sati-°); pl. ~manto, Dh, 91 (do.); gen. pl. ~iwatath, Dh. 181 (do.). satta!, wfn, (pp. sajjati; sa. sakta) achering or atteched to; hence °-sat- ‘aka, mfn. (e. ¢.) id.; m. pl. wa (saii- flojana-safiga-°, “held in fetters and bonds”) Dh, 342; ep. a-satta. satta’, m (k n.) (sa, sativa) a living being, creature, mortal, person; non. ~0, 86,7. 89.1. 113,9; gen. ~wassa, 103,94; pl. NG, 17,95. 27,14. 62,25. Dh. 316, ace, we (sabba-°) 38,16; gen. ~idinam, 2,6, 64,33 (imesam); nerayi- ka~®, Bodhi-®, Maha-° (w% h.); - *sattavasa, m. pl. (v. avasa); *sutti- paladdin, f. human knowledge, imper- fect understanding, or: false opinion con- cerning the real existence of ‘satta’ (?) 254 (ep, Mil. 268. SBE, XXXVI. 103); loc. ~iyamn (thatva) 9],15-82. satta’, num. (sa. sapta) seven; nom, & acc. satta, 14,28. 25,20. 82,11. 91,8; 109,2 (satt’); instr. ~ahi, 28,28; loc. wasu, 50,38; comp. °-attha (v. h.), seven or eight, 35,1; sattaharh, seven days (v. aha), 23,16; °-dvara-kotthaka, mfn. (q.v.); -bhimaka, mfn. (q. " ®-yojanika, mfn. (qg. v.); -ratana (@. v.); sata, n. ‘700’ (v. h.). cp. satta- ma, etc. Sattapanna-guha, nom, pr. of a cave near Rajagaha, prob. incorrect spelling instead of sattapanni-guha, f. (sa. *saptaparni-°, ep, Vio. III, p. 287,17); loc. we, 109,31. sattama, mfn. (sa. saptama) the seventh; loc. m. ~e (divase) 23,10-18; f. ~1, 103,38; comp. °-divasato, 61,3. sattarasa, mum. (sa. saptadaca) ‘17’; sattarasama. mfn. (sa. sapta- dagama) the 17; Db. XVII, ep. dasa. sattavasa, v. satta®, sattaham, wv. satta’ satti, f. (sa. gakti; ep. gastri) 1) power, energy; *) aspear; 6,12 (asi-°); 5) a hunting knife; ace. with, 12,8. “sattuipaladdhi, f, ». satta’ sattha!, m. (sa, castra) a weapon; a-sattha, mfn. (g. v.). sattha?, m. (sa, sirtha) a caravan, troop, company; v. *appa-sattha. satthar, m. (sa, cast) a teacher, esp. nom, pr. of Buddha (“the master”); nom, ~a (teacher) 79,4; 28,8 Beldtay acc. ~arath, 28,10; instr, ward, 73,97; gen. *) ~u (siisane) 69,14; >) wuno, 78,31, 86,6. 110,5; loc. wari, 84,26; — comp, Satthu-°, »v. kappa, m/fn.; °-garava, m. 4 °-vannita, mfnj°— *°vadhaka, mfn. having murderous intent against the Master, m, ~0, 108,27; *°-sasana, m. the doctrine of the Master, 109,33 (navaiga, q. 0.). cp. satthuka, gatthi, ». (sa. sakthi) the thigh or thigh-bone; mom. wi (bhaggarir) 80,17. , 265 °satthuka, mfn.e,c. (sa. gastrka), v, atita-°, . *sadattha-pasuta, mfn. (fr. sa4 + attha! with ‘a’ inserted) intent upon one’s own aim or sake; m, ~0, Dh. 166. cp. atta-d-attha, sada, adv. (= sa.) always, ever; 109,27, Db. 30, 79. 206, 226, 296: comp. *sadasata, mfn., v. sata?, sadisa, m/fn. (sa, sadyca) like, simi- lar (w. gen., or instr., or both); Tatha- gatassa panfdya aiiio sadiso n’atthi, 91,94; acc, m. wath (attano) Dh, 61; wost frequently ec. mfn., e.g. puppha= kunnika-°, 7,39; loha-nigala-°, 11,39; mani-gula-°, 18,7; etc. ete.; eka-sadisu, mfn, identical, pl. ~a, 49,8; purima-®, mfn, “as above”, nm. warm, 31,98; comp. w. a past part. : pavittha-sadiso ahosi, “seemed to enter”, 61,21 (cp, pubba); *0_rasa, mfn. (q. v.). sadda, m. (sa. gabda) a sound, tone, nuise; voice, cry; a word; nom. ~0, 97,30. 112,16; 98,30 (~ ratho iti, the word ratha); 23,33 (paridevana-®, madhuragita-°); kim-saddo, 60,9. 112,8 (v. kim"); acc. wam, 31,4. 53,16; 40,10 (akamsu); 89,6 (do.); 59,4 (ka- Jaha-°); 112,7 (turiya-°); instr. wena. 11,81. 16,31; 18,17-18 (acchara-°, pani- ppahara-°); pl, ~a, 70,31; loc. pl, ~esu. 71,8. — cp. nissadda, m/fn. saddahati (& wati), vb. (sa. grad-ydha) to believe (w. gen. pers. & acc. rei); pr, 2. pl. ~atha (sarassa atthibhavath mayham) 4,13; port. ace. m. pl. ~wante (maybamh) 4,12; aor, 3. sg. saddahi, 74,14; ger. witva, 1,18 tama); 4,14 (tassa); a-saddahitva pean 49,0; — caus, saddahapeti (sa. graddhapayati) to make one be- lieve (acc.); fut. 1, sg. wessami (tumhe) 51,10. cp. saddha (& saddha). saddha, mfn. (sa. griddha) faith- ful, believing; m. ~0, Dh. 303; acc. walh, 28,3. Dh, 8; m. pl. wa, 76,39; a-ssaddha, v. saddha. sad-dhamma, m, (sa. sad-dhar- ma) the sacred doctrine, the true law or faith; acc, wath, 107,10 = Dh, 60. santati 38; 110,13 abl, wa, Dh. 364; loc. we, 109,21; pl. ~a, 110,4; a-saddhamma, m., v. a-sat; °-desana, f. Dh. 194; %savana, n. Dh. 182. saddha, f. (sa. graddha) faith, religious belief; nom. ~a, 103,16. Dh. 333; instr, ~aya, Dh. 144; gen, raya, 29,10; yatha-saddham, adv, (v. yatha); a-ssaddha, mfn. v. h. suddhizh, adv, & prp. (sa. sadhbri, ep. sadhryac, Tr.) along, together ; with, together with, accompanied by (to. instr. before or after, sometimes w. gen, or other cases); pasanena ~ kathento, 3,6; maya a, 4,13; 15,13. 61,10. 70,91. 72,88; ~migehi. 8,12; ~ bhikkhu-samghenu, 78,4. cp. neat. [Childers takes it = sa, sardham, but see Pischel, Gr. § 103.] *saddhith-cara, mfn. walking together with; acc, m, ~am (sahayath). Dh, 328. ‘8 *saddhi-viharika, m. (cp. Buddh. sa. sirdham-viharin) Zit, ‘living in the same vihdra’, i. e, the famulus of a thera, a pupil, disciple; instr, wena, 82,16. cp, saddhirhn above. sanantana, mfn, (sa. sanatana), eternal, permanent; ™. ~0 nea 106,34 = Dh. 65. sanikam, v. sanikam. santa}, mfn. (sa. canta, pp. Ygam, cp. sammati) appeased, pacified, tran- quil; », wam, f. ~a, Dh, 96; comp, *0_-kaya, “*°-vaca, mfn, Dh. 378 (v. kaya & vaca); *°-citta, mfn, tranquil- minded, Dh, 373. cp. santavat, mfn. santa?, mfn, (sa. Granta, pp.\/gram) tired, fatigued; gen. m, ~wassa, 107,» = Dh. 60, santa’, mfn. (part., sa. sat) being,. existing, true, good; v. sat & atthi, “santaka, mfn. (fr. santa®) be- longing to, dependent, due to (gen. or é. ¢.); ”. wath (tassa) 710; mama ~ (my property) 57,27; kula-°, mfn. q. v.); para, mfn, (v. corrections);. cp. a-santa. santati, f. (= sa.) continuity,. succession, series; v, dhamma-°. santappeti saniappei, vd, (caus, sar-y/trp, sa, santarpayati) to sstiefy, gladden (acc, & instr.); aor, 3, 8g. wesi, 61,28; pp. santappita, gen. pl. wanath (sab- bakameht) 61,29. santara, mfn. (sa. santara, fr. sa) -+- antara) having interval or any- thing within; *®-bahirarh, adv, within and without, Da. 315 (guttath ~). *santavat, mfn. (fr. santa}, Vcam) tranquil; m. .¥%, Da, 378. santasati, v0.. (sa, sam-ytras) to tremble (with fear); pr. 3. pl. want, 86,22. cp. next & santasa. *santusana, m. (nom. act, fr. last) trembling, v. a-Santasana. santanaka; n. (= sa.) anything spreading, e. g, membrane, film, cream, tissue of roots, etc.; a cobweb (cp. sa, santanika, f.); nom. wat, 84,18, santasa, m. (sa. santraisa) trem- bling, fear; *°-ppatta, m/fn. frightened, m. pl, wa, 86,19; cp. a-santiisin. santi', f. (sa. ganti) tranquillity, peace; enternal rest, Nibbana; ace. ~im, 80,33. 110,18; *°-magga, m. the 256 pp. sam-ytush) contented, pleased; m. ~0, Db, 362. santo, pl. m, v. sat. santhata, mfn. (pp. santharati, sath-str; sa. sarhstrta) strewn, co- vered; subst. (n.) a cover, couch; comp. dhamani-°, mfn. (q. ¥.). santhana, n. (sa. granthana, y¢rath) the being loosened or removed ; salla-°, Db, 275 (v. h.). santhambhati, vb. (sa. sam- ystambh) to stand firm, take courage, restrain oneself; inf. witum, 34,10. santhava, m, (sa. satistava) ac- quaintance, familiarity, intimacy; ace. wam (sabbhi kubbetha) 29,12; Dh, 27 (kama-rati-°, q. v.). sandasseti, vb. (caus. sam-v/dre, sa. sandarcayati) to enlighten, instruct (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. weti, 71,22; aor, 3. sg. ~esi, 77,25; ger. ~etva, 78,29; pp. m. ~ito, 77,37. sandahati, vb. (sa. sam-ydha) | 1) trans. to put together, unite, recon- road of peace, Dh. 285; *°-para, mfn. — (v. para), santi®, pr. 5. pl., v. atthi, (*santika, mfn., near, proximate; prob, fr. sa’ + antika); several cases from this stem are used as adv., or prp. w. gen. or e. c. (cp. sa, antikam, etc.): 1) santikaih, near; to the presence of, to; la (gantva); tw. gen. 3,16 7,30, 15,16. 24,30, 38,30. 73,14, 87,93; *) santika, from; 6,36, 48,20. 114,4 (1. g2n.j; *) santike, near; in'the presence or vicinity of, by, with, before, among; comp. dhana-santike, 33,26; susana-°, 56,10, nibbana®-, Dh. 372; santike may also be used in the sense of san- tika : 70,15. 109,23; 109,28 (agga-san- tike), or of santikam: 81,11. Dh, 237, santitthati, v. santhati. santutthi, f. (sa. sari-tushti) satisfaction, contentment; om, Dh. 204, 375, santusita, mfn. (= santuttha, ai, cile; to direct, level, aim; to think on, comprehend, understand; #) intr. (cp. pati-sandahati) : to stand, be the case (‘sich verhalten’), or : to take _ place, arise (?), or: to be comprehen- ded (in a certain way?); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (dhamma-santati, q. v.) 99,95; (apubbam acarimam viya) 99,26 (v. a-pubba); - ger. sandhaya (gq. v.); pp. samhita (q. v.); ep. sandhi. sandina, n. 8a.) a rope, bond, fetter; ace. war, Dh. 398. sandeha, m, (= sa.) ') conglo- meration (of material elements); nom. / ~0 (puti-®, ¢. v,) 107,8 = Dh, 148; -4,17, 17,1, 32,12. 37,14, 103,5 (ww. gen.); — ~- *) doubt, uncertainty; acc, wam (janassa) 110,16. sandhaya, indecl. (ger. sandahati, q.v.) 1) ger. directing; dhanum a, 111,22 (“bending or seizing his bow”); *) prp. w. acc, towards, in that direc- tion or meaning, with reference to, concerning; sariram ~, 85,39. sandhavati, vb. (sa, sati-V/dhiv) to run through (acc.); cond. 1. sg. ~issath (anekajati-samsaram) Db. 257 163 (in the sense of a futurum in pre- terito: “I should run through”, like adhigacchissam, 104,13 (q. v.), ep. SBE. X. p. 43; Tr. PM. 56; Childers, JRAS, V. og p. 222). sandhi, m, (= sa.) 1) junction, union, agreement; joint; *) interval, crevice, hole; acc, ~ith (pakara-°, g. v.) 90,84, 91,28-29; *aloka-°, m. (v, h.). - sandhi-ccheda, mfn. cutting over the ties, or making hole; m, a hole or breach in a wall; Dh, 97, ~o (naro). sanna, mfn. (pp. sidati; = sa.; ep. nisinna) set down, sunk down (into, loc.); m. wo (pathke) Dh, 327. sannaddha, mfn. (pp. fr. neat; = sa.) armed, mailed; m. ~0 (kha: ttiyo) 107,94 = Dh, 387. sannayhati, vb. (sa, sam-\/nah) to bind, put on, gird on (weapons, acc.); ger. ~itva (khaggam) 33,39, 41,19; (dhanukalapath) 75,16; pp. san- naddha (q. v.). sannicaya, m, (= sa.) gathering, heaping together, accumulation (of pro- visions); nom. ~0, Dh, 92. *sannitthana, m, (sa, *sath- nishthdna) resolution, determination, conviction; acc. ~am (katva) 43,37. sannipatati, vb. (sa, sam-ni- y/pat) to come together, assemble; aor. 8, sg. sannipati, 17,33; 3. pl. ~wimsu, 10,7; ger. witva, 10,25. 72,39; pp. sannipatita, loc. m, we, 18,19; m, pl. ~H, 31,22; caus., v. below; ep. next, sannipata, m, (= sa.) union, collection, assembly; acc. wath (ak- kharinam) Dh, 352; loc, ~amhi (devata-°) 110,30. ; sannipateti, vb. (caus. sanni- patati) to collect, call together, as- semble (acc.); ger. wetva, 6,2; caus. II. *sannipatapeti, id.; aor. 3. 8g. ~esi, 10,6; ger. wetva, 8,5, 42,3. °sannibha, mfn. (e. c. = 8a.) like, similar; m, ~o (uttatta-kana- ka-°) 85,7. ba sannivasa, m (= m living together, company with (gen.); nom. Pali Glossary. sabbanau ~0, Dh, 206; instr. wena (satam) 29,13; 37,35. — *loka-°, m. the society of men, all the world,- nom, ~o (sa- kalo) 16,18. sannisinna, mfn, (sa, sarb-ni- shanna, sad) sitting together; m. pl, ~a, 29,31. sannissita, mfn. (Buddh, sa. sali-ni-crita) connected with; acc, m, wath (vaciduccarita-°) 86,8. sanneti, vb. (sa, sarh-V/ni) to mix, knead (acc.); grd. wetabba, ». wath (cunnam) 83,97, sapatha, m., (sa, capatha) an oath; acc, wath (katva) 41,36; (yakkhim akirayi, “made her take an oath’’) 111,39. sappa, m. (sa, sarpa) a snake, serpent; nom. ~0, 62,17; acc, wat (udaka-°) 52,38. sappi, . (& m.?) (sa. sarpis) clarified butter, ghee; dvandva comp. %madhu-®, 61,26, sappurisa, m. (sa, satpurusha; cp. sat) a good man; nom, wo, Dh, 54; acc, ~am, Dh. 208. sabba, mfn. (sa. sarva) whole, entire, all, every; m. ~0, 85,6; 90,22 (loko, ‘all men’); acc. wath, 4,16; f. ~a (nadi) 48,6; . ~am, everything, 55,19; 70,24 (Adittam); 96,15 (~atthi); 20,5, 31,28 (‘the whole story’); pl. m, we, 3,24; f. ~3, 66,21 (mom.); 85,4 (acc.); instr, ~ehi, 11,10; 70,39; gen. wesam, 11,3. 114,28; most frequently at the beg. of subst. comp. : 4,24. 7,33, 10,6, etc. etc.; sabbafiga-°, ». afiga; °-gandhapana, v. apana; °-loka, v, abhibhii, adhipacca, hita; sabbalam- kara-°, v. alarhkara; sabbakara-°, v, akara; sabbabharana-®, v. abharana; sabbitthiyo, v. itthi; ep. next etc, ete, . *sabba-cetaso, adv., v. cetas. *sabbaijaha, m/fn. (sa. *sarvam- jaha; cp. jahati) ‘having left all’, m, ~0, Dh. 353. sabbafiiu, m. (sa. ia ot om- niscient (said of a Buddha); hence *sabbafiuta, 7, omniscience; instr, ewaya (Satthu) 110,14. 17 sabbato sabbato, adv. (sa. sarvatas) from all sides, entirely; *°-bhagena, adv. on every side, 27,3-3 (cp. bhaga). sabbattha, adv. (sa, sarvatra) everywhere; Dn, 83, 193. 348, 361. sabbada, adv. (sa, sarvadi) al- ways; at any rate; 108,85; Dh. 207; 340 (v. l. sabbadhi, ‘everywhere’, ‘in every direction’), *sabbadhi, adv, (fr. sa. “sarva- dha (= vicvadha), Weber, Ind, Str, III, 392; cp, satvadry-ajic) on all sides, in every respect; Dh, 90; 340 v1). *sabba-bhasa, mfn. (cp. bhasi, f.) speaking all ‘sanguayes; gen, pl. ~Gnai (sattinad, “all people of different tongues”) 1)4,39. *sabbavidu, mfx. (ep. vidu, vidi; sa, gurva-vid) all knowing; m AU Cham asmi) Dh, 353, *subbo-samukkamsika, mfn, ov. siumukkassike, sabba-seta, mfn, (sa, sarva- yet) white all over; m. w0, 21.s4, sabbaso, adv. (sa. sarvacas) wholly, entirely. at sil, at any rate, always (w. negation: not at all, never); O4yon, WAyso. VU,on Tddyey Dh, Ys, 867. 414. sabba-sovanna, mfn, (sa, sarva- sauvarna) entirely of gold, yolden ali over; m. wO (Kiyo) 84,90, 85,46, subbabhibhii, m(fn), (sa. sarva- bhibhi) who has conquered all; Dh, 353. sabbha, mfn. (sa. sabhya) polite, honorable; v. a-salbha. i sabbhi, wv. sat. sabhi, f. (= 8a.) an assembly or meoting; a large rcom or hall; dliam- ma-?, f. (q. ¥.). " sabhaiga, mfn., v. sa‘. sabhava, m, (sa, sva-bhéva) na- tural state or disposition, nature; comp, *vsiuntisinn-% mfr, (v. oexontasana). Kiumivt, m, (se, Gum) tranquillity, equanimity, absence of pussion; ace, wath carati, to lead a life of tranquil- lity, 7,2c, Dh, 142 (in this construction 258 difficult to be distinguished from sama’, m.); “suma-cariya, /. the living in tranquillity; ~2, instr. (shortened of maya) Dh, 388. ep. samatha, sam- mati, ete. sama?, mn, (= 8a.) *) like, equal to (gen. or e, c.); m. wo (me saccena) 108,81; pl, wi (bhavanti) 74,3; °-vi- bhatta, n. (g.v.); gopanasi-bhogga-°, 47,22 (gq. v.); dosa-°, raga-°, mfn. Dh, 202; pathavi-°, Db, 95; — >) even; acc, m. waih (maggam karetva) 62,9; — °) just, impartial; m. subst. impar- tiallity, justice (synon, dhamma); instr. ~ena (nayati pare) Dh, 257; dham- mena nena, 42,20 (cp. sama!). ep. sama, f. & samana, m/fn. samagga, mfn. (sa. samagra) 1) all, entire; *) agreeing, harmonious, acc. m. pl. we (savake) 108,20; gen. pl. wiinam, Dh, 194; *-visa, m. living together in unity & harmony, acc. amit (vasunto, titya suddhinh) 68,25; doe. we, 46,17. cp. samaggi. sainafigin, mfn. (= sa.) & “sas mafigi-bhiita, mfn, endowed with, pos- sensed of (énstr.), gen m, wbhiitassa (kitmagunehi) 67a suman, f. (sa. Bamijhd) name, appellation, term; nom, wa, 97,1. saniana, m. (sa. Cramana) an ascetic, mendicant monk, esp, (by non- Buddhists) said of the Buddhist men- dicants & even of Buddha himself, but also of the monks of other sects; som. ~o (Gotamo) 71,25, 110.5; Dh, 265. 388 (false etymology ! samitattad, sa- macariyd, v. h.); Dh. 254-55 (n’atthi biihiro, v. ty gen. pl. with (Sakya- puttiyiini) 73,90; — comp, *%dhuame ma, wt. the ascetic duties, ace, wath, 15,12. 45,7; paccha-°, m. (g. v.); mas ha-°, m, the great S. (i, ¢, Gotama Buddha) 76,31; dvandva comp. °-brith- mani, m pl. 1041; acc, we, 19,2. cp. mune, suMmaner, samatikkanta, mfn, (pp. sam- ati-kkamati; sa. V~kram, samatikran- ta) transgressed, surpassed, overcome; 259 e.c. free from : *papaiica-°, Dh, 195 (q. v.) cp. next, samatikkama, m, (su. samati- krama) transgressing, surpassing, over- coming; dat, ~nAaya (soka-parideva- bath) 90,17, *samativijjhati, vb. (sa. *sam- ati-/vyadh) to pierce or break through, penetrate (acc.); pr. 3. sg. wati (aga- ram vutthi) 106,s1 = Dh, 14, Samattha, mfn, (sa, samartha) able to, capable of (inf.); venturing (do.); knowing to behave, or capable of finding a way; m. ~0 (jale pi thale pi) 4,14; 27,16, 35,19. (tw. inf); no n'ahosi (do, ‘did not venture’) 40,2; fi wa, B71; pl. wi, 39,12, cp, sam- atthiya, samatha, m. (sa. camatha) = sama’; acc. vam (gataui, “subdued”) Dh, 94, samanantara, mfn, (= sa.) im- mediately following; wa, adv, (cp. sa. samanantarami) immediately after, 80,18. samanta, mfn. (= sa.) being on every side, whole, entire; abl. adv, ®) ~i, on all sides, around, completely; 38,2; 90,33 (w. gen., nagarassa); 104,3; b) wato, id.; 63,23. 85,8. cp. simanta. samannigata, mfn, (sa. saman- vagata) attended by, endowed with, possessed of (instr, or ¢.c.); m. ~0 (dhammehi) 3,24; (dasahi afigehi) 82,14; 85,19, 91,26-27; f. pl. wa (asad- dhamma-°) 51,6, *samannaharati, vb. (sa, *sam- anu-d-vVhr) to direct one’s whole at- tention to (ace.); ger. witva (sabba- cetaso, “seizing upon it with their whole minds”) 71,94, samappita, mfn. (pp. fr. next; 8a, samarpita) delivered over to (loc.); endowed with (instr, or e.c.); m. pl. wa (nirayamhi) 108,7 = Dh, 315; gen. m. ~assa (kamagunehi) 67,25; comp. yaso-bhoga-°, mfn, Dh. 303. samappeti, vb. (sa. samarpayati, caus. sam-yf) to deliver over, consign samidina (ace. & gen.); aor, 3. sg. ~appayi, 110,27. Samaya, m. (= sa.) 1) time, oc- casion, season; nom. ~o (pabbajja-°) 45,12; acc, wath (ekath, “once”) 66,23, 71,20; pacctisa-° (“at dawn’) 68,9; pubbanha-°, 76,15; majjhantika-°, 97,34; instr. wena. (tena) 6,32, 71,21, 74,17; aparena a, “afterwa:,'s’, 95,93, 101,16; loc. ~e (ekasmim, ouce upon a time) 30,28; tasmith ~, 40,30, 62,10; addharatta-°, “at midnight”, 40,8; nidagha-®, 3,32; sdyanha-°, 2,33; 14,11. ~ *) view, doctrine, system, religious persuasion; *samma-vilihata-°, m/fn, 113, (v. viiiata), samalamkata, mfn. (sa. sam- alaihkyta) well adorned, decorated; m. wam -(vitana-4, gv.) 112,s, samassattha, mfn, (sa. sama- Gvasta, pp. sam-a-\/¢vas) revived, recovered; °-kile, when he was re- covered, 20,7. cp. neat. samassaseti, vb. (caus, sam-d- VGvas) to reanimate, comfort (acc.); imp. 2, sg. wehi (nam) 46,11; aor, 3. sg. ~esi, 46,12; ger, wetva, 1,1. 57,36. 89,19. sama, f. (= sa.) a year (= vasso); satarh-samam, Dh. 106 (v. sata?), samagacchati, vb. (sa. sam-d- Vgan) to come together, assemble, arrive; w. instr, to meet with, to be united with, cling to; aor, 2. sg, ~ganchi (piyehi) 106,25 == Dh, 210; ger. ~gantvd, 10,7. 75,36; pp. wgata, m., ~0, 110,09; pl. w2, 108,3, 109,9, cp, next, samigama, m. (= sa.) coming together, meeting with; assembly; non. ~w0, 20,90, 112,16. Db. 207, samaidapeti, vb. (caus, sama- diyati; sa. samadapayati) to incite,. arouse (acc.); pr. 3. 8g. weti, 71,99; aor, 3. 8g. ~wesi, 77,95; ger. wetva, 78,99; pp. m. wito, 77,27. samadana, n. (= sa.) taking upon oneself, undertaking; a vow; ’ 17* eamBdiyatl miccha-ditthi-°, mfn, “embracing falee doctrines”, pl. ~8, Dh, 316. samadiyati, vb. (sa, sam-d-//da, ep. idiyati) to take upon oneself, adopt (ace.); ger. ®) ~adaya (vissath dham- mat) 106,s = Dh, 266; >) wadiy- itva (silam) 14,18; caus. samadapeti (q. ¥.); samadana, ”., v above. samadhi, m. (= sa.) tranquillity ‘of mind, meditation, self-concentration, the highest stage of jhana (q. v.); nom, ~i, 103,22; samma-°, 67,5 (right meditation); acc, wim (adhigacchati) Dh, 249. 365; instr. ~ina, Dh. 144; comp. *°-jhana, n, 109,21. samana!, mfn. (= sa.) like, equal; same, alike; comp, *samana-baladi- padesa, mfn., 43,31 (v. padesa); *0-vaya-bhiva, mfn, 43,20 (v. vaya’); *O.vasa, mfn. dwelling with equals, m. ~0, 104,21; *°-samvasa, m. the dwelling together with equals (family- life), nom. wo, Dh. 302 (2. ed. [a]- samana-vaso ?); *manussa-samana- sarira, mfn, wits body like men, m, pl. ~& (macch2) 25,23, cp. sama, samaniya. *samina®, mfn. (part. med. fr. atthi) being (pleonast. added mostly to past part., or sometimes to adj.); m, ~0 (puttho) £0,4; (vutto) 98,16; (andho) 25,15; acc, pl. m. ~e (matte) 59,26, cp. Pischel, Gr. § 561, *saminiya, mfn. (fr. samina}, cp. $a, samiinyd, adv.) joined, assem- bled; m. pl. ~@ (putta me, “my children are all about me”) 106,5, samaneti, vt, (sa, sam-d-y/ni) to collect, assemble (ace.); ger. wetva (sarigham) 114,7. samipajjati, vb. (sa, sam-d- /pad) to attain, arrive to, enter into (acc.); aor. 3. sg. ~pajji (catuttha- jjhdnars) 80,5, cp. next ete. samapatti, f. (= sa.) ‘attain. ment’, one of the eight successive states of the ecstatic meditation; abl. riya (akdsinaficayatana-, 7. ».) 80,6, ete, samaipanna, mfn. (pp, sama- pajjati; == sa.) arrived to, entered 260 into (oes or ¢.c.); m. ~0, 80,19; icchad-lobha-®, Dh. 264. samaraddha, m/fn, (sa. sama- rabdha) uodertaken, begun; eu-°, m/n, Dh. 293 (g.2.). [samasati], ob. (sa, sam-vas) to sit together, associate with (énstr.); pot, 3. sg. med, samasetha (sabbhir eva) 29,12. samasato, adv. (abl. samasa, m. abridgement; sa. samasatas) concisely, briefly, in an abridged form, 114,12. samahita, mfn. (= 8a.) put to- gether, collected, composed, €. ¢, fur- nished with; m. ~0, Dh, 362 (col- lected in mind); *pafifia-sila-°, mfn. Dh, 229 (q. v.); a-samahita, su-sama- hita, mfn., v, a-°, su-% samijjhati, »b. (sa. sam-\/rdh) to prosper, succeed, flourish, ripen; pr. 3, 8g. ~ati (viriya-phalarh) 42,14-19. cp. samiddhi. “samifjati, vb. (a secondary for- mation of sam-v/ifig) to tremble, falter; pr. 3. pl, wanti, 106,29 == Dh. 81. (cp. Weber, Ind. Str. IIT, 397; Ol- denberg, KZ, XXV (1881) 324.) *samitatta, m (fr. samita, pp. sameti; sa. *camita-tva) the being appeased or quieted; abl. wa (papa- nam) Dh. 265. samiti, f. (= sa.) coming together, ne battle, war; acc, wim, Dh, 321, samiddhi, f. (sa. sampddhi) euc- cess, increase, perfection, welfare; ace. im (attano) Dh, 84, Samipa, mn. (= sa.) nearness, proximity; only used adverbially in oblique cases: ‘near’, ‘in the vicinity’, ‘towards’ tree €. ¢.)} acc. wath, 56,10; 8,24 (khetta-°); 65,14 (dvara-°); instr. ~ena, 49,3 (apana-°); loc. we, 44,29; 2l,18 (nagara-°); 73,20 (gan- dhakuti-°) ; 84,31 (Rajagaha-°); ekas- inl gama-samipe, in the vicinity of a rertain village, 33,23; ~amhi (Bodhi- manda-°) 113,2; — samipa-ttha, m/fn., standing near; acc. m. wath, 110,21. samirati, vb. (pass, sam-yir, 261 prob. contraction of *samiriyati) to be moved or shaken; pr. 8. sg, wati (vatena) 106,: = Dh. 81, samukkamsati, vd, (sa, sam- ut-ykrsh) to elevate, praise, extol (acc.); pot, 3. sg. ~kathse (attanath) 103,30. cp. simukkamnsika. samugga, m, (sa, samudga) a box, casket; acc. warn (catujati-gan- dha-°) 41,5; loc. wo (suvanna-°) 41,6, samucchinna, mfn, (= sa.; pp. samucchindati) uprooted, destroyed ; m wath, Dh. 250 = 263, samutthana, n. (sa, samutthina) rise, origin; *ajjhatta-°, & *bahid- dha-°, mfn. (v. h.). *samutthapana, m. (nom. act, fr. next) the causing to rise or start: katha-°, 64,10 (°-attham, “for sake of starting talk”). samutthapeti, vb. (caus. sam- utthati, Ystha; sa. samutthdpayati) to cause to rise (acc.); aor. 3. sg. wesi (vatam) 19,15; 3. pl. wesum (katharh, “they discussed the matter”) 29,98, samutthita, mfn. (pp. samu- tthati, Ysthd; sa, samutthita) risen, sprung from; , ~amh (ayasa, v, ayas) 106,19 == Dh, 240. samuttejeti, vb. (caus, *sam- ut-ytij; Buddh. sa. samuttijayati) to incite, inflame (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~weti, 71s; aor. 3, sg. ~wesi, 77,25; ger. wetva, 78,22; pp. m. wito, 77,97. samudaya, m. (= sa.) rise, origin, cause; mom. wo (rupassa) 94,8; (du- kkha-kkhandassa) 66,12; *°-dhamma, mfn., subject to birth, 7. warh, 68,97 (opp. nirodha-dhamma); dukkha-®, m, the cause of suffering; ~am ariya- saccam, 67,12, cp. dukkha-nirodha. samudacarati, vb. (sa. sam-ud- a-\/car) to appear, behave; to follow, attack, treat, overcome; to speak to, address (acc.); pr. 3. pl. wanti (ai- fiamaiiiam avuso-vadena) 79,7; 96,30; grad. witabba, 79,7-10. samudahata,. mfn, (sa. samu- dabyta, br) mentioned, named; ace, m, pl. we (potthake) 114,17. samodhaneti samudda, m. (sa, samudra) the sea, ocean; nom. ~o (maha-°) 95,13; ace, wam, 20,19; gen. wassa, 2,11; loc. we (maha-°), 10,98; gen. pl, ~4naih (catunnam) 89,14; ku-samud- da, m., v. ku-; °-tira, n.; °-devata, f., %-pitthe & °-majjhe, Joc. (q. v.); dakkhina-°, m, & *pakati-°, m. (v. h.). samuppada, m. (sa, samutpaida) rise, origin; *dukkha-°, m. the origin of pain; ace, ~am, 107,19 = Dh, 191 (synon, dukkha-samudaya, 67,12); paticca-°, m. 66,5 (v. h.). samussaya, m. (sa. samucchraya) collection, accumulation, esp, the aggre- gation of the elements (mental and material) of a human being; existence, birth, body; nom. ~o (antimo, the last existence) 108,17; acc. warn, 80,23, cp. next, samussita, mfn. (pp. sam-ud- V¢ri; sa. samucchrita) collected, joined together; or, elevated, arrogant (?) Dh, 147. samuhata, mfn. (pp. fr. next; sa. samuddhata) done away, pulled out, extirpated; . wath (mulaghaccam) Dh, 250, *samuhanti, vb. (sa. *sam-ud- han) to lift up, throw away, abolish bce imp. 8, sg. wantu (sikkhapa- ini, sarngho) 79,12, pp., ». above, samuheti, vb, (caus, sam-Vuh; sa, samuhayati) to collect, assemble (ace.); ger. wetva (sarhgham) 114,13. samekkhati, vb. (sa, sam-yiksh) to investigate, examine, consider, pon- der (acc.); ger, samekkhiya (katha- maggam) 113,30. ° sameti!, vb. (sa, sam-yi) ‘to come together’, agree with (instr.); pr. 3. sg. ~eti (sutam ditthena) 54,15. sameti®, vb. (caus. sammati; sa. gamayati) to appease, quiet (acc.); pr, 8. sg. weti (papani) Db, 265; pp. samita, v. samitatta, 7. *samodhaneti, vb. (denom, fr. samodhana, sa. samavadhana) to put together, connect, compare; to enume- sampajina rate, calculate, sum up (acc.); aor. 3. sg. ~esi (jatakath, g. v.) 29,17. *“sampajaine., mfn, (numen agentis fr, sam-pra-vjf.2) conscious, selfpos- sessed; m, ~0, (8,98; gen, pl. wiinam, Dh, 293 (synon. sata®). sampajjati, vb. (sa. sam-ypad) 1) to prosper, svecaec; pr, 3. 8g. wati (takes root) 37,"; part, wanta, floue vishing, 102,7 (a-sampajjantesu, Joc. pl.); fut, 3. pi. wissanti (sassani) ib.; *) to become, turn into (nom.); pot. 3. sg. weyya (dadhi) 101,97; = pp. sampanna (4. ¥.), caus, sampa- deti (¢. v.), ep. sampatti. *sampaticchati, vb. (sa. sam- prati-;/ish) tc receive, accept; consent, agree to (acc.); aor. 3. sg. nicchi (sidhu'ti) 5,1, 6,29. 53,16; 46,15; 3. pl. xicchithsu (tam silam) 75,36; ger. ewicchitva, 1,18, 1414-20. 62,93; pp. ewicchits, 55,23 (loc. abs, tena we, when he had consented), sampatta, mfn. (sa. sam-pripta) reached, attained; who has reached, arrived, come to; m. nO (tw, ace, Mahaviharam) 114,83; . pl. wa (used as tempus finitum ‘came’) 20,13, 62,22; ace. pl. m. ne (yacake) 14,19; comp. °-niiva (a ship arrived there), 27,12 (ace. wath); °-parisi (the ase sembly preset there) 86,10(dat, ~aya), sampatti, f. (= sa.) success, prosperity; excellence, perfection; pleasure, bliss; magnificence, glory; nom, wi, 58,11; 42,10; acc. with, 4,18. 63,17; rupa-°, beauty, 19,11; dibba-°, divine bliss, 23,17. \ sumpanna, mfn, (= say pr sitmpijjuti) 4) complete, perfect, exe cellent; °-sassa, 2. excellent crops, 26,18; *°-vijja-carana, mfn. perfect in knowledge and behaviour, m. pl, wa, Dh, 144; *-sila, sfn. perfect in vir- tues, gen ph xfinai, Db, 675 anhe hatigue", mw/n, (vo, wfigu); = #) endowed with, possessed of, fulllof (aw, énsér, or more frequently ¢. c.); 1. ~0 (pha- larukkhehi) 2,20; comp, *thima-°, 1,3; pakka-phala-pindi-®, 2,1; khanti-me- 262 ttanuddaya-®, 7,12; And-°, 10,26; sara-°, 18,54; fiana-°, 24,14; danubbhava-, 35,29; sila-°, 41,35; sabba-lakkhana-°, 55,89; mala-gandha-vibhiti-°, 61,4; parideva-soka-°, 69,99; sila-dassana-°, Dh, 217 (v. h.). . sampayata, mfn, (sa, sampraya- ta) come together, having advanced towards; m, .0 (Yamassa santike) Dh. 237, sampayoga, m. (sa. samprayoga) joining, conjunction, connection (with, instr.); nom, wo (appiyehi) 67,9. [samparivatta, m.] (sa. sam- parivarta) turning or rolling round; only in comp, *°-sayin, mfn. “rolling oneself about’, nom. m. ~1, Db. 325. samparivareti, vb. (caus. sam- pari-\/vr) to surround (acc.); ger. wayitva (nam) 64,30. *sampavedhin, mfn, (fr. sam- pavedhati, to tremble, shake, swing to and fro; sa, sam-pra-\/vyath) shak- ing, trembling; only in comp, a-sam- pavedhin, mfn. (v. h,). sampassati, vb. (sa. sam-\/pac) to look upon, regard, consider (acc.); part. m. ~passamh (vipulam sukham) Dh, 290; part. med. m. ~passamano (ddinavatin) 93,2 (considering it dan- gerous), sampahamseti, vb. (sa. sam- praharshayati, caus. sam-pra-vhysh) to make glad (acc.); pr. 3. sg. weti (bhikkhii) 71,23; aor. 3. sg. wesi, 77,25; ger, ~wetva, 78,92; pp. wito, m, 77,97. sampideti, vb. (caus, sampajjati; 8d, sumpidayati) to bring about, pro- duce, supply, prepare (ace.); intr. to go to work, endeavour, strive; pr. 3. sg. ~weti (rathath) 98,17; imp. 2. pl. ~etha (appamidena) 80,2; ger. mwetvil, 6,4. 57,01; pp, sampadita, propurod, 41,9, Siumpipuniiti, vb, (sa, sumeprns yi) to reach, come to, arrive at acc.); aor, 3. sg. sampapuni, 29,25; 3, pl. withsu, 59,97, sampunna, mfn. (sa, sampirna) 263 complete, accomplished; *°-pada, m/n. complete up to the single words; 7. (adv.) ~am (correctly, perfectly) 113,7. samphassa, m. (sa. samnsparca) touch, contact; nom. wo (*cakkhu-°) 70,26; (*mano-°, g. v.) 70,33; ace, ~ath (hattha-°) 51,9. cp. vedayita, viiidna. samphusati, vb. (sa. saih-y/spr¢) to come in contact with, touch; suffer, endure (acc.); aor. 3, sg. ~usi (metri causa) 78,30 (abadham). sambandha, m, (= sa.) con- nexion, conjunction; relationship (with, instr.); abl. ~& (tena, on account of the relationship with him) 112,39, sambahula, mfn. (= sa.) nu- merous; instr, pl, wehi (bhikkhihi) 76,16. sambadha, m, (= sa.) a narrow place; press, crowd; *°-tthana, 2. the interstice between the legs, in the comp. pakata-bibhaccha-°, m/fn. having the loathsome parts of the body dis- closed, f. pl. wa, 65,8. *sambahati (& *sambaheti), vd, (sa, sam -+ y/vah (bah)) to rub (ace.); aor, 3. sg. ~bahi (paharam) 50,24. sambuddha, *) mfn (= sa.) awakened, clear in insight; mom. m, ~0, 80,233 gen. pl. ~anam, Dh. 181; *) m, a Buddha; gen, ~assa, 104,12; loc. we, 81,4; *°-mata, n. the doctrine of the Buddha, 114,19 (°-kovida); samma-°, m. the enlightened one, the supreme Buddha, instr. wena, 88,3; gen, ~assa, 81,5; Kassapa-°, 28,18 (q. v.). sambodhi, f. (= sa.) perfect knowledge, supreme wisdom (of a Buddha); dat. waya, 66,30. 93,8; *0-parayana, mfn, destined to obtain supreme wisdom, m. ~0, 79,34; *0-aii- ga, (m.) i. e, sambojjhaiga = bo- jjhafiga (q. v.); Db. 89 (loc, pl. wesu). sambhata, mfn, (sa. sam-bhrta) collected, produced, earned; gen. n, wassa (dhanassa) 52,5. sambhava, m. (= sa.) birth, sammatta origin; being, existence; mom. ~O *ati-°, existence) 17,28; instr. wena matu-kucchi-°, on account of the so- journ in the mother’s womb) 62,28; atta-°, & *matti-°, mfn. (q. v.). sambhara, m. (= sa.) bringing together; abl. ~a (aiiga-°, g. v.) 98,30, sambhuta, mfn. (= sa.) pro- duced, arisen, come into being; %. ~wam, 99,32. samma-, (q. v.). *samma, indecl., aterm of familiar address to inferiors or equals (not to women), sometimes also with plural ending (samma) : friend! my dear! [possibly some derivate from \/cam, or cam, indecl, (ved. sa.), cp. Gamya, cimya, etc., if not, after all, akin to samma, (v. below); it is by some con- sidered as related to sa. saumya; Faus- ball, Five Jat. p. 37, hesitatingly, refers to sa. carman; Pischel, KZ (BB.) I. p. 176, to sa. *camba]; 1,20. 6,23; w. foll. voc.: ~ kumbhila, 3,15; ~ mora, 10,1; ~ kappaka, 44,92. sammajjati, vb. (sa, sam-y/mr)) to sweep, cleanse, scrub (acc.); grd. m. ~witabbo (deso) 82,23; f. wa, 84,22; pp. v. nect, sammattha, mfn. (pp. samma- jjati; sa.sam-mrshta) cleansed, smooth; *0.nassa, mfn. well-formed, beautiful, ace. f. wath (kumarim) 47,19. sammata, mfn. (= sa.) *) con- sidered as, so called; sutta-°, 110,3; 9) elected, authorized; m. (& 7.?) a deputy; a select committee; *sarhgha-°, 109,5. sammati, vb. (sa. Vgam) to be- come quiet, appeased; to cease; to rest, dwell; pr. 3. sg. ~ati, Dh, 3; 390 (sammati-m-eva); 3. pl. anti (verani) 106,23-24 = Dh. 5; caus. sameti, pp. santa (g. v.) cp. sama, samatha, sammatta, mfn, (= sa.) inebri- ated, maddened, mad with joy, love &; m. pl. ~& (maccha&) 19,33; *putta- pasu-°, mfn, ove who is fully engaged shortened of samma ammad- . in taking care of his children and cattle, Dh. 287. sammad-, sandhi-form of samma (q. v.) ep. next ete. *samma-d-akkhata, mfn. (fr. sammai + akkhata; sa. *samyag- akhyata) well preached; loc. (dhamme) Db. 86. samma-d-aniid, f (sa. samyag- ijia) perfect knowledge; *°-vimutta, mfn. (v. aia) Dh. 57, 96. *samma-ppajana, mfn. (fr. samma + pajana, qg. v.) possessed of complete knowledge, m. ~o, Dh, 20. *“samma-ppania, f (fr. samma + panna, q. v.) complete knowledge, clear understanding, instr, waya, 107,18 = Dh. 190. 3ammasati, vd. (sa, sam-/mr¢) to take hold of,, grasp; to consider, reditate, perceive fully (aces) pr. 3, &g. wuti (kbandhanam udayavyayam) Dh, 374, gamma, indecl. (sa. samyak) com- pletely, wholly, truly, properly, duly, correctly, clearly; at the beg. of comp. it is shortened to samma-° before dceuble cons, (v. 3amma-ppajana, etc.), - and before vowels an euphonica) -d- generally is incerted {v, samma-d- akkhata, etc.); likewise before a foll, eva:samma-d-eva, 68,25; 8) beyond comp. : 24,32 (vaddhito); 82,16 (? sam- Ma-vattitabbam, v. samma-vattati below); 99,81 (vadeyya); 102,6-7 (vas- sati, sampajjissanti); Dh, 89 (subha- vitath); Dh, 373 (vipasgato); >) at the beg. of conip., ¥. separately. samma-ijiva, m, (sa, samyag- djiva) right living, 67,4, samma-kammanta, m, (sa.sam- yak-karmanta) right conduct, 67,4. sammi-ditthi, f. (sa. samyag- drsliti) right belief, 67,3, 96,5. *summa-panihita, mfn, 0 pa+ nihita. _*‘samma-parinaima, mm, % pa- rinima. samma-vattati, vb. (probably to be read in two words) to observe we 264 a right conduct (towards, loc.); grd. n. witabbarh, 82,16. ep. net. *sammae-vattana, f. right con- duct or behaviour; 82,17. samma-vaca, f. (sa, samyag- vac) right speech, 67,4. samma-vayama, m. (sa, sam- yag-vyayama) right endeavour, 67,5. *samma-vininata, mn. perfectly known or understood; °-samaya, mfn. having a perfect knowledge in religious doctrines, 113,4. samma-samkappa, m.(sa.sam- yak-samkalpa) right aspiration or re- solve, 67,4; *°-gocara, mfn. “following true desires” (opp. miccha-°) Dh, 12. samma-sati, f. (sa. samyak- smrti) right recollection, 67,5. samma-samadhi, m. (sa. sam- yak-°) right meditation, 67,5. samma-sambuddha, m. (sa. samyak-°) v. sambuddha. sammukha, mfn. (= 8a.) being face to face with (gen.); present; sui- table; m. pl. wa, 79,20; abl. (adv.) ~i (Bhagavato, in the presence of) 98,29; 109,21 (sutva, “having heard it from B, himself”); comp. *°-cinna, nm. a manifest suitable deed; instr. wena, 14,3, cp. next & samukha- vethita, 51,3 (v. sa-*). sammuti, f. (sa. sammati) custom, general or current opinion (or expres- sion), name, appellation, phrase; hoti satto’ti sammuti, 98,31: (“we use the phrase a living being’), sammodati, vb. (sa, sam-/mud) to exchange friendly greetings; aor. 3. sg. sammodi (Bhagavata saddhim) 89,20; part, med, ~ modamina, dwell- ing friendly and harmonious together, 16,19; grd. sammodaniya, in the phrase : sammodaniyam katham ete. 89,20, 93,241. 96,26 (v. vitisireti). ep. pati-sammodati. sammoha, m. (= 8a.) confusion; acc. ~amh (Apadii, v. apajjati) 94,22; dat, wiya (alam, g. v.) 94,24. saya, mfn. (sa. caya) lying, sleep- ing; v. guha-°, dari-% o 265 sayam, indecl. (sa. svayam) self, by one’s self, spontaneously; 7,3. 33,32. 46,16; sayam eva, 55,2. 85,38; sayam pl, 112,82; comp, °-kata, mfn. Dh, 347 (v. h.); °-jata, mfn. ‘self-born’, growing wild, 22,1 (°-sali). cp, samam, sayati, vb. v. seti, Sayana, m, (sa. gayana) lying, sleeping; bed, couch; ace, war, 112,9; instr, wena, 20,26, 61,10; Dh, 271 (vivicca-® g. v.); abl, wi, 41,97; (uecd- °-maha-°) 81,36; ~ato, 16,4 (dabba- tina-°); gen. wassa, 47,25; loc, we (pupphinam ammanamattena abhi- ppakinna-°) 65,30; 41,36 (maha-°) ep, siri-sayana; *°-gabbha, m. bed-cham- ber, 46,3; *°-gumba, m. 14,33 (0, &.); -pittha (gq. 0.) ep. next. Sayanasana, ., v. sendsana. sayani-ghara, n, (sa. cayana- grha, cp, gayaniya-grha) a bed-cham- ber; acc. wath, 52,92. sara’, m, (sa. cara) an arrow; acc, ~am, Dh, 320; pl, ~4, Dh. 304. sara’, m. n. (sa, sara & saras) a lake, pond; acc, wath, 4,13; 3,30 (paduma-°); gen. ~wassa, 4,12; loc, ~e, 3,32, 21,36 (Tambapanni-°); ~as- mim, 5,16 [Joc, also sarasi from saras]; °-tira, °-pariyanta (v. h.). sara’, m, (sa. svara) sound, voice, cry; acc, ~am (atikaruna-°) 27,14; (atta-ssaram, v. atta’) 40,21; (gita-°) 19,32; instr, ~ena (madhurena) 17,37; (madhura-ssarena) 5,20. 62,13; °-sam- panna, m/fn. having a melodious voice, m. ~o (moro) 18,34. saraka, m,n. (= sa.) a drinking vessel or cup; instr, ~ena (suvanna-°) 41ju. sarana, ”, (sa. garana) refuge; ace, ~am, Dh, 188; 192 = 107,21; am gacchati (upeti), to take refuge in (ace.) : 69,19. 105,24. 107,17 == Db. 190; pl. ~ani (tini = ratanani, »v. ratana) 28,25, sarati, vb. (sa. Vsmr) to remem- ber (acc. or gen.), to think of (with sorrow or regret); pr. 1. 8g. ~ami (att@namn) 27,22; an earlier furm of pr, sallipa 3. sg. sumarati is found Dh. 324 (w. gen. Nigavanassa); pp, v, sata?; cp, sati? & saraniya. sarabha, m. (sa. garabha) a kind of deer; *°-padaka, mfn. with legs of os deer, loc, ve (kaiicana-pallarake) 9 sarita, mfn, (= sa.; pp. ysr) moving, going, running; n, pl. ~wani (somanassani) Dh. 341 (“extrava- gant”), cp. sarin. sarira, ». (sa. garira) the body; nom, wath, 2,7; acc, wam, 1,6; 16,6 (saka-°); 57,99 (sakala-°); instr. wena, 89,9 (do.); abl. wa, 45,1; wato, 23,32; loc. we, 15,33; *-patijaggana, x., *0-bhafiga, m., *°-marasa, 1. (v, h.); *antima-°, mfn. (q. v.); *obhagga-°, mfn, one whose body is bent or crooked, 63,9; *manussa-samana-°, mfn. (q. v.); maha-°, mfn. having a great body, 1,3; cp. a-Sarira, mfn. salaka, f. (sa. calaiki) a small stick or twig, a piece or splint of bam- boo and the like, used as ticket or ballot (by casting of lots); v. kala-. kanni-°, 23,12. saliyatana, n. (sa, shad-dyata- na) the six organs of sense; nom. ~arh, 66,8; °-nirodha, m. 66,14 (gq. ¥.) ep. ayatana, salla, 2. (sa. galya) a stake or thorn, an arrow; a wound; nom. wal, 92,9; acc. wath (attano, metaph. of passions) 108,9; instr. wena, 92,7; pl. ~ani (*bhava-°, g.v.) Db. 351; *O_santhana, 7., “the removal of the thorns” (metaph.) Dh. 275. cp. neat, salla-katta, m. (sa. calya-karttr) & surgeon; acc. war, 92,8. sallakkheti, vb. (sa. sama-Vlaksh) to notice, observe, think of, consider (ace.); ger. ~wetva, 84,17; a-sallak- bhetva (tam karanam) 3,18; (w. gen. — 89,5. sallapati, vb. (sa. saia-Vlap) to talk together, converse, speak to, ad- dress; part. m. ~anto (tena saddhith) 13,94; f. wanti, 73,4. cp. next. sallapa, m, (sa, sathlapa) conver- eallina vation; allipa-°, m. id., ace. wath, 56,22; “katha-°, m, id., instr, wena, 94,22, sallina, mfn. (sa. sath-lina, pp. samevli) bent down, depressed; *a- sallina, mfn, (v. 4). savati, vb. (sa. sru) to flow, stream; pr, 3. pl. wanti (sota) Dh. 340; cp. savana®’, sota’, savana}, nm, (sa. gravana) hearing, learning; dhammia-°, sad-dhamma-°® (q. .); 8u-ssavana, ». (v. su-°), savana®, m, (sa, sravana) flowing, streaming; *manapa~°, mfn. (v. h.). savhaya, mfn. (e.c.) (fr. sa! -+ avhaya; sa. sahvaya) named, called; Ananda-®, m. ace. wath, 109,15. saga, m. (sa, cae a hare; nom. ~0, Dh, 342; *°-pandita, m. the wise hare, 1dj1a; *°-yoni, f. (g. v.); loc, wiyath (nibbattitva, having been born ag a hare) 14,8; *raja, m, (v, riijan); °-lakkhana, #, the sign of a hare, ace. wath, 16,16, sassa, n. (rarely m.) (sa, sasya or Gasya) corn, crop; nom. ~0, 26,20; acc. ~am, 8,5; 26,18 (Sampanna-%, q.v.); pl. sani, 7,35. 102,7; *°-kiraka- manussa, m. a husbandman, pl. wa, 8,7; *rakkhana, mn, protection of fields, 8,7 (°-attharh). sassata, mfn, (sa, cacvata) etere nal; m. a0 (loko) 89,24; a-sassato, &9,26 (q. v.); m. pl. wa (saikhara, n’atthi) Dh, 258, saha, prp. (= sa.) with, together with, simultaneously with (instr, or abl.); ~ khelena, 67,24; \ Brah- muna, Dh, 105; ~ parinibbanad (abl.) 60,19; cp. neat ete, saha-gata, mfn, (e.¢.; = 8a.) accompanied by; dukkha-°, mfn. 97,80; naidi-riga-", mfn. 67,15. “suhanukkama, mfn. (saha + anuklkama) toge‘her with all pertain. ig; 7. wath (sandinam) Dh. 398. *“saha-semana, mfn. (v. seti [sayati]) lying or reposing with; ace, f. ~am (yakkhinirih) 112,s, sahati, vb. (sa. sah) to overcome, 266 conquer; to bear, endure (acc.); pr. 3. sg. wati (metri causa) 107,81 = Dh. 335; port. m. a-sahanto (duk- kham) 32,s8; pot. 3, pl. ~weyyuli (vuttbith) 104,28; cp. sahasd, sahasa. Sahampati, m. (Buddh, sa, Sa- hapati) an epithet of Brahman (ep. SBE. XIII, p. 86); nom. Brahma, a, 80,21. sahasa, indecl. (= sa.) by vios lence; unexpectedly, inconsiderately; Dh, 256 (attharh naye); cp. a-saha- sena. sahassa, n. (sa. sahasra) a thou- sand (w. nom. [or gen.] pl. of the things numbered, or e. ¢.); mom. acc, sg. ~ath (datva, 1000 pieces of mo- ney) 37,10; (vaca, githa) Dh. 100. 101; purisa-°, 33,22, 34,9; ¢nstr, wena (at the rate of) 18,26; Db. 106; amacca-° (saddhith) 39,20; kahapana-° (do.) 57,52; bhikkhu-® (do.) 70,92; sahassazh sahassena manuse (ace, pl.) 1000 times 1000 men, 107,39 = Dh. 103; — comp, w, other numerals : sata-sahassam, 2. 23,3 (visam); pl. ~fni (cattari) 61,6; (satt’eva) 109,32; *O-agghanaka, mfn. (v. h.); catura- Siti-vassa-sahassani, 44,20; asiti-°, mfn., eighty thousands, m. pl. ~& (bhik- khii) 97,4; — at the beg. of comp.: *-kahapana, m, (sg.) 1000 pieces of money, acc. ~am (imam) 102,25; *-thavika, f. (q. v.); *°-bhandika, f. (qg. v.); °bhaga, m, the thousandth part, or (perhaps better) : with 1000 parts; nom. ~o (maranassa, “is the property of death”; perhaps we ought to correct : sahassabhige maranam, cp, Windisch, Mara, p. 4) 103,6; *0-matta, m/n. being a number of 1000, m, pl. ~M, 39,12; milla, mfn. worth a thousand pieces, acc. m. ~am (si- takam) 31,10; (pannakiiramh) 58,21; °-vagga, m, the eighth chapter of Dh.; *yojana-sahass’-ubbedha, mfn. (v. ubbedha), sahiya, m. (= sa.) a companion, friend; nom. ~0, 12,3; ace. wath, 267 47,30. Dh. 328; gen, wassa, 12,34; pl. ~G, 11,27, ep. next ete, sahayaka, m. (= sa.) = prec.; nom, ~0, 79,24; gen. ~wassa, ib.; gen. pl, ~anath, 55,29. sah ayata, f. (= sa.) companion- ship; nom. ~& (n’atthi bale) Dh, 61, 330. *sahayika, f. (fr. sahiyaka) a female companion or friend; voc, ae, 58,31; instr, pl. wahi, 67,34. sahita, mfn. (= sa.) 1) joined, connected, sensible (?); », wam (ba- hum, bhisamano, speaking many sensible words?) Dh. 19 (cp. Childers sub voce, SBE, X. p, 8); *) ¢. 0, ace companied by, endowed with (cp, sathhita), sa, f. pron, demonstr., v. tath}. sakunika, m, (sa, sakunika) a fowler, bird-catcher; enstr, ~ena, 88,33 (chekena). Sakha, m. (sa. gakha-°), nom. pr. of a deer (“Branch-deer", cp, nezt); acc. ~am, 7,33; loc. ~wasmim, 7,34; °-miga, m. id. (sa. °-mrga), nom. wo, 5,31; dvandva comp, Nigrodhamiga-°, 6,9 (gen. pl.). sakha, f. (sa. cakhi) a branch; nom. wa (sila-°) 62,17; acc. wath, 62,19; loc, waya, 13,13; ~ayam (sa- la-°) 62,17; pl. wi (sakhahi, instr, branch with branch) 37,20; 62,11 (ag: ga-°, g.v.); sakhagge, sakhaggesu, on the top of the branch(es), 13,23; 1,25 (cp. agga*); sakhantarehi, 62,11 (v. antara); °-palasa, ». dvandva comp. branches and leaves, 95,22; apagata-°, m/n. 95,95 (v. apagacchati). saitaka, m. (sa. ¢ataka) cloth; drese, clothes; robe, skirt, gown; nom. ~0, 87,11 (v. corrections); acc. wath, 31,4-10. 50,23. 57,32; 50,13 (ghana-°, q.v.); instr. wena, 50,12; loc. we, 58,90; pl. wa, 45,1; ace. pl, we, 41,4; *camma-°, m. (g. ¥.). : BAti (or satika), f. (sa. cati; cp. prec.) a robe, skirt, gown; “*ajina-°, f. (q. v.); *sana-°, f. (g. ».). satthakatha, v. sa’, sadhukam sina, mfn,.(sa. gana) made of hemp; *°-sati-nivattha, mfn. wearing a skirt or tunic of hempen cloth, m, ~0, 71,29, sani, f. (sa. gini) cloth of hemp (used for tents or curtains); acc. wim (curtain) 62,20; instr, wiya, 112,3; *pata-°, f. 37,3 (q. v.). sata, n. (sa, cata) joy, pleasure; *a-sata, mfn, (g.0.); *-sita, mfn, bound to pleasure, given up to pleas sure, pl. ~a, Dh, 341, *sitacca-karin, m/n., (sa. *sata- tya-°; cp. satatarh above) persevering; m, pl. ~wino (tw. loc, kicce) Dh, 293.. *sitatika, mfn, (fr. sa. satata) = prec; m pl. wa, Dh. 23, satthaka, mfn, (sa. sirthaka) useful, successful, beneficial; f. wika (desana) 86,10. 87,2. 89,3. sada, m, (sa. svada) taste; *appa- ssaida, mfn, Dh. 186 (v. h.). *sadana, mfn, (sa, sa -+- adana) v, sa-}, sidhana, n. (= sa.) accomplish- ment, establishment, demonstration; °-attham, 31,11 (“in order to enforce this truth”), saidhayati, or sadheti, vb. (sa. ysadh, caus, sadhayati) to direct, set right, accomplish, prepare (acc.); ger. ~ayitvana (bhattani) 111,33. sidhairana, mfn. (= 8a.) come mon, belonging to all; instr. n, wena (rajjena) 59,25, sadhu, 1) mfn. (= sa.) good, ex- cellent, right, honorable; n. ~u (hoti) 2,30; acc, ~um (sadhuna am jeti, “pays good with goodness’) 44,3 (cp, a-sadhu); m. ~u (damatho) Dh, 35; instr. pl. ~uhi (therebi) 109,19; gen. pl. ~inath (sabba-°, all good men) 114,3. — *) indecl. *) adv, well, rightly; ~ janasi, 98,24; >) interj. very welll! well done! jwi'ti (sampaticchitva) 1,18; 5,1. 53,16; (patisunitva) 16,26; w.. foll, voc. sadhu deva! 65,17; re- peated : sadhu sadhu Nagasena! 98,94. cp. next ete. *sadhukam, adv. (fr. saidchu*) sédbu-kara well, rightly, properly, thoroughly; 82,21. 110,25. sadhu-kara, m. (= sa.) appro- val; ~ath dadati, t> consent, applaud, 5,19, 34,97, 87,1. 98,18. *sidhu-rupa, mfn, respectable, comcly, sympathetic; m. ~0 (naro) Dh. 262. *saidhu-vibadrin, mfn, living righteously; m. acc. °-vihari (formally in ons word with the foll, sae instead of °-viharim (or %viharinarh Dh, &28-29, siima, mfn. (sa, gyaima) dark- coloured; m. wo (puriso) 92,13, *samam, indecl. (pron.), self, ona’s self (said of all persons) (= sayam, to which it seems to be related in some way; possioly from *sayamam, ‘ipsissimum’, Tr. ?); 6,19 (~ gantva aneti); 63,31 (simam yeva); 85,28 (siman ‘ti sayam eva), saimaggi, f. (fr. samagga; sa, simagri) ') totality, complete collec: tion, completeness; ?) concord, harmony}; nom, ~i (sathghassa) Dh, 194. samania, *) » (fr. samana, q. v.; Sa. Grimanya) the state of a sa- mana, asceticism; mom, sath (duppa- rdmatthath) Dh, 311; gen. ~assa, Dh, 19; cp. next, — *) mfn, (sa. sa- minya) common; m, community, *simanhnatai, f. = samafiial; Dh, 332. simanera, m, (sa. gramanera) a Buddhist monk in his noviciate, pupil, novice; nom. wo, 81,15; pl. mwa, 81,14; acc. we, 81,17; instr. ~ehi, 81,215 gen. wana, 81,18. saimatthiya, ». (fr. samattha; sa. samarthya) ability, competence, qualification; acc. warm. (tava dassehi) 114,9. simanta, mfn. (fr. samanta; = sa.) being on all sides, near; ». neigh- bourhood; abl. (adv. & prp.) ~a, bear, round (w. gen. (ace.) or e.¢.): Apetti-°, 83,4 (v. h.). samika, m. (fr. next; sa, sva- mika) an owner, lord, hasband; nom, 268 ~0, 14,2¢. 100,12 (amba-°). 100,6 (khetta-°); 10,10; acc. wath, 10,5; gen. wassa, 58,5; loc. ~amhi, 31,9; pl. ace, we, 21,32; gen, wAnarh, 21,10; comp. *°-acchadana, n. (v.h.); *rajja-°, m. king, 43,s2-2s (Baranasi-°, Kosala-%); *ga-ssamika, mfn., v. sa-'. simin, m, (sa, svamin) an owner, master, lord, husband; nom, wi, 87,6; voc, sami, 1,7. 5,14. 7,15, etc, (at the beginning, after the opening word, or at the end of the sentence); gen. 4) samino, 112,9; ») simissa (Dhamma-, gq. v.) 114,6; pl. wino, 43,31. ep. next & prec. samini, f. (sa. svimini) mistress, lady; nom. wi, 111,5. *simukkamsika, mfn. (Buddh. sa, samutkarshika; cp. samukkamsati, vb.) most excellent, most essential (or principal); f. x@ (dhammadesana buddhanam) 68,23; acc. m, ~am (sab- ba-°, paiham) 90,95. [cp. SBE, XIII, p. XXv1.] saya, adv, (= sa.) in the evening, at evening times 2,24. 57,9, 73,113 ajja..~ +. eva, even this very evening, 2,30, cp. next ete, sayanha, m.(sa, siyahna) evening; S-samaye (loc.) 2,92, 14,11. siyataram, adv, (compar.; sa, siiyatare) late or later in the evening, 57,14, siyam-asa, m. (sa. sdyam-ca) evening meal, supper; acc. wat (bhuiijantassa) 63,29. sayika, f. (sa. cayikd) lying, sleeping; v. thandila-°, Dh. 141. sayin, mfn. (sa. gayin) lying; v. sampurivatta-°, Dh. 325. sira, m (= se -\-ength; the essential part of any. * a precious thing, reality, quinte.. ace; loe, we (patitthito) 95,94; acc. & abl. sarath sarato fatva, kvowiug what is essen- tial in its essence, Dh, 12; — *sira- mati(n), mfn. imagining to find the essence; pl. ~ino (asare) Dh. 11; cp. a-sara; — e.c. mani-°, mutta-°, 269 choice gems, pearls, 24,30; vajira-°, 26,1. (cp. ratana). *saratta-ratta, m/fn. (sa. *sat- rakta-rakta) passionately enamoured or devoted to; f. ~a (apekha, “pas- sionately strong”) Dh. 345, sarathi, m. (= sa.) a charioteer; nom, voc. wi, 43,20-31; acc. wim, 63,2. 106,34 == Dh, 222; instr. wind, Dh. 94, sarada, mfn. (sa. cirada) autumnal, mature, new, fresh (not too old; cp. Mil. transl, II. p. 79, note 2, where it is taken = sira-da, which can hardly be possible); — m. subst. (= sarada) autumn; loc, we, Dh, 149, siradika, mfn. (sa. garadika) autumnal; acc, warm (kumudam) Dh, 285. sirambha, m. (sa, sarmmrambha) quarrel, brawling; abuse, brutality; anger, fury; nom. ~o, Dh. 134; *°-ka- tha, f. abusive or angry speech, Dh, 133. *siraniya, mfn. (either from sr, caus. kathara sareti, cp. vitisareti & Tr, PM. 75,22, or from ysmr, Chil- ders) usual, customary, traditional (or introductory ?); acc. f. wath (sammo- daniyamh kathath, the usual (introduc- tory) compliments) 89,20-21. sarin, mfn, (= sa.) flowing, run- ning, wandering about; in the comp. anoka-°, mfn., v. an-oka, Sariputta, m. (Buddh. sa. (ari- putra) nom. pr. of one of Buddha's most famous pupils; nom. ~0, 29,18; gen. ~assa (Zyasmato) 81,11; °~Mog- gallina, m. pl. (dvandva) 74,26-80, sila, m. (sa. gala) the Sal tree (shorea robusta); ace. wath, Dh, 162; ©-rukkha, m. id. 61,11 (maha-); 95,21; °.vana, m., a grove of eal trees, 62,10 (mafigala-°), 62,15 (°-kilam), 62,16; O.gakha, f. 62,17 (g. v.) ep. next. sala, f. (comp. also sala-°; sa. gala) a bouse, mansion, workshop ; acc, wath, 87,10; 88,5 (pesakara-°, g. v.); sala-dvarena (gacchanti, pass sisana by the house-door) 59,3; cp. assa-°, dana-°, panna-°, hatthi-°. sali, m. (sa. gali) rice, paddy, grains of rice; acc. ~im, 100,28; 22,1 (sayarh-jata-°, q. v.); *°-yava-khetta, n. 8,18 (q. v.). salohita, m. (Buddh, sa, id.; fr. sa. sa-lohita) a kinsman; pl. wa (iia- ti-°, dvandva, “relatives and kinsmen”) 92,8. saivaka, m. (sa. gravaka) “a hearer”, a disciple, pupil, esp. a be- lieving Buddhist; nom. ~o (samma- sambuddha-°) Dh. 59; pl. nwa (Go- tamassa) 73,20. Dh, 296 ff.; acc. pl. we, 104,8. 108,20; ger. pl. ~anath, tess 74,13 (Gotama-°); *ariya-°, nm, v.h.). Savatthi, f. (sa. Qrévasti) nom. pr. of a city, the capital of North- Kosala (the exact position of which seems to be rather doubtful; according to Dhpd, (1855) p.'232 seven yojanas north of Saketa (Oudh ?)); nom. wi, 81,8; loc. wiyam, 29,24; °-vdsino, m. pl. the inhabitants of S., 73,32. *savana, f. (sa. cravana, 7.) an- nouncement, proclamation; acc. pl. wi, 11,4; tatiya-savanaya (instr.) 11,5; cp. savana. saveti, vb, (caus. sunati; sa. ¢ra- vayati) to cause to be heard, teach; to announce, proclaim (acc.); part. m. gen, ~entassa, 11,4; aor. 3. sg. wesi “made a proclamation”) 11,4; 64,22 ey ger. wetva (sa-nd- mam) 1ll,ss; ep. savana, f. sisana, m. (sa. gasana) ') order, instruction, message; om. acc. ~am, 86,92. 64,6; *) teaching, doctrine, re- ligion; nom, 110,5-24. Dh. 183. 185 (Buddhina ~); 109,33 (Satthu-°); loc. we (Satthu) 69,14; 109,¢ (Jina-°, q.v.); Kassapassa Bhagavato sasane, at the time when K. B. preached his doctrine, 84,28; *sasana-karaka, m. one who acts according to the order or doctrine, pl. ~& (mama) 104,9; *sisandraha, mfn. worthy of the sa- cred doctrine, 110,¢ (cp. araha). eisapa sisapa, m. (sa, sarshapa) a mu- etard-seed; nom. ~o, Dh. 401. sihasa, n, (==sa,) violence, cruel- ty; v. a-sibasa. si = asi, v. atthi, sikkhati, vb. (sa. yoiksh) to learn, study (ace,); to >ractise or ex- ercise oneself (in: loc); pr 8. 6g. ~wati (sippath) 99,12; grd. n. witab- bam (kattha amhehi ~, in what have we to exercise ourselves?) 81,%0; inf. ~ituth (tesu, used in a passive sense w, instr, simanerehi) 81,21; pp. sik- khita, loarnod, atudiod; trained, edus cated; m, ~0, 99,19; eu-sikkhita, nifn. (v. su-°); caus, v. *sikkhapeti, cp. sekha & next. sikkhaipada, n, (sa. gikshai-pada) f moral precept, som, xwath, 81,10; pl, witni, 79,19, 81,19; (dasu) 81a. "sikkhipanna, a. (nom, actions fr. next) the giving instruction; °-at- thilya, “in order to give (her) a les- son”, 53,8. "sikkhaipeti, vb. (caus. sikkhati) to cause to learn, train, instruct (ace.); cor, 8, 6g. wesi (paricirikmin) 61,13; ger, wetvi, 16,18; ep. *sikkhapana. sikkhita, «fn. v. sikkhati. sikha, f. (sa. gikbi) a lock of hair, crest; a flame; aggi-°, f. 1071 (g. v.), ep. next, sikhin, mfn. (sa, cikuin) having locks, crests or flames; m. 1) fire; ) a peacock; gen, wino, 18,39 (= mo- rassa). sigdla, m. (sa. srgila) a jackal; nom, ~0, 14,10. sifiga, (sa. griiga) the horn of an apimal; instr, wena, 12,31; pl. wani, 5,26. sifighanika, f. (sa. orikhanika, sifghanika) the mucus of the nose, 82,5. 97,33, sificati, vb. (sa. ysic) to bes sprinkle, water; to pour out, empty, bale out (a ship, ace.); pr. 3. pl. wanti, 37,15 imper. 2. sg. wa (na- vam) Dh. 369; pp. sitta (v. below); 270 . caus. *sincApeti, to water; aor. 3. 89. wesi (atthiz khirodakena) 36,86. sita, mfn. (= sa.) bound; v. siita-°, sitta, m/fn. (pp. sijicati; sa. oe poured out, emptied; f. w& (navi Dh, 369. sittha, ». (sa. siktha) grain or lump of boiled rice; nom, wath (ekar) 53,20; pl. wini, 56,28. sithila, mfn. (sa. cithila; ep. sathila above) loose, relaxed; m. ~0 (pamsu) 40,9; . warn (bandhanam, yielding, elustic ?) Dh, 346; °-bhiva, m. the being loosened, acc, sum, 49,26, ep. nert, *sithila-hanu, (m.) lit. ‘loose- jaw’, name of a certain bird; gen. ewuno, 92,20. Siddhuattha, m, (sa. Siddhartha) nom, pr, of Gotama Buddha before hin pubbajji; °-kumiro, 64,v0; °-ku- miirassa, 63,7, siddhi, f. (= 8a.) accomplishment, success, prosperity, result; siddhi-r- astu, 114,39. “Sineru, m. nom, pr. of a mythi- cal mountain (sa. Meru, or Sumeru, of which sineru is possibly only o variation; the short forms Neru and Meru are also found in Pali); nom. wu, 110,10; ace. wum, 60,9; gen. ~wussa, 59,27; papaita, m. (q. v.). sineha, m, (sa. sneha) affection, love, attachment; acc, ~am, Dh, 285. sinehita, mfn. (sa. snehita) con- nected with love or lust; ». pl, wani (somanassni) Dh. 341. sindhava, m, (sa. saindhava) ‘coming from Indus or Sindh’, a horse; nom. <0, 64,24; pl. ~@ (rathe yutta-°) 54,9, Dh, 322; ace. pl. we (mafiga: la-°, g. v.) 63,5. sinna, mn, (sa. svinna, pp. \/svid) wet, sweating, wet with perspiration; m. wath (civarari) 83,8; cp. sedita. sippa, #. (sa. cilpa) art, discipline, learning; acc. wath (ugganhati) 32,12; (sikkhati) 99,12; gen. wassa (upa- ciro, q.v.) 55,75 loc, pl. ~esu (sab- ba-°, all branches of learning) 38,10; 271 myyamaka-% n, 24,13 (¢. v.); dvandva comp. Vijjd-° (v. h.) ep. nert. Sippavat, mfn. (sa. cilpa-vat skilled in art (or ee - cated; nom, m. wvd, 99,8. sibbati, vb, (sa. ysiv) to sew (ace.); fut. 1. sg. wissimi, 57,5; grd, m. witabbam (kifici) 57,3, simbali, m, or f. (sa. calmali, ep. simbala) the silk-cotton tree; loc, ~wismim, 60,16 (= Simbali-vane); *Simbali-vana, m, name of a forest in heaven, 60,6-11, siya, pot., v, atthi, Siras, m, (sa. Giras) the head; nom. siro (phalitam) Db. 260; instr, sirasa (nipatitva) 75,99; loc, sirasmim, 44,22; cp. sisa, , sirl (comp, siri-®), f. (sa. gri) beauty, welfare, success, glory, dignity, majesty, e¢c.; acc. with (ruipa-°, “beauty and majesty”) 64,13; generally at the beg. of subst. comp. : *siri-gabbha, m. a royal bed-chamber, 41,22, 61,8; *O.vibhava, m. majestic power, 47,53; *0.sayana, ”, a royal bed, loc. we, 53,3, 64,28; %=pitthe, 41,95; *°-sobhag- ga, ”, majestic glory, instr. wena, 64,10. *“Sirisavatthu, #. (sa, *cirisha- vastu) mom. pr. of @ fabulous town; mom. xu (yakkha-puram) 112,12; n~urh (yakkha-nagaram, Tambapan- nidipe) 20,32. sila, f. (sa. cilia) a stone, rock; acc, wari, 75,35; pandu-kambala-®, f. a sort of stone, of which Sakka’s throne (pandu-kambala-silisana, 7. 15,8) is said to be made (cp, Asana). cp. sela, m, siloka, m. (sa. cloka) fame, re~ putation, praise; @ verse; nom, ~0, 103,29. ; eae sivika, f. (sa. cibika, givika) a palanquin, litter; Joc, waya (sovan- na-°) 62,7. k, : sigha, mfn. (sa. gighra) quick, rapid; n. (adv.) wath, quickly, 63,17. 111,03; 87,12 (sigham eva); — comp. sigh’-assa, m. a race-horse, Dh, 29. silavat sita, mfn. (sa. gita) cold, cool; nm. ~wam (odakam) 15,95; *°-cchaya, mfn, yielding cool shadow, -”. am (manoramath) 15,25; — subst. n. wath, coolness; cold water, 83,95 (opp. un- hath); instr. wena, ib.; cp. neat. sitala, mfn, (sa. citala) cold, cool; ”. wath (sariram), 21,26; *ati- sitala, mfn. (q..). sitibhiita, m/fn, (sa, giti-bhiita) become cold, metaph, tranquillized; ace, m. wath, Dh, 418, sima, f. (sa, sima, f. & siman, m.) boundary, border, limit; ace. ~am, 39,17; abl. ~wato (paccanta-, gq. v.) 43,14; *simantarika, f, 40,32 (v, an- tarika), sila, 7, (sa. cila) !) morality, vir- tue; acc, wath, 15,1. 48,26; loc. we, 17,32; 29,2 (attana rakkhita-°); comp. *silacara, “silagunacara, m.(v. acara); *silanisamsa, m. (v. dnisatisa); *°-ka- tha, f. the duties of morality, ace, ~amh (pakasesi) 68,19; *°-gandha, m. “the perfume of virtue’, Dh.55; *°-teja, m, “splendid display of virtue’, instr, wena, 15,7; silabbata, v. below; *O.gaiivuta, n/n, well behaved, Dh, 289; *Osampanna, mfn, virtuous, 41,35, 42,18 = “sampannassila, mfn. Dh. 57; dvandva comp. %dassuna, Dh, 217 (%sampanna, mfn. possessing virtue and intelligence); paina-°, Dh, 229 (°-samahita, mfn.). — *) moral precept, esp. pl. paiica silani (= the first five of the dasa sikkhapadani, 81,21); Joc. pl. paiicasu wesu, 7,24. — 5) nature, quality (good or bad), mostly e.c.; v. *kujjhana-°, *dus-°, *dho.- rayha-°, mfn. (cp, next etc.). *silabbata, n. (sa. *cila-vrata) mere ceremonial practices or rites (probably ironically said of brahmani- cal rites); °-mattena, Dh, 271 (“not only -by discipline and vows’, cp, matta®). (cp. Childers s.v. & Dham- ma-saiigani, transl. by C, Rhys Davids, p. 260-61). silavat, mfn. (sa. gilavat). moral, virtuous; nom. m. wva, 15,91. 99,9; si‘avente ace. m, ~wvantath, Dh. 490; gen. pl. ~vatamn, Dh. 56; at the beg. of comp. silava-° ; *Silava-kumara, m. nom, pr. of prince, 38,9; *Silava-[maha-] rijan, m, = Mabasilava (q. v.) 40,4-5. silavanta, mfn. = prec.; gen, m, «asa, Dh. 110; compar, silavan- tatara, gen. m, ~wassa, 43,38. silin, mfn. (sa, gilin) virtuous (only e.c.); v. abhivddana-°, sisa, . (sa. cirshan) the head; acc, wam, 6,12. 65,15; instr, wena, 36,3. 57,12. abl. wato, 46,28; loc. we, 46,23; ~amhi, 47,1; °-ccheda, m. cut- ting off the head, acc. wam, 17,7; *kaka-°, mfn. & Gaya-°, n. (v. h.); cp. ussisaka, ». & *pacina-sisaka, min. siha, m, (sa. sithha) a lion; nom. ~0, 8,22, 13,92; acc. warm, 10,2. 112,313 gen. ~assa, 8,27. 13,10; °~camma, n. (q. v.) ep, next ete, *siha-panjara, m. (cp. pafijara) a window; loc. we, 46,1. Sihabahu, m. (sa. Simha-bahu) mom, pr. of a king, father of Vijaya (q. v.); 112,31; °-narinda-ja, m, son of king 8. (Vijaya), 110,22. Sihala, m. (sa. Simhala) Ceylon; pl. wa, the people of Ceylon, 112,89; ~o (m, sg.) = Sihabahu (siham adinnava iti, 7. e. so called on account of his having split a lion) 112,s1-s2; - *atthakatha, f. & *-bhasa, fi (v. h.). Sihasena, m. (sa. Simhasena) nom, pr. of a man; nom., ~0, 97,1. su-, indect, (= 8a.) prefix to subst., implying the sense of ‘good, right, excellent’, or te adj. & adv., ‘well, rightly, very, greatly, beautifully, easily’, ete, (opp. du- (dur-)); )-' + vowels sv- (or suv) ¢p. svakh <4 below, or contracted, cp. sottlu. su-kata (or su-kata), mfn. well done (opp, duk«ata, g. v.) 97,14; 2, a good deed, Dh, 314. — %-kara, mn, easy to do, Dh. 163, ~ 9-ku- mira, mfn. very texder or delicate, f. pl. gen. ~anam, 47,14 (= sukhu- 272 mala, g. v. separately). — sukha, ». sep. - °-gata, mfn, wellfariog, Db. 419; Sugata, m. nom. pr. = Bud- dba, 72,24; instr. wena, Db, 285; loc. we, 105,25. — %-gati, f. (sometimes spelt suggati after the analogy of duggati) happiness, bliss, 77,4; acc. wim, 7,26. 77,5, 89,1; 107,27 = Dh, 18 (-gg-). — *°-gatin, mfn. righteous, pl. ~ino, Dh, 126. — °-gandha, mfn. fragrant, f. <8, 53,27; °-gan- dhaka, mfn. id.; f. ~ika, fragrant substance (?) 41,13 (pafica-sugandhika- parivara, mfn.). — °-gahana, %. 4,35 (g.v). — °-gahita, mfn. firmly seized or held, acc. ~am, 4,30 etc. — °-carita, mfn. good, right; acc. m. ~am (dhammam, righteousness, vir- tue) Dh, 168; . good conduct, 86,8 (vaci-°, g. v.); Dh. 231. — °-citta, mfn. (v. citta®),- *°-cchanna, mfn. well thatched, acc. ~am (agaram) Dh, 14 = 106,31. — °-jiva, mfn. easy to live, m. sam (jivitarh) Db. 244 (w. instr.), — °-tanu, mfn, having a very slender or beautiful body, acc. f. sum (kumarith) 47,19. - -danta, mfn, well tamed, restrained; m. ~0, Dh, 159; ». wath (cittam) 105,29; instr, wena, Dh. 323; m. pl. wa (asst) Dh, 94. ~ °-dassa, mfn. easily perceived, x, wam, 106,16 = Dh, 252. — °-duttara, mfn. very difficult to be passed, m. wath (Mac- cudheyyam) Dh. 86, — °-duddasa, mfn. very difficult to be observed, 7. ~wanh (cittamh) Dh. 36. — °-dullabha, mfn. very difficult to be found, 51,30. — *0-desita, mfn. well shown, well taught, m. ~am (dhammapadam) Dh. 44,-*°-dhammata, f. honesty (or generosity ?) loc. ~aya, lez. — *9-ni- puna, mfn. very skilful, very subtile, m. wath (cittam) Dh, 36. — *°-ni- vattha, m/fn, carefully dressed, 63,30. — °-paticchanna, mfn, well pro- tected, 110,14. - °-panna, v. below sep. — °-patitthita, mfn, standing firm; m. ~0, 110,10; f. wa, Dh. 333; acc. vata (satin) 104,7; comp, *°-citta, 273 mfn. firm-minded, pl. ~a, 91,7. — *°_parikkhitta, mfn. well covered or overspread, . ~am (sayanam) 12,3. - *°-parimandalam, adv, completely, 113,7. — *°-parisam- Vuta, mfn, well controlled, pl. ~4, Dh, 234. — *9-padruta, mfn. 63,30 (v. h.). = °-pesala, mfn, very hand- some or skilful, m. ~0, 30,8. — °-ppa- buddham, adv, ~ pabujjhanti, “are well awake”, Dh. 296. — °-ppahdra, m, a well dealt blow, acc, wam, 30,13, - *°-bbata, mfn. pious, virtuous, dutiful, m. 0, Dh. 95; pl, wa, 104,29. (cp. vata*), — subha, v, below sep, - *°~bhana, mfn, well spoken, salu- tary (synon. niyyanika), 2. sam (gi- ram) 9,31. (ep. bhanati). = °-bhad- daka, mfn, 30,8 (v.h.). = °-bha- vita, mfn, well developed or culti- vated, ». ~am (cittam) 106,32 == Dh, 14, - °-bhasita, mfn. well spoken, f. ~& (vaca) Dh, 51, — °-majjha, mfn, having a slender waist, acc. f. ~wam (kumarim) 47,19. - °-mana, mfn, well pleased, cheerful, m. wo, Dh, 68 (cp, somanassa & mana(s)). - °-manad, f., v. below sep. = °medha, mfn. wise, ace. m, wath, Dh, 208 (ep. medha). — °-medhasa, mfn, wise, m, ~0, Dh, 29. — °-rak- khita, mfn, well protected, Dh, 157, - *0-laddha, mfn. well obtained, nm, vam, “a high bliss", 70,8, — °-van- na. v, below sep. — *°-vavattha- pita, mfn. (v. vavatthapeti). — °+vi- Nita, mfn. well disciplined, f. wa (paris) 40,3. — °-vibhatta, mfn, well arranged, 110,14. — *°-vimutta- citta, mfn, (v. h.), — °-samvuta, mfn. well controlled, Dh, 8. 281. — °-samkhata, mfn. well constructed, 104,30. — *°-sajjita, mfn, well pre- pared or decorated, 62,14. — °-san- thana, mfn. well formed or made, 105,17. — °-samaraddha, mfn. (q. v.) well undertaken, well composed, Dh, 293, — °-samahita, mfn. well collected, very intent upon (loc.), Dh. 10. 378, ~ *°-sikkhita, mfn, well Pali Gloasary. sukhuma trained, very skilled or perfect (in: loc.) 18,21, 64,29. — °-sukham, adv. very pleasantly, comfortably, happily, Dh. 197, — *°-sedita, mfn. well soaked (or heated?) 62,17. — *9-ssa- vana, m. a good lesson, 64,93 (v. savana!). — °-hajja, v. sep. below, —~ °-hita, mfn. very pleased, 41,20. sumsumara, m. (sa. gigumara) a crocodile; nom, wo, 1,5; voc. wa (bala-°) 2,5; instr, Sena, 108,25. (ep, kumbhila), ~- f. sumsumari, ace. wim, 1,11, suka, m. (sa. guka) a parrot; °-potaka, m. a young parrot, acc, pl. we, 9,11; Poni, f. 9,7 (4. v.). sukka, mfn, (sa, cukla) white, bright, pure (gcod); acc, m, ~am (dhammam, “the bright state of life’’) Dh. 87 (opp. kanha); cp. neat. *sukkamsa, m. (fr. sa. cukla + amga, v. amsa®) the good side or point of a person, acc, warm, Dh, 72, sukha, ') mfn. (= sa.) pleasant, agreeable, happy; m. ~0, 80,29, Dh. 118; f. wa, Db. 331-32; 2, wath, 70,97; S-vihara, m. 74,28 (v. h.); comp, sukha-sathvasa, m, Dh, 207 (wrong reading instead of dhira-sarivasa, ». sathvasa); a-sukha, unpleasant, 70,98 (a-dukkham-°); — #) sukham, adv, pleasantly, happily; 5,21 (~am edhati, q. v.); Dh. 79 (wseti); 112,5 (nipajji gayane); comp. sukha-payata, m/fn. 19,97 (v. payati); yathd-sukhamh, adv, (v. yatha); su-sukhath, Dh. 197; — 5) m. subst. wai (opp. dukkharh) happiness, joy, pleasure, 23,17. 103,32; *kima-, n. (q. v.); *matta-°, x. (q. v.); dvandva comp. sukha-dukkham (imassa, tava bharo) 28,30 (v. bhara); vimutti-®, m. (g. v.); *-kama, mfn. (v. h.); %-vagga, m. title of Dhpd. ch. XV; %dvaha, mfn. (v. h.), cp. next & sukhesin, sukhin, mfn. (= sa.) possessing happiness, blessed; m. ~i1, Dh, 177, 206. 393. sukhuma, mfn. (sa. sikshma) small, fine, light; m, ~0 (rajo) Dh, 125. | 18 sukbumala sukhumala, mfn, (== su-kumara, q. v., through confusion with sukhu- ma); m. a delicately nurtured youth; nom. ~0, 67,22; accanta-°, 97,94 (gq. v.); *khattiya-°, 97,33 (q. v.). sukhesin, mfn. (sa. sukhaishin) seeking pleasure; m. pl. ~ino, Dh. 341. suiika, #. (or m.) (ea. culka) price, toll, customs, nuptial gift (for pur- chase of a bride); acc. warn (datva 101,15; *dinna-sufi:a, ady. f. (a aaa for whom the purchase-money has been paid, 101,20 (maya). suci,n], m,n. (sa. guci & gucin) clear. bright, pure; m. -vi, 106,9 (= Dh, 393: sukhi); *°-kamma, m/fn, whose deeds are pure, gen. m. ~wassa, Dh, 24; *°-gandha, mfn. having a pure scent, m. wath (padumam) Dh, 58; *°-gavesin, mfn. locking for what ie pure, instr, m. ~ina, Dh. 245. *Suja, f. nom, pr. of Sakka’s wife; acc, wath (asura-kaiamh) 64,7. sufifia, mfn, (sa. gunya) empty, void; °-agara, ». av empty house, acc. ~am, Dh, 375 (ep. agara). *sufinata, mfn. (fr. prec. 1. pleonastic ending?) empty, i.e. in- discriminate or destitute of all cha- racteristics, said’ of Nibbana; 2. ~0 (animitto ca vimokho) Dh, 92. sutthu, adv. (sa. sushtu) duly, well; ~ te katam, 15,99; w fiatva, 49,4; ~ pandita-°, 91,24, sunati, vb. (84. yoru) to hear, listen to (acc.), to hear or learn from (to. gen, of the person speaking); pr. 1, sg. sunimi (dhammam) 87,14; tassa papam) 104,85; 3. pl. sunanti dhammam) 71,24; part. m. sunanto tama, ”.) 54,93; tmper. 2, sg. sunahi, 22,17; 44,7; 3. pl, sunantu (me) 97,3; aor. 1. pl. assumha, 54,13; fut. 1. sg. sossami, 87,16; inf. sotum, 65,25. 87,9; comp. sotu-kama, mfn. wishing to hear (acc.), f. wa, 87,18; ger. sutva (tassa kathath) 4,18; 49,29; (devassa vassato) 105,22; (tassa) 112,21; su- tvana, Dh, 82. 259; pass. 8. 8g. 274 suyyati, 27,6 (suyyat’); pp. suta (v. below); caus. saveti (g. v.) cp. savana, savana, savaka, sota}. suta, mfn. (pp. sunati; sa. gruta) heard, learnt; . ~am (tam no «, we have heard it) 64,15; (evar me rw, thus I have heard) 66,23. 93,21 (v. corrections); (‘ti me ~) 78,29; °=di- vasato, 86,30 (v. divasa); cp. *appa- ssuta, bahu-ssuta, m/fn. & neat. sutavat, mfn. (sa, ¢rutavat) learned, wise; nom, m, wva, 71,5. sutta', mfn. (pp. supati; sa. supta) sleeping; acc, m. wam (ga- mam) Dh, 287; loc. pl. ~esu, Dh. 29. sutta’, m. (sa. sutra) ') a string, thread; ace, wan (tesam hatthesu laggetvai) 111,1 (i.e, charmed thread); *paritta-°, 11111 (v. paritta’). — *) the thread of tradition, doctrine, scientific system, a single rule, passage, or chapter in the Buddhist holy scrip- tures (containing a discourse of Buddha himself); nom, ~am, 31,14 (of a single gatha); 109,33 (a part of navafiga- Satthusasana); *°-sammata, mifn. known by the name of Sutta, 110,3; *niyydmaka-°, », “the mariner’s lore”, 25,28, cp, next etc, [Tr. PM. p. 69; Neumann, Die Reden des Gotama Buddha, I. p. 505-6.] *Sutta-nipata, m. name of a collection of old Buddhist Suttas, mostly in verse, forming a section of the Khuddakaenikiya (g. v.); speci- mens thereof p. 103-5, suttanta, m. (& m.) (Buddh. sa, sutrainta, m.) ') == sutta; Aggi- Vacchagotta-°, ». 95,33; ?) = Sutta- pitaka, or Suttanta-pitaka, ». (v. pitaka); loc. we, 102,14; °-pitakam, 102,18 (the 2. division of the holy Scriptures, comprising the five nikayas). *sudam, imdecl., an enclitic par- ticle used in narrative sentences, mostly after demtonstr, (or relat.) pron. or adv., the verb generally following in pres.; tatra ~, 70,92. 77,19. 81,9; ta ~, 78,35 (2. foll. aor.). [The last part of this word seems to be iden- 275 tical with the last element of idam, the first part with another frequently oc- curring particle su (‘ssu, assu, or 8a, ssa), probably = sa, sma; cp, sa, svid, indecl.] sudda, m. (sa, ciidra) a man of the fourth caste; nom, ~0, 92,11. suddha, mfn. (sa. guddha; pp. sujjhati, ygudh, cp, sodheti) cleansed, pure; faultless, genuine, efc,; m, 0, 62,20; (rukkho) 95,94; gen, wassa (posassa) Dh, 125; f. wa (attha- kath) 113,28; ath (vattham) 68,24; (pavacanam) 95,95; m. pl, w4, 109,3; *°-citta, mfn. pure-minded, pl. ~A, 62,22; °-bhava, m, purity, chastity, acc. wath, 58,15; cp, next ete, suddhata, f. (sa. guddhata) pu- rity; acc. ~am, 103,24, *suddhajiva, mfn. living a pure life (cp. @jiva, m.); instr. wena, Dh, 245 (cp. Kern, Verk). p. 59); ace, pl.m. xe, Dh, 375, = *suddhajivi(n), mfn. id.; acc, with, Dh. 366, *suddhin, mfn.(?) possessed of purity, pure; nom. m. ~i (paccattam, g. v.) Dh. 165 (ep. sauduhiny. Suddhodana, m, (sa. guddho- dana) nom. pr. of the father of Go- tama Buddha; 62,4, 64,6 (°-mahara- ja(n)). sunakha, m. (rarely sunaka [per- haps on account of false etymology : su-nakha]; sa. gunaka) a dog; pi. ma, 111,43 ace. we, 21,4; cp. sona. [Pischel, Gr, § 206; Trenckner, PM, p. 59,12.] sundara, mfn. (= 8a.) good, ex- cellent, beautiful, handsome; fi na (yigu) 57,9; m. adv. ~am, well, rightly, 1,96 (~ te katam). Sundari, f. (= 8a.) nom. pr. of a woman; nom. wi, 74,11; voc. wi, 73,16; acc. with, 73,3; instr. wiya, 73,2; gen. ~iya, 73,81. supanna, m., (sa. suparna) a kind of bird (of mythical or fanciful de- scription); nom. 0, 20,18; °-potaka, m. 60,8 (g. 2); *-bhavana, n. the abode or world of the Supannas, 19,9; suvanna yoni, f. 19,8 (g. v.); -rajan, m, the S,-king, 19,15. supati, vb, (sa. /svap) to sleep; parl, acc, m. wantam, 67,28; pp. v, sutta’; cp, next, supina, m., (& .) (sa, svapna) sleep, sleeping; a dream, vision; acc, ~wath (addasa) 61,9. Supparaka, m, (sa. giirparaka) nom. pr. ®) of a seaport-town (pattana), probably in the western India, ») of a man (niyyimaka) : °-kumaro, 24,11; °-pandita, mm. id. 26,14; °-jataka, », 24,8. subha, mfn. (sa. cubha) splendid, beautiful, handsome; good, agreeable, delightful; happy, auspicious; ace, f. ~am (pokkharanim) 111,16; ». sam (astu) 114,33; dvandva comp. subha- subham, Dh. 409 (cp. a-subha); — *subhinupassin, mfn, looking only for what is delightful, acc. m. wim, Dh. 7; Dh, 8 (a-°); gen, m. wino, Dh. 349, ep. sobhati. sumana, f. (at the beg. of comp, gumana-°; == sa.) name of a sort of great flowering jasmine; °-mallikidi- nam, gen. pl. (cp, mallika) 65,29; *0-patta-vitana, m. , a canopy of cloth with pattern of that flower, gen, ewassa, 65,18, sumarati, vb. (sa, ysmr; ¥. 8a- rati) Dh. 324. suyyati, vb, (pass, sunati, g, v.) 27,6. sura, f. (= sa.) o kind of spiri- tuous liquor; acc. ~am, 74,4; °-pana, n, Grinking sp. 1., 61,4 (vigata-®, mfn.); °-meraya-pina, ”. id, Dh, 247; °-meraya-majja-°, 81,23. (q. v.). suriya, m. (sa. slrya) the sun; nom, ~0, 26,5; (majjhantika-°) 26,4; loc. we, 32,29. 42,1; *suriyuggamana, nm, sunrise, 72,39 (°-kale). surufiga, f. (= sa.) a subter- raneous abode; doc. wayam, 111,13. (cp. Weber, Ind, Str. II, 395. III, 392), suvanna, m. (sa, suvarna) gold; nom. vain, 26,9; at the beg. of subst. 18° Suvanna-° comp, ‘golden’ or ‘goldea coloured’, v. °-katacchu, °-camgotaka, °-jala, °-paii- jara, °-padukd, °-pisaka, °-bhimkara, °-miga, °-rajata-patiyo, /. pl. (dishes of gold and silver, cp. pati) 61,27, °-rijaharhsa, °-sandisa, °-samugga, °-saraka, °-harhsa; - °-maya, ifn. mado of gold, 2. pl. wiini, 28,0; °-vanna, mfn, golden coloured, of beautiful complexion, m. v0, 5,86, 24,11. 87,8; cp. sovauna & next, *Suvanna-pabbata, m. “Gold- Hill”, nom. pr. of a (mythical) moun- tain (in Himavanta); nom. ~o, 61,17, Suvanna-bhimi, f. (sa. Su- varna-bhimi) nom. pr. of a country (“the golden land”), probably on the coast of Burma or of the Malay Pen- insula; acc. wim, 19,24. suve, adv, v. sve, susana, n. (sa. gmaciina) a ce- metery; mont. watt, 66,18. 67,31; °-santike (q. v.) 56,19; *imaka-, n, (v. h.). sasira, mfn (sa. sushira) per- forated, full of holes, hollow; °-rukkha, m.a hollow tree, ivstr. wena, 25,3. Susima, m. (= sa.) nom. pr. of a king; voc, ~a, 46,32; °-kumara, m. 45,23; °-jataka, ~. 45,19. sussati, vb. (sa. Vcush) to be- come dry, dry up; pr. 3. sg. wati, 103,20; part, med, loc, sussamainamhi (lohite) ib.; ep. upa-sussuti, vi-soseti. *Sussondi, /. nom. pr. of a queen, 19,7, 20,17; gen. wiya, 19,18; wi-ja- taka, ». 19,5, (Among the different varr, lect, of this name Sussoni (sa. su-¢roni) seems to be worthy of nu- tice.) suhajja (& suhada], m. (sa. su- hrdaya [su-hrd]) a friend; pl. va, Dh, 219; gen. pl. wanam, 47,51 (iati-mitta-°), stikara, m. (= 68a.) a boar, hog, pig; nom. ~o, 35,22. 46,33 (-gama-°, q. v.); ace, wath, 35,345 gen. pa ey 85,9; *°-maddava, n. (q. v.); °-mukha, n. a pig’s mouth, 84,31 (°-sadisa, mfn.); mfn, having a pig’s mouth, 85,26; 276 84,97 (peta, g. v.); Ssadisa, mfn. ressembling a pig, 86,22. supa, m, (= sa.) sauce, soup; O-rasa, mt, the taste of soup, acc. ~am, Dh, 64; aneka-siipa-vyafijana, m/n. 57,11 (v. an-eka). sia, mfn. (sa. gira) strong, brave, valiant; #. wo (utiviya « hutva, “showing a very bold front”) 38,31; m, pl. ~, 40,14; — subst. m, a hero, warrior; abhejja-vara- siira - maha- yodha, pl. unconquerable excellent heros and great warriors, 39,12; a-sUra, m, 103,82 (g. v.); *kaka-°, m. (@. ».). Strasena, m. (sa. (Qiirasena) nom, pr. of a man (fictitious); mon. ~0, 96,31. sula, mm (sa. a a pointed stake, spike, pike; a spit (for roasting meat); *marthsa-9, m. 2. 14,29 (q. v.). sekha, m. (sa. caiksha; ep. sik- khati) a beginner, pupil, one who has entered the path (v. magga?’), but has not yet become an arahat (q. v.); nom. ~0, Dh. 45; — mfn. (cp. sa. gaikshya) belonging to the stage of a pupil, elementary; éustr. m. wena (fidnena, dassanena, “an imperfect degree of knowledge, or insight’) 69,34-35. settha, mfn. (sa. creshtha) most excellent, best (w. loc. or e, c. best of or among); 1. ~0 (manussesu) Dh, 321; ». ~am (dhanam) Dh, 26; comp. raja-°, m, 47,8 (voc. wa); Buddha-°, m. 109,33 (gen. wassa). cp. seyya & next, setthata, f. (sa. creshthata) the first rank, superiority; acc. ~am (de- vanamh) Dh, 30. setthi, mm. (sa. greshthin) the chief of an association (of merchants etc.), president of a guild (in later times appointed by the king to this office (which was sometimes heritable)) ; nom. wi (gahapati) 68,39; gen. wino, 22,18; ~issa, 69,9; loc. ~imhi, 70,13; *°-kula, 2. (puraina-°, av ancient S, family) 55,31; *°-putta, m. 67,22 (q. v.). 277 [SBE, XIIJ, p. 102; Fick, Soc. Glied, p. 166.] seni, f. (sa. creni) a guild or association of traders; acc. pl. niyo (sabba-°, opp. amacca-brahmana- gahapatike) 42,3, seta, mfn. (sa. cveta) white; m. ~0 (sabba-°, white all over) 21,34; n. pl. wani, 47,2; comp. °-cchatta, n, 42,8; °-paduma, ». 61,19; °-vara- varana, m. 61,17 (q, v.). seti (& sayati), vb. (sa. cl) to lie, lie down, sleep, repose; pr. 3. sg. seti, 30,21. Dh. 79. 168. 169 (sukhar, “lives happily”); Dh, 201 (dukkham); sayati (ekako) 46,19; 2. sg. sayami, 47,95; 3. pl. senti, Dh. 156; part. med, *semana [*sayamana, sayadna| v, saba-semana; pot. 3. sg. sayetha, 9,33; ger. Sayitva, 12,1. 58,17 (taya saddhim). ep. sayana, ete., seyyaka, seyya. seda, m, (sa. sveda) sweat, per- spiration; mom, ~0, 82,5. 97,22; pl. ~4, drops of perspiration, 45,1. ep. next, sedita, mfn. (pp. sedeti, to soften, cook, steam; sa. svedita) softened; *su-sedita, mfn. well-steamed (bent, or crooked) 62,17 (°-vettagga, q. v.). Senaka, m. (sa. senaka?) nom. pr. of aking; loc. ~e (Baranasiyam) 52,14; gen. ~assa, 52,15. sena, f. (= sa.) an army, battle- array; nom. wa, 103,25; acc. wal, 104,5; instr, ~aya (caturafiginiya) 35,15; at the end of comp. (nom. pr. m.) °=sena, v, Naga-°, Vira-°, Siha-°, Stra-®. senasana (& sayanasana), n. (sa. cayanasana) lit. ‘sleeping and sitting’, bedding, dwelling, habitation (some- times = vihara); 97,8; Dh, 185 (sayandsanam, pantath, 4. 0). *semana, part., v. seti. semha, n. (sa. cleshman, m.) phlegm; nom, wath, 82,4. 97,29. 103,20. *semhara, [m] name of a certain animal, according to the comm. a monkey (makkata); gen. ~assa, 92,32. sevati seyya (or seyyas), mfn, (sa. creyas) better, preferable; m. 0 (atta) 55,2; 107, = Dh. 308; acc. ~am, Dh. 61; the orig. s-stem is preserved in n. seyyo, 7,34. 103,7-34; Dh. 76. 100. 106 (sa pujana); 314; further in *seyyaso, indecl, = still better, Dh, 43. (ep. settha). *seyyaka, mfn. (fr. seyya) lying, sleeping (only e. ¢.), v. uttana-®. *“seyyatha, indecl, (Magadhism instead of tama-yatha, Buddh. sa. tad- yatha, cp. sa. sa yatha) just as, as if; w. foll, nom, 69,37 3 pi pubbe agarikabhito); 95,13.(~ pi mahasa- muddo); at the beg. of full sentence (w. pot.): ~ pi puriso sallena viddho assa (“it is as if. ...”) 92,6; ~ pi raiio paccantimam nagaram ([scil. assa, pot.] 90,30 (only fancy, for in- stance, that a certain king has a fron- tier fortress); ~ pi nama (w. foll. pot. & corresp. evam eva) 68,24; — seyyath’idam, that is to say, namely, 67,3. 68,19. [ep. Trenckner, PM. p. 75; Franke, KZ, (N. F.) XIV. p. 419; differently Pischel, Gr. § 423.] *seyyaso, indecl., v. seyya(s). seyya, f. (sa. gayya) lying, sleep- ing; a bed, couch; acc. ~am (kap- peti, g. v.) 46,22; *eka-9, f. (g. v.); gabbha-, f. (q. v.); *nanikama-®, f. (q. v.) ep. uttana-seyyaka, mfn. *Seruma, [m.] nom. pr. of an is- land; acc. ~am, 20,19; °-dipa, m. (= Nagadipa, Ceylon?) 19,8. sela, 1) m. (sa. gaila; cp. sila) a stone, rock; nom. ~0, 106,29 = Dh. 81; acc. wam, 104,16. — *) mfn. stony, rocky; acc. m. ~arh (pabbatam) Dh.8. sevati, vb. (sa. sev) to frequent, serve, follow, practise, devote oneself to (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ~wati (piyani) 55,1; 3. pl. wanti, Dh. 293; pot. 3. 8g. *) seve (paradaram) Dh, 310; >) seveyya, 7,83; Dh.167 (dhammai); grd. sevitabba, 66,25 (na wa, to be avoided); pp. sevita, enjoyed, Dh. 272 (a-puthujjana-°, g. v.) op. next. : sevana | sevana, f. (== 8a.) a upon, service, honouring; 14,9. sesa, 1) mfn. (sa. gesha) remain- ing, left, mostly p?. == the others, the rest, or at the beg. of comp,; pl. som. m vB, 7,18, 40,16; 49,7 (sesapi); 73,82 (pleonast. added after thapetva ariyasavake); acc. pl, we, 21,21; instr. pl. ~wehi, 112,23; gen. pl. ~anath, 40,16; comp. °-varatta, 12,20; °-vani- janam, 21,28: “-Amacce, 40,5. — *) subst, n. sesa(ka), the rest; loc. ~ke, 33,32; ep. a-sesn, mfn. 80, pron. demonstr, m, (= sa), v, tam. soka, m. (sa. goka) sorrow; nom, wo (mahd-°) 89,10; acc. warm, ib.; pl, ~8, 107,82 = Dh. 335; instr. pl, wehi, 70,29; comp. (dvandva) : °-pari- deva-, 66,10. 90,17. 92,31; parideva- soka-sampanna, mfn, full of lamen- tation and sorrow, 69,32; *tinna-soka- pariddava, m/n., (v! pariddava); *tanu- bhita-°, mfn. (q. v.); *°-pareta, mfn. (q. 0.) ep. a-soka, vi-soka (vistika) & next, *sokin, mfn. (fr. soka) sorrowing; ace. f. winim (paj.m) Dh, 28, sucati, vb, (sa. \/guc) to grieve, mourn, suffer pain; pr. 3. 99, wati, 17,29; 105,31 (puttehi); Dh. 15 (opp, nandati, modati); 3, pl. wanti, 108,7; 8. pl. med. socare, 104,10. Dh, 225; aor. 2, 8g. (mi) soci, 89,19; cp. soka, efe., socand, socand, f. {== 8a.) sorrow, suffers ing; 105,32. oa sona, m. (f. ai, also! spelt sona, wi; sa. Gvana, ~i) a dog; soni- rupena, in the appearance of a bitch, 111,2; cp. sunakha. sonda, f. (& sonda, m.; sa. caunda, fr. cunda) an elephant’s trunk; ace, wam, 76,21; instr, wiiya, 61,13 sota!, m. (sa. Grotra) the ear (as organ of heariag, cp, kanna); nom. wan, 70,30; testr, wena, Dk. 360; loc. wasmim, 71,3; pl. wani, 27,4; °-samphassis, 72,9 (v. h.); *ohita-°, mfn, (gq. v.}. 278 gota’, m. & n, (sa. srotas, .) a stream, flood, current; nom. ~0, 108,5; ace, warn, Dh. 347 (metaph, of the flood of passions); pl. ~a, Db. 339 (do.); ”. pl. wani (nadinam) 103,18; cp. uddham-sota, mfn. & next. sotapatti, f. (Buddh. sa. srota- patti) the state of a sotapanna, the first step in sanctification; °phala, n. the advantage of Sotépannaship, Dh. 178; loc. we, 87,1; (= die Hérer- schaft“, nicht von ysru, sondern von Voru, Neumann, Reden des Gotama Buddha, I. p. 505). sotapanna, mfn. (Buddh. sa. srotapanna) ‘who has entered the stream’ (7. €. of sanctification), a cons verted who has reached the first stage of sanctification (the three last stages of which are: sakad-agamin, an-aga- min, araliat); m. <0, 28,18. 29,18 (v. corrections); 79,33; pl. wH, 22,13, sotum, inf, v. sunati. sotthi, fi. & m. (sa. svasti) wel. fare, success, prosperity; acc. wim (tesath karissimi, I will save them) 27,16; amhaikam Aim karonto pi tvar fieva karissasi (you do so, I think, in order to save me) 54,81; ~ith gacchati (was saved) 29,13; 80- tthimh, acc. (adv.) safely, happily, Db. 219 (~fgatanh); sotthina, instr. (adv.) id, 42,33; sotthi-bhava, m. safety, ace. mam (katuih) 27,15, sotthiya, m(fn). (sa. crotriya) conversant with the sacred doctrine, a brahman (or bhikkhu); ace. m. pl. we (rajino, “holy kings”) Db. 295. sodariya, m. (fr. sa + udariya; sa. sodarya) a uterine brother; ace wan, 31,85, sodhana, n. (sa. codhana) clean- sing, investigation, examination; °-kale (“when the search was made”) 49,36. sodheti, ob. (sa. godhayati, v¢Gudh) to cleanse, purify; to clear up, examine, investigate (acc.); pr. 8. pl. wenti (maccam) Dh, 141; part, instr. m, wentena (viharam) 84,9; pl. ~wenta, 25,7 (examining); 279 inf. wetum, 50,3 (id.); ger. wetva, 48,31 (id.); grd. m, catia 84,8; ep. suddha & sodhana, sona, v sona. Sobbha, m., (sa. cvabhra) a hole, pit, abyss; nom. wo, 27,7 (a whirl- pool); 27,3 (chinna-tata-maha-"); Joc, we, 78,14, sobhagga, m, (sa, saubhiagya) welfare, prosperity , auspiciousness ; beauty, grace, loveliness; instr, wena (siri-®, g. v.) 64,10; *0_ppatta, mfn. happy, well-to-do, auspicious, lovely; m. ~0, 1,4; acc. wam, 10,26; f. wa, 73,8; (perhaps confounded with sobha, f. (sa. gobha), beauty, », next eto.), sobhati, vb. (sa, Ycubh) to be bright or splendid, to shine, look beautiful; aor, 3. sg. sobhi (Buddho viya) 113,21. subhana, mfn. (sa. cobhana) splendid, beautiful; excellent, good; n. ~am (kammamh) 100,6, somanassa, n, (fr. su-mana(s); sa, saumanasya) gladness, satisfaction; pl. ~ani (pleasures) Dh. 341; *°-jata, mfn, glad, delighted, 16,28, 64,13; *O-ppatta, mfn. id. 15,29. solasa, 1) num. (mfn. pl.) (sa. shodaca) 16; ~ petiyo, 23,23; vas. ga-, 42,95, etc, (v. h.); *-vassika, mfn, being 16 years old, 111,36 (n. wai, rupath). — *) mfn. the 16%; acc, f. wim (kalam) Db. 70; — sola- sama, mfn. (sa. shodagama) id.; wo (vaggo) Db. XVI. sovanna, 1) mfn. (fr, suvanna; 8a. Sie) golden; m. ~0 (sabba-°) 84,26; sivika, f. 62,7 (g.v.); — *) n, gold; *°-maya, mfn. made of gold, m. ~0, 28,29. sossati, fut. v. sunati. svakkhata, mfn., v. akkhati. *svatanadya, adv. (an old dat, [scil. divasaya?] cp. ajjatana & sa. Gvastana, mfn.) for the next day, or to-morrow; 77,38. cp. neat, sve (& suve), adv. (sa. vas) to- morrow; 14,16. 101,96; suve suve, daily, day after day, Db. 229. cp. prec. hattha h’, apparently sandhi-consonant in some few instances (if not shortened of ha, or hi, g. v.): no h’etamh, (cer- tainly) not so! 70,2; ma h’evam kho, 90,24, ha, indecl. (= sa.) an emphatic particle (“indeed”, “verily”), mostly used after ti, or na; tasma ti ha, 93,2 (g. v.); comp. have (v. h.). hamsa!, m. (= sa.) a goose (or swan); pl. ~a, Dh. 91; °-potika, f. 10,4 (q. ¥.); °-rajan, m. 10,8; raja-°, m, a special kind of swan, nom. ~0, 16,7; gen, ~wassa, 10,4 (suvanna-°); suvanna-°, m, id, 10,s-15, Shamsa’, & “harmsana, mfn, (only ¢. ¢.; sa. harsha, harshana) causing erection (of the hairs), v, loma-°, hafifiati (or Ate), vb. (pass. hanti; sa. hanyate) to be slain or killed; pr. 3. sg. wate, 30,19, haifie, pot., v. hanti. *hata-hata-kesa, m/fn, (of un- certain derivation; cp. sa. hatha & mahratt. hatahata) having dishevelled hair; m. wo, 71,29, Vhattha, mfn, (sa. hrshta) glad; m. ~0, 68,10; *tuttha-9, mfn. (g. v.). hata, mfn. (pp. hanti; = sa.) beaten, slain, destroyed; m. ~0, 30,22; *0-labha-sakkara, mfn. (v. labha); “hatdvakasa, mfn. (cp. okiisa, m.) who has cut off every occasion (for good and evil), m. ~0, Dh. 97 (con- founded with hata (pp..harati) ep. pahata); a-hata, m/fn. (v. h.). hattha, m. (sa. hasta) the hand (or arm), fore leg (or paw); nom, ~0, 50,22; acc, wath, 23,9; instr. ~ena, 24,23, 83,17-20; 111,24 (vama-°) ; abl. ~to (“from”) 101,25-29; loc. we, 23,9. 36,21. 58,7. 101,96 (tassa, ‘with him’); ace, pl. we (dve) 62,28; instr. pl. wehi (ubhohi) 27,20; loc. pl. ewesu, 59,8. 111,1; comp. gata, mfn. come to hand, obtained, 37,18 (°-bhava, m., q.v.); %gahana, », seizing one’s hatthin hand, 51,14; *°dhovana, n. 56,25 (v. 4); °-ppatta, mfn, (cp. patta’) = °-gata; *°-patha, m. the reach of one’s hand, ace. ~am, 62,18; °-pada, m. pl. hands and feet, 99,13; 5,27 (comp. hatthapida-°); *°-mudda, f. 56,7 (v. h.); *°-saniiata, mfn. who controls his hands, m. ~o, Db. 362; — danda-®, mfn, (gq. v.); “nanavudha-°, mfn. armed with weapons of all kind, 6,7 (cy. avudha). cp. nezt, hatthin, m. (sa. hastin) an ele- phant; nom. wi. 76,8, 24,21 (maii- gala-°, q. v.); ~)m, 24,26; gen. ~issa, 77,55 pl. wi, 35,01; instr. pl. wibi, 35,11; g22. pl. xinam, ib.; comp. hatthi-°, ». *°-kkhandha, m.; °-naga, mr, an excellent e'ephant, instr, wena, 1)2,25; *°-pabhinna, m. (¢.v.); =pi- tthe (v. pittha); *°-bbanda, m. (q. v.); *O-magga, m. (q, v.); *-ratana, n. (q. v.); sala, f. (g. 0). hadaya, «. (s#. brdaya) the heart; the mind or soul; mom. wath, 1,24. 82,3. 97,21; 59,12 (matu-°, amatu-°); 64,17 (pitu-°); 64,18 (pajapati-°); ace. nam, 2,9, 27,5; instr. wena, 59,103 pl. wini, 2,1; comp. °-marhsa, %.; *thaddha-°, mfn.; *samvigga-°, m/n. (q.v.). hanati, vb, v. hanti. *handpeti, vb. (caus. IZ. hanti, yhan; cp. ghateti) to cause to be killed, massacred, or devastated (acc.); imper. 2. pl. ~etha (paccantagamam) 38,20; aor, 3. 8g. wesi (do.) 38,32. hanu & hanuka, f. (= sa,; but also hanu, & wka, m. 2.) a jaw; *sithilahanu, m. (q. v.); *hanukatthi- ka, n. 40,18 (v, atthika). hantar, m. (sa. hantr) a striker, one who kills; ace. ~arath (brahma- nassa) Dh. 389. hanti, vb. (& hanati; sa. yhan) to strike, kill, destroy, devastate (acc.); pr. 3. sg. ®) hanti, Dh. 72. 355. 405; >) hanati (panath) 97,10; 3. pl. ha- nanti, Dh. 355; 2. pl. hanatha (ga- math) 38,33; pot. 3. sg. *) hanne (pininam) 17,29; ») haneyya, Db. | 280 129; aor, 3. pl. hanithsu, 34,21; ger. hantva, Dh. 294; caus. v. *hanapeti & ghateti; pass. hafifiati, pp. hata (q. v.) ep. ghacca, ghaififia, hantar. handa, indecl. (sa. hanta) a par- ticle implying resolution or exhortation, followed by pr. 1. sg., fut. 1. sg., or imper., mostly at the beginning of a sentence and often followed by dani (v. idani) = well then! come! look! 80,1 (~ dani, w. pr. 1. 8g.). hambho, indecl. (cp. ambho; sa. hamho) a particle implying indigna- tion, anger, efc.; or exclamation of surprise; ~ passatha, 88,3. (cp. Pischel, Gr. § 267.) hammiya, x. (sa, harmya) a large house with more stories, or the top- most story of such a house; loc. pl. ~wesu, 76,29 (“the balconies”, SBE, XX, 248). Shara, mfn. (e. c. = sa.) bringing, taking, seizing, ravishing; mano-hara, mfn. (q. v.); *vayo-hara, mfn. (v. vaya). Sharana, n. & mfn. (e. c. = sa.) bringing, taking, removing; manusa- mala-°-attham, “io order to remove every human stain”, 61,13. harani, f. (= sa.) a passage by which water, etc., passes, a channel, conductor, nerve; *rasa-harani, f. a nerve of taste, acc. pl. niyo, 57,23. harati. vb, (sa, hr) to carry, bring, fetch, take (away), remove, de- stroy (acc.); to rob, plunder, attack (gen.); pr. 8. sg. wati, 50,3 (opp. aharati); 2. sg. wasi, 66,13 (kassa yaguin); 2. sg. ~ami (pitu tasaram) 87,14; inper, 2. sg. hara (mama san- tiki) 49,15; pot. 3. sg. ~eyya (visath panina) Db, 124; (brahmanassa ~) Dh. 389 (var. lect. pahareyya); aor. 3. sg. ahasi (me) Dh, 3; fut. 2. sg. wissasi, 56,14; 1. sg. wissimi (jivi- tam) 4,33; caus. IT. harapeti (q. v.); (pp. hata, ep. hata); cp. hara, ha- rana (ani). harapeti, vb. (caus, IT. harati) to cause to be brought or removed, 281 to take away (acc.); ger. ~etva (pata- aun) ot sg (p harita, mfn, (= sa.) green; ace, m. ~am (yavam) 9,1; *haritupatta, mfn, (prob. fr. harita + upatta, q. v.) strown or prepared with green leaves, loc, f. ~aya (bhiimiya) 61,2 [different from harita-patta, mfn. (v. patta’) having green leaves, Jat, III, 495,71, ete.), have, indecl. (sa, ha vai) particle of asseveration (sometimes used after relatives): truly, certainly; yada Aw, 66,20; yo ~, Dh. 382. hasati, vb, (sa, Vhas) to laugh; part. ace, f. ~antim (tapasim) 111,17; part, f. med, hasamana, 58,10; aor, 3. sg. hasi, 36,3. 53,22. 65,24 (maha- hasitam, said of a horse: neighed); 2. sg. hasi, 16,32; 1. sg. hasim, 17,9. 58,13; ger. witva (mahd-hasitath) 16,29; pp. hasita (v. next); cp. hasa. hasita, m (= a laughing, laughter; ace. wath (maha-°, hasati, to laugh aloud) 16,29, 65,94; °-karana, n. 53,34 (v. h.). hapeti, vb. (caus. jahati; sa. ha- payati, Wha) to abandon, neglect, for- feit (acc.); pot. 3. sg, hapaye (atta- dattham) Dh. 166. hadyati, vb. (pass, jahati; sa. hiyate, ha) to be left or abandoned ; to be lost, decrease; to be inferior, be outrun; pr. 3. sg. ~wati (udakam) 3,4 (opp. vaddhati); aor. 3. sg. med. aha- yatha (labho ca sakkaro) 18,35, 19,4 (cp. Kuhn, Beitr. p. 110). hara, m. (= sa.) a garland, neck- lace; mutta-°, m. a pearl-necklace, 64,26, ; hava, m. (= sa.) ‘calling’, dalli- ance, blandishment ; °-bhava, m. (dvan- dva) coquettish gestures, 21,18. hasa, m. (= say laughter; joy, pleasure; nom. ~0, Dh. 146. hi, indecl, (= 8a.) an enclitic particle, generally joined to the first word of a sentence, with a causal or affirmative meaning, but sometimes de- noting only transition, continuation, hirimat or emphasis: for, since, indeed (nam, enim, igitur); sace ~, 1,24; tvamh aw, 5,11; 13,1; santi wx, 1114; yarh a, 13,29 (q. ¥.); yatra x, 63,13; aham ~, 73,14; ayam h’ ettha attho, 85,20; na aw, 97,19 (“nay verily’); tena hi, “well then”, ],10-19; 90,28 (tena h’); 1)3,14; at the end of a sentence :112,10. hithsati, vb. (sa. Vhirhs) to in- jure, harm, kill, destroy (acc.); pr. 3, sg. ~wati (bhutini dandena) Dh. 131-32; (panani) Db. 270; pp. him- sita, injured, killed; m,. ~am (na... ekapinam pi) 27,93. cp. neat. himsa, f. (= sa.) injury, barm; comp. *himsa-mana(s), 7. (?) inclina- tion to injure, nom. ~0, Dh. 390. ep. a-hithsa, f. hita, mfn. (pp. dahati, ~dha; = sa.) ') put, set, placed; v, ohita, pu- rohita, sahita (samhita), su-hita; *) good, advantageous, salutary; 2. warm, benefit, welfare; sabbaloka-hitam ka- tva, “having conferred blessings on the whole world”, 110,18; *hitavaha, mfn. (cep. avaha) conductive to wel- fare or blessing, f. ~a, 114,29; 118,33 (sabbaloka-°); cp. a-hita, mfn, hitva, ger, v. jahati. hima, . (= 8a.) cold, frost; ice, snow; °-gabbha, m. an icy or snowy place, acc, wam, 16,9. cp, next & hemanta. Himavanta (or Himavat), m, (sa. Himavat) ‘the snowy mountain’, Himalaya; nom. ~0, Dh. 304; ace, wam, 46,34; loc. we, 10,6; abl. wto, 21,35; comp. °-padese, 13,9; °-mattha- kena, 36,5 (v. h.). hiri (or hiri), f. (sa. hri) shame, modesty; nom. wi, 10,16 (ajjhatta- samutthana, g. v.); dvandva comp, *hirottappa, . (ep. ottappa) sense of shame and tact in behaviour, ace. war (bhinditva) 10,13; *bhinna-hi- rottappa, mfn, without shame and decency, 10,17; — *hiri-nisedha, mfn. Db. 143 (v. nisedha); cp. a-hirika (a-hirika) & nest. hirimat, mfn. (sa, hrimat) mo- hina dest, bashful; instr. m. ~mata (dujji- vam) Dh, 246, hing, mfn. (pp, jahati, cp. hayati, yha; = sa.) ") sbandoned, left, lost; -viriya, mfn, weak, feeble, Dh. 7, 112 (v. viriya); ?) inferior, low, vile, bad, mean, base, secular; m. ~0, 66,96; dat. n, ~aya (Evattitva, the secular life, the world) 69,37. huta, m. (= 8a.) an oblation, sa- crifice; mom. arb, Dh. 106. 108. (cp. juhati). hutta, ». (sa. hotra) = prec.; only in the comp. aggi-° (q. v.). huram, adv. (ved. sa. huras) only used in old texts, and al~ays opp. to idha : ‘yonder’, 7, e. in another world, in another existence, Dh, 20 (idha va ~ va). Hence *hurahuram, adv. (= huram juraid ?) from life to life, hither and thither, 107,30 == Dh. 334, (cp. Morris, JPTS, ’84, p. 103~065. hettha, prp. & adv, (sa, adhastat 1) under, beneath, from under (w, gen, or abl.; or acc. in comp.); rukkhassa ~, 86,26; setacchattassa A, 42,9; Vitinassa A, 65,18; ~ pasada (adi. 67,24; °-pitbama, adv, (under the chair 83,18; °-maficam, adv. (under the bed 83,18; — ?) below (ac'v.); 85,30 (opp. upari); ‘hetthZ’ in a book is == ‘above’, the reading (or writing) being con- sidered as a moving upwards, so that a preceding passnge consequently is ‘below’; °-vutta-nayen’eva, 63,22 (‘just in the same menner as mentioned be- fore’, cp. naya). *hetthima, mfn. (superl. of he- ttha; sa, *adhastima, cp. Pischel, Gr. 3 107) lowest; tale, 69,27 (v. taia}. *hetheti, vb. (sa. y/heth) to worry, injure (acc.); part, nom. m. a-hetha- yam (vannagandham, “without in- juring”) 106,2 == Dh, 49. ep, vie hetheti. hetu, m. (= 8a.) cause, reason; 282 e.c. (adv,.) == for one’s sake (sa. hetoh), v. atta-°, parassa-° (para-°); *O-attha, m, causative meaning, 85,9 (antogadha-°, mfn. q. v.); *°-tanha, f. ‘thirst’ as cause [scil. sabba-duk- khassa] 108,13; sa-hetu-dhamma, m., v. sa-', & dhamma‘, 66,21. hemanta, m. (= sa.) winter, °.gimhisu (loc. pl.) in winter and summer, Dh, 286 (v. gimha); ep. next. hemantika, mfn. (sa. sa are relating to winter; m. ~0 (pasado 67,22; loc. we (kale) 100,24. hessati, fut., v. heti. hoti, vb. (a contracted form of bhavati, g. v.; sa. ybhii) to be, exist, become, arise, turn into, etc.; pr. 3. sg. hoti, 2,e-30. 35,11. 66,12-18. 89,29, 98,s0-31. 106.5 — Dh, 266; 8. pi. honti, 4,1. 6,92. 12,91. 31,15; 2. pl. hotha, 31,1; part., v. bhavam; imper. 2. 8g. hohi, 25,16. 37,14. 62,24. 105,94; 3, sg. hotu, 2,7. 6,95. 7,1, 10,10. 64,9. 74,7 (hotu hotu); 2. pl. hotha, 14,18. Dh, 243; 3. pl. hontu, 44,6; pot., v. bhaveyya; aor, 3. sg. *) ahu & ahi, 80,82 (nfihu); 94,93. 112,30; Dh. 228 (cfihu); 20,20 (ahti); 42,16, 80,35 (aht'ti); >) ahuvad, 37,80; ¢) ahosi, 3,32; 3,3 (assa etad x, he thought by himself); 23,3. 64,19 (do.); 67,31 (pa- tur-°, g. v.); 238g. *) ahd, 85,26. 86,1 ee .«, ahu’ti); >) ahosi, 2,6. 86,2 mai ~, comm, on ma...ahi); 2. sg. *) ahum, 108,15; ©) ahosith, 52,10; 3, pl. *) ab (or ahu) 112,29; ©) ahe- sum, 5,26; 60,17 (ma ~); 79,21 (tun- hi w); 2. pl. ahuvattha (mi A) 79,19; 1. pl. (med.) ahuvamhase (“we had”’, in the sense of abhisambhavati) 13,25 (cp. bala); fut. 3. sg. (hohiti &) hessati, 54,30. 110,82, Dh. 228 (accord- ing to the metre, mss, bhavissati); inf, v. bhavitum; ger. hutva, 1. 2)19. 3,4. 4,18. 12,97, 23,31. 35,18, 38,31, e¢c.; grd. hotabba, n. wath, 83,3 (w. instr.) ; pp. v. bhitta, cp. pa-hita. { } [i & _ 10 13 16 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. after a-bhasi insert: a-bhufjisum, v. bhuijati. read: a-kataniu a-kificana.. cp. akificaiifia. after a-gata insert: a-gati, f., ». gati, after a-disva insert: aedukkha, mfn, 70,27, ». dukkha, *a-dubha.. read: (cp. dub- bhati). *a-ppatikdraka,.. read: (v. patikara). after a~bhejja insert: a-makkhita, mfn, v, makkhita. *a-vajja .. read: not to be avoided, , no sin (or fault), after *a-samkuppa insert: a-samghattanta, %, saih- ghattati. *a-santasana °-sabhava. after a-sahasa insert: a-sukha, mfn. 70,27, v.sukha. *an-eja... (cp. Leumann, Album-Kern, p. 393) akkosati ... aor, 3. 8g, akkocchi, Dh. 3. ° after accaya insert: accasanna, mfn., v. dsanna. 62,29, we. Tead: acchati... ep. asina. after acchadeti add: (cp. iichanna). acchindati, vb., v. chindati. afifia ... (ep. ana, f.) “attiyati ... (cp. Kern, Verkl. p. 68.) P, 16 *anda-bhita, mfn.... (diffe- rently E. Hardy, Litt, Cen- tralbl. 1904, p. 507). 17 *ati-dhona-carin .., (ep. dhona, dhuta). 19 after *attha-pada insert; attharana, v. tharana. 19-20 atthi... pr. 2. pl. ’ttha, 29,30. 31,23; — pot, 3. 8g. assa, Dh, 376; — aor. (impf.) 3. sg. asi, 81,3 (tadasi). 20 read: addhagiu. 21 adhipa, read: adhipati 26 *andha- ka-makasa 27 aparaddha ought to be put after *aparabhage. 29 abhiifniad ... jianabhiiaa, read: jhanabhinina — abhinikkhamana, 2, (sa, abhinishkramana) 30 *abhippaha@rani, read; °-harini — abhirthati ... (cp, Tr. PM. p. 78). 31 abhisamkhara, m. — after amacca insert: Amaradevi, f. nom. pr. of a woman, 55,82, 58,92; == Amara, 66,19, — amba...ambapakka, ».nom. wat, 15,35 (ambapakk’). ariya... (cp. kadariya, mfn.) avajiyati ... (cp. ont). — avaharati... caus. v. oha- reti (cp. *obarin) ikara ... (cp. pannaka- ra, m.). . 37 41 43 96 98 264 figacchati.. agaiichi, 20,80. acikkhuti, vb, (sa. -caksh, or possibly fr. a-khya, re- dupl, *a-cikhyati; Pischel, Gr. § 492, cp. 7. Michelson, Idg. F, XIX, p. 210.) arama... (cp. dhamma- rama, mfn.) Gvunati (or avunati, cp. Tr, PM. p. 63,45.) » aor, 3, 8g. *ivuso ... read: *avuso- vada, m. fisana... (cp, dhamma- sana.) after Asalhi insert: Bsi, asim, wv. atthi. upaga ... (cp. Brahma- lok’ipaga, mfn.) upatthana ... (cp. pa- tthana & sati-patthana.) Uruvela, f. (sa. Uruvilva) ereti... or sa, erayati (i + vir). obhisati... (ep. vijjotati.) kaccha!,.. read: kakshya (instead of *kakshya). kanfie, read: kanna. karana!... (cp. *dubbali- karana, m/fn.) [kama] ... naccitu-kima, mfn. 50,85. kima-kama... or, perhaps better, abl. sg. (“out of desire for sensual gratification”, Mor- ris, iPTS, 1891-93, p. 39-41) kuiijara... nom. wo, Dh. 324. | kila... (ep. pati-kkila, m/n.) khamapeti ... to ask one’s (acc.) pardon, khaya, m., (instead of ».) goima... “vara, am. (cp. vara, i.) ... pattana-°, m, q. v. caira(ka) ... (cp. *pinda- cara, m.) citta’ ... (cp. sa-4, instead of it-",) chu... fop. eujiiyutanu,) J \ 158 161 jhdyati! ... (ep. *vijjha- peti.) jhayati?... (ep. ajjhaya & mantajjhayaka.) %-ttha ... (cp. bhumma- ttha, mfn.) tam... loc. f. tassa, 2,26. tanha... add °-nirodha, m. 66,15 (g. v.) after tatha-rupa insert: tatha-vadin, mfn., v. vadin terasa... (ep. Franke, Pali und Sanskrit, p, 104 (80).) thera-vada ... abl. pl, 114,21 (instead of instr. pl.) dugga... ace. wat (pali- patham, instead of samhsa- ram.) dubbuddhin, read: dub- buddhi, dira... read: (cp. vidura) instead of (opp, vidura.) — add; *°-samkara, mfn. (q. v.) dhana... read: *°-vassa- panaka. dhamma-pitin... (cp. iti.) fib banal cee (cp. F. Otto Schrader, On the problem of Nirvana, IPTS, 1904-5, p. 157.) *pal,.. read: (cp. la, in- stead of Ja.) pakati ... (cp. pakata {pakata].) pajapati... Pajapati (= sa. prajavati, Oldenberg, Buddha, p. 112.) patikkula... instr. wena (if not, as suggested by E, Olesen, adv, — sa. pratiku- lui, in inverted order, i. a. with the head turned down- wards, head foremost?) *patisanthara ... read: (sa, *°-vrtti). padeti ... to be inserted below after paduma., pubhiiwoti. .. (ep. vijjo- tutti). 285 read: paveni & paveni. bahira ... (cp. santara- bahirath, adv.) bhaga ... (cp, sabhaga, mfn.) *bhanavara (instead of bhanavara). mati... (cp.*sara-mati(n)) madhuva, adv. (or rather adj. n, instead of madhuvam (an old error?) cp, bhadrar, Dh. 119.) manuiifia ... read: (adj.) wath, 245 — 246 manta .., om, 00, 32,9. Mahapajapati Gotami (fr. sa, °-ptajavati, Olden- berg, Buddha p. 112, cp. Sp. Hardy, Manual of Buddhism p. 306.) yojana... (= about 7'/s miles, IRAS, 1902, p. 284 Note.) sa-! ... read: satthaka (instead of satthika.) : samvasa ... acc, wam (piya-°, vasimsu) 11,97. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. F | Ohilders = Dictionary of the Pali Language; Fausbsll, Bem. = Nogle Be- BB. merkninger oin enkelte vanskelige Pali-Ord i Ja&taka-Bogen (Oversigt over det Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk, Forhaadl, 1888 p. 7-58); Faus- bell, Das. Jat. = Dasaratha Jataka (Copenhagen 1871); Five Jat. = Five Jatakas (Copenhagen 1861); Ten Jat. == Ten Jatakas (Copenhagen 1872); Fict, Soc, Gl. = Die sociale Gliederung im norddéstlichen Indien zu Buddha’; Zeit (Kiel 1897); Jacobi, Erzihl, = Ausgewihlte Erzih- lungen in ‘Mabarashtri (Leipzig 1886); Kern, Bijdr, (or Verkl.) = Bij- drage tot de Verklaring van eenige woorden in Pali-geschriften voor- ‘xoniend» (Verhandelingen d. Kon, Akad, van Wetenschappen. Afd, Let- terkunde XVII. Amsterdam 1888); Kuhn, Beitr, = Beitrige zur Pali- Grammatik (Berlin 1875); Lassen, IA. = Indische Alterthumskunde; Mitlier, PGr, = A simplified grammar of the Pali language (London 1884); Pischel, Gr, = Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen (Strassburg 1900); Sénart, Kacc, = Kaccayana et lo Littérature grammaticale du Pali (Paris 1871); Wackernagel, Gr, == Altindische Grammatik (Gottingen 1896 ff.); Weber, Ind, Str, =: Indische Streifen; Ind, Stud. — Indische Studien; Windisch, Mara = Mara und Buddha (Leipzig 1895; Abhandl. d, Koa, siichs, Gee, d. Wiss. phil.—hist. Cl. XV.) == (Bezzenborger’s) Beitriige zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen; GGA, =: Géttingische gelehrte Anzeigen; Gétt, Nachr. == Nachrichten von der Kou. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen; Idg. F, = Indogermanische Forschungen; Ind. Ant. = The Indian Antiquary; KZ, = (Kuhn’s) Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung; KZ (BB) = dieselbe ver- einigt mit Bezzenberger’s Beitriige (Bd. I = Bd, XLI.); Pan. = Panini’s Grammatik, herausgeg. von O, Bobtlingk (Leipzig 1887); Tr, PM, = Trenckner, Pali Miscellany, Part I (Copenhagen 1879); WZ, or WZKM. = Wiener Zeitschrift fir die Kunde des Morgenlandes, CORRECTIONS TO PART J, lis... cinnatthine 2,29-30 .. . dohalo uppanno —3#.. . sdyanhasamaye 7,32... ovadanti 8,1... peturh vi na visahanti +. SU- » +. puttat- —14... paticcha- 15... Cari, 15,19 . », dussamh — 39... darini 17,18 appa- — 1... elakam 23,4 .., utthdpetva (bis instead of upatthapetva) 27,6 .., saddo (instead of samuddo) 29,18... Sotapanno upasako 36,28... (in some copies:) nasakkhi (instead of nféaskkhi) 41,5 ... catujati-® 44,1... Malliko, 47,4... ‘imassa lobham 48,7 ...labbhamane nimantake —33.., sattadvara-° 53,21... tassa ravam 59,7... nipajjapetva 60,33... devalokesu 62,s9-s3 .. . gahapesum 66,15-16... (insert after tanhaniro- dha:) upadananirodho, upadananirodha 73,1... malagandha-° 75,26... dyatim 76,1 ... papatika —10,,., etad avoca 83,90... ekena hatthena 85,8 ... samantato pabhasati vijjo- tati —~ sa... kim idan ti ce ti aha (cor- rected by E. Hardy). 87,11... parasantako me satako i: ‘a, tassa vidatthi- usin anitthitara = (the Cingtnlese Edition, Colom- bo 1898.) — 11712... nitthapessami — a... Tusitavimane 89,8... papata — 36... annan" ti 91,19... pakaro na hoti — 31... panham puna pi pucchi 93,21... evam me sutam 96,14,.. fanam 103,2 ...Tam [mam] — 6 ...Sahassabhaige maranam, ekathse — 13... sen’atthena —.4...Anumatto pi puiifiena — 15... yesaf ca attho, pufiiena — 31... -dbhippaharini 104,1 ... Pagalha ettha [na] dissanti 106,16... pana duddasam — 1s... kitava satho llljez#... Jivitam dehi 112,09 ... yakkha ca ghatiya —2..,sayam pi Vijayo laddha ps Tambabhiumirajophuttha tambapanni yato ahu . satto, dametum ADDITIONS TO THE NOTES, Baka-Jitaka .., translated by R. Pischel, Ausland, 1876, p. 757. Nacca-Jataka... translated by R. Pischel, Ausland, 1876, p, 758; trans- lated by Warren, Hermes, XXIX, p. 476. Ucchaiga-Jataka... translated by R. Pischel, Hermes, XXVIII, p. 465 (cp. Noldeke, ib, XXIX, p. 155, & Zachariae, Wien, Zeitschr, f.d. Kunde d. Morgenl, XV, p. 72). Vedabbha-Jataka.., translated by J. J. Meyer, Dandin’s Daga-kuméra- caritam, Leipzig 1902, p. 15-19. Susima-Jaitaka ... 47,98 = Dh. 847,s-4 (cp. 346), 288 Andabhita-Jateka... translated with Notes by R, Pischel, Philol. Abhandlungen M. Hertz zum 70. Ge- burtstage von Schiilern dargebracht. Berlin 1888, p. 74. Mahosadha’s Marriage .. trans- lated by J. J. Bleyer, Dandia’s Daca- kumira-caritam, p. 96=103, Mahosadha’s Judgement... cp. H, Oldenberg, Die Literatur des alten Indien, Stuttgart 1903, p. 114 (& Note p. 291). The Great Ret‘rement .. 64,14-15 = As. p. 34,5 (cp. Mahavastu IT, 157). Dhammacakke-pavattana-Sutta ... translated SB. XI, p, 146 & XIII, p. 94. Yasapabbajja .. cp. Lalita Vistara ed. by Rajendralala Mitra, Caloutta 1877, p. 251; Sp. Hardy, Manual of Buddhism, p. 156 (159); P. Bigandet, The Life or Legend of Gaudama. Rangoon, 1866, p. 55; H. Alabaster, The Wheel of the Law. London 1871, p. 125. The Fire-Sermon,., translated by Oldenberg, Buddha p. 209. Mara as Plowman, . translated by E, Windisch, Mara und Buddha, Leipzig 1895, p. 104. Obs! Several of the Texts above have been printed in: Buddha's Death ... = DN. I. p. 154, — 80,28-29 = “Jat. 4, p. 392. The Ten Precepts.. 81,32 (cp. Db. v. 246-47), The Legend of the Weaver’s Daughter, 86,12—89,17 . . Edited: Dhammapadatthakatha ... by W. Dhammananda Thera & M. Nanis. sara Thera, Colombo 1898, p. 428-31. The Questions of Uttiya 16 CDs Mil. ed, by V. Trenckner, Copen- hagen 1880, Note p. 424. — 89,20-21 cp. So, v. 419. Rebirth is not Transmigration .. translated (the beginning only) by R. Garbe, Beitriige zur iodischen Kulturgeschichte. Berlin 1903, p. 129-30. Padhana-Sutta ... translated by E. Windisch, Mara und Buddha, p.3 (= Lalita Vistara, ch, X VIII; Maha- vastu I], 237) cp. ib. p. 322. — v.19 bhatjami (Ed, gacchami) cp. R. Pischei, Indische Miscellen (KZ. (BB) 1 p. 182). Dhaniya- Sutta ... translated by Pavolini, Buddismo, Milano 1898, p. 126. Buddhaghosa., translated SBE. X. Introduction, p. XXIX—XXXI. J. Takakusu, A Pali Chrestomathy, with notes and glossary giving Sanskrit and Chinese eure valents. Tokyo 1900. MISPRINTS to be corrected in the Pali Text of Dhammapada, 2. ed. by V. Fausbell. , London Vs184.. suggatim — 37,3..Marabandhena — 40,3. . thapetva — 4l,e.. apetaviiiano — 69,1.. Madbuva — 86,9.. suduttaram - 1481 .idam — 165,..attadattham — 227,2.. tunhim — 251,.. nadi — 253,1.. paravaijainupassissa 1900. 312,3.. samkilitthafi ca 316,29... micchaditthi-° 329.1... labhetha 330,29 .. sahbayata 343,4.. ikamkha 369,1 .. bhikkhu 370.3 ee paficasaiigatigo 390,1.. akiiici 391.2 .. brihmanam 404,2.. appiccham 4141... palipatharh ri PETE LE CLS Sic lpbaietoatatmtots he leo wietetie neta CB be wea timyse ae SEN SAS he Slr sy ak aa, és garg POLAR es Tehaen at selves ns og yh 6 Rica e coe ee eis ato ie ie ee InN 5 ae a Maat sat rideasire AES skewmssiesas be eestaacionnty pebeice te rks foncris Fas wie Poarecerne ui reg een ae Ltn We rae erin aaeet aa ory Sees ae ao : ahhh ; ah eer ase CA aye ee a imap nc Mie an 3 Pri oe BONE gE mPih ea rat i 4 me) eto rg Abr = aos yee arena: Cente hag he ae et Merten “ ot ieteate 2 el aes iat Pune Passe tics oe Facets eeetefat ‘eaers Soseloth leak nts mel him eaten eects Soe oy Aa a cae Oa aie mela rt eee ackut Lope eae raids wy aN eet i) tainty Sy) ast Nat as At) SN De a oy aie shign dubel i Hohn hy 8it st suite bi “a sane te ssi y aa iit ee mi bee g . aS eh ee eat i ates Feats a ea, iby AN ital A ee fl {isles apt tai {thes Cas rd rie eg ra elite ty 4 litahat gheees hea sen A pedett as itis ie Peal eee wae rey we Bhprnye rr Atel hk wat Le one ie Bvt a ilasbyey meh Sea athe